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Beauty and health. Category Archives: Beauty Useful articles on the topic of beauty and health

New fashion trend this fall - tie-dye makeup. Instagram was filled with pictures of girls with unusual make-up, which no one had heard of before. We'll tell you what fashion technology is, which celebrities embodied the idea best, and how to replicate the star's stylish makeup. What is it? The tie-dye technique appeared in the late 60s and became distinctive feature


Autumn manicure for short nails in 2019 offers the most sophisticated and sophisticated design. The ideas of minimalism transform any technique into stylish and unique nail art. On short nails of any shape, you can implement all the variety of popular techniques and fashionable decor. Plain coating The era of long nails with fancy patterns and an abundance of colors is a thing of the past. It is being replaced...


Every person has experienced skin problems at least once in their life. That’s why it’s so important to know which products best help you deal with minor defects on your own. Our article contains three of the most common skin problems and ways to combat them. Acne Most often, small inflammations or pimples appear with mixed or oily skin types. Besides this...


Dyed blonde requires special care, otherwise the hair will become dry and dull. To maintain hair color and health, follow the recommendations below. Shampoos and balms to maintain color The main problems of blondes are dry hair, low color fastness and yellowness. They can be solved with the help of properly selected shampoo and conditioner. Experts recommend using professional products For…


The nail industry dictates its own rules and trends. This year, the use of white tones in manicure is at the peak of popularity. Let's talk about three of the most unusual and original white manicure options that will look great this winter. White marble Marble manicure has continued to be relevant for more than one season. Now leading nail stylists recommend paying attention to the execution of this design in…


Halloween is the scariest night of the year. According to legend, it is on this day that all evil spirits are released and have fun. In order not to fall into the clutches of evil spirits, people also party all night long, having previously selected the most terrible outfits for parties. But not only scary makeup and tousled hair will allow you to fit into the “dress code” of the holiday. Today…


Summer is gone, and so is vacation time. In the fall, it's time to take care of your appearance. Many people decide to restore their hair or grow it out by next summer. You will learn how to do this as efficiently and quickly as possible from this article. Stop hair loss Almost every woman faces the problem of hair loss. Some are desperately trying to solve it, while others are already...


Do you want your manicure to become a kind of amulet to attract happiness and good luck into your life? Pay attention to the color of the nail polish. By choosing its shades in accordance with your zodiac sign, you will direct astrological energy in the right direction, and thanks to this you will be able to achieve your most cherished goals. Libra - classic French manicure Libra has the following character traits...

The magazine website has collected 25 beauty and health tips for you that will help everyone effortlessly understand what your body wants, how it reacts to certain things, and in which cases our brain blatantly lies to us, and in which we ourselves we can deceive him. Find facts about beauty and health that will allow you to always look great and develop as an intelligent, positive and highly productive Person.

1. If you feel hungry but aren't sure if you're really hungry, ask yourself if you want to eat an apple? If the answer is no, you're probably more bored than hungry.

2. Exercising before bed will cause your muscles to burn more calories at night. Literally 10-15 minutes of exercise in the evening can make your waist narrower and your butt narrower in just a month.

3. Crying releases stress hormones in our bodies and can cause scientific point vision to relieve mental stress. Cry whenever you want!

4. Daytime nap improves your memory and reduces the likelihood of suffering from heart disease. Even the inhabitants of Ancient Rome knew about the beneficial effects of the “magical” siesta on the human body.

5. If you feel anxious or stressed, eat melon. Melons help relieve anxiety and stress while increasing your metabolism. Like this! A simple melon, but so many benefits!

6. Start learning a new language or playing a new musical instrument. These actions help slow down the aging process of the brain. Don't want to bother? Then at least solve crossword puzzles))

7. While driving chewing gum with cinnamon reduces feelings of frustration by 25%, increases alertness by 30% and makes the journey 30% shorter.

8. You can program your brain to be happy in one simple step: Think of three things you are grateful for every day. After 21 days you will notice the difference. directly depend on whether you feel happy (happy).

