Home Oral cavity Performing general massage techniques presentation. Presentation "Therapeutic massage" in medicine - project, report

Performing general massage techniques presentation. Presentation "Therapeutic massage" in medicine - project, report


Aromatic massage

It uses essential and basic
(plant-based, such as almond, olive and
etc.) oils. The molecules of essential oils are so
small that quickly penetrate the skin and
provide complex action for the whole body.
Usually more than one is used essential oil, A
some. Thus, they enhance the effect
each other. Are there essential oils that are adaptogens?
(eg bergamot, rosewood, lemon),
improving well-being and increasing
immunity. There are antidepressant oils:
citrus fruits, lavender. There are also many oils
helping to cope with colds, flu and
various viruses - that's all
“conifers” (for example, pine, spruce, etc.), eucalyptus,
cypress, juniper.

Result: You will see the effect after
first session, but so that it is
maximum, it is advisable to take a course from
10-15 procedures. Nice bonus: skin after
such massages will make you feel tender, soft and
like velvet. Body cream will not be

stone massage

Stone massage is a spa hit that enjoys constant
popularity. Moreover, it has been known since ancient times.
The procedure uses heated and cool
oval volcanic stones, different sizes And
heated to different temperatures. There is also a very sophisticated one
massage with semiprecious and precious stones –
rubies, emeralds... But the latter is more often used in
for cosmetic purposes, while massage
volcanic “cobblestones” (they are specially ground
according to a given form) is an excellent therapeutic massage for
relieving muscle tension and muscle pain. His
often recommended for arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis,
rheumatism. This massage is a whole ritual. Masseur
With a little pressure, he moves the stones over the skin of the body, lays out
in a certain order, neatly and barely noticeable
pressing on energy points known to him alone,
moves them from one point to another. Stone therapy is often complemented by aromatherapy: massage is done according to
oil, and this makes it even more pleasant and healthy.

Result: stress, fatigue and
unpleasant sensations of pain and
aches in bones and muscles will go away
like never before.

Ayurvedic massage

Indian Ayurvedic massages are the most
common in spas. Most Popular
(and, according to fans of Ayurveda, effective and
useful ones) are abhyanga and shirodhara.
The first is a body massage with slightly heated oil,
enriched with herbs and essential oils.
– famous Indian oil facial massage,
the time of which is in the middle of the forehead, where it is located
the so-called “third eye” flows in a thin stream
oil, milk or water decoction of medicinal herbs.
Shirodhara has an excellent relaxing
action and perfectly strengthens hair, helps
stop them falling out. In India they still believe that he
promotes spiritual enlightenment.
Result: peace of mind. And pleasant relaxation in
body and thoughts.

Massages with herbal bags and bamboo sticks

WITH Chopsticks
Both are very exotic and, despite the fact that it is very
soft and gentle massages, they work the whole body, including
deep layers of muscles. During the first massage
tiny bags of boiling water are used and
cooled to a pleasant warm temperature with infusions of medicinal
plants (for example, ginger, geranium, lavender, sage,
rosemary). Often sesame seeds are added to the mixture: oil,
released from them when the bags are brewed, makes the skin
velvety and tender. The most popular varieties of this
massage - Tibetan and Thai. And African massage
with bamboo sticks - this is a real drum roll,
which the masseur beats on your body with the sticks of this
plants (don't be alarmed, the shot is very delicate). The massage is done under
rhythmic ethnic music - it is believed that synchronous
vibrations improve performance internal organs.
African shamans use similar massage for healing
their fellow tribesmen from a variety of ailments.

Result: in addition Have a good mood also
excellent therapeutic and prophylactic
procedure. These massages increase
muscle elasticity and joint mobility,
significantly improve metabolism, lymph and blood circulation, help reduce
swelling and muscle tension. Bamboo
massage is also great for
the main scourge of all women - cellulite and
overweight. And if your bones “crunch” after a course of 7-10 procedures, you can
forget about what it is.

Tibetan honey massage

The masseur applies honey to the body, after which
begins to massage gently, special attention
focusing on working out muscles and problem areas,
prone to the appearance of cellulite and fat
sediments. And honey massage is good
warms – that’s why it’s especially
Recommended for those who are constantly cold.
If you are cold or feel that
caught a cold, this procedure will not help
get sick.

Result: good health And
beautiful elastic skin! Honey
saturates it with useful
substances, cleanses, nourishes and
moisturizes, removes toxins.

Chocolate massage

The best anti-stress and
the most anti-depressive massage ever
invented by mankind. It's just the smell
chocolate promotes hormone production
joy - endorphins. And depression, bad
mood and blues leave you for more
don't come back. And this is also an aphrodisiac massage,
which is recommended to be done before love
date. Chocolate molecules enhance
sexual desire of women and increase potency
in men. However, resist the temptation
taste the chocolate during the procedure:
cosmetic chocolate, which is used for
such a massage. Although it smells very appetizing,
not edible.

The result: fun and playful, even
slightly frivolous mood.
Especially recommended for people
moody, nervous and prone to

Hand massage (classic hand massage)

The arm muscles experience great stress throughout the day.
load, strong stress accumulates here,
which in the form of muscle pain radiates either to the neck,
or in the shoulder.
Hand massage relieves all these unpleasant
Hand massage includes finger massage,
hands, wrist joints, forearms,
elbow joints, shoulders, shoulder joints, and
the most important nerve trunks.

Foot massage (classic foot massage)

Foot massage is stimulating
impact not only on the leg muscles, but also on the entire
the body as a whole. On the plantar surface
the feet contain thousands of nerve endings,
reflexively influencing the general condition
person. This is where it starts
reflexology. If you influence
reflexogenic points, normalization occurs
work of internal organs. When massaging your feet
the patient's general fatigue disappears and improves
blood circulation, increased nutrition and excretion
metabolic products. Foot massage improves
sleep helps reduce and disappear
swelling of the legs.

After a foot massage there is a noticeable increase in
immunity, and also stimulates work
cardiovascular, nervous systems, that
leads to comprehensive health benefits
effects on the body.
Indications for foot massage:
circulatory disorders;
respiratory diseases;
digestive disorders
diseases of the limbs;
states of anxiety and stress.

