Home Prosthetics and implantation Medicinal properties of some plants. The magical properties of nettle

Medicinal properties of some plants. The magical properties of nettle

One of the oldest and effective methods witchcraft is magic of herbs. Thousands of years ago, herbs were used by people for various purposes: for healing, for protection, to attract success.

The properties of some plants are still not fully known. Magicians claim that correctly collected witchcraft plants have incredible energetic power.

They rid a person of negativity, negative emotions, help restore strength and find joy in life.

We sometimes don’t even think about the influence of ordinary herbal tea on our body. Plants are used in witchcraft practice and as drinks, decoctions, powders, and ointments. The main thing is to know which herbs to use in this or that case, so as not to invite trouble.

The most powerful magical herbs and their properties

Let's figure out which herbs are considered the most powerful in magical circles:

  • Fern

This is a real treasure trove beneficial properties. It's a shame that it only blooms once a year. Fern is a divine flower. His connection with heaven is undeniable. The owner of this flower may not be afraid of attacks from evil forces or witchcraft attacks.

  • Loosestrife

Many people know this plant under the name Plakun-grass. Her task is to ensure that all demons shed tears from the aroma spread and cannot harm.

  • Immortelle

This plant can change the weather - you just have to learn to ask it for it. It is also considered an essential assistant for those who dream of finding treasure.

Ways to use herbs in magic

An important point is how you introduce this or that ingredient into the ritual. Here are the most famous ways to use magical plants:

  • Decoctions and infusions

This is probably the simplest method that is available to everyone at any time. There are a wide variety of infusions.

Some people prefer regular teas, while others create unique liquids. They all have the same goal - they carry an energy charge that performs a specific function.

There are even instructions for making special decoctions - they were developed over many years by our distant ancestors. Some herbs are thrown into already boiled water, others are poured with water at a certain temperature.

To achieve the best quality of the decoction, the plants are thoroughly crushed. This is necessary in order to use the healing components to the maximum. It is important to maintain proportions when preparing an infusion or decoction.

  • Fumigation

This method was very common in the old days. For example, in order to cure a small child from fright or remove damage from him, bear down was laid out around him and lit. In order to destroy the evil spirits that settled in the house, it was customary to fumigate every corner with incense.

This is a great way to protect yourself from evil spirits and envious people. Along with the aroma of the grass, its magical energy spreads around.

  • Oil

Nowadays, aromatic oils can be purchased at any specialty store or ordered online. You can also make them yourself.

Take any oil of natural origin (olive, coconut) as a basis and mix it with all the necessary ingredients. Then the resulting mixture needs to be heated - this is necessary so that all the components combine better.

Then do the filtration - and your oil is completely ready for use. Wait until it cools down and use for everyday procedures (bathing, skin softening).

  • Powder

This method is most often used by professional healers for their own protection. Agree that healers, magicians and sorcerers come into daily contact with both positive and negative energy - they simply need to do regular cleansing.

Typically, herbal powders are taken orally. To make it, just grind the magical herbs in a mortar.

  • Amulet

To make an amulet with magical herbs, you need to place it in a small bag and, if possible, carry it with you (in a bag, pocket or purse). You can also use such a protective tool as a talisman for your home and all family members.

  • Talismans

This option is suitable for those who want to change their life and attract something - love, money, luck. It is created according to the same type as the amulet, only with a different herbal composition.

  • Sachet

This is a small pillow with aromatic plants sewn inside. It helps drive away nightmares and relieves sleepless nights.

  • Ointments

Modern healers do not often use herbal ointments in their practice - they are considered to be outdated. magic way. But nevertheless, ointment from magical plants is quite a valuable tool in magical practices.

  • Ink

To write down a magic formula or draw a symbol, it is better to use non-ordinary ink. Experienced magicians mix various herbs and add either elderberry or blueberries to them for color.

Herbs in white magic

Professional white magician always has a number of magical herbs on hand. These include: nettle, chamomile, rose and rosehip, white mistletoe, St. John's wort, jasmine.

This is not the entire list of herbs used in magical rituals. Many herbal infusions are used in magical rituals and ceremonies. They help overcome illnesses, expel evil spirits from the house, and restore energy balance.

Since ancient times, herbs have occupied a special place in magic and to this day they are considered the most powerful tool for magical acts.

Herbs in black magic

The most famous herb used in black magic is wormwood. It is used to summon demonic entities, dark forces and other inhabitants of the other world.

It also helps well to cope with enemy attacks: it protects against the evil eye.

Datura is often used for love spells in black magic. Various lotions, powders and tinctures are made from it.

Sorcerers use Budre leaves to restore strength and be energetically stable. Still, ceremonies and rituals are quite costly procedures that require physical and mental effort.

Herbs in love magic

Many plants are used to attract love into your life. The strongest in this regard are considered:

  • rose;
  • jasmine;
  • basil;
  • iris;
  • lavender;
  • violet.

In the ancient works of magicians and healers there are many rituals and ceremonies using these plants. Special infusions were prepared from them to be given to the beloved. In the name of love, conspiracies and spells were read.

It should be remembered that herbal magic is not capable of creating love, it will only help you in finding your happiness. It will bring you closer to meeting your soulmate. The main thing is not to miss this moment.

Healing magical herbs

Each blade of grass has its own range of strength, so we use some plants to heal heart disease, others for headaches, and others for viral infections.

But there is a group of magical herbs that have a beneficial effect on the entire body:

  • St. John's wort;
  • dill;
  • Ivan-da-Marya;
  • lavender;
  • nettle.

They are made from medicinal decoctions and tinctures. If you know the exact proportions and dosages, these magical herbs and plants can even relieve serious diseases.

Herbs that enhance magical abilities

Not all sorcerers naturally have supernatural abilities. It turns out that they can be developed with the help of special herbs, about which we'll talk below:

  • Verbena

This wonderful plant awakens all the hidden talents in a person. It helps protect against enemies - physical and spiritual. Children begin to study better if they wear an amulet with vervain.

  • St. John's wort

Mages are always under attack otherworldly forces– they need powerful protection and support. The machinations of evil spirits sometimes surprise with their diversity. A twig of St. John's wort helps ward off all bad things and develops a sixth sense.

  • Nettle

Awakens in a person courage and readiness for any exploits. But this does not at all indicate rashness of actions - before taking the decisive step, the owner of the magic plant will verify its future effectiveness several times.

  • Burdock

Burdocks help establish contact with the brownie. This is necessary so that he maintains peace at home and takes care of comfort.

  • Peter's cross

Powders, infusions and decoctions with this herb help to cope with a series of misfortunes - what is popularly called a “black streak”.

Folk beliefs associated with herbs

Many legends and beliefs associated with herbs have come down to us from our ancestors. In those distant times, people believed that with the help of plants and their magic they could accomplish any feat, defeat any force and achieve what they wanted.

Everyone has certainly heard about the fern flower: those who are lucky enough to find this wonderful plant can forget about misfortunes and poverty.

Here are some more folk signs:

  • Weeping grass

Using the flower or root of this plant, you can drive away all evil spirits from your home. It is also recommended to store dried weeping grass all year round to provide magical protection from evil.

Already in the name lies the ability to overcome all obstacles on the path to success. It is often used in love rituals.

  • Dream-grass

They say that infusions and decoctions from this plant help awaken supernatural abilities in a person. He begins to see the future in dreams, his sixth sense allows him to always do the right thing and benefit himself.

