Home Dental treatment Games with prepositions school school supplies. Song about school in English

Games with prepositions school school supplies. Song about school in English

Victoria Manuilenko
New Year's scenario "The Snow Queen" for senior preparatory groups

(based on the fairy tale « The Snow Queen» )

A girl with a bell in her hand enters the hall without music. Reads a poem.

Hello, holiday New Year,

Christmas tree and winter holiday!

All my friends today

We invited you to visit.

The bell rings, the children run to the music « New Year's polka» all with bells in their hands. A short dance is performed.


What kind of guest came to us,

Did you bring the smell of pine needles?

And there are lights and garlands on it.

How elegant she is!

Comes to us with her

Winter holiday New Year!

1 child:

How good Christmas tree!

How she dressed up - look!

Dress on a green Christmas tree,

Bright beads sparkle on the chest.

2 child:

Our Christmas tree is tall and slender,

In the evening it will all sparkle

The sparkle of lights, and snowflakes, and stars,

Like a peacock's tail opening!


Hey, look at the Christmas tree!

Colored threads of beads curl,

Rain, stars, serpentine!

You won't find a better Christmas tree!

4 child:

We've been waiting for the holiday all year,

How you dreamed about a Christmas tree!

And now among friends

We will dance in front of her.


Leading: What is New Year?

5 child:

New Year - frost and ice.

And in those dancing snowflakes

Invisible springs -

This is what New Year means.

Leading: What is New Year?


This is the arrival of the holiday

This is the laughter of merry friends,

This is dancing near the Christmas trees -

This is what New Year means.

Leading: What is New Year?

7 child:

This is a friendly round dance.

These are pipes and violins,

Jokes, songs and smiles -

This is what New Year means.


We need to hold hands

Shout: "Shine Christmas tree!"

And the tree will light up

Multi-colored lights.

Let's all say it together: one, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!

Children repeat. The garlands on the Christmas tree light up.

A ROUND DANCE IS BEING PERFORMED “It’s good that every year a new year comes to us” MUZ. V. GERCHIK.

Then the children sit on chairs. Mysterious music sounds and he enters the hall. The Snow Queen. Performs an improvisational dance, walks around the tree several times, the lights on the tree go out and The Snow Queen leaves.

Leading. Guys, look what you did The Snow Queen– extinguished all the lights on our Christmas tree! Well, it’s okay, today is not an ordinary holiday - it’s magical, so I, too, will become a sorceress - a good fairy.

Magic music sounds, the leader behind the screen puts on a headdress and takes a magic wand.

Fairy. Hello my friends,

I turned into a Fairy.

Don't be afraid to go into a fairy tale Snow Queen, pick up the lights for the Christmas tree?

Children: No!

Fairy. Well then…

Now we'll wave our magic wand,

And sooner than later we will all find ourselves in a fairy tale.

He waves his magic wand and the music of the magic wand sounds. The lights dim. Music plays and the boys perform the DANCE OF THE RAVENS.

1 raven We are the forest crows,

Who are you?

2 crows Why did you come to us here?

Do you want there to be trouble?

Fairy. Dear crows, we don't want to scare you at all. Please help us. We are looking for snow queen. Don't know how we can find her?

3 crows. Okay, we'll help you.

You walk straight, straight,

And then quickly turn right.

Through a thick, dense forest,

Through ice and prickly snow.


Crows fly around the tree to the music and sit down in their places.

Fairy. Well, let's try to go,

And don't go astray.

The music of the robbers sounds, the dance of the robbers is performed.

1 robber. Ha ha ha! How many kids are there!

Plump, delicious! Let's rob them, roast them at the stake and eat them.

2 robber. Come on, come on! Let's see what they have in their pockets! Well, quickly get your money!

Fairy. Wait, we don't have any money!

3 robber. Why! And then give us your beautiful outfits, you won’t need them anyway!

4 robber. Yes Yes! We'll roast you over the fire and eat you!

Fairy. Please have mercy, robbers! After all, we are going to the very snow queen, pick up the lights for the Christmas tree.

1 robber. And what kind of lights? And why does the prickly Christmas tree need any lights, answer quickly!

Child. Our Christmas tree is like in a fairy tale,

Glows, sparkles,

It's only once a year -

It happens on New Year's Day.

She dresses up from top to bottom

In multi-colored lights, beads and firecrackers.

2 robber. Woohoo! We also want to go to such a holiday! Take us please!

Fairy. Guys, let's take the robbers with us?

Fairy. Come with us.

The robbers sit on chairs with the children. Music sounds and deer run out. The DEER DANCE is performed.

1 deer. We are northerners -

Deer are mischievous.

We are fast and agile

So beautiful.

