Home Oral cavity Isofra spray instructions for use. Nasal spray "Isofra" (reviews)

Isofra spray instructions for use. Nasal spray "Isofra" (reviews)

Manufacturer: Laboratoires Bouchara-Recordati Ireland

ATS code: R01AX08

Farm group:

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Nasal spray.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active ingredient: Framycetin sulfate 1ml - 12.5 mg/ml.
Excipients: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium chloride, lemon acid, distilled water.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. Framycetin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic for topical use. The concentration of framycetin, achieved with topical application, ensures its bactericidal activity against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that cause.

Pharmacokinetics. Studies were not conducted due to low systemic absorption of the drug.

Indications for use:

As part of combination therapy for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including for rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, in the absence of damage to the walls of the sinuses; inflammatory processes after surgical interventions (prevention and treatment).

Important! Get to know the treatment

Directions for use and dosage:

Adults - 1 injection into each nasal passage 4-6 times a day, children from 1 year - 1 injection into each nasal passage 3 times a day. When injecting, the bottle should be held vertically, and the head slightly tilted forward in order to inject the drug into the nasal passage in the form of a spray, and not in the form of a stream of liquid. Duration of treatment is up to 10 days.

Features of application:

The drug should not be used to rinse the paranasal sinuses. With prolonged use of the drug, the emergence of resistant strains of microorganisms is possible. If there is no therapeutic effect within 7 days of treatment, the drug should be discontinued.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving a vehicle or working with other mechanisms.
There were no cases of influence on reaction speed when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms.

Use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
The effectiveness and safety of the drug during pregnancy have not been sufficiently studied.

Possible toxic effect on the cochleovestibular apparatus of the fetus. Systemic penetration through the mucous membrane is possible, so the drug should not be prescribed to this category of patients.

The use of the drug during breastfeeding is not recommended, since aminoglycosides penetrate into breast milk.

Used as prescribed by a doctor to treat children over 1 year of age.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions (urticaria, itching) are possible.

Interaction with other drugs:

Unknown. When using any other topical medications, be sure to inform your doctor.


Increased sensitivity(allergy) to any of the components of the drug, including framycetin and other aminoglycoside antibiotics. Age up to 1 year.


There were no cases of overdose.

Storage conditions:

The drug should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

Vacation conditions:

On prescription


Nasal spray: 15 ml light-proof polyethylene bottle with spray tip and polyethylene screw cap cardboard box.

Effective antibacterial drug is Isofra. Instructions for use suggest using 1.25% nasal spray and nasal drops to treat local inflammation of the nasal cavity and surrounding areas paranasal sinuses. Reviews from patients and doctors indicate that this drug helps in the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis in adults and children.

Release form and composition

Isofra is available in bottles as a nasal spray. The composition of the drug includes the antibiotic framycetin, the content of which is 800,000 units. The total volume of one bottle is 15 ml.

pharmachologic effect

The antibiotic Isofra, when it comes into contact with the nasal mucosa, undergoes a rapid process of systemic absorption, therefore the pharmacokinetics of the drug has not been studied. Acts like antimicrobial agent, active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

What does Isofra help with?

Indications for use of the drug include combination therapy of inflammatory infections of the upper respiratory tract, including:

  • rhinitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity);
  • rhinopharyngitis (when the pharynx is associated with inflammation of the nasal mucosa);
  • sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses).

Sinusitis is a complication of a runny nose. The instructions for Isofra contain a clarification according to which the drug can be used for sinusitis only in the absence of deformation of the nasal septum; complications of sinusitis: frontal sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the frontal sinus), ethmoiditis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the ethmoid labyrinth) and sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus).

Another area of ​​application of Isofra is prevention and treatment inflammatory processes which may develop as a result of surgical interventions. Medical reviews note the gentle properties and high effectiveness of the medication.

Instructions for use of Isofra

Adults are prescribed 1 injection into each nostril 4-6 times a day. Children are prescribed 1 injection into each nostril 3 times a day. Average duration course of therapy - 7 days. When used, the bottle should be kept in vertical position.

Unlike nasal drops, the spray is much more convenient to use and eliminates the possibility of the drug dripping down the back wall nasopharynx, clearly dosed. Drops can also simply flow out of the nose.