  • Nettle

It would seem that such a well-known plant as nettle cannot have anything to do with magic. Each of us, as a child, visiting our grandmother in the village, was burned more than once by the stalks of this grass.

But it turns out that nettle is very valuable in healing practice - it helps a specialist recognize the severity of the disease and the degree of its development.

Remember that you can use the magic of herbs only after carefully familiarizing yourself with all their properties. Otherwise, you may irrevocably harm yourself or your loved ones. Ignorance does not relieve you of responsibility for your actions.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


Magic properties pansies

According to the ancient language of flowers, pansies evoke peace, peace of mind. Apparently, it is no coincidence that many people call this flower “flower dead souls" Places where pansies grew have long been considered in Western countries to be a haven for the soul of the deceased. This opinion subsequently spread to Rus'. Therefore, they began to grow them mainly in cemeteries. According to Russian folk belief, if you want it to rain, pick a bouquet of pansies on a warm sunny day and put them in water. It will certainly rain in the evening or the next day.

Magical properties of pine

Pine loves people and wishes them well. In addition, this tree very subtly senses the accumulating evil and uses all its considerable strength to dispel it. This is why pines have great difficulty surviving in cities - there is too much bad energy there, and this tree always “takes the fire upon itself.” If you have the option, always choose pine. Pine boards and pine furniture (even haphazardly made in a factory) will always be well protected from evil forces. And pine branches with cones should decorate any home, especially at that time of year when the night is longer than the day and the weakened winter sun does not have time to drive away the creatures of darkness from the human home. Pine especially patronizes Leos.

Homewrecker lily of the valley

Lily of the valley is the guardian of fidelity and purity, but in evil hands it can become a homewrecker. These flowers cannot be collected, bought or given on the eve of the new moon, when their scent, according to legend, awakens lust and throws women into the arms of sin. Lily of the valley berries used by a home-grown magician can make him a victim of creatures from subtle world, eager to master someone's will. Lily of the valley flowers, picked on the morning of the full moon, on the contrary, promote high romantic love and make the loss of virginity less painful. It is believed that a man becomes more tender and careful, and a woman more passionate, if there is a bouquet of lilies of the valley, collected during the waxing moon, at the head of the bed.

Magic plants. Sedge

Sedge (some argue that the famous “break-grass” is akin to this marsh plant) protects against love and love spells. If you begin to suspect that they are trying to bewitch you, scatter fresh sedge on the floor at home (and be sure to put it in your bed). Sedge root carried with you - good protection from unclean thoughts on the part of the stronger sex. Flowers help drive away love obsessions, showing the chosen one as he really is.

The magical properties of nettle

Nettles were placed under the soles of the shoes or boots of the bewitched person, so that evil spirits could not drag him into underworld. They say that autumn nettles can name the enemy who is plotting against you. To do this, in late autumn you need to find thickets of nettles that have lost their summer “anger” and run your unprotected palm along its stems from bottom to top, listing people who may wish you harm. When you name the name of the enemy, your hand will burn. Required condition The experiment must be a preliminary “test” of nettles. Force yourself to think about something pleasant, at worst, hum a song to yourself. If, while sorting out the nettles, you do not feel a burn, it means that the bush is already so wise and calm that it can give advice.

The magical properties of garlic

Protects against vampires and other otherworldly predators. The flowers of this plant are especially good. Sometimes one bouquet is enough to remove clumsily applied damage. Garlic flowers and some love spells are removed (in particular, those that awaken in a person lust and desire to immediately and at any cost possess the one who cast the spell). A wreath of woven garlic at the doors and windows will not allow uninvited “guests” from the subtle world to enter the house. The Spaniards believe that stew with garlic will indicate an envious person - he will smell several times stronger than others who have tasted the same dish. Garlic juice will not allow the sentry to fall asleep on duty, even if they try to “bewitch” him (this is why garlic is traditionally included in the guards’ menu). And, among other things, this vegetable is extremely healthy.

The magical properties of spruce

In some countries of Western Europe, it was believed that spruce has the ability to bring good luck to hunters and fishermen. Therefore, very often, when going into the forest for the next prey, men filled their pockets with fir cones, plucked from the tree before dawn. In addition, there was an opinion that a fir cone buried in the yard of a house or in a garden would protect a hunter from accidents while hunting and cruel death from an attack. wild beast. Freshly cut spruce tree branches were also used by healers in their healing practices. Spruce needles were used to cure diseases associated with joint damage, rheumatism and pain in bones and muscles. Spruce paws were placed around the patient’s house, under the windows and outside the door, and the disease was spelled out.

The magical properties of thistle

If you translate the name of this plant into modern Russian, you will get “scaring devils,” which is quite consistent with the abilities of this herb. To keep you out of your home evil spirits, this plant was hung at the entrance to the house. He was planted on the graves of sorcerers and damned people to prevent the devil from dragging their souls into hell. Thistles grow in bad places, protecting our world from evil. They said that where the thistle settled, either the people were evil or the place was bad; In any case, it is better to stay away from him. The thistle reaches its greatest strength when its flowers bloom.

The magical properties of wormwood

A very strong anti-demonic herb, which is now used extremely rarely. The smell of wormwood can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house. To protect against the machinations of evil spirits, wormwood was hung in houses, and fires with the addition of wormwood were burned near the houses. A safe method of using wormwood is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway). The buds, not the stems, have the greatest strength of this plant, so when you collect wormwood, do not cut it down to the very root, take only the top. In addition, in this way you will preserve the plant, since wormwood grows slowly and does not germinate well from seeds.

Magical properties of aster

Asters embody the principles of Faith (scarlet and purple), Hope (pink, lilac, lemon), divine Love (white) and Wisdom-Sophia (purple). These flowers protect from bad thoughts, strengthen the soul in trials, and alleviate moral suffering. A dream about asters promises happiness and good luck. If you dream of blooming asters, then a certain person will make you an interesting proposal that will touch the hidden strings of your consciousness. Don't trust this man and his promises because they will never come true. The dream predicts that your diligence will help you become a real ace in your business.

The magical properties of willow

Many traditional Russian rituals were associated with this plant. Ancient healers attributed rare magical and healing powers to the buds that hatched on willow branches. The peasants pinned their hopes for a future rich harvest on Palm Sunday. There is still a sign: if the weather is clear and warm on Palm Sunday, then you should expect a good harvest of bread and vegetables. The willow branches that are placed in the room bring good health to all the inhabitants of the house, misfortunes, evil eye and damage are removed from them. Seeing a willow branch in a dream or holding it in your hands is a sign of success in business and honor.

The magical properties of the water lily

Water lilies (water lilies) are very beautiful, but they are dangerous to pick up. These flowers are under the special protection of water spirits, who very jealously watch over their property. By picking a water lily, you risk incurring the wrath of the “owner”, who will begin to harm you to the best of his ability. You shouldn’t buy them either; these flowers are capable of taking on other people’s troubles and passing them on to a new owner. If you still really want water lilies, throw a few coins to the water lily and pick no more than two flowers.

The magical properties of white lily

One of the most mysterious plants. What properties are not endowed with it! This is the “flower of death” and a symbol of the Annunciation, a sign of oblivion and fidelity, a symbol of purity and debauchery. Lily is a strong talisman, the properties of which depend on the circumstances and desires of a person. The buds of white lilies, given at sunrise, can engender a bright feeling in a young girl, and flowers that bloom at sunset or at night with their aroma plunge the most virtuous into sin. A branch of lilies, from which one flower is cut, given as a sign of farewell, softens the pain of separation.