2 deer. We rush through the snow, blizzard,

Why are you here with us now?

Fairy. Hello reindeer. We are looking for snow queen, will you help us?

3 deer. We know where her kingdom is,

But going there is dangerous!

4 deer. Only brave guys will melt the ice in her heart. Can you do it, won't you be scared?

Children: No!

1 deer. Well then, stick with us and rush along with us on the journey.

All children stand behind the deer, hold on to them and run in a circle to the music. Then everyone sits down. The lights go out, only the garlands on the wall are lit. The music of the howling wind sounds.

Fairy. Guys, look how dark and cold it is here.

Music is playing. I run out to the ice floes and perform the ice floes dance. At the end appears The Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen. Who you are! Why did you come to my kingdom?

Fairy. We came from kindergarten. You, Your icy Highness, took the lights from our Christmas tree. Please give them back to us!

The Snow Queen. Look, how smart they are! I won't give them to you. You're the only ones having fun, and I'm sitting here alone... alone: no Christmas tree, no holiday, no gifts.

Fairy. So we invite you to our holiday, just give us the lights.

The Snow Queen. I won’t go to your place for the holiday - it’s hot in your place. kindergarten, and I love the cold. But if you can cheer me up, then, perhaps, I’ll give you the lights for the Christmas tree.

Fairy. Guys, let's do a fun dance "Icy Palms"


The Snow Queen. Well done, you were able to cheer me up. Get your lights (waves his hand, the lights on the Christmas tree light up! And it’s time for me to leave, I’ll also organize a holiday in my palace.

Leaves to the music.

Fairy. So we lit the lights on our Christmas tree, it’s time for Santa Claus to come. Let's call together his: Father Frost!

Everyone calls Santa Claus. Snegurochka (a girl from groups, sings the Snow Maiden's song.

Snow Maiden

Oh, so many kids -

Both girls and boys!


Winter is not a threat,

I'm not afraid of a blizzard!

Granddaughter of Santa Claus

I'm called Snegurochka.

(Looks admiringly at the Christmas tree, walks around it).

Oh yes tree! Simply amazing!

How elegant, how beautiful!

This is what she's like...

Slender, big

Christmas tree beauty

Do you guys like it?

With such an elegant Christmas tree you can start a round dance!

Come on, quickly get up in the circle

And play with me!

A round dance-game with the Snow Maiden is performed. Children sit on chairs.

Fairy. Snow Maiden, have you seen Father Frost? Who will help us bring him to the holiday?

Snow Maiden

I have girlfriends who are white snowflakes,

Light, feather-like, sparkling fluff.

I will call them here, they will help us.

The Snow Maiden's dance is performed and snowflakes.

Snow Maiden

Fly, snowflakes, you are faster than the wind,

And find Santa Claus soon.

Snowflakes run away, are returning with Santa Claus. Then they take their seats.

Santa Claus (from behind the doors screams: “Aw-ow! I'm coming!")

Hello, guests!

Hello, kids!

Ice sparkles in the beard,

I'll have fun with you

Because it's new year!

A song is being sung for Santa Claus "Hello Dedushka Moroz!".

Father Frost. For children and for guests, I will dance more fun!

The dance of Father Frost is performed. Games with Santa Claus are held.

Fairy. Santa Claus, sit down and relax. And our children will tell you poems.

Children read poems to Santa Claus.

Father Frost. Thank you guys! Now it's time for me to go! About to leave.

Fairy. Wait, Santa Claus! And you haven't forgotten anything.

Father Frost. No, it seems like everything did: I listened to a funny song, danced, played with the children, listened to poetry.

Fairy. What about gifts?

Father Frost. Eh, got really old, I forgot about parks for children. Granddaughter, do you know where my bag of gifts is?

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, you probably left them in the forest.

Father Frost. Exactly! I will now knock my staff three times, and the gifts will be here. He knocks with a staff, magic music sounds, the lights are dimmed, an ice block is brought out in front of the tree, a gift is visible in it.

Father Frost. What kind of miracle is this? The gifts turned into ice.

Fairy. It's probably a trick Snow Queen.

Father Frost. Snow Queen?

Father Frost. What happened here?

Children talk.

Father Frost. Well, it’s okay, I’m a wizard, I can return your gifts to you. Let's say together: “One, two, three, give us back the staff gifts!”

Everyone repeats, magic music sounds, Santa Claus with his staff "breaks" ice, pulls out a gift. Together with the presenter, they hand out all the gifts to the children to the music. (the rest of the gifts are on sale under the material on the table).

Leading. The end of the fairy tale has come. It's time for a farewell song.

