Home Prosthetics and implantation 9 human chakras and their meaning. Human chakras - their meaning in the teachings of the East, West and ancient Slavs

9 human chakras and their meaning. Human chakras - their meaning in the teachings of the East, West and ancient Slavs

In the modern rhythm of life, a person must do many different things during the day, and without a properly designed regime, it is quite difficult to do everything. A daily routine is a pre-planned sequence of actions that need to be completed from the moment you wake up in the morning until you go to bed in the evening. The purpose of creating a daily routine is to allocate time more effectively and efficiently, which will allow you to succeed in all areas of your life that interest you.

At first glance, rationally planning your day is not so difficult, but in practice, not everyone can create a clear sequence of their actions, much less follow a daily routine. Absent-mindedness, laziness, fatigue, suddenly changed circumstances at work, conflict situations with colleagues or friends, they easily unsettle a person who does not follow a well-thought-out daily routine.

Therefore, everyone, regardless of gender, age and professional activity, it’s useful to know how to make a plan for the day in order to manage everything that is important and interesting to you. You will notice the benefits of planning your time after just a few days during which you acted according to your previously planned schedule. By constantly adhering to your daily routine, you can maximize your potential and be productive without compromising your health and mood.

To adequately create a daily routine, you need to be able to separate the main tasks from the secondary ones and rationally combine some items to save time. The BrainApps website contains useful articles, from which you can find out interesting information about rational approaches to planning. In addition, it is recommended to include a brain fitness item in your daily routine, which requires only 15 minutes of time.

Daily routine: the benefits of self-discipline

To understand how to create a daily routine that suits you, you first need to know why you need to do it. You should seriously work on planning your regime if you want to:

  • Become more disciplined and organized;
  • Study better or work more efficiently;
  • Find time to develop hobbies, communicate with family and friends;
  • Organize pleasant and useful leisure time for yourself;
  • Spend less time on useless activities;
  • Take care of your health every day;

A properly designed routine for your day will allow you to implement all of the above without much difficulty or stress. Also in favor of self-discipline is the fact that the vast majority successful people strictly followed their individual schedule and did not allow themselves to be distracted by trifles. A pre-designed routine for even a very busy day can significantly reduce the feeling of acute lack of time and be calm and self-confident.

How to create a daily routine and where to start

There is no universal answer to the question of how to properly create a daily routine. After all, all people have their own individual characteristics, are engaged different types activities and what is good for one may not be suitable for another. Work on planning the day must be carried out constantly in connection with the constantly changing conditions around us. life circumstances. However, having learned to rationally distribute your time, it will not be difficult for you to plan your daily routine even if force majeure situations arise.

Because the correct mode day is an integral part healthy image life, then first of all, when compiling it, you should pay attention to the peculiarities of the physiology of our body. The influence of biorhythms on a person’s ability to work, mood and well-being has long been proven by science, so they must be taken into account when planning a daily routine.

Biorhythms are cyclic changes in the intensity of physiological processes in the human body. For rational organization of the daily routine Special attention need to pay attention to circadian rhythms associated with the change of day and night. The most famous is the conditional division of people into “larks” and “night owls” depending on the time at which their peak activity occurs.

Larks wake up easily in the morning and are more active in the first half of the day, while for owls, getting up in the morning in the daily routine is a difficult test, and peak productivity occurs in the morning. evening time. Many people successfully combine the traits of both owls and larks, as they can be active both in the morning and in the evening. However, when planning your daily routine, you should not get too hung up on this classification. With some willpower and discipline, over time you can “retrain” your body and be productive exactly at the time you need.

From a physiological point of view, your body’s daily routine begins at 4 a.m., when the active secretion of the adrenal cortex hormone, cortisol, which is also called the stress hormone, begins. From 5 to 6, metabolism accelerates, which helps a person wake up, and from 7 to 9 it is recommended to exercise and have a full breakfast. The first peak of work activity occurs during the day from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. At this time, most people are at work or in an educational institution, so it is advisable to use every hour with maximum benefit.