The magical properties of cherries

This fruit tree, common in our gardens, carries a huge supply of positive energy. In past centuries European countries it was considered a symbol of fertility and prosperity. In Russian villages, young girls, guessing by cherry pits, tried to find out their fate: will they get married? To do this, the cherry pits remaining on the plate were counted, putting one at a time to the side, and they said: “This year, next year, not soon, never.” If the last bone foreshadowed an imminent marriage, that is, it turned out to be the fifth, the girl threw it over the threshold into the yard, repeating three times: “Fifth stone, bring a rich groom.”

The magical properties of the Laurel plant

The bay tree was especially revered during the Roman Empire. He was credited with the magical power to protect a person from death. The ancient Romans considered this Plant a symbol of immortality and took laurel leaves with them on harsh military campaigns and bloody battles. With the help of a laurel branch, people also tried to protect themselves from accidents associated with natural disasters: it was believed that laurel protected houses from lightning strikes and floods. A bad omen was the sudden curling or falling of leaves from a laurel tree growing in the yard. This meant announcing the imminent death of someone living in the house. Traditional healers advised putting a sprig of laurel tree in the bed of someone exhausted from long insomnia or nervous disorders person. The smell of laurel leaves should bring calm to the patient and restore normal, sound sleep.

The magical properties of the poppy plant

Poppy flowers and seeds have been widely used in witchcraft since time immemorial. According to rumors, if you pour a few poppy seeds into a person’s ears when he is fast asleep and then cast a special spell, you can bring trouble and illness to him in this way. If red poppy petals are placed on the eyelids of a sleeping enemy, he will go blind, and therefore become weak and helpless. To rid a woman of infertility, healers sprinkled poppy seeds into women's boots, and scattered the petals in the attic of the house in which the infertile woman lived. The poppy petals had to be kept under the roof of the house for the same number of days as the patient had been infertile for years. After this, the dried petals were collected and thrown into the oven. It was believed that in this way the disease leaves the sick woman’s house through the chimney.

The magical properties of sunflower

The well-known sunflower has the strongest protective properties. Even sunflower oil and seeds are a good help against evil forces. If you go into a society where they are hostile towards you, and are afraid of encountering energy vampires, or even the danger of the evil eye, lightly touch your temples, the bridge of your nose, the dimples at the base of your thumbs and the point in the middle between the chest and the navel with your fingers dipped in sunflower oil. Unroasted sunflower seeds sprinkled at the threshold will prevent the “induced” evil from crossing it, and sunflower flowers in a vase are not only very impressive, but also help cleanse the house of negative energy. If you plant sunflowers under the windows, the number of small annoying troubles that happen through no fault of yours will decrease.

Magical properties of rose hips

Rosehip removes the barriers erected by social conventions, money, differences in status and age, making the impossible possible for a moment. A branch of white rosehip can kindle the love of a queen for a page, and a king for a shepherdess. If blood “mixes” on a rosehip branch (both the one who plucked the branch and the one for whom it was intended were scratched by the rosehip thorns), a fatal passion may arise. Rosehips are one of the important ingredients of the love potion, dry rosehip branches collected in November at full moon, protect against evil forces and, along with garlic and aspen stakes, are weapons against vampires. Moreover, what is especially valuable, energy vampires.

The magical properties of physalis

Helps individuals whose horoscope is dominated by the elements of fire and air (heat and dryness). This plant increases vitality, eases the course of illness and protects against bad thoughts.

Dried physalis flowers placed on window sills or hung above the door protect the house from the penetration of various entities from the subtle world, both malicious and, unfortunately, good.

In addition, these flowers are believed to make it difficult to conceive.

The magical properties of cyclamen (alpine violet)

Flower of pride and self-respect. White and light pink cyclamen strengthens the human spirit during business troubles. It has been noticed that if cyclamen grow on the windows of an institution, then (especially at the time of their flowering) subordinates put their presumptuous superiors in their place. Purple and scarlet cyclamens help keep your face in love. If you understand that slavish obedience to your beloved will not lead to good, and you don’t have enough strength to “maintain your character,” fill the windowsill with blooming scarlet cyclamens.

What to plant for good luck

If you want to restore your physical strength, then plant noble laurel, ordinary celery, honeysuckle, calendula, roses or thyme. Blooming in the garden, these plants will help adapt you and your home to change. In addition, the flowers, leaves and seeds of these plants can be used in magical rites to enhance their impact. Those who want harmony in the home can plant such common plants and flowers as garden primrose, mint, tomato, tricolor violet, pansy, jasmine and catnip. To always have happiness in your home, place pots of hyacinths, lavender, oregano, catnip and morning glory on the windowsill.

If you have problems with money, you should choose mint, chives, snapdragons, camellia japonica, navel, clover, dill, basil, and perhaps sow a strip of wheat. Pine, oak, ash and apple trees, banana trees planted near the house will also protect your home.

To keep thieves away from your home, be sure to plant garlic, cumin, thistle bush, cactus or juniper bush. Myrtle in boxes on the window, planted by a woman, also brings good luck.

Our ancestors were in many ways more worthy than us. Through legends and myths, they tried to convey to their descendants how they should relate to nature, so as not to lose themselves.

Spiritualizing and empowering the world qualities inherent in man, they determined solely possible way– the path of harmony: how you treat the plant kingdom, so it will answer you. Each plant has enormous energy power, its own magic.

Sorcerers are well aware of this, preparing their mysterious potions with the addition of various plants. The magical properties of each magical drink depend on the “miracle herbs” put into the cauldron by the sorcerer.

The medicinal properties of plants are given not only by various components, but also by the vitamins contained in them. With their bioenergy, plants correct human bioenergy. Having learned about these properties of plants, people came up with various rituals and conspiracies.

Modern scientists have experimentally proven that the plant not only feels pain, but also remembers the person who caused it. Moreover, each plant senses other plants and exchanges information with them. Think more than once before you just break a branch from a tree without permission: how will this broken branch affect your destiny?

In Japan, it is believed that a flower is the only creature in the world that is as beautiful as it is defenseless, which gives a person joy and takes on his pain. They believe that the silent beauty of a tree and a flower is the path to Salvation.

Lovingly touching a flower, a person, absorbed in its beauty, forgets about himself, and having forgotten about himself, his beloved and only one, he suddenly begins to hear the breath of the flower, and then a conversation of hearts arises. To see something for real means to remove the veil from your eyes and bring this “something” back to life, they say in the East.

When Buddha was asked to give another sermon, he simply silently showed the flower to the audience. Without words, the Buddha conveyed the Path to Enlightenment: directly from heart to heart.

A bunch of folk beliefs associated with the magical power of plants. It has long been believed that you can learn to read other people's thoughts if you grow magic peas yourself. To do this in the spring, you need to kill a snake (an animal with powerful magical powers), sew three peas into its belly and bury it in the ground.

The grown flower is picked and eaten at midnight. From my own experience, I know that if you seriously consider the issue of reading other people’s thoughts (telepathy), grow any edible flower, carefully care for it during growth, constantly think about why you cherish it, tune in to the plant every day, try to understand, what he lacks, and then you also perform the “eating” ritual, then during this time your telepathic capabilities will definitely increase, you will learn to listen and hear plants.