SONG "THE LITTLE TREE" in modern times processing (invite parents to a round dance)

Father Frost: It's time for me to go! Goodbye everyone, see you in the future!

Leading. Our holiday has come to an end.

Congratulates parents on the New Year and invites them to take pictures. Sounds New Year's music.


(Based on the fairy tale by H.H. Andersen.)

A small script for a children's theater where the children themselves will act.





STORYTELLER: Once upon a time in a distant country there lived a boy Kai and a girl Gerda.
They were like brother and sister: they played together, they were happy and sad together. Together they grew their favorite flowers: roses.

(Music. The curtain opens. Kai and Gerda are on stage. They are looking at the blooming roses.)

KAI: Look, Gerda! Our roses have bloomed!
They are so beautiful!

GERDA: Yes, Kai!
They are simply wonderful!

(Music: polka. They hold hands and begin to spin. They can dance polka. The curtain closes).

STORYTELLER: This is how the summer passed. Autumn was coming, followed by a snowy winter.
In winter, Kai and Gerda played snowballs together, made a snow woman, and rode together
skating and sledding.
But one day, when Kai was sliding down the mountain, a snow whirlwind came, picked Kai up, and carried him away.
him somewhere far away.


STORYTELLER: The girl Gerda saw how a snow whirlwind carried away her beloved
named brother Kai. She ran after him, screaming, but could not catch up with him.
Returning home, she cried for a long time. And then she decided that she would go look for her adopted brother Kai. She quickly got ready for the road and went...
Gerda walked for a long time, she encountered many obstacles on her way, but she did not lose heart. She believed that she would find her Kai.



STORYTELLER: And then one day, Gerda found herself in the Fairytale Kingdom, where the Little Princess lived.
When Gerda entered the palace, she saw the Little Princess playing with her friends.

(Music. The curtain opens. Fairytale palace. The children are playing tag. This is the Princess and her little friends. When they see Gerda, they stop playing. The music fades out. (The Princess must not run, otherwise she will not be able to speak. She can clap her hands when others are running.))

GERDA: Hello Princess!

PRINCESS: Hello, sweet girl! What is your name and how did you get here?

GERDA: My name is Gerda. I'm looking for my adopted brother Kai. Have you seen him?

PRINCESS: No. What happened to him?

GERDA: He was riding down the mountain on a sled, a snow whirlwind came, picked him up and carried him away.
And now I go and look for him.

PRINCESS: She probably took him away The Snow Queen to your kingdom Eternal Ice.

GERDA: Where is this Realm of Eternal Ice?

PRINCESS: It is located far in the North.
You'll have a hard time getting there!

GERDA: I will still go and keep going until I find my sworn brother Kai!

PRINCESS: You are dressed so lightly, but you will have to go to the North to the Kingdom
Eternal ice!
To keep you warm, I will give you warm mittens, a hat and a fur coat.

(The princess gives Gerda mittens, a hat and a fur coat)

GERDA: Thank you, dear kind Princess! Now I will definitely find Kai!

(Music. Gerda leaves, then turns around and waves at them. The princess and her friends wave back. The curtain closes).


STORYTELLER: Having said goodbye to her new friends, Gerda hit the road again. She went further and further to the North. But it was easier for her to go, because now she knew where
look for Kai, and she was no longer afraid of freezing in the Realm of Eternal Ice, because... the kind Little Princess gave her warm clothes.
But one day, when Gerda had to walk through the forest, the robbers who lived in this forest jumped out to meet her. Their leader was the Robber Mother.
The Robber Mother had a daughter. And her name was Little Robber.

(Music. The curtain opens. There are robbers on the stage. They surround Gerda. Suddenly the Little Robber and her mother, the leader of the robbers, appear.)

LITTLE ROBBER: Don't touch the girl!
This girl is mine!

(She swings at the robbers. The robbers retreat. She takes Gerda by the hand and takes her aside.)

Well done, daughter! My upbringing!
Children need to be pampered! Only then do they grow into real ones.

LITTLE ROBBER: Oh, what beautiful mittens! And a hat! And a fur coat!
Shoot! Now it will all be mine!

(Gerda takes off her mittens, hat and fur coat.)

LITTLE ROBBER: Come on, tell me!
Who are you and where are you from?

GERDA: My name is Gerda. I'm looking for my adopted brother Kai. The Snow Queen took him away.
Let me go please!

LITTLE ROBBER: No, you will stay with me!

GERDA: But poor Kai will die without me!

LITTLE ROBBER: Oh, I'm about to cry! Ha ha ha!
Don't you dare contradict me!

(Gerda covers her face with her hands.)

LITTLE ROBBER: Okay, don't cry!
I will let you go to your Kai!

(Gerda rushes to hug the Little Robber).

