Home Wisdom teeth Open lesson on water safety in winter article. Extracurricular activity for primary classes "water safety"

Open lesson on water safety in winter article. Extracurricular activity for primary classes "water safety"

Summary: Children's safety on the water. Rules of conduct and safety on the water. Safe behavior of children on the water. First aid for a drowning person. Child safety in summer.

The sun, air and water, when used correctly, are a source of hardening and strengthening human health. However, violations of the rules of conduct when near bodies of water entail severe consequences, including drowning. Every year 15-20 thousand people drown in Russia, of which about 30% are children. That is why every person must learn to swim in a timely manner, constantly observe water safety measures and be able to provide assistance to victims. It is especially dangerous for children to be near water without adult supervision. A child can simply trip and fall face first into the water, even in a shallow place.

Children's safety on the water. Water safety rules

To avoid trouble, children and adults must strictly follow a number of simple rules behavior on the water:

Most people drown not because they are poor swimmers, but because, having swum too far or getting scared, they panic and do not rely on themselves.

It is useful to master the technique of relaxation so that if you start to get nervous about something while swimming, you can simply relax and unwind.

And then, having come to your senses, swim to the shore. In the absence of waves, it is best to rest in a supine position. To provide horizontal position

You can swim no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating.

It is not recommended to engage in swimming in open waters, at water temperatures below +15 °C, as it is possible sudden loss consciousness and death from cold shock. The development of shock is often facilitated by overheating the body before swimming and unexpectedly rapid immersion in cold water.

You should not dive in unfamiliar places - there may be submerged logs, stones, or snags at the bottom.

Do not jump into the water from boats, boats, piers and other structures not adapted for these purposes.

It is advisable to choose specially designated places for swimming.

Do not swim far from the shore, beyond the buoys marking the boundaries of the safe zone.

Do not swim close to vessels (motor, sail), boats, barges.

As they approach, the water level in the reservoir rises significantly, and when they pass, it drops sharply and washes away everything that is on the shore. There have been cases when people floating nearby were pulled under the bottom of a ship or barge.

Avoid swimming in wetlands or where there is algae or mud.

If circumstances are such that you find yourself in a thicket of algae, maintain presence of mind. Algae can be easily dealt with, but you just need to resist the idea that the plants will drown you.

Swimming through algae thickets requires frequent stops, as it is necessary to free yourself from plant stems. Hand strokes are performed at the very surface of the water. You should not enter the water after overheating in the sun or after your body has become very cold until “goose bumps” form..

You cannot quickly dive or jump into the water after sunbathing, running, playing without gradually adapting to cold water Under no circumstances should you swim on air mattresses, inner tubes, or inflatable toys -

improvised means

It may turn out to be faulty, torn, a person will suddenly find himself in the water, and this is very dangerous even for those who know how to swim well. In addition, even a weak wind can carry them far from the coast.

You should not swim in stormy weather or in areas with strong surf.

You should never push someone into water, especially unexpectedly, as this prank can cause fatal shock in people who are very sensitive to cold water.

You can’t be naughty in the water, dunk your friends headlong and trip them up.

If you swim up to a friend underwater and sharply pull his legs, and at that moment he just takes a breath, the friend will fall into the water and choke.

You can't raise false alarms.

You should not swim if you have a high or low temperature.

The consequences can be unpredictable. It is very dangerous to be in the water in this state. If you have a muscle cramp, lie on your back and swim to the shore, try to rub the cramped muscles, but it’s best to have a safety pin with you. Even one injection can save a life. Tired of swimming? - relax, don’t try to set a swimming record. Overexertion may cause convulsions. Muscle cramp - a swimmer's leg cramps. This happens not only in cold water. If this happens, immerse yourself in the water for a second with your head and, straightening your cramped leg, pull forcefully


foot on yourself. As a rule, the cramp subsides.

Do not swim in canals lined with concrete slabs or stones, as Over time, they become overgrown with moss and become slippery. It is difficult to get out of such a channel. Even a trained swimmer, swimming in the canal, puts his life in danger.

Keep recreational areas near the water clean, do not litter water bodies, and do not leave garbage on the shore and in the locker rooms.

What does a drowning person look like?

Ask any experienced rescuer: what does a truly drowning person look like? They will answer you that he does not wave his arms and does not shout: he simply does not have the strength for this. As much as possible, he actively tries to rise above the water to breathe in the life-giving air. He is silent, trying to get out. Other people can frolic nearby, completely oblivious to this silent comrade. Often people do not understand at all that a person is dying nearby.