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Presentation on the topic: massotherapy

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Mass (from the French masser - to rub) is a set of methods of mechanical and reflex action on tissues and organs in the form of rubbing, pressure, vibration, carried out directly on the surface of the human body, both with hands and with special devices through air, water or other medium with the purpose achieving a therapeutic or other effect. Mass (from the French masser - to rub) is a set of methods of mechanical and reflex action on tissues and organs in the form of rubbing, pressure, vibration, carried out directly on the surface of the human body, both with hands and with special devices through air, water or other medium with the purpose achieving a therapeutic or other effect. Therapeutic massage is one of the functional methods of preventing and treating injuries and diseases in humans.

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The following types of therapeutic massage are distinguished: The following types of therapeutic massage are distinguished: classical - used without taking into account reflex effects and carried out near the damaged area of ​​​​the body or directly on it; segmental-reflex - performed for the purpose of a reflex effect on the functional state of internal organs and systems, tissues; they use special moves, affecting certain areas - dermatomes; connective tissue - affects mainly connective tissue, subcutaneous tissue; the basic techniques of connective tissue massage are carried out taking into account the direction of the Benninghoff lines (Fig. 1); periosteal - with this type of massage, by influencing points in a certain sequence, they cause reflex changes in the periosteum; acupressure - a type of therapeutic massage, when locally a relaxing or stimulating effect is applied to the biological active points(zones) according to indications for illness or dysfunction or for pain localized in a certain part of the body; hardware - carried out using vibration, pneumatic vibration, vacuum, ultrasonic, ionizing devices; Varieties of baro-, electrical stimulation and other types of massage are also used (aeroionic, various applicators - Fig. 2); therapeutic self-massage - used by the patient himself, can be recommended by the attending physician, nurse, massage specialist, exercise therapy. The most selected effective techniques to influence this area bodies.

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The effect of massage on the skin Massage has a variety of effects on the skin. It improves trophic processes in the skin, cleanses the skin of exfoliating epidermal cells, stimulates the secretory function of sweat and sebaceous glands. The beneficial effect of massage on skin and muscle tone. Stroking and other massage techniques improve the contractile function of the skin muscles, promoting its elasticity and firmness. Under the influence of massage, physiologically active histamine-like substances are formed in the skin, as well as other protein breakdown products, causing a vasodilating effect in the skin, spreading to deep layers, reaching muscle tissue and has a reflex effect on the entire body.

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The effect of massage on the circulatory and lymphatic system Massage has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the massage, blood flows from the internal organs to the surface of the skin and muscle layers, moderate expansion occurs peripheral vessels, the work of the heart is facilitated, its pumping capacity is increased, blood supply and contractility are improved. the ability of the heart muscle to be eliminated congestion in the small and large circles of blood circulation, metabolism in cells is revived, and oxygen absorption by tissues increases.

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The effect of massage on the nervous system Massage improves functional ability central nervous system, enhances its regulatory and coordinating function, stimulates regenerative processes and function restoration processes peripheral nerves. Excitability of the nervous system depending on the initial state. its functional state and massage technique may decrease or increase. Subjective sensations during a massage they usually manifest themselves as positive emotions of a pleasant state of peace, freshness and lightness. At the same time, massage can also have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. If installed incorrectly. indications and selection of techniques, the effect of massage may be manifested by deterioration general condition, irritability, general weakness, pain in the tissues or increased pain in the pathological focus up to an exacerbation of the process.

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The effect of massage on the musculoskeletal system The effect of massage is more effective when the muscles are warm or the massage is performed in a warm room. A relaxed state of a muscle is observed when the places of its attachment are close together and there is no resistance in the form of heaviness or muscle contraction. The most complete muscle relaxation occurs when the joints of the limbs are bent at a certain angle. This position (position) is the average physiological position. Average physiological positions of body segments are used in massage practice. The state of muscle relaxation (relaxation) is an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of massage manipulations. Many researchers point to the enhancement of excitatory processes under the influence of massage, especially kneading techniques, emphasizing the importance of massage as a means of restoring functional muscle deficiency, combating fatigue and stimulating gas exchange processes in the body. Massage is an active irritant and helps to maximize the performance of tired muscles. Massage in the form of kneading muscle tissue increases the overall excitability of the body, reflexively influencing the increase functional state think tanks.

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FORMS OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE The form of therapeutic massage is divided into general and private. In the general form, massage is performed on all parts of the body, but special attention is paid to those areas that are associated with a specific disease: General massage is performed for at least 50-70 minutes every other day, in series or every day, depending on the course of the disease and its clinic. In the private form of massage, only certain parts of the body are massaged, for example, the arm, leg, back, hand, joint, etc. The duration of the session depends on which part of the body is being massaged. The session can last from 3 to 30 minutes. Private massage is carried out according to the method of general massage, done more carefully, using a large number of techniques on the massaged organ.

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Before conducting a therapeutic massage session, the following requirements must be met: 1. Give the patient’s body a position in which his muscles and ligaments of the joints will be in a relaxed state. 2. Provide the patient with a position in which he can remain without much effort during the entire massage session. 3. The patient's body should be covered with a sheet, leaving only those areas of the body that are necessary for the massage exposed. 4. Do not change the patient’s position unless absolutely necessary. 5. Create the necessary working conditions, i.e. exclude the presence of unauthorized persons, bright light, noise. 6. When performing a back massage, (if necessary) you need to align the physiological curvature of the spine (with osteochondrosis, lordosis, etc.) using a pillow.

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When prescribing a massage, it is necessary to clearly know the indications and contraindications for its use. It is important to take into account that when combining massage with physical factors the latter may be accompanied by a reaction. When prescribing a massage, it is necessary to clearly know the indications and contraindications for its use. It is important to take into account that when combining massage with physical factors, the latter may be accompanied by a reaction. Massage should be performed along the lymphatic pathways towards the nearest lymph nodes, which cannot be massaged. The patient's position should prevent tension on the parts being massaged and on the entire body. Massage techniques should not cause pain. The duration of the massage session depends on the disease, body area, body weight of the person, his age and condition this moment, etc. The first massage sessions are always short and gentle, and then the time and strength of the impact increase. The time for performing individual massage techniques depends on the parts of the body being massaged, the nature of the injuries or diseases, as well as the well-being of the patient. Right choice techniques largely determines the effect therapeutic effect massage.

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In massage there are 4 mandatory techniques with the presence of active-passive movements: - stroking; - rubbing; - kneading; - vibration. In massage there are 4 mandatory techniques with the presence of active-passive movements: - stroking; - rubbing; - kneading; - vibration.

