Home Smell from the mouth Is it possible to eat potatoes with high acidity? Potato juice for gastritis: how to take it when treating high acidity

Is it possible to eat potatoes with high acidity? Potato juice for gastritis: how to take it when treating high acidity

The taste and unique aroma of fried potatoes is familiar to everyone since childhood. However, not everyone can eat such a dish and not always. For example, can you eat fried potatoes if you have gastritis? Indeed, in case of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, it is necessary to adhere to a therapeutic diet with all its restrictions.

Should you eat fried potatoes if you have gastritis?

Unfortunately, you should absolutely not eat fried potatoes if you have gastritis. And the reason for the ban here is not hidden in the characteristics of the vegetable itself, but only in the method of its preparation. After all, any fried foods with such an illness are strictly prohibited.

Only in rare cases, against the background of remission, is it possible to eat a small amount of fried potatoes for gastritis, and only if they are cooked without a crispy fried crust - something in between fried and stewed potatoes. But even in this case, it is important not to overdo it and know when to stop consuming this delicacy.

In what form can potatoes be consumed for gastritis?

Potatoes are a vegetable that gastroenterologists, in principle, do not advise to abuse. That is, the diet menu may well include mashed potatoes, stewed and baked potatoes, but in no case fried until golden brown.

It is worth noting that while cooking potatoes, you should not pour too much water. Otherwise, the decomposition of all useful substances present in it will proceed more actively.

In addition, dishes and potatoes as part of a diet for gastritis are permissible only if they contain a minimum amount of salt. Outside of exacerbations, it is allowed to add a small amount of milk to mashed potatoes.

Green potatoes are strictly forbidden to be eaten in any form. After all, such tubers already contain poison, which can cause severe poisoning. This, in turn, will only aggravate the condition of the patient with gastritis and can lead to serious consequences.

But in cases where gastritis with high acidity is involved, it will be useful to drink fresh potato juice, which is obtained by grating peeled tubers.

Features of nutrition for gastritis

Gastritis is not a simple disease, which in no case should be treated carelessly. It is important to develop a specific nutrition strategy and tactics. Correctly organizing the regime and selecting the permitted dishes. At the same time, therapeutic food may well be tasty. Of course, fried potatoes are a very tasty dish. But the same vegetable can be baked in the oven no less tasty. This option is quite acceptable even taking into account all the features of gastritis.

In addition, meals should be frequent, but in small quantities. This will remove the main load from the stomach to provide it with conditions for recovery. It is important to achieve mechanical, chemical and even thermal rest. Therefore, cold and hot dishes are also prohibited on the menu of patients.

Among various diseases of the digestive system, one of the most common is gastritis. The disease can develop due to poor nutrition, which causes an inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the stomach walls. Symptoms of gastritis include pain in the upper abdomen. Gastritis occurs with high or low acidity. If the first type of gastritis is diagnosed, then pain usually appears on an empty stomach, in addition to heartburn, constipation, and belching. This type of gastritis can develop into a stomach ulcer and therefore requires mandatory treatment. If the disease is of low acidity, then sometimes it occurs without pain symptoms. However, after eating, the patient experiences nausea and a feeling of fullness in the stomach, and diarrhea is possible.

One of the main methods of treating gastritis is a properly selected diet, which must be adhered to even with simultaneous drug treatment. Products for the diet will be selected taking into account the type of gastritis. However, in any case, with gastritis, the patient should not eat dry food, overeat, or have snacks on the go. You will need to eat food in small portions, keeping an interval of three to four hours between meals. Food should be chewed very thoroughly. It is best to eat foods that will not irritate the gastric mucosa.

Stewed potatoes for gastritis

Potatoes are in the diet of every person. It is present on our tables in boiled, fried, stewed, baked form. This product is a source of starch, which has a positive effect on our digestive system. Eating boiled and stewed potatoes in reasonable quantities has a beneficial effect on health. And one medium-sized potato contains approximately 700 mg of potassium, which is important for normal heart function. It gives potatoes a mild diuretic property, which is useful for swelling. Potato pulp is an effective enveloping agent, which is especially important for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For acute gastritis, you can eat mashed potatoes. In case of chronic disease, it is allowed to cook stewed potatoes. Below is a recipe that you can use to cook potatoes for gastritis.

Stewed potatoes with asparagus

Product composition:

  • 200 g potatoes;
  • 200 g asparagus;
  • 4 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 grams of salt;
  • 20 g vegetable oil.

Preparation progress:

  1. Peel the asparagus, get rid of the woody part of the plant, then wash and stew it in water, to which half the total amount of sugar and salt should be added. It takes about 20 minutes to simmer the asparagus.
  2. At this time, the potatoes must be peeled, washed, and stewed in water with the remaining sugar and salt. Next, the tubers need to be cooled and cut.
  3. Place the prepared potatoes and asparagus on a plate, mix them and pour over slightly heated vegetable oil.

