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Your favorite magazine in regular and travel formats.  Amok is what Amok is: definition - Psychology.NES Amok what does it mean

Amok (Malay meng-amok - to fly into a blind rage and kill) is a state of uncontrollable rage that leads to the destruction of everything around. Initially, the concept was associated with residents of Malaysia, the Philippines and nearby regions, who were prone to aggressive actions and attack people for no reason. In this form the definition spread in the 17th – 19th centuries in Western culture thanks to European explorers - in particular, Captain Cook. Interestingly, until the 20th century, it was believed that amok was possible only in a state of severe drug intoxication. IN modern psychology the concept has been expanded: nationality and degree of drug influence do not have important. Characteristic feature amok is that this condition is not controlled and is aimed at breaking objects and causing physical injury (often with fatal) to surrounding people. Visible reasons for amok there are none; some researchers are inclined to believe that this condition is associated with a partner’s betrayal. A person who has been cheated on feels incompetent and is afraid of ridicule from other people. Gradually, these emotions are replaced by hatred of others, and a compensatory mechanism comes into play aggressive behavior. The accumulation of this aggression entails an explosive manifestation, but when it happens and what will serve as an impetus for it is impossible to predict. After amok, the body becomes exhausted and amnesia is possible. There are also frequent cases of self-destructive behavior of a suicidal nature. In literature, the phenomenon of amok received a detailed interpretation in the novel of the same name by Stefan Zweig.

Amok is a state of acute mental insanity in which the patient, armed with cold or firearms, kills the first people he comes across, without realizing it. Such an episode of violent insanity often ends in suicide.

Amok - a state of uncontrollable and very strong homicidal excitement

Amok is an ethnospecific phenomenon observed in men living in the Philippines, Malaysia and some other countries of Southeast Asia, as well as in the countries of the African continent. Some experts consider it as an explosive dissociative disorder of various etiologies, others - as pathological affect or twilight darkness of consciousness. But they all emphasize that this disorder psyche belongs to culturally determined syndromes and has many common features with other similar syndromes observed in different regions:

  • negi-negi (New Guinea);
  • pseudoknight (Sahara Desert);
  • cathard (Polynesia);
  • “evil alarm” (Africa).

Psychiatrists in Germany use the term “amok” somewhat more broadly. In this country, it means unmotivated, blind, frantic aggression not associated with any geographical or ethnic boundaries, which can lead to human casualties.

Causes and risk factors

The exact cause of the syndrome is unknown. Previously it was assumed that an attack could only develop in people in a state of severe drug intoxication. It has now been established that opiates increase the risk of developing acute psychosis amok type, but are not decisive factor. Many psychiatrists believe that amok among Malaysians is based on the peculiarities of local culture, namely, that children are allowed to freely express aggressive tendencies, but this is strictly prohibited for adolescents and adults. One of the factors contributing to such crazes is the belief of the local population in demons and witchcraft.

In the amok state, patients are excited, screaming, and rushing about. They rage at the people around them, not realizing either their actions or their consequences.

The triggering factor that triggers a psychotic reaction is usually an extremely painful situation for the patient - loss of prestige, shame associated with either a partner’s betrayal, or public insult, etc. A person, experiencing fear of possible ridicule from others, loses a sense of self-confidence . After some time, the intensity of the experiences decreases, and instead of them, acute hatred of others arises. This condition is a kind of compensatory mechanism, but it is what ultimately leads to an explosive manifestation of aggression that can cause harm to people and their property.

The following factors contribute to the launch of amok:

  • heat (overheating);
  • stress;
  • sexual arousal;
  • insomnia;
  • some infections;
  • a number of chronic somatic diseases.


During the amok there are three phases:

  1. Initial. Various neurasthenic manifestations are characteristic.
  2. Average. Rage increases, symptoms of paranoia, depersonalization, and some somatic disorders appear.
  3. Actually amok. A state of uncontrollable and very strong homicidal excitement.
Opiates increase the risk of developing acute psychosis of the amok type.


On initial stage formation of amok, the patient experiences fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. He believes that others laugh at him and despise him. The patient withdraws into himself and fixates on his psychological problem.