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Stroking Stroking is the most commonly used massage technique. It involves sliding your hand(s) over the skin. The skin does not move. The skin does not move. Types of stroking: planar, grasping (continuous, intermittent). Execution technique. Stroking is performed with the pad of the thumb on small areas of the body (interosseous muscles, at the exit points of the nerve, along its course, etc.), with the pads of fingers II - V, the base of the palm, fists, palmar and dorsum of the hand(s). When stroking plane, the brush (palm) glides over the surface of the skin, tightly adhering to it. The touch should be gentle, soft. It is performed with one or two hands, both along the flow of lymph and against it. When grasping, continuous stroking, the hand (palm) should tightly grasp the massaged area and slide from the periphery to the center, along the vessels, which helps to increase blood and lymph flow. The movement of the hand(s) should be slow. Enveloping intermittent stroking is performed with a brush (palm) tightly fitting to the massaged area. The hands (arm) move energetically over small areas, sometimes grasping and squeezing, sometimes releasing. Movements should be rhythmic. This stroking is used mainly on the limbs.

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Rubbing Rubbing consists of displacing, moving, stretching tissues in different directions. In this case, the skin moves along with the massage therapist’s hand. This technique has a deeper effect on the tissue than stroking, and is carried out along the blood and lymph flow. When rubbing the back muscles - up and down. Rubbing is performed with the palmar surface of the hand, the tubercles of the thumbs, the pads of the index or middle or II - V fingers, the base of the palm, fists, the ulnar edge of the hand (or forearm), and the bony protrusions of the phalanges of the fingers bent into a fist. Rubbing is performed with one or two hands longitudinally, transversely, circularly, zigzagly (or spirally). Execution technique. Rubbing with the palmar surface of the hand: the hand is pressed tightly to the massaged area, the fingers are also pressed against each other, the thumb is moved to the side; produce displacement of the skin and subcutaneous fat. The technique is carried out with one or two hands. Rubbing with fingertips: thumb pressed against the index finger, and the pads of the II - V fingers tightly to the massaged area; moving the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue. This technique can be performed with weights. It is most often used for massage of the back (especially paravertebral zones), buttocks, joints, intercostal muscles, dorsum of the foot and hand, and heel tendon.

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Kneading Kneading is the main massage technique; technically it is the most complex. Kneading consists of continuous (or intermittent) grasping, lifting, squeezing, squeezing, rubbing, squeezing, shifting, “grinding” tissues (muscles). Kneading is given great importance. In the general massage scheme, kneading should occupy 6075% of the total time allotted for the entire procedure. Types of kneading: continuous, intermittent. Execution technique. Ordinary kneading is performed with one hand. Having tightly clasped the massaged muscle with the palm (the thumb is located on one side of the muscle, and all the others are on the other), it is lifted, squeezing between the fingers and making forward movements. Kneading with two hands (double circular) in the transverse direction is performed as follows: tightly clasping the massaged muscle (muscles) with your hands (on one side of the muscle there are thumbs, and on the other - all the others), with one hand they pull (raise) it (them) up, squeeze and squeeze, and squeeze the other down, gradually moving along the muscle. The massage movements are soft, without jerking. Kneading with two hands is most often performed on the back, buttocks, abdomen, and limbs.

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Vibration and shock techniques Vibration is the transmission of oscillatory movements to the massaged area of ​​the body, performed evenly, but with different speeds and amplitude. The procedure is performed using the palmar surface, distal phalanges one finger, thumb and index (or index, middle and ring), thumb and other fingers, palm, fist. It has a strong and varied effect on deep-lying tissues, nerves, and bones. The movements of the massage therapist’s hands should be gentle, soft, and painless. A variety of striking techniques. Patting is carried out with the palmar surface of the hand (thumb pressed) or with the hand with slightly bent fingers. It is performed with one or two hands alternately, gently, mainly on the back muscles, hips, and buttocks. Tapping is done with a fist (with the edge of the elbow) and fingertips. The movements follow one after another, the force of the blow depends on the location of the impact. This version of vibration is carried out on the back, buttocks, thighs; chest, along the intestine. Chopping with the edge of the hand: the fingers are straightened or spread apart and relaxed when striking so that the blow is softened. The procedure is performed with one or two hands alternately and rhythmically on the back muscles, buttocks, chest, and limbs. Chopping is carried out in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

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When performing massage for the purpose of treatment and rehabilitation, there are the following contraindications. Acute febrile condition and acute inflammatory processes. Bleeding, bleeding. Blood diseases. Purulent processes of any localization. A disease of skin infection, unknown or fungal etiology. Skin rashes, damage, skin irritation. Acute inflammation of the veins, vascular thrombosis, significant varicose veins with trophic disorders. Endarteritis, complicated by trophic disorders, gangrene. Atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels, thromboangiitis in combination with atherosclerosis cerebral vessels, accompanied by cerebral crises. Aneurysms of blood vessels and heart.

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Inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels. Enlarged, painful The lymph nodes fused to the skin and underlying tissues. Inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels. Enlarged, painful lymph nodes adherent to the skin and underlying tissues. Allergies with hemorrhagic and other rashes. Hemorrhages into the skin. Excessive mental or physical fatigue. Active form of tuberculosis. Syphilis stage 1-2, AIDS. Chronic osteomyelitis. Causalgic syndrome after peripheral nerve injuries. Malignant tumors various localizations. Mental illness, with excessive excitement, significantly altered psyche. In some cases, contraindications to massage are temporary and after acute inflammatory process, feverish state, purulent process, exacerbation of a disease of the autonomic nervous system, etc. massage can be used (according to indications).

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A combination of therapeutic massage with exercise therapy and physiotherapy. A combination of therapeutic massage with exercise therapy and physiotherapy. In many cases, it is advisable to combine massage with various physiotherapeutic procedures: water therapy, light therapy, electrotherapy, etc. Physical methods treatments prepare body tissues for massage. For example, it is advisable to pre-warm the limbs whose skin temperature is low (paresis, paralysis), or to reduce pain so that it becomes possible to deepen the massage, etc. Massage and heat therapy. Heat significantly enhances the physiological effect of massage, causing active tissue hyperemia, reduces muscle excitability, relaxes spasm of muscles and blood vessels and significantly reduces pain. Therefore, in case of traumatic and inflammatory lesions of the joint-ligamentous and muscular system in the subacute period, as well as in chronic processes, joint stiffness, muscle contractures, vascular disorders with a tendency to spasms, it is advisable to combine massage with thermal procedures (water bath, paraffin, ozokerite, steam room, sauna, etc.).