After the first burst of activity, the body needs to renew its energy reserves. From 12:00 to 14:00 it is advisable to have lunch and not engage in intense activities. physical activity until 16:00, since food must be fully absorbed in gastrointestinal tract. The second peak of activity in your daily routine takes place from 16:00 to 18:00, and after it comes easy time dinner and exercise. From 22:00 the body gradually begins to prepare for a night's rest, metabolism slows down and hormone production decreases. If, according to the daily routine, a person does not go to bed at this time, then the recovery processes do not start at full strength.

Naturally, not everyone can adjust their daily routine to biorhythms, so for many people they get confused due to insufficient or irregular sleep, irregular meals and many other factors. However, if you are interested in how to rationally create a daily routine, then you should still listen to your body and, if possible, bring your activity closer to the physiological norm.

How to make a plan for the day to get everything done

The following components should occupy the main places in your daily routine:

  1. Full sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation and productivity are mutually exclusive concepts. It is advisable to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, better at night(23:00 – 7:00). If sleep at night is unavailable to you due to professional duties, then sleep during the day in a quiet room with tightly drawn curtains (or better yet, with a special blindfold). Common recommendations for all are mandatory ventilation of the room before going to bed and a comfortable mattress on the bed;
  2. Balanced diet. A well-thought-out daily routine includes at least three meals. The diet should be healthy and varied, have healthy snacks at work or while studying, do not abuse coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks;
  3. Work and study. On weekdays, a large amount of time in your daily routine will be occupied by work or study, and they will be the starting point for all other activities;
  4. Rest. Regardless of how busy you are, you need to find time to rest and recuperate. Try to make your vacation as beneficial as possible for your health. Instead of immersing yourself in the Internet or a TV series, take a walk on fresh air, read a book, chat with friends, family, or take care of your pets;
  5. Sport. During the day active person there must always be a place physical exercise. It doesn't have to be an hour and a half workout, but morning exercises or an evening set of light exercises must be performed;
  6. Domestic issues. Cooking, cleaning the house and other household chores also take away from us the lion's share free time. However, with a rational approach to planning your daily routine, most household chores will be performed automatically and without unnecessary effort;

An important point in how to properly create a daily routine is visualization. Keep a diary in which you write down in detail everything that needs to be done during the next day. Highlight priority tasks, as well as those things that are desirable, but not required. At home, you can hang bright sheets of paper with your daily routine written on them in prominent places so as not to be distracted by extraneous little things.

Before you decide to create a daily routine, you should do a little preparation. Determine exactly how long it takes to travel to work, prepare dinner for the whole family, and other daily activities. Don't be alarmed if changes suddenly appear in your daily routine. Over time, you will be able to easily fit unexpected activities into your schedule without significantly compromising your daily routine.

For better results, plan not only your weekdays, but also your weekends, holidays. This way you can spend time with greater benefit and get more positive emotions, because after you have managed to plan your day correctly, you will not want to return to your usual hustle and bustle and try to complete all the tasks at the last moment.

By dedicating just a quarter of an hour to brain training, you can create an even more suitable daily routine and always be in intellectual tone. For such trainings, the ideal resource is BrainApps, which will help you plan the optimal individual program classes.

For those who want to know how to make a plan for the day, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the daily routine famous personalities who have achieved outstanding success in their field of activity. You can also learn a lot of useful information from time management guides, but only you can create the ideal routine for your day, taking into account all your individual needs.

In the Slavic system 37 main energy centers: 9 dominant and 28 determining, with the dominant centers divided into three structures:
The bottom 3 are responsible for physical development person;
3 middle ones - responsible for mental development;
The top 3 are responsible for spiritual development.

All 37 chakras create energy cross, it was this kind of cross that Jesus Christ spoke about to his disciples: “everyone carries his own cross” - not a piece of wood on his shoulder, but his own energetic cross. intersect at one point and turn around. This point is called: point of harmony or equilibrium point. If we isolate energy flows at the equilibrium point, we get not just a cross, but a rotating cross. If this cross is combined with the opposite flow, we get an ancient Slavic symbol Wedding party(see) - the connection of male fire with female waters, i.e. masculine and feminine united together.

9 chakras in the Slavic system

1. SOURCE(coccyx area) – originates here the energy of life.

Sound - infrasound (ultra-low frequencies).
Color – black (unexplored, i.e. beyond human perception).