9. Skipping meals will only lead to weight gain. Your brain thinks it is experiencing hunger, which causes it to work in energy-saving mode, making it much more difficult to burn calories.

10. Listening to music reduces the chances of developing a brain tumor. The calm melodies of Mozart are especially useful.

11. Drinking two cups cold water before eating, your metabolism increases up to 30%, which is very beneficial for beauty and health. Just drink clean water(preferably melted) and not immediately before a meal, but 15-20 minutes before it or a couple of hours AFTER.

12. If you suffer from persistent headaches or mental stress, lie in bed against a wall and raise your legs against it at a 90-degree angle. Hold this position for 5 minutes.

13. Sports exercises from half an hour to an hour a day will help you lose 2.5 kg of fat per week, with moderate nutrition, of course.

14. Drinking water during the day will help you sleep well at night. Just don't drink while eating!

15. Women who walk briskly for about an hour every day reduce their chances of suffering from breast cancer by 15%.

16. Make sure your toothpaste has an ingredient called "Novamin" - this is the only substance that can restore tooth enamel. Remember that healthy teeth- the key to beauty and health of the whole body.

17. Natural pineapple juice 5 times more effective than syrup for cough. It can also prevent baldness and even the flu. In addition, it is a natural fat burner.

18. Try to cook food at least 5 times a week and always eat freshly prepared food. A recent study found that it can extend your life by up to a decade.

19. If you are trying to quit smoking, follow to the next method. Every time you feel the need to smoke a cigarette, lick some salt. The urge to smoke should go away within a month.

20. Contrast shower relieves depression, helps maintain the health and beauty of the skin of the face and body. There is only one condition - dousing must be done every day.

21. If you haven't slept all night, take a nap 15 minutes before the sun appears. This is very elegant way trick your brain into thinking you got enough sleep.

22. Availability pet reduces stress, improves mental function and increases your life expectancy. Often, the presence of a cat and/or dog in the house relieves people from diseases.

23. Make every effort to organize your time systematically. The more organized you are, the less likely you are to be affected by Alzheimer's disease as you age.

24. The first day of the week sets the thinking patterns for the rest of the week.

25. If you wear one pair of shoes, rub alcohol into your feet. This will help treat areas that are sensitive to fungus.

We hope that our 25 beauty and health tips will be useful to you if you respect your own appearance, take care of your figure and do not want to grow old early.

Beauty and health

Today it occurred to me to write an article on the topic of beauty and health, but after studying the Big Network a little, I realized that the market for this product is, to put it mildly, overcrowded.

The Internet is not only replete with such texts, it shimmers with millions of colors that mix into some kind of indigestible mess.

I won’t give trivial things like “How to choose a pillow and mattress,” fortunately there are more interesting examples, for example, “Not God’s punishment, but Yersinia pestis.”

A little scary isn't it?

There are even more fun options, like the topical “Buckwheat diet?

A good way to lose weight!” (you could replace the diet, say, with a snail diet), or “What is good/bad about short nails?” In general, the variety is so enchanting that it’s even scary to imagine what else is missing here.

The most frightening thing is that someone actually reads these articles and even follows the advice given in them. And it’s good if only the part about beauty comes to life (in fact, proposals to draw this particular pattern on your face today are quite harmless), but lovely ladies can also take care of their health, guided by online doctor’s prescriptions. Naturally, the question arises: how can one believe a note with the title “Raw food diet is the choice of young people” if somewhere nearby, with almost one hundred percent probability, there will be the same format text “Vegetarianism is the first step to photosynthesis.”

One can only be horrified imagining a woman trying to do all this, and most importantly, combine it. You will end up with a sort of lively lady, briskly jumping from Japanese cuisine to Old Russian cuisine and thinking about pillows, nails and the terrible Yersinia. Her head will be swarming with flocks of faceless scientists arguing among themselves and from time to time chanting something like “meringue is a terrible poison!”...

In general, dear ladies, you probably already realized that I will not give you advice like the ones given above. Instead, I will try to reason with you on the topic of these tips. After all, who knows, maybe such reasoning will bring health (and even beauty) where great benefit than reading the advice itself.