If a person’s eyes are wide open, his head is half immersed in the water, he silently purposefully tries to move towards the shore, but he doesn’t succeed, he flounders like a drowning dog - don’t think twice! He needs help!

Help for a drowning person. First aid for a drowning person

If an accident happens and someone is drowning, do not panic, run along the shore to the place where you can swim closest to the drowning person.

At the same time, try to mark some landmark on the shore so that if the drowning person sinks to the bottom, you will know where to look for him, focusing on this mark.

Calm and encourage the swimmer and have him hold on to the lifeguard's shoulders. If he does not control his actions, then, swimming up to the drowning man, dive under him and, taking him from behind with one of the grabbing techniques (the classic one - by the hair), transport him to the shore. If a drowning person manages to grab your arm, neck or legs, dive immediately - the instinct of self-preservation will force the victim to let you go. If the drowning person is unconscious, transport him to the shore, holding him under the chin with your hand so that his face is constantly above the surface of the water.

If a person has already plunged into the water, do not give up trying to find him in the depths and then bring him back to life. This can be done if the drowned person was in the water for about 6 minutes.

If the victim is conscious, the pulse and breathing are satisfactory and there are no complaints of respiratory failure, then he should be laid on a hard, dry surface so that his head is low, undressed, rubbed with a dry towel, given a hot drink (tea, coffee or 1-2 tbsp. . spoons of vodka) and wrap in a warm blanket. If the victim is removed after some stay under water and is unconscious, in a state of suffocation (asphyxia) or so-called clinical death

Clinical (reversible) death is a state of the body in which breathing and cardiac activity stop, but the tissues still live and the exchange in them, although reduced, continues. During this period (5-7 minutes), you can bring the body back to life, restoring basic functions.

Without wasting time, before the doctor arrives, you should immediately begin providing first aid. Undress the victim, clear his mouth and nose of silt, sand, and vomit. It is also necessary to free his respiratory tract and stomach from water. To do this, bend the victim over your knee, placing him on his stomach with his head down. Then shake several times. You can take a child or teenager by the legs and jog them head down.

Artificial respiration

Before you start artificial respiration it is necessary to ensure passability respiratory tract, without this, using any method is pointless.

IN unconscious in a person, the muscles of the neck and head relax, which leads to retraction of the root of the tongue and epiglottis and, as a consequence, blockage of the airways.

The simplest and reliable way ensuring airway patency in an unconscious patient - tilting the head back. When you tilt your head back it extends lower jaw, the root of the tongue rises and the entrance to windpipe. You can use a roller 15-20 cm high, which is placed under the shoulders, but wasting precious minutes trying to find such a roller or making one out of something is unacceptable!

You can tilt your head back by placing one hand under the victim’s neck and the other on the forehead.

Artificial respiration technique using the “mouth to mouth” method:

1. Stand to the side of the victim.

2. Place one hand under the victim’s neck, with the thumb and forefinger of the other hand, pinch the nasal passages, and with the edge of the palm, resting on the forehead, throw back the head, while the mouth, as a rule, opens.

3. Take a deep breath, slightly hold the exhalation and, bending over the victim, press your lips tightly to the victim’s mouth, creating a kind of air-tight dome over his mouth, after which you need to quickly exhale.

Attention! Lack of tightness - common mistake during revival: air leakage through the nose or corners of the victim’s mouth negates all efforts! When performing artificial respiration, it is necessary to continuously monitor whether the rib cage victim during artificial respiration. The inhalation should last about one second.

4. After the end of the inhalation, the person providing assistance unbends, under no circumstances changing the position of the victim’s head, since otherwise his tongue will sink and there will be no full exhalation. The exhalation usually lasts about 2 seconds.

5. In the pause before the next inhalation, 4-6 massage movements are performed on the heart.

Repeat the entire cycle, performing 16-18 breaths per minute in combination with cardiac massage (70-72 massage movements per minute).

Heart massage

Since the 60s of the 20th century, in case of circulatory arrest, the method of indirect, or closed, heart massage has been widely used.

It is this method, due to its simplicity, accessibility and low morbidity, that has made it possible to successfully revive sudden death outside of medical institutions.

What is the mechanism of cardiac massage? As you know, the heart is located between two bone formations

: sternum and spine.