LITTLE ROBBER: (Moves away). Ugh! Veal tenderness!
(I thought a little). OK! So be it!
I'll give you your mittens, hat and fur coat! Otherwise you will freeze in the kingdom of the Snow Queen!

GERDA: Thank you, Little Robber! (Hugs her again).

LITTLE ROBBER: Again veal tenderness!
(Turns away and wipes away a tear.) Still, you made me feel sorry for you!
All! Leave! Otherwise I'll change my mind!

GERDA: Goodbye, Little Robber!

(Music. Gerda leaves, then turns around and waves her hand. The Little Robber looks after her. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: Brave little Gerda walked for many days to the Kingdom of the Snow Queen and finally came.

(Music. The curtain opens. Kai sits and concentrates on putting together letters. Gerda appears. She rushes to Kai.)

GERDA: Kai! Dear Kai!

KAI: (Cold) Don't bother me, girl! I have to form the word "Eternity". I was told this
The Snow Queen.

GERDA: Kai! It's me, Gerda.
Don't you recognize me?

KAI: (also cold) Why don't I find out?
You are Gerda. But you're disturbing me!

GERDA: Kai, dear Kai!
What happened to you?
(touches it with his hand.) And how cold you are!

(Gerda cries. Her tears fall on Kai. Suddenly he seems to come to his senses, looks around, looks at Gerda).

KAI: Gerda?
Where I am?

GERDA: Kai, you've come to your senses! You're the old Kai again!

KAI: But where are we?

GERDA: We are in the Kingdom of the Snow Queen! She dragged you away while you were sledding!

KAI: Yes, I remember how I was sledding, then a snow whirlwind caught me...
And I don’t remember anything else!

GERDA: We must quickly leave here before the Snow Queen appears!

(The Snow Queen appears.)

THE SNOW QUEEN: You've finally come, girl!
But my Kai, he has an icy heart! And he will stay with me! !

GERDA: No you're wrong! Kai does not have an icy heart.
And he will come with me!

THE SNOW QUEEN: I won't let him go! !

KAI: No, I'm leaving with Gerda!

THE SNOW QUEEN: Well girl, you beat me!
I froze Kai's heart, but you melted it!
Now, go away!

(Kai and Gerda hold hands and leave. Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: And finally, after a long journey, the boy Kai and the girl Gerda returned home.

(Music. The curtain opens. Kai and Gerda appear. They walk across the stage holding hands. They are at home. They approach their roses and look at them.)

KAI: Look, Gerda, our roses have bloomed again!

GERDA: Yes, Kai!
They are happy that we are back!

(Music: polka. Kai and Gerda hold hands, spin, and can dance polka. The curtain closes.)

STORYTELLER: So the brave little girl Gerda defeated the Snow Queen and helped her named brother Kai return home.



The Snow Queen

Characters and performers:

The Snow Queen

Street musician

Flower girl

Ataman of the robbers



Before the start of the performance, cheerful New Year's melodies are played. The curtain is closed.

Song "Snowflake"

Everyone, hurry up and run here,
Gather in this hall
If you want to see
New Year's carnival.

Winter holiday is coming,

All the people are having fun.

Old year leaves us

New Year is knocking on the door.

Let him bring us gifts,

And good luck and success!

New Year's wishes

Let them be fulfilled for everyone.

More joy for children

For adults - a whole cartload of happiness,

In the house - peace, friendship, jokes

Let Santa Claus give it to you.

Kindness, smiles, affection,

So that life would be like in a fairy tale.

Composition New Year (common song)

As if from wondrous dreams, a fairy tale comes to us alive.

We wait for the cherished words and play at miracles, laughing.

The evening lit us with a magical light,

Revealing a secret in the New Year.

The tree, all in silver, beckons with the glitter of colored toys,

In the holiday bustle, no one is hurt by a bad word.

We will celebrate the New Year with hope

Let fun enter every home

We wish everyone on New Year's Day

Joy, warmth, light and goodness,

So that the dream lives.

May peace reign over the entire earth.

The New Year will come, it will bring happiness,

The fairy tale will come to life.

Scene 1

Palace of the Snow Queen.

S.K. plays the clarinet. (Finishes, sighs) What’s the point of trying, no one hears! (confused) How I live! My Snow Majesty doesn’t even have anyone to talk to! It's been a long time since I went out into the world! It’s time to visit these little people, maybe we can have some fun!” (He puts on a white fur coat, takes the car keys, the sound of the alarm is heard, he drives away)

Scene 2

The house is all decorated for the New Year.

Gerda plays the New Year's melody Jingle bells on the piano.

