Home Gums Where to get a sanatorium and resort voucher. A ticket to a long life

Where to get a sanatorium and resort voucher. A ticket to a long life

Right to free Spa treatment can be provided to citizens of various preferential categories as To the federal preferential categories citizens include:

  • disabled war veterans;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • combat veterans;
  • military personnel who served in the military military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months; military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period;
  • persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • persons who worked during the Great Patriotic War at air defense facilities, local air defense facilities, in the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of active fronts, operational zones of active fleets, in front-line sections of railways and automobiles roads, as well as crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the ports of other states;
  • family members of deceased (deceased) war invalids, participants in the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans;
  • disabled people;
  • disabled children;
  • persons exposed to radiation as a result of a disaster in Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, and categories of citizens equated to them.
">federal and Regional and Moscow preferential categories of citizens include:
  • unemployed and receiving monthly city allowance cash payment labor veterans and military service veterans, including pre-retirement age (55 years for women and 60 years for men), home front workers, rehabilitated persons, as well as persons subjected to political repression and victims of political repression;
  • citizens awarded the badge “Honorary Donor of Russia” or “Honorary Donor of the USSR”;
  • non-working citizens of pre-retirement age (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old) who have the insurance experience necessary to assign an old-age insurance pension and have received status for the purpose of providing additional measures social support;
  • non-working pensioners (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old) who do not belong to preferential categories of citizens;
  • citizens who suffered health damage as a result of terrorist attacks;
  • spouses of those killed (deceased) as a result of terrorist acts;
  • parents of those killed (deceased) as a result of terrorist attacks;
  • children under the age of 18 killed (died) as a result of terrorist attacks.

Vouchers for free sanatorium-resort treatment are issued on a first-come, first-served basis, but there are several categories of citizens who can receive vouchers first

  • disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • war veterans from among home front workers;
  • rehabilitated persons who were subjected to political repression;
  • persons who suffered as a result of political repression.
  • ">queue. Disabled people of group I and disabled children, as well as citizens who have suffered health damage as a result of terrorist acts, and children under 18 years of age killed (died) as a result of terrorist acts, are additionally issued a sanatorium-resort voucher for the person accompanying them.

    For spa treatment there is Sanatorium-resort treatment is not provided in the presence of the following diseases:

    2. How to get in line to receive a ticket?

    To get in line to receive sanatorium-resort voucher, you will need:

    • personal statement;
    • a passport or other document identifying the applicant and confirming his place of residence in Moscow;
    • medical certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment Please note: this certificate may also be useful for those who do not apply for free treatment, but are planning to go to a sanatorium at their own expense. In any case, the certificate will indicate the recommended season of treatment, recommended resorts and health procedures. In addition, in the process of obtaining a certificate, you will find out whether you have contraindications to spa treatment.

      To obtain a medical certificate to receive a voucher for sanatorium treatment, form No. 070/u, you must contact your local physician, who will make the appropriate conclusion, and follow his instructions.

      If you do not agree with the doctor’s conclusion (for example, from his point of view, you do not need sanatorium treatment), your case will have to be considered by the medical commission of the medical institution.

      The certificate is valid for 12 months. If more than a year passes from the moment you receive the certificate until the social security authorities are ready to issue you a voucher, you will have to get the certificate again.

      ">form No. 070/у
      , confirming that the applicant needs sanatorium treatment;
    • a document confirming the right to benefits (in all cases, with the exception of applications from non-working old-age pensioners, persons injured in terrorist attacks and relatives of those killed in terrorist attacks);
    • passport or other identification document of the child (in case of registration of a child under 18 years of age);
    • certificate issued by the department Pension Fund Russia (PFR) in Moscow and the Moscow region, on the right to receive a voucher (if applied federal beneficiary receiving a monthly cash payment from a departmental pension department or a Pension Fund branch outside Moscow and the Moscow region);
    • work book to confirm the fact of dismissal from work (if applied non-working pensioner). In case of absence work book- a certificate from the last place of work (service), certified in the prescribed manner, confirming the fact of dismissal;
    • a copy of the conclusion of the forensic medical examination bureau, or a copy of the decision to recognize the victim in a criminal case initiated on the grounds of crimes provided for in Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, or information from health authorities about damage to health as a result of a terrorist act (in the case of an application from a citizen who has received health damage as a result of a terrorist attack; a spouse who was (was) in a registered marriage with the deceased as a result of the terrorist attack on the day of death and did not remarry, as well as the parents of those killed as a result of the terrorist attack or their children under the age of 18) ;
    • death certificate of the deceased as a result of a terrorist attack (in the case of an application from a spouse who was in a registered marriage with the deceased as a result of a terrorist attack on the day of death and did not remarry, as well as the parents of those killed in as a result of a terrorist attack or their children under the age of 18);
    • documents confirming family relations with the deceased (marriage certificate, birth certificate and other documents confirming relationship or affinity) (in the case of an application from a spouse who was in a registered marriage with the deceased as a result of a terrorist attack on the day death and not remarried, as well as parents of those killed in a terrorist attack or their children under the age of 18).

