Home Removal Vagus nerve symptoms. Nervus vagus

Vagus nerve symptoms. Nervus vagus


N. vagus, vagus nerve(Fig. 334, 335), which developed from the 4th and subsequent visceral arches, is so called due to the vastness of its distribution.

This is the longest of the head nerves. With its branches, the vagus nerve supplies the respiratory organs, a significant part of the digestive tract (up to the colon sigmoideum), and also gives branches to the heart, which receives fibers from it that slow down the heartbeat. N. vagus contains three types of fibers:

1. Afferent (sensitive) fibers, coming from the receptors of the named viscera and vessels, as well as from some part of the dura mater and the external auditory canal with the auricle to the sensitive nucleus, nucleus tractus solitarii (for the nuclei of n. vagus, see p. 501).

2. Efferent (motor) fibers for the striated muscles of the pharynx, soft palate and larynx and afferent (proprioceptive) fibers emanating from the receptors of these muscles. These muscles receive fibers from the motor nucleus (nucleus ambiguus).

3. Efferent (parasympathetic) fibers emanating from the vegetative nucleus Сnucleus dorsalis n. vagi). They go to the striated muscles of the heart (slow the heartbeat) and to the smooth muscles of the blood vessels (dilate blood vessels). In addition, the composition of the cardiac branches vagus nerve includes the so-called n. depressor, which serves as a sensory nerve for the heart itself and the initial part of the aorta and is in charge of reflex regulation blood pressure. Parasympathetic fibers also innervate the trachea and lungs (narrow the bronchi), esophagus, stomach and intestines to the colon sigmoideum (increase peristalsis), embedded in the named organs of the gland and glands abdominal cavity- liver, pancreas (secretory fibers), kidneys.

Parasympathetic part of the vagus nerve is very large, as a result of which it is primarily an autonomic nerve, very important for the vital functions of the body. According to B.A. Dolgo-Saburov, the vagus nerve is a complex system consisting not only of nerve conductors of heterogeneous origin, but also containing intra-trunk nerve nodules.

Fibers of all types associated with the three main nuclei of the vagus nerve emerge from medulla oblongata in its sulcus lateralis posterior, below the glossopharyngeal nerve, 10-15 roots, which form a thick nerve trunk, leaving the cranial cavity together with the glossopharyngeal and accessory nerves through the foramen jugulare. In the jugular foramen, the sensitive part of the nerve forms a small node, ganglion superius, and at the exit from the foramen, another fusiform ganglionic thickening, ganglion inferius. Both nodes contain false unipolar cells, the peripheral processes of which are part of the sensory branches going to the named nodes from the receptors of the viscera and blood vessels (ganglion inferius) and the external auditory canal (ganglion superius), and the central ones are grouped into a single bundle, which ends in sensitive nucleus, nucleus tractus solitarii.

Upon exiting the cranial cavity, the trunk of the vagus nerve descends down to the neck behind the vessels in the groove, first between v. jugularis interna and a. carotis interna, and below - between the same vein and a. carotis communis, and it lies in the same vagina with the named vessels. Next, the vagus nerve penetrates through top hole chest into the chest cavity, where its right trunk is located in front of a. subclavia, and the left one on the anterior side of the aortic arch. Going down, both vagus nerves go around behind on both sides lung root and accompany the esophagus, forming plexuses on its walls, with the left nerve passing along the front side, and the right along the back. Together with the esophagus, both vagus nerves penetrate through the hiatus esophageus of the diaphragm into the abdominal cavity, where they form plexuses on the walls of the stomach. The trunks of the vagus nerves in the uterine period are located symmetrically on the sides of the esophagus. After the stomach rotates from left to right, the left vagus moves forward and the right one moves back, as a result of which the left vagus branches on the anterior surface, and the right one on the posterior surface. From n. vagus gives off the following branches:

A. At the head(between the beginning of the nerve and the ganglion inferius):

1. Ramus meningeus - to the hard shell of the posterior cranial fossa.

2. Ramus auricularis - to the posterior wall of the external auditory canal and part of the skin auricle. This is the only cutaneous branch of the head nerves not related to n. trigeminus.

B. In the cervical part:

1. Rami pharyngei together with branches of P. glossopharyngeus and tr. sympathies form a plexus, plexus pharyngeus. The pharyngeal branches of the vagus nerve supply the constrictors of the pharynx, the muscles of the palatine arches and the soft palate (with the exception of the m. tensor veli palatini). The pharyngeal plexus also provides sensory fibers to the pharyngeal mucosa.

2. N. laryngeus superior supplies sensitive fibers to the mucous membrane of the larynx above the glottis, part of the root of the tongue and epiglottis, and motor fibers to part of the muscles of the larynx (see p. 306) and the lower constrictor of the pharynx.

3. Rami cardiaci superiores often emerge from n. laryngeus superior, enter the cardiac plexus. The branches include n. depressor.

B. In the chest:

1. N. laryngeus recurrens, the recurrent laryngeal nerve, departs in the place where n. vagus lies in front of the aortic arch (left) or subclavian artery (right). On the right side, this nerve bends around below and behind a. subclavia, and on the left also below and behind the aortic arch and then rises upward in the groove between the esophagus and trachea, giving them numerous branches, rami esophagei et rami tracheales. The end of the nerve, called n. laryngeus inferior, innervates part of the muscles of the larynx (see p. 306), its mucous membrane below the vocal cords, a section of the mucous membrane of the root of the tongue near the epiglottis, as well as the trachea, pharynx and esophagus, thyroid and thymus gland, The lymph nodes neck, heart and mediastinum.

