Home Prevention Why can't you sleep with your feet facing the exit? What happens if you sleep with your feet facing the door?

Why can't you sleep with your feet facing the exit? What happens if you sleep with your feet facing the door?

A person is inclined to explain to himself everything that happens around him. Thus, people have found reasons to believe that placing a bed opposite the door is Bad sign, as well as sleeping with your head towards the window. Let's find out where the roots of superstitions come from and what they mean.

The Slavic and Scandinavian peoples are related, due to which they have similar beliefs that have developed over the course of history. However, both ethnic groups had slightly different ancient explanations for why sleeping feet first was bad.

Arguments of the Slavs

For the Russians, the door represented a portal that could open an entrance to other worlds. It was also believed that it was for the legs evil spirits drag the soul into the underworld. In a dream, a person is vulnerable - he cannot resist otherworldly forces. Thus, the closer the feet are to the door during rest, the higher the likelihood that evil spirits will take a person’s soul to another world. There is an explanation for this belief: people really often die in their sleep.

In addition, it is with the feet towards the door in the room that the body of the deceased is placed before removal. The symbolic meaning of this fact can put great psychological pressure on a person sleeping in this way.

Scandinavian opinion

The ancient people explained why you should not sleep with your feet facing the door by the existence of three worlds. In the first, which is called Midgard, people and animals live, everything that a person sees and feels. The second, Asgard, is home to the gods, protectors of all living things. In the third, Utgard, monsters and souls of dead people live - this world is full of pain and sorrow, it is dangerous and cloaked in darkness.

Just as in Slavic beliefs, in Scandinavian beliefs the door is a portal to other worlds, a connecting link between Asgard, Utgard and Midgard. It is believed that while in a dream, a person can travel between them, looking at both gods and monsters. However, if getting into Utgard is easy, getting out of it is not quick or easy. If you sleep with your feet facing the exit, the likelihood of ending up in a world of monsters increases, from which it will be impossible to get out. If a person’s soul fails to leave Utgard during sleep, he dies without waking up.

The answer to the question of why you can’t sleep with your head towards the window originates in ancient times. The fact is that in the minds of our ancestors, at night the streets are filled with evil spirits. The closer a person’s head is to the window opening in a dream, the higher the likelihood that one of them will take over the sleeper’s mind, robbing him of peace, joy and health. Sleeping in this direction can cause problems in different areas: both at work and in personal life.

Followers of Feng Shui advise that it is advisable to sleep near a wall, away from noise sources. It is also worth taking into account the location of the bed relative to the cardinal directions. So, it is best to sleep with your head to the east. This will help you sleep well, not feel sleepy throughout the day, and have success in all your endeavors.


It is better for creative people to sleep with their heads to the west, and for those who want to build a brilliant career - to the south.

Scientific explanation

Scientists do not find clear and irrefutable reasons for this position of the body during rest. Several studies that used photography and video to monitor sleepers failed to identify direct impact bed location on the quality and duration of sleep.

Surely each of you has heard a warning from your mother or grandmother: Don’t go to bed with your feet facing the door! And indeed, just remember the situation in your grandparents’ village house (if you had one, of course). The beds there were always installed so that the person lying on them did not have their feet towards the door. This sign is so ancient that now not everyone can explain its origin, but we will try.

So why can't you sleep with your feet facing the door?

Many people associate this sign with the Christian custom of carrying the dead person out of the house feet first. But Tatyana Agapkina in her book “Slavic Antiquities” points to an earlier origin of this custom. It was customary among the Slavs, the Scandinavians, and many other peoples to carry the deceased out of the room feet first in the pre-Christian era. Moreover, the reasons and explanations were somewhat different for different nations.

So the Northern Slavs and Scandinavians believed that if a person goes to bed with his feet towards the door, then his soul can see the exit and leave the body for the night, and not return in the morning. What threatens death to a “deprived” person. The beliefs of the Slavs are also connected with the soul. When the corpse was carried out feet first, the soul of the deceased saw only the exit, not the entrance, and could not return to the house in the form of a ghost.

There is also a more rational explanation for the custom of carrying a dead person out feet first: none of them carrying the body or the coffin does not see the face of the deceased. This means that he will not feel unpleasant emotions and will not be afraid. To go to bed with your feet facing the door means to become like a dead person while you sleep. Our ancestors were very afraid of this, because higher power(gods or spirits) may think that this is really a dead person in front of them, and take the life of the sleeping person...