Important! The instructions for Isofra are provided for informational purposes only; the dosage and duration of use during treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.


Hypersensitivity to framycetin and other aminoglycoside antibiotics.

Side effects

The relative rarity of side effects is explained by the local method of application of the drug, in which its adsorption capacity, and, consequently, its effect does not extend to the entire body as a whole.

In reviews about Isofra as side effect Only allergic reactions were noted. Overdose with adequate use of the drug is practically excluded.

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

Isofra is contraindicated during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, due to established negative effects on the fetus. It is not recommended to use the medication and its analogues during lactation. This drug is especially dangerous for premature and weakened babies. Suitable for children of all age groups.

special instructions

If within 7 days of treatment the therapeutic effect is absent or weak, the drug must be discontinued.

Drug interactions

Clinically significant interactions of Isofra with other medicines not found.

Drug analogues

  1. Amikaball.
  2. Trobitsin.
  3. Tobrex.
  4. Tobropt.
  5. Kirin.
  6. Selemicin.
  7. Netromycin.
  8. Bramitob.
  9. Nettavisk.
  10. Hematsin.
  11. Kanamycin.
  12. Farcycline.
  13. Dilaterol.
  14. Amikin.
  15. Streptomycin.
  16. Lykatsin.
  17. Amycositis.
  18. Amikacin.
  19. Nebtsin.
  20. Toby.
  21. Brulamycin.
  22. Garamycin.
  23. Neomycin.

Vacation conditions and price

average price Isofra (nasal spray 15 ml) in Moscow costs 320 rubles. In Kyiv you can buy medicine for 115 hryvnia, in Kazakhstan - for 2736 tenge. In Minsk, pharmacies offer the drug for 7.5 - 10 bel. rubles Dispensed by prescription.

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Read the instructions for using analogues:

Ear drops, Polydex nasal spray: instructions, price and reviews

Isofra is an antibacterial nasal drop used to treat diseases of the ENT organs. Isofra contains the antibiotic framecitin, which belongs to the group of aminoglycosides for topical use.

Once in the nose, the drug creates a high concentration active substance, disrupts the integrity of the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane, damages its normal functioning and leads to rapid death. This is a pronounced bactericidal effect. Isofra is destructive to most gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria that cause upper respiratory tract infections.

The drug is practically not absorbed into the blood, which makes it possible to use it during pregnancy and does not cause resistance in microorganisms. Resistance to it appears very slowly and to a small extent.

Sensitive microorganisms

The following are sensitive to the action of the drug:

  • corynebacteria;
  • listeria;
  • staphylococcus;
  • actinobacteria;
  • branchhamella;
  • campylobacter;
  • citrobacter;
  • enterobacter;
  • Escherichia coli;
  • hemophilus influenzae;
  • Klebsiella;
  • Morganella;
  • proteas;
  • salmonella;
  • serretia;
  • shigella;
  • Yersinia.

Moderate sensitivity to the drug was observed in pasteurella, enterococcus, nocardia, streptococcus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, rickettsia and some gram-negative bacteria.

Release form and manufacturer

Isofra drops are produced in France pharmaceutical company"Bouchard-Recordati Laboratory". Nasal drops at a concentration of 1.25% are available in a bottle with a 15 ml spray nozzle. The cardboard box contains one bottle and instructions for use. approximate cost– 300 rub.

Dispensed by prescription. Store at temperatures below 25 degrees for no more than 3 years.


  1. Complex treatment of rhinitis, including chronic;
  2. Treatment of sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.);
  3. Rhinopharyngitis;
  4. Prevention of the development of bacterial inflammation after surgical intervention in the nasal cavity.


  1. The drug should not be used if you are intolerant to framecitin or other aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin, neomycin, amikacin, streptomycin).
  2. Due to the risk of developing dysbacteriosis and allergies, it is prohibited to drip Isofra into the nose of children under one year old.
  3. The drug is not intended for rinsing the nose.
  4. Kidney failure.

More detailed information is contained in the instructions for use.