2. GENERATION(pubic area) – the chakra is responsible “for the Family”, i.e. behind birth of life.

Sound – BEFORE
Color – red

3. BElly(navel) – belly in Slavic – life. Life begins in the mother's belly. First the person receives vitality through the umbilical cord. Then, when the umbilical cord is cut, it receives life from nature, also through the stomach.

Sound - RE
Color - scarlet

4. PERCY(chest, solar plexus) – creation. Creative energy increases.

Sound – MI
Color – gold

5. LADA(right shoulder) – Love. The chakra receives and emits the energy of love and kindness. In the Western style it is called “Solar Breath”.

Sound - FA
Green color

6. LELYA (left shoulder) – intuition. In the Western style, “Moon Breath”.

Sound - SALT
Color - heavenly

7. USTA(throat system, to the tip of the nose) – sound energy, materializes a thought.
When this system was still preserved in the West, this chakra was called “justa”, hence justice, i.e. some rule proclaimed by mouth.
* Notice that the spine ends here, we have the Source and there is the Mouth (Mouth), here the energy flows into another system.

Sound - LA
Color – blue

8. HUMAN(between the eyebrows, “forehead”) – the chakra produces images and thoughts. This chakra is also responsible for energy vision. The sensitive system of this chakra is beyond the boundaries of perception, looking into another dimension, state.
* “Forehead” is in quotation marks, because in Slavic this part of the head is called Chelo (they hit with the forehead, not the forehead). The forehead is the most top part head, hence the “frontal place”, i.e. elevation.

A person is an energy-informational entity, that is, a subtle energy system, which tends to transform and modify the world. When a person realizes himself as an energy system, then the entire range of spectral perception of our World opens up to him. Otherwise, people limit not only themselves, but also the perception of the World around them. That is why it is said: “Do not reject the unknown and inexplicable, but try to know the unknown, and explain the inexplicable.” For the Gods help those who strive for knowledge of wisdom. The energy system is the connecting link between a person and the world around him.

The human energy system is the chakra energy system. In the chakras human body the subtlest energies of the Cosmos are transformed into mental energy, providing human mental activity, expressed in feelings, emotions, images, volitional motives and actions.

All chakras can be in one of three main states: neutral, emitting or absorbing energy. The subtle energy structure of the radiating chakra is a right-handed spiral with an increased pitch, and the absorbing one is a left-handed spiral tapering downwards. In a healthy and harmonious state of any organism, the potential of the energy-absorbing chakras must be balanced by the potential of the chakras emitting energy, that is, the system must be in a neutral state. The range of vibration of the energy of the chakras located along the spine forms a kind of octave that characterizes this person and the level of activity of its centers. Man reacts to exactly the same range of cosmic vibrations. And the production of psychic energy and mental activity of a person largely depend on the level of vibrations of the chakras.

There are two types of chakra systems: Eastern - 7 chakra and Slavic - 9 chakra.

Eastern 7 chakra energy system

In ancient times, our ancestors taught the eastern peoples the Ancient Wisdom. Taking into account the peculiarities of the channels of perception of these peoples, for accessible understanding the chakra system was simplified to 7 chakras. This energy system is still used by all eastern peoples.

The first chakra is called MULADHARA
Streams of energy pass through it for gross physical work. Location: coccyx.

Figurative meaning:

MU - the world of joy, sound, the beginning of life.

LAD – harmonious state.

HA – positive energy.

RA – light, radiance.

Muladhara is the place where life of harmonious positive energy begins.

The color of the chakra is red, the sound is the note Do.

Second chakra SVADHISTAN
Figurative meaning:

SVA is heaven.

D – action.

HI - lunar streams.

STAN – gathering place.

A is a measure.

Svadhisthana is a celestial activity where lunar streams gather in one place.

This chakra processes the energies of other vital entities and produces energy exchange between a man and a woman. Located in the genital area. The color of the chakra is orange. The sound is the note D.

Third chakra MANIPURA
Figurative meaning:

MANI – open space, the energy of the surrounding outer space.

PU – absorption.

RA – radiance.

Manipura – absorbing the radiance of the energy of the surrounding outer space.

Through it a person receives cosmic energy life. Location: solar plexus. The color of the chakra is yellow. The sound is the note E.