If a person in a state of clinical death is placed on his back on something hard (the floor, table, edge of the bed, etc.), and the lower third of the sternum is pressed with both hands with such force that the sternum bends 3-5 cm, the heart is compressed between the bone surfaces - artificial compression occurs, i.e. systole of the heart, during which blood is pushed out of its cavities into large arteries. As soon as you release your hands from your chest, due to its elasticity, the heart returns to its original volume, that is, diastole occurs, during which blood from the large veins flows into the cavity of the heart. Technique indirect massage


1. Place the patient on his back on a hard base (on the ground, on the floor, on the edge of the bed, etc.).

Attention! Carrying out a cardiac massage on a soft surface is not only ineffective, but also dangerous: you can rupture the liver!

2. Unfasten the waist belt (or part of the clothing that tightens the upper abdomen) to avoid injury to the liver during cardiac massage.

3. Stand to the left or right of the victim. 4. A very important moment of indirect cardiac massage is the correct placement of the hands of the person providing assistance. The palm of the hand is placed on the lower third of the sternum, and the second hand is placed on top of it. It is important that both arms are straightened elbow joints

5. The person providing assistance quickly leans forward and, using the weight of the body, makes a massage movement, pressing the sternum towards the spine by 3-5 cm. This is only possible with an average pressure force of about 50 kg, so cardiac massage should be carried out not only using force arms, but also body weight.

6. When the heart is compressed between the sternum and the spine, blood from its cavities is pushed into large arteries.

7. After pressing on the sternum, you need to quickly lower your hands. At this time, artificial compression of the heart (systole) is replaced by its relaxation (diastole).

8. The optimal rate of indirect cardiac massage for an adult is 70-72 movements per minute.

Carrying out indirect massage in children and adolescents is much easier, since their chest is more mobile and elastic. For children under 12 years of age, indirect cardiac massage is performed with one hand at a rate of 30-60 movements per minute. The sternum can be shifted by 1.5-2 cm.

You need to be especially careful when helping newborns and infants. To perform indirect cardiac massage in infants, the effort of two fingers of an adult is sufficient. The frequency of shocks should be more than 100-110 per minute.

Attention! When performing indirect cardiac massage, a complication is possible: a rib fracture, which is determined by a characteristic crunch during compression of the sternum. This complication should not serve as a reason to stop massage.

Reliable sign the effectiveness of cardiac massage - constriction of the pupils.

What do the signs of the effectiveness of the revitalization complex indicate? First of all, what has improved cerebral circulation. Under these conditions, revival can continue even for several hours until the victim begins to have an independent heartbeat.

If you started resuscitation in case of sudden cardiac arrest and your resuscitation techniques turned out to be complete (pupils narrowed, lips turned pink, pulse in large vessels is detected during cardiac massage) and the chest expands during artificial respiration, and independent heart contractions do not resume, continue resuscitation and wait for the ambulance to arrive. If you are tired, let someone replace you, but make sure that he carries out the revival just as competently. If necessary, you can and should perform cardiac massage and artificial respiration for several hours.

The article was prepared based on materials from the book by V. Yu. Davydov “Water Safety and Assistance to Victims”

Other publications on the topic of this article:

With the onset of the long-awaited summer, it becomes topical issue about the safety of children on the water. Water is a good friend and ally of a person, helping to get maximum pleasure from relaxation and improve health. But at the same time, it does not tolerate frivolity and can be a source of increased danger. Every person should know basic water safety rules. What should you do to make swimming safe? What rules must be followed? To answer these questions, I prepared a lesson on the topic “Water Safety”. Goal: to develop children’s ideas about safe behavior on the pond.



Abstract open class on the topic “Rules and safety measures on reservoirs in summer”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on reservoirs in the summer.


Organization of students’ assimilation of rules of behavior and safety measures on water, as well as algorithms of actions in dangerous situations in these conditions.

Development of children's communication skills - telling, explaining, listening, asking questions.

Training in cooperation skills and joint creative activities.

Progress of the lesson:

Summer holidays have arrived. It’s nice to swim in the sea, river, lake, or pond on a hot summer day. We really want your vacation to be hassle-free. But every body of water can be dangerous in its own way. How do you think they can be dangerous?

Let's remember the rules of behavior on water in the summer (watch the video “Rules of safe behavior on water”)

And now, we will consolidate our existing knowledge on the topic in a playful way. Today in class we will talk about the dangers and rules of conduct near water.

Now I invite you to playgame "Finish the sentence". I will start reading the rule, and you will finish it by choosing the right words.

You can't come to the water... Without adults.

You can’t go swimming in a deep... Place.

You cannot dive in unfamiliar... Places.

You can't dive in shallow... Places.

You can't swim in unfamiliar... Places.

You cannot swim in places where swimming is...Prohibited.

You can't swim behind... Buoys.

You can’t swim immediately after...Eating.

