Home Tooth pain DMAE capsules: benefits and harms: how to take them. DMAE drug for better recovery and prolongation of life DMAE sports nutrition

DMAE capsules: benefits and harms: how to take them. DMAE drug for better recovery and prolongation of life DMAE sports nutrition

There are substances that can undoubtedly be called universal in terms of use. Some organic compounds are equally successfully used in industry, cosmetology and medicine. One of these is dimethylaminoethanol.

DMAE molecules contain a tertiary amine and an alcohol. The substance is soluble in water. From it they learned to obtain derivatives such as salts and esters. Humans use 2-dimethyl aminoethanol for a variety of purposes. In what cases can this organic compound be useful and where is it found? Finding out the details will not only be interesting, but also useful.

Does the body need dimethylaminoethanol?

Many happenings in human body reactions cannot occur without the participation of dimethylaminoethanol. For example, it produces a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. It is he who carries out neuromuscular transmission and ensures the full functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system.

DMAE is also needed for the synthesis of choline. This substance, in turn, is important for the nervous system, brain, liver and various metabolic processes. Dimethylaminoethanol is also found in phospholipids present in all cell membranes. Phospholipids perform structural function. The state of health directly depends on them.

In addition, dimethylethanolamine can act as an antioxidant, since it has the ability to increase fluidity and control the permeability of nerve membranes. There is another huge plus. A sufficient amount of DMEA in the body ensures complete absorption of oxygen. This means that the cells of the brain and other organs will not experience oxygen starvation, which can have a detrimental effect on health.

Since 2-dimethyl aminoethanol is a component of various substances necessary to maintain the vital functions of the body, it plays an exceptional role for humans. This organic compound is used in medicine. It is sometimes recommended in dietary supplement form.

It is very good to eat foods rich in dimethylaminoethanol. In this way, you can eliminate existing health problems and prevent brewing unpleasant phenomena.

Twinlab, DMAE, 100 Capsules

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Beneficial properties and therapeutic possibilities

A drug containing DMAE may be indicated in the following cases:

  • attention deficit;
  • memory impairment;
  • low intelligence;
  • hyperactivity syndrome;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • autism;
  • problems with motor function;
  • physical impotence;
  • early signs of aging;
  • manifestations of aggression;
  • low immunity.

The effect that dimethylaminoethanol has on the body is truly beneficial. If you consume more than 100 ml per day of this substance, the following improvements can be observed over time:

  • good memory;
  • high concentration of attention;
  • skin rejuvenation;
  • disappearance of age spots on the skin;
  • increased mental abilities;
  • energy;
  • daily good mood;
  • weight loss (if overweight);
  • strengthening immune function.

Bluebonnet Nutrition, DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) 100 Capsules

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Some beneficial features confirmed through research. For example, the drug was tested on groups of students and schoolchildren. Children taking the dietary supplement active substance DMAE, after the course, showed high results during tests in various subjects. As a result of a survey of participants, it turned out that thanks to the dietary supplement DMEA, it becomes much easier to absorb large amounts of information, as well as to understand the material presented by teachers.

The same experiment made it clear that aggression towards each other became less common between peers. Children become tolerant and calmer, which contributes to the appropriate atmosphere so necessary for the scientific and educational process.

Its effectiveness in combating diseases of the nervous system is confirmed by numerous positive customer reviews of dimethylaminoethanol. People note that memory problems remain a thing of the past, it becomes easier to concentrate, and their emotional state also changes for the better.

Interestingly, some scientists tend to consider DMAE a means of extending life. Experiments have so far been carried out only on rodents. Their results are impressive. This gives hope that dimethylaminoethanol may have a similar effect on humans.

An additional source of DMEA will also be useful for athletes. Since this substance increases energy resources, workouts are tolerated more persistently. Physical endurance increases, which naturally affects success rates.

Cosmetics with DMEA

Dimethylaminoethanol is actively used by manufacturers in cosmetology. The thing is that this ingredient has a positive effect on the skin:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • prevents wrinkles;
  • evens out the terrain;
  • returns natural elasticity;
  • eliminates completely or lightens pigmentation.

Reviva Labs, Elastin DMAE Night Cream, Dry Skin, 42 g

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Creams are made based on the organic compound DMAE. They are positioned as anti-aging products. Using this cream for short time allows you to get rid of fine wrinkles, and make deep folds on the skin less noticeable.

If present dark spots, gradually they become lighter. In some cases, age spots disappear completely. In addition, this component protects the skin from the effects of free radicals. This significantly slows down aging.

Source Naturals, DMAE Forever Young Skin Cream, 56.7 g

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Consumer reviews confirm the effectiveness of products containing dimethylaminoethanol. People praise such skin care products, noting the visible effect after their use.

Dimethylaminoethanol in industry

DMEA is used not only in cosmetology and as a medicine. The substance has found its application in industry. For what purposes can it be used?

  • for water purification (removal chemical elements and biological pollutants);
  • as a resin hardener (paint and varnish industry);
  • an alternative to typical solvents;
  • for the synthesis of emulsifiers, as well as in the manufacture of dyes;
  • as an auxiliary component in the textile industry.

A person may buy wood paint or varnish without realizing that it contains an ingredient such as dimethylaminoethanol. But it is thanks to him that the acquired substance has the appropriate properties.

