Home Coated tongue So that your teeth don't hurt. goal of the work: get acquainted with the types of modern toothpastes, study the composition, conduct research

So that your teeth don't hurt. goal of the work: get acquainted with the types of modern toothpastes, study the composition, conduct research

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Goal: Continue to reinforce children's knowledge of the importance of dental care and oral hygiene.

Objectives: 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the need to follow the rules of dental care. 2. Develop speech, attention, practice solving riddles. 3. Instill a desire in children to take care of their teeth. 4. Consolidate children’s knowledge about useful and harmful products nutrition for teeth

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When we don't eat, they rest. (Teeth.)

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Guess a riddle.

She lives in a tube and crawls out of it like a snake. Often inseparable from the brush. Mint toothpaste...... (paste).

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S. Mikhalkov “Like our Lyuba”

Like our Lyuba's teeth hurt: Weak, fragile - Children's, milk... The whole day the poor thing has been groaning, Driving his girlfriends away: - I have no time for you today! -Mom feels sorry for the girl, Warms the rinse in the cup, Doesn’t take her eyes off her daughter. Dad feels sorry for Lyubochka, Glues a doll out of paper - What to do with my daughter, To relieve toothache!

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Why do my teeth hurt?

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Rules for dental care.

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Hurry to rid yourself of plaque on your teeth. This is so easy to fix if you have a brush in your hands. For exactly three minutes, brush the top and sides, fight plaque from the inside - the evil enemy of your teeth. And when the work is finished - rinse with water - then there will be no trace left of the nasty residue!

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Once you've eaten, brush your teeth. Do this twice a day. Prefer candy fruit- Very important products. So that the tooth does not bother you, remember the rule: “We go to the dentist twice a year for an appointment. And then we will preserve the light of smiles for many years! »

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Brush your teeth in the morning after breakfast and before bed

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce the structure of the tooth, the concept of “caries”;
  • give an idea of ​​the factors contributing to the occurrence and development of caries;
  • form an idea of ​​the basic methods of caries prevention.


  • cards with images of a healthy and diseased tooth;
  • tooth structure diagram;
  • table - stages of caries;
  • image of a microbe;
  • dental care rules;
  • a cassette recording of the fairy tale "The Sure Remedy";
  • mirrors;
  • dental care rules;
  • rebus cards;
  • toothbrushes.

During the classes.

I. Org. moment.

II. Working on the topic.

Today we continue our journey to the land of the Big Guys. There are many doctors in this country who give health every day. Who are these doctors ? (Doctor Fresh air, Dr. Beautiful Posture, Dr. Water, Dr. Healthy food, Doctor Love, Doctor Healthy Ears).

Today we will get acquainted with the advice of Dr. Healthy Teeth, find out why teeth hurt and how to keep them healthy.

A person’s first teeth, baby teeth, appear in the first year of life. By the age of 6 - 7 there are 20 of them. Some of them have already fallen out, and permanent ones have erupted in their place. By the age of 12 - 14, all baby teeth usually fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth. If a person loses a permanent tooth, a new one will not grow in its place.

Look in the mirror. What kind of teeth do you have? (White, smooth, healthy, without spots or holes, rough).

How do your teeth help you? (Helps chew food beautiful smile, the appearance of a person, speech is impaired without teeth).

A tooth is a living organ. Each tooth consists of three main parts.

(A diagram of the tooth is posted on the board.)

The visible part of the tooth is called the crown. The invisible part, which is located inside the jaw, is called the root. The crown of the tooth is covered with enamel, just as the human body is covered with skin.

There is a cavity inside the tooth that contains the pulp. It consists of nerve vessels, and therefore the damaged tooth responds to irritation with pain.

You have become familiar with the structure of a tooth, but the question arises: how does a hole appear in a tooth? What is the name of this tooth destroyer? This is caries. After eating, food remains on the surface of the tooth or remains between the teeth, sticks to the gum, gradually turning into storehouses of food reserves for microbes, which are called “dental plaque.” Saliva cannot wash away this plaque. Microbes secrete a substance harmful to teeth - acid, which destroys tooth enamel. First, a small crack appears in which microbes settle. And just as moles dig holes, so do microbes and acid eat away at the enamel. Over time, cracks turn into holes. The tooth begins to hurt. Holes in teeth are called caries. (The story is accompanied by a visual aid showing the stages of caries).