And there, from plants, it’s not far to animals, and then it’s a stone’s throw to people. That's all telepathy is. It turns out that reading thoughts, the ability to feel and understand without words are completely natural for humans! However, this is not really about plants...

Here is another belief that has come down to us from ancient times: anyone who wanted to become smart and rich needed to find a fern flower. You had to look for its brilliant light at exactly midnight near Ivan Kupala and, having picked it off, rush at full speed out of the forest, not paying attention to the howl of the pursuing devils.

And if you turn around, you will die or remain an idiot for the rest of your days. Is it worth looking for a fern flower or is it just a fairy tale? But fairy tales don’t just happen in a vacuum.

Weeping grass is collected at the dawn of Midsummer. You only need to pick it with your hands. Weeping grass brings fear to evil spirits, inclines them to reconciliation and submission. Only the roots and flowers of the weeping grass have magical powers.

Until now, with its help, various kinds of evil spirits are expelled from the house. Our ancestors gave this name to the grass because it makes evil spirits cry. Dried flowers and roots are kept in the house all year round so that evil spirits do not disturb the peace of the owners of the house.

Roots of overpowering grass kept in the house to gain strength in overcoming all obstacles, and also used in love spells.

Sleep grass is harvested in May. On a full moon, dream grass is placed under the pillow, after which the sleeper should dream prophetic dream, who will answer all the important questions that interest him.

Many magical actions are associated with the tear-grass. With her, no castles are scary: at least drive away evil spirits from the treasure, even “spoil” people.

Required information:

  • Ivan Kupala grass – Hypericum perforatum.
  • Rupture-grass or Perunov fireflower is a serpentine fern.
  • Overcome grass - white water lily.
  • Dream-grass – mandrake, datura.
  • Weeping grass – loosestrife (Lythrum Salicaria).

Nettle has the ability to determine whether the patient will survive or not. To carry out plant diagnostics using nettles, several freshly picked nettle leaves were thrown into the patient’s fresh urine.

If after a day the nettle leaves shriveled, shrank, and lost color, this was considered a bad sign, the patient was terminally ill. If it remains green, the patient will recover.

Having become acquainted with the magical properties of wild plants (they are energetically stronger than cultivated forms), you will be able to strengthen the Ba Gua zones with them, and if the desire arises, then perform some kind of magical action with the help of plants in a certain zone, after which the influence of this zone on the desired events will intensify even more. But you need to start with something simpler, that is, with indoor plants.

The selection of plants in the house must be approached very seriously, since these living creatures will live with you, share joys and sorrows, and help to the best of their ability. For example, it is very good to have a lotus flower in your home, but you can also use other flowers that have soft, round shapes.

It is considered very favorable for the home if the houseplant forms a fluffy green “cap”. Any spherical shape establishes the correct energy balance in the room.

Green spaces need to be carefully monitored. There should be no dried or dying plants in the house. If there is no way to save the flower, it should be thrown away without regret. Otherwise, instead of the positive growth energy created by a healthy plant, you will receive the disease-causing energy of withering.

Don't forget one thing important quality flowers - during the day, in the light they produce oxygen, and at night, in the dark, they absorb it. At night, plants deprive sleeping people of energy, so it is not recommended to keep many plants in the bedroom. If there are still a lot of flowers in the bedroom, then be sure to open the window at night.

It is undesirable to cover the entire house with climbing and hanging plants, since such species do not have sufficient energy to fill the house with vitality.

Moreover, such plants can weaken the energy available in the house. Simply put, you can use such plants in the interior, but you should not overdo it. Climbing plants are used strictly for their intended purpose.

They are excellent reflectors of attack radiation from corners and protrusions of walls and furniture, but their leaves should not be narrow and sharp. You can hang ivy pots in the corners of your house or apartment.

To activate energy, choose flowers with rounded, fleshy leaves. It is better to have plants in your house with stems and leaves pointing upward - they are energetically stronger and feed the house with vital energy.

It is recommended to treat cacti with extreme caution. Nowadays these plants are in fashion, and due to this, many people have started growing them in huge quantities. Cacti emit negative energy (instead of positive), and their hard energy rays penetrate the space of the room.

Therefore, they can only be used for a specific purpose. Cacti neutralize radiation from computer monitors, TV, microwave ovens, etc. By placing a green friend next to working devices, you will noticeably reduce negative impact magnetic vibrations. Instead of a cactus, you can place a fern next to the monitor.

Azalea is also not a very welcome guest in the house. She, like a cactus, has negative energy. In this “company” of energy enemies there is also wax ivy, which, in addition to the release of negative energy, has the ability (to folk signs) to scare away suitors from marriageable girls.

Palm trees with their sharp thin leaves are a source of hard radiation.

Aloe and Kalanchoe– healing antiseptic plants. Their presence in the house helps people achieve their desires.

Various better than other house plants negative energy scare away geranium, mint and chrysanthemum. If something bothers you at night or you feel someone’s unkind presence in the house, bring these peace-keeper plants into your house.

Myrtle is a symbol of family well-being, it brings happiness in marriage.

Roses and violets promote the birth of love and passion. If there are no children in the family, put cyclamen in the bedroom - it will definitely help you conceive a child. Camellia is similar in its energetic effect to a rose, but it attracts more sublime and purer love feelings into the house.

Cypress is a symbol of eternity and makes a connection between the world of the living and the dead. The dead often try to give us clues and help, but usually we don’t hear them. Cypress can help you listen to their advice.

All types of citrus fruits help cope with stress and headaches.

Balsam- a wonderful flower, it creates a surprisingly bright atmosphere in the house.

Begonia helps to increase the material well-being of the family.

Ficus maintain an even energy balance in the house.

Capsicum and Chinese cherry (ornamental nightshade)) attract a large amount of positive energy into the house.

Dieffenbachia, hemanthus, arrowroot, primrose attract material well-being.

Almost all the furniture in our houses and apartments is environmentally dirty. It releases harmful substances into the air that affect the entire body. Plants are able to process these poisons and purify the air. Lily, peppercorn, and crow's feet filter the air completely.

Some types of plants do not want to grow next to each other; they may not like a certain location. If you notice that a flower is not growing well, move it to another place.

The color of flowers is also important for the energy balance of the house. The same rules apply to colors as described in the chapter “Paint Palette”.

IN last years A fashion for bonsai (tree on a tray - Japanese) has appeared in our country. It should be noted right away that the energy field of any tree, even the smallest one, is many times stronger than that of any other plant.

Bonsai are low (no more than 50 cm in height) wild trees specially grown in a city apartment. An adult, well-formed bonsai tree over 10 years old covers the entire apartment with its energy field.

Bonsai, despite its miniature size, has all the protective and healing abilities of ordinary trees. Their range of action, depending on age, ranges from 1 m to 1 km.

Ancient bonsai trees, over 100 years old, cover a much larger area, influencing the lives of many people. Growing in a small bowl, a miniature, but nevertheless real tree looks magical. It pleases the eye with beauty and grace. Growing a real bonsai is difficult.

Adult bonsai are very expensive and not available to everyone. What is sold in flower shops under the guise of bonsai are artificially aged and mutilated trees, which also differ from real bonsai, like a fake diamond from a real one.

Bonsai trees are ordinary trees that are grown using special techniques to give them a miniature shape. At the same time, the natural properties and energy of the tree do not change and remain related to its wild counterparts.

