Home Gums Brief summary of the story Caucasian prisoner. Brief retelling of the Caucasian prisoner in abbreviation (Tolstoy Lev N.)

Brief summary of the story Caucasian prisoner. Brief retelling of the Caucasian prisoner in abbreviation (Tolstoy Lev N.)

Retelling plan

1. Zhilin receives a letter from his mother and decides to visit her.
2. Zhilin and Kostylin set off on their own.
3. Comrades are captured by the Tatars.
4. They receive a ransom offer to regain their freedom.
5. Zhilin gets to know Dina, the daughter of the rich Tatar Abdul-Murat.
6. Zhilin and Kostylin escape.
7. The heroes of the story are caught and placed in a hole to await ransom.
8. Dina helps Zhilin escape.
9. Zhilin is saved.


Part I

A gentleman named Zhilin served as an officer in the Caucasus. His mother once sent him a letter asking him to come, since she had found him a bride with an estate, and she was already old, she wanted to see her son before she died. Zhilin thought and decided to go. I said goodbye to my comrades, the soldiers.

There was a war going on in the Caucasus, the roads were dangerous to drive, and all those passing were accompanied by soldiers or local guides, since the Tatars (highlanders of the North Caucasus at that time) could kill or take them to the mountains. It was a hot summer, the convoy was moving slowly, people got tired quickly. And Zhilin, after thinking, decided to go alone, but then another officer approached him, Kostylin - “a menacing, fat man, all red” - and suggested leaving the convoy and continuing to go together.

They drove through the steppes, and then the road went between two mountains straight into the gorge. Zhilin decided to check if everything was calm. I went up the mountain and had just climbed up when I saw thirty Tatars. I wanted to run for the gun, but there was no trace of Kostylin. The Tatars shot Zhilin's favorite horse, took all his things, tore his clothes, tied him up and took him away. Zhilin could not trace the road: his eyes were stained with blood. Finally they arrived at the aul (Tatar village), took Zhilin off his horse, put shackles on him, tied him up and locked him in a barn.

Part II

Zhilin did not sleep almost all night. In the morning the barn was opened and two people came in: one with a red beard, the other “smaller, blackish. Eyes black, light, ruddy.” The “blackish one” is dressed more richly: “a blue silk beshmet, trimmed with braid. The dagger on the belt is large, silver; red morocco shoes, also trimmed with silver... A tall, white lamb’s hat.” They approached the prisoner and began to say something in their own language. Zhilin asked for a drink, but they just laughed. Then a girl came running - thin, skinny, about thirteen years old. “Also - black, light eyes and a beautiful face,” it was clear that she was the daughter of the smaller one. Then she ran away again and brought a jug of water and “looks at Zhilin, how he drinks, as if he were some kind of animal.”

Zhilin, having drunk, gave away the jug, and the girl then brought bread. The Tatars left, and after a while a Nogai (highlander, resident of Dagestan) came and took Zhilin into the house. “The room is good, the walls are smoothly smeared with clay. In the front wall, colorful down jackets are stacked, expensive carpets hang on the sides; on the carpets there are guns, pistols, checkers - everything is in silver.” Those two (“red beard” and “blackish one”) and three guests were sitting there. One of the guests addressed him in Russian: “Kazi-Mugamed took you,” he says, “he points to the red Tatar,” and gave you to Abdul-Murat, “points to the blackish one.” “Abdul-Murat is now your master.”

Then Abdul-Murat told him to write a letter home, so that his relatives would send a ransom of five thousand coins, then he would let him go. Zhilin began to refuse, saying that he could only give five hundred. They fussed and made noise, then demanded three thousand. Zhilin firmly stood his ground. The Tatars consulted and brought another prisoner - Kostylin. It turns out that he agreed to five thousand and wrote to his loved ones. And they say: “They will feed him well, and they will not offend him.” Finally, the Tatars agreed to receive at least five hundred coins. Zhilin wrote the letter so that it would not reach him, because he was thinking about escaping. He knew that the old mother did not have such funds; he himself sent her money to live on.