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Massage and electrotherapy. Massage and electrotherapy. When using combined massage and electro-gymnastics (amplipulse, electrical stimulation, etc.), massage is recommended to be carried out immediately after the electrical procedure. When prescribing electrophoresis with different medicinal substances in combination with massage, massage is first used, and then electrophoresis. Massage and hydrotherapy. Depending on the indications, massage can be used before and after water procedures. For injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system (scar tissue adhesions, myogenic, arthrogenic contractures, joint stiffness, myofibrosis, tissue myosclerosis, etc.), as well as for injuries and diseases of the peripheral nervous system (lumbosacral radiculitis, neuromyositis etc.) first apply thermal and water procedures, and then massage; with pronounced pain syndrome The massage is preceded by a hydrotherapy procedure. Physiotherapeutic procedures do not place a very large burden on the cardiovascular and nervous system and can be prescribed on the same day, but in different time: for example, water bath ( low temperature) and massage, mud therapy (local application) and massage.


The meaning of sports massage

Sports massage is a type of massage that
used in practice to improve
performance of athletes.
Forms one of the links in the system chain
sports training.
The use of this type of massage favors
rapid achievement of sports shape, and
also its retention.
preparation for participation in competitions, as well as
helps fight fatigue.

The effect of sports massage on the human body

affects neuromuscular function
device, improves lymph and blood circulation, stimulates
metabolic processes in the body.
Is one of the most accessible and effective
recovery means.
Improves oxygen and nutritional supply to muscles
substances, they are more easily freed from toxins, muscle
performance is not only restored, but also
The function of the ligamentous apparatus improves (ligaments become
more elastic); blood circulation of joints and surrounding
tissues improves, which allows increasing the amplitude
movements in the joints.
Sports massage has been successfully used for bruises
ligamentous apparatus, scar tissue adhesions and others
consequences of injuries and diseases.
massage will depend on its dosage,
techniques used, body sensitivity and other

Training massage

Training massage – sports massage,
athlete during training.
The goal is to help prepare the athlete for
highest sporting achievements in possible
psychophysical energy.
Objectives of training massage
Improve the condition of the muscles that fall on
huge pressure.
Increase athletic performance.
Promote rapid entry into sports

Training massage is used in all periods
sports training, especially in preparatory
and transitional.
Distribution of massage time between individual
body parts is determined by the localization of the load.
Duration 60 minutes based on massaged body weight
equal to 70 kg. With a change in the athlete's mass by + 1
kg massage time changes by 1 kg.
Carry out no more than 1 – 2 times a week.
The best time to do it is a day of rest.
It is not recommended to do it 1 day before the competition,
immediately before meals and after meals.
The interval between food and massage is at least 2 hours.

Organization of training massage

Depending on the sport, the emphasis is on
different muscle groups. For example, for runners or
For cyclists, the most important thing is sports
massage the muscles of the legs, while the arms or chest require
much less attention to yourself.
at least once a week
conduct a training massage in a bathhouse.
The intensity of the massage depends on the reactivity
massaged body, training load,
athlete's fitness.

Training massage
divided into
fitness level

Massage to improve fitness

It is used in the preparatory period for the purpose of
improving skills in a chosen form
During this period it is contraindicated to give large
physical activity, since the body is still
not well adapted to them!
Massage is carried out daily (if training
every other day or once a day) and 2 times a day (one
general procedure, another private massage), if
the athlete is free from training on this day

During a massage session, the following techniques should be used:

stroking (any), kneading (shallow),
shaking (continuous).
Massage performed immediately after intensive
physical activity is ineffective!
It is recommended to massage 4-6 hours after
workout. The procedure is repeated no earlier than
than 4 hours after the first session, i.e. as the second
training session.
As the athlete gets into sports shape
The massage technique changes: the number of total sessions
massage in a weekly training cycle
decreases, and private increases.
Massage should also be prescribed during the transition period,
when an athlete sharply reduces the number of training sessions
or stops training altogether; expedient
conduct daily general deep massage.

Massage that keeps you fit

Used to maintain functional
state of various organs, systems and levels
training, when an athlete for some reason
reasons stops the training process.
Massage is necessary in cases where large
training loads are contraindicated for the athlete
or training sessions are stopped, and
when 1-3 days of competition are training
loads are reduced.
In the last procedures before the competition
massage the whole body (paying attention to the muscles and
joints that will bear the main load).

Massage that improves physical qualities

The goal is to promote the development of physical qualities.
The massage technique depends on the tasks
(cultivation of flexibility, development of strength, ability to relax
To develop flexibility in joints in a massage procedure
range of motion and stretching exercises.
Basic techniques: rubbing, kneading, shaking,
stroking, movements in joints.
To develop strength, it is advisable to do the following:
techniques: stroking (any), squeezing with weights,
rubbing (with the phalanges of bent fingers, the base of the palm,
pads of 4 fingers), kneading (any - deep,
alternating with intermittent shaking), striking techniques
(chopping, beating).
All techniques are performed very intensively!

Preliminary massage

Preliminary massage - sports massage,
be held immediately before the sports
performance to improve performance
The following subtypes can be distinguished:
warm-up (performed immediately before
massage in pre-launch states (performed for
psycho-emotional state);
warming massage (performed when
threat of hypothermia);
mobilizing massage.

Warm-up massage

carried out before a training session or performance in
competition and can be performed before a special warm-up, together with
warm-up (then the warm-up time is reduced) or after warm-up and
instead of warming up.
Warm-up massage is performed for:
A) general training athlete (helps to enhance the functions of various
b) special training to the upcoming physical activity (aimed at
strengthening the functions of those systems that bear a particularly large load in
upcoming work).
The duration of the warm-up massage is from 5 to 35 minutes.
The following set of techniques is used: squeezing, kneading (up to 80%
time) - single, double ring, double regular,
circular with pads of 4 fingers, pincer-shaped; trituration
(with forceps, the fingertips of both hands, the heel of the palm and the tubercles
thumbs, straight and circular phalanges,
bent into a fist); passive movements (if the main load is on the joints).
If the main load falls on the muscles, then use movements with
resistance (60-70%) and passive movements (30-40%)!