Why you can't sleep with your head towards the window

There is another similar sign - do not go to bed with your head towards the window. As Ksenia Razumovskaya says in her book “Signs and Superstitions”, the fact is that from ancient times the window was considered a “gate” through which people could enter the house dark forces. And they pose a huge danger to the sleeper, since they can easily take over his mind if his head is directed towards the window.

Why you shouldn't go to bed after midnight

This is also one of the signs common in villages even now. She has ancient origin and is associated with the belief that after midnight dark forces are activated. And those who go to bed after midnight risk encountering awakening demons and the Devil himself. And these evil forces are not at all averse to taking possession human soul and subjugate the body. By the way, in the Middle Ages, many cases of obsession were associated precisely with the fact that a person went to bed too late - well after midnight.

Evgeniy Sedov

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A long time ago when scientific point vision had not yet appeared and had not become widespread in people’s lives, our ancestors tried to understand what was happening by observing the world around them. Everything inexplicable was deified, since it was impossible to find out the true nature of things. Since those times, the superstitions that are present in modern life and occupy the minds of a large number of people. One of them is a question that torments many: is it possible to sleep peacefully with your feet towards the door in the bedroom? You will find the answer below.

What happens if you sleep opposite the door feet first?

It would seem that in modern world there should be no place left for ancient beliefs and signs - for example, that looking into broken mirror promises seven years of misfortune, and a black cat crossing the road guarantees bad luck. However, there are many people who fully or partially believe such things. This is not surprising, because for thousands of years, before the latest discoveries in the world of science, all inexplicable phenomena were considered the machinations of divine or, conversely, diabolical forces.

Such superstitions include controversial issue, is it worth sleeping with your feet towards the door. Where did it come from? The fact is that earlier, when our ancestors did not have the opportunity to understand what was happening through an understanding of physical or biological laws, people observed the world. While observing, they systematized the knowledge they received and identified their own patterns, which ultimately led to the emergence of certain beliefs. Read more about why in ancient times people did not sleep with their feet to the door, read below.

Superstitious folk signs

Interest in whether it is possible to sleep with your feet facing the exit arose among different nationalities. The Chinese, Scandinavians, Slavs - everyone thought about the correct location of the bed for sleeping in order to better fill up with strength and avoid unpleasant consequences. Our ancestors came to the conclusion that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door, and there is an explanation that justifies this state of affairs:

  • Among the Slavs. Many nationalities, including the Slavs, perceived the door to the room as a kind of portal that opened the way to other worlds. Our ancestors believed that it was by the legs that evil forces were able to take a soul to the Underworld. And if they sleep with them towards the door, then they have the opportunity to easily do this. So, a person who falls asleep in a similar way might not wake up. This superstition can be explained by the fact that many people in the old days died in their sleep.
  • Among the Scandinavians. An old Scandinavian legend contains a beautiful explanation of why you should not sleep with your feet facing the door. It says that there are three worlds: one is visible, where people live, this is Midgard. Everything we look at and touch relates to him. The other is Asgard. This is the other world of gods, divine creatures who protect the Scandinavian people. And the third world is Utgard, a terrible place, immersed in darkness, inhabited by monsters, dead people, monsters and evil spirits.

The northern people were also no exception, considering a doorway to be an exit to another world. They thought night sleep similar to a small death, during which the soul leaves the body and goes on a journey. The position of falling asleep with your feet towards the door meant that the soul could leave and go to Utgard, and returning from there was much more difficult than getting there. If the soul failed to return, death occurred. According to the beliefs of different peoples, what results if you sleep with your feet towards the exit:

  • I have terrible nightmares, possible awakenings, lack of strength after sleep.
  • Getting worse general state health, illnesses appear.
  • Possible death.

Why not - Feng Shui explanation

Feng Shui is an ancient teaching on organizing the surrounding space, promoting the best circulation of energy for certain human purposes: sleep, rest, work. The belief that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door, according to this teaching, is not associated with the dead or fatal, but another explanation is given. Energy circulates throughout the human body, and its main goal is to preserve and accumulate it in order to feel good, maintain health and excellent mental well-being.