Use in pregnant women

It is not advisable to dribble the drug into the nose of pregnant women, as it can cause developmental disorders of the auditory and vestibular apparatus fetus However, on later pregnancy it is safer than taking antibiotics orally.

Breastfeeding women should not be treated with Isofra, as the drug can pass into breast milk and negatively affect the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. Treatment is allowed only after stopping breastfeeding.

Use in pediatrics

Isofra drops passed a series clinical trials conducted by the Russian State medical university in Moscow. The drug has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of sinusitis and adenoiditis in children.

It has been proven that in case of particularly severe disease, Isofra can be used in the treatment of children aged 1–12 months, despite the fact that the instructions limit the age of use in children under one year.

The effectiveness of the drug is high, but we should not forget:

  • In children it is used in complex treatment ENT diseases;
  • The use of the drug in infants must be justified and prescribed by a pediatrician. Further treatment must also be carried out under the supervision of a doctor;
  • Children under 1 month of age should not administer the drug into the nose.

Medical research results

A clinical study was conducted on children under one year of age who suffered from sinusitis, purulent and common runny nose. The drug was injected once three times a day for 7 days. Most children full recovery came earlier than a week later. When using other antibacterial drops, it took about 10 days to restore health.

A study was also conducted on the treatment of chronic adenoiditis with Isofra. Children with grade 2–3 adenoids were selected for the study. Their nasal breathing improved within the first three days, and the inflammation disappeared by the 10th day. As a result, the degree of adenoiditis decreased in half of the children.

Mode of application

Before use, read the instructions for use and consult your doctor.

Before first use, the bottle should be shaken and sprayed into the air several times to achieve a dosed spray.

To inject the product into the nose, you need to hold the bottle vertically and tilt your head forward, insert the tip of the dispenser into the nostril and press. It is recommended to rinse and clean the nose first; if there is congestion, you can first drip it vasoconstrictor drops or hypertonic saline solution.

Prescribe 1 injection into each nasal passage. Adults – 4–6 times a day, children – 3 times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​1 week. If the positive effect does not occur after 7 days of use, the drug should be discontinued.

Side effects

Isofra drops are well tolerated and have no side effects, so they are even used to treat children. In isolated cases, allergic reactions, local irritation of the mucous membrane, toxicoderma, anaphylactic shock And angioedema. This is a reason to discontinue the drug and call a doctor.

Due to the low percentage of the drug entering the bloodstream, an overdose is impossible.

special instructions

  1. After opening the bottle, there is a high probability of bacterial infection entering it. Therefore, after finishing treatment, the bottle with the remaining medicine must be thrown away.
  2. The effect of the drug on driving vehicles and operating precision machinery has not been studied.


The drug has two exact analogues. If it is not possible to buy Isofra, nasal drops Framecitin, Framinazine or Rinil can replace it. Approximate cost: 170 rubles.

  • The antibiotic framecitin is part of the combination drug Sorphadex, used to treat the ears and eyes. The antibiotic gramicidin and the hormone dexamethasone are added to the composition.
  • Antibacterial drops Bioparox and combination remedy Polydexa. Bioparox drops contain the antibiotic fusafungin, which is recommended for use in upper respiratory tract infections caused by cocci, Haemophilus influenzae, mycoplasmas and Candida fungi. Polydexa complex combination drug, containing two antibiotics, a hormone and a vasoconstrictor component.
  • For nasal use, the antibacterial ointment Bactroban is commercially available, which is used to treat Staphylococcus aureus nose

Instructions for use contain full information about these drugs.

Polydexa or Isofra

There has long been a debate on the Internet about which is better to choose - Polydex or Isofra. They are very similar in their mechanism of action and both contain antibiotics. But if Isofra is a simpler drug, containing only one antibiotic, then Polydex has two of them, and different ones.

Therefore, the prescription of a specific medicine occurs after testing nasal swabs for sensitivity to antibiotics. The doctor prescribes those drops to which the bacteria that cause the disease are more sensitive.

Do not forget that Polydex drops contain a hormone and a vasoconstrictor. Hormones are powerful anti-inflammatory and antiallergic agents. Phenylephrine allows you to stop using it during treatment with Polydex vasoconstrictor drops and sprays.