You can’t swim after sunbathing for a long time... In the sun.

Well done boys. We completed the task.

Guys, listen to the story and find the mistakes in it.("Find the error")

“One day, while no one was home, the children decided to go swimming. stood sunny days, the water in the river was warm. There were a lot of people on the beach, and the boys decided to go further away, the place was unfamiliar, but no one would bother them to swim there. They laid a blanket on the shore and decided to sunbathe first in the sun. The guys sunbathed and decided to jump into the water with a running start.

The boys swam for a long time. They tried to drown each other while playing. And it’s good that an adult passed nearby, who forced them to get out of the water and immediately go home.”

What rules did the boys break? (The boys went to the river without adults. They went further away and swam in an unfamiliar place. They entered the water abruptly. They were in the water for a long time. You cannot dive in unfamiliar places. You cannot drown each other, because you can choke on water and drown.)

"Helper Items"

Guys, look at these pictures (pictures placed on a board with a picture of a lifebuoy, mattress, vest, log.)

What can unite these items?

Right. With the help of these items you can save a drowning person.

If a friend drowns in a river.

If he goes down

Throw him a rope, a circle,

Stick, ball or log.

Now let's try to choose the right items that will help a drowning person. I will name the objects, and when you hear the name of the desired object, you will clap your hands, and if it is an unnecessary object, stomp:

Inflatable mattress;



Long stick;


Inflatable vest;

Rubber ball;


Wooden raft;

Rubber tube.

Physical education minute.

We went down to the fast river,

They bent down and washed.

One two three four.

That's how nicely refreshed we were.

And now we swam together.

You need to do this manually:

Together - once, this is breaststroke.

One another is a rabbit.

All of us, as one, swim like a dolphin.

Went ashore steep

And we went home.

"Pick a Pair"

Children are presented with a poetic text describing the situation; they need to select the desired picture.

1. On a high bank,

Children don't play!

The ground disappears from under your feet

Maybe you should know!

And straight down from the cliff

Fly into the water...

And he will be left shouting:

“People, help!!!”

2. When thunder roars all around

And lightning flashes

Don't go into open water!

After all, anything can happen...

And if you are caught in a thunderstorm,

Don't swim, don't swim...

As soon as the rain began to patter,

Get to the shore!

3. For both adults and children

I would like to say:

In an unfamiliar place

You can't dive!

Maybe very small

The river turns out to be...

And it's dangerous in the sand

Stick your head in!

Branches, stones, glass

Hid at the bottom -

It's hard to notice them

In the depths of the water...

4. If you have fun on the water,

Make sure that the joke does not lead to trouble...

Don't drown someone else - it may turn out

What if a friend happens to swallow water,

He will panic and begin to struggle -

And it will drag you under the water with it!

And the game will end so sadly...

We don't want you to drown in the river!

5. Waves are rolling from boats with ships...

There's no point in arguing with waves like these!

Avoid them if possible

Don't swim close to the boats:

It is very difficult to see the swimmer from above,

It is impossible to brake on water:

Can cover your head with water,

It might take your breath away...

The ending will probably be sad:

It's unlikely you'll be able to go back...

6. The beach is surrounded by buoys

From ships, snags and waves.

So you can swim here,

There is nothing to fear.

Have fun as you want

But please note:

So as not to lose life -

Don't swim behind the buoys!

7. No need to be mischievous

And make holes in the circle;

It's not worth risking your life

Not a friend, not a girlfriend.

But if you, but if you

Naughty and evil prankster -

Not far from trouble:

A leaky circle is dangerous.

8. Don’t swim near the sewer –

It might pull you right into the pipe...

And it won’t work, no matter how hard you try,

Come up for air...

Very dangerous - remember, brothers!

Have fun next to the sewer!

9. If you want to sail in a boat,

Then, children, be sure to remember:

You can ride all day, until sunset,

Just don't rock the boat,

And don’t reach for a beautiful flower

The boat might capsize...

If you fail to surface, then there will be trouble!

Always be careful on the water!

10. Children have fun swinging on the waves

On colored mattresses, inflatable rings.

You just need to know:

You don't have to swim far into the water!

The circle or mattress may become leaky...

Who will have time to save you from the abyss?

And it’s easy to capsize on the waves...

“Draw a water safety sign!”(It is proposed to display signs indicating: swimming is prohibited, do not swim beyond the buoys, place for swimming)

Word game "Yes or no"

(If it’s dangerous, we raise our hands up; if it’s not, we lower our hands.)

Is it possible to go swimming in a pond without adult supervision?