2. Ramus cardiacus inferior originates from n. laryngeus recurrens and thoracic part n. vagus and goes to the cardiac plexus.

3. Rami bronchiales et tracheales, together with the branches of the sympathetic trunk, form a plexus, plexus pulmonalis, on the walls of the bronchi. Due to the branches of this plexus, the smooth muscles and glands of the trachea and bronchi are innervated, and in addition, it also contains sensory fibers for the trachea, bronchi and lungs.

4. Rami esophagei go to the wall of the esophagus.

G. In the abdominal part:

The plexuses of the vagus nerves running along the esophagus continue to the stomach, forming pronounced trunks, triinci vagales (anterior and posterior). Each truncus vagalis is a complex of nerve conductors not only of the parasympathetic, but also of the sympathetic and afferent animal nervous systems and contains fibers of both vagus nerves.

The continuation of the left vagus nerve, descending from the anterior side of the esophagus to the anterior wall of the stomach, forms a plexus, plexus gastricus anterior, located mainly along the lesser curvature from which the rami gastrici anteriores, mixed with the sympathetic branches, extend to the wall of the stomach (to the muscles, glands and mucous membrane) . Some branches are directed through the lesser omentum to the liver. Right n. vagus on the posterior wall of the stomach in the area of ​​the lesser curvature also forms a plexus, plexus gastricus posterior, giving rami gastrici posteriores; in addition, most of its fibers in the form of rami celiaci go along tract a. gastrica sinistra to the ganglion celiacum, and from here along the branches of the vessels along with the sympathetic plexuses to the liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, small and large intestines to the colon sigmoideum. In cases of unilateral or partial damage to the X nerve, the disturbances concern mainly its animal functions. Visceral innervation disorders can be relatively mildly expressed. This is explained, firstly, by the fact that there are overlap zones in the innervation of the viscera, and secondly, by the fact that in the trunk of the vagus nerve at the periphery there are nerve cells - autonomic neurons, playing a role in the automatic regulation of visceral functions.

The human nervous system is a complex structure in the body. Its structure includes 12 pairs of cranial nerves. The vagus or vagus nerve is the longest. It runs from the brain stem to the abdominal cavity and regulates the intestines, has effects on the cardiovascular, immune, respiratory and endocrine system. Any pathology of the vagus affects the general well-being and functioning of individual organs.

If the vagus nerve is affected, symptoms of inflammation can range from dizziness to indigestion. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disorder in a timely manner and provide proper therapy.

Types and causes of vagus nerve dysfunction

In medicine, two types of vagal disorders are designated: overactivity and depression.

The causes of damage may be:


    Trauma and surgery

  • Neoplasms (cyst, tumor)

  • Intoxication


    Pinched nerve

Vagus nerve: symptoms of various types of dysfunction

Damage to the vagus nerve manifests itself in different ways. Signs of inflammation are determined by the mechanism of development of the disease: neurasthenia, neuralgia, angioneurosis.

Symptoms of vagal neuralgia:

    Difficulty breathing and swallowing

    Unreasonable vomiting

    Loss of balance

Angioneurosis of the vagus nerve is characterized by:

    Hearing impairment

  • Arrhythmia

Signs of vagal neurasthenia:

    Sore throat on one side

    Sudden loss of consciousness

    Endocrine system overactivity

    Increased secretion of gastric juice


    Labored breathing

    Urinary incontinence

    Uncontrollable coughing attacks

Sometimes manifestations are caused not by vagal dysfunction, but by a change in its activity. The vagus nerve is responsible for adapting the body to changes in the atmosphere, to emotional and physical stress.

How to Treat Vagus Nerve Disorders

In case of serious vagal disorders they suffer vitally important systems and organs. Therefore, treatment should take place in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. Only after a complete examination and final diagnosis does a specialist prescribe a therapeutic course.

Traditional medicine involves treating vagus nerve dysfunction using different methods:

    Treatment of the underlying disease. If the lesion is caused by infectious diseases, then antibacterial or antiviral medications are prescribed. For tumors, surgery is performed to relieve pressure on the vagus.

    Symptomatic treatment. For gastrointestinal pathologies, medications are prescribed to correct the secretion of gastric juice. Hormonal drugs relieve inflammation. The therapeutic course is quite long and requires regular dosage changes. Sedatives and antihistamines prescribed to relieve depressed mood.

    Rehabilitation therapy. Electrical stimulation calms the vagus nerve. The procedure shows positive results with anxiety disorders, heart disease, migraine, obesity, bulimia, memory impairment, chronic heart failure, mood disorders, Alzheimer's disease, etc. In some cases, plasmacytopheresis - blood purification - helps. In case of congenital vagal disorder, the patient is fitted with a pacemaker. In critical cases, a breathing apparatus is required.

Did you know that it is the vagus nerve that sends information about the state of the body's organs to the brain? The vagus signals the brain about what is happening throughout the nervous system, and is responsible for controlling reflex function!

Our nervous system consists of two departments: somatic and vegetative. The somatic department is what we can control with willpower, for example, our muscles. But we cannot control the vegetative system directly, only indirectly.

Vagus: the connection between stress and health resources

  • Autonomic nervous system
  • Vagus
  • Vagal tone and health
  • Vagus and well-being
  • Vagus and inflammation

The autonomic nervous system includes the sympathetic system(stress, tension, aggression, waste of energy) and parasympathetic(rest, sleep, accumulation of resources, love and sex). Normally, both systems are balanced. But With chronic stress, the activity of the parasympathetic system is suppressed. In this article I will talk about an important part of the parasympathetic system - the vagus.