Life Extension, DMAE Bitartrate, 150 mg, 200 Capsules

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Food as a source of dimethylaminoethanol

To increase the level of dmae in the body, it is not necessary to drink capsules. It is enough to eat foods containing this substance. Most of it is found in fish. But it’s worth choosing fatty varieties. You can include carp, mackerel, salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, and sardines in your diet.

It is also useful to eat herring, anchovies, and eels. Such fish should be on the menu at least twice a week. If you cook fish dishes occasionally, this will not help saturate your body with dimethylaminoethanol.

It is very difficult to obtain such an amount of a substance from food that it has a therapeutic effect. In this way it is only possible to prevent disruption of vital functions. important systems. But if health problems are already a concern, you cannot do without an additional source, which are dietary supplements.

Now Foods, DMAE, 250 mg, 100 capsules

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How to take dimethylaminoethanol correctly?

Therapeutic dosage of DMAE is from 100 mg. Smaller amounts do not have a noticeable effect on humans. The maximum dose that can be consumed during the day is 1500 mg. When it comes to prevention premature aging, 200-500 mg per day is enough. If necessary, increase physical activity you need 500-1000 mg of the substance. In cases of cognitive impairment, mental retardation and diseases of the nervous system, the recommended dose is more than 1000 mg.

At large dosages, the drug is taken in several approaches. You should start with a small dose, gradually increasing it to the required dose. This way you will protect yourself from unwanted reactions from the body.

If tolerance is satisfactory, it is better to take the dietary supplement before meals. Minor side effects indicate that it would be more appropriate to swallow the capsules during meals.

The instructions for use contain all the necessary information regarding the use of the drug. Therefore, the insert included with the purchased product must be read carefully.

Contraindications to the use of capsules

Dimethylaminoethanol in the form of a dietary supplement has a number of contraindications. The drug is prohibited from taking:

  1. people with individual intolerance;
  2. pregnant women;
  3. nursing mothers;
  4. for hypertension;
  5. those suffering from epilepsy, schizophrenia, and acute psychosis;
  6. during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If you do not take into account the restrictions and still start using the drug, then the substance will not only not be beneficial, but can also cause significant harm.

Derma E, Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) Strengthening Cleanser, 175 ml

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Can taking a dietary supplement cause problems?

As a rule, the body accepts DMEA well. However, in some cases there may be side effects. Unpleasant phenomena include:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness;
  3. headache;
  4. stomach upset;
  5. overexcitation of the nervous system;
  6. dreams that are too exciting;
  7. cognitive impairment;
  8. muscle tension.

Possible reason feeling unwell– excess dosage And. In case of the above reactions of the body, it is worth reducing the dose. If unpleasant symptoms will not disappear, further use of dietary supplements is not appropriate. The danger is that the side effects may get worse.

Country Life, Country Life, Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), Cofermented, 350 mg, 50 Capsules

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Purchasing DMEA as a dietary supplement

Buy food supplement, containing dimethylaminoethanol, can be found in a pharmacy or ordered online. Today, many websites offer DMEA preparations from various manufacturers. Prices vary depending on the manufacturing company, the number of capsules in the package and the resource itself that you use to make the purchase.

Reviews from consumers themselves make it clear that the most convenient place to purchase nutritional supplements is the iHerb website. This is where the most low prices

and the products meet high quality standards.

The selection of dimethylaminoethanol supplements on iHerb is impressive. Here are examples of products that are in greatest demand.

DMEA from NowFoods. The package contains 100 capsules weighing 250 mg.

DMAE from Source Naturals. Sold in tablets and capsules. The weight of one piece is 351 mg, dimethylaminoethanol 130 mg. Quantity per package – 200 pieces.

DMEA from Country Life. 50 capsules in one package. Each of them weighs 350 mg. Dimethylaminoethanol content 700 mg. You can buy cosmetics with dimethylaminoethanol on the same website. Buyers are offered fluids, serums, creams, and cleansers.

The use of DMAE in any form gives a noticeable effect.

When we are in the embryonic state, the cells that eventually develop into skin are also responsible for creating brain cells. This statement means that what is good for the skin is also important for the brain. And vice versa.

DMAE is a natural substance with significant anti-inflammatory, anti-aging properties. It is found in large quantities in sardines and anchovies. Small amounts are also produced naturally in the human brain. DMAE can also be taken as a dietary supplement or applied to the skin.

DMAE and nutrition

Only one food has a reputation since time immemorial as “brain food”, and that is fish. Especially fish with high DMAE content. Given that DMAE is known as a cognitive enhancer, a diet high in this nutrient can help you think more clearly and improve memory.

Drugs that enhance brain capabilities are called cognitive enhancers. They cause physical revitalization, accelerate mental reactions and provide high spirits.

It is also a building block of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which allows one nerve to communicate with another or with a muscle. Research has also shown that DMAE acts as an antioxidant, stabilizing cell membranes, helping to protect them from free radical damage.

By raising DMAE levels, we can think more clearly and have more muscle tone in the face and body.

DMAE effect

Numerous studies have shown that topical application of DMAE increases skin tone. It also improves appearance, increasing elasticity, which helps reduce wrinkles.

Many scientists and researchers in the field of dermatology are studying this remarkable nutrient. The exciting results confirm that DMAE is a safe and effective strategy to help combat aging skin.