Polydex drops are prohibited when viral infections, otitis media, glaucoma. More detailed information can be read in the instructions for use of the drug.

From the above, we can conclude that both drugs are good, but which one to use should be decided by the doctor, taking into account sensitivity to antibiotics and indications for prescribing hormonal and vasoconstrictor intranasal drugs.

Hormones are not always prescribed for the treatment of runny nose and sinusitis.

Isofra is an antibacterial drug that is used to eliminate the local inflammatory process localized in the nasal cavity or sinuses. Due to its pronounced bactericidal effect, the spray is widely used in clinical practice

not only otorhinolaryngologists, but also general practitioners.

With its use, there is a relatively rare incidence of side effects or complications.

Compound The main active ingredient presented in Isofra spray is.


Its mass fraction per milliliter of solution is 12 mg; in addition, the presence of additional substances is determined, which include the presence of sodium chloride and citric acid.

Water is used as a substance to maintain the dosage form.

Release form

Isofra nasal drops are available in a plastic bottle with a volume of 15 ml. Made of plastic materials with no transparency. This prevents getting sunlight

The tip is equipped with a sprayer that allows you to evenly distribute the product in the nasal cavity. There is also a plastic cap on the outside. The bottle contains basic information regarding the drug.

Isofra is sold in a cardboard box, which comes with instructions for use.

Operating principle and properties

pharmachologic effect

Isofra exhibits its main mechanism of action due to the presence of antibacterial agent, which is the main component.

This aminoglycoside antibiotic is capable of developing a bactericidal effect against microbial agents that have a gram-positive or gram-negative structure.

After the drug penetrates the cell walls and affects the genetic apparatus through its effect on ribosomal elements.

The connection with the bacterial protein is irreversible; gradually the cell synthesizes an inferior type of protein that cannot perform its functions fully.

Subsequently, the cell protein will become completely defective, which contributes to the loss of functions for the bacterial cell. This leads to its death and prevention of further progression of inflammatory processes that are caused by such microbial agents.


Isofra, due to its high adsorption properties, has very little information regarding its properties. Upon contact with the mucous membrane, rapid absorption occurs.

Due to the low dosages of the substance that are used, there is an assumption that Isofra acts only at the local level, without passing through the stages of metabolism in liver cells or urinary system.

Isofra is different in that the development of resistance due to its use occurs in extremely rare cases, especially during long-term treatment.

Indications for use

Instructions for use Isofra says that the drug can be used as a main and auxiliary component for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Among the inflammations that are indicated are:

  • Sinusitis.
  • Ethmoiditis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Eustachite.
  • Rhinitis of various origins.
  • Lesions in the paranasal sinuses.

Efficiency is evident in the treatment of infections caused by staphylococcal, streptococcal flora, Klebsiella and Escherichia coli.

For prophylactic purposes, Isofra is used before upcoming surgical interventions in the upper respiratory tract, maxillary sinuses, as well as the middle ear.

A prerequisite before use is the absence of visible damage to the mucous membranes, the presence of traumatic injuries, as well as the identification of a communicating passage into the sinuses.


Before using Isofra, you should: special attention read all points of the instructions. If it is taken against the background of contraindications, the risk of developing side effects or severe complications increases several times.

Among the main contraindications for use are:

  • Persistent individual intolerance to the main active ingredient or any other component of the drug, as well as a similar reaction that occurs when using products from a similar pharmaceutical group. Therefore, patients with hypersensitivity to aminoglycoside drugs are prohibited from using Isofra.
  • Due to severe ototoxicity and a pronounced pathological reaction associated with renal impairment, Isofra is prohibited for use by all pregnant women, and does not affect gestational age. also in this group should include women in the lactation period and persons childhood less than one year old.

Relative contraindications for which Isofra is not prescribed are the following pathologies:

  • Chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary system which are accompanied, in particular, by dysfunction.
  • Neurological manifestations in the form of myasthenic syndrome, myopathies, parkinsonian disorders, as well as neurological lesions on the hearing aid.
  • In addition, special caution should be exercised when using Isofra with drugs from the group of muscle relaxants, m-cholinomimetics and other drugs that affect muscle and nervous tissue.