This is the special appeal of bonsai; with them, a miniature corner of the wild forest can appear in the house.

The magic of trees and flowers is simple - choose what you like, thinking about what you want to get from life (our tastes and desires are closely related). Take care of the tree, communicate with it as with a friend, and it will lend you an invisible helping hand, protecting you with its strength from many troubles and giving you the abilities inherent in itself.

However, it is stupid to rely only on the power of plants; we must live and act ourselves. Not a single tree can protect against an event towards which a person himself is moving, although the tree will greatly yearn for the misfortune that happened to the person he liked. If a home or one of the family members is in trouble, the trees become sick and their leaves droop.

Sometimes they even cry: small cracks open in the bark, through which amber tears ooze - drops of resin. These are tears about someone's fate. The tree can even die if a person dies if they were strongly connected.

The tree retains its strength even after its death. Just as the relics of saints are capable of healing hundreds of years after physical death, so the wood of a healthy tree is capable of transmitting the energy it has accumulated many years after it was cut down. The magic of wood talismans is based on this property.


A universal remedy for any weakness, headaches (if you put it under your pillow). A vervain branch is worn as a protective amulet against the evil eye. Vervain is used to treat impotence. Often used as a highly effective love potion. After drinking a love potion... To summon spirits, a sprig of verbena is placed on the altar. Promotes fortune telling and clairvoyance. Verbena has long been considered miraculous. Greek warriors believed that verbena made their body invulnerable and put their enemies to flight. In the Middle Ages, verbena was collected once a year on a moonless night, when the planets Venus and Mercury were shining. The Druids revered vervain and believed that it healed all diseases. Currently, verbena is most often used for diseases of the liver, spleen, against rheumatic pain, for exhaustion and loss of strength, as well as for scanty and short menstruation. Verbena infusion cleanses the blood, improves its composition and increases total blood for anemia. It is the blood purifying, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating, wound healing and choleretic effect of verbena that makes it a panacea for all diseases.


Strengthens Martian (fighting) traits in a person (bravery, courage, initiative, honesty, etc.). Nettle is used when you need to dramatically change something in yourself. Smoking with a nettle sprig removes the evil eye. Bathing in a bath with nettle decoction relieves mild types of damage. Nettle is especially useful for people over 35 years of age. If you apply the blood of a sacrificial animal, or your own, to a freshly cut sprig of nettle, and then read a certain spell depending on the desired effect, and then fumigate the room with this sprig, you can cause a quarrel between residents, complete ruin (if it is a store or a company office), or vice versa , happiness and wealth. Nettle heals vision, kidneys, liver, improves blood circulation, burns fat. If you wash your face with nettle decoction, your skin will become smooth and velvety.


An excellent love spell. One of the most effective. Mint decoction increases sexual desire (there is a rush of blood to the genitals and natural sexual desire appears). Drops of blood in the decoction and a certain spell enhance the effect of the love spell. Regular use of mint love decoction enhances the implementation of the program in a person. We know people who are so accustomed to mint tea that they cannot go a day without it. Addiction appears. Without mint tea Such people become irritable, nervous and incapable of sex within two days. A decoction of mint is given to a person for several days after the removal of a love spell, damage or other magical attack. Mint is used for increased acidity gastric juice, colitis, nausea, insomnia, loss of strength, angina pectoris, hypertension. Improves metabolism, dilates blood vessels in the brain, internal organs, gives vigor, relieves fatigue, increases performance. Antiseptic. An effective stimulator and regulator of heart function. A decoction of mint calms the nerves, tones the body, expels bile, eliminates belching, and gives the face a healthy, cheerful appearance.

St. John's wort.

A powerful remedy against any magic. They try to prepare it during the summer solstice on Kupala (June 21-24) or on the day of Perun (August 2). A branch of St. John's wort is hung over the door as a protective amulet and carried with oneself against the evil eye. St. John's wort smoke is used to fumigate a house to drive out evil spirits and neutralize negative energy. St. John's wort makes strong love potions. He is a good honey plant. In ancient times, the flowering upper part was used to make “Erofeich” tincture and bitter vodkas. St. John's wort is the most important thing medicinal plant of all known. Both fresh and dried it is always effective. It’s not for nothing that it’s called “the herb for 99 diseases.” It is used for diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the liver, bladder, heart, enhances gastric secretion, gently increasing acidity, regulates metabolic processes in the body, enhances the absorption of ultraviolet rays by the skin (alcohol extract of the herb only), relieves headaches, heaviness in the stomach, helps with urinary incontinence, stomach ulcers, hypertension, impotence, neurasthenia, increased excitability, insomnia, as a gargle for bad breath. An infusion of the herb increases urine output by 40% and stimulates the amplitude of contractions of the heart and uterus. It reduces bile stagnation in gallbladder, relieves spasm of the colon and small intestine, increases urine filtration in the kidneys, strengthens capillary walls, improves blood circulation and much more.

Calamus common.

It is called angel grass, Tatar potion, cinquefoil. Increases the tone of the depressed nervous system. Improves digestion. Treats stomach ulcers. Increases body tone, rejuvenates, gives vigor. Even the most annoying heartburn will stop if you take calamus root powder on the tip of a knife several times a day. If you take a solution of powder (0.5 tbsp per glass of water) every morning, you will be cheerful and cheerful all day long. Calamus root can be chewed to improve memory, increase sexual function (for impotence), for heartburn, toothache, and to strengthen teeth and gums. With the help of calamus you can quit smoking once and for all! In magic, calamus is used as a love spell. The root is charmed and added to cream, cookies, liqueur, and meat and fish dishes.


Protects the house, protects from damage and other magical attacks, and drives away evil spirits. It is good to plant juniper at the gate of the house or under the windows. Fumigate a house and a sick person with a juniper branch (to cleanse the energy). Daily fumigation speeds up recovery. Juniper has strong phytoncidal properties. It has long been noticed that in the places where it grows, the air is cleaner; exhausted, sick animals go there, and by eating the fruits, they restore their strength. IN North America To treat tuberculosis of the skin, bones and joints, the Indians placed patients in juniper thickets, where the air was thickly saturated with healing volatile oils. Virgil wrote that during severe epidemics it is necessary to fumigate the premises with juniper branches. IN medicinal purposes Juniper berries are used as a strong diuretic and choleretic, disinfectant of the urinary tract. They are recommended for kidney and liver diseases, cystitis, gout, rheumatism, to improve the quality of blood, cleanse the body of toxins, and stomach ulcers. Chewing the berries disinfects the bile ducts. An infusion of berries is used for edema of cardiac origin, while not only water, but also excess salts are removed from the body. A decoction of pine needles normalizes blood circulation, improves metabolic processes, and calms the central nervous system, especially after wiping the whole body with it or taking baths.


Included in many potions. Returns strength and joy to a person who has experienced a magical attack. For medicinal purposes, sage infusion strengthens the nervous system, improves metabolism, and normalizes sexual function, relieves hand tremors. It is used for paralysis and poor memory as a general tonic and vasodilator. To treat radiculitis and polyarthritis, aromatic baths with sage are used. An infusion of the herb is drunk to treat swelling and treat urinary incontinence. The decoction cleanses the stomach, has a good effect on the kidneys and liver, and enhances the activity of the endocrine glands. Wash your hair with the decoction to strengthen your hair.