Part III

A month passes. Zhilin and his friend are fed poorly, with unleavened bread, or even dough. Kostylin writes letters all the time and waits for ransom. But Zhilin knows that the letter did not arrive, and he still wanders around the village, looking for the best way to escape, and doing his handicrafts, since he was a master at every task. Once I sculpted a doll wearing a Tatar shirt. Dina, the daughter of Abdul-Murat, liked her. He left the doll on the roof, and she dragged it away and began rocking it like a child. The old woman broke the doll, but Zhilin fashioned it even better. Since then they became friends, and she began to bring him milk, cakes, and once she even brought him a piece of lamb in her sleeve.

The Tatars found out that the prisoner had golden hands, and “the fame spread about Zhilin that he was a master. They began to come to him from distant villages; who will bring a lock on a gun or a pistol to repair, who will bring a watch.” And Abdul-Murat brought him tools and gave him his old beshmet. Zhilin took root and began to understand Tatar language, many residents are already accustomed to it.

There was also one old man in the village, about whom the owner said: “This big man! He was the first horseman, he beat a lot of Russians, he was rich.” He had eight sons, and when the Russians attacked the village, killed seven, one surrendered, then the old man surrendered, lived with the Russians, killed his son and ran away. Since then he has hated Russians and, of course, wants Zhilin dead. But Abdul-Murat got used to his captive: “...yes, I loved you, Ivan; Not only would I kill you, I wouldn’t even let you out if I hadn’t given my word...”

Part IV

Zhilin lived like this for another month and began to look out in which direction it was better to run. One day he decided to walk to a small mountain from where he could explore the surroundings. And a boy, the son of Abdul-Murat, was running after him, who was ordered to keep track of where the Russian goes and what he does. Zhilin explained that he wanted to collect herbs to heal people. And they climbed the hill together. How could Zhilin have gone far if during the day he only walked in stocks?

Zhilin looked around and recognized the mountains that he had seen from the Russian fortress. I found where to run and returned back to the village. That same evening the mountaineers brought back one of their own, killed by the Russians. They wrapped him in white linen, sat next to him and said: “Alla!” (God) - and then buried in a hole. They commemorated the deceased for four days. When most of the men had left, it was time to escape. Zhilin talked with Kostylin, and they decided to flee while the nights were dark.

Part V

They went into the night. They walked barefoot, their boots were worn out. All my legs were bleeding. Zhilin walks, endures, Kostylin lags behind, whines. At first they lost their way, then they finally entered the forest. Kostylin was tired, sat down on the ground, and said that he refused to escape. Zhilin did not abandon his comrade, he took him on his back. They walked like this for a few more miles. Then we heard the sound of hooves. Kostylin got scared and fell noisily, and even screamed. The Tatar heard and brought people with dogs from the village.

The fugitives were caught and returned to their owner. At the meeting they decided what to do with them. Then Abdul-Murat approached them and said that if the ransom was not sent in two weeks, he would kill them. He put them in a hole and gave them paper so that they could write letters again.

Part VI

Life became very bad for them; they were fed worse than dogs. Zhilin thought about how to get out, but couldn’t think of anything. And Kostylin felt very bad, “he got sick, swollen, and had aches all over his body; and everything moans or sleeps.” Once Zhilin was sitting and saw Dina upstairs, who brought him cakes and cherries. Then Zhilin thought: what if she helps him? The next day the Tatars came and made noise. Zhilin realized that the Russians were close. He made clay dolls for Dina, and when she came running the next time, he began throwing them to her. But she refuses. Then, crying, he says that they will soon be killed. Zhilin asked to bring a long stick, but Dina was scared.

One evening Zhilin heard a noise: it was Dina who brought the pole. Having lowered him into the hole, she whispered that there was almost no one left in the village, everyone had left... Zhilin called a friend with him, but he did not dare to escape again. Dina tried to help Zhilin remove the block, but nothing worked.

Zhilin said goodbye to the girl and thanked her. Dina cried, didn’t want to leave, then ran away. Zhilin walked in the block along the path they ran last time. Apart from the two Tatars, he met no one; he hid from them behind a tree. The forest ended, and a Russian fortress was already visible in the distance. Zhilin decided to go downhill, but only reached open place, then three mounted Tatars noticed him and set off to cut him off. And he gathered with the Siths and ran, shouting to the Cossacks: “Brothers, brothers!” They heard him and rushed to the rescue. The Tatars got scared and galloped away. They brought Zhilin to the fortress, some thrust him bread, some porridge...