No one in this world can count all the ways women take care of themselves. Dealing with this topic is much scarier than dealing with a shift. ruling dynasties among the Ancient Incas, or in Chinese dialects. Indeed, they did all sorts of things for certain benefits, such as the admiration of men, the envy of girlfriends and the approval of the doctor. No matter how much they mocked themselves and their children. I vaguely remember the moment from “War and Peace”, where someone vilifies new fashion independent breastfeeding (Why, because there are special people for this, nurses! Let the common people breastfeed their children, we will take care of health!).

It is not even necessary to remember examples of “taking care” of oneself from the era of balls and fainting, such as taking arsenic internally to make the face pale (I wonder what the name of the note about this extravagant method in a 19th century feuilleton would be called? “Arsenic is the key to grace and melancolique "?) or even fun recipes from ancient history(what, for example, the women of Babylon did for their beauty and, God forgive me, health - it’s terrible to imagine!). There are enough illustrations of my words in our time.

If you belong to a certain generation, then you probably remember how, during perestroika, the Ministry of Health changed its point of view several times a year on the question of how to treat children, aspirin, or paracetamol; the poor clinic workers were dizzy from the constantly changing strategy for the development of modern medicine, and they, without further ado, prescribed both to the unfortunate children, supplementing this cocktail with cans of half and half mustard plasters. Subsequently, the ministry recognized both the first and second tablets as harmful and almost unsuitable for treatment, and the nostalgic round jars also disappeared forever from the hospital inventory. It cannot be said that doctors were incompetent then, and if it is possible, then the same can be said about them now.

Medicine has not developed a truly unanimous opinion even about such seemingly obvious things as the dangers of smoking (compulsory treatment for smoking is not introduced, as for drug addiction, and smoking as a cause of cancer is not mentioned in the medical history), which let's talk about such slippery things as the benefits or harm of this or that diet, cosmetics, or traditional medicine.

But we are not even talking about the official opinion of the Ministry of Health; We are talking about articles from the Internet, articles without a verified source, often without even indicating the author. Considering them something that can be useful is like comparing yourself to a laboratory rat, and it is not known whether scientific experiments will be carried out on you, or just the yard boys decided to play doctor.

The experience of history always teaches us something. Let him teach doctors to look at health more, pardon the pun, more sensibly (all the same, the faith in these doctors will not become either more or less - exactly the same); let him help fashion designers and cosmetologists in their work (in fact, why not bring back fashion for hot areas, say, Ancient Egypt. The young ladies will turn out to be quite elegant).

But what should you and I take away from this experience?

What will he give to a lady who has just read an article about buckwheat porridge and is already going to the grocery store, wondering how many kilograms of this porridge she can afford, taking into account the volume of her stomach and the contents of her wallet?

In fact, almost nothing. This text presented the most obvious things, it simply contains logical inconsistencies (after all, this is just another article from the abyss of the Internet) and it does not open up any America, because this experience is available to each of us.

But yes, this experience is definitely something to think about. Just for fun, review some literature on this topic and just think. At least about whether your gaze, burdened with concern for beauty, will spoil your beauty more than not at all proper nutrition.

And not a single doctor can prove that thinking is harmful to health; and every cosmetologist, fashion designer, and just any man will confirm to you that nothing makes a woman more beautiful than an ordinary thoughtful smile.

Gel polish is a unique nail coating, represented by a combination of the characteristics of an extension product and a color coating. As a result, the nails acquire the desired color and also become hard and glossy. On the pages of our online store...

Summer is in full swing, and thousands of tourists are eager to spend their long-awaited vacation on the seaside. However, in order for the beach to be a lot of fun, you need to prepare your body in advance. First of all, this applies to women who always want to look perfect, especially...

A bath filled to the brim with aromatic foam gives not only pleasure, but also benefits. A gentle substance that envelops the body promotes relaxation, opens pores and moisturizes the skin, has a toning and exfoliating effect. Depending on the composition...

You can purchase tweezers for eyelash extensions, which are made from high-quality materials, at a low price on the website onrial.com. The portal pays attention to the quality of the product and hires only professional craftsmen. The company can guarantee...