Thistle (thistle).

One of the most powerful means for expelling unclean spirits from the house. If you keep thistle in the house, it helps against the evil eye and damage. Protects against poltergeists (expels them). Gives peace to those grieving for close relatives who have passed into the afterlife. Placed at the head of the bed, it protects against nightmares. If you keep thistle near the bed, the husband will stop walking or will completely leave the house for his mistress (a good turnaround remedy if the wife dreams of freeing herself from her walking husband). For medicinal purposes, an infusion of thistle flower baskets is used for seizures, epilepsy, insomnia, to normalize heart rate and increase blood pressure. A decoction of the herb perfectly regulates the activity of the central nervous system; in small doses it excites, and in large doses it calms. The decoction is used as a bath for children against fear and the evil eye. A decoction of the roots is drunk for intestinal, renal, and hepatic colitis, to remove fluid from the body during edema of various origins.


Helps you see prophetic dreams. The flower is dried and placed under or near the pillow. Included in drugs that relieve insomnia.


Helps preserve love in the family, makes marriage strong. This is a Venus plant. Periwinkle should be planted near the porch or near the gate. A decoction of periwinkle leaves is used as a powerful love spell. For medicinal purposes, an infusion of periwinkle leaves is drunk as a means to improve memory and cerebral circulation(cleanses brain vessels). Useful for hypertensive patients and after a stroke.

Thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb).

Helps against damage. Calms the brownie. Expels a poltergeist (when a violent spirit makes noise at night, falls on sleepy household members and strangles them). For medicinal purposes, an infusion of the herb is drunk for poor digestion, kidney ailments, as a blood purifier and stomach strengthener. Thyme tea is drunk as a sedative for insomnia, intense mental work, nervous system disorders, headaches, alcoholism, and bedwetting.


Drives away evil spirits, protects the home if you hang a twig over front door or put it in a vase. Wormwood is used to fumigate a home or a sick household member, since wormwood perfectly neutralizes negative energy. A decoction of wormwood is added to the water used to wash the floor to destroy harmful microbes in the room. For medicinal purposes, a decoction of wormwood expands blood vessels, reduces arterial pressure, reduces swelling. An infusion of wormwood is drunk for insomnia, convulsions, diabetes mellitus, obesity, rheumatism.

Good from the evil eye. Planted in the garden, they protect the house from magic.

Cornflower is a magical plant.

Used in ritual magic to communicate with the afterlife (placed on the altar). As a component, it is included in the black potion for inducing magic. Helps in communicating with spirits and evil spirits. For medicinal purposes, cornflower infusion has a good effect on the cardiovascular system, relieves heart palpitations, calms the nervous system (with nervous diseases), useful in the treatment of night blindness (a disorder twilight vision). Children with diathesis and eczema are bathed in cornflower decoction.

Sweet clover.

It even helps from severe damage. This is a poison, so sweet clover decoction is drunk carefully, in small doses. Sweet clover is also used to fumigate a spoiled person. Sweet clover infusion is drunk for inflammation of the respiratory system, chronic bronchitis, hypertension, heart attack, flatulence, menstruation disorder, menopause, pain in the bladder and kidneys. As a narcotic and sedative, it is used for neurasthenia, insomnia, headaches, and increased excitability of the nervous system.

Used to make amulets (flower or clove). According to legends, garlic protects against vampires, werewolves and other evil spirits. Since garlic activates the first chakra, it strengthens a person’s etheric field, so it is used as protection against the evil eye and in protection magic in general. It is useful to put a clove of garlic near the computer if you have to work a lot), garlic helps to even out the imbalance in energy). Garlic juice is effective for quickly cleansing the body. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, improves intestinal motility and urination, cleanses the lungs and bronchi from mucus accumulation, and promotes the release of poisons through the pores of the skin. Garlic juice removes warts and various spots on the skin and strengthens hair. It is enough to chew a clove of garlic for a few minutes to completely cleanse your mouth of all bacteria. To eliminate the smell of garlic, there is a simple method - chew some fresh parsley, since the chlorophyll of this herb replaces the most expensive deodorant and is a natural mouth rinse.

Weeping grass.

Mother's tears and earth's sadness
They rose from the ground like a weeping flower.
Silently tears pour over the arable land
Over the dashing misfortune over yesterday.

People believe that the plant grew from the tears of the Mother of God as she mourned her Son. Thanks to this same belief, the grass has protective powers against evil spirits. A cross made from its root, worn on the chest, wards off damage and the evil eye from a person. In addition, such a cross protects a person from various types of fever.
Grows near rivers and lakes, high in hemp, crimson color...
His flowers are like a torch, and in the morning he cries bright tears.
The weeping mother of all herbs, - they say about him the wild cornflower, and the oak tree, and the shore grass, and the blood grass, and the willow grass.
He opens access to the sworn treasure, overcomes evil spirits, and makes evil spirits cry.
Collect weeping grass at dawn on Midsummer's Day. As you dig, take off everything iron, otherwise the root will not be given to your hands and will not have strength. And when you start digging, say: “Weeping! Weeping! You cried long and a lot, but cried little, do not let your tears roll across the open field, do not carry your howl across the blue sea. Be afraid of the evil demons, half-demons, old witches of Kiev. If they don't give you submission, drown them in tears, but if they run away from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of hell. May my word be strong and firm with you. Age after century!"
Keep the weeping grass clean, give it to the cattle that are spinning, and put it in the heads of the guys who are not sleeping.
When you go to the swamp, take weeping grass with you, it will drive away the unclean and prevent it from being pulled into the quagmire.
Drives out unclean spirits from the house.


According to legend, it helps against the evil eye and damage. It was used to make amulets and find treasures. This herb was used to remove the protective spell. There was a superstition that the tear-grass flower was capable of magically opening any locks. However, not every flower had magical powers, but only those obtained through the following ritual. First, it was necessary to find a hollow where the woodpecker had built a nest, and that there would certainly be chicks in it. Then it was necessary to wait for the mother bird to fly away from the nest - and tightly plug the hollow. Seeing that the hollow was plugged, the bird had to return with a stem of grass in its beak, fly up to the hollow and bring the stem to the plug. Then there would be a loud bang and the plug would fly out. At this moment, the observer should have screamed with all his might. Out of fear, the bird dropped the grass. It was this stem (if you lift it from the ground with a red or white rag) that was the talisman that opens all the locks. Moreover, possessing this plant should supposedly make you invisible; and if you carry it in your pocket, neither bullet nor lead can hurt you. Rupture-grass blooms at midnight on Midsummer's Day (June 24) and holds its color no longer than it takes to read "Our Father", "Virgin Mary" and "I Believe". If you throw broken grass into the forge, the blacksmith cannot work.

Symbol of immortality. Some varieties of acacia were used to make crayfish for storing the relics of saints. According to some reports, the thorny crown of Christ was woven from acacia. It carries wisdom and connects a person with the mystical world.

Bamboo as a material for amulets appeared in Russia recently, when Eastern philosophical teachings came into fashion. Symbolizes perseverance, longevity; happiness, spiritual enlightenment and wisdom.

Has healing and protective properties. In the mystical rituals of shamans of many nations, it is a cosmic tree that connects the earthly and spiritual worlds. In Asia, the central pole of round Asian tents was made from birch, and therefore it was a symbol of life, the spiritual ascent of man, cosmic energy. In Russia, birch trees are planted near houses to summon good spirits. It is a symbol of spring, girls and young women. Birch, as a symbol of purity, is credited with the ability to drive out evil spirits. Witches and people possessed by demons were beaten with birch rods.