Potato juice for gastritis with high acidity can be a good helper in the fight against the disease, having a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

The modern pace of life often leads to eating disorders, manifested in the consumption of low-quality food in fast conditions. As a result of this process, the gastrointestinal tract is under constant load, forced to process rough and dry food. This state of affairs cannot last long. After some time, such an influence becomes the cause of malfunctions in the digestive system, and ignoring the primary signs leads to the development of gastritis, which can seriously complicate a person’s life. At the same time, getting rid of such an ailment may not be so easy, since medication may sometimes not be enough, which forces people to seek solace in traditional medicine.

Gastritis cannot be cured with medications alone. Even the best tablets and mixtures will not be able to restore damaged mucous membranes of the stomach due to poor nutrition. Based on this, overcoming the consequences of the disease is based on the use of complex therapy, in which a special diet plays a leading role, and all other means are only auxiliary and provide an additional positive effect on the stomach.

At the same time, tablets and pills to stimulate the digestive tract, which fill the shelves of our pharmacies, sometimes have a fairly high cost, and their treatment takes a rather long course. Based on this, many people are moving away from using medications and turning their attention to traditional therapy methods. Treatment of gastritis with high acidity with potato juice is one of these remedies, designed to replace medications and help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Potatoes are not only the main vegetable in our diet, allowing us to survive the winter, but also a kind of medicine. Of particular value is not its pulp, which contains a large amount of carbohydrates and starch, but the juice, which consists of a much wider list of substances. The list of such elements is as follows:

  • protein;
  • vegetable fat;
  • amino acids;
  • set of vitamins;
  • coarse fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • minerals.

Potato tubers contain almost all the components necessary for the full functioning of a person. It was the combination of all these substances that led people to use potatoes to treat various diseases, and gastritis is no exception to this list.

Effectiveness and specificity of treatment

It is known that potatoes are a fairly high-calorie and nutritious product that promotes weight gain. Based on this property, it is extremely rarely used for dieting. However, the greatest danger for those losing weight is potato pulp, which is a complete collection of carbohydrates. In turn, the juice of this vegetable cannot negatively affect body weight, since it consists of components that normalize the functioning of the digestive system and optimize it. In general, potato juice for gastritis with high acidity has the following positive effects on the gastrointestinal tract:

  • helps suppress the inflammatory process;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • causes healing of ulcers;
  • strengthens local immunity;
  • neutralizes heartburn;
  • stabilizes metabolic processes;
  • relieves pain.

The list of benefits of treatment with this technique is quite wide. In addition, the use of this method makes it possible to fully saturate the body with all the necessary elements. Treatment of gastritis with potato juice has a positive effect on the entire immune system, strengthening it and stimulating it to overcome the inflammatory process that develops in the stomach.

Contraindications for use and possible consequences

In some cases, potato juice should be taken with caution, since it can have a diametrically opposite effect and significantly complicate the picture of the disease. This effect occurs quite rarely, but still occurs, so at first you should drink potato juice in small portions, depending on the reaction of the digestive system to a new product. In addition, there are some contraindications to the use of this folk remedy. They look like this:

  • diabetes;
  • strengthening of fermentation processes in the intestines;
  • increased body weight;
  • low stomach acidity;
  • individual intolerance to juice components.

The presence of the above conditions is a reason for immediate refusal to use potato juice and change therapy to fundamentally different directions. In general, this remedy can be a complete replacement for medications that have a high cost and duration of treatment. Ignoring contraindications can lead to the development of complications of the disease and a more pronounced manifestation of its symptoms.

Instructions for use

How to drink potato juice? This question is extremely relevant, since obtaining such a product and drinking it is not so easy. To achieve the desired goal, some use various electrical devices, such as a blender or juicer. Others trust the proven method and use a kitchen grater. In general, both of these approaches can be used and guarantee good results.

It is better to store the finished juice only in plastic containers; it is advisable to avoid its contact with metal surfaces. Such precautions are due to the fact that it has a rather aggressive structure and is capable of oxidizing the metal, absorbing its properties, which is an extremely undesirable point. Therefore, the best solution would be to avoid storing this product altogether and use it fresh as needed. This is the only way to guarantee the safety of all the beneficial substances in the juice and ensure the optimal effect from its use.

When starting to take potato juice, you should be careful to avoid complications.

In addition, its taste is very far from ideal, and it is unlikely that you will be able to drink a large amount out of habit. Based on this, there is a certain procedure for using this product. It consists of the following: you need to drink 1 tbsp daily. juice during the first 10 days. At the same time, you should drink it 30-40 minutes before meals 3 times a day to stimulate the stomach and prepare it for digesting normal food. In general, this treatment method makes it possible to obtain a positive result and completely overcome the symptoms of gastritis.

Complicated forms of pathology

Such treatment and duration of therapy can bring results only in the initial stages of the development of the disease, and its more complex forms require a slightly different approach. It consists of using potato juice in combination with other products, such as carrots or beets. In this case, the product will be easier to consume, since the taste will improve slightly, and its appearance will acquire a colorful structure.