Can't jump and dive into the water?

Is it possible to swim far from the shore on an inflatable sailor?

Can you swim in areas where swimming is prohibited?

Can't we push, splash, grab each other's legs and arms, put each other's heads in the water?

Can you go to frozen ponds and rivers alone?

Is it impossible to move on the ice of the river during a thaw?

Do you need to call for help if the ice cracks under your feet and falls through, and you find yourself in a hole?

Game “What will I take to the beach?”

Now, guys, we will check how you know how to get ready for the beach. You need to choose cards with the names of the items needed for going to the beach and explain your choice.

Not only do your parents care about your safety while relaxing near a pond, but alsopeople of special professions.Do you know what these professions are called? (Divers, rescuers, etc.)

Listen to the diver's story and answer the question, what safety rules did the children violate?

Gleb Ivanovich is a diver, he dived 20 times a day.

He saved 240 adults and 3000 children.

He has a medal and an order, but he waved at the medal:

If someone drowns, it will be a great pity!

I sit on the tower all day, the kids are hooligans:

Either they fight on rafts, or they dive in the wrong places,

They swim behind the buoys and go to the bottom of the river...

I would look for a better treasure! I would love to catch fish!

But in the river, instead of fish, I should catch guys...

In general, I will tell everyone that swimming is not a trifle!

This is how the diver Gleb Ivanovich ended his story.

What did the diver have to observe?

Sometimes, even if you follow water safety rules, trouble can happen. The main thing is not to panic and remember the basic rules.

Practical lesson

How to get rid of cramps.

1) Call people for help.

2) Try to take a deep breath, relax and freely dive into the water.

3) Grasp the shin of your contracted leg with both hands under water, bend your knee forcefully, and then straighten your leg with your hands, doing this several times until you have enough breath.

4) If the cramps continue, pinch the lower leg until it hurts.

5) Grab your big toe with both hands and pull it towards you.

6) After the cramps stop, change your swimming style, lie on your back for a while, then slowly swim to the shore.

If you choke on water.

1) Don’t panic, try to turn your back to the wave.

2) Press your arms bent at the elbows to your lower chest and take several sharp exhalations, helping yourself with your hands

3) Clear your mouth and nose of water and make several swallowing movements.

4) Restore your breathing, lie on your stomach, move towards the shore.

5) If necessary, call people for help.

If you saw a drowning person.

1) Attract the attention of others by loudly shouting “The man is drowning!”

2) Throw a lifebuoy, rubber tube, etc. closer to the drowning person.

3) Call an ambulance.

4) If a drowning person is next to you, do not let him grab you by the neck or arm, swim up to him from behind and grab him by the hair. Turn over onto your back, raise your head.

If we all follow the rules of water safety, our vacation will be successful and fun. I think you guys will remember the rules of conduct while swimming. And don’t forget the most important rule: To avoid trouble, be careful near the water!

Today we’ll talk about safe behavior near bodies of water in winter and summer. What bodies of water do you know? These are rivers, lakes, ponds, seas.

Maybe you've ever had to race on skis along a track laid on the ice of a river or lake? If there is severe frost, and the ice on the reservoir is thick and durable, then there is nothing to worry about. And at the beginning of winter, when the ice is not yet strong, breaks under your feet or cracks, you cannot go out on it. At this time of year, the middle of the reservoir is most dangerous. Imagine a careless person walking on ice that has not yet hardened, and suddenly hears that the ice has begun to crack. What do you think should be done? You need to immediately lie down and crawl in your footsteps to the shore.

Remember that even in the bitterest frosts, you must be careful on the ice of a reservoir. Ice may be weak near farm or factory drainage, near bushes and reeds, and where marsh grasses are frozen into it. Sometimes snowstorms cause high drifts on the ice. It is better to avoid them, because the ice is always thinner under the snow. It is also fragile in those places where a stream flows into a river or springs flow.

Let's imagine that someone wants to take a shortcut and take a shortcut on the ice of a pond or lake. How to do this correctly? First of all, standing on the shore, you need to mentally map out the right route. It is best to follow the fresh tracks of people, testing the road with a stick. If you are skiing on ice, then you need to unfasten the bindings and hold the poles freely, without putting the loops on your hands. If you have a backpack, it is better to hang it on only one shoulder, so that in case of danger you can immediately throw it off.

In the spring, when the sun begins to warm up, the ice on reservoirs becomes loose, water seeps through it and fills the tracks, and the ice breaks without a crack. At the end of winter, the most dangerous places are near the shore and under bridges. Remember that you cannot go out on the ice that melts in the spring.