Fourth chakra ANAHATA
Figurative meaning:

ANA – creativity, creation.

HA – positive energy.

TA – approved by the Gods.

Anahata is the positive force of creative creation, approved by the Gods.

Through it a person receives creative energy. Located in the heart area. The color of the chakra is green. The sound is the note Fa.

Fifth chakra VISUDHA
Figurative meaning:

VISH is the highest system, Vishnu.

UD – feelings.

Vishuddha is the place through which the positive energy of sensory images flows.

It is located in the area of ​​the larynx, its upper point is the tip of the nose.

The color of the chakra is blue. The sound is the note Sol.

Sixth chakra AJNA
Figurative meaning:

A – beginning, source, man.

D – deeds.

F – life.

A – highest.

Ajna is actions in the highest sphere of human life, which means looking into another dimension, state.

Through it, a person receives energy without sensory coloring, in a figurative form.

The color of the chakra is blue. The sound is the note A.

Seventh chakra SAHASRARA
Figurative meaning:

SA – movement, radiation.

HA – positive force, energy.

S – word, compound.

RA – radiance.

Sahasrara is a driving, radiating force that connects two radiances: human words and the energy of Life from the Gods.

The color of the chakra is purple. The sound is the note B.

In the northern part of India there are temples where the most enlightened priests use the Slavic nine-fold system. In addition to the seven main chakras, they have two more: SURMA chakra - solar breathing, and CHANDRA chakra - lunar breathing. According to their teachings, these two chakras are responsible for relationships with the Ancestors.

Slavic energy system

The Slavic energy system contains 37 main chakras, 9 of which are dominant and divided into three structures, and 28 are decisive. All together they create an energy cross:

Energy cross

A person produces energy from air, water and food, and also receives energy from the outside - from the Sun and Earth. The movement of upward flows and downward flows of energy is represented in the energy cross. This energy interacts with the chakras, which energize our organs. And our health depends on feeding our organs with energy. We get 10% of our energy from the food we eat. This energy is only enough to maintain the body in a certain shape and move in space. For all other actions we use the energy of the Sun and Earth. In dreams we receive the remaining 90% of life energy. Proper nutrition consists of consuming foods that contain large amounts of energy. We are nourished not by the foods we eat, but by the energy they contain.

The heart carries this energy to all organs with the help of blood. For meat eaters big belly because meat products contain very little energy and there is a need to eat a large amount of food. The body spends much more energy on digesting meat than it extracts from it, so when you eat meat, you feel heavy and want to rest. Perishable foods plant origin are more energy-rich than those that are stored for a long time. By consuming these foods, the body spends less energy digesting them and extracts more energy for the body. Therefore, vegetarians do not have big bellies and live an order of magnitude longer than meat eaters.

Men produce masculine energy, and women produce feminine energy. There is a constant exchange and replenishment of these energies. Men are fueled by feminine energy – the energy of the Earth. Women are fueled by male energy - the energy of the Sun. Feeding with these energies is called the energy cross system. Men emit their energy, and women absorb energy. Conduct this experiment: take any thing belonging to a man and a woman. Place your hand at a distance of 5-10 cm from this thing and feel the radiation from them. A man's item will radiate energy into the hand, while a woman's item will draw energy from the hand. Those who do not feel energy may have sensations of heat or cold.

And now about how energy replenishment manifests itself. If, for example, a man does not receive the required amount of female energy, this leads to the fact that he begins to artificially replenish it. What does this mean? Watch small children who love to get dirty. And if there is a puddle nearby, then they will definitely get into it and get dirty so that they will not be recognized later. Why is this happening? Feminine energy is the energy of the Earth. The child's consciousness replenishes feminine energy, actively interacting with the Earth. That's why he is drawn to the mud for energy replenishment.

Most parents do not understand this and punish their children for such actions, but a child simply cannot receive the feminine energy of the Earth in any other way. If parents gave the child the opportunity to run barefoot for at least 15 minutes every day in any weather and in any season of the year, then he would no longer need to count puddles and get smeared in mud. A girl child is fueled by the male energy of the Sun, so she needs as much time as possible in the fresh air.