    Then you will need to contact the public services center with the following package of documents:

    • personal statement;
    • a passport or other document identifying the applicant and confirming his place of residence in Moscow;
    • an identification document of the applicant's representative, and a power of attorney (in simple written form or notarized) - if the documents will be submitted by the applicant's representative;

    The voucher is issued no earlier than a month before the date of arrival at the sanatorium indicated on the voucher.

    After receiving your voucher, you will need to apply to receive a sanatorium-resort card.

    The state’s system of social guarantees for the working population is manifested not only in assigned benefits, but also through vouchers at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund. In 2020, the practice of issuing them to certain categories of citizens continued. To receive a trip to health resort institutions By general rule Public sector employees, disabled people and other citizens can apply if a number of mandatory conditions are met.

    The fund's system for issuing vouchers

    Funds allocated by the Foundation social insurance to ensure work on sanatorium health improvement, are transferred to him annually in accordance with the approved funding budget.

    Size total amount, which can be mastered by issuing vouchers, is set at the end of the current year for the next reporting period.

    The issuance of vouchers to the sanatorium by the Social Insurance Fund is carried out for the purpose of implementing measures for medical rehabilitation and treatment of citizens, as well as providing holders of such referrals with appropriate food in places of placement. This principle is enshrined in Part 1 of Art. 8 of the Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ<Об обязательном соцстраховании от несчастий на производстве и профзаболеваний˃.

    Who can apply for a ticket

    A referral to visit a sanatorium-type institution is issued in accordance with Order No. 256 dated November 22, 2004. According to it, a voucher through the Social Insurance Fund can be issued:

    • for disabled war veterans and WWII participants (+ equivalent to the latter, as well as home front workers);
    • categories of citizens from among combat veterans;
    • persons with assigned disabilities, including children;
    • residents of Leningrad who survived its siege (there is a corresponding sign) (+ equated to them);
    • persons affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, from tests in Semipalatinsk (+ equivalent to them).

    The order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated May 5, 2016 No. 281n lists the diseases for which citizens are given the right to a discounted voucher to a sanatorium. For example, this benefit includes persons diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, angina pectoris, and an acute form of cerebrovascular accident. This list also applies to those who need rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction, heart surgery, or surgical interventions related to the removal of the gallbladder.

    Travel with a voucher

    Those who have presented coupon No. 2 or a referral to the FSS can apply for free travel to the location of the sanatorium institution:

    If the results of the review of documents are positive, applicants will be issued free FSS vouchers and the right to preferential (free) travel to the location of the sanatorium and in the opposite direction.

    A voucher along with a voucher for travel expenses is issued in compliance with the following deadlines:

    • in a standard situation – there must be at least 18 days before the arrival date;
    • the period for preliminary allocation of places in sanatoriums has been increased to 21 days if vouchers are issued through the Social Insurance Fund for disabled children or persons with disabilities resulting from identified diseases of the brain and/or spinal cord.

    The frequency of sanatorium treatment is regulated by law. An annual interval has been approved for the provision of such social services to the population. This makes it possible to receive referrals for treatment or rehabilitation in a sanatorium no more than once a year.

    Conditions for obtaining a ticket

    Provided that the applicant for a voucher has collected and submitted all the necessary documents, the Social Insurance Fund cannot refuse to accept the application.

    Dear citizens!

    From November 1, 2019 00.00 Moscow time
    the sale of vouchers to sanatorium and resort organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense began
    for the period of arrivals from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.

    In connection with the planned major overhaul of the branch of the Divnomorskoe sanatorium of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "SKK "Anapsky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the sale of vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment in the specified branch will be carried out on a monthly basis.

    From March 1, 2020, vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment at the Divnomorskoye sanatorium will be sold for May 2020.

    The Main Military Medical Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense does not implement
    sanatorium and resort vouchers.

    Vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment to the Military Sanatorium "Gagra"
    are not available to third parties or children.