Safety rules on pond ice

1. Do not go out on thin ice at the beginning of winter and early spring.

2. Remember that in the spring the ice breaks silently, and at the beginning of winter with a crunch and crack.

3. Move along the ice along well-trodden tracks and paths.

4. Take a stick to feel the path in front of you.

5. When moving in a group, follow each other at a certain distance.

6. Remember that at the beginning of winter the middle of the reservoir is most dangerous, and at the end - areas near the shore.

7. Remember that ice is less durable where:

— there are snowdrifts;

- bushes grow;

- the grass is frozen into the ice;

- the keys are beating;

- fast current;

- a stream flows into the river;

— drainage water from a farm or factory enters the reservoir.

Imagine that you come to the shore of a river or lake in the summer. Agree, it’s very pleasant to spend a hot summer day by a river or lake. Splash, swim, then sunbathe on the warm sand. Can you swim? You know a little. Well, that's very good. The ability to float on water is necessary for any person. It was not for nothing that the ancient Greeks considered those people who could not read and swim to be illiterate.

Imagine that you came to visit a friend at the dacha and went for a swim in the lake with him. How to behave correctly so that trouble does not happen to you? First of all, you need to go swimming accompanied by an adult, for example, dad, mom or older brother. You should not swim in an unfamiliar place, especially where there are no other swimmers. After all, the bottom of a river or lake can be fraught with many dangers: a flooded snag that you can accidentally get caught on; shards of glass; sharp tins that can cut your feet; cold springs and deep holes.

Before you go into the water, look at what it looks like. If the color or smell of the water is not the same as usual, you should not swim in it.

Sometimes, when a whole group of children are swimming, the children splash, make noise, and grab each other’s arms and legs. It is very dangerous! After all, in just 10 seconds a person’s lungs fill with water, and he can choke and drown. I also want to remind you to never dive in unfamiliar places or swim far air mattresses.

Rules of conduct on the water

1. Swim only under adult supervision.

2. Don't swim in unfamiliar places.

3. You can swim in specially equipped places.

4. While swimming, do not grab each other's arms or legs.


1. Which part of the reservoir is most dangerous at the beginning of winter? Spring?

2. Tell us in which places in reservoirs the ice is less durable.

3. Why can’t you walk on ice where there are springs, a stream flows into a river, or water from a farm or factory gets into the water?

4. What should you do if the ice cracks under your feet?

5. Why shouldn’t you swim in unfamiliar places?

6. Where can I swim?

7. Why can’t you have noisy games on the water while swimming, or grab each other’s arms and legs?


Draw and color the lake and children swimming.


She runs, flows,

It shines silver in the sun.

Bowed silently

There are thick willows above it. (River.)

It is slightly covered with duckweed,

The streams don't flow.

Bewitched, as if in a fairy tale,

Old, quiet... (pond).

We are flying forward, forward.

We cut smooth, even ice. (Skates.)

We rush down the mountain ourselves,

Vanya is pulling us up the mountain. (Sled.)

Fairy tale "Good Willow"

The beautiful Willow bent over the water. She lived well by the river. The wind caressed its branches, the springs watered the roots with icy water, the silver leaves of the Willow flashed in the sun like little mirrors.

Everyone loved the beautiful Willow. The nimble fish amused her with their games, the birds scurrying between the branches delighted her with their chirping, and the friendly duck family loved to swim and dive under the green branches that almost touched the water, as if under a living green tent.

One clear May morning, Iva heard children's voices in the distance. Soon two girlfriends appeared on the path - Ira and Tanya.

- Ah! How wonderful it is here,” one of them exclaimed. “Maybe we can relax and sit on the grass?”

- With pleasure! - agreed another.

The girls, spreading their windbreakers on the grass, sat down on the river bank and gazed at the fast streams. The flowing river water fascinated them.

I must tell you that when the girls first appeared on the shore, the inhabitants of this quiet place became wary: the willow tree stopped rustling its leaves, the gray duck and its ducklings hid in the sedge thickets, the fish disappeared into the depths, even the frogs interrupted their endless spring song. But soon everyone realized that the girlfriends would not harm anyone, and they calmed down.

The willow rustled its leaves again, ducks began to swim under its silky canopy, fish frolicked on the sandbank, and the frog choir continued to sing.

The sun washed out the girls, and the youngest, Ira, quietly dozed off. Meanwhile, the sun rose higher and hotter.

“Wow, it’s so hot! - Tanya thought. “It would be nice to swim in the river.”

The girl quickly took off her Panama hat, T-shirt and shorts and ran to the river.