Autonomic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system consists of two diametrically opposed systems that engage in a kind of “tug of war” that provides the body with the ability to maintain homeostasis.

The sympathetic nervous system is aimed at accelerating the body's functioning, acting as a kind of gas pedal - it stimulates the production of adrenaline and cortisol in response to stress. The parasympathetic nervous system performs the opposite function. The vagus nerve is the central control point of the parasympathetic nervous system. It is a kind of brake that slows down the body and uses neurotransmitters (acetylcholine and GABA) to lower heart rate, blood pressure and slow down organ function.

Thus, with irritation (or increased tone) of sympathetic nerve fibers, the heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature increase, and skin becomes pale. The muscles of the bronchi, esophagus, and stomach relax, peristalsis (muscle contractions) of the intestines slows down, a tendency to constipation occurs, blood sugar increases, and blood clotting increases.

When parasympathetic nerve fibers are excited (irritated), on the contrary, heart rate slows down, blood pressure decreases, skin blush. Urination becomes more frequent and abundant, diarrhea occurs, etc.

However, such a contrast in the activities of these two departments does not refute the idea of ​​the autonomic nervous system as a single regulatory apparatus with a diverse mechanism of action. The sympathetic division allows the body to produce enormous physical work, expend a large amount of energy. The parasympathetic is a kind of “storage” of the internal forces of the body.

Among physiologists and doctors there is such a figurative expression: “Night is the kingdom of the vagus.” Vagus - Latin name parasympathetic nerve, which promotes the best holiday body, providing uninterrupted operation the heart, and therefore the entire vascular system.

An indispensable condition for normal function autonomic nervous system, and therefore for the implementation of all necessary processes in the body - a certain activity (tone) of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic departments. When their tone changes (increases or decreases), the corresponding vital functions also change. In this way the body adapts to the influences external environment and reacts to internal processes occurring within himself.


So, The most important part of the parasympathetic system is the vagus nerve., the tenth pair of cranial nerves, a paired mixed nerve containing motor, sensory and autonomic fibers.

The vagus nerve receives its name because from its trunk, located in the cerebellum, there are a large number of branches, as well as the brain stem, which reaches the organs located at the very bottom of the abdominal cavity, affecting the main large organs along the way.

The vagus nerve supplies motor fibers to the muscles of the larynx, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, blood vessels, heart (inhibit heart activity, regulate blood pressure). With sensory fibers, the vagus nerve innervates the occipital parts of the dura mater, the organs of the neck, stomach, and lungs. The vagus nerve is involved: in many reflex acts (swallowing, coughing, vomiting, filling and emptying of the stomach); in regulating heartbeat, breathing; in the formation of the solar plexus.

The vagus nerve constantly sends sensitive information about the state of the body's organs to the brain. In fact, 80-90% of the nerve fibers in the vagus nerve are dedicated to transmitting information from internal organs into the brain. The same communication chain exists in the opposite direction - messages from the brain to the internal organs are also sent through the vagus nerve, the content of which is a command to calm down or prepare for defense in stressful situations. Your vagus nerve is the commander-in-chief that helps you stay calm in stressful situations.

The vagus nerve is one of twelve nerves found in the human skull. Its function is very important - it provides information to the brain about what is happening throughout the nervous system and is responsible for controlling reflex function. It is not surprising that damage to the vagus nerve can lead to numerous diseases in the body.

Vagal tone and health

Roy Fry of the University of Pittsburgh, drawing on extensive experimental data collected by him in California and his colleagues around the world, did not simply link IQ, status, health, life expectancy, race and parasympathetic nervous system activity. He claims that the origins of all differences are in mutations of just one gene associated with vagal tone.

The “enemy of peoples” turned out to be the regulatory part of the gene encoding the M2 muscarinic receptor, which is sensitive to the nervous system neurotransmitter acetylcholine. These receptors are widely represented both in the central nervous system and in the parasympathetic system, which controls the functions of internal organs. So even small changes in the number of receptors (we are not talking about quality, because mutations are in the regulatory part of the gene, and not in the coding one) affect both mental abilities and the activity of the main “conductor” of the parasympathetic nervous system - the vagus nerve.

These mutations, or rather, point substitutions of nucleotides, became the missing link that immediately explained all the above-mentioned differences. Certainly, good health and life expectancy is partly explained by the high status in society inherited from the parents, and good education. But how then to explain the fact that the life expectancy of children adopted in Denmark between 1924 and 1947 correlated with the social class of their biological parents, but not their legal ones? In this case, classical genetics simply “requires” the presence of some hereditary factor, associated simultaneously with both IQ and health.

As for the connection between health and vagal activity, two experimentally confirmed hypotheses are involved here, named after the authors: Tracy’s theory, which explains the low intensity of inflammatory reactions with high vagal tone, and Thayer’s theory, which connects the emotional and physical state through the same vagus nerve . Moreover, the activity of this nerve, measured by the classical triad (variability and recovery time of heartbeats, respiratory sinus arrhythmia), correlates not only with average life expectancy and the incidence of certain diseases, but also with race.

This whole system of half a dozen variables is simplified at once by accepting the “CHMR2 vagal hypothesis.” It does not contradict any of the connections mentioned, but rearranges the positions of cause and effect. According to the "vagal hypothesis", the average IQ average duration life, vagal tone and social status depend on a single nucleotide at position rs8191992. If it is adenine (A gene variant), then the number of receptors in the body’s cells decreases, the tone of the vagus nerve decreases and the incidence of atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases increases - simultaneously with a decrease in intellectual abilities (attention, ability to concentrate, memory). If it is thymine (T-variant), then vice versa.