People who study or are masters of Feng Shui do not recommend sleeping with your feet facing the exit of the room. It is believed that too much energy leaks through the door, which a person must receive to replenish his strength. If you sleep like this, then after waking up there will be no feeling of rest; on the contrary, a person will wake up tired, exhausted, and will not be able to rest or work normally. A few more signs are associated with Feng Shui and folk beliefs with sleep in front of an open door or mirror:

  • A mirror is an object that doubles everything: both bad and good. According to Feng Shui, a mirror can double the negative energy carried by sharp corners in a room.
  • Through a mirror, according to ancient stories, a person is watched by a pair of eyes from other world.
  • If a person sleeps and is reflected in the mirror, this can have a bad effect on his personal life. And if a couple sleeps, the destruction of relationships and betrayal are possible.
  • Mirrors can absorb information, and therefore if they reflect bad things (quarrels, death), it is not recommended to sleep in front of them.

Is it possible to sleep with your feet facing the door - the opinion of psychologists

The opinion of psychologists about whether you should sleep with your feet facing the exit is ambiguous. Much depends on how the person himself feels about the position of the bed, the head of which is on the opposite side of the door. If a man or woman does not believe omens, preferring a scientific view of the world, then no problems should arise - you are allowed to sleep as convenient or pleasant as possible.

However, many people, even without meaning to, partially believe that sleeping with your feet facing the door is harmful or dangerous. If there is even slight psychological discomfort associated with this belief, it is better not to torture yourself and position the bed with the head of the bed facing the exit or place it perpendicular to the entrance. Some psychologists believe that if you close the doors, people will be able to tolerate sleep much easier and will feel more comfortable.

Other experts have the opposite opinion, arguing that you need to sleep with your feet facing the door. Why is that? This is due to the fact that some people are much more comfortable seeing a way out, especially if there is someone else living at home. You will always be able to see who is coming in and going out. Professional psychologists talk about patients who could not sleep with their head towards the door because they felt the “pressure” of the outside world from there. This concerned large families, where it is almost always noisy.

How to sleep correctly - head first or feet towards the door

There is no consensus on how to sleep correctly - head first or feet towards the door. Each person must decide this for himself individually, assessing his own faith in otherworldly forces, and also psychological comfort in certain positions. If the bed is initially positioned with the feet facing the door, and during sleep the man or woman experiences discomfort, it makes sense to rearrange the piece of furniture as you like best.

There are many ancient superstitions that explain why you should not sleep with your feet facing the doorway, and what consequences this can have. None scientific evidence there is no point in saying that it is dangerous. However, a person's perception of the world depends greatly on what he believes. If a person is superstitious, then sleeping with his feet towards the door will not bring him anything good.

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Is it possible to sleep with your feet towards the door?

In our age of high technology and no less high speeds people listen little to signs, preferring to trust artificial intelligence electronic gadgets. But some superstitions also have a practical basis. So, the answer to the question why you can’t sleep with your feet facing the door is provided not only by folk wisdom, but also different areas of science.

The ban on sleeping with your feet towards the door: how superstitions and signs arose

This sign, like many others like it, appeared at a time when people were not yet subject to the laws of biology or physics. They learned about the world through their own sensations, systematized their accumulated knowledge and identified general patterns. Interest in superstitions associated with sleep appeared among various nationalities. And they all tried to explain their appearance in different ways.

Position of the Slavs, Scandinavians and the peoples of the North

The Slavs attached doors sacred meaning, believing that it serves as a kind of portal from the other world to ours. And by going to bed with his feet towards the door, the person made it easier for the evil forces to capture the soul. That is, one day it was possible to simply not get up in the morning. The superstition probably stems from the fact that many people have died inexplicably in their dreams in the past. The Scandinavians have a beautiful legend that tells why you should not sleep with your feet facing the door. In accordance with it, there are three worlds - Mirgard, inhabited by people, Asgard, where gods and higher creations live, and Utgard - a haven of dark otherworldly entities, souls of the dead, monsters and evil forces. The latter are trying by all means to drag a person to themselves. And sleeping with your feet towards the door - the entrance to Utgard - greatly simplifies the task of the monsters. If the soul was unable to return back to the body after nightly wanderings, considered a small death, real physical death occurred. The northern peoples also adhered to the position of the Slavs, believing that the doorway was a portal to the other world. They claim that this way of arranging the bed is fraught with:

  • irritability and weakening of the nervous system;
  • deterioration of general well-being and health;
  • private nightmares and even death.
  • Feng Shui practitioners' point of view

    Feng Shui adherents firmly believe that sleeping with your feet facing the door is unacceptable. And this is not connected with deaths, dead people and the invasion of evil forces. They are convinced that energy continuously moves through the human body. And the main task of such energy is self-preservation, since the general condition and health depend on it.