    The implementation of vouchers to sanatorium and resort organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense for 2019 began on October 25, 2018.

    Dear citizens! When applying for spa treatment, do not use the services of intermediary companies. Current information on the issues of sanatorium and resort treatment in sanatorium and resort organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense is posted on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense and the official website of military health resorts.

    You can find out about the procedure and rules for issuing vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment and recreational recreation on the page .

    Sanatorium and resort organizations of District subordination:

    You can submit your application through the official websites of sanatorium and resort organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

    To send an application to sanatorium and resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation via email [email protected]- Center (tourism and recreation), you must follow the instructions:

    • click on the link [email protected]: if your computer software supports the email application offered on the site, the email creation page will open;
    • if your computer software does not support the email application offered on the site, you must select from the proposed menu the email application that corresponds to your email;
    • In order to address the application to the sanatorium and resort organization of your choice, fill out the “Subject” field. To do this, copy and paste the name of the health resort organization from the List of short names (see below);
    • attach or attach scanned (photographed) Application and medical certificate in form 070/у and send your application (in format: pdf, doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tiff). Other formats are not supported.

    List of short names of sanatorium and resort organizations:

    Baikal b.o.
    Barguzin d.o.
    Betta d.o.
    Borovoe b.o.
    Golden shore
    Cosmodrome d.o.

    Krasnaya Polyana b.o.
    Cote d'Azur
    Mozhaisky d.o.
    Podmoskovye d.o.
    Pyatigorsk children's

    Sevastopol b.o.
    Sokol d.o.
    Sochi Recreation Center


    The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reserves the right to clarify the accuracy of information about the sender of the application and the content of the data specified in the Application and medical certificate, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The official mail server (mil.ru) is intended for electronic correspondence on official matters and is not an automated system for receiving and processing citizens' requests.

    Applications sent to the email address of the official mail server may, for technical reasons, be processed longer than applications sent using specialized online booking forms.

    With the holiday season approaching, many are wondering how to relax in a good health resort and save money, how to get a free trip to a sanatorium for a pensioner, what benefits do working citizens and children have?

    Holidays for beneficiaries under the Social Insurance Fund

    The list of beneficiaries who receive social vouchers free of charge (they are paid for by the federal budget) was determined back in 1999 by Federal Law-178. In particular, it says that those thinking about how to get a ticket to a sanatorium for free should determine their belonging to one of the social groups:

    • disabled people, including children;
    • disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War;
    • combat veterans;
    • blockade survivors and home front workers.

    The federal budget will fully cover the cost of accommodation and food for 18-24 days, as well as rail travel in both directions.

    Important! People who receive monthly medications under the federal program will have to take care of picking up the medications from the pharmacy in advance.

    Vouchers are provided on a first-come, first-served basis based on the established register. You cannot choose a resort at your own discretion, since there is a certain list of treatment and rehabilitation institutions that have entered into an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund.

    Aftercare at the expense of the regional budget

    How can a free worker get a ticket to a sanatorium? Preferential rest is provided only in cases where it is necessary to further treat the patient or rehabilitate him after a major operation.

    The list of diseases that allow you to rest for free after the main course of treatment is determined individually in each region. For example, working Muscovites can improve their health for free after:

    • heart attack or stroke;
    • operations on the heart and blood vessels;
    • ulcer treatment;
    • removal of the gallbladder;
    • pancreatitis;
    • orthopedic and traumatological operations:
    • difficult pregnancy;
    • unstable angina;
    • treatment of diabetes mellitus.

    If federal beneficiaries manage to get a referral to Crimea or Mineralnye Vody, then they will most likely have to continue their treatment at the expense of the regional budget at a local health resort. Although, you must admit, the option is also excellent - to sit back for three whole weeks, breathe in the pine air, for example, go for a massage or health treatment. Grace! Provided, of course, that your health allows you to enjoy life.

    That is, those who are thinking about how to get a free trip to a sanatorium for an adult need to understand that it is provided only in case of follow-up treatment for a serious illness or for rehabilitation. In all other cases, if you are not a beneficiary, you will have to rest at your own expense.

    Where to go and what documents are needed?

    The action plan depends on the type of trip (free or discounted), as well as the category of the applicant.

    Free trip from the FSS

    To relax for free:

      beneficiaries must contact the social security authority at their place of residence;

      citizens in need of follow-up treatment and rehabilitation should go to the attending physician to obtain a positive opinion from a medical commission with recommendations for sanatorium treatment (the certificate is valid for six months).