To link genetics to race, Fry used data last year from Alison Kelly-Hedgpeth, who studied these alleles in the context of chronic inflammation. The “hierarchy” remained unchanged: in blacks the frequency of the “unsuccessful” A-variant was 0.86, in whites it was 0.57, and the happiest were the long-lived and wise East Asians with 0.12. The new theory also explains the so-called Spanish health paradox: Hispanics in the United States, as well as Indians, despite their relatively low average IQ and social status compared to whites, live significantly longer. But their frequency of the “bad” A-variant turned out to be equal to 0.33..

Vagus and well-being

There is such a thing as vagal tone, which determines how quickly the body can switch from one state to another. This is simplified, of course, the picture is more complex. Normal vagal tone (hereinafter referred to as VT) is associated with a cheerful mood and resistance to stress, and this has been the case since childhood.

Tone shows the quality of adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Barbara Fredrickson (pictured at the beginning of the article), professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, one of famous researchers in the field of positive psychology, suggested that the tone of the vagus nerve and positive characteristics are interdependent: if you have a good TBI, then you will be more cheerful and healthier, and if you become cheerful, you will improve your tone.

Vagal tone predicted changes in social connectedness (connections and relationships) and positive (but not negative) emotions over the course of the experiment. The higher it was, the more positive changes were added. But even in people with below average tone, both social connections and positive emotions increased, and the number of negative emotions, and vagal tone improved.

The pattern of results says that Vagal tone is the key to personal resources: It controls the amount of positive emotions and social connections we experience every day. Supposedly, it increases oxytocin levels and reduces inflammation in the body, improves immune system function and strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases stress protection and produces other beneficial changes. For example: the vagus nerve plays important role in the production of insulin, and accordingly the regulation of blood sugar, and the likelihood of diabetes. A strong correlation has been found between poor vagal tone and death from cardiovascular disease.

Vagus and inflammation

Sufficient vagal activity is important to control inflammation. Vagal control of inflammation prevents the development of many diseases associated with systemic inflammation, from depression to Parkinson's disease.

Stimulation of vagus efferents is important in the implementation of an anti-inflammatory response in endotoxic shock, local inflammation of the skin; modulation of the activity of peripheral cholinergic receptors - anaphylaxis, the appearance of “stress ulcers”. Central M-cholinergic receptors and the effects of the non-neuronal cholinergic system may be involved in the regulation of immune system activity, thereby mediating the immunomodulatory functions of the nervus vagus in the development of inflammation.

This means that any stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to an increase in acetylcholine levels, suppresses the above-mentioned inflammatory reflex, including autoimmune processes? This phenomenon is called “Cholinergic control of inflammation.”

On the surface of macrophages that produce pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as NFkB or TNF, there are acetylcholine receptors and, accordingly, acetylcholine secreted by the corresponding neurons activates these receptors, suppressing the work of macrophages. The effector ends of the reflex arc, represented by cholinergic neurons, are scattered widely, but the bulk of them are collected at the gate through which foreign antigens flow into the body in a wide front, i.e. at respiratory tract and digestive tract. It is not difficult to realize that the aforementioned effector ends are collected mainly in the vagus nerve.

Exciting new research also links the vagus nerve to improved neurogenesis, and BNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor, like a super fertilizer for your brain cells) repair of brain tissue, as well as actual regeneration throughout the body.

Dr. Kevin Tracey's group has shown that the brain directly interacts with the immune system. It releases substances that control inflammatory reactions, which develop during infectious and autoimmune diseases. Results of laboratory experiments and still ongoing clinical trials suggest that vagus nerve stimulation may block uncontrolled inflammatory responses and treat some diseases, including life-threatening sepsis.

The vagus nerve is located in the brain stem and descends from it to the heart and further to the stomach. Tracy demonstrated that the vagus nerve interacts with the immune system through the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Stimulating the nerve signals the immune system to stop releasing toxic inflammatory markers. The identification of this mechanism, called the “inflammatory reflex,” came as a surprise to scientists.

The authors read that new understanding of the role of the vagus nerve in regulating inflammation will allow doctors to tap into the body's natural regenerative mechanisms and suppress the development of sepsis without allowing patients to die.

Signs of healthy vagal tone

A healthy tone of the vagus nerve is indicated by a slight increase in heart rate as you inhale and a decrease as you exhale. Deep diaphragmatic breathing - with deep and slow exhalation - is the key to stimulating the vagus nerve and slowing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, mainly in conditions of tension and pressure.

High vagal tone is associated with mental and physiological health. Conversely, low vagal tone is associated with inflammation, bad mood, loneliness, and even heart attacks.

As is known, diligent athletes are characterized by a higher tone of the vagus nerve, since they engage in aerobic activities. breathing exercises which lead to a decrease in heart rate. Heart health is directly linked to vagus nerve stimulation, since during the latter the production of a substance called "vagus nerve substance" or, in scientific terms, acetylcholine. By the way, this substance is the first neurotransmitter discovered by scientists.

Smokers have a lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease

Nicotine is a substance found in cigarettes that also stimulates vagal activity. Therefore, although smoking has great amount complications, in some cases vagal stimulation has clinical significance. Nicotine reduces symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder through direct stimulation of the vagus.
Nicotine also reduces the frequency and severity of symptoms of a number of autoimmune diseases, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

An irrefutable fact is that smokers are many times less likely to develop Parkinson's disease, as evidenced by John Baron, who conducted scientific research in this area. In addition to him, this trend was also noticed by workers from Beijing medical school, who also came to the conclusion that the more experience a smoker has, the lower his risk of developing parkinsonism.