    Feng Shui adepts and masters insist that a lot of energy flows through the door. As a result, awakening will be associated with discomfort, lethargy, weakness, and apathy. Adherents of this movement are also categorically against mirrors in the bedroom: it is believed that they have the ability to increase negative energy, absorb negative information and negatively influence personal and family life.

    Psychologists' opinion on sleeping with feet to the door

    Psychologists are realists who believe in science, not folk signs. Their position on this is ambiguous. If a person is comfortable sleeping in this position, then there is no reason to worry. But if discomfort occurs that accompanies awakening, it is better to make a rearrangement, since constant negativity can affect psycho-emotional state and, accordingly, well-being and health.

    Some psychologists agree that if psychological discomfort associated with this sign occurs, you can turn the bed around or place it perpendicular to the doorway. Some of their colleagues, on the contrary, insist on this arrangement, since on a subconscious level it is more comfortable for a person to see the entrance to the room when waking up. This is especially true for large families, which are always noisy and their members often move around the house.

    A sign in modern reality: how to sleep correctly, comfortably and safely?

    There is no definite answer to this question, since everyone has their own vision of comfort and convenience. If there is a belief in superstitions, then it is better to rearrange the bedroom, since deep healthy sleep largely determines the general condition, well-being and mood. Doctors say that uncertainty and panic can provoke insomnia, which can cause:

  • increased blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances;
  • migraine, headaches, apathy;
  • hormonal imbalance and psycho-emotional exhaustion.
  • To create comfortable conditions for a night's rest, it is important to throw out of your head all the worries and anxieties of the passing day. Including those related to superstitions. Do you feel any discomfort? Feel free to change the position of the bed. Sleep well with your feet towards the door? Have a healthy rest!

    Rational position

    Using logic, you can simply understand that a person in a dream takes the most comfortable position. This is laid down at the genetic level. Restless sleep causes chronic fatigue, lethargy, weakens immune system, causes various pathologies.

    In addition, when placing your feet towards the door or window, street noise, street lights and car headlights, and moonlight can interfere with proper rest. In this situation, you can easily catch a cold, which also does not promote health. And it is important for a person to feel comfort and security, and a dark opening located in front of the eyes does not in any way contribute to such feelings. Therefore, for the most part, only people with a stable, stable psyche can sleep with their feet facing the door.

    Other common sleep signs

    In addition to the sign associated with sleeping with your feet towards the door, there are several more that have become widespread among the people. It is believed that you should not sleep in front of a mirror. A reflection caught in it foreshadows troubles for the sleeper.

    It is also believed that it is undesirable to lay your head towards the window: supposedly, through the window opening you can get devilry and take possession of the soul of the sleeping person. From a purely practical point of view, it is simply associated with colds and other problems due to night drafts.

    It is not advisable to sleep in the light. And this is no longer a belief, but medical recommendation. If you leave a lamp or floor lamp on, the production of the sleep hormone melatonin stops. It is advisable to sleep in complete darkness, so possible sources lighting - car headlights, street lamps, moonlight, it is better to protect yourself in advance with thick curtains.

    It is not advisable to place it in the bedroom houseplants. This is also not a superstition, but a fact proven by science. The point is that in the absence sunlight the process of photosynthesis - the production of oxygen with the help of carbon dioxide - stops. And green plants begin to actively consume oxygen, a sufficient amount of which is very important for a sleeping person. Therefore, if you have potted flowers in the bedroom, you need to ensure good ventilation. By the way, it is also undesirable to place cut bouquets in the bedroom, since strong pungent aromas can provoke insomnia and migraines.

    What is the best way to position the bed?

    There is no universal answer to the question of how to properly install a bed. It all depends on a person's personal preferences. Of course, during installation it is important to exclude drafts. By the way, it is interesting that often folk signs are closely intertwined with the recommendations of the same feng shui movement. To ensure proper rest, its adherents recommend installing some kind of support (cabinet, wall) behind the headboard. They also consider the optimal positioning of the body while sleeping with the head to the north, claiming that it will prevent migraines, weakness, lethargy, chronic fatigue and even help improve relationships in a couple.