    Required documents (submitted to the Social Insurance Fund or Social Security):

      application for a travel voucher;

    • a certificate obtained from a doctor.

    Documents can be sent by mail, submitted in person or through the government services portal (Home - Catalog of services - Pension, benefits and benefits - Provision of sanatorium and resort treatment). Within 10 days, the authorized bodies must make a decision on issuing a free voucher. If you are lucky, then in the coming days the applicant will pick up both the voucher and the referral for free travel (if applicable) to the Social Insurance Fund or social security.

    Rest for workers

    In Soviet times, the provision of vouchers to workers and employees was more widespread, but even today there are enterprises whose managers have preserved the tradition.

    Types of recreation (the difference in the discount is compensated by the Social Insurance Fund):

      for children 4-15 years old of employees (discount for a trip up to 50%, in budgetary organizations - up to 100%);

      for employees of harmful or dangerous industries, as well as those injured at work - 20% cheaper;

      for members of the enterprise trade union.

    To receive a discounted voucher, you must submit an application addressed to the head of the enterprise, as well as provide a medical certificate with recommendations for sanatorium treatment (if required).

    An enterprise can purchase preferential places for employees to rest either through the Social Insurance Fund or directly from a sanatorium or health resort.

    Important! Enterprise managers can pay for workers’ vacations from their own pockets, and usually such “bonuses” are stipulated in the employment contract.

    How to improve your health in retirement?

    For pensioners who do not belong to the above categories of beneficiaries, there is actually only one chance to relax at the expense of the state - poor health, which requires resort treatment.

    How to get a ticket to a sanatorium while retired? To begin with, get a referral from your therapist. He will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations, and after diagnosis they will issue a certificate in form 070-U04, in which they will describe the detected sores and give recommendations for their treatment in a specialized health resort.

    Then you will have to go to social security and write an application for benefits. By the way, this can also be done by the pensioner’s authorized representative. At the same time, a refusal of monetary compensation is written if the trip to the health resort is approved.

    Within 10 days from the date of submission of documents, employees of social security authorities must answer by telephone whether the pensioner should pack his bags or all his “trouble” was in vain.

    Departmental leave

    Employees and pensioners of many departments have the right to preferential holidays. Military and police, officials and tax officials - the list goes on, and each department sets its own rules for issuing how to get a discounted voucher to a sanatorium (a health resort almost always belongs to a specific department).

    Let's look at an example, how to get a ticket to a sanatorium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

    • Since 2012, police officers have lost the opportunity to purchase vouchers for themselves and their families at half price. Now they will have to pay 12 thousand/21 days and 9 thousand/18 days.
    • Only pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to buy a ticket at half price or with a 25% discount.
    • Family members and parents of a deceased, injured or missing police officer are compensated for the costs of travel there and back by any type of transport, except taxis. You can only save money on the road once a year.
    • Since 2013, the sale of vouchers has been allowed at a price of 500 rubles/day and 572 rubles/day to a small list of departmental sanatoriums.

    In the general queue for receiving vouchers through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the first are:

    • Heroes of Russia and members of their families;
    • parents of deceased or deceased police officers;
    • widows and widowers of Heroes who have not remarried;
    • contract soldiers who served in Chechnya and nearby territories of the North Caucasus;
    • honorary donors.

    The following also have priority over other people on the waiting list:

    • pensioners;
    • family members of deceased or deceased disabled police officers who took part in the Great Patriotic War and modern military conflicts;
    • family members of those who died in captivity or are considered missing;
    • family members of those killed in the line of duty.

    Children's holiday

    Many parents are looking for different ways to get a ticket to a sanatorium for free for their child. The easiest option is to contact your pediatrician. If a child has developmental disabilities or requires preventive measures aimed at improving health, then it is likely that the doctor will write a referral. Will it be possible to get a ticket quickly? This is the second question, because the queue of applicants can be quite large.

    In some clinics, the list of vouchers is posted on special stands, in others it is kept by the head physician, so you should definitely make an appointment with him.

    Often parents do not know how to get a ticket to a sanatorium under compulsory medical insurance. You should contact them if you belong to a preferential category:

    • the child has a disability;
    • family with many children or low income.

    The advantage of applying to compulsory medical insurance is the quick consideration of the application. In a maximum of 20 days you will know whether your children will be able to relax for free or at least with a discount.