“Warm! “We can go swimming,” Tanya decided.

But as soon as she wanted to step into the water, she felt that someone was holding her tightly. Maybe you guessed that it was the kind Willow who grabbed the girl with flexible branches and held her on the shore. After all, Iva knew well that the shore here was steep and steep, and the bottom was muddy. This deserted place was not very suitable for children's bathing: after all, the girl could fall into a deep hole or pool.

In vain Tanya tried to escape from the embrace of the tree. The willow held her tightly and quietly rustled its leaves, as if whispering:

- Trust me, Ivushka. You can't swim here. The bottom is viscous, there are deep holes and pools all around.

The girl listened to Iva’s words, stopped struggling and timidly asked:

—Where can you swim? It's very hot.

- I'll throw a leaf into the water. He will float with the flow, and you run after him along the path. The leaf will lead you to a good place for swimming,” Willow explained.

- Thank you, Ivushka! - Tanya thanked.

At this time, her friend, Ira, woke up, and the girls walked along the path winding along the river.

Ahead, like a small boat, floated a silver leaf of Willow. Soon he brought his girlfriends to the river shallows. Children swam here. Some were sunbathing on the warm sand, others were floundering near the shore under the supervision of mothers and grandmothers.

- Great place! “This is where we’ll go for a swim,” Tanya suggested.

- Tanya! Ira! - a familiar voice called out to the girls.

Tanya turned around and saw her grandmother.

“I was already starting to worry and went to look for you,” the grandmother explained.

- Granny! Can we take a swim? - Tanya asked.

“Well, go swimming, and I’ll look after you.”

- Irochka! Can you swim?

- Of course I can! — the girl answered proudly. — I went to the pool with my mother all winter.

- Well, good! Just don’t swim too far and don’t play around in the water!

“Okay, grandma, we won’t,” Tanya promised.

And the girlfriends ran to swim.

Questions for a fairy tale

1. Where did Ivushka grow up?

2. Where did girlfriends Ira and Tanya go?

3. What did they do by the river?

4. Why did Iva keep Tanya from swimming?

5. Is it possible to swim in an unfamiliar place? Why?

6. Where did the Willow leaf lead the girls?

7. Why shouldn’t children swim without adult supervision?

8. Why shouldn’t you start noisy games in the water, grab each other’s arms or legs?

9. Who looked after the girlfriends’ bathing?


Summary of GCD on safety “Rules and safety measures on reservoirs in the summer.” Senior group.

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on reservoirs in the summer. Familiarize children with life-saving equipment for a drowning person. Develop curiosity and imaginative imagination. Cultivate a desire to take care of your safety, a desire to come to the aid of people in need of help.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator . Guys, tell me where water is found in nature?

Children. These are streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, seas, springs.

Educator. Can water become a danger to humans?

Children. Maybe. You can drown in water.

Educator. Today in class we will talk about the dangers and rules of conduct near water. Listen to the poem.

What is summer?

That's a lot of light

This is a field, this is a forest,

These are thousands of miracles!

There are clouds in the sky

This is a fast river

These are bright flowers

This is the blue of heights

There are a hundred roads in the world

For baby feet!

Educator. It’s nice to swim in the sea, river, lake, or pond on a hot summer day. But every body of water can be dangerous in its own way. How do you think they can be dangerous?

Children. The river may have a strong current. There may be various sharp objects and snags in the pond. There may be strong waves in the sea.

Educator. Right. Where is the safest place to swim then?

Children. On the beach.

Educator. Right. After all, the beach is a specially equipped place for swimming. The shore there has been prepared, the bottom of the reservoir has been cleared, and the swimming area is fenced off with buoys that you cannot swim behind. To make swimming safe, you must strictly follow the rules of safe behavior on the water. Now I invite you to play the “Finish the Sentence” game. I will start reading the rule, and you will finish it, choosing the right words. And so, let's begin.

Educator. You can't go near the water...

Children. No adults.

Educator. You can't go swimming in deep...

Children. Place.

Educator . You can't dive into strangers...

Children . Places.

Educator. You can't dive into small...

Children. Places.

Educator . You can't swim in strangers...

Children. Places.

Educator. You cannot swim in places where swimming...

Children. Forbidden.

Educator b. You can't swim behind...

Children. Buoys.

Educator. You can't swim immediately after...

Children . Food.

Educator. You can't swim after sunbathing for a long time...

Children. In the sun.

Educator. Well done boys. We completed the task.

Physical education minute.

We went down to the fast river,

They bent down and washed.