DMAE and muscle tone

When you want to move the muscles of your body, smile or pick up a mouse, a signal comes from the brain and travels along a nerve. At the end of the nerve there is a transmitter, which contains a reservoir of nerve chemical substances, including acetylcholine. The nerves don't actually touch the muscles to make them act. Instead, the signal stops a short distance away at a location known as the "neuromuscular junction." At this connection, acetylcholine is released from the bulb and is fixed on special muscle receptors that cause contraction.

Increase Muscle Tone with DMAE

Our acetylcholine levels naturally decline as we age. This leads to a decrease in muscle tone. Instead of remaining short and tight, our muscles become elongated and relaxed, causing our face and body to sag. One way to improve muscle tone is to increase acetylcholine levels.

There are four ways to do this:

  1. Eat fish, the only significant source of DMAE
  2. Take DMAE as a Dietary Supplement
  3. Apply highly effective DMAE cream to face and body
  4. Keep your muscles toned with exercise

If you use all the methods, it will be possible to delay aging at least a little. Read more about how to delay aging here

To be fair, I tried to find studies that would prove or disprove the effects of DMAE.

DMAE harm or breakthrough in cosmetology?

I found only one clinical trial, which shows that the chemical 2-dimethylaminoethanol (dimethylaminoethanol), often referred to as DMAE in many anti-aging cosmetics, can cause serious negative reaction in skin cells. The study appears to be thorough, peer-reviewed, and published in the British Journal of Dermatology.

DMAE has historically been used to improve mental performance. As a cosmetic ingredient, it has been claimed that DMAE can help reduce wrinkles by preventing cell wear and clogging cell membranes. Research that disproves this theory was conducted by the Faculty of Medicine at Canada's Laval University. Tests on human and rabbit skin cells showed a sharp and rapid swelling of fibroblasts, which support communication between cells. A few hours after applying DMAE, cell division slowed down and after some time completely stopped. 24 hours after applying the concentration of DMAE found in anti-wrinkle cosmetics, fibroblast mortality rates reached more than 25%.

Dr. Guillaume Morissette, who co-presented recent tests for DMAE, suggests that the so-called anti-wrinkle effect may result from actual damage to the skin. When a cell is damaged, the skin thickens.

“From our point of view, cells change. They stop dividing, they stop secreting, and after 24 hours certain part of them die,” Dr. Francois Marceau of the University of Quebec Hospital Center told Reuters Health.

On the other hand, I have found a small study using subjective test analysis that demonstrates that DMAE is an anti-aging agent. I also found a Brazilian study from 2009 (two years after the Canadian study mentioned above) that confirmed that DMAE increases skin thickness and collagen fiber thickness not due to a “mechanical effect.”

Another study was conducted by Johnson & Johnson. After 16 weeks of using the DMAE gel, subjects showed a reduction in wrinkles and fine lines in the forehead. Another 35 people extended the study for 8 months and no adverse reactions were identified.

A 2014 animal study combined with amino acids found that skin became thicker with an increase in type l and type lll collagen.

Now you have all the information about the use of DMAE in cosmetology. I hope this article helped you understand.

Scientists have isolated a substance responsible for prolonging life - Dimethylaminoethanol or DMAE. The drug acephen, created on its basis, can prolong the life of experimental animals by 36%. According to some reports, this figure increases to 50%, but such sensational conclusions have not been sufficiently verified. The drug deprenyl has the same effect. Both of these drugs have their advantages: deprenyl, for example, is more effective when used by males, and acephen (DMAE itself) helps to prolong youth and longevity in women. Science does not yet know what this is connected with. DMAE is of natural origin, is part of a number of children's complexes and has many wonderful properties.

DMAE and acetylcholine deficiency

One of the most important substances responsible for regulating metabolic processes in the human body is acetylcholine. This is a kind of neurohormone (neurotransmitter), thanks to which nerve cells transmit information to each other. Without acetylcholine, our body would cease to function as a whole, and the brain would not be able to regulate activity various systems body. Accordingly, a deficiency of acetylcholine leads to the fact that the body's systems begin to work out of balance, and our body ages and wears out ahead of schedule.

Scientists say that about 75% of the world's population suffers from a lack of acetylcholine. To actively prolong life, you need an order of magnitude more of it. A diet in which animal fatty foods predominate only worsens the situation and leads to the destruction of existing acetylcholine reserves. Acetylcholine deficiency is manifested by lethargy, causeless fatigue, a tendency to depression, and irritability. Forgetfulness and poor reactions can also be consequences of a lack of acetylcholine.

One of the advantages of DMAE is that it is converted into acetylcholine when it enters the body. Plus, to prolong life, you need to give up animal food and switch to a vegetarian diet.

DMAE and body defense

DMAE has a pronounced antioxidant effect and protects our cells from the destructive effects of free radicals that cause cancer and other dangerous diseases. Thanks to it, cross-linking of molecules becomes impossible and the body is not clogged with decay products.

It is worth noting that throughout our lives, the pigment lipofuscin, which has a toxic effect, gradually accumulates in cells. It slowly but surely poisons the internal space of cells, “clogs” mitochondria and interferes with full metabolism. By old age, our cells can be 30% composed of this pigment! This leads to chronic intoxication of the body and the impossibility of proper cell division. DMAE helps remove toxins from the body: DMAE takes several months to two years to remove half of the accumulated lipofuscin.

DMAE thus improves blood composition and has a positive effect on its functions, enhancing oxygen metabolism. DMAE can also be used in the field of donation: adding this substance to preserved blood doubles the shelf life.

