Home Prosthetics and implantation Cool events. Methodological development (grade 10) on the topic: Extra-curricular educational event for high school students “And again about love”

Cool events. Methodological development (grade 10) on the topic: Extra-curricular educational event for high school students “And again about love”

February 23. The intellectual game “Smart Guys and Clever Girls” is intended for children in grades 1-4 and can be used in classroom hours, extracurricular activities dedicated to February 23. The presentation consists of 23 tasks by February 23 and will “revive” any event and add interest to the topic. Objectives: To form in children the image of a defender of their state. Instill love for the Fatherland and native land. To foster feelings of pride in the history of the country’s formation and the need to defend the Motherland.

Subject: Metasubject

Interactive game"All About Dogs" was created for students in grades 1-11.

The game can be played by two or more students or teams. Players take turns answering questions. You can test yourself by clicking on the question card. If the answer is incorrect, then the card will say “Move Turn” and the next question will answer that question. If the answer is correct, then the card will say “True + 1.” Whoever scores the most points will be the winner.

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for 4th grade

This presentation is addressed to GPD teachers. Teachers can also use it primary classes, biology teachers. The purpose of this presentation is environmental education, formation moral attitude To environment. The event also generates interest in cognitive activity students, develops children's visual memory using examples of studying the living world of cats. This presentation expands knowledge about cats and instills in children a humane attitude towards the one we have tamed.

Item: The world around us

Quiz on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault for primary school. Accompanied by a multimedia presentation. The quiz uses a variety of tasks: find out a fairy tale from an illustration, a crossword puzzle, riddles, musical questions, characters in sculpture. The work has been added to the competition " Multimedia games, competitions, quizzes, simulators for lessons and extracurricular activities.”

Item: Literary reading

Target audience: for 4th grade

ESM-interactive didactic material A two-year subscription to the First-Class Newspaper of the Youth Development Center (YDC) in Yekaterinburg was used to create an entertaining quiz. The questions are organized by newspaper topic and level of difficulty. Each newspaper question is asked by your favorite characters: the Cockatoo parrot, the reporter Kiwi, the builder Kalashnik, the black Wallaby, Professor Cassowary and the Alexandrina parrot.

Subject: Environment

Target audience: for 3rd grade

The resource is interactive presentation, created for an extra-curricular event in an elementary school dedicated to the Year of Ecology. The event involves introducing children to the seven most remarkable specially protected areas of the country, which were named by the World Wide Fund wildlife Russia. The presentation contains animation, hyperlinks, triggers, and the technological technique “pop-up windows” is used.

Subject: Environment

Target audience: for class teacher

This development will make it possible to organize an interesting and productive lesson for the “Clever Men and Women” club of a general intellectual direction extracurricular activities. Children will have the opportunity to train their memory, develop intellectual abilities, and work on enrichment vocabulary. In addition, the development includes one of the tasks offered to children to choose from, which will help the teacher organize speech therapy work in class. In the appendix to the lesson notes are all necessary materials to conduct the lesson. And the presentation will allow you to conduct the lesson clearly and interestingly.

School is a second home... How often do we repeat these words, which have long become familiar to our ears. Really, educational institution, where a child comes from his home, becomes a continuation of life in its entirety. For some, this period lasts exactly eleven years, for others, the school remains their home throughout their lives. If a school manages to occupy such an important place in the fate of its student, it means that the teachers managed to create an atmosphere of kindness, warmth, and comfort for the student, which means that everyone felt good and comfortable within the walls of the temple of science.

How to achieve this? No one can give you a recipe that guarantees success one hundred percent. But among the recommendations and advice, teachers will probably hear the word “holiday”.

It is believed that a child with early age immersed in an atmosphere of joy, he grows up to be more resistant to many unexpected situations, he is less susceptible to stress and disappointment. The importance of positive emotions for a person is great. Doctors and teachers have long equated fun, a happy smile and physical health person. This is why holidays and entertainment are so important for children. That is why adults, preparing for each school event, think about how to skillfully, thoughtfully and carefully organize it, how to fill it with the content necessary for the child’s development.