This energy exchange also explains the fact that boys are more drawn to their mother, and girls - to their father. Growing up and becoming adults, they begin to be drawn to each other. Violation of Solar and Earth energy exchange leads to diseases of our body.

We have looked at the energy cross, now let's look at the Slavic energy system.

9 main chakras:

1 – Source.

2 – Germ.

3 – Belly.

4 – Percy.

9 –Spring.

The first three chakras (1-3) are low energy chakras, bodily, and nourish our body. People who live on the energy of these three chakras are trinity people who live by primitive instincts (sleep, food, drink, etc.), we have already examined their characteristics in the topic of human consciousness. Lower chakras provide connection with Nature, childbirth, continuation of the Family.

The next three chakras (4-6) are chakras of medium energies. They are responsible for creativity, which is guided by the Soul. That's why they say: made with the Soul. A person who has these 6 chakras active is called Soulful, they say about him that he is a Soul-man.

The next three chakras (7-9) are chakras of high and super high energies that are responsible for the human Spirit. When a person has all 9 dominant chakras active, he is called Spiritual. Spiritual people give us the opportunity to look at the World from the outside and understand the structures of the transcendental World.

But the most important thing is that Nature, with the full opening of all energy centers, did not program the launch of the aging system in humans.

There are another twenty-one minor energy centers that are not mentioned much in the literature. The two centers are located in front of the ears, at the junction of the jaws; two - directly under the nipples; one - at the junction sternum near thyroid gland; two on the palms, two on the soles of the feet, two behind the eyes, one near the liver, two behind the knees, one near the solar plexus and connected to the center at the base of the spine, two connected to the gonads, one to the stomach , but shifted closer to the solar plexus, two - with the spleen, superimposed on each other, one - with vagus nerve, located closer to the thymus gland.

Chakras with channels of perception are components of systems of energy bodies, which, according to the matryoshka principle, are nested into one another, and nourish the body with all the energies necessary for human life.

based on materials from the book: Andrey Alpatov - “I am God living on Earth.”

The description and name of the chakras is information that will be useful to people who want to learn more about themselves, their body and its capabilities. There are only seven main energy centers. It is to them that it is attributed highest value. In this article you can read about where they are, what they are, and what they serve for.

What it is?

Before we talk about what the name of energy centers is and what they are needed for, it is necessary to understand what they are. The term “chakra” is translated from Sanskrit as “circle”, “wheel”. Accordingly, energy centers are depicted in the form of a circle. What are the chakras located in human body? They can be described as spheres that spread out. Petals extend from them - this is the name given to the sections of channels located close to them. Seven energy “wheels” rotate in the human body, moving along its midline, starting at the base of the spine and ending at the top of the head.

Seven main chakras

This article will help readers find out the purpose and name of the chakras that are considered basic. There are seven of them in total. They all have their own color and special location. The meaning of chakras differs. However, they are all interconnected. Blocking one center leads to disruption of the circulation of all energy. This negatively affects a person’s life and well-being. The photo below allows you to find out the location of the seven main “wheels”, painted in different colors of the rainbow. In addition, further in the article the names of the chakras are given in Slavic and Sanskrit, their detailed description. So, where are the energy “circles” located and what are they?

Chakra name: Muldahara

Muldahara is the first main chakra, located at the base of the spine. It is painted red. This is where you should start when listing the names of the chakras. Istok - that’s what it’s called in Slavic. It is believed that this “wheel” establishes a connection between man and the Earth.

Muldahara is a chakra that is the support that all people need. It is she who is responsible for the feeling of security and defines a person as an individual. It also helps to survive in this world, gives. If the chakra is in a balanced state, the individual feels confidence and calm. He has no doubt that he is safe.

Blocking leads to fear and anxiety in a person. Physical problems are also very likely, for example, pain in the kidneys or in the lower back. Opening it allows you to get rid of this negativity. To do this, a person will have to overcome the feeling of loneliness and realize that he has everything he needs for a happy life.

Swadhisthana Chakra

Svadhisthana is the next “wheel” that needs to be talked about when listing the name of a person’s chakras. Zarod is its name in the Slavic language. It is located between top edge and navel. The sphere is orange. The second main chakra is responsible for the ability to experience pleasure. It is she who encourages people to strive for fun and entertainment.