Kai is sitting at the computer, playing enthusiastically. When Gerda finishes playing, Kai stands up and squirms contemptuously, “Do you live in the 17th century? Well, who plays like that?! Listen to how it should sound!”

(With an electric guitar minus, he performs the same song in English in hardrock style and plays on a drum kit.)

Gerda shakes her head with displeasure, listening to Kai, leafing through the book. Kai finishes singing

Kai. I saw how it should be done!

Gerda (sighing) Kai, you know, I read the book “The Snow Queen”. It talks about a boy who was bewitched by the Snow Queen. She wanted to turn his heart into ice, but the girl saved him.

Kai contemptuously: “Stupid! Do you believe in these fairy tales?! There is no Snow Queen. And this boy also made a mistake. If I were him, I would heat this snowman in the microwave, turn it on for quick defrosting and... pshsh. let's see how it melts

Snow Majesty!

(The children do not notice that the Snow Queen is standing in the room and listening to them)

She is indignant: “Wrong boy! How dare he! No one has ever insulted me like that before! Well, I'll show you the snow woman!" (In anger, he hits the floor with his ice staff)

Kai clutching his chest: “Oh! Something pricked my heart!”

Gerda: What's wrong with you, Kai? How can I help you? I'll call the doctor!

Kai roughly imitates: What’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with you. Get out of here, there's a sister of mercy! I don't need your help!

Gerda: (Almost crying) Kai, what are you saying?

Kai: (angrily) And I don't need you. You're boring and old-fashioned!

(Gerda leaves crying.)

Kai looks out the window: The crybaby has finally left... Wow! Whose cool car is this parked? No convertible!

S.K. appears (jingling the keys) Would you like to go for a ride? This can be arranged.

Kai incredulously: Who are you?

Snow Queen: I am the one you called Snow Woman.

(Parodies). Pre-holiday discounts, buy two fur coats for the price of one, I know, I know. I don’t need a fur coat, I’m not a girl, but I won’t refuse to go for a ride, it’s a shame none of my friends are in the yard. If only they would burst with envy!

The Snow Queen. Well, let's go.

Scene 3 (on the street)

Kai and the Snow Queen leave. Gerda runs out.

Gerda shouts after him: Kai! Kai! Stop!

What to do? Where did he go? But he himself drove me away. I shouldn't worry about him...But I do. He's my friend. Something just happened to him.

She does not notice that a street musician is passing nearby, quietly playing his sad melody.

(starts playing a melody, stops)

He involuntarily heard her: “And that’s right, you shouldn’t be indifferent. Something happened to your friend, you must help him."

Gerda. Why do you say it?

Street musician. Once upon a time I had a friend. Everything happens between people and quarrels, unfortunately, also happen. The resentment took us to different ends of the world. But time passed, and I realized how dear she was to me, but no matter how much I wandered around the world, my attempts to find her were unsuccessful.

Gerda. I'm so sorry!

(Plays the oboe again from the beginning to the end)

Street musician. Don't repeat my mistake! Go find your friend! He needs you!

Gerda. But how? I don't know where he went!

Scene 4. (At the Fortune Teller)

Gerda (hurriedly with excitement) Hello, can you help me?

Fortune teller. Of course, a lapel, a love spell, a high-quality potion, fortune telling with tarot cards. Perhaps I know how to help you. We need to put a spell on him.

Gerda. No! No need to spoil it!

Fortune teller. Why not?! Baby, I know life. If a girl is alone on the street at night, and also upset, then look for a scoundrel. Perhaps I’ll turn him (thinks) into... a toad (depicts a toad)

Gerda. No! Not to the toad!

Fortune teller. Not a toad (surprised)? Well, I can kill you then, but you know, it’s not very easy, you’ll have to use an ancient spell, you’ll have to pay double for my services.

Gerda. No! There is no need to turn into anyone! Kai is not a scoundrel! He's just confused!

Fortune teller. Ah... Everything is clear! Men are masters at fooling young ladies! Yes, I remember (dreamingly), I knew one artist. So prominent, with a mustache...

Gerda (interrupts) Please help me find my friend Kai! I feel like he's in trouble, I have to help him! But I don't know where he is! Help me find him!

Fortune teller. Should it help? Why did he give in to you? Or maybe he's rich? Does he have a villa in the Bahamas? Is he the heir to an aging billionaire?

Gerda. No!

Fortune teller. No? Well, maybe he's famous? (Gerda shakes her head negatively) Well, I don’t know, is he running for deputy?

Gerda. No! He's an ordinary boy, but he's my friend!

Fortune teller. (emotionally) How impractical you are...(calmer). Although...you reminded me of those distant years... (decisively) I will help you! I have a magic ball that can show where your Kai is now. But it only works when pure, unselfish hearts turn to it.