Warm-up massage

Pre-warm-up massage is carried out immediately before
the body's performance due to intensification
activity of vegetative functions. Basic techniques:
kneading (double ring, double ordinary,
base of the palm combined with shaking), rubbing
on the joints (performed softly, elastically in combination with
Duration of massage is 10-15 minutes.
Post-warm-up massage is applied after a special
warm-ups at the competition site. Its duration is from
15 to 20 minutes depending on how it was carried out
warm-up - partially or thoroughly. Basic techniques -
kneading, rubbing, shaking, then a pause
rest for 5-10 minutes. Advantages
warm-up massage: performing it instead of warming up,
eliminating sports injuries and saving physical
athlete's strength before competition.

Massage in pre-launch states

The task is to regulate unfavorable pre-launch
athlete's conditions.
The pre-start state is a conditioned reflex,
the irritant of which may be the environment,
meeting with an enemy, etc. Subjectively
the pre-launch state is perceived as excitement
when leaving for the start (usually 1-3 days before
The focus of the massage is to reduce excess
excitement during starting fever and decrease
depressed state with initial apathy.
The preliminary massage technique should be based on
depending on the pre-start state of the athlete,
which is very diverse in emotional

There are three types of emotions that characterize pre-launch
a) combat readiness for the upcoming competition (positive
b) pre-launch fever (sharply increased reaction);
c) initial apathy (sharply decreased reaction).
The state of “combat” readiness is a favorable form
pre-start state, when the athlete is confident, collected,
full of desire to win. In this case, a warm-up is used,
warming and mobilizing preliminary massage.
Pre-launch fever is a condition that is accompanied by
athlete: irritability, agitation, increased
body temperature, chills, headache, loss of appetite,
lack of self-confidence. In these cases it applies
soothing massage, the purpose of which is to reduce
excitability before the start. Session duration is 7-12 minutes.
Basic massage techniques - combined stroking
(4-7 min), kneading (1, 5-3 min) - light, superficial,
rhythmic; shaking (1.5-2 min).

The use of massage for different mental conditions

Starting apathy is a state of a peculiar
extreme braking, which is a consequence
excessive starting excitement.
excitement, self-doubt, mercy,
drowsiness, decreased attention, reluctance to participate in
competitions, decreased motor reaction speed.
In case of initial apathy, a tonic massage is prescribed, the goal
which is to increase the excitability of the central nervous system.
Session duration is 8-12 minutes depending on the type of
Basic massage techniques - kneading (5-8 min),
squeezing (1.5-2 min), striking techniques (1.5-2 min).
Preliminary massage (both for starting fever and
with starting apathy) should end 5-7 minutes before
It should be carried out in a warm place, isolated from external
irritants indoors.

Warming massage

The task is to combat the cooling of the body or
individual parts of the body. Warming preliminary
massage is performed before training, before
competition, during competitions (between
races, swims, fights, etc.).
The goal is to increase body temperature, improve
elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, prevention
A short massage procedure helps:
a) improve blood circulation in the muscles;
b) rapid and deep warming of muscles;
c) increasing muscle contractility.
As a result of the massage, the
body temperature, muscles and ligaments become more
elastic, damage-resistant and
the athlete's performance increases.

Methodical features

Massage is indicated in cases of training or competition
in cold weather or in a cool room, when delayed
start (break), long competition (several
hours) to prevent re-injury.
Methodical features:
Warming massage should be carried out very energetically, in a quick
pace, alternating stroking with kneading and rubbing throughout the body.
The massage should begin with stroking the back (3-4 times) and the back
surface of the thigh. Then vigorous squeezing is carried out along the entire back
and rubbing (with the ridges of the fists and the base of the palm).
It is recommended to complete the procedure by shaking.
When performing massage in the joint area, they mainly use
rubbing in combination with vigorous kneading and movements (with
To quickly warm up a particular area of ​​the body, more
long-term heat maintenance is used various ointments, gels,
creams and rubs, the therapeutic effect of which is due to the properties
the ingredients they contain and the reflex effect on the body.

Mobilizing massage

Mobilizing massage is a type of massage used with
the goal of maximum mobilization of all accumulated in
(physical, mental, tactical, etc.). His
carried out in cases where the athlete is good
prepared for the performance, confident.
The goal is maximum mobilization of functional
procedures 10-15 min.
In all cases, mobilizing massage: should be
soft, deep, not painful

Restorative massage

Used after any physical activity, when
any degree of fatigue in order to maximize
quick recovery various functions and systems
This is the main type of sports massage!
It is carried out:
a) during training sessions;
b) between training sessions;
c) after training sessions;
d) during competitions (especially long ones);
e) after the first day of performances;
e) after the end of the competition.

Restorative massage

More appropriate after:
hydro procedures,
warm shower (3-12 min),
various baths (1 - 10 min),
passive stay in water or active swimming
in the pool (from 3 to 10 min),
and also after dry air (3-20 min), steam
(2-15 min), raw (2-10 min) baths.
It helps relieve mental stress,
relaxation of muscle tissue, recovery
performance of the body.
Used manual massage, manual massage under water,
hydromassage, vibration and pneumatic
massage, as well as combined massage.

Restorative massage

Restorative massage is used:
1. During short breaks (1-5 minutes);
2. During a break from 5 to 20 minutes;
3. During breaks from 20 minutes to 6 hours;
4. In a multi-day competition system with
one-time performance (training session) in
5. On a day of rest;
6. After the competition.
Basic massage techniques: combined
stroking, shaking, shaking, felting,
rubbing, kneading.

Restorative massage

Particular attention should be paid to those groups
muscles that bear the main load.
Restorative massage is performed with
taking into account the specifics of the sport, the time between
first and second loads, degree
fatigue, the nature of the athlete's tension!

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JSC: Medical University Astana

Presentation on the topic: Therapeutic massage

Prepared by: Klyshpayeva A. 408 OZ

Astana 2015

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Massage (from the French masser - to rub) is a set of techniques of mechanical and reflex effects on tissues and organs in the form of rubbing, pressure, vibration, carried out directly on the surface of the human body, both with hands and with special devices through air, water or other medium in order to achieve therapeutic or other effect. Therapeutic massage is one of the functional methods of preventing and treating injuries and diseases in humans.