This manual contains scenarios for various festive events for students junior classes, school-wide celebrations for primary school. Gaming and competitive programs, theatrical performances, literary and musical compositions, scripts for performances by propaganda teams and KVN teams, holidays of health and science - this is the range of ideas and proposals brought to the attention of the teacher-organizer and class teacher of the marathon.

A good, smart holiday is an event in a child’s life that should be remembered for its surprise, unusualness, give joy, evoke bright emotional experiences. Among the plain of school everyday life, holidays should become shining peaks, alluring and at the same time requiring certain efforts to climb them. The scenarios proposed in the manual assume the joint participation of teachers and students in their implementation. This is very important point organization of leisure activities. By involving children in preparing the holiday, the teacher teaches them to take seriously the events of the collective life of the class and school. The participation of teachers in joint work with students allows the adult to be closer to the interests, preferences and desires of the child, and to take them into account when preparing and conducting the school holiday program.

Scenarios for these events have been tested in practice. However, each educational institution is unique, because it has special traditions, its own rules, and there is a unique spirit that is unique to this school, gymnasium, or lyceum. That is why it is unlikely that a holiday scenario can be created that, without amendments, will enter the life of a specific group of students and teachers. Creative teachers Those involved in organizing children's leisure know how great the role of one single idea or find is sometimes. I would like to believe that this manual will give the teacher the opportunity to make such a discovery.

The presented scenarios will certainly help those who want to decorate the life of the school harbor with the bright colors of the festive marathon, who want to make every child and adult who has found shelter under the shadow of the school fraternity happy.

Good luck in realizing your creative ideas!

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Quiz "With love for nature", grades 4-5 Description: This material will be useful for students in grades 4-5. The quiz can be used in educational process, during class hours, in extracurricular activities. Goals: expanding children’s horizons, their knowledge about the world around them, promoting environmental culture, careful attitude To surrounding nature, the desire to take care of her. Fostering a sense of responsibility for one’s actions in relation to natural objects. Course of the lesson. Children are divided into...

Sea voyage. Scenario for 2nd grade. Scenario for an extracurricular event on February 23. Sea voyage. The event can be useful for primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, as well as parents when preparing for holidays and their child’s birthday. Goal: formation of a class team through various forms of activity. Objectives: creating conditions for disclosure creative potential; stimulating students' creative activity and self-realization in various...

A poem about winter fun for younger schoolchildren Authors: Svetlana Bozhenko, 12 years old, a student of the State Budgetary Educational Institution NSO SRCN in Tatarsk and Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Mamaeva, social teacher, State budgetary institution“Social rehabilitation center for minors”, Tatarsk Abstract: This type The work will be useful for teachers and children. When writing a poem, the child plunges into the creative process, learns to express his thoughts accurately and competently, feelings and emotions. Writing poetry means...

Presentation "In the world of fish. Aquarium and its inhabitants" Author: Malkova Anastasia Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education, methodologist of the Autonomous Educational Institution of the Republic of Armenia "Republican Center for Additional Education" Purpose: to tell students using illustrative examples about the diversity of fish, the rules of refueling and care. Progress of the lesson Hello guys! Today we will talk about the variety of fish. After all, alone modern species There are about 20 thousand fish. Modern fish combined into two groups: cartilaginous and bone...

Author: Sokolovskaya Inna Vladislavovna - teacher - librarian, teacher of the defense industry MBOU Tatsinskaya secondary school No. 3. Rostov region Description of the material: There are no more amazing creatures of our nature than birds. They are able to travel vast distances without food, sometimes even without the opportunity to shelter from bad weather. Each person can remember their own story related to birds. This could be the hooting of an owl, in the forest near a fire, or the cuckooing of a cuckoo in the summer at grandma's in the village. We are so used to birds that...

A lesson in courage in the GPA for younger schoolchildren “And death was defeated by life...” Author: Anna Vladimirovna Sergeeva, GPA teacher, MBOU Sukromlensk Secondary School named after M.N. Vinogradova Torzhok district, Tver region. The event is intended for students in grades 2-4 and will be useful for primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, and librarians. Goal: Introducing the younger generation to spiritual, historical and patriotic values. Objectives: To introduce the concept of blockade. Clarification of concepts: bomb...