(Takes out a ball, turns it on, looks) Well, what do you see?

Gerda. Yes I see! Oh no! He's in the Snow Queen's palace!

Fortune teller. Then you need to hurry up! Where did you run off to in one dress? She was going to save! 911! Yes, you yourself need to be saved! Here, put on my fur coat. It will be useful to you wherever you go.

Gerda. Thank you! (Leaves)

Fortune teller. Almost like me... In my youth... (song reworked to the tune of Tortilla the Turtle's aria)

Covered with snow

Those distant years

That I was once young

So carefree, young.

Where is the ardor of that girl,

Where is her desperate spirit?

I used to run the same way

Save the prince from the north.

I became more experienced and older,

careful and wise

Only externally has changed.

I also believe in miracles.

Scene 5. (At the Flower Girl)

Gerda walks through the snow, a blizzard (the sound of a blizzard), and, chilled, approaches the Flower Girl’s house.

Gerda. (Knocks on the gate) Now I’ll warm up and move on.

Flower girl. My God, you are completely frozen, alone at night in such cold weather. Come on in, come on in. It's always warm in my flower greenhouse.

Gerda. It's really warm. How many flowers do you have: roses, chrysanthemums, and violets (the flowers nod their heads, greeting Gerda) Do you live all alone, in this wilderness?

Flower girl: (a little offended) Not alone, but with flowers. Flowers, unlike people, never betray. They are always there, never argue or quarrel. They know how to listen. I play my music or sing to them, and they listen to me.

Gerda. No matter how beautiful flowers are, they cannot ride a sled, make snowmen, joke, laugh,...Ah, Kai! Have you never had friends?

Flower girl. Was once. He played me beautiful music on his magic oboe. But he offended me and I don’t want to talk about him.

Gerda. Even between friends there are sometimes quarrels. But true friends must be able to forgive.

Flower girl. But he doesn't try to find me, and I don't know where he is.

Gerda. He has been looking for you for a long time! He wanders all over the world, looking for you, and now lives in my city. He is very sad because he cannot tell you what is in his heart.

Flower Girl: You have no idea, girl, how much these words mean to me.

You gave me hope. I want to thank you. Take this magical forget-me-not. Her delicate aroma helps free the heart and memory from the chilling shackles of indifference.

Gerda. Thank you!

(Aria of Gerda and Kai)

I'm looking for you, my friend,

In the darkness of the night.

Frost and darkness all around -

The world is icy.

I hasten to warm you up,

Warm with your warmth.

I want to give warmth to my soul,

In the darkness of the night,

In his frozen soul

I don't recognize.

Frost and ice have bound my soul,

frost and ice.

Scene 6 (At the robbers')

(The robbers are sitting by the fire, bawling the romance “The Night is Bright”) in unison.

Gerda (sees the fire and runs towards it) Hello, good people!

Ataman. Kind ones?! (Laughs, realizes that he’s not scary, laughs artificially Ha-ha-ha! (shoots in the air and makes a scary face!

Gerda: Oh! (covers ears) Who are you?

Robber We are romantics! (solemnly) from the high road!

Gerda. What are you doing? (looks around)

Robber With us important mission!

Robber We save people!

Gerda (joyfully) Then you are the ones I need!

Ataman. Of course we are needed! One fur coat is worth it!

Gerda. Let's go quickly! You can't hesitate for a minute!

Ataman. Don't be in such a hurry, baby. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

Gerda. But you are rescuers!

Ataman. Yes, rescuers. We save people from excessive burdensome property, both pocket, movable and immovable property (while he is talking, he takes out some piece of paper and pokes the barrel of a pistol at it). License available. We work efficiently, you will thank us.

Gerda (only now realized where she was, crying). If you don't let me go now, I won't be able to save Kai!

Ataman. There is also Kai! We have a good catch today! Let's sit down by the fire and tell us where your Kai is. He's definitely an important bird to follow him to the ends of the earth in such cold weather.

Robber (dreamy) He has an account in Swiss bank! He has a yacht and a golf club!

Gerda. He's been bewitched by the Snow Queen, and if I don't get there in time,

his heart will freeze forever (cries)

Ataman. Wait, don’t get excited, I don’t like these sentiments. The main thing is that his accounts are not frozen, and he can live with a frozen heart and a cool head. And I’ll tell you, it’s easier without this ardor. Your head doesn’t hurt, your heart doesn’t ache, you don’t have any worries or disappointments. But he will always be well-fed, shod, dressed in fashion...from Versace.

Gerda. You do not understand! This is not the life Kai and I dreamed of! Let our heads hurt and let our hearts ache, but we will dream and hope, believe in magic and good fairy tales...