He told everyone his story: “So I went home and got married! No, apparently this is not my destiny.” And he remained to serve in the Caucasus. And Kostylin was bought out only a month later for five thousand. They brought him barely alive.

I would like to present one of the works of L.N. Tolstoy, his summary. " Prisoner of the Caucasus" is a work that the writer took on at the request of the editors of two magazines: Zarya and Beseda. At that time, these magazines were not widely distributed. Tolstoy completed his story in 1872 on March 25th. The publication of the work did not have to wait long: in the same year, “Prisoner of the Caucasus” appeared on the pages of the Zarya magazine.

The basis of the story was an incident that actually happened to the author. On June 13, 1853, five Russian officers were attacked by Chechens in the Caucasus, among them was Tolstoy.

Summary. “Prisoner of the Caucasus”: the beginning of the story

Officer Zhilin served in the Caucasus. One day he received a letter from his mother, after reading it, he decided to visit his home. On the way there, he and Kostylin (another Russian officer) were attacked by highlanders. Everything happened through the fault of Kostylin; instead of covering Zhilin, he started to run. So the officers, instead of their home, were captured by the highlanders. The prisoners were shackled and locked in a barn.

Next we present the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (summary). Then the following events occur. The officers, under pressure from the mountaineers, were forced to send letters to their relatives asking them to ransom them. Kostylin wrote, but Zhilin deliberately indicated an unreliable address, because he knew that the poor old mother would not have any money. They lived like this in the barn for a month. During this time, Zhilin won over the owner’s daughter Dina. The Russian officer surprised a thirteen-year-old child with homemade dolls, and the girl thanked him for this with secretly brought flat cakes and milk. Zhilin was haunted by the thought of escaping, and he decided to make a tunnel.

The long-awaited escape

One night they decided to escape: they crawled into a tunnel and planned to get to the fortress through the forest. In the darkness they went in the wrong direction and ended up near a strange village. They had to quickly change direction before the mountaineers caught them. Kostylin complained all the way, constantly falling behind and groaning. Zhilin could not leave his comrade and decided to carry him on himself. Due to the heavy burden (the fat and awkward Kostylin), he quickly got tired. The movement of the officers was very slow, so they were quickly overtaken, brought back, severely beaten with whips and put not in a barn, but in a hole 5 arshins deep.

Savior Dina

Zhilin is not used to giving up. He constantly thought about how he could escape. His savior was the owner’s daughter Dina, whom we mentioned earlier. At night, the girl brought the officer a long stick, with which he was able to climb up.

Having got out of the hole, Zhilin ran downhill and tried to remove the blocks, but the lock was so strong that he was unable to do this. Dina helped the officer with all her might, but the child’s support was in vain. The prisoner decided to escape just like that. Zhilin said goodbye to the girl, thanked her for the flat cakes she brought, and walked away in the stocks.

Freedom at last

The unshakable Russian officer finally reached the end of the forest at dawn, and the Cossacks appeared on the horizon. However, on the other side, the mountaineers were catching up with Zilina, it seemed that his heart was about to freeze. The officer got ready and shouted at the top of his lungs so that the Cossacks could hear him. The mountaineers got scared and stopped. This is how Zhilin escaped.

After this incident, the officer decided to live in the Caucasus. Kostylin remained in captivity for another month, and only then, barely alive, was he finally ransomed.

This concludes the summary. “Prisoner of the Caucasus” is one of the most poetic and perfect works in “Russian Reading Books”.

We told you about the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (summary) by Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich. It is essentially a miniature novel aimed at children.

Officer Zhilin served in the Caucasus. He received a letter from his mother, and he decided to go home on vacation. But on the way, he and another Russian officer Kostalin were captured by the Tatars. This happened due to Kostalin’s fault. He was supposed to cover Zhilin, but he saw the Tatars, got scared and ran away from them. Kostylin turned out to be a traitor. The Tatar who captured the Russian officers sold them to another Tatar. The prisoners were shackled and kept in one barn.