If you are guided by this idea, it becomes clear why smokers are significantly less likely, significantly less likely, to suffer from idiopathic Parkinsonism. The fact is that acetylcholine receptors (α7nAChR), on macrophages and microglial cells, are also activated by nicotine. That is, the introduction of nicotine into the body suppresses systemic inflammation, compensating for vagal deficiency.

The conclusion is that the more you smoke, the further away Parkinson's is from you. And for those who have not smoked at all, on the contrary, the risk of developing such a disease is much greater than even for those who smoked and quit.

Researchers at the University of Washington have suggested that edible plants from the nightshade family, which includes tobacco, could become available preventative measure in relation to Parkinson's disease.

The study group included 490 patients who were first diagnosed with Parkinson's disease between 1992 and 2008; the control group included 644 healthy person. Using a questionnaire, scientists found out how often they all ate tomatoes, potatoes, tomato juice and sweet peppers, as well as vegetables that did not contain nicotine. Gender, age, race, smoking and caffeine consumption were taken into account. It turned out that eating vegetables, in general, has no effect on the development of Parkinson's disease, but, in contrast, eating nightshades protects against it. Of all the nightshades, bell peppers have the most pronounced effect, and, in turn, this effect is most noticeable in patients who have never smoked or have smoked for less than 10 years. Researchers believe that in smokers, because they get more nicotine from cigarettes than from food, this effect is masked. Published.

Andrey Beloveshkin

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

The vagus nerve ensures the smooth functioning of vital organs. If its functioning is disrupted, the operation of the main systems fails and death is possible. Timely detection of symptoms of abnormalities in the functioning of nerve cells and properly initiated treatment will help avoid the development of serious pathologies.

From cranium 12 paired nerves arise. They carry signals from the brain that regulate the activity of certain organs. Nervus vagus ( medical name– vagus) is the 10th pair.

It passes through the cervical region into the chest and further into the abdominal area. It transmits impulses to the organs that ensure the vital functions of the body. When signal transmission is disrupted, the activity of these systems (cardiovascular, pulmonary, digestive) occurs.

Anatomy and functions

Vagus nerve (symptoms and treatment are related to how much of the nerve cells are damaged) consists of 3 types of nerve fibers:

  • vegetative. They ensure the uninterrupted functioning of systems and organs. Especially during the rest period;
  • sensitive. Participate in the transfer of information from the brain to the organ and back;
  • motor. Participate in the contraction of certain muscle groups.

Stable activity of the vagus nerve is ensured by the normal functioning of all fibers.

1. Head:

  • supplies nerve impulses hard shell brain;
  • responsible for hearing and taste perception;
  • regulates the process of sweat secretion.

2. Cervical:

  • provides a swallowing reflex when eating or excessive salivation;
  • nerve cells regulate the functioning of the tongue and larynx to form speech;
  • responsible for the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • in case of poisoning, it provokes the development of a gag reflex.

3. Chest:

  • regulate heart contractions;
  • normalize the respiratory process;
  • provides a cough reflex to remove excess phlegm and infection during illness.

4. Abdominal:

  • ensures the activities of organs gastrointestinal tract(stomach, liver, pancreas);
  • signals satiety when eating.

The main activity of the vagus nerve cells is observed during the period of night rest.

Reasons for appearance

Normal transmission of impulses along the vagus nerve ensures stable activity of important organs.

Vagal dysfunction can develop in the presence of the following causes and factors:

It is impossible to exclude all causes that provoke disruption of the vagus nerve. Therefore, it is important to know the main symptoms of the pathology, since a failure in the transmission of impulses can lead to death.


The vagus nerve (symptoms and treatment depend on the type of pathology and the cause of the disease) stops functioning normally when an inflammatory process develops or severe irritation of cells. Violation of the vagus activity provokes a change in the performance of organs in any of the 4 departments or in several at once.

Inflammation of the vagus nerve (neuralgia)

When nerve cells are damaged by the inflammatory process, the symptoms depend on which part was affected and can manifest themselves with the following symptoms.

Location of inflammation Symptoms of pathology
HeadSudden and causeless onset of severe headaches and dizziness
Feeling of discomfort in the ear area
Decreased hearing quality
NeckSwallowing reflex disorder, sensation of food stuck in the throat
Speech impairment, possible hoarseness
Deterioration of the breathing process
BreastChest pain and discomfort
Impaired breathing rhythm and cough reflex
Irrhythmic contractions of the main heart muscle
PeritoneumDiscomfort and discomfort in the abdominal area
Sudden vomiting or hiccups
Lack of stool or diarrhea

Since there is an inflammatory process in the body, an increase in temperature indicators, general weakness and malaise.

Irritation of the vagus nerve (neurasthenia)

Irritation of the vagus nerve cells develops as a result of compression of any of its sections (trauma, compression by a tumor).

Signs of clamping of vagal nerve cells:

Attacks of suffocation and arbitrary urine output may occur. After the tension is relieved, organ activity stabilizes.

Disorders of autonomic innervation (angioneurosis)

Under severe stress, also under the influence of toxins or potent medications, a disorder of signal transmission from the brain to the organ can develop.

This pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • impaired hearing quality;
  • psychological disorder (apathy, lethargy, depression);
  • disturbance of the rhythm of the heart and breathing;
  • decrease in pressure indicator.