The magical properties of hawthorn go back to the Greek god of marriage, Hymen, who blessed wedding wreaths made from hawthorn. Protects chastity, preserves marriage bonds. However, hawthorn flowers cannot be brought into the house - for many peoples this foreshadowed death.

In Northern Europe - a magical tree-amulet against evil spirits on Walpurgis Night. By picking elderberry branches or berries, people apologize to the tree.

An ancient pagan symbol of the spring revival of nature. In medieval Europe it was used in some necromantic rituals, with the help of which sorcerers tried to restore life to the dead.
With the spread of Christianity, it becomes a symbol of the passion of the Lord and the Resurrection. It’s not for nothing that on Easter many people place a bouquet of several willow branches with fluffy buds in their home.
The people attributed special properties to the willow, giving strength and health, which increased after the consecration of the willow in the church. According to Slavic beliefs, willow branches could be used to prevent or stop fires, storms, and save crops from hail. Willow also had medicinal properties - willow earrings could be eaten or carried with you to heal from infertility and protect yourself from fever. Wearing crosses carved from willow on the body also protected human health.

A symbol of fertility among many ancient peoples. IN Ancient Greece and Rome, the vine was associated with Dionysus and Bacchus, on the one hand, and with Apollo, the god of light and the arts, on the other. In Mithraism, where Apollo was associated with Mithras and the sun, the grape becomes a symbol of the sun. In Christianity, it is a spiritual symbol of rebirth.

The tree of the samurai of Japan, therefore it is credited with magical properties that endow the owner with strength, will, and loyalty. In China it is a symbol of good luck and spring. In Christianity, it sometimes replaces the apple tree as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

A calm tree that transmits its properties to people. Helps to get rid of fuss and minor worries over trifles.

Tree growing on Far East, little is known in Russia. Its magical properties are of interest - it is believed that amulets made from its wood promote the appearance of milk in women. Ginkgo is also a symbol of immortality or longevity and devotion.

Promotes fertility. Helps people who strive for wisdom or have the gift of foresight. In China, love amulets were made from the fruits and wood of this tree.

Pear amulets are made mainly for women, since the pear is a symbol of motherhood and love.

It has enormous energy - it gives strength, promotes wound healing and recovery. Oak trees symbolize wisdom, longevity, and power. The cult of oak in one form or another was widespread throughout Europe.

One of the New Year and Christmas trees. Symbol eternal youth, strength. A person who wears a spruce amulet in science is believed to have an unbending will.

A symbol of sexual love, it helps to quickly restore mental and physical strength, making it easier to endure separation from your loved one. For Buddhists, willow is an emblem of compassion and meekness, patience. According to many legends, it promotes good health, easy birth. This probably comes from the fact that painkillers were made from its bark.

Thanks to the white candles of its colors, it has become an emblem of light, purification, goodness and marriage. Also symbolizes calm strength and self-confidence.

The owner of a product made from cedar wood receives constant energy from this tree, peace of mind and self-confidence. Cedar helps remove toxins and cleanse the body.

A symbol of mourning, sadness for a deceased person. In pagan cults symbolized new life man in the afterlife.

Promotes the rise of mental strength, protects against energy vampires.

The personification of victory. Laurel wreaths were awarded to warriors and poets. Helps in searching for secret knowledge. Serves for cleansing from sin, protects oneself general. During epidemics, laurel branches or products made from its wood help ward off the disease from the home. If you carry a piece of laurel wood with you during a thunderstorm, it can protect against lightning. In Christianity, it is a symbol of eternal life.

Hazel (hazel).
Brings material security and fertility. Like all nuts, it symbolizes rich harvests and large offspring of livestock.
It was believed that the hazel tree was most suitable for making a magic wand. Using a forked hazel stick (vine), people searched and are searching for underground water, deposits of coal and metals.

Protects true friendship from accidental disagreements that can lead to a quarrel. Helps in conducting business negotiations and cooperation. Promotes easy childbirth and healthy newborn.

Thanks to its hard wood, it has become a symbol of immortality. Represents strength (in a broad sense - from the strength of feelings to good health). For the peoples of Siberia it is a symbol of rebirth.


Helps in the search for true love, imprisonment happy marriage. Associated with sensual love, longevity and harmony. It is used during childbirth to facilitate it and gives the newborn strength and abilities.

Brings joy, abundance, victory. Protects purity and chastity. In Christian, Muslim, Jewish, ancient traditions - a blessed tree. Amulet for brides, helps in marriage, facilitates childbirth.
Helps store inner peace, devotion in friendship and love.

Neutralizes a person’s bad emotions, calms him down, instills in him the ability to reason soberly and act decisively.

A tree that protects from evil forces, primarily from the undead (vampires, ghouls, etc.). By striking an aspen stake in the heart you can kill the undead; a smaller copy of the stake carried in the house will scare them away, especially in combination with garlic and silver.
Absorbs pain, removes negative emotions from a person.

Brings victory, success, fame, longevity. It especially helps athletes, scientists, and politicians. In the Christian tradition, it is a symbol of the Resurrection, victory over death.
A palm wreath, along with laurel and myrtle, crowned the heads of winners in competitions, etc.

Pieces of peach wood have a protective power during marriages, help preserve youth and beauty for a long time, and symbolize prosperity. Peach wood was used to drive away evil spirits and to protect against them.

Strength, fortitude of mind and body.

Fertility and productivity. Rowan branches with berries are planted in winter fields as a symbol of a good harvest. Tree of thrifty, thrifty people. It brings them to others who do not have these qualities.
Bunches of rowan branches red from the berries are tied in the shape of a cross with red thread to protect doors and windows.


Beauty, splendor, rebirth. An amulet made of lilac wood brings girls an abundance of suitors, and women - happiness in marriage. Men, under the influence of the properties of lilac, make more thoughtful decisions and express their thoughts less harshly - a practical benefit in negotiations. Amalia, the heroine of one of the knightly novels of the Middle Ages, decorated her hair with lilac flowers, and sewed the withered flowers into her pillow and into her belt. Her story happy love with the knight Eliot often served as an example for the spouses.

Fig tree.

Buddha Tree - helps people with contemplation, spiritual training and improvement, meditation.

Protects a woman in marriage. Strengthens loyalty, determination, wisdom in men.

Like other conifers, it symbolizes the Christmas tree.
Bestows courage, determination and good luck. IN Western Europe it was believed that pine wood used in amulets contributed to a rich harvest and high offspring livestock, which goes back to ancient pagan beliefs.

Yew wood, according to legend, supports the strength of the owner of the amulet and helps him in contact with otherworldly forces.
In some countries, they are used to make vines - a tool for searching for water, coal, and metals.

Relieves irritation, calms, gives self-confidence.

Apple tree.
The tree of knowledge in the Christian tradition. Probably, in connection with this, the wood of the apple tree in popular belief takes on the meaning of a talisman against temptations and temptations, on the other hand, it helps in the mystical quest for knowledge.
Apple blossom is a symbol of spring, renewal, fertility.

Items made from ash wood help the owner in communicating with both good and evil supernatural beings and provide physical and spiritual strength.