If Svadhisthana is in a balanced state, a person is able to enjoy his actions, and not perform them solely for the sake of achieving a result. The blockage leads to the fact that the individual exists in an eternal state of dissatisfaction and is engaged in fruitless searches for sources of pleasure. Physical manifestations are also possible, for example, pain in the lower abdomen, diseases affecting the genital organs.

Those who learn to experience pleasure from the process, and not strive only for the result, will be able to restore the lost balance. You should definitely set aside time for activities that bring you joy and have hobbies.

Chakra Manipura

Those who are interested in the name of human chakras and their purpose should also learn about Manipur. It is located in the area has yellow. Belly - this is what this “wheel” is called in Slavic. Manipura represents the source of confidence. It is this that allows representatives of the human race to realize their strength, gives them the opportunity to manage their own lives, and not follow the will of others.

The name of the chakras in Slavic allows you to guess their purpose. Manipura is responsible for life position its owner, the beliefs that guide him, the choices he makes. If it is in a balanced state, a person knows exactly what he wants. He knows how to define his goals and focus on achieving them.

What else should those who are interested in the location and purpose of which are discussed in this article know? Blocking Manipura leads to people constantly getting involved in conflicts, suffering from feelings of guilt, and taking on impossible tasks. They may also live in the role of a perpetual victim, feeling unable to change anything. Raising self-esteem is the only way out of this situation. It is extremely important to develop self-confidence and abandon false stereotypes and beliefs imposed by others.

Anahata Chakra

Anahata is the next “circle” that those who are curious about the human chakras should learn about. Its location is not a secret. It is located in the middle of the sternum, colored green color. Percy - this is the Slavic name of the heart and is responsible for the connection between the ego and soul of a person. Its awakening creates a feeling of unity with the Universe. People who have it in balance love themselves. They are also capable of having feelings for others and are susceptible to compassion. They experience joy from unity with the world, the presence of loved ones and relatives in their lives. Those who are interested in the name of the chakras and their meaning should be aware of its importance.

What happens if Anahata is blocked? In this case, the person becomes overly whiny and sentimental. He may become dependent on other people. Also, the individual is not able to love himself and take care of his needs. There is a high probability that the unfortunate person will be faced with unrequited passion. He is threatened by heart and lung diseases, as well as problems with the circulatory system and immunity. There is only one way out of this situation - you need to learn to love yourself, be proud of yourself and your achievements.

Chakra Vishuddha

Continuing to list the names of the chakras with their location, we cannot fail to mention this “wheel”. Vishuddha is a pale blue sphere located in the throat area. Usta - that’s what it’s called in Slavic. It is she who makes people strive for self-development and is responsible for creativity. “The Door of Freedom” is its unofficial name. If Vishuddha is in a state of balance, a person understands his own uniqueness, is friends with his real self, and does not deceive himself. He has a desire to create and create. He strives for self-realization and is engaged in self-development.

Blocking Vishuddhi deprives people of all this, which should not be forgotten by those who are interested in the name of the chakras and their meaning. They lose the ability to express themselves and begin to lie to themselves and the people around them. They are characterized by fruitless attempts to defend their independence. Such people constantly get involved in conflicts, defending their point of view. Honesty is the best way to achieve balance. A person must realize that someone else’s path is not suitable for him, no matter how attractive it may seem. He needs to take his own path. You definitely need to find a means of self-expression.

Chakra Ajna

Ajna is the next “wheel” that those interested in the name of a person’s chakras and their meaning should learn about. Chelo (Slavic name) is located in the middle of the forehead, radiating Blue colour. Its activation allows you to receive information from the Universe and not be limited by the everyday. A person has developed intuition, the “third eye” opens.

What happens if Ajna is blocked? People begin to experience a false sense of superiority over others. They develop They are not able to soberly assess their capabilities and have a false idea of ​​themselves. Such individuals may become dependent on addictions, for example, alcohol or drugs. To activate it, you must first say goodbye to bad habits that have a detrimental effect on the body.