The Tatars forced the officers to write letters to their relatives demanding a ransom. Kostylin obeyed, and Zhilin specially wrote a different address, because he knew: there was no one to buy it, Zhilin’s old mother lived very poorly. Zhilin and Kostalin sat in the barn for a whole month. The owner's daughter Dina became attached to Zhilin. She secretly brought him cakes and milk, and he made dolls for her. Zhilin began to think about how he and Kostalin could escape from captivity. Soon he began digging in the barn.

One night they ran away. When we entered the forest, Kostylin began to lag behind and whine - his boots had rubbed his feet. Because of Kostalin, they did not go far; they were noticed by a Tatar who was driving through the forest. He told the hostage owners, they took the dogs and quickly caught up with the captives. The shackles were put on them again and they were not removed even at night. Instead of a barn, the hostages were put in a hole five arshins deep. Zhilin still did not despair. I kept thinking about how he could escape. Dina saved him. At night she brought a long stick, lowered it into the hole, and Zhilin climbed up using it. But Kostylin stayed, didn’t want to run away: he was scared, and he didn’t have the strength.

Zhilin moved away from the village and tried to remove the block, but he was unsuccessful. Dina gave him some flatbread for the journey and began to cry as she said goodbye to Zhilin. He was kind to the girl, and she became very attached to him. Zhilin went further and further, even though the block was very much in the way. When his strength ran out, he crawled and crawled to the field, beyond which there were already his own Russians. Zhilin was afraid that the Tatars would notice him when he crossed the field. Just thinking about it, lo and behold: to the left, on a hillock, two acres away from it, three Tatars were standing. They saw Zhilin and rushed to him. And so his heart sank. Zhilin waved his hands and shouted at the top of his voice: “Brothers! Help out! Brothers! The Cossacks heard Zilina and rushed to cut across the Tatars. The Tatars were frightened, and before reaching Zhilin they began to stay. This is how the Cossacks saved Zhilin. Zhilin told them about his adventures, and then said: “So I went home and got married! No, apparently it’s not my destiny.” Zhilin remained to serve in the Caucasus. And Kostalin was bought back only a month later for five thousand. They brought him barely alive.

Title of the work: Prisoner of the Caucasus
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
Year of writing: 1872
Genre: story
Main characters: Zhilin And Kostylin- Russian officers, Dina– Circassian teenage girl.


Zhilin and Kostylin served in the Caucasus during hostilities. One day they decided to go on vacation and were captured by the Tatars. Their owner demanded that they write a ransom letter to their relatives. Zhilin knew that his mother had absolutely no money, not only for ransom, but also for life, and did not write, but he himself lied about what he had written and began to look for ways to escape. Living in a Tatar village, Zhilin tried to make friends with people: he made clay dolls for children, played with them, made something, repaired something, even treated people. People treated him well. And after some time, when the men went on a raid, both officers escaped from captivity. But Kostylin was fat, clumsy and lazy, he could not run for long, and although Zhilin helped him and supported him in every possible way, he could not escape the pursuit, and they were put in a pit as punishment and forced to write a letter again asking for a ransom. Dina became very attached to Zhilin, brought him milk and cakes, dried meat and tried to help him in every possible way. She saved the officer from the pit and gave him the opportunity to escape from captivity, and Kostylin remained in captivity for several more months until the ransom came from home.

Conclusion (my opinion)

The great Tolstoy, using the technique of antithesis, shows the destinies of two young officers, one did not resign himself to difficulties and fought with fate in any way, and the second only went with the flow. And, besides, Zhilin and Dina, people of different nationalities and cultures, became true friends, supporting each other in everything, while Kostylin was ready to do anything, even betrayal, to save his life.

War in the Caucasus. Officer Zhilin receives a letter written to him by his elderly mother. She says that she already feels death approaching, and asks her son to come say goodbye to her and bury her. She says she found him a bride - good girl. Zhilin, after thinking for a long time, decided that he really needed to go and visit the old woman and went to take a vacation. I said goodbye to my comrades, gave them four buckets of vodka and left.