During the period of night rest, symptoms intensify.

Diagnosis of the vagus nerve

Symptoms of inflammation, disorder or irritation of the vagus nerve are confirmed after diagnosis. Only after a complete examination by a neurologist is treatment prescribed.

Inspection stages:

1. Verbal collection of information:

2. Visual examination of the patient:

  • hearing quality testing;
  • determining the correct pronunciation of words or the presence of nasality;
  • examination of the oral cavity. When the nerve is damaged, the palate sags and the uvula takes an unnatural position;
  • checking the swallowing reflex (the patient must take a sip of water) and cough (it occurs when swallowing liquid).

3. Additional examination:

  • laryngoscopy. Examination of the condition of the larynx;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. Allows you to identify tumor formations;
  • radiography. To determine the condition of the tissues of the pulmonary system;
  • electrocardiogram. To exclude heart pathologies;
  • ultrasonography. It is carried out if the presence of diseases of the digestive tract is suspected.

If necessary, the examination is carried out jointly with a cardiologist, gastroenterologist and ENT specialist.

Stimulation methods

In the presence of factors provoking the development of pathologies of the vagus nerve and for preventive purposes, it is prescribed to stimulate the normal functioning of cells.

Additionally recommended use healthy food, which does not disturb the microflora in the digestive tract. And periodically cleanse the body of toxins and waste (medically or using traditional methods).

Traditional methods of treating inflammation

To restore the activity of the vagus, specialists prescribe medicines to eliminate the root cause of the pathology (elimination of infection, tumor, relieving nervous tension).

The following procedures may also be prescribed:

  • blood purification. Especially with severe poisoning by toxins;
  • exposure to currents on the affected area;
  • relaxing massages;
  • sometimes required surgical intervention to eliminate the root cause of the disease;
  • In case of severe damage to the vagus nerve, temporary freezing is used.

In case of congenital abnormalities in the functioning of the vagus, the installation of a pacemaker is required. Otherwise, the patient may die from cardiac arrest.

Symptomatic treatment

The vagus nerve (symptoms and treatment are clarified by a specialist after examination) restores the passage of impulses after passing complex therapy to eliminate the root cause.

Types and names of drugs used in therapy:

Name of drugs and form of their release Age restrictions Rules of admission and course of treatment Notes

Hormones are prescribed to eliminate the inflammation process

Prednisolone (tablets)In childhood, use only under the supervision of a specialist.For adults up to 30 mg per day. For children up to 2 mg per day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.The drug is also available in the form of an ointment (it is not used to eliminate this pathology) and in the form of an injection solution. Prescribed when severe forms pathology.
Dexamethasone (tablets and solution for injection)Not appointed under 18 years of ageThe course of treatment and dosage are prescribed individually, according to indications.It has a large list of contraindications and side effects. Must be read before use.
Hydrocortisone (tablets and powder for solution for injection)Allowed for use after 12 yearsTreatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The dosage and course may change according to the dynamics of therapy.It is also produced in the form of cream and ointments. For this treatment do not apply.

Sedative medications

Valocordin (drops for oral administration)After 18 years20 drops 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is selected individually.The drug affects the functioning of the heart. Reduces blood pressure.
Nervoflux (tea)The possibility of use in childhood is discussed with the treating specialist.Steam 1 sachet in 150 ml of water. Use 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined individually.It has natural composition. Contraindications include possible allergic reaction.
Alora (syrup, tablets)After 3 years in the form of syrup. After 12 years in tablet formTake 1 tablet 3 times a day. The dosage of syrup is based on age. The course of therapy is determined according to the dynamics of treatment.Additionally helps eliminate spasms and pain symptoms.

To normalize digestion and reduce the production of gastric juice

Prozerin (granules and solution for injection)In childhood, it is recommended to use it orally in the form of granules (they can be dissolved in water).
Neuromidin (tablets and solution for injection)After 14 years1 tablet 3 times a day for at least 14 days and no more than 60 days. The dosage of the solution is selected individually.Injections are used for severe pathologies.
Pancreatin (tablets)Has no age restrictions1-2 tablets 1-2 times a day. The course is selected according to the dynamics of treatment.In childhood, it is recommended to crush the tablet and mix it with water.

Vitamin complexes containing vitamin B

Milgamma (solution for injection)After 18 years2 ml is administered intramuscularly once a day for 10 days.The drug is administered only by medical personnel. Not recommended at home.
Neuromultivit (tablets)After 12 yearsTake 1 tablet 3 times a day for no more than 4 weeks.Contains low-toxic components, therefore it is taken under the supervision of a specialist.
Pentovit (tablets)After 12 yearsTake 2-4 tablets 3 times a day. Duration 3-4 weeks.If necessary, it can be prescribed in childhood, under the supervision of a doctor. The dosage is selected individually.

For elimination allergic reaction

Diphenhydramine (tablets and solution for injection)Use in children is not recommendedTablets are taken 3 times a day for 15 days. The dosage is selected individually.Injections are prescribed for severe forms of pathology.
Suprastin (tablets and solution for injection)After 3 years1 tablet 2 times a day.In the form of injections it is used for severe forms of allergies. Long-term use of the drug is contraindicated. Used for one-time elimination of an allergic reaction.
Zodak (tablets, syrup, drops)Tablets after 6 years. Syrup after 2 years. Drops after a year.The dosage and course are selected individually.Long-term use of the drug is allowed for up to 60 days.