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The following types of therapeutic massage are distinguished: classical - used without taking into account reflex effects and carried out near the damaged area of ​​​​the body or directly on it; segmental-reflex - performed for the purpose of a reflex effect on the functional state of internal organs and systems, tissues; at the same time, special techniques are used, affecting certain areas - dermatomes; connective tissue - affect mainly connective tissue, subcutaneous tissue; the basic techniques of connective tissue massage are carried out taking into account the direction of the Benninghoff lines (Fig. 1); periosteal - with this type of massage, by influencing points in a certain sequence, they cause reflex changes in the periosteum; acupressure - a type of therapeutic massage, when a local effect is applied in a relaxing or stimulating manner on biologically active points (zones) according to indications for illness or dysfunction or for pain localized in a certain part of the body; hardware - carried out using vibration, pneumatic vibration, vacuum, ultrasonic, ionizing devices; Varieties of baro-, electrical stimulation and other types of massage are also used (aeroionic, various applicators - Fig. 2); therapeutic self-massage - used by the patient himself, can be recommended by the attending physician, nurse, massage specialist, exercise therapy. The most effective techniques for influencing this area of ​​the body are selected.

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The effect of massage on the skin

Massage has a variety of effects on the skin. It improves trophic processes in the skin, cleanses the skin of exfoliating epidermal cells, stimulates the secretory function of the sweat and sebaceous glands. The beneficial effect of massage on skin and muscle tone. Stroking and other massage techniques improve the contractile function of the skin muscles, promoting its elasticity and firmness. Under the influence of massage, physiologically active histamine-like substances are formed in the skin, as well as other protein breakdown products, causing a vasodilating effect in the skin, spreading to deep layers, reaching muscle tissue and having a reflex effect on the entire body.

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The effect of massage on the circulatory and lymphatic systems

Massage has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the massage, blood flows from the internal organs to the surface of the skin and to the muscle layers, a moderate expansion of peripheral vessels occurs, the work of the heart is facilitated, its pumping ability increases, blood supply and contractility are improved. ability of the heart muscle, congestion in the pulmonary and systemic circulation is eliminated, cell metabolism is revived, and oxygen absorption by tissues increases.

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The effect of massage on the nervous system

Massage improves the functional capacity of the central nervous system, enhances its regulatory and coordinating function, stimulates regenerative processes and processes of restoring the function of peripheral nerves. Excitability of the nervous system depending on the initial state. its functional state and massage technique may decrease or increase. Subjective sensations during a massage are usually manifested by positive emotions of a pleasant state of peace, freshness and lightness. At the same time, massage can also have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. If installed incorrectly. indications and selection of techniques, the effect of massage can be manifested by a deterioration in the general condition, irritability, general weakness, pain in the tissues or increased pain in the pathological focus, up to an exacerbation of the process.

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The effect of massage on the musculoskeletal system

The effects of massage are more effective when the muscles are warmed or the massage is performed in a warm room. A relaxed state of a muscle is observed when the places of its attachment are close together and there is no resistance in the form of heaviness or muscle contraction. The most complete muscle relaxation occurs when the joints of the limbs are bent at a certain angle. This position (position) is the average physiological position. Average physiological positions of body segments are used in massage practice. The state of muscle relaxation (relaxation) is an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of massage manipulations. Many researchers point to the enhancement of excitatory processes under the influence of massage, especially kneading techniques, emphasizing the importance of massage as a means of restoring functional muscle deficiency, combating fatigue and stimulating gas exchange processes in the body. Massage is an active irritant and helps to maximize the performance of tired muscles. Massage in the form of kneading muscle tissue increases the overall excitability of the body, reflexively influencing the increase in the functional state of the brain centers.

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The form of therapeutic massage is divided into general and private. In the general form, massage is performed on all parts of the body, but special attention is paid to those areas that are associated with a specific disease: General massage is performed for at least 50-70 minutes every other day, in series or every day, depending on the course of the disease and its clinic. In the private form of massage, only certain parts of the body are massaged, for example, the arm, leg, back, hand, joint, etc. The duration of the session depends on which part of the body is being massaged. The session can last from 3 to 30 minutes. Private massage is carried out according to the method of general massage, done more carefully, using a large number of techniques on the massaged organ.

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Before conducting a therapeutic massage session, the following requirements must be met:

1. Give the patient’s body a position in which his muscles and ligaments of the joints will be in a relaxed state. 2. Provide the patient with a position in which he can remain without much effort during the entire massage session. 3. The patient's body should be covered with a sheet, leaving only those areas of the body that are necessary for the massage exposed. 4. Do not change the patient’s position unless absolutely necessary. 5. Create the necessary working conditions, i.e. exclude the presence of unauthorized persons, bright light, noise. 6. When performing a back massage, (if necessary) you need to align the physiological curvature of the spine (with osteochondrosis, lordosis, etc.) using a pillow.

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When prescribing a massage, it is necessary to clearly know the indications and contraindications for its use. It is important to take into account that when combining massage with physical factors, the latter may be accompanied by a reaction. Massage should be performed along the lymphatic pathways towards the nearest lymph nodes, which cannot be massaged. The patient's position should prevent tension on the parts being massaged and on the entire body. Massage techniques should not cause pain. The duration of a massage session depends on the disease, body area, body weight of the person, his age and current condition, etc. The first massage sessions are always short and gentle, and then the time and strength of the impact increase. The time for performing individual massage techniques depends on the parts of the body being massaged, the nature of the injuries or diseases, as well as the patient’s well-being. The correct choice of techniques largely determines the therapeutic effect of massage.

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Stroking is the most commonly used massage technique. It involves sliding your hand(s) over the skin. The skin does not move. The skin does not move. Types of stroking: planar, grasping (continuous, intermittent). Execution technique. Stroking is performed with the pad of the thumb on small areas of the body (interosseous muscles, at the exit points of the nerve, along its course, etc.), with the pads of fingers II - V, the base of the palm, fists, palmar and dorsum of the hand(s). When stroking plane, the brush (palm) glides over the surface of the skin, tightly adhering to it. The touch should be gentle, soft. It is performed with one or two hands, both along the flow of lymph and against it. When grasping, continuous stroking, the hand (palm) should tightly grasp the massaged area and slide from the periphery to the center, along the vessels, which helps to increase blood and lymph flow. The movement of the hand(s) should be slow. Enveloping intermittent stroking is performed with a brush (palm) tightly fitting to the massaged area. The hands (arm) move energetically over small areas, sometimes grasping and squeezing, sometimes releasing. Movements should be rhythmic. This stroking is used mainly on the limbs.

