Home Smell from the mouth Cancer born in the year of the bed rat. Rat-Cancer woman: characteristics, life goals, attitude towards love and marriage

Cancer born in the year of the bed rat. Rat-Cancer woman: characteristics, life goals, attitude towards love and marriage

There are few directors among Cancer-Rats: Atom Egoyan (“Exotica”), Yuri Ilyenko (“The Legend of Princess Olga”), Sergei Bodrov (“ Prisoner of the Caucasus"); There are even fewer actors: Evgeny Dvorzhetsky (“The Prisoner of the Chateau d’If”); athletes - the cat cried: cyclist Sergei Kopylov, chess player Alexei Shirov; in music, too, so-so: Ian Pace (“Deep Purple”), Vine Clark (“Depeshe Mode”), Svyatoslav Zaderiy (“Alice”).

Among the Cancer-Rats - again, all of them are some in the forest, some for firewood - the following interesting personalities can be noted: collector and performer of folk songs Mitrofan Pyatnitsky; aeronautics pioneer, ace pilot Sergei Utochkin; creator of the Astoria Hotel, John Astor; Emperor Rudolf II, who became famous as the patron of sciences. Rudolf's tables of planetary motion, compiled by astronomers, Rudolf's precisely in his honor:

Cancer-Rat woman horoscope

The novelist George Sand (“Indiana”, “Consuelo”) had masculine habits, an “amateur” appearance, short stature and strong physique. She had a frantic temperament and efficiency: she could, for example, work all day, and then jump on a horse and rush to meet her lover.

Sand gave herself bloodletting to calm herself down. Flaubert called her “the greatest man.” The writer challenged social mores and traditions, smoked cigars and wore trousers, which was out of the ordinary at that time, and advocated the emancipation of women and free love. It must be said that Sand supported her famous lovers Chopin and Musset, and she did not forget to provide her husband, whom she abandoned with her two children, with money. Quarrels and scandals were constant companions of her novels.

Breaking off a relationship with a man, Sand acted in the most proven way - she published a novel, where she portrayed her lover as a weak-willed person, full of weaknesses, and described herself as an ideal. Such passion for life, chaotic perception and thirst for sensations are characteristic of the Rat, since Cancer, on the contrary, tries to adhere to traditions. This is sacred to him.

The group includes women very different in their actions. They are active, militant and unpredictable. The “combat” writer George Sand has already been mentioned. Revolutionary populist and terrorist Vera Figner participated in almost all attempts on the life of Alexander II. While she was free, the authorities did not even dare to hold the coronation of Alexander III. When she was arrested, she was sentenced to death, which was commuted to eternal hard labor.

We can talk about the mental instability of female killers, but it’s also worth talking about their practicality. When Boris Savinkov came to exile with Figner, they talked about terror, the value of life and self-sacrifice. Figner later said that Savinkov had far-fetched moral ideas, he had to kill - and they killed.

Neurophysiologist Natalya Bekhtereva was at first a complete materialist, but now she believes in mysticism.

Samantha Smith is an American schoolgirl, an ambassador of peace, who came to the USSR at the invitation of Andropov and died absurdly a few years later.

Alexandra Annenskaya, the wife of Nikolai Annensky, after his arrest and his deportation to Siberia, followed her husband into exile.

We also have cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya, writer Nathalie Sarraute (Portrait of an Unknown Man), film director Tatyana Lioznova (Seventeen Moments of Spring, We, the Undersigned). As you can see, the range of activities of women of this astrological type wide and bright. They more interesting than men, as our examples confirm.

Now let's talk about the wives of presidents. Nancy Davis - actress, wife of Ronald Reagan. She began acting in films in the 50s of the 20th century. Her career was modest, but lasted ten years. She played housewives and respectable wives, which she became when she married actor Ronald Reagan in 1952. After marriage, Nancy quit her job, devoting herself to family concerns, social affairs and raising children.

During her husband's presidency, Nancy became an influential stateswoman. This did not prevent the spouses from being very superstitious people, preferring solitude and life on the ranch. Nancy constantly resorted to the services of an astrologer, and the couple lived and ruled the country according to their horoscope. Nancy is now the honorary president of the Girl Scouts of America.

Finally, let's give the floor to actress Vera Sotnikova: “Two polar creatures coexist in me: the practical Rat and sensitive Cancer“,” “I really have such a serious love for life - I truly appreciate it,” “I don’t like being pushed around, forbidden to think and feel what I want,” “Someone from above controls us, but also we are deciding something. It is clear that action needs to be taken. But if something doesn’t work out, wait and listen to your intuition,” “I am an emancipated person, capable of taking the first step,” “I don’t like to advertise my personal life.”

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

Cancer born in the year of the Rat Chinese horoscope, is an idealist and dreamer. Those around him are unconsciously drawn to him, since Cancer-Rat has a rare spiritual character trait - the ability to listen and support in Hard time. You won’t find a better “vest for tears” and secrets! Those who have entrusted Cancer-Rat with their secrets can rest assured - he will not tolerate gossip and knows how to sacredly keep the secrets entrusted to him.