A plant with enormous medicinal and magical powers. In Central and South America, sorcerers wore dried leaves, stems and roots of aloe around their necks, and during healing rituals, a bag of aloe roots was hung on the chest of the patient. There is also another method - the fleshy aloe leaves are finely chopped, the resulting pulp is wrapped in a piece of leather and hung around the patient’s neck. Evil spirits the diseases think that this is another victim, they attack the bag, and the magical power of aloe and the sorcerer’s conspiracy kills them.

A plant with a strong aroma. One of the most important properties is the ability of this plant to scare away the forces of darkness with its smell - the smell of anise is unpleasant to them. It is useless to use in combination with garlic - garlic is stronger and interrupts the smell of anise for otherworldly forces. In Thrace it was once considered a plant of evil, probably due to the fact that evil magicians collected it and tried to accustom their creations - evil monsters - to the smell of anise. Anise root, worn on the chest, helps a person maintain sobriety - in the literal and figurative sense. This probably comes from the unusual intoxication from aniseed vodka. Frankincense with anise root helps a person stay sober in the right situations and prevents him from saying too much.

They are collected on dark moonless nights, dried in the dark, so that not a single ray of sun falls on them. The petals are used to make a powder that is added to the wine of a loved one to cast a love spell, and the stems, leaves and roots are worn around the neck in order to enjoy success with the opposite sex. They heal from sad, dark love memories, support bright and kind memories.

Like many spices, ordinary people associated it with something demonic. Used in alchemy and magic. It was believed that basil attracted the spirits of the air and a person who had an amulet with a mixture of basil and lavender on his chest could control them. In this case, there should be quite a lot of bags of basil in the room. The famous magician of the early Middle Ages, Allobius, died in his castle when his cook used basil supplies to prepare a festive dinner. The air spirits got out of the magician's control and destroyed the castle. The castle was sprinkled with holy water, but even after that, tornadoes often circled over the castle.

Solar symbolism. The roots of marigolds were used to summon minor fiery spirits. It was believed that these spirits fed on solar energy through the inflorescence and hid in the roots so that no one would think that fire spirits could live in the ground.


The expression “Have you eaten too much henbane?” did not arise by chance. Henbane is poisonous and appears to have little-studied narcotic properties. Ancient sorcerers ate henbane in certain proportions with other herbs and fell into a trance. A bunch of henbane worn around the neck protects a person from madness. Henbane also protects against hypnotic effects.


Folk - belladonna. A very dangerous poisonous plant. Like many other nightshades, it has a narcotic effect in carefully adjusted doses and after processing. Used for medicinal purposes against spasms. This is probably where the belief comes from that if a patient with epilepsy carries dried belladonna leaves with him, then the attacks will not be so severe, and over time they may pass.

Valerian drops are used in modern medicine How depressant, whereas in the past our ancestors used dried leaves and roots of this plant exactly the opposite. Incense with valerian dried root worn on the chest as a powerful tonic. People with such amulet did not get tired and could travel great distances. Valerian root was tied into ropes that hung on horses' bridles so that the horses would be fast and tireless.

The red carnation is traditionally considered a symbol of engagement and betrothal, and only then it became a symbol of the world proletariat. In its first meaning it appears in magical rituals. Carnation inflorescences and roots are worn in order to preserve the love of the engaged, in order to awaken love if it is an engagement of convenience.


Quite rare in the system magic symbols. Its properties depend on the variety. Narrow leaves of fragrant geranium are placed in the ears to relieve ear pain. Thanks to its smell, geranium was sometimes awarded with the ability to ward off the forces of evil. At the same time, there are references that geranium, as a flower most loved by goats (a goat is a symbol of sin), attracted evil spirits. Not recommended for use without in-depth knowledge.

Bird's knotweed.
Knotweed. Popularly known as ant grass. In terms of importance for sorcerers, it is the third herb of the sun after heliotrope and sunflower. The dried root of this herb, placed in a nauz, worn on the chest, protects and heals from nervous shocks and diseases caused by evil people. For lovers who are separated, knowledge of knotweed helps to remain faithful to each other and dispel melancholy. If the root is worn on the stomach, it protects the psyche from shock and madness in turbulent times - political unrest, war, etc.


Common names: yellow eye, heart grass. It is believed that this plant has nine powers, one of which removes damage and the evil eye, the other gets rid of love spells. The grass is collected before sunrise on the eve of Ivan Kupala. Placed in an amulet and worn on the chest. For love spell purposes, it is mixed with incense, worn on the chest for nine days, and then quietly sewn into the dress of the beloved woman. It is not recommended to use it together with centaury (semisilnik). Their powers may conflict.

Centaury umbellata.
The popular name - sevensilnik - reflects the properties attributed to this plant. A person who has a seven-strength nauz does not get tired for a long time and rests quickly. In a foreign land and on the road, such an amulet protects a person and guarantees his return home. Entered herbal teas for warriors and travelers.

Ivan da Marya.

The symbol of Ivan Kupala Day, which is where its many mystical properties and meanings come from. Denotes the inextricable connection between the masculine and feminine principles, and is widely used in love spells. Also, for magicians of the past, it denoted the unity of the elements of air and earth, and was used to summon the corresponding elementals (elementals are the spirits of various elements).


It personifies purity, protection and at the same time sadness and sorrow. The iris tuber must be dug up when the sun has just set and the moon has not yet appeared, boiled in St. John's wort infusion, and dried next to the images. Such a talisman, worn around the neck, saves a person from colds and viruses.

The popular name is marigold. Solar symbolism. Longevity, in the West - the flower of the Virgin Mary. The flower turns its head after the sun. Dried inflorescences help a person tolerate the cold more easily. In a snowfall, an amulet with marigolds prevents its owner from getting lost and leads him to warmth.

For Christianity, it is a symbol of the Trinity. In Ireland, the clover leaf has become a symbol of Ireland, which is called the Green Island. This goes back to the ancient Celtic legend of the good green island, where the souls of all the righteous end up. Clover is a symbol of rebirth, a honey-bearing herb. Dried clover inflorescences protect against the evil eye and help in righteous deeds.

Symbol of prosperity and abundance. Strawberry roots were used in fortune telling, probably due to their mild narcotic properties. For the same reason, it is believed that strawberry roots worn on the chest enhance magical abilities, help to cast magic.

One of the industrial plants for the Slavs. Hemp was used to make ropes and laces. Thus, she was directly connected with the sciences.

As one of the first spring flowers, it represents the renewal of life and nature. Very powerful amulets are prepared from the roots of the crocus - they are dug up in late autumn and dried all winter in the attic near the chimney. It is believed that such roots can smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin of the face. They can also return the love of their spouses.

White water lily.
The popular name is overpowering grass. The name contains the popular idea of ​​its capabilities. With this herb, a person is able to overcome all the adversities of life and achieve success in life. This herb can also be useful for travelers - an amulet filled with overpowering herb protects a person from troubles along the way and contributes to the safe achievement of their destination.

The purchase is unburnable.

The burning but unburnt bush of the kupena in biblical symbolism depicts the fiery angel who appeared before Moses. In the fire symbolism of the Vedic ancient Indian tradition we find similar motifs. Later, in Christian medieval painting, the burning bush symbolized the purity of the Virgin Mary. The Slavs developed great respect and veneration for the plant, which lit up with a bluish flame, but did not burn itself. It was believed that if you keep parts of this plant at home, your home will not burn down.

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