Because of the war, there was no road in that area, and therefore there was no passage there, and the enemies could kill at any moment. And it was customary that escorted soldiers walked from fortress to fortress twice a week. It was summer, it was a bit far to get to the right place.

Not only is it hot, but everyone who was riding will stop because the horse became ill, then someone will feel bad. In general, Zhilin thought about whether he should go himself unaccompanied. He thought and thought, and then another officer, Kostylin, jumped up to him on a horse and offered to go himself. Zhilin, making sure that the officer’s gun was loaded, agreed. After some time on the road they reached the mountains. Zhilin tells Kostylin, let's see if there are any Tatars behind the mountain, i.e. their enemies. Kostylin didn’t want to. And Zhilin rode on horseback, but before that he told Kostylin to wait for him below. And it was not in vain that Zhilin decided to make sure, since there were about 30 Tatars there.

They saw Zhilin and ran after him. He was on a good horse. Having bought her as a foal, he rode her well. But the enemy had even better horses. He started shouting to Kostylin to get his gun, but it was too late, since this officer, as soon as he saw that there were Tatars chasing there, immediately ran away. In general, they chased him for a long time, in the end they shot the horse and it fell along with him, and they began to tie him up. They stripped him of everything, took his money, tore his things. And the horse was still in pain. Until one of the Tatars came up and cut her throat. They put him tied up on a horse, and so that he would not fall, they tied him with a belt to the Tatar. But Zhilin had blood clotted in his eyes, and he couldn’t remember the way.

They brought an officer. The children began to throw stones at him, and the Tatar drove them away and called a worker, who took him to the barn. Zhilin fell into the manure, then found a place and lay down there. Zhilin did not sleep at all. As soon as it began to get light, he found a crack in the barn, dug it out a little and began to observe. I saw mountains there, local residents, a woman with a jug on her head, shaved boys who took a stick and began to poke it into the crack of the barn. Zhilin scared them and they ran away. And he saw the Tatar who brought him here yesterday. He had a red beard, was dressed according to the traditions of Dagestan, and had a silver knife on his belt. Then two Tatars came in, one with a red beard, and the other a little black one. They started saying something in their own way and showing their teeth. And Zhilin only said that he wanted to drink - they did not understand, then he showed that he wanted to drink with gestures, and only after that the little black one called some girl Dina. A girl of about thirteen, beautiful, with black hair, came. She looks small and black. Apparently a daughter. She brought a jug of water, gave the officer something to drink, and then went and brought him bread. And they all left.

A little later, a Nogai came to Zhilin. The second one told the officer to go somewhere. So he took him outside. And there are a lot of different houses there. And near one of them there are 3 horses. A little black man jumped out of this house and told this worker to bring Zhilin into the house. Their house was very clean and beautiful. The little one and the dark one, the one with the red beard and three guests were sitting there eating. Zhilin was put in a corner, and the worker sat down closer to the owners, but also not on the carpet. When the hosts finished speaking, one of the guests began to speak Russian. He said that the black one and the one with the red beard are called Abdul Murat and Kazi Mugamet. It turned out that Kazi Mugamet gave Zhilin to Abdul for debts. And Abdul is now the owner of Zilina. Now Abdul demands that the officer write a letter home so that he can be ransomed for 3 thousand coins. But Zhilin could only give 500 rubles, to which Abdul began to swear at Kazi Mugamet and told Zhilin that this was not enough, since he himself, consider it, bought it for 200 rubles. Zhilin began shouting that if they want to kill him, then let them kill him, he won’t give more than 500 rubles. Abdul praised him and said something in his language to the worker. He went out and after a while brought another prisoner. And it was Kostylin. Abdul took it too. And now the two of them belong to him. The owner began to say that they would send Kostylin 5 thousand coins, and let Zhilin give at least a thousand coins, but he stood his ground. Only 500, and if they still haggle, he won’t write any letter, and he won’t give any money. Abdul could not stand it, jumped up, gave a pen and paper to Zhilin, told him to write a letter, he agreed for 500 rubles, but Zhilin also begged for good food and clothes, and for Kostylin to live with him. He agreed to this too, and was even happy. Zhilin wrote a letter so that it would not reach home.