When the holidays begin, it doesn’t matter whether it’s winter or summer, schoolchildren have a lot of free time, most of which they spend in front of the computer and TV. And it may not be so easy to tear your child away from the screen and monitor. What activities can be offered to schoolchildren to keep them interested, instead of electronic entertainment? There are quite a lot of them.

What will interest a younger student?

Among the cultural and entertainment events during the holidays, many can be organized by yourself, adding a little imagination.

A trip to the city zoo is an interesting event for younger schoolchildren, especially if the zoo hosts various holidays or celebrates animal birthdays. You can give a treat to the next birthday person every time as a gift.

Gather bored kids and play the most popular games from the childhood of parents and grandmothers: rubber band, bouncer, elephant, chains, edible-inedible and others.

To keep the kids from getting bored, parents can arrange the following activities during the holidays. You can invite your child’s friends to visit, together with their parents. Then you can arrange a family football match, as well as a darts battle or sack jumping.

A child’s participation in any group and playing with peers will help develop communication skills, find common interests, and find best friends.

And if teachers come to an agreement with the management of various enterprises and take children there, the children will be very happy about this. Such events could be trips to a confectionery factory, ice cream production, a Christmas tree decorations factory, a bakery and many others. Children will see with their own eyes how a freshly baked bun is born, the flow of caramel or chocolate mass, and how deftly the machines and professionals operate in such factories. And glassblowers, together with artists, will amaze children with their skill and creativity, making Christmas tree decorations.

The camp is a godsend for busy parents

A child can be sent to a camp where he definitely won’t be bored among his peers, and parents won’t have to worry about his leisure time. Often in the summer there are daytime school camps. Carefully thought out cultural and entertainment events, trips, thematic scenarios for the personal and creative development of each child, active and mind games- all this will help you spend your time both usefully and fun.

In addition to school ones, there are now a lot of other thematic camps, from sports to language ones. In them, children not only relax in comfortable conditions, strengthen physically, but also study foreign languages, learn to be successful and sociable, learn a lot of new and interesting things. Entire event scenarios for schoolchildren are being developed of different ages. Many guys remain friends after the camp, communicate with each other and strive to return to their favorite places next summer.

Week of master classes

Among school events, spending such a week or even one day will be very interesting. The idea of ​​the event is that during this week or several days some lessons at school will be taught famous people, masters of their craft, bright professionals. You can invite me to a physical education lesson famous athlete or a trainer, a real guide will give a history lesson, a real practicing physicist will tell about physical phenomena, and a chemist will show the most interesting experiments.

The pastry chef will teach the girls how to decorate cakes, and an experienced carpenter will give the boys a master class on creating miracles from wood. You can invite employees from the most interesting professions. Such lessons will be remembered by everyone without exception, and perhaps will influence the choice of a future profession.

Letter to the Future

Great idea for graduating class. High school students should compose a creative letter with predictions and wishes for the future, which they then leave at school or seal and hide until a certain date 5-10-20 years later. The letter is created in the form of a collage, newspaper, and decorated with photographs and drawings. The main thing is to capture on it the entire composition of the class with its characteristics, wishes and dreams. It is interesting to read such a letter at an anniversary meeting and compare real successes with planned ones. This will be a great motivation for each participant.

Alley of Fading Childhood

The most useful and noble of activities for schoolchildren. One spring day, high school students, together with the forestry department, plant the alley of their passing childhood and give it a name that reflects the character of the class. In the future, you can bring your children and even grandchildren to such an alley.

School years are a wonderful time between kindergarten and student years. Schoolchildren can no longer be amazed and amused like naive children; they can only be slightly pranked. And since they are cheerful people and are not averse to playing pranks on friends and teachers, you can more often organize such entertaining school events as KVN, fun festivals, all kinds of competitions and quizzes. For example, April Fool's Day on April 1 can be held according to a certain scenario.

Script for April Fool's Day

The whole school is preparing in advance for the event, so that on April 1 it will be possible to determine the winners in the competition for the funniest collage, decorate the corridors with funny posters, comic arrows and cartoons, and give funny names to all school classes and rooms.

On front door schools, you can stick a notice “Do not enter without a smile”, call the dressing room “ The Lost World”, the director’s office is the “Panic Room”, and the head teacher’s office is the “Debriefing Room”. The teacher's room should be renamed "Terrarium of Like-Minded People", the chemistry room - "Drug Laboratory", the geography room - "Travel Agency", and at the first aid station write - "Whoever did not escape, we will cure him." The gym can be renamed "Eatery". At the entrance to the dining room write “Refueling Hall”.