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Rubbing consists of displacement, movement, and stretching of tissues in different directions. In this case, the skin moves along with the massage therapist’s hand. This technique has a deeper effect on the tissue than stroking, and is carried out along the blood and lymph flow. When rubbing the back muscles - up and down. Rubbing is performed with the palmar surface of the hand, the tubercles of the thumbs, the pads of the index or middle or II - V fingers, the base of the palm, fists, the ulnar edge of the hand (or forearm), and the bony protrusions of the phalanges of the fingers bent into a fist. Rubbing is performed with one or two hands longitudinally, transversely, circularly, zigzagly (or spirally). Execution technique. Rubbing with the palmar surface of the hand: the hand is pressed tightly to the massaged area, the fingers are also pressed against each other, the thumb is moved to the side; produce displacement of the skin and subcutaneous fat. The technique is carried out with one or two hands. Rubbing with the pads of the fingers: the thumb is pressed against the index finger, and the pads of the II - V fingers tightly to the massaged area; moving the skin and subcutaneous fat. This technique can be performed with weights. It is most often used for massage of the back (especially paravertebral zones), buttocks, joints, intercostal muscles, dorsum of the foot and hand, and heel tendon.

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Kneading is the main massage technique; technically it is the most complex. Kneading consists of continuous (or intermittent) grasping, lifting, squeezing, squeezing, rubbing, squeezing, shifting, “grinding” tissues (muscles). Kneading is given great importance. In the general massage scheme, kneading should occupy 6075% of the total time allotted for the entire procedure. Types of kneading: continuous, intermittent. Execution technique. Ordinary kneading is performed with one hand. Having tightly clasped the massaged muscle with the palm (the thumb is located on one side of the muscle, and all the others are on the other), it is lifted, squeezing between the fingers and making forward movements. Kneading with two hands (double circular) in the transverse direction is performed as follows: tightly clasping the massaged muscle (muscles) with your hands (on one side of the muscle there are thumbs, and on the other - all the others), with one hand they pull (raise) it (them) up, squeeze and squeeze, and squeeze the other down, gradually moving along the muscle. The massage movements are soft, without jerking. Kneading with two hands is most often performed on the back, buttocks, abdomen, and limbs.

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Vibration and percussion techniques

Vibration is the transmission of oscillatory movements to the massaged area of ​​the body, produced evenly, but with different speeds and amplitudes. The procedure is performed with the palmar surface, the distal phalanges of one finger, thumb and index (or index, middle and ring), thumb and other fingers, palm, fist. It has a strong and varied effect on deep-lying tissues, nerves, and bones. The movements of the massage therapist’s hands should be gentle, soft, and painless. A variety of striking techniques. Patting is carried out with the palmar surface of the hand (thumb pressed) or with the hand with slightly bent fingers. It is performed with one or two hands alternately, gently, mainly on the back muscles, hips, and buttocks. Tapping is done with a fist (with the edge of the elbow) and fingertips. The movements follow one after another, the force of the blow depends on the location of the impact. This version of vibration is carried out on the back, buttocks, thighs; chest, along the intestines. Chopping with the edge of the hand: fingers straightened or spread apart and relaxed when struck so that the blow is softened. Perform the procedure with one or two hands alternately and rhythmically on the muscles of the back, buttocks, chest, limbs. Chopping is carried out in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

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When performing massage for the purpose of treatment and rehabilitation, there are the following contraindications.

Acute febrile condition and acute inflammatory processes. Bleeding, bleeding. Blood diseases. Purulent processes of any localization. A disease of skin infection, unknown or fungal etiology. Skin rashes, damage, skin irritations. Acute inflammation of the veins, vascular thrombosis, significant varicose veins with trophic disorders. Endarteritis, complicated by trophic disorders, gangrene. Atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels, thromboangiitis in combination with atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, accompanied by cerebral crises. Aneurysms of blood vessels and heart.

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Inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels. Enlarged, painful lymph nodes adherent to the skin and underlying tissues. Allergies with hemorrhagic and other rashes. Hemorrhages into the skin. Excessive mental or physical fatigue. Active form of tuberculosis. Syphilis stage 1-2, AIDS. Chronic osteomyelitis. Causalgic syndrome after peripheral nerve injuries. Malignant tumors of various locations. Mental illness, with excessive agitation, significantly altered psyche. In some cases, contraindications to massage are temporary and after an acute inflammatory process, feverish condition, purulent process, exacerbation of a disease of the autonomic nervous system, etc. massage can be used (according to indications).

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A combination of therapeutic massage with exercise therapy and physiotherapy. In many cases, it is advisable to combine massage with various physiotherapeutic procedures: water therapy, light therapy, electrotherapy, etc. Physical treatments prepare the body tissues for massage. For example, it is advisable to pre-warm the limbs whose skin temperature is low (paresis, paralysis), or to reduce pain so that it becomes possible to deepen the massage, etc. Massage and heat therapy. Heat significantly enhances the physiological effect of massage, causing active tissue hyperemia, reduces muscle excitability, relaxes spasms of muscles and blood vessels and significantly reduces pain. Therefore, in case of traumatic and inflammatory lesions of the joint-ligamentous and muscular system in the subacute period, as well as in chronic processes, joint stiffness, muscle contractures, vascular disorders with a tendency to spasms, it is advisable to combine massage with thermal procedures (water bath, paraffin applications, ozokerite , steam room, bathhouse, etc.).

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Massage and electrotherapy. With the combined use of massage and electro-gymnastics (amplipulse, electrical stimulation, etc.), massage is recommended to be carried out immediately after the electro-procedure. When prescribing electrophoresis with various medicinal substances in combination with massage, massage is first used, and then electrophoresis. Massage and hydrotherapy. Depending on the indications, massage can be used before and after water procedures. For injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system (scar tissue adhesions, myogenic, arthrogenic contractures, joint stiffness, myofibrosis, tissue myosclerosis, etc.), as well as for injuries and diseases of the peripheral nervous system (lumbosacral radiculitis, neuromyositis, etc. .) first apply thermal and water procedures, and then massage; In case of severe pain, the massage is preceded by a hydrotherapy procedure. Physiotherapeutic procedures do not place a very large burden on the cardiovascular and nervous system and can be prescribed on the same day, but at different times: for example, a water bath (low temperature) and massage, mud therapy (local application) and massage.