One two three four.

That's how nicely refreshed we were.

And now we swam together.

You need to do this manually:

Together - once, this is breaststroke.

One another is a rabbit.

All of us, as one, swim like a dolphin.

Went ashore steep

And we went home.

Educator . Guys, listen to the story and find the mistakes in it.

One day, while no one was home, the children decided to go swimming. The days were sunny, the water in the river was warm. There were a lot of people on the beach, and the boys decided to go further away, the place was unfamiliar, but no one would bother them to swim there. They laid a blanket on the shore and decided to sunbathe first in the sun. The guys sunbathed and decided to jump into the water with a running start. The boys swam for a long time. They tried to drown each other while playing. And it’s good that an adult passed nearby, who forced them to get out of the water and immediately go home.

Educator. What rules did the boys break?

Children. The boys went to the river without adults. They went further away and swam in an unfamiliar place. You should not dive in unfamiliar places. You can't drown each other because you might choke on water and drown.

Educator. Guys, look at these pictures.(The teacher draws the children’s attention to the pictures placed on the board depicting a lifebuoy, mattress, vest, log.)What can unite these items?

Children. With the help of these items you can save a drowning person.

Educator . Right. Let's learn the poem.

If a friend drowns in a river.

If he goes down

Throw him a rope, a circle,

Stick, ball or log.

Educator. This will never happen if you and your friends follow the rules of behavior on the water. But sometimes people forget about the rules and troubles happen to them. What to do if a person drowns on your gases? You need to remember the actions you could take to help a drowning person. They are:

1.If someone is drowning before your eyes. You don't have to throw yourself into the water to save a drowning person. This is difficult to do even for an adult. You must attract the attention of others by shouting: “The man is drowning!”

2.Call adults for help.

3. See if there are any life-saving equipment nearby. It can be anything that floats on the water and that you can throw to a drowning person.

Now let's try to choose the right items that will help a drowning person. I will name the objects, and when you hear the name of the desired object, you will clap your hands. And so, let's begin:

Inflatable mattress;



Long stick;


Inflatable vest;


Rubber ball;


Wooden raft;

Rubber tube.

Educator. Our lesson has come to an end. I hope that you remember well the rules of behavior near the water and will always follow them.

Irina Agafonova
Integrated lesson-conversation on life safety for older preschoolers “Water Safety”

Target: consolidate knowledge about summer, children’s games in summer, introduce children to the rules, cultivate a sense of caution, responsible behavior for their lives and the lives of others, develop attention, thinking, memory, speech.

Dictionary: pond, microbes, fragments, river bottom, snags, choke.

Equipment: illustration "Children on the Pond"

1. Introductory conversation.

- Guys, today I want to talk to you about such a wonderful time of year as summer. Do you love summer? Why? (In summer it’s warm, the sun is shining brightly, delicious berries are ripening in the forest, beautiful flowers are blooming).

– What do you like to play in the summer? (Catch up, jump rope, play with a ball, roller skate, ride a bike, swim in a pond).

– It’s very pleasant to spend a hot sunny summer day by a river or lake. Splash, swim and sunbathe on the warm sand.

2. Examination of the illustration.

Look at the illustration. Who is depicted on it? What do the children do? What are their faces like? What's their mood? They are having fun and joy.

– Do you like to swim? Do you know how to swim?

You know a little. Well, that's very good! Ability to hold on water necessary for any person.

3. Rules of conduct on water.

– There are rules safe behavior on the water that everyone should know.

Let us try to formulate them ourselves.

– Do you think you can swim in any pond, river, lake? (No)

Before swimming in a pond, you need to ask adults whether there is enough water there. pure water. If the pond is polluted, germs will get into your mouth, nose, and skin and can cause serious illness.

Now you and I know rule No. 1 :

Make sure the pond is swimmable before you enter it.

Rule #2:

You can only enter the water and swim if accompanied by an adult.

Why do you think? (Under adult supervision, no harm will happen to children)

Rule #3: You cannot swim in an unfamiliar place. The bottom of the river can hide a lot dangers: flooded snags that you can accidentally get caught on, shards of glass that can cut your feet, deep holes.

Rule #4: You can’t push, splash, grab each other’s legs and arms, or put each other’s heads in the water. This is very dangerous because a person caught underwater can choke and drown.

Rule #5. You cannot swim far from the shore on inflatable mattresses. The mattress can get caught on a snag and burst.

So, guys, what did we talk about? (About the rules of conduct on water) Now you know the rules of conduct water. Let's list them. Well done, now you will never get into trouble.

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