III. Physical education minute.

There is sun in nature. It shines for everyone and loves and warms everyone. Let's create the sun within ourselves. Close your eyes and imagine a small star in your heart. We mentally direct a ray of love towards her. The asterisk has grown. We direct the ray that brings peace. The asterisk increased again. I send a ray of goodness, the star has become even bigger. I direct rays to the star that bring health, joy, warmth, light, tenderness, affection. Now the star becomes as big as the sun. It brings warmth to everyone. (Arms to the sides in front of you).

IV. Working with the poem "Like our Lyuba."

Like our Lyuba
Teeth hurt:
Weak, fragile,
Children's, dairy.
The poor thing moans all day long
He drives his girlfriends away:
- I have no time for you today!
Mom feels sorry for the girl
Rinsing in a cup warms,
He doesn't take his eyes off his daughter.
Papa feels sorry for Lyubochka
He glues a doll out of paper.
What to do with my daughter
To relieve toothache?

Why do you think Lyuba’s teeth hurt? (The tooth is damaged, there is a hole in it).

Why did the damage occur? (Listen to the children's answers).

V. Conversation on the topic.

What can you do to prevent your teeth from hurting and to avoid going to the doctor so often? To do this you need to know a few rules. (The rules are read by students as directed by the teacher).

Doctor's advice: Healthy Teeth.
  1. Eat sweets once a day, washed down with unsweetened tea or milk. If someone gave you candy or it’s someone’s birthday, then after you eat the sweets, rinse your mouth or chew for 10 minutes chewing gum. It is very harmful to eat sweets before bed.
  2. It is useful to eat an apple, carrot or other hard vegetable or fruit after breakfast, lunch or dinner. They help clean teeth from small food debris (plaque).
  3. Eating hot or very cold food is harmful to your teeth. Tooth enamel deteriorates faster.
  4. Do not chew hard objects or pick your teeth with sharp objects.
  5. Eating cottage cheese is good for teeth oatmeal, drink milk, eat raw vegetables and fruits.
  6. Go to the doctor for examination twice a year (even if your teeth don’t hurt).

The tips are very useful, but we forgot about one “true remedy” for dental care. Listen to the fairy tale "The Sure Remedy." (Enable recording).

The tale ends with the words:

“You need to brush your teeth,” the hedgehog couldn’t stand it. - A toothbrush. This is the surest remedy!

Yes, with the same brush that each of you already has, your dental care assistant. What dental care aids do you know? ? (Toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum).

  1. You should definitely brush your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste in the morning after breakfast and in the evening after dinner. Teeth need to be clean so that harmful microbes remain hungry and do not have a feast, destroying the enamel.

Each of you is reminded by your parents to brush your teeth, and many of you do it. But my teeth still hurt. Why? Because not everyone knows how to brush their teeth properly, and the brush does not wash away, but only scatters food debris.

Let's listen to Dr. Healthy Teeth's poems and advice on how to brush your teeth correctly.

(Pupils read poems).

Hurry up to save yourself
From plaque on teeth.
It's so easy to fix
If you have a brush in your hands.

Exactly three minutes
Clean top and sides
Fight the raid from within,
With the evil enemy of your teeth.

And the work is finished -
Rinse with water then
From a nasty raid
There will be no trace left.

Every tooth needs to be brushed
Upper tooth, lower tooth,
Even the farthest tooth
Very important tooth!

We brush, brush our teeth
And we live happily
And for those who don’t clean them,
We sing a song.

Hey, don't yawn
Don't forget about your teeth
Bottom up, top down
Don't be lazy about brushing your teeth.

V. Solve the puzzle.

VI. Lesson summary.

Once you've eaten, brush your teeth.
Do this twice a day.
Prefer fruit to candy
Very important products.

So that the tooth does not bother you,
Remember this rule:
Let's go to the dentist
Visit twice a year

And then smiles light
You will save it for many years!

Doctor Healthy Teeth wishes you white and strong teeth. healthy teeth- for your entire long and happy life.

Children are rewarded with toothbrushes and diagrams on “How to brush your teeth properly.”

Look carefully at these drawings. Get a new toothbrush.
Try to move the brush correctly, placing it on your cheek.
Ask someone close to you to see if you are doing the right thing.