Ataman (interrupts) You don’t understand! Maybe I also dreamed and hoped. Famous person wanted to become. Give me my instrument!

Robbers (handing over the cello) Yes, it’s bad, our chieftain was completely emotional. It looks like we will be left without profit.

(Ataman performs a cello solo. The robbers are moved.)

Gerda. I know you are kind people. Cruel circumstances pushed you onto the path of robbery and robbery! I believe that you can achieve noble goals!

Ataman. And who is this Kai that he is so lucky to have a friend?! Go, girl, save your friend.

Robber Take our reindeer. A blizzard awaits you ahead, and he knows all the roads here.

Gerda. Thank you, dear robbers!

Robbers. We are no longer robbers! Always wanted to be traveling musicians!

(they leave, hugging each other to the music of the Bremen Town Musicians.)

(Gerda rides off on a reindeer).

Scene 7 (In the Snow Queen's palace).

Kai is alone in the throne room. Performs a remake song based on a song from the film “17 Moments of Spring.”

(S.K. comes in with the snowmen, throws the car keys on the table, sits down.)

I ask, at least for a little while,

My pain, leave me

Emptiness in the icy heart

My chest feels tight.

The soul hurts and groans

In the frosty shackles of darkness.

Somewhere far away, somewhere far away

There is someone close and dear there.

Right by the window in a small garden

The rosebuds bloomed.

Somewhere far away in my memory

Now it's warm as before,

Even though the memory is hidden

Such big snows.

I want to remember you.

Revive my heart, warm it.

Melt the ice of my soul

And bring back the thrill of life in your heart,

Awaken from the darkness of the frost.

The Snow Queen. See, you are making progress. Neither “please” nor “be kind” to you.

Kai: What will you do to me?

Snow Queen: I'll freeze (claps her hands, calling the servants)

Snowman What do you want, Your Ice Majesty? Dumplings “Siberian”, frozen. Fresh frozen fish. Just ice cream. Frozen crispy crab sticks! Beverages. Would it be cooler, your Snow Majesty?

The Snow Queen. What else is this?

Snowman This is liquid nitrogen, your Northern Excellency!

The Snow Queen. Bring a royal with ice, and a glass for the young man fish oil.

Snowman Your Majesty!

The Snow Queen. I changed my mind, take everything away! My Soul sings, I thirst for music! Maestro, Kai, please your queen! Delight my royal ears with the chime of ice crystal!

(Kai obediently gets up, goes to the harpsichord, performs a solo)

(The Snow Queen claps in a mannered manner)

The Snow Queen. Divine! Chilling! I decided! (hits with staff) I solemnly declare, you are honored to be the Ice King!

Snowman Turn on the Northern Lights!

(Garlands are lit on stage, Kai and the Snow Queen walk decorously)

The snowman is such a lovely frostbitten couple. I have not seen a more chilling sight for a long time!

The Snow Queen. Congratulations, soon your heart will turn into a perfect ice crystal and no worries will bother you anymore!

(The Queen takes the crown and raises Kai above his head)

Snow Queen With the power given to me by the polar night, I declare you...

(Gerda appears)

Gerda. No, stop! Kai, Kai, dear Kai! Finally I found you!

The Snow Queen. Stupid girl, are you thinking of defeating the Snow Queen?

Gerda. (Ignoring the Snow Queen, Gerda hands Kai a magical Flower).

Snow Queen: What's wrong with me? Warmth and pounding in the chest (The sound of breaking glass is heard)

Kai: (The spell disappears) Gerda, where are we? What's happened?

Gerda: I made it!

Kai: What did you have time for?

Gerda: I managed to say that, despite all your tricks, you are very dear to me!

Kai: Now I understand what is most important. Kindness can melt even the heart of the Snow Queen!

Snow Queen True friendship works wonders!

All the artists gather on stage and perform the New Year's melody as an ensemble: Kai (drum set), Gerda (piano), Ataman (cello), Fortune Teller (triangle), Flower Girl (piano), Street musician (oboe), Snowman (maracas), Robber (maracas) ), Snow Queen (clarinet)

Final song “New Year's snowflakes”