After some time, hatred towards others arises. The patient begins to perceive his actions as if from the outside and comes to the conclusion that it is impossible to control them (a state of depersonalization). At the same time, he perceives the world around him as unreal (state of derealization).

Finally, the growing hatred and rage get out of control, and amok itself develops. In this state, patients are excited, screaming, and rushing about. They rage at the people around them, not realizing either their actions or their consequences. Having found a weapon, they run without making out the road and attack anyone they meet, trying to kill him.

If the patient can be neutralized and is not killed by other people in self-defense, then after a few hours his condition improves. The excitement passes, consciousness returns to normal. Congrade amnesia and severe weakness develop. Suicide attempts are common.


Diagnosis of the disease early stages can only be carried out by a psychiatrist. In the amok stage, the diagnosis is usually not in doubt.


When amocosis develops, the patient must be securely restrained using a straitjacket, wide soft bandages and other devices. After a few hours, the psychosis will stop on its own.

If a patient with this syndrome is neutralized and does not commit suicide, then the prognosis is favorable.

After the end of the attack, the patient needs proper rest, nutrition, and specialized psychiatric care.

Consequences and complications

In the midst of an attack, the patient can be killed by both representatives of the security forces and the citizens themselves around him in order to save the lives of those whom he threatens.

After the attack ends, the patient should be under close medical supervision, since the risk of suicide is high.


If a patient with this syndrome is neutralized and does not commit suicide, then the prognosis is favorable.


Prevention of amok has not been developed.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

This term has other meanings, see Amok (meanings).

Amok(from Malay amoq - to fall into a blind rage and kill) - mental condition, most often defined in psychiatry as an ethnospecific syndrome characteristic of residents of Malaysia, the Philippines and nearby regions, characterized by sudden motor agitation (usually running) and aggressive actions, causeless attacks on people.

IN German the word "Amok" has received an expanded meaning and means frantic, blind, unmotivated aggression with or without human casualties, beyond any ethnic or geographical boundaries.


According to the American Psychiatric Association, amok is “an unprovoked episode of behavior that threatens death, bodily harm, or destruction. After this, amnesia and/or exhaustion. It is also often accompanied by self-destructive behavior, self-harm, even suicide.”

AMOC is classified as an impulse control disorder in the DSM-IV-TR and is described in the Dictionary of Culturally Based Syndromes as “a dissociative episode characterized by a period of brooding followed by an outburst of violence, aggressive or homicidal behavior directed at people and objects.” The ICD-10 classifier contains a mention of amok in Appendix II, and is described as “an indiscriminate, seemingly unprovoked episode of a fatal or severe destructive behavior, followed by amnesia or fatigue." The appendix also suggests using code F68.8 68.8 (other specific disorders of mature personality and behavior in adults) to codify this disorder.

In the Russian psychiatric school amok - mental illness, one of the varieties of the twilight state of consciousness. It manifests itself in the form of attacks of impaired consciousness that occur suddenly or after a certain period of mood disturbance. The patient begins to rush about, senselessly destroying everything around him. After the attack ends, there remain vague memories of what happened or no memories at all. Amok, as an unmotivated attack of blind aggressive excitement, similar to epileptic, is used as a synonym for the state of uncontrolled rabies.

In Germany under amok (German) Amoklauf) understand any mass murder (or even an attempt thereof) committed by an individual in a public place using a weapon capable of causing death, and within a limited time period without periods of “emotional cooling” between the murders.

History of the concept

In the 17th-19th centuries, the concept reached Western culture. This happened thanks to European explorers, such as Captain Cook. Later it was associated with the Malay-Indonesian culture.

Even by the beginning of the 20th century, it was believed that amok attacks occur only in a state of complete drug intoxication.

Meyer's dictionary says:

“Amok (from the word amoak - to kill) is a barbaric custom among some Malay tribes, for example on the island of Java, consisting of the use of opium to the point of rabies. Intoxicated, armed with a Malay dagger, they rush into the streets and wound or kill everyone they meet until they themselves are killed or, nevertheless, captured.”