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  • Slide 1

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    From history... What is massage? Origin of the word “massage”. Indications for the use of therapeutic massage Contraindications for therapeutic massage Classification of massage Bibliographic list Author

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    The beginning of the use of massage is lost in the mists of time. Improvement of methods, techniques, and massage methods continues at the present time. For many years, massage techniques were based on empirical ideas and practical experience, and special clinical and physiological observations were few. Massage techniques were based on anatomical and topographical principles, without taking into account the essence of the disease. Hippocrates is recognized as the founder of the use of massage as a remedy. Doctors Ancient Greece considered it necessary to introduce massage not only in medicine, but also in everyday life, sports, the army, and school. From Ancient Greece, massage techniques were transferred to Ancient Rome, where they were used in gladiator schools. The massage was performed both before the fight (to better prepare the body) and after it in order to treat injuries and quickly restore strength for subsequent fights. In the imperial army he became an integral part physical training warriors The foundations of classical massage began to take shape in the 18th century. The German scientist Friedrich Hoffmann pioneered the use of massage in surgery. The French surgeon Andre laid the foundations for the use of massage in orthopedic practice. The prominent French clinician Clement Joseph Tissot, in his major work “Medicine and Surgical Gymnastics” (1781), provided comparative data on the effective results of using massage and gymnastics in surgery, believing that “movement can often replace medicine, but no medicine can replace movement.”

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    Massage is a method of treatment and prevention of diseases, which is a set of techniques of mechanical influence on various parts of the surface of the human body, performed by the hands of a massage therapist or (less often) with special devices. Massage, being a physiological method for the human body, in combination with physical therapy (physical therapy), medications, physiotherapy, surgical methods finds wide application in various fields clinical medicine, spa treatment, in the medical rehabilitation system, in clinics rehabilitation treatment, in sports, as well as for hygienic purposes. There are therapeutic, sports, hygienic, and cosmetic massages. Self-massage can be used in each of these methods. In medical institutions, the main type of therapeutic massage (TM) is widely used - classical massage (CM) and its varieties. Massage is one of the types specialized assistance, widely used in the treatment of various diseases, injuries and their consequences.

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    Attempts by philologists to find out the origin of the word “massage” itself indicate the very ancient existence of this concept. Thus, some authors believe that massage is the French word “massage”, formed from the verb “masser” (to rub), which in turn is borrowed from Arabic: “mass” – touch, feel. Others believe that the word "massage" comes from the Sanskrit "makch", others - from the Greek "masso" (to squeeze with hands), others - from the Latin "massa" (sticking to the fingers), others - from the Hebrew "mash" (to feel) . All these terms, each in its own way, to some extent reflect the essence of massage techniques. Obviously, the initial use of massage was instinctive stroking, kneading and rubbing bruises, stretching healing wounds and other parts of the body. Massage was used by many tribes and nationalities inhabiting our planet in progress religious rituals expulsion of evil spirits and sacred ablutions, anointing and rubbing the body with various oils and compositions.

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    Before performing a therapeutic massage, you need to take into account all contraindications. It should be taken into account that contraindications to massage are sometimes temporary. Therefore, after all the acute inflammatory and purulent processes are over, the febrile state and exacerbation of nervous system diseases will pass. autonomic system etc., you can start massage treatment. Contraindications: acute cardiovascular failure, for example, myocardial infarction, decreased coronary blood supply, blood loss, pulmonary edema; various diseases blood; acute inflammation, thrombosis, varicose veins veins with trophic disorders; inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels, painful, enlarged lymph nodes adherent to the skin; aneurysms of the heart, aorta, blood vessels; active form of tuberculosis; bleeding associated with peptic ulcer, diseases of the female genital area and injuries; malignant and other tumors of any location up to surgical treatment. Without surgical intervention for fibroids, massage of the hands, feet, legs and collar area is allowed; the presence of a hypotonic or hypertensive crisis; acute myocardial ischemia; acute respiratory diseases (ARI);

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    When do doctors prescribe therapeutic massage? Let's start in order, with the “center” of our body – the cardiovascular system. The purpose of this massage is to improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the heart muscle, and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The range of applications for this massage is wide: from heart defects, angina pectoris, coronary disease to hypertension and hypotension. For diseases of the nervous system, therapeutic massage is also used very widely: however, there are a number of contraindications and caveats - for example, in case of radiculitis and acute neuralgia, massage must be carried out extremely carefully. Massage is recommended for atherosclerosis, strokes, children's cerebral palsy, osteochondrosis, local lesions of the nervous system. Therapeutic massage – used for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With the help of massage, they get rid of salt deposits and improve the functioning of joints, muscles and ligaments. Massage also has an analgesic effect. Injuries, fractures, diseases of the joints and spine - therapeutic massage successfully copes with these ailments.

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    General form of massage Private form of massage Classic massage Reflex massage Connective tissue therapeutic massage Acupressure massage Hardware therapeutic massage

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    In the general form, massage is performed on all parts of the body, but special attention is paid to those areas that are associated with a specific disease. It is best to carry out a general therapeutic massage in the morning, after a light breakfast, at the discretion of the doctor, but in most cases not every day. The session time gradually increases - from 20-25 minutes. up to 50-60 min. In the private form of massage, only individual parts of the body are massaged, for example, the arm, leg, back, hand, joint, etc. Private massage is carried out according to the method of general massage, done more carefully, using a large number of techniques on the massaged organ. All massage movements, as with any massage, are performed along the flow of lymph - that is, towards the nearest lymph nodes. The effectiveness of local massage will be higher the earlier it was prescribed and carried out, especially if you combine therapeutic massage with medicinal ointments, creams or liquids. It’s even better if the treatment process includes physiotherapy or physiotherapy– before or after the massage. A local massage session lasts from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the disease, and is usually performed every day. Classic massage is performed either on a sore area of ​​the body or near it - for example, if a plaster or bandage is in the way. When performing it, both standard massage techniques and additional massage means, mechanical or hardware, are used. Classic therapeutic massage does not take into account the reflex effect on the patient’s body, but it can be combined with other types of massage. The basis of reflex massage is the impact on reflexogenic zones, which show segmental connections of internal organs with certain areas of the body. That is, if your liver hurts, the whole body needs to be treated - the disease affects neighboring organs and tissues. Connective tissue therapeutic massage, as the name implies, is designed to influence connective tissues. It is often prescribed for diseases of internal organs. During acupressure (acupressure), certain biologically active points are affected. Hardware therapeutic massage includes the use of vibration, vacuum, ultrasonic, and ionizing devices.

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