The Eastern Zodiac horoscope notes the three main qualities of Cancer-Rat: emotionality, patience and a penchant for fantasy. Sometimes increased sensitivity Cancer-Rat makes him nervous over trifles and capricious over nonsense, but this same quality makes him a wonderful conversationalist, capable of sincerely empathizing with others.

To the listed set of character traits, you can add the internal isolation of the Cancer-Rat - he is not very willing to make new contacts and, if possible, tries to communicate only with trusted people who have earned his respect in some way. In addition, Cancer-Rat does not feel very comfortable in society. He tries to avoid parties and noisy companies, preferring to spend time with those closest to him or even retire to a cozy place and indulge in his fantasies or reading books. Therefore, the Cancer-Rat circle of acquaintances is not nearly as wide as it could be. And as, perhaps, Cancer-Rat himself would ideally like.

Cancer-Rat Love

Cancer-Rat is a person with a tender, loving and defenseless heart, which is tightly protected by thick armor from everyone except those who live in it.

In love, Cancer-Rat is looking for a sincere, like himself, and (very important) a faithful partner with whom he can create a strong and friendly family. He can spend many years searching for a loved one, but as a result, his choice is rarely wrong. The Cancer-Rat's house is his fortress; the place where his main life takes place. Only surrounded by the comfort of home, alone with a loved one, does the Cancer-Rat feel truly happy.

Sexuality of Cancer-Rat

Cancer-Rat in bed waits for complete mutual understanding of the partner, but at the same time it is not in too much of a hurry to take any steps to achieve it. It doesn’t matter what gender your chosen one is, he almost certainly has a princess complex in a castle - the Cancer-Rat is waiting for you to free his sexual fantasies from the captivity of his complexes. If you are not endowed with telepathic abilities and are not ready to subject your chosen one to torture, try inviting him to watch adult films on a wide variety of topics together, and carefully watch the moment at which the eyes of your modest Cancer-Rat light up. Well, then try to make his fantasies come true.

Celebrities of the Cancer sign born in the year of the Rat:

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French writer, poet, pilot.
Vyacheslav Bykov, Soviet and Russian hockey player and coach.
Georges Sand, French writer.
Zinedine Zidane, French football player.
Mikhail Zadornov, Russian writer and artist.
Sergei Filippov, Soviet actor.

The Cancer-Rat man loves to stay at home to do household chores for his own pleasure. Exactly Homework, solitude allow him to tune in to a harmonious perception of reality. He does not like noisy companies and parties, preferring to take care of his home. At the same time, he does not like to receive guests, because he believes that he has spent too much effort on his home. In relationships he is conservative and reserved.

These men are always in the mood for good luck. Even if there are obstacles, they try to get around them. In this case, they use their ingenuity and intelligence. They are usually lucky, as they show enviable perseverance and perseverance. They are passionate about work, starting a family and other ideas. Moreover, they do this not for the sake of other goals, but precisely for the sake of these categories themselves. They are creatively gifted and can actively use their talents.

Self-confidence and strong willpower help them easily overcome all life's difficulties. They are always passionate about some idea, so other men consider them a source of knowledge and promising ideas. They have good acting skills, so they can achieve excellent results in this field. Their inherent persistence and perseverance, bright mind, and intuition allow them to achieve excellent results in life.

Characteristics of a Cancer-Rat man in Love

He has difficulty finding a woman for himself, since he generally does not like new acquaintances and prefers to hang around in his own circle. In addition, he is too distrustful to quickly find mutual language With a woman. Usually he selects his beloved from among his acquaintances, since these relationships are established, and he does not have to worry about deception. In this case, he does not need to show his suspicion.

He is very prudent in love, so he always evaluates his partner from a material point of view. He rarely falls in love without looking back, indulging in a romantic mood. His love is a calculation of reliability and a desire to find common interests. In addition, he completely shifts all concerns and initiative in the relationship to the girl. And many girls like it because they have complete control over it.

Cancer Man, born in the year of the Rat, in the Bed

He is suspicious and too closed, so he decides to be intimate with great caution. However, he must simply evaluate his partner in order to stop doubting her. In this case, he can be truly happy from the attention of his chosen one, as well as her tenderness and care. He usually decides on this relationship if he loves his chosen one and trusts her one hundred percent.

He loves everything simple, so his bed should be simple and safe. He will be happy if his partner does not demand anything unusual from him or force him to experiment. He will also be happy if she takes all the initiative and he simply obeys. This arrangement is most acceptable for him. We must remember that the surroundings are not important to him, the main thing is trust and love.

Horoscope of the Cancer-Rat man in Family and Marriage

He is a reasonable father who will know how to realize the talents of his children. He approaches their upbringing creatively and values ​​their friendship very much. However, he often imposes on them his desires, which he once did not realize himself. That is why he should be softer and take the children’s opinions into account. Such a relationship does not work out with his wife, since he completely obeys her and listens to her opinion.