Appearance for modern man is the main key to success, harmonious development, social development. Women of all ages prefer to take care of themselves, regardless of financial security, field of activity and other aspects. Some...

Women's shoes are not just shoes, they are a harmonious completion of any look if they are correctly chosen to match a dress or set. Today, the choice of women's shoes is so large that many are interested in the question of how to choose shoes to match a dress.

Not long ago, a scandal erupted: a girl was admitted to the hospital with burns received in a tanning studio. A client was burned after visiting a solarium. How safe is “artificial sun”? Who should monitor the quality of services provided in tanning studios? In women's magazines, TV shows, the Internet regularly...

Do you know how to properly relax and recuperate after work? Some useful tips from a specialist who will help a woman maintain physical and spiritual balance! When you come home from work, you have to wash off the makeup from your face...

Each woman decides how long to stay at home after the birth of a child, based on her own capabilities. There are those who jump out “into the public eye” without waiting for the child’s first steps; someone turns into a housewife for three or four years...

If there is excessive growth of facial hair, you should not use only those masks and creams that have a pronounced irritating effect on the skin (this is manifested by redness, peeling, etc.). It is also not recommended to carry out thermal...

Speaking about makeup fashion, we forgot that first of all fashionable makeup The youngest girls are concerned, just beginning to comprehend the secrets of decorating their faces. And the art of makeup is as exciting as it is incredibly difficult, and every...

Beautiful expressive lips... They are similar, as the poet puts it, to fresh flower petals. But not only nature is able to give people their beauty and grace. Sometimes this can be achieved with some simple...

Wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes for a long time often leads to pathological processes in the foot. The ligaments and muscles weaken, bones diverge - this deviation is called valgus deformity, which is popularly called a “bone” or “bump” on the leg. Subsequently, this process can affect the remaining toes, so it is highly recommended not to let it take its course. Today there are many effective techniques to combat this problem.

Pressotherapy as a form of rehabilitation in a sanatorium

Sanatorium-resort treatment takes modern medicine important place, being one of the directions rehabilitation medicine. At the stage of rehabilitation of any chronic disease, the priority in treatment is the use of natural healing factors that have a powerful effect on the regenerative capabilities of the human body. But today, in addition to natural recovery factors, new technologies based on modern achievements science and technology. Combination latest technologies in the field of restoring health and natural factors has a particularly powerful effect on strengthening the body's defenses.

How to restore youthful skin

Phototherapy (or light therapy) is a hardware technique for restoring, moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin using light sources with different spectral and wave characteristics.

What will help you lose weight

It's no secret that a beautiful figure is based on two cornerstones: proper nutrition and dosage physical activity. Throughout recent years they are successfully helped, and sometimes replaced, by a third: aesthetic medicine. “Aesthetic” - because we are talking about beauty. “Medicine” - because beauty implies health.

Health leave

Health tourism, known for hundreds of years, modern world has become extremely common. Thousands of people around the world resort to it every year. The tour operator "VEDI TOURGROUP" occupies a leading position in this direction: the company's holding includes host offices in Karlovy Vary, Heviz (Hungary) and Rogaska Slatina (Slovenia), and its own bus fleet. The company offers wide range medical and health tours to resorts in the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Baltic countries, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Israel, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey, Croatia, Montenegro, Switzerland and South Korea.

Perpetually red face

What is rosacea? This is facial redness, which can develop into inflammatory changes (rashes, peeling, itching, soreness).

What to do if your hair is falling out

Hair loss can be a sign of a number of diseases. To understand the situation and solve this problem, you need a doctor who treats hair - a trichologist.

"Incomprehensible" formation on the skin: what to do

Almost all people have small cosmetic defects on their skin different types and size. Some of them are safe, although not very aesthetically pleasing, while others are better to get rid of quickly.

Treating problem skin correctly

Problem skin does not tolerate creams with a dense texture, since the mouths of the glands immediately become clogged with the fatty base of the cream. At the same time, alcohol and other drying “rubs”, “burners” and cleansers severely dehydrate the skin.

