Home Prevention 3 Kiev medical school college.

3 Kiev medical school college.

Medical College No. 3 is one of the largest, oldest educational institutions in the country, training highly qualified specialists to ensure and strengthen public health.

By decision executive committee Moscow City Council of Workers' Deputies No. 62/31 dated September 24, 1953 to open a paramedic school at city hospital No. 12, the purpose of which was to provide medical institutions Perovsky district by experienced paramedics.

At the 1st session of the Perovsky City Council of Workers' Deputies on March 6, 1957, it was decided to build and put into operation on the street. Freedom school nurses and rename the paramedic school at city hospital No. 12 to Medical School No. 12 at city hospital No. 12.

Much credit for organizing the school belongs to the first director, Pavla Aleksandrovna Karamova. Karamova P.A. having graduated from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute named after Pavlov and the Naval medical academy, worked in surgical clinic Academy as a resident physician, and then was sent to the Pacific Fleet and worked in a naval hospital as a resident surgical department. In 1947 with the rank of captain medical service transferred to the reserve. In December 1952, she was promoted to work as director of the United City Hospital No. 12 of the Ministry of Health.

At the same time in within three convocations, she was elected as a deputy of the Moscow Council and worked on the Health Care Commission of the Moscow Council. After the consolidation of the districts of Moscow, she was appointed director of medical school No. 12, this position was combined with the previous one; on the basis of city hospital 12, by order of the USSR Ministry, a paramedic school was opened with a small contingent of 90-120 people. In 1957, a five-story building was built and put into operation for this school, where 1,200 people were already studying, and from October 1957, medical school No. 12 became its main place of work.

Many talented specialists came out of the walls of Medical School No. 12:
. A.V.Babkin - chief physician GP No. 130, Moscow, graduated from medical school in 1977. Graduated from the 2nd Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogova, worked as an ambulance doctor medical care, from an on-duty doctor to the head of an ambulance. Awarded the Order of Hippocrates.
. A.I. Veshkina - doctor endoscopic studies GB No. 70, graduated in 1978. After graduating from the Moscow Dental Institute, she worked research fellow, later became a candidate of medical sciences and held the position of professor.
. V.V.Ruev - associate professor of the department theoretical foundations physical culture and sports of Moscow pedagogical university, graduated in 1988. After graduating from the 2nd Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist and is a candidate of medical sciences.

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