Side effects

The development of side effects may be caused by an excessively increased dosage or hypersensitivity arising from an individual reaction from the body.

Isofra rarely gives adverse reactions, which is due to the presence of a low percentage of absorption of the active substance into the tissue, since the drug acts predominantly in the local area.

Among adverse reactions resulting from the application are:

  • Allergic manifestations, which are characterized by rashes of various types, as well as itching, burning and redness of the skin.
  • The most unpleasant side effect is swelling of the mucous membrane, which is allergic in nature.


The development of an overdose when using Isofra has not been recorded in clinical practice. This is due to the fact that systemic absorption capacity is minimally expressed.

Theoretically, it is permissible to manifest an overdose in the form of:

  • Development of clinical resistance to gram-negative or gram-positive bacterial agents, which makes further use ineffective.
  • Also, the destruction of obligate flora over a long period of time leads to the formation of dysbiotic or atrophic processes on the mucous membrane. This condition is dangerous because another may join pathogenic flora, causing not only a local reaction, but also a possible transition of inflammation to other parts.

Instructions for use


For adult patients, the optimal dosage regimen is to inject into each nostril 4 to 6 times daily.

Increase permissible dosage possible only by the decision of a specialist.

After 3-5 days from the moment of treatment, the dynamics of the process are assessed with possible adjustment of therapy.

Mode of application

Isofra differs in that the nasal spray, which is the only form of release, provides uniform distribution in the nasal cavity.

Particles of the active substance Isofra penetrate into any part of the nasal cavity, which creates an undeniable advantage, especially in the presence of traumatic effects.

In order to ensure uniform distribution of the drug, it is necessary to do it in a vertical position; for this, the head is tilted back to prevent leakage. After injection, the head is kept in this position for several minutes.

In order to improve the distribution of the drug, it is allowed to carry out massaging movements, pressing the wings of the nose to the septum.

Use in childhood

Isofra for children is allowed from the age of one year.

Indications for use in children include not only pathologies involving the nasopharynx, but also ethmoiditis.

Thanks to the presence of Framycetin, which is included in the composition, there is a rapid and effective fight with bacterial pathogens.

Greatest therapeutic effect appears against the background of use during the first days of disease manifestation.

Uncontrolled use can lead to dangerous side reactions and complications. That is why a mandatory preliminary consultation with a specialist is required, as well as a thorough examination.

The dosage does not depend on the patient’s age and body weight.

Instructions for use of Isofra for children say that one injection into each nostril three times a day is enough.

The average duration of use is 10 days. If after 3-5 days there is no development of positive dynamics, you need to consult a doctor for a possible change in the treatment regimen.

This is due to the fact that due to the fact that in children there is insufficient differentiation in the paranasal sinuses and the mucous membrane is more deeply vascularized, dysbiosis in the nasal cavity quickly develops.

Use during pregnancy

Isofra is a drug contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

This reaction is due to the fact that Isofra penetrates even in small quantities into internal environment, which leads to the formation therapeutic effect.

Aminoglycoside preparations, which include Isofra, are characterized by a persistent teratogenic effect regardless of gestational age.

They form effects on the fetal body irreversible consequences from the outside hearing aid, which causes permanent bilateral deafness.

At breastfeeding Isofra penetrates through breast milk into the baby's body. This contributes to the development of not only antimicrobial effects, but also symptoms of overdose in the form of weakness, depression of the central nervous system. nervous systems s and drowsiness.

Drug interactions

Before you start using Isofra, you need to check possible reactions resulting from drug interactions. This is required in order to prevent the development of side effects or complications from various systems and organs.

The combination of Isofra with atropine-type drugs, a group of muscle relaxants, anticholinergics and ganlioblockers is not recommended, since there is a possibility of increased reactions from the muscular and nervous systems in the form of neuromuscular blockades, especially against the background of a severe pre-existing neurological clinic.

Combination with antimycotic agents various shapes release leads to the formation of a reduced therapeutic effect of the latter.

special instructions

The use of Isofra should only be carried out under strict medical supervision.

Important information:

  • Long-term use leads to dysbacteriosis of the nasal cavity.
  • Isofra does not affect the ability to drive a car. Only with the development of neurological manifestations or damage to the muscular system against the background of side effects, it is recommended to refrain from driving.