She and Kostylin lived together, they were fed poorly, they were given clothes apparently from dead soldiers, and their hands were untied at night. They lived like this for a month. Kostylin kept counting the days when money would be sent from home, sending repeated letters. But Zhilin did not wait, because he knew that he would not arrive. And he hoped that he would get out on his own. Zhilin did not allow himself to get bored; he either took a walk or did some handicrafts. Once I made a doll from clay with a nose, arms, legs, and wearing a Tatar shirt. I molded it and put it on the roof. And the girl Dina saw her and called other girls. They began to laugh and look at her. Zhilin took it in his hands and wanted to give it to them, they laughed, but could not take it. He put it back and went into the barn. And he looks through the crack, what will happen next. Dina came up, took the doll and ran away. The next morning he sees that she came out with it and tied it with rags. Nurses like a baby. Her mother came out, scolded Dina, grabbed the doll and broke it, after which she sent the girl to work. Zhilin made another doll and gave it to Dina. Once Dina brought a jug of water to Zhilin, he sat and smiled, he did not understand what was wrong, otherwise it turned out not to be water, but milk. Zhilin said good, Dina jumped up in joy. And from then on, every day she brought him milk, secretly cheese cakes, or lamb. And then one day Zhilin made a lot of dolls and made them spin on a wheel. The wheel spins and the dolls jump. The girls brought him some scraps, so he dressed these dolls, and it turned out that one doll was a girl, and the other was a boy. Everyone watched this with great delight. Later he became famous throughout the area. Either to fix something for someone, or something else. So, once he repaired his owner’s watch, and then completely cured it, without knowing how to do it himself. Everyone praised him. Only the one with the red beard didn’t like him. As soon as he sees Zilina, he will turn away. Zilina was allowed to go for walks and visit mosques. There he saw an old man who did not live in the village in which he lived.

One day Zhilin went to see how the old man lived. He saw a house near which there were many beehives, and an old man was kneeling next to it. He saw Zhilin and shot at him, but he managed to hide behind a stone. This old man went to complain to the officer’s owner. He laughs and asks Zhilin why he went to the house, to which the officer said that he just wanted to look. The old man said to kill all the Russians and left. Zhilin asked Abdul what kind of man he was. It turned out that this is very influential person, used to be the main horseman, killed many Russians. He had 3 wives and 8 sons. The sons were killed, and the Russians took one, he found him and killed him himself, and went home. He stopped fighting and since then has not liked Russians, and besides, he constantly prays to God. But Abdul reassured Zhilin. Having said that he will not kill, since he paid money for him, and he fell in love with the officer, not that he will kill, he does not want to let him go, even though he gave his word.

Another month passed like this. During the day, Zhilin either walked around the area or did handicrafts. And at night, when everything calmed down, he dug in his barn. It was difficult, since there were a lot of stones there, so he rubbed them with a file. But he needed to find out which direction to dig next, so he cunningly climbed up the mountain, under the pretext that the grass needed to be pulled up in order to treat the locals. And they always put a boy behind him. So that he watches him. So Zhilin persuaded him, promising to make him a bow and arrows. He climbed the mountain, even though it was difficult. But he saw everything he needed. And to boot, I also enjoyed the most beautiful landscape. And he saw smoke from the chimney. He thought that this was the Russian house. He now knows where to run. The sun began to set, the mullah shouted. The cows are already being herded. And the boy calls Zhilin home, although the second one does not want to.

Zhilin thought to flee that same night, but to his bad luck, the Tatars returned. Yes, they arrived, not cheerful as usual, but angry, and brought the dead brother of the one with the red beard. They laid him under a tree on the grass, called the mule, sat down, and began to sit silently, only periodically turning to God. They then buried him at his head and erected a monument. The red-haired man gave the money to the old men, took the whip and hit himself on the forehead with it three times. Then I went home. The next morning, Red led a horse outside the village and killed it. The women processed the insides. Then everyone gathered at his house and began to remember him. For three days they ate the mare, on the fourth everyone rode off somewhere on horseback. Only Abdul remained.