    To believe or not in omens is a personal matter for everyone. A person's worldview largely depends on the strength of his faith. If a person is superstitious, then you should not play with the mind and subconscious and simply rearrange the bed. And the rest can choose the most comfortable location for themselves, without looking back at superstitions.

    During night sleep, the human body completely relaxes, all systems and organs rest, as a result of which by the morning the necessary amount of energy accumulates to be active again throughout the day. Many people think that it doesn’t matter at all which direction you put your head or feet, the main thing is comfort. But ancient teachings and beliefs have their own opinion on this matter. Whether it is possible to sleep with your head towards the door or whether it is better to turn your feet towards it, everyone must decide for themselves, and for this it would not be a bad idea to familiarize yourself with useful information about this theme.

    From the point of view of Orthodoxy, you need to sleep in a way that is comfortable. But signs suggest that sleeping with your head or feet towards the door is an unlucky position. The limbs should not be directed towards the entrance, because this is how the deceased are taken out of the house. There is some truth in this, because many sleepers note the following facts:

    • they often have nightmares;
    • they cannot fall asleep for a long time;
    • wake up several times during the night;
    • in the morning they feel unrested.

    Why can't you sleep with your head towards the open door?

    It is important to know! There is an opinion that the opening is the entrance to the portal of the other world, where demons live, who can penetrate the head of a person in a sleeping state, and also take away his energy and soul.

    Therefore, it is better to install the headboard against a wall, which will serve as a kind of protection. The church world does not confirm this fact.

    Door as a symbol: different interpretations

    How to sleep correctly in relation to the door is of interest to many housewives who want their child and other family members to feel comfortable in any room. Different nations have their own customs regarding how best to place a bed: against the window with the headboard, against the wall or the entrance. Our ancestors came to the same opinion: you shouldn’t sleep with your head towards the door, but it is explained like this:

    • The Slavs believe that the entrance opening is the path to the world of the dead, and if you lie with your feet towards it, then the soul will quickly go to the Underworld. This superstition is explained by the fact that in ancient times many people died in their sleep.
    • Northern people believe that the door is a transition to another world, where a person’s soul, in a sleepy state, can easily get lost.

    There are so many peoples, so many opinions, and each of them can be considered true. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how best to sleep with your head or feet towards the door. A person must decide for himself what suits him, assessing his passions, his own belief in otherworldly forces and taking into account psychological comfort. There are many superstitions, but scientific explanation they don't. You need to place the bed as the room allows; if after several nights you feel discomfort, you can rearrange it and try to rest again.

    Sleeping with your head or feet towards the door: what to choose

    A person spends almost a third of his life sleeping, so correct posture body is important. Many people like to watch TV, read a book, or even eat while lying in bed. They also say that they could live in this situation forever. But it is very important to know how best to lie, where to point your legs and head in order to truly rest fully. It often happens that after sleeping all night, in the morning you realize that you didn’t get enough sleep, everything hurts and aches. Sturdy and comfortable sleep− this is a pledge have a good day and good mood.

    You can believe the signs and, following them, choose a comfortable location for the bed. Skeptics believe that the rest will be of high quality in any direction. But there are few of them; most often people follow signs and choose what their faith says.

    Chinese philosophy Feng Shui

    According to one of the popular Chinese philosophical teachings, every object in the house should have its place. Exactly correct location things will ensure a constant flow of positive energy, which means that there will be happiness, prosperity and health in the home. An arch or opening in a house is the boundary between two energy areas, the outer one is considered “dead”, and the inner one is “alive”. Since they should not intersect or mix, you cannot sleep with your head or feet opposite a window, balcony, or door. This does not threaten death, but it can lead to lethargy, weakness and bad mood maybe because the positive energy is weakening.

    Advice! Feng Shui says that the bed should be placed so that the beneficial flows do not leave. The bed is installed diagonally to the door - this is the best option.

    If the room does not allow it to be positioned this way, then the bedroom is closed before going to bed. In this case, “dead” energy will not get inside, sleep will be calm and sound, and dreams will be free of nightmares.

    Many people find that sleeping with your head towards the door is really bad, especially in noisy families. This situation puts a lot of pressure on the psyche, preventing you from falling asleep and causing discomfort.