Pros of DMAE: DMAE activates brain activity, acting as a nootropic substance. As a result of its intake, concentration, memory, and ability to cognition improve. Drugs containing DMAE have a pronounced antidepressant effect. In addition, sleep becomes stronger and better quality. The energy status of the body increases, as a result of which the person himself feels a surge of strength and improved mood, and those around him see that his appearance has become much better. It is also important that skin tone and turgor also improve, which leads to a noticeable cosmetic effect.

Mode of application The dose of DMAE that can be taken per day can vary from 100 to 1500 mg, depending on the purpose of taking the drug. To prolong life and prevent aging, the recommended dose is 200-500 mg. per day. For mental and physical fatigue and to improve well-being, you can take 500-1000 mg or more. per day DMAE for a course of three months. Take the drug better in the morning and in the evening. At first, the intake is in small doses, which are increased gradually. If the drug is well tolerated, then it is prescribed before meals; if it is poorly tolerated, it is prescribed during meals.

Side effects and contraindications As a rule, side effects occur with a large overdose of the drug. If after taking you experience headaches, overexcitement, muscle twitching (tics), insomnia, then you should reduce the dose or temporarily stop taking the drug.

Contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, epilepsy, hypertension, exacerbations of chronic diseases.

DMAE Caps Seriously inhibits the aging of the body and helps improve memory. Degenerative processes in the cell membrane become a trigger for the onset of senile changes in the body. DMAE can prevent this because it is a natural precursor to choline and acetylcholine and is absorbed faster than choline. Choline, being inside the cell, restores cell membranes and participates in their structure. DMAE successfully solves the same problem. Acting in the cell membranes of brain cells, DMAE increases the level of acetylcholine and helps restore cellular connections, improve memory and mental activity.

Centrophenoxine, which was developed in Europe, combines the benefits of DMAE with the healing effects of a substance called chlorophenoxyacetate, which is used to treat brain disorders in older people. Today it has been proven that all the advantages of Centrophenoxine are characteristic of the drug DMAE Caps, which, along with high efficiency, has a lower price. DMAE Caps contain DMAE highest quality. Capsules are known to be absorbed quickly by the body, are more effective, and are much easier to swallow than tablets! In addition, the capsules do not have an artificial shell, which can cause unwanted reactions for people with sensitive digestion and allergies.

One capsule of the drug contains 100 mg of beneficial active substance DMAE. Excipients are gelatin, cellulose, potato starch, purified water, MCT, magnesium stearate, silicon oxide.

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DMAE analogues


Benefits and harms

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4 reviews

Dmae– a unique drug that contains a natural substance to activate neuromuscular impulse transmission and vitamins that are essential for the functioning of nervous tissue. The effectiveness and safety of DMAE is due to the presence in the composition of only substances natural to the body, which play an important role in the life of each cell. After 1 month of use, memory and concentration noticeably improve, the overall tone of the body and the quality of sleep increase. Rejuvenation at the cellular level leads to a visible cosmetic effect and improved mood.
Dmae (Latin name - dimethylethanolamine) translated sounds like dimethylaminoethanol. This is an amino alcohol with the molecular formula C4H11NO. The substance dimethylaminoethanol or dimethylethanolamine is a precursor of acetylcholine, a natural nootropic that is found in the body and in food. Noootropics are neurometabolic stimulants that activate certain nerve cells, activating neuromuscular transmission of impulses. When applied externally, this is manifested by improved skin blood circulation and a lifting effect.
Powerful biological activity the drug Dmae is due to the synergistic effect vitamin complex and the natural substance Dmae, which is present in the human body. The drug promotes rejuvenation at the cellular level, improves blood properties, and leads to a noticeable cosmetic effect. drug for the brain, improvement cerebral circulation.

Indications for use: Drug Dmae recommended:

For improvement appearance and skin conditions;
- to normalize cerebral circulation;
- to activate brain activity;
- as an antioxidant;
- to increase the energy status of the body;
- to improve sleep quality.

Mode of application: Dmae Adults take 1 capsule per day during meals with water. The course of use is up to 30 days; in the future, the period of use and the possibility of repeating the course should be agreed with the doctor.


Contraindications to the use of the drug Dmae are: individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnancy, lactation period in women. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Storage conditions: Capsules Dmae store at a temperature from + 5 ° C to + 25 ° C, at a relative humidity of no more than 75%, in closed packaging in a dry, dark, protected from sun rays and out of the reach of children, shelf life 24 months.

Release form: Drug Dmae Available in capsules; 30 capsules of 500 mg.

DMAE(dimethylaminoethanol) – 300 mg;
D,L-alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) – 8.0 mg;
pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) – 1.6 mg;
folic acid (vitamin B9) – 160.0 mcg;
cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) – 0.8 mcg;
sodium ascorbate (vitamin C) – 48.0 mg;
lactose, maltodextrose, calcium stearate


Cerebral circulationDietary supplementsDietary supplementsVitamins

Hi all! DMAA or 1,3-DiMethylAmylAmine is known for being similar to amphetamine, having psychostimulant properties and generally being used by many people. It was introduced into the market for athletes, but turned out to be too powerful both in terms of effects and side effects - it was banned by the Anti-Doping Committee. On this moment, the substance, one might say, is half legal, since it is no longer available in sports nutrition stores; it is disqualified at competitions.

Therefore, this supplement is also of interest for pumping the brain. The brain will work noticeably faster, which can be extremely useful in certain situations.