A gnome pours snowballs out of a bag for spectators

New Year's fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
(in a new way.)
The Snow Queen – Daria Molotkova
Kai – Musaev Imam
Gerda – Smirnov Ivan
Little Robber – Bardin Sergey
Policeman Svistunov – Lebedev Kirill
Action 1.
Ved. In the distant past, there lived a troll, as angry and despising as the devil himself. And then one day he was in a particularly good mood: he made a mirror in which everything good and beautiful was diminished to the utmost, everything worthless and ugly, on the contrary, caught the eye and seemed even worse. The most beautiful landscapes looked like boiled spinach in it, and the best of people looked like freaks or seemed to be standing upside down and without bellies, so the troll could not help but laugh, rejoicing at his invention.
And so the troll’s disciples rejoiced and ran with this mirror all over the world, but one day... they wanted to get to heaven and laugh at the angels and the Creator himself.
They flew higher and higher, and suddenly the mirror became so distorted that it was torn out of their hands, flew to the ground and shattered into millions of small pieces, and if such a piece fell into a person’s eyes, he saw everything in the worst form. And the troll was even more happy about this.
But one day this happened...
IN big city There lived two children who were not even relatives, but considered themselves brother and sister. They always played together, they even shared toys. They almost never quarreled or swore:
(Kai and Gerda play computer games on the computer).
K.: Oh, look where it flew...
G.: What are you smearing? Go left...
K.: Go there yourself, I’ll get through here...
G.: What a fool. If you don't know how, don't try it.
K.: You yourself are a fool. Even though I’m small, I can play better than you.
G.: Who is better? You? You don't even know how to use a mouse!
K.: You can’t do it yourself! In...look. Listen, who appeared in the corner? This didn't happen before. I remember exactly.
G: It looks like some woman in a white dress. They say that there is a Snow Queen who steals people.
K.: Just let him appear here. I'll put it on the stove and it will melt.
Music is playing. The Snow Queen appears, dances, bewitches, throws fragments at the children and takes Kai away, and puts Gerda to sleep.
Action 2.
Gerda wakes up, but Kaya is not nearby...
G: What's wrong with me? Where is Kai? And who is this? The Snow Queen? She was the one who took my Kai! I'm going to look for him! I hope that they will help me along the way.
Ved. Gerda was very upset, but she was a brave girl, so she went in search of her friend.
She had to walk for a long time, but she was tired and decided to go into the first hut that was on the way.
G.: Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to me!
Strange, there is no one, only a laptop on the table. Maybe the Guide will tell me something! ...It gives! And who are you?
GOGL-BOOM: I'm Goggle-boom. What do you want to know? Personally, I know everything. I can answer any question, whatever you want, I can show and tell.
G.: I want to know where my brother, Kai, went? The Snow Queen took him away in an unknown direction, and I don’t know the way.
GOGL-BOOM: How cunning, so I laid out everything to you at once. You see that the house is dirty, there are no tenants, everything is dusty. First, put things in order, and then we’ll talk.
G.: Yes, it’s fast! Just don’t deceive me, I need to save my brother.
Ved.: And Gerda began to tidy up the hut: she swept, washed the floors, and wiped away all the dust, and removed the cobwebs.
GOGL-BOOM: Well done! Here is a smart, sensible, working woman. Or maybe you will stay with me forever? We will live together. No? Well then, in that box near the tree there is a key to the Boomer, it contains a navigator, it will show you the way. Just hold on to the steering wheel tightly, the car is a beast. But remember, there is one thing important condition: You must find your brother before December 31, 2012, 24 hours. Otherwise... you understand...
Ved.: Gerda took the keys, found the “Boomer” and drove off... She drove and drove... It takes a long time for a fairy tale to tell itself, but it doesn’t take long for things to get done - she came across a Policeman in the forest. Where he came from, only God knows.
P.: So, senior lieutenant Svistunov! Your documents, citizen! And, besides, you are also very young, and apparently you have no rights. Yes? And where are we in such a hurry? Where are we headed? After all, New Year is coming soon. I should stay at home.
G.: Excuse me, please... Ved.: And Gerda told the senior lieutenant about her trouble from beginning to end. Our Policeman took pity on the poor girl.
P.: Okay, move to the passenger seat, I myself will lead your horse.
Action 3.
Ved.: And they drove on. Whether long or short, the road led to the Little Robber, who was hunting hares at that time.
G.: Dear Robber, help my grief, tell me how we can find the Snow Queen’s castle?
R.: Yes, no matter how it is! Before you get to her, you must solve many riddles.
(Riddles on animal tracks are scattered everywhere)
Ved.: If the heroes of our fairy tale cannot guess, then the guests of the holiday will guess them.
Well, Gerda reached her brother, whom the Snow Queen had already managed to put to sleep, covering her with her magic blanket.
Gerda came up, tore off the blanket, Kai woke up, and the Snow Queen lost her charms. Kai recognized his Gerda and they all returned home together, having danced near the Christmas tree, because Gerda managed to find Kai before the New Year, and the Snow Queen became kind and now helps in organizing holidays for children.
Municipal educational institution Shishkovo-Dubrovskaya secondary school
Smirnova M.Yu.

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