Night has come. Zhilin decided to run away. He offered it to Kostylin, and he became a coward. I came up with different excuses, either they don’t know the roads or something else. But Zhilin nevertheless persuaded him. They began to climb, but Kostylin caught a stone, the dogs heard and began to bark, but Zhilin had fed her a long time ago and therefore managed to calm her down. The fugitives sat around the corner and waited until everything calmed down. Everything was quiet. Zhilin ordered them to go, but as soon as they got up, they heard the mullah shouting and calling everyone to the mosque, they had to sit by the wall and wait. We waited and went. They walked through rivers and stones. Kostylin rubbed his feet with his boots, and when he walked barefoot, he cut them. And so I fell behind because of the pain. They went a little in the wrong direction, but Zhilin realized it in time. They took the right path, but Kostylin still lagged behind. They were alerted by the clatter of hooves. They crawled up and saw something strange. It was a deer that got scared of the fugitives and ran into the forest. Kostylin began to say that he would not go further, but when Zhilin scolded him and said that he would leave then himself, he jumped up and went. They heard the sound of horseshoes clinging to the stones. They hid. It was a Tatar riding a horse and driving a cow. Zhilin began to lift Kostylin, and he screamed that he was in pain. Zhilin was stunned, because the Tatar was still nearby and could hear. He didn’t want to leave his comrade, he had to carry him on his back. He was dragging and dragging, suddenly they heard stomping again, apparently the Tatar finally heard and returned. Indeed, the Tatar began to shoot, but they managed to hide and dodge. Zhilin thought that he needed to run, since he could call his own. Kostylin told Zhilin to go alone, but, in Zhilin’s opinion, he shouldn’t leave his own people. Zhilin dragged him further. We turned onto the road. Zhilin decided to take a break, eat and drink. He had just stopped when he heard stomping again. They hid. They see the Tatars have come running. IN general dogs The Tatars found them and captured Zhilin and Kostylin again. They tied them up. And they took us. We stopped. Abdul met them. They transferred him to his horses and back to the place where they were taken. When they brought them, the children began to beat them with stones and whips. It took a long time to decide what to do with them. One old man said to kill them, but Abdul insisted that he had given money for them and wanted to receive a ransom. In general, they set conditions for the fugitives: let them write letters, otherwise they will be killed in 2 weeks. And they put them in a hole.

Life was very bad, they fed me scraps like dogs, they didn’t untie me, they didn’t let me go free to walk. Kostylin became completely ill. And Zhilin somehow lost hope. I was about to dig a hole, but the owner saw it and threatened to kill me.

One day Dina threw him some cakes, water and cherries. And Zhilin thought, wouldn’t she help him? I dug up a little and started making clay dolls. But Dina was not there the next day. He heard that the Tatars were standing near the mosque and were deciding something about the Russians. Then they started fussing. Suddenly Dina came, but she didn’t take the dolls. She only said that they wanted to kill him, but Dina felt sorry for him. Zhilin asked her to bring a clay stick. But she said it was impossible. Evening came, and Zhilin began to grieve. I was completely desperate. And then Dina finally brought him a long clay pole. And she told him to be quiet. He crawled out from the pit. Kostylin refused to go, they said goodbye before that. Zhilin ran to the mountain. Dina caught up with him, gave him some cakes and wanted to help him remove the chain, but it didn’t work. They said goodbye and he ran away. He wanted to reach the forest before the moon rose. He reached the forest, had a snack, had little strength, decided to run while he could, met two Tatars on the road, but managed to hide in time, they did not notice him. I tried to get rid of the shackles, but only beat my hands with a stone.

And finally, he reached the fortress, where smoke was coming from. He saw the Cossacks. And he only thinks so that the Tatars don’t see him in the field. Just thinking, he turns and sees three of them. They saw him and started running. And Zhilin, as best he could, ran to the Cossacks and shouted “brothers, help.” The Cossacks realized it, there were about 15 of them, the Tatars got scared and retreated. Zhilin ran to the Cossacks, they surrounded him and began to ask who he was and where he was from. He told everything, they recognized him, took him to the fortress, fed him, gave him something to drink, and broke his chains. He didn't manage to go home. So he remained to serve in the Caucasus. And Kostylin was bought out a month later for 5,000, and was brought back barely alive.

Updated: 2014-01-17

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