A little history

Like any self-respecting psychostimulant, the path of DMAA began not with its use for stimulating the psyche, but with... combating nasal congestion. The medicine constricted blood vessels, increased blood pressure and caused headaches - it was discontinued.

In the mid-2000s, states banned ephedrine, a powerful stimulant and fat burner. Companies quickly began looking for a replacement. And around 2006, DMAA as we know it today hit the market. But then cases of serious health problems and even deaths began to flash, in fairness it should be said that other substances were also involved, but the fact is the fact. Relatively recently, sports nutrition manufacturers began to abandon DMAA + a ban by the anti-doping committee.

How does it workDMAA

The exact mechanism of action of DMAA is not clear, but some data are quite accurate, and they relate to the effect on adrenaline and. These are the 2 most stressful hormones in our body, their main difference is that when norepinephrine is produced, a person independently puts himself in a stressful state, for example, learning to swim if he doesn’t know how, and with adrenaline, a person is more likely to accidentally end up in the water.

DMAA acts as a reuptake inhibitor for these hormones. In human nature, in order to save money, if too many resources are produced, the body either destroys these resources into useful elements or “takes away” the excess. That is, if norepinephrine is produced, but the body does not need such an amount, it “selects” it from circulation, in a way creating reserves. But DMAA partially inhibits the body's ability to reuptake norepinephrine.

DMAA increases heart rate and blood pressure. Because of this, hyperventilation of the lungs can occur when there is too much oxygen, it binds to hemoglobin and endlessly circulates through the blood, resulting in paradoxical oxygen starvation. There seems to be a lot of oxygen, but it does not reach the cells. This is extremely harmful if used for a long time.

Increased dosages of DMAA (more than 70 mg) can cause euphoria, which appears 2-3 hours after administration and lasts 5-7 hours. But what’s strange is that euphoria is accompanied by drowsiness. This is due to excessive oppression blood vessels and hyperventilation. However, afterwards it will feel like a hangover.


This supplement should not be abused, and certainly not mixed with serious stimulants in large dosages and with alcohol. There have been deaths from cerebral hemorrhage. Specifically, several soldiers in the US Army died who had DMAA in their blood, for reference, their army is voluntary, and they don’t draft everyone into it; as a rule, people go with good physical training. There was also a death in New Zealand when a person overindulged in alcohol, caffeine and DMAA. There were other cases among athletes.

It is clear that everything also depends on the health of each person, and you never know if he had a predisposition to a stroke, maybe he stuffed himself with something else before DMAA, which undermined his body. Athletes - professionals are generally completely saturated with chemicals. We still don’t know about people who simply harmed their health without killing themselves.

Speaking of athletes, at competitions, and at almost any blood donation, you can test positive for amphetamine. False positive, and then prove that it is a supplement from a sports store.


So, the main contraindications for taking DMAA:

  1. High blood pressure, conditionally, above 120-125 if you are under 30 years old.
  2. Rapid heartbeat, tachycardia. Pulse in calm state above 75-80 beats per minute.

If these indicators are too high, it would be better to correct them by training your heart. Not to take stimulants, but in general, for good health. The heart, after all, has its own resource, and it’s one thing when it beats 60 beats per minute, another thing when it beats 90. In this case, 20 years of life will seem like 20 years to one heart, 30 to another.

Side effects of DMAA include headache, nervousness, and tremors.

The course of administration of DMAA has not been established. It is best optional, no more than 1-2 times a week. Dosage 20-50 mg! You shouldn’t increase it, there will be no more stimulation, rather the opposite.

Effects of DMAA:

- Stimulation. More precisely, norepinephrine stimulation, it differs, say, from. The effects of norepinephrine were discussed in more detail in the article. In short, it will be difficult to sit still. When engaged in intellectual activity, the brain will work faster, but not better. And one leg will definitely jump or a handle will spin in your hand.

- Euphoria, at dosages greater than 50-70 mg, but also withdrawal symptoms, like a hangover.

- More strength and energy. This is a state where it seems cool, due to vasoconstriction, but at the same time energy, cold sweat.

DMAA to the rescue

DMAA's best assistant is another stimulant, for example. But, in this case, the dosage should be reduced to a conditional 100-150 mg of caffeine and 20-30 mg of DMAA. You can try with //enerion. We are also reducing the dosage.

Concerning sedatives

— Works through norepinephrine and, to a lesser extent, through adrenaline. Inhibits their reuptake.

— Effects: coldness in the body, due to vasoconstriction, but there is stimulation. It’s hard to sit still, the brain works faster, but with low efficiency.

— Dosage 20-50 mg, taken optionally, certainly not every day.

— It can be combined with caffeine and other stimulants, but we reduce the dosage.

We have started selling DMAA!

Direct your energy in a useful direction! Good luck!

DMAE has become increasingly popular in recent years. The substance is a relatively safe nootropic and is suitable for solving many problems. With its help, they improve mental activity and concentration, eliminate headache, improve athletic performance and even slow down aging. Medicines, vitamin and cosmetic complexes are made on the basis of DMAE, and they include it in creams and tonics.

What you need to know about DMAE

What is it - DMAE. From a pharmacological point of view, dimethylaminoethanol is organic compound from the choline group and has a number of amazing properties that affect the length and quality of life. History of the use of DMAE in the form medication began in the middle of the last century, but confirmation of therapeutic effectiveness and harmlessness was received only 50 years later.