Sahasrara Chakra

Sahasrara is the last “circle” that those who wish to distinguish chakras by color and name should learn about. The spring (Slavic name) has a purple hue and is located in the parietal region. It is known that this chakra is responsible for enlightenment and insight. It allows a person to get acquainted with the wisdom of the Universe and establish a connection with the Divine. If the Sahasrara is blocked, people are unable to achieve enlightenment. They may suffer from headaches and develop mental illness. Also, malignant tumors should not be ruled out.


Above is the name of the chakras and their location. It is generally accepted that all diseases that people suffer from are in one way or another caused by a disturbance in the energy centers. It is curious that even blocking one “wheel” becomes a source of imbalance in the others. Therefore, it is necessary to establish which specific area was affected and what was the reason for it.

What else should those who are interested in the name of the chakras and the description of their purpose remember? In most cases, the culprit of damage to energy centers is the person himself, and not one of the people around him. This happens during quarrels, uttering curses at someone, wishing harm to someone, casting spells on others. Therefore, people must control not only their words, but also their thoughts in order to prevent their own energy centers from being blocked. After all, this will negatively affect their health and life.

What do you know about the chakras of the human organism? The 9th chakra is the energy center on which the functionality of all other chakras depends. Find out what stimulating it does.

In the human body there are forty-seven main, fifteen etheric, twenty-four astral and eight mental chakras.

When do chakras open?

Depending on the experience accumulated by the soul, and at the moment of birth, some chakras in a person can be turned on or off.

Subsequently, if a person works on himself and takes a big step towards spiritual self-development, additional energy centers may turn on, providing new abilities, opportunities and energy for their implementation.

But when development does not occur and a person does not follow his destiny, the chakras can close, blocking the flow of energy, thereby provoking illness and aging.

Source chakra (9th chakra)

The basis of the human energy structure is the source chakra, which is the ninth main chakra. IN Chinese medicine it is called the Yun-tsuan point.

The chakra consists of three petals, the first of which is fed from the female egregor², the second from the male egregor, and the third takes power from universal structures of various levels, up to the Creator.

What does stimulating the 9th chakra do?

It was from work on the ninth energy center The functionality of all other chakras depends.

The 9th chakra regulates a person’s life expectancy and the ability to have children.

In addition, the 9th chakra is the first point of the kidney channel, and its stimulation helps to heal and strengthen the genitourinary system.

The 9th chakra not only nourishes the body with energy, it can also get rid of such an unpleasant feeling as. Regular work with this chakra will help you gain peace of mind and improve health.

IN in case of emergency The 9th chakra can be activated much faster, but it is not recommended to abuse it. If an exciting or alarming event is coming up, you can stick a small piece of pepper plaster into the indentation of the foot.

As a result of this simple technique, a person begins to feel confident, calm and comfortable.

How to “breathe” through the 9th chakra?

The 9th chakra is located in a depression in the center of the foot, and serves as a kind of entrance, thanks to which the body’s energy can be replenished with the energy of the Earth.

The exchange of energies between the Earth and the human energy structure can be accomplished by “breathing” through the 9th chakra. To master this type of breathing, there is a special exercise that is recommended to spend 20 to 30 minutes a day.


1. The practitioner accepts vertical position, feet shoulder width apart. There should be no tension in the body. It is important to let go of all extraneous thoughts and enter a state of full awareness, that is, to be “here and now.”

2. It is important to focus on the center of the foot, that is, on the 9th chakra. You must maintain concentration for at least five minutes. Perhaps different sensations will appear, but the most important thing is to feel the chakra itself as clearly as possible. If sensations do not appear, it means that the practice is not enough. concentrated³.

3. When you can clearly feel the 9th chakra on your foot, you need to take a deep breath through it.

4. One should imagine how, through this chakra, a stream of air enters the body from the bowels of the Earth, rising higher and higher through the legs, stomach, chest, and reaches the head.

5. Then you need to exhale, lowering the flow of air into reverse order and bringing it out through the feet.

Belyakova Olga

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¹ Chakra in the spiritual practices of Hinduism is a psychoenergetic center in subtle body a person, representing the intersection of the nadi channels through which prana (vital energy) flows, as well as an object for concentration in the practices of tantra and yoga (Wikipedia).

² Egregor - in occult and new (non-traditional) religious movements - the soul of a thing, an angel, a “mental condensate” generated by the thoughts and emotions of people and acquiring independent existence (

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