Sorbents are used to remove toxins

Polysorb (powder)Has no age restrictionsThe dosage is selected according to the weight category. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.Longer use provokes the development of constipation.
Filtrum (tablets)No age restrictionsDepending on age, ¼ or 3 tablets are prescribed 3 times a day. Course 5-20 days.May impair the absorption of vitamins.
Smecta (powder)From birthThe dosage is determined by weight. The duration of treatment is no more than 3 days.Provokes the development of constipation.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Meloxicam (tablets, suppositories and injection solution)After 15 yearsThe dosage and course are selected according to indications.Disturbs the functioning of the digestive tract and nervous system.
Nise (gel, tablets)After 5 yearsOnly a specialist can prescribe the dosage. Cannot be used for more than 14 days.The drug severely disrupts the activity of the liver. Use only as directed. It is highly effective.

Additionally, antiviral medications and antibiotics may be prescribed to eliminate the infection, if present. For treatment, use medications prescribed by your doctor. It is prohibited to adjust the course or replace funds yourself.

Rehabilitation therapy

Nerve strengthening agents

Together with medications, to restore the activity of the nervous system, it is recommended to use fresh vegetables and fruits containing vitamin B. Especially citrus fruits, banana and tomatoes. Dark chocolate also improves your mood.

Traditional methods of treatment: recipes

Vagus nerve (symptoms and treatment depend on general condition patient and the severity of the pathology) can be treated using traditional recipes.

Infusions and decoctions

Description of preparation and use of products:

These products can be used when taking baths. You need to add up to 1 liter of decoctions or infusions to the water.

Tinctures for treatment

Tinctures can be used only if there are no contraindications. Use in children is prohibited due to the alcohol content.

Ingredients of tinctures:

  • Place 100 g of the mixture in 500 ml of vodka (mix cyanosis root and thin-leaved peony in equal proportions). Use 50 ml every 14 days. Multiplicity 3 times a day;
  • place 25 g in 500 ml white wine linden color. Take 30 ml 3 times a day after 14 days;
  • Place 50 g of thyme in 500 ml of white wine. Take after 7 days. Take by adding 10 drops of the product to milk. Multiplicity 4 times a day.

Combining the use of these drugs with medications is possible only with the permission of the treating specialist.

Soothing aromatic pillow

To normalize the activity of the vagus nerve at night, it is recommended to use an aroma pillow. You can also relax on it during the daytime.

The pillow contains:

Composition of herbs Brief description of them
OreganoFacilitates the process of falling asleep, has a calming effect
LavenderNormalizes the activity of the pulmonary system (evens out the breathing rhythm).
Bay leafHas a calming effect and normalizes the functioning of the pulmonary system
MelissaUsed as a sedative in the composition. Highly effective
MintActivates the activity of nervous system cells and normalizes the breathing process
ChamomileHas a calming effect. Helps eliminate headaches
ThymeReduces headache and normalizes the activity of cells of the nervous system
Hop conesFacilitate the process of falling asleep and ensure sound sleep.

If you have an allergic reaction to the components of the composition, it is prohibited to use the pillow. If only one plant is intolerant, it can be removed.

Complications and prognosis

At timely treatment, following the specialist’s recommendations and carrying out methods of stimulating the activity of the vagus nerve, the disease is eliminated. In the absence of therapeutic measures, the activity of important organs, including the lungs and heart, is disrupted. If the pathology is severe, death is possible.

The vagus nerve regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. When it becomes inflamed, irritated or upset, symptoms of dysfunction of vital organs appear. To eliminate the pathology it is necessary full examination from a neurologist and compliance with complex treatment.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about the vagus nerve

What is the vagus nerve:


The human body is complex mechanism, the nervous system is responsible for maintaining all life processes at the required level. The central nervous system receives external signals and impulses from internal organs about danger and issues commands to improve the situation, so deviations in the functioning of the system can lead to serious health problems. Let’s try to figure out what the vagus nerve is, what signs of discomfort indicate its inflammation and that you need to see a doctor.

What is the vagus nerve

Twelve nerves arise from the brain. The tenth (X) pair of nerves emerging from the skull is called the vagus or vagus due to its wide distribution and fermentation throughout the body. According to human anatomy, the vagal nerve is the longest, has two trunks and a complex structure. The nuclei of the vagus nerve are formed along the entire length of the vagus. Nervus vagus covers the following parts of the human body:

  1. Head department. The vagus enters this part after leaving the skull; due to the branches of the nerve, the innervation of the meninges occurs in the cranial cavity, the posterior wall of the external auditory canal at the temporal bone.
  2. Cervical region. Here the nerve fibers are located in the muscles of the pharynx, vocal cords, soft palate, and uvula. In the neck area, the vagal fibers are located partially in thyroid gland and in the mucous membranes: pharynx, larynx, epiglottis and root of the tongue.
  3. Thoracic region. The nerve enters this zone through an opening in the diaphragm; its branches form the cardiac, pulmonary and esophageal plexuses.
  4. Abdominal section. Here the vagus descends along the esophagus through a hole in the membrane and goes to the stomach, liver, and pancreas.

The vagus consists of a complex of fibers of three types:

  1. Sensitive. Vagal fibers are located in the auditory canal, eardrum and the lining of the brain; receive and transmit information.
  2. Motor. This part of the nerve is used to carry out commands after processing information in the brain and consists of vagal fibers in the muscles of the larynx, pharynx, and esophagus.
  3. Vegetative. Nerve fibers are responsible for the stable activity of internal organs, endocrine glands, circulatory and lymphatic system and include the nerve endings of the vagus in the muscles of the heart, in the smooth muscles of the lungs, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.