This is interesting. Initially, drugs containing dimethylaminoethanol were produced in the form of a biological additive approved by the US Medical Association. It contained organic DMAE from cold-water fish and was touted as the best remedy for stimulating mental processes and increasing vitality.

An amino alcohol in nature, dimethylaminoethanol is a colorless, viscous liquid with a strong ammonia odor. DMAE is highly soluble in water and is widely used in a variety of fields: paint and varnish, textile, food and chemical industries, for water purification and, of course, in cosmetology, pharmaceuticals and sports nutrition.

How DMAE works

Dimethylaminoethanol, being an organic substance, is present in the body of every person. The compound is responsible for the condition of cell membranes and cognitive functions, increases the amount of acetylcholine in the brain.
Especially bright therapeutic effect DMAE occurs in the following disorders:

  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • cerebral blood flow disorders;
  • emotional and physical overload;
  • Alzheimer's disease, amnesia, memory loss;
  • ADHD in children and adults.

The principle of operation of DMAE is based on the body's need for a large number of neurohormones that support nerve impulse transmission in the parasympathetic nervous system, known as the calm nerve. This part of the system is responsible for actions that occur when a person is at rest - during sleep, rest, eating, relaxation.

Attention. A lack of acetylcholine leads to constant overexcitation, the patient loses the ability to concentrate, restore energy, mental and mental health. As a result, the body loses tone, lethargy and constant fatigue occur, and reflexes deteriorate.

A huge advantage of DMAE over choline is its ability to penetrate directly through the blood-brain barrier, bypassing the liver. This significantly increases the rate of acetylcholine formation.

The benefits and harms of dimethylaminoethanol

DMAE was originally developed as one of the medications to combat Alzheimer's disease. People suffering from this disease experience a significant decrease in acetylcholine levels, which leads to a progressive disorder of brain activity, memory loss, and slowed speech.

In addition, DMAE has many useful properties:
  • increases the speed of nerve impulses and synchronizes the response to them;
  • stimulates mental and physical performance;
  • improves learning ability;
  • relieves headaches, bad mood, depression;
  • eliminates insomnia, makes dreams vivid and realistic;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • provides nutrition to cells and saturation with oxygen;
  • stimulates blood circulation in the brain;
  • improves skin tone;
  • gives energy and vitality.

DMAE has also been shown to inhibit the formation of lipofuscin, better known as the pigment of aging. Thus, by taking a dietary supplement, you can get rid of age-related darkening of the skin and keep it smooth and even for a long time.

This is interesting. Transfusiologists know that the introduction of dimethylaminoethanol into donor blood increases its shelf life more than twice, without affecting the quality of the material in any way.

DMAE is prescribed for hypochondriacal and asthenic conditions, disorders of intellectual-mnestic processes in old age, as well as for traumatic brain injuries, vascular diseases, manias and neurotic states.

The drug is especially useful for pupils and students during preparation for exams, creative people those engaged in active mental work, workers in professions that require a creative and extraordinary approach.

How to take the supplement correctly

The effectiveness and safety of a substance largely depends on strict adherence to the instructions for use. It states that the average dosage of DMAE should not exceed 500 mg per day. The serving can be divided into 2 doses, but it is better to take the medicine in the first half of the day. You can take the dietary supplement before or after meals with a small amount of water.

How to drink DMAE correctly to prevent premature aging? In this case, it is enough to take 300–500 mg of the substance daily. But for the treatment of mental disorders, a larger dosage is required - 1500 mg per day. However, no side effects are noted.

To improve physical and mental activity To get rid of stress and fatigue, you will need 500–1000 mg of the drug. For diseases of the nervous system, the same dosage will be sufficient.

Results from treatment appear after 3 weeks of using DMAE, but for better results it is recommended to extend the course to three months.

Dimethylaminoethanol dietary supplements, although they are not medicine, are not suitable for everyone. The following body conditions may be contraindications:

  • epilepsy;
  • bipolar mental disorder;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the substance;
  • persistent hypertension.

In some cases, DMAE can cause anxiety, muscle tension, migraines, gastrointestinal upset, or insomnia.

Advice. To avoid such phenomena, you should start taking the supplement with minimal portions and gradually increase the dosage. If a side effect has already appeared, it is recommended to take a short break from treatment, and after the symptoms disappear, resume the course, starting with 50 mg per day.

If you have a history of heart, vascular or kidney disease, you should consult your doctor before using DMAE.

DMAE for the face: the youth of your skin

Most of the uses of dimethylaminoethanol in the middle of the last century were focused on restoring cognitive processes and brain functionality. And only a few years ago, DMAE began to be used in cosmetology.

DMAE perfectly restores muscle tone and elasticity skin, tightens the oval of the face, eliminates crow's feet and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead. However, this effect is achieved not only by increasing the concentration of acetylcholine, which, in addition to improving neuromuscular transmission, perfectly tightens tissue.

Pronounced rejuvenation of facial skin is the result of complex work of DMAE in several directions at once:

  • strengthening cell walls;
  • neutralization of free radicals;
  • excretion harmful substances and toxins, in particular lipofuscin;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • skin hydration.

The lifting effect of using DMAE on the face was confirmed by a blinded study conducted in 2002. As a result of regular application of a 3% product with dimethylaminoethanol, a smoothing of deep folds and the disappearance of facial wrinkles, restoration of the oval of the face and the tone of the dermis were noted.