Original text(German)

"Amucklaufen (Amoklaufen, vom javan. Wort amoak, töten), eine barbarische Sitte unter mehreren malaiischen Volksstämmen, zum Beispiel auf Java, besteht darin, dass durch Genuss von Opium bis zur Raserei Berauschte, mit einem Kris (Dolch) bewaffnet, sich auf die Straßen stürzen und jeden, dem sie begegnen, verwunden oder töten, bis sie selbst getötet oder doch überwältigt werden.”

Meyers Konversationslexikon, Vierte Auflage, 1885-1892

Emil Kraepelin considered amok an epileptic psychosis, and Eugen Bleuler - a psychogenic psychosis.

Causes of the phenomenon

One of the reasons for amok is the unbearable shame associated with a partner’s betrayal. A person feels his sexual inadequacy and is afraid of being ridiculed by others. This feeling is replaced by hatred of others, and a compensatory mechanism of aggressive behavior appears. The accumulation of aggression leads to its explosive manifestation, which can be associated with causing harm to a large number of people.

The most vivid and dramatic artistic description of a person’s actions in this state can be read in the short story “Amok” by Stefan Zweig (1922).

Similar syndromes

The ICD-10 appendix lists the following potentially amok-related syndromes:

  • ahade idzi be (New Guinea island)
  • benzi mazurazura (South Africa, among Shona and affiliated groups)
  • berserkergang (Scandinavia)
  • cafard (Polynesia)
  • colerina (Andes of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia)
  • hwa-byung (Korean Peninsula)
  • iichʼaa (indigenous peoples of southwest America)


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    Amok ( mental disorder) mental disorder. Contents 1 Literary works 2 Movies 3 Music ... Wikipedia

    Modern encyclopedia

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    M. Sudden onset mental disorder, manifested in agitation with aggression and senseless killings. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

After the conquest of Java by Europeans, the Malays - the grandchildren of pirates and brave sailors - partly settled along the banks of the rivers and began fishing and cabotage, and partly scattered inside the islands to engage in manual crafts or lead a vagabond existence.

These warlike inhabitants of Java constituted a military caste in previous centuries and fought against the foreigners who invaded them, complicating colonization and harming the regime of commercial exploitation of the “Company of the Indies” with their frequent uprisings.

If we believe the writers who have thoroughly studied the traditions of the Malays, that race of traders and corsairs, “The Story of Sinbad the Sailor” and many other sea adventures depicted in “A Thousand and One Nights” are simply stories about the exploits of the Malays.

Even now the Malays are the most alarming element among the inhabitants of Java. If a white man insults a Malay, he waits for a favorable opportunity to take revenge by killing him.

The poorest of the Malays try to get government service, join the police or go to public works. Others are hired as soldiers and accept the Christian faith in order to be considered equal to the Dutch.

The belligerence of the race, the bloody instincts, the heredity of long centuries of piracy and murder sometimes awaken in them quite unexpectedly. When a Malay considers himself insulted by a white man or feels especially acute hatred of the European system around him, despair deprives him of his reason, and, armed with a kris (short sword), he runs out into the street to kill everyone who meets him, striking right and left, until he himself is killed.

This madness is similar to the madness of the Moors in the Philippines, where the mad Moors are known as "oath takers."

In Java, this murderous mania is called “amok,” and when one of these mad people runs out into the street, spreading death around him, the elimination of this fit of madness and revenge is called “going against amok.”

The authorities set up military posts on the streets to immediately turn the action into amok. Malay police almost always go against the Amok. Their squad has an empty tree trunk that makes a booming sound, and they hit it with their fists, letting the residents know to take shelter in their houses.

From all the doors they throw chairs, stools and other objects at the feet of the terrible “amok” so that he falls. But he almost always continues to run, raising his menacing kris high.

In order to deal with the insane, the police have a special weapon that always achieves its goal. This is a large spear, between the two teeth of which a fugitive is captured and pinned to a wall or tree. In this way he is stopped and killed, "because it is useless to hope that he will surrender."

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