It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the vagus; dysfunction of the vagus nerve leads to:

An imbalance in the activity of organs innervated by the vagus results from irritation, inflammation, pinching or damage to nerve fibers. The lesion may be located inside the skull or involve the peripheral parts of the vagus. TO intracranial causes pathologies include:

  • meningitis;
  • tumor;
  • hematoma;
  • aneurysm;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • syphilis;
  • thrombosis.

Problems can arise in the peripheral part of the vagus, these include:


Manifestations of nerve damage depend on: location, cause, degree of damage. Intracranial injuries can involve all three types of vagal fibers and have serious consequences - paralysis of both nerve trunks, impairment of a complex of functions and death. Damage to the vagus may be indicated by following symptoms:

  • swallowing dysfunction;
  • disturbance of voice timbre, appearance of hoarseness;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • change in heart rate.

Inflammation of the vagus nerve

Signs of vagal inflammation depend on the location of the source of the lesion:

  1. In the head area, symptoms can manifest as decreased hearing, dizziness, and headache (migraine).
  2. In the cervical region there are: changes in voice and pronunciation of words, difficulty swallowing, impaired cough reflex.
  3. In the thoracic region, the lesion may be accompanied by breathing difficulties and chest pain.
  4. Due to inflammation of the vagus in the abdominal cavity, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation may occur.


The autonomic nervous system consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers that balance their activity. Their normal interaction determines healthy tone. The good functioning of the autonomic system is evidenced by:

  • positive mood of a person;
  • a slight increase in heart rate after inhalation, a decrease after exhalation;
  • the ability to manage your emotions in stressful situations.

When a nerve is damaged, it suffers vegetative system, a malfunction in the activity of the parasympathetic fibers of the vagus leads to the manifestation of symptoms of neurasthenia:

  • lethargy, apathy increased tone;
  • short temper and irritability with decreased tone.


Serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs occur when the autonomic nerve fibers are irritated. The activity of parasympathetic fibers of the vagus is aimed at:

  • dilation of blood vessels,
  • slow heartbeat,
  • decreased contractions of bronchial smooth muscles,
  • stimulation of the secretory function of the abdominal glands,
  • the occurrence of cough as a defensive reaction.

When the parasympathetic fibers of the nerve are irritated, the work of the endocrine glands increases and intestinal motility increases. Excessive amounts of gastric juice sometimes cause the development of stomach or intestinal ulcers, and increased peristalsis leads to diarrhea. As a result of nerve irritation, bronchospasm and an attack of suffocation may occur.

Vagus nerve and arrhythmia

Cause of malfunction of cardio-vascular system there may be damage to the vagal nerve. Patients experience a change in the rhythm of heart contractions:

  • tachycardia;
  • bradycardia;
  • arrhythmia.

The activity of the parasympathetic system is designed for the night, so heart rhythm disturbances intensify at night. Patients are bothered by pain in the chest area and a feeling of lack of air. Damage to the vagus may be accompanied by a decrease in heart rate, blood pressure, or the opposite symptoms when parasympathetic nerve fibers are inhibited.


For the success of treatment, early contact with a specialist and a correct diagnosis are important. The examination should be performed by a neurologist. During the examination, the specialist conducts:

  • checking voice timbre and pronunciation of words;
  • examination of the soft palate (a sign of damage is sagging), the position of the uvula (it deviates to the unaffected side).

Swallowing dysfunction is determined using a glass of water: patients with nerve damage tend to cough when swallowing. Additionally, the following tests may be prescribed by your doctor:

  • laryngoscopy to determine the condition of the vocal cords;
  • radiography;
  • electrocardiogram.


For achievement positive result When treating vagal nerve disease, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease and eliminate it. Sometimes the patient’s well-being improves after plasmapheresis - blood purification. A positive result can be achieved using electrical nerve stimulation - directing diadynamic currents to the area where pain is felt.

Drug therapy

Mostly nerve treatment is carried out conservative methods. In exceptionally severe cases, surgical intervention is prescribed. Treatment of the affected vagus is carried out with the following drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory – Meloxicam, Nise;
  • antihistamines - Suprastin;
  • complex of vitamins;
  • anticholinesterase - Neuromidin, Proserin;
  • hormonal - Prednisolone.


You can use traditional medicine methods as a supplement to a doctor’s prescription and with his consent, but you cannot self-medicate the vagus. To improve your well-being, you can prepare herbal tea:

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of thyme into 50 milliliters of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Directions for use: Divide into 4 servings and drink.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water into 2 tablespoons of a mixture of mint and lemon balm, leave for 20 minutes, divide into 2 servings and drink.

A bath will help calm the body. The water temperature should be 33 degrees. To prepare a bath, add 10 liters of boiling water to the mixture of herbs and leave for 6 hours. The mixture options may be as follows:

  • calamus root, yarrow, oregano, pine buds;
  • sage leaves, valerian root.

Nerve strengthening agents

You can avoid illness by taking a complex of vitamins that strengthen nerve cells, help the body fight fatigue, and improve mood. Vitamins A, B, C, E are useful. The following foods can be used as antidepressants and sedatives:

  • banana;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate;
  • tomatoes;
  • currants;
  • beans.

Vagal prevention

To avoid damage to the vagus, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits. To prevent stressful situations, you need to plan your work day. Prevention of the disease includes:

  • daily physical exercise;
  • proper sleep and rest, receiving positive emotions;
  • cold and hot shower.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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