The school assembly should also be special on this day. Each class will be tasked with lining up on a line according to special rules:

  • build by weight;
  • middle classes line up according to hair length;
  • senior classes - in alphabetical order;
  • graduates to build on the results of exams;
  • teachers line up according to height.

The team that completes this task faster will receive a reward.

You can come up with a lot of pranks, competitions, humor, and quizzes on April Fool's Day. At the end of the festival, the winning class is awarded the Young Comedian Challenge Cup, and the best participants are awarded tickets to a comedy film or comedy show. One condition - jokes should not be offensive, cheerful and funny.

A film about your class

Surely each of your classmates still has videos or photos of interesting events from school life, and for their graduation you can make a film about the whole class and about each one individually. From collected material You can edit a video about everyone growing up and growing up. This requires time and a creative, collaborative approach; the film can be voiced and told about each of your classmates. The work is not easy, but the result will exceed all expectations and will be of interest to everyone - teachers, parents, and, of course, the mature students themselves.

Let's go camping

When the dusty city causes irritation, and the soul yearns for unknown paths, high school students get ready to go hiking. These are unforgettable events for schoolchildren and not only. Whether it’s a 10-day route through the endless Carpathians or a weekend run through a nearby forest, a hike always leaves the best memories in your memory if you prepare for it properly. Merging with nature, learning about the world, broadening one’s horizons, developing endurance, mutual assistance, independence - the advantages of tourism can hardly be overestimated. Often teachers themselves organize school events that children simply adore. When going on a hike with classmates or friends, you should consider the main factors in preparing for an encounter with nature:

  • You will need shoes and clothing suitable for hiking.
  • You should stock up on any mosquito and tick repellent.

When going on a hike, you should not forget about a first aid kit with the most necessary medications, such as iodine and brilliant green, ammonia, potassium permanganate, rubber tourniquet, sterile bandages and cotton wool, antipyretic, validol, nitroglycerin, painkillers, medications for upset stomach and cramps.

Variety of events

Getting ready for school events, it should be remembered that for any of them a interesting scenario. Nowadays, school parties have become very popular, the scenarios of which are based on interesting stories from favorite TV shows, films and cartoons, where well-known characters are involved. You need to organize fun events, come up with holidays that are not on the calendar, organize flash mobs and many other dance competitions with different styles dance.

KVN is a fun, exciting game that is quite suitable for schoolchildren. Who else but schoolchildren notices all the interesting events of school life? Only they, with their irrepressible imagination, will notice the funniest facts happening around them. KVN is more of a way of life, and if schoolchildren start playing it, they should feel like the most fun and resourceful.

Quest is one of the interesting activities during the holidays, it is team game, in which the guys are the main characters of an exciting plot and they have to get out of a confined space, solving puzzles, showing attentiveness and ingenuity.

There are a lot of events for schoolchildren, it’s impossible to list them all, the main condition is that the children should be interested, because each of them is an individual, albeit a growing one. Mobile, active or desktop intellectual - all these entertainments will not only brighten up your leisure time and keep you from getting bored, but will also help you acquire new skills that will be useful in adult life. The main thing is not to let your mind and body get lazy and continue to improve in the future, after leaving school.

Looking for ideas for a social event, family night out, or group date? The new site takes care of this.

You're in a presidency meeting with two items left on the agenda: (1) ideas for several future collaborations and (2) ways to connect with Taylor, who has been away from the Church for months. Now look at these two points again. Perhaps the solution to one question is related to the second: joint events may be just what you need to help Taylor and others feel welcome.

Now you just need ideas for an event that will interest Taylor. And perhaps the ideal option is waiting for you at. With over 165 event ideas (and new ones added regularly), this site can help you find something to suit every taste. Just look at these amazing features!

Huge selection of ideas

Quickly browse events in the following main categories to find one that suits your needs:

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Having such wide range events, you can find something that suits many situations:

  • Joint event
  • Family Home Evening
  • Trying to get someone back into activity
  • Assistance in Personal Development, Duty to God and Come, follow Me
  • Group Date Ideas

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Wondering what events you can organize using photography, a photo hunt or dramatic performance? Or perhaps you decide to do something related to mission preparation or a Personal Progress program. Simply use the Search function by entering keywords, which will help you find suitable events.