Among the analogues are:

  • Polydexa. An analogue of the drug Isofra, which has the same production address, as well as indications for use. Polydexa is prescribed to patients with rhinitis and sinusitis who have infectious nature. The cost of the product is similar to Isofra. Unlike Isofra, Polydexa has a combined composition, which includes two types of antibiotics: a group of sulfates and neomycin. It should also additionally be noted that the composition contains phenylephrine and dexamethasone. This ensures a more pronounced therapeutic effect, which helps not only to cope with the infection, but also to speed up repair processes. But Polydexa has a restriction regarding the start of administration; children can use it after 2 years.
  • Protargol. Drops Isofra and Protargol are classified as drugs that have a similar clinical effect. Thus, they help destroy bacterial flora in the nasal cavity. Protargol, unlike Isofra, promotes the development of a bactericidal effect on microbial agents due to the presence of silver molecules in the composition. It also forms an anti-inflammatory effect. Protargol is able to act not only on bacterial agents, but also on viral particles, as well as fungal agents. This shapes development wide range indications. The duration of its use can be significantly extended, which allows it to be used in severe processes without the risk of complications. In addition to lesions of the nasal cavity, inflammation of the conjunctival cavity, as well as the mucous membrane of the eyelid, can also be affected.
  • Dioxidine. An analogue of Isofra, which is used to treat inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity. Despite various compositions and a fundamentally different mechanism of action, Dioxidin can be used to treat inflammation caused by bacterial agents. Due to the lack of a nasal form, Dioxidin is officially prohibited from being used in the treatment of rhinitis, but many experts still recommend therapy for it. But, the start of therapy should be carried out only after the doctor makes a conclusion.

Storage period and conditions

The medicine Isofra should be stored and used for no more than 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Storage conditions should not exceed temperature regime above 25 degrees.


The average price of Isofra nasal drops is 340-360 rubles.The drug is not the cheapest, but it is of high quality.

Isofra drops are an effective and widely used drug for ENT diseases. The upper respiratory tract is the entry point for many infectious pathogens. Often the infection does not spread beyond the nasal mucosa and sinuses and causes rhinitis and sinusitis, which can be relieved with Isofra.

The medicine is produced in two dosage forms– spray and drops. More often, pharmacies have the drug in the form of a spray, since the manufacturer produces drops in smaller quantities. The spray is in a plastic opaque container with a spray nozzle in an amount of 15 ml.

The active ingredient is framycetin, which is an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group. 100 ml of medication contains 1.25 g. There are no additional components medicinal properties: sodium citrate, purified citric acid, methylparaben, sodium chloride.

pharmachologic effect

Isofra does not have a vasoconstrictor effect. When applied locally, the spray and drops are quickly absorbed by the mucous membrane and have an antimicrobial bactericidal effect. Suppresses the growth and division of pathological microorganisms, causing diseases. Effective for diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by gram-positive and gram-negative flora, which are not sensitive to penicillin:

  • staphylococci;
  • Klebsiella;
  • streptococci;
  • proteas;
  • shigella;
  • pseudomonas;
  • enterobacteria.

The medication does not have a detrimental effect on anaerobic flora and treponema.

Instructions for use

Before starting the procedure, the nasal cavity is cleaned of crusts and mucous discharge. For maximum effect, you can first drip a vasoconstrictor drug (Xymelin) into the nose, and after 15 minutes Isofra. Before using the spray, you need to shake it, make several presses in the air so that the dispenser is filled with the product. Inject into each nostril once up to 3 times a day for up to 10 days. Drops are instilled into each nasal passage 1-2 to six times a day, but not more often than every 1.5-2 hours.

During pregnancy

Accurate data about harmful influence There is no drug for the body of a pregnant woman or fetus. Doctors prescribe a drug if it is impossible to replace it. During lactation, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding and express milk until the end of treatment.

In children

Despite the fact that Isofra is an antibiotic, you should not be afraid of it, since it is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and does not have a detrimental effect on organs. A group of scientists conducted an experiment on the use of the drug in newborns from 4 months to 1 year with purulent rhinitis and sinusitis. No side effects or complications were found in any of the babies. complete cure the disease was observed on the 5th day.