The results of this experience aroused great interest in DMAE among both cosmetologists and ordinary women. The consequence was the emergence of a huge number of care and treatment products with dimethylaminoethanol for superficial and intradermal use.

For example, a cream with DMAE is positioned as an anti-aging product with wide range actions. Daily use nutritional composition helps get rid of redness and inflammation, reduces rashes, brightens the skin and evens out the complexion.

Where to buy drugs with dimethylaminoethanol?

Reviews about DMAE are in most cases very positive. People who have used the supplement to improve memory, attention and brain activity report its high effectiveness. Many people note a positive result already in the first week of use - reaction and coordination improve, working capacity increases, good mood is restored, vigor and endurance appear.

Women credit the anti-aging properties of DMAE. Representatives of the fair sex claim that creams with dimethylaminoethanol, when used regularly, really rejuvenate and transform sagging, wrinkled skin, making it moisturized, full and smooth.

You can buy products with DMAE at a pharmacy or online store that sells similar drugs. But it is safer to purchase the supplement on the iHerb website. Judging by user reviews, this is the best place to select DMAE.

It is this distributor that offers impeccable quality and low prices for DMAE. Moreover, the range of additives presented on iHerb is truly impressive. Below we will look at the most interesting drugs.

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) from Now Foods

The action of this dietary supplement is aimed mainly at stimulating mental activity and increasing the production of acetylcholine, without which neurotransmission of impulses to the brain is impossible. The drug is necessary for elderly people suffering from mnestic disorders, as well as during the recovery period after a stroke.

You can buy DMAE Now Foods very inexpensively. The price for 100 capsules does not exceed 900 rubles. without discount. This volume is enough for 1–3 months.

DMAE from Twinlab

No less interesting is DMAE Caps Twinlab, containing 100 mg of dimethylaminoethanol in each serving. To produce this product, only organic substances are taken without the addition of dyes and preservatives, which allows the drug to be used by people with allergies.

The price for this DMAE is very pleasant - 630 rubles. for 100 capsules. The course of treatment lasts 3 months.

Reviva Labs DMAE Concentrate

It is impossible not to mention cosmetic products based on dimethylaminoethanol. The most effective of them is the presented serum. Despite the fact that the percentage of DMAE is not mentioned on the packaging, the composition of the ingredients suggests that the product really works, since the active substance is in second place after water.

Reviva Labs concentrate gives an excellent lifting effect, moisturizes, tightens the skin, protects against free radicals and brightens, that is, it has a comprehensive anti-aging effect.

DMAE serum can be purchased for 1340 rubles. The package contains 30 ml of product, it lasts a long time, even if applied twice a day to the face and neck.

Dimethylaminoethanol is beneficial for everyone, regardless of health status and age. Completely healthy people and children can take the product, starting from an early age - for better adaptation in a team and increased learning ability. However, despite the minimum of contraindications and side effects, you should consult your doctor before using DMAE.

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Hello, the clevermind project hasn’t done any reviews on nootropics for a long time, we’ll fix it today. DMAE or Dimethylaminoethanol has been gaining rapid popularity in the CIS countries over the past few years. This supplement belongs to the group of nootropics that are conditionally “safe” and, as a result, are taken by everyone to achieve a variety of goals: against aging, to improve metabolic processes in the brain, to improve sports performance. Therefore, the spectrum of the “target audience” of this supplement is very wide. And thanks to globalization and marketing, we can assume that the potential audience for this supplement will not become smaller.

What's happenedDMAE

By the way, here’s another paradox: in the European Union, DMAE is sold as Deanol, a prescription drug. In Russia it is used as a dietary supplement.

How does it workDMAE

During digestion, DMAE acts in two ways:
A. In the liver, DMAE, under the influence of methionine, becomes choline, which already acts on acetylcholine. That is, an indirect action results.

B. In the intestines, this supplement is directly absorbed into the blood and enters the brain, also acting on acetylcholine. The second option suggests that DMAE increases the level of this neurotransmitter faster than when choline is absorbed from the liver. But this method is considered ineffective. So this supplement, when absorbed from the intestines, has a weak effect on acetylcholine. (www.ncbi.nlm.nihdotgov/pubmed/85012eight)

Once DMAE enters the bloodstream, the following occurs:

Let's briefly summarize: DMAE enters the blood through the intestines and through the liver. Further, it partially produces choline and acetylcholine, partially Dimethylglycine and Trimethylglycine.


As mentioned above, with regular, very long-term use, there are no specific numbers, apotosis, destruction of nerve cells, can be observed.

It is also not recommended for pregnant women due to inhibition of choline transport (but this study was conducted with mouse embryos). In general, you should not use unclear terms in a negative context, otherwise people will exaggerate. DMAE is a natural additive, it's part of the fish! But which, in theory, can lead to bad consequences with chronic use. The same can be said about sugar, for example.

Side effects: Individual intolerance, overexcitation, insomnia.

The course of taking DMAE is 2 months at 700-1000 mg/day. Divide into 2-3 doses, with the last one 4-5 hours before bedtime, otherwise it will suddenly stimulate you) Since DMAE is contained in food, it would be logical to take it with food, on the other hand, there are no strict limits here.


  1. Life extension. Most people know this effect; the experiment was carried out in 1973 on mice, and they lived 30-50% longer than their counterparts.