    You can also visit the district administration and submit an application to the department of social support of the population, where free vacation destinations are also distributed to disabled children, orphans, those who have lost their breadwinner, and victims of natural disasters - each region creates the list independently. The chances of gaining access to “administrative rest” are slim, but trying is not torture. In addition, there will probably be an opportunity to buy a cheaper ticket there.

    State assistance for pensioners implies not only cash payments, but also a number of other services, including preferential vouchers to health resorts. According to Russian legislation, some categories of citizens who have retired can receive free vouchers for treatment or recreation in the country's sanatorium complexes.

    Let us consider in more detail who is entitled to benefits for sanitary and resort services.

    Who can get a free trip to the sanatorium in 2020

    The conditions for obtaining free trips are specified in Article No. 6 1 of Law No. 178-FZ. As stated in this document, the following categories of pensioners can count on state assistance in organizing sanatorium treatment or recovery:

    • participants and disabled people of the Second World War;
    • employees of the penal system (including retired and reserve citizens), employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and those who participated in hostilities in international and local conflicts of the USSR or the Russian Federation;
    • military personnel of battalions and automobile troops who took part in the delivery of goods to Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989;
    • family members of the victims and the Second World War, as well as;
    • persons living in Leningrad during the siege (you must have the appropriate ID and badge);
    • disabled people.

    Please note that free trips to sanatoriums are only available to non-working pensioners.

    How to get a free trip in 2020

    The Department of Social Protection of the Population is responsible for issuing free vouchers to sanatoriums. To express his desire to use this type of state assistance, a pensioner must contact the territorial office related to his place of residence. You should have the following set of documents with you:

    • application for a discounted voucher;
    • pensioner's ID;
    • passport;
    • a document confirming the right to the benefit;
    • medical certificate form 070/у-04 (the certificate is issued upon referral from the local physician).

    If the travel package is issued by a disabled person, the package of documents must be supplemented by the conclusion of a medical and social examination. This is necessary in order to exclude diseases for which sanitary resort treatment is contraindicated. In addition, some regions of the Russian Federation oblige beneficiaries to present a certificate of the amount of pension benefits.

    In 2005, a system of monetization of benefits began to operate in Russia, so in order to receive a voucher to a sanatorium, a pensioner will have to formally refuse monetary compensation for this type of state support.

    Within 20 days from the date of submission of the application and documents, a decision will be made to grant the voucher or to refuse to issue it. However, a referral to a sanatorium is not issued immediately, but on a first-come, first-served basis.

    How often does the state provide pensioners with preferential vouchers?

    According to the law “On State Social Assistance”, you can use a free voucher to a sanatorium no more than once in two years. However, for disabled people and disabled children, this type of benefit is provided annually. If a person has special medical conditions, a voucher can be provided to him upon request, that is, more often than once a year.

    Fringe benefits

    Along with payment for sanatorium-resort treatment, the state undertakes to pay for travel to the location of the sanatorium and back. The benefits apply to suburban and intercity rail travel.

    Group 1 disabled people and disabled children can receive a second free trip to the sanatorium with payment of a railway ticket for an accompanying person.

    Preferential vouchers for military pensioners in 2020

    According to the order of the Ministry of Defense No. 333 of March 15, 2011, once a year military pensioners can buy a ticket to a sanatorium belonging to the Ministry of Defense, paying 25% of its real cost. In this case, family members of the beneficiary will have to pay 50% of the full cost of the voucher. But please note that in this case, the term “family members” means the spouse of a military pensioner and children under the age of 18 (if the children of the beneficiary are full-time students, they can take advantage of a 50% discount up to 23 years of age).

    The same vouchers are provided free of charge if the former military man belongs to one of the following categories:

    • Hero of the USSR and Russia;
    • Hero of Socialist Labor;
    • full holder of the Order of Glory;
    • full holder of the Order of Labor Glory.

    For a quarter of the price, vouchers to departmental sanatoriums can also be purchased by widows of military pensioners - Heroes and Knights of Glory and Labor Glory.

    Tours and weekend excursions for retirees in 2020

    There are no provisions in the legislation providing for pension benefits for tourist trips. However, almost all domestic tour operators provide special discounts and programs for citizens who have retired.

    Most often, discounted vouchers apply to off-season holidays and accommodation in economy class hotels.

    Also, government support does not apply to excursion cultural events. But, despite this, in every Russian region there are social programs for organizing weekend excursions for people who go to. Depending on the decision of local authorities, such vouchers are partially or fully paid for from city funds.

    To find out whether similar programs operate in your city and what the conditions for participation in them are, contact your regional tourism development center.

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