Hair loss can be stopped

The fight against hair loss is a serious process; in this matter, the most reliable ally is a trichologist.

What is food intolerance

The consequences of intolerance are difficult to treat chronic diseases, including diseases of the skin and digestive tract, nervous disorders And overweight... People have been undergoing treatment for years, not suspecting that the root of all problems lies in food.

How to become beautiful for the New Year

As you prepare for the New Year, pay attention to your beauty. She will stay with you long after the holidays.

Rejuvenating the skin around the eyes: best methods

Some people are at risk of hernias, others have dark brown circles around their eyes, others “ crow's feet" An experienced cosmetologist will immediately see your “ weak points» and advise what to pay attention to.

Four misconceptions about plasmapheresis

Ten years ago, plasmapheresis was considered exclusively medical procedure and was prescribed only for certain diseases. Today it is offered on every corner and is called “blood cleansing.” With the help of plasmapheresis, they promise to rejuvenate us, rid us of “toxins” and, in general, “cleanse us at a deep cellular level.”

7 facts about the benefits of coniferous trees

In big cities you rarely see coniferous trees: perhaps at the Christmas tree market before the New Year or in front of government buildings. At the same time, residents of the metropolis especially need them: for wellness and even to fight diseases.

Plastic surgery terminology

Dermabrasion and mammary reduction, rhinoplasty and abdominoplasty... How not to get confused in the variety complex terms plastic surgery and cosmetology?

Mathematical beauty

Despite differences in cultures and times, there are certain standards of beauty that are recognized by everyone. And a person would not be a person if he did not try to understand where they came from and what they are.

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Banana peel saves you from depression

A mild form of depression is rarely diagnosed, but it brings a lot of trouble. And if you ignore the condition, it will certainly transform into something more fatal. How to understand that you are not ok, and how to deal with it?

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How to stay healthy in the office

Working in an office seems to be the most comfortable for your health. However, clerks suffering from poor eyesight, depression, liver problems and other related ones. How to stay as healthy as possible in the office?

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Moles: what is important to know about these neoplasms?

Every person has a large number of moles or nevi on their body. From a medical point of view, a “mole” is a congenital or acquired formation on the skin consisting of nevus cells. Moles vary in color, shape, density and can be located at skin level or rise above it. In most cases, these neoplasms do not manifest themselves in any way and do not require specialist intervention, but in some situations it is better to see a doctor.

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Do you want to lose weight? Up to “-4 cm” on the Accent device in one procedure!

The Accent system is a cosmetology device, the action of which is a patented two-stage technology for influencing the skin and subcutaneous fat two various types waves - ultrasonic and radio frequency.

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Laser resurfacing: fighting post-acne, pigmentation and wide pores

Our skin is the largest organ, its mass reaches up to 20% of the total body weight. The skin performs many useful and irreplaceable functions - it participates in the processes of respiration, heat exchange, and also protects important vital structures from external influences. Beautiful and smooth skin is a sign of youth and health, but, unfortunately, modern conditions, which are filled with stress, poor nutrition and the climate of the metropolis negatively affect her condition.

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How to deal with hair loss and thinning

A person is born with a certain amount of hair ( hair follicles) on the head. During life new hair follicles do not appear, but in each follicle there are alternating life cycles. The hair grows (the growth phase lasts several years), then freezes, and finally falls out.

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Treatment of varicose veins: effective, safe, painless

What do you think of first when you hear the phrase “ varicose veins veins"? Most likely, many of us are talking about a “frivolous” problem that does not require an immediate solution, to which almost every second person is exposed. But varicose veins are not a cosmetic defect, but in most cases serious illness, the treatment of which should not be delayed.

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The secret to feeling great

Vitaminology as a science originated in the 30-40s of the 20th century. But the benefits of certain vitamins were known to ancient people. Information about the positive effects of a particular product often appeared by chance.

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How to get rid of dandruff

The Swedish cosmetic brand Dry Dry has been known in Russia for more than 8 years. Russian consumers appreciated Dry Dry preparations for getting rid of excessive sweating: medical antiperspirants against hyperhidrosis varying degrees and various localizations.

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