  2. DMAE improves and synchronizes, to a large extent, the transmission of signals between the hemispheres of the brain according to the results of the EEG (study of 1986). This indicates better integrity of the brain, not only memory and learning, but also other brain functions. You won't become super smart, but your brain will be like a fresh computer or a website with well-written code. (1986;18:2069-2086)

  3. Learning ability improves. An experiment on children, banal, some were given a pacifier, others DMAE, no one knew who had what, after 3 months the group with DMAE showed best progress in academic performance, the numbers are not crazy, but not an accident either. (1975;17:534-540)
  4. Fatigue, depression decreases. There were 2 similar studies, one had 52 people, the other 100, both groups improved their health. (1959:195-244)
  5. Antioxidant effect. Free radical scavenging. However, it is insignificant. (1974;72:265)
  6. Presumably, dopamine levels increase. Dimethylglycine and Trimethylglycine are created. This together gives

    The combination with l-tyrosine (dopamine) and 5 HTP (serotonin) looks interesting.


    — DMAE is a beneficial supplement for brain health.

    — Works through several channels: acetylcholine, choline, dimethylglycine, dopamine.

    - Effects: mild stimulation, improved brain function, fights depression.

    — Course: 2 months, 700-1000 mg/day, 2-3 doses, the last one 4-5 hours before bedtime.

    — It is advisable to add choline alfoscerate, lecithin or simply.

    Well, good luck, see you again!)

Being a physiologist by vocation, from time to time I try to get acquainted with new discoveries and achievements in the field of human physiology. I am interested in everything that helps a person live longer and feel better. These interests include vitamins, antioxidants, antihypoxants, adaptogens and similar substances.

Recently, scientists published the results of studies of one interesting chemical compound called dimethylaminoethanol. The complex name of the substance hides its remarkable and amazing properties, with whom I want to introduce you.

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)- is a natural nootropic present both in the body itself and in food products (for example, fish). Nootropics are substances that have a direct activating effect on brain metabolism, increasing the supply of blood to the brain, and therefore glucose, oxygen, etc. Nootropics improve the “communication” between brain neurons and, as a result, improve memory, concentration, intelligence, etc. .

In representatives of mental professions, DMAE stimulates intellectual activity. It is given even to children who have difficulty digesting school curriculum, as it improves their cognitive functions and ability to concentrate. In the right dosages, DMAE improves mood and corrects sleep, causing vivid and realistic dreams. DMAE has a pronounced antioxidant effect. It protects cells from damage by free radicals and also prevents cross-linking of molecules.

With age, toxic pigment accumulates in the cells of the brain, heart, skin, etc. lipofuscin. It used to be that lipofuscin was just junk, an aging pigment. It is now known that lipofuscin inhibits cell activity! In old age, each cell can be 30% clogged with lipofuscin. DMAE removes up to half or more of this debris within a period of several months to 2 years. Sports doctors prescribe DMAE to athletes at training camps before important competitions to increase muscle endurance and reaction speed.

How and due to what does DMAE work?

Once in the human body, DMAE is converted into acetylcholine, and acetylcholine, as is known, is a universal transmitter of signals from one nerve cell to another and in the brain and throughout nervous system. It is acetylcholine that makes our body unified and obedient to our will. A lack of acetylcholine disrupts the coordinated functioning of all systems and organs; outwardly this manifests itself in the form of weakness and rapid fatigue, a feeling of weakness and tiredness. Thinking becomes difficult, memory deteriorates, and reaction slows down.

Seventy-five percent (75%) of the population may have an acetylcholine deficiency and not even know it! Many of us do not have enough of it even to satisfy our physiological needs. Besides social toxicants(smoking, alcohol consumption), bad ecology, a diet with an excess of animal products only aggravates the deficiency of acetylcholine. Therefore, it is extremely important to take DMAE for preventive purposes in order to benefit your health.

How much and how

It is best to start taking DMAE with a small amount and gradually increase the dose to the recommended dose. The dosage range of DMAE is from 100 to 1500 mg per day. To improve the quality of life, it is recommended to limit the dosage to 300-450 mg per day, in long courses of several months.

For improvement general condition, increasing mental and physical abilities in courses of 1-3 months, 500-1000 mg or more per day. Start taking small doses (morning and afternoon) and gradually increase. If well tolerated, it can be taken 10-15 minutes before meals, otherwise during meals.

You can know that the drug is effective by such phenomena as more deep dream and realistic dreams, slight muscle twitching, better concentration. I will only note that these effects, as a rule, occur when using the drug at 450 mg/day or more. DMAE is not doping, not addictive, dependencies, withdrawal syndrome And steal syndrome.

Side effects and contraindications

Since DMAE is a naturally occurring substance and is present in some foods and in the body, side effects are possible only in cases of extreme overdose. At the same time, there are following symptoms: headaches, insomnia, gastrointestinal disorders, muscle stiffness in the neck and shoulders, very vivid dreams. In this case, you need to reduce the dosage or temporarily stop taking it.

People with kidney or liver disease you should consult your doctor before using DMAE as a supplement.


And good news in addition to what was said. Of all the life extension agents, DMAE, as a nootropic, is one of the most important for us. In some experiments, he extended the life of laboratory animals by 30-40%! Why does DMAE prolong life so dramatically? DMAE improves the functioning of the brain, and it is the brain that is responsible for regulating all processes in the body. If its regulatory role decreases, then a faster breakdown of the body occurs - otherwise, faster aging. And, conversely, when best work

brain, you can “squeeze” the maximum of its resources from the body.

Oleg Chekhov

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