Marriage for him is the only salvation from all the difficulties of communication. In marriage, he begins to feel more confident and can easily solve many problems. As a rule, he has difficulty getting used to a new role, but then he even gets carried away by it. As a result, he becomes an ideal owner who succeeds in everything. He does everything with ease and with great benefit.

You are constant and do not like to change your lifestyle and habits. You often become attached to people, pets, and even things and value them very much. family relationships. Your mood is changeable - today you can be full of plans and ideas, and tomorrow you can be sad and despondent.

Your character can hardly be called predictable - there are a lot of contradictions in it. You can value friendship, but because of a trifle, break off relations with a person you are interested in, dream of great love and find fault with little things. You do not like to command and may hesitate for a long time before deciding to take a bold action.

Cancer-Rat woman in love

They are capricious and contradictory in love - it all depends on your mood. Strive for great love, pure and harmonious relationships, but it’s not easy to please you. You may quickly lose interest in your partner, and then remember him with tenderness. Sometimes you don’t even know what you want, obeying the moment. You avoid responsibility and often hide behind a strong male shoulder.

Cancer-Rat woman in marriage

You are very sensitive, vulnerable and at the same time masterfully manage those around you, achieving what you want. this moment need to. Thirsty ideal relationship in marriage, you can choose a partner for a long time and very carefully, but you will appreciate him if he meets your expectations and keeps his distance. They are prone to impulsive actions, betrayals, do not tolerate pressure and constantly change their decisions and plans.

Cancer-Rat woman in bed

Intimacy has great value– you want to get everything at once. Rough, passionate relationships are unlikely to attract, emotional disposition, love and tenderness are important to you, so you can only open up to your partner over time. You decide to enter into a frivolous relationship only out of great love or for reasons of profit. You are much more attracted to true love or marriage.

Cancer-Rat woman in career

You make your career thanks to cunning, skillful diplomacy and the ability to wait. You may come across as indecisive and unambitious, waiting for the moment to step forward. Achieve success through influential contacts and communication with more strong people. You yourself rarely show fighting qualities and determination.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Wood Rat (1924, 1984, 2044)

You are calm and balanced, but you can feel firmness and purposefulness in your character. It is not so easy to lead you astray from your intended path - you always know what you want and know how to wait to take advantage of circumstances. Your career is always more important to you family life, although romance novels add joyful moments and special piquancy to it.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Fire Rat (1936, 1996, 2056)

Character strengths are activity and determination. You are also characterized by incredible fearlessness and the ability to navigate any situation, no matter how dangerous it actually is. You achieve success by intuitively feeling where you can prove yourself. In family life you are not afraid of responsibility, but you easily part with your partners.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Earth Rat (1948, 2008, 2068)

Character strengths are practicality and determination. You always know what you want and do not get lost in the face of difficulties, you know how to overcome obstacles and achieve success even in spite of the circumstances. It is for this reason that luck often turns its face towards you, which helps you achieve your goals.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Metal Rat (1900, 1960, 2020)

You do not like to remain in the shadows and try to do any task beautifully and brilliantly. You are characterized by accuracy, pedantry and determination; you easily achieve your goals both in your favorite business and in your personal life. In love you rarely become dependent on your partner, just as in family life, you are not afraid of divorce and betrayal.

Cancers born in the year of the Rat have intuition that will tell them the right path. Therefore, such a woman gets what she cherishes without any problems. workplace, quickly meets a reliable life partner and marries him.

She is called distrustful and secretive, but only when surrounded by those with whom she is unfamiliar – she opens up instantly to her family and friends. She is satisfied with friendship only for long term, like relationships. She is skeptical about changes in her personal life.

Sometimes he withdraws too much into himself and needs timely help from those he trusts.

You will see an outwardly well-balanced person who does not like noisy companies and prefers the comfort of home to forays into society. Cancer-Rat is cautious; she will think a hundred times before taking decisive actions. Prudence and high intuition help to achieve success and conclude profitable deals.

Love for the Cancer-Rat woman

A woman with this combination of signs constantly feels that she is underestimated and does not get what she wants. This leaves the imprint of eternal imperfection on relationships with men. Cancer-Rat needs to be able to enter the position of a companion if she wants to achieve reciprocity.

It is distinguished by its activity and insatiability in love, absorbing its partner without a trace.

She loves to be admired with or without reason, low self-esteem requires frequent praise, then it manifests itself with the best side. Do not skimp on compliments and gifts to this woman. Having trusted a man, she becomes caring and tender, the main thing is to accept her as she is, without unnecessary criticism.

Marriage and family relationships Cancer-Rat

She provides warmth and care to her family, thinking about how to provide everyone with sufficient comfort. Housekeeping successfully combines with professional activity, and you can rely on it both at home and at work.

The Cancer-Rat woman does not immediately marry, but then disappears into the family without a trace.

Sometimes he suffers from biased assessments, which can lead to conflicts with loved ones. However, this is compensated by the fact that he always takes full responsibility upon himself. She takes the problems of her children and husband to heart and can give advice on any issue.

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