There is no special form of the drug for children, so the standard one is prescribed. For infants under 12 months, the medication is prohibited. From 1 year, drops and spray are allowed. Before using the product, you need to rinse the nasal cavity, and then drop 1 drop into each passage or make one injection into each nostril. The duration of treatment is determined by the pediatrician.

Reviews about use in children

Alexandra, 24 years old, Stavropol

My baby turned two years old when the doctor prescribed Isofra drops for his runny nose. But there were no drops in pharmacies, so I bought them in the form of a spray. The runny nose was very strong, the child could neither eat nor sleep. First, I washed his nose, and then injected the spray. I used it 3 times a day, before feeding and at night. My son immediately felt better, he stopped crying, ate calmly and slept.

Valentina, 33 years old, Nevinnomyssk

I have three children, and we have a standard situation like in other families - if one child gets sick, he will infect the other. Moreover, the eldest goes to school, and the middle one goes to kindergarten, and they constantly catch colds there. So I needed a product that was suitable for all children. It turned out to be Isofra spray. Not a single child had any adverse reactions or allergies, and breathing was restored in less than a minute. The runny nose goes away completely after 3 days.

Sofia, 22 years old, Krasnodar

My child was allergic to the drug. In the evening I gave him drops because he was severe runny nose, and my nose began to breathe. But in the morning some rashes appeared on my face. The doctor changed the drug to Rinofluimucil. He also helped us, and there were no allergies to him.

Indications, restrictions for use

The drug is prescribed for diseases of the nasal cavity, against the background of acute respiratory viral infections and its complications, accompanied by thick green discharge, fever, and impaired nasal breathing. Indications are only pathologies bacterial origin:

  • runny nose;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • nasopharyngitis.

The medication is used as a prophylactic to prevent infection and inflammation after surgical intervention on the nasal cavities. Contraindications include age under 12 months, intolerance to the aminoglycoside group or components of Isofra.

Side effects, interactions with other drugs, storage conditions

The drug rarely causes side effects. They manifest themselves locally allergic reaction– redness of the mucous membranes, burning sensation, itching in the nose or rashes on the skin. In this case, the use is stopped and replaced with a medication with similar indications and effects.

The medicine is stored in a place protected from sun rays and inaccessible to children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. The drug retains its therapeutic effect for up to 36 months; after opening the package, use it before the expiration date indicated on it.

The average cost of Isofra is 200 rubles.


There are no similar medications that contain the antibiotic framycetin. There are products with other antibiotics belonging to the aminoglycoside group. Similar replacement drugs therapeutic effect:

  1. – has a vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effect due to dimetindene and phenylephrine in the composition. Indicated for rhinitis (including allergic), sinusitis. Children under 6 years old are prohibited. Price from 260 rubles.
  2. Framinazine is a nasal spray with an antibacterial effect. Indications: inflammation of the nasal mucosa, fungal and bacterial infections. Allowed for children from 12 months. Cost from 100 rubles.
  3. Miramistin is an antiseptic drug and is not an antibiotic. Disinfects the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and has a detrimental effect on many pathogenic microorganisms. It has wide list indications, active against yeast-like fungi and herpes virus. Prohibited for children under 5 years of age. The average price is 180 rubles.
  4. – has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect due to silver molecules in the composition. Its advantage over Isofra is its effectiveness against viruses. Indications: viral and bacterial runny nose, adenoids, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis. Has no age restrictions. Price from 150 rubles.
  5. – a drug with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effects. Relieves congestion, the amount of discharge, restores breathing. Allowed for children from 1 year. Price from 50 rubles.
  6. Framinazine is a nasal spray with an antimicrobial effect. Used for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, in complex therapy upper respiratory tract diseases. Allowed for infants from one year old. Price from 130 rubles.

Isofra drops can be replaced with. Both drugs are produced by the same manufacturer, only the composition is different. Polydexa contains 2 antibiotics (neomycin, polymyxin), a corticosteroid () and. The components have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effect. Indications: treatment of diseases of bacterial origin of the nasopharynx. Price 350 rubles. Prohibited for children under 2.5 years old.

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