    Chinese philosophy also has several requirements for the bed itself:

    • The headboard should not be lattice or have voids; a person will not be protected behind it.
    • There should be no boxes above the bed; they interfere with the passage of energy.
    • There are fewer sharp edges that can cause conflicts between relatives.
    • A double model should not have partitions in the middle - they destroy the relationship between spouses.

    Superstitions of Slavic peoples

    The Slavic people have many myths that they pass on to their subsequent generations. According to one of them, the door is a portal to another, otherworldly world.

    • If you sleep with your feet facing the opening, you will very soon find yourself in a grave.

    Legend says that if you fall asleep with your limbs towards the entrance, there is a risk of never waking up again. While the body is resting, the soul leaves it, because the path is open to it.

    • There is another sign - through a portal, evil spirits come into the house and try to take possession of a person while he is sleeping. Perhaps all this is fiction, but by subconsciously believing in it, a person invites trouble upon himself and from bad thoughts wakes up in the morning unrested.

    Mythology of Scandinavia

    The Scandinavians also have their own beliefs. They believe that the world is conventionally divided into three parts: the top with angels and gods, the middle is given to mortals, and the bottom is inhabited by demons, monsters and other evil spirits.

    It is those who inhabit the lower world who closely monitor the people who sleep with their feet to the door. They believe that this is how a person demonstrates that he is disposed towards them, and they begin to hunt for them. The evil spirits watch for a long time, and then choose the right time and take the sleeper to his kingdom of nightmares. Therefore, you shouldn’t sleep on your feet when going out if you don’t want to find yourself under the gaze of demons.

    Islam and Christianity regarding the location of the bed

    This religion does not give precise recommendations about which way to sleep with your crown. A Muslim can rest in the direction of the door, the main condition is that his head is turned towards the holy city of Mecca. It is forbidden in Islam to sleep on your stomach.

    It is important to know! The Bible does not give any advice, the main thing is that the Orthodox should be firm in his faith and feel comfortable while sleeping.

    Indian culture is sensitive to night rest. Yogis have the opinion that the human body has its own magnetic field, just like our planet. Therefore the foot represents South Pole, and the head is north.

    Advice! During sleep, you need to position yourself in accordance with the energy lines of the Earth. If you sleep in this position, you wake up rested and alert in the morning.

    If the room does not allow the bed to be set up as required by Islam, then in this case the sleeper should put his head to the east or northeast.

    In India, houses were built so that the bedroom window faced the north side or in the direction where the sun rises.

    Practical approach without mysticism

    There are so many signs and beliefs that you won’t immediately understand which way to sleep: with your head towards the door or with your feet? There is an opinion that it is worth choosing a position based on the cardinal directions.

    Resting with your head to the north is considered the best option. But when choosing, it is important to consider not only the direction, but also other points, for example:

    If we discard all superstitions and mystical ideas, then we need to focus on our preferences, taking into account the practical benefits of the chosen position. It should protect a person from noise, street dust, drafts, streetlights, and shards of accidentally broken glass in a window.

    Advice! Optimal placement of the bed will give the sleeper a feeling of security, peace and comfort. How to choose the best place, intuition and your own body will tell you, which you need to be able to listen to.

    Best Alternatives for Bed Placement

    There are many opinions and beliefs, and if you take them all into account, it will be difficult to choose the correct location of the bed. Therefore, it is better to trust your feelings and take into account several general rules:

    • It is better to place the bed with the headboard against a blank wall. In this case, a person has a rear, thanks to which he will feel protected and comfortable.
    • It is better to place a single bed in a corner. This is especially suitable for a child, because it will be securely closed on both sides, and the baby will not be bothered by night terrors. It is believed that this arrangement is ideal for a teenager; he will spend more time studying.
    • The double model is installed so that there is free passage on both sides. Bedside tables and lamps are placed on the sides.
    • It is better to install a folding sofa in a small room.

    How to sleep with your head towards the door? It is impossible to find a definite answer to this question. A Russian person sleeps as he pleases, Feng Shui has its own rules, and in the east there are special prohibitions. What to choose, everyone decides for themselves.

    It will not be possible to install a bed following all the traditions, because there are conflicting opinions. Not everywhere the bedroom allows you to arrange everything as custom requires. Therefore, choose the place for the bed that you like. Set yourself up mentally that everything in the bedroom is perfect, and then you won’t have nightmares.

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