TYPES OF TEETH The incisors, which are located in the center, bite food. The canines, which are located on both sides of the incisors, grind food. The small molars, which are located just behind the fangs, grind and grind food. Large molars at the back of the mouth grind food.

CAUSES OF DENTAL DISEASE Teeth can become diseased because food remains get stuck between them and rot! Orange juice damages tooth enamel. White wine damages teeth People who forget to brush their teeth twice a day are putting themselves at risk Smoking is dangerous for your teeth

To avoid toothache and sore gums, you need to eat right Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries contain many vitamins necessary for the human body. Raw hard vegetables (carrots, cucumbers) and hard fruits (apples, pears) are good for cleaning teeth from stuck pieces of food and strengthening gums. Onions and garlic destroy putrefactive bacteria in the oral cavity.

How to brush your teeth correctly. Start cleaning with lower jaw- from the inner (lingual) surface of the teeth, then move on to upper jaw. Move the brush from the outer teeth to the center and then to the other edge. Each area of ​​the dentition requires brushing movements. Now start brushing the outer (cheek) surface of your teeth. The bristles of a regular toothbrush can grip 3-4 teeth. To clean each such area, do an average of 10 up and down movements.

Now you need to clean the chewing surface of your teeth. Here you can already make movements along the dentition, but you don’t need to get too carried away - just because you press the brush hard, the cleaning will not become more effective. You need to make movements on each side from the mouth outwards (back and forth). Finally, you can do a few circular movements brush on outer surface teeth. Cleaning the spaces between teeth with special dental floss. The thread is wound around the tips of the middle fingers and the gaps are carefully cleaned with up and down movements.

find out the causes of dental disease.

Objectives of the study: 1. Find out about the structure of the tooth; 2. Identify the reasons for the proliferation of harmful microbes; 3. Find out the causes of caries and toothache. What did you learn from the dentist? The teeth are covered with enamel. It is hard and protects teeth from damage. Teeth are different from each other. Some, sharp ones, are used to cut food - these are incisors. Others, pointed, are needed to tear pieces of food - these are fangs, and the third, plump, strong ones, help chew food and are called molars. This is what teeth look like for those who take care of them. This is what teeth look like for those who take care of them. White part the tooth is called the crown. The rest of the tooth is hidden in the gum. This part is called the root. The root holds the teeth firmly in the jaw.

How do microbes arise?

With each meal, food residues settle on the teeth and create an environment for the proliferation of harmful bacteria that destroy teeth. With poor dental care, bacteria multiply very quickly and form plaque, releasing great amount acids and toxins. While there are few bacteria, special substances contained in saliva neutralize the acids of plaque. But if plaque is not removed, bacteria multiply. Dental plaque becomes denser and thicker. The acid gradually begins to dissolve the enamel where plaque adheres to the tooth.

This is how it begins CARIES

CARIES is the process of destruction of hard tooth tissues, leading to the appearance of a cavity (hole).

Caries (translated from Latin) means “rotting.”

If caries is not treated, then harmful bacteria very quickly destroy hard tissues tooth and penetrate inside. Inflammation of the dental nerve occurs. Therefore, the tooth begins to ache.

A hole in a tooth always hurts.

If there is pain,

you need to go to the doctor.


What do you need to do to defeat evil enemies?

To prevent toothache, you need to:

  • brush your teeth 2 times a day, rinse your mouth with warm water after eating.
  • The upper teeth should be brushed from top to bottom, the lower teeth from bottom to top.
  • You need to brush your teeth not only from the outside, but also from the inside.
The dentist warns us!

Do not pick your teeth with metal objects (pins, needles). A metal object can injure a tooth and it will begin to decay.

Do not bite off thread or wire with your teeth. This also destroys teeth.

Immediately after cold food, do not put hot food in your mouth and vice versa. This will cause cracks in your teeth.

Do not smoke! From tobacco smoke teeth become unpleasant yellow color. Cracks form on them earlier than in a non-smoking person, and the teeth are destroyed.


  • A person with bad teeth cannot chew food and this can lead to stomach disease. Diseases can also be caused by microbes that settle in the teeth, which we swallow along with food.
  • To keep your teeth healthy, do not eat a lot of sweets, eat more vitamins (fruits, vegetables). Vitamin D is especially useful for teeth. It is found in fish, egg yolk, milk, and butter. .

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