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If you are involved in an interesting event that is not featured on this site, submit your idea and it may be published! Simply click on "Submit an Idea" in the top right corner of this page.

Quickly add to calendars

Once you've planned an event, it's easy to let your congregation or young women/young men know about it by email or using the parish calendar function.

Find out good ideas on how to use your events more effectively with the step-by-step planning feature “Plan with Purpose.”

You are changing the world for the better

You may feel that fellowships and other youth activities are not really for you because you have learned a lot about the Church in seminary and through personal and family study. Have you ever thought that you can help those who need you? Youth activities are an excellent way to maintain friendships with less active and non-members. They can also help a person to stand strong against temptation when he sees examples and gains strength from being around others—including you—who live gospel standards.

You're in the driver's seat

Elder Stanley G. Ellis of the Seventy said: “One of the benefits of this site is that it puts young people in the driver's seat. Not only does it encourage quorum and class presidencies to take leadership in planning activities, but it also places the needs, interests, and abilities of youth at the center of that planning. Quorum and class presidencies are encouraged to learn about the youth they lead—What are their interests? What can they offer? How should they grow? – and use events as a way to bless their lives. This is true service."

High school is a time of growing up and defining yourself as an individual. At this age, children strive to leave the care of not only their parents, but also their teachers. However, their methods of self-expression and ostentatious growing up do not always lead to positive results. are designed to direct the energy of schoolchildren in the right direction, to help determine their desires and capabilities.

Classroom topics for high school students

Often, senior students claim that homework as a form of extracurricular educational work they no longer need it. In most cases, this happens because the event is poorly prepared or is conducted in the form of a lecture, which does not add to the fun of it.

To prepare class hour you should be creative and use extraordinary solutions... First of all, you need to decide on a topic. What would be interesting for older children to talk about and think about?

The first thing that comes to mind is . In order not to miss the mark, you can conduct a simple survey and find out what profession students are thinking about. This is where the themes come from:

  • Dentist (lawyer, military man, designer, accountant) is mine future profession!
  • Journey to the land of professions.
  • The road to tomorrow.

In order not to be unfounded, you can go on an excursion to some enterprise or arrange it right in the school office. Use appropriate costumes and surroundings so that schoolchildren are completely immersed in the working atmosphere.

Class hours timed to coincide with some event or holiday will help develop your horizons and diversify your interests. There, schoolchildren will be able to show themselves and their talents in various fields. The main thing is to be smart and involve as many students as possible in the preparation.

  • World of Museums (timed to coincide with the 120th anniversary of the opening of the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg).
  • (2015 has been declared the year of literature in Russia).
  • International Day of Peace (Celebrated on September 21, since 2002. Can be dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II).

Don't forget about the interests of high school students. In order for the class hour to pass harmoniously and be to the liking of the children, a lot of preparation is needed. The choice of topics can be huge; it is necessary to proceed from the interests and hobbies of the students.

At such thematic class hours, students themselves can become guides and talk about what their hobbies are, and conduct master classes.

Social aspects are the most important link in the development of personality. Therefore, emphasis on this side of life is also necessary in extracurricular activities.

  • October 1 is International Day of Older Persons.

May come into effect here project activities schoolchildren. They can present their research papers or presentations.

The main thing in a person’s life remains love. Singers have sung it since ancient times. So it’s not possible to avoid this topic. Class hours for high school students about love can take any form.

  • First love.
  • To everyone who is in love - Valentine's Day.
  • Love at first sight.
  • Day of love, family and fidelity.

At such extracurricular events, the topics of the value of this eternal feeling, the importance and preciousness of family should be raised. Cool hour about love can take place in the form of a humorous game, known in the 90s, when a pair of “lovers” was chosen based on their interests. Or it can become a real poetic evening, where poems and songs about love will be heard. In addition, students will be able to act as creators and write a letter to their first or unfulfilled love themselves.

Developing a classroom lesson is a labor-intensive process that requires a lot of knowledge and time. To make the task easier, look at the cool clock designs on our website.

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