The method of its use does not change; it still needs to be used 30-40 minutes before meals 3 times a day, but the dosage should be gradually increased from 1 tbsp. up to half a glass. However, it can be introduced only after a certain break between the first course of therapy, since an increase in the concentration of the drink can lead to problems with the pancreas, which regulates the flow of hormones into the digestive tract and more.

It is also worth recalling that it is impossible to treat gastritis with high acidity with potato juice alone, as well as with medications alone. The fundamental factor in influencing the inflammatory process occurring in the stomach is following a special diet. Its goal is to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract and simplify the food entering the body as much as possible. The diet also helps restore the functioning of the stomach and intestines, which cannot be done with drugs or traditional methods alone.

In general, the basics of the diet are quite similar to the principles of proper nutrition, which include avoiding unhealthy foods, replacing them with healthy substances, and eating meals in fractions. Only a combination of this nutritional method with auxiliary factors, including the use of potato juice, can bring a positive result and help neutralize the disease, as well as its unpleasant symptoms.

Potato juice for gastritis has been enviably popular among people for a very long time. This vegetable, accessible to every person, contains a unique combination of useful substances that are like a key to a lock for the treatment of gastritis.

Useful properties of the drink

A healthy drink for everyone – potato juice

Potato juice contains:

  • proteins;
  • essential amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • fats;
  • vitamins, including folic acid;
  • cellulose;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids.

Thanks to the unique combination of these substances, potato juice:

  • improves the motor-evacuation activity of the stomach;
  • eliminates heartburn;
  • has a strong antimicrobial effect;
  • relieves attacks of excruciating pain;
  • inhibits inflammatory processes;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • increases appetite;
  • causes scarring of ulcers;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • eliminates headaches;
  • maintains hemoglobin levels;
  • normalizes water-salt balance;
  • enhances metabolism;
  • reduces blood pressure, etc.

Attention! Potato juice has a strong diuretic effect, which must be taken into account before you start drinking it. Therefore, you should initially consult a doctor, since accelerating diuresis may be contraindicated in the presence of certain concomitant diseases.

Thus, this remedy helps eliminate all the unpleasant symptoms of gastritis. But it is also important that it helps restore the epithelium of the mucous membranes and normalize the functioning of the stomach, and this is extremely important in the treatment of gastritis.

How to treat gastritis with potatoes

Treatment of gastritis with potato juice is carried out only with freshly squeezed juice. To prepare it, you need to take 3 medium-sized potatoes, peel them and grate them. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass through cheesecloth. You can also simplify your task and use a juicer, although some experts say that it is better to avoid contact of potatoes used for medicinal purposes with metal surfaces. They recommend chopping the vegetable using plastic graters, ceramic knives and other non-metallic kitchen utensils, and then squeezing the juice out of it through cheesecloth. But when treating erosive gastritis, there is no need to peel the tubers, but dirt must still be removed. To do this, just thoroughly wash each potato with a regular sponge.

Attention! The juice from pink varieties of potatoes, for example, “morning rose”, “American”, etc., is recognized as the most valuable.

Vegetable diet is the key to treatment effectiveness

Maximum treatment results can be achieved at a time when potatoes contain the greatest amount of useful substances, that is, when they are just ripening in the beds of farms and private gardens. Therefore, it is best to treat gastritis in the summer or autumn.
Also, the effectiveness of treatment increases the refusal of meat, fish, salty, fried, sweet, spicy, etc. dishes. While undergoing treatment, you should stick to a vegetable diet and try to eat only raw vegetables and fruits. But in some cases, the body does not perceive such changes in the diet and reacts to this by exacerbating gastritis. If this happens, you should return to your usual diet, but try to eat only boiled, stewed or steamed food.

Important: the drink retains its healing properties only for the first 10 minutes, after which the beneficial substances in it are oxidized, and the drink itself turns into a useless liquid!

Potato juice for gastritis is taken 30 or 40 minutes before meals, 1/3–¼ cup three times a day. Immediately after drinking the drink, it is recommended to return to bed and lie down for a while. For the first time, you should limit yourself to a tablespoon and evaluate the body’s reaction to an unusual product. If potato juice is tolerated normally and does not cause any allergic reactions, then in the future you can drink it not only 3, but also 4 times a day.
The drink is taken according to the scheme for 10 days, then a break is also taken for 10 days. After which treatment is resumed again for 10 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated again after taking a break. Do not exceed the duration of therapy, as excessive consumption of potato juice can lead to problems with the pancreas.

How to improve the taste of potato juice

Why not blend your juices and get the most from nature?

Of course, everyone who tried this drink experienced unpleasant disappointment. Perhaps this is the fate of all good medicines - to taste disgusting. But it is possible to cope with the problem.
For those with a sweet tooth, this method of improving the taste of potato juice is suitable: you need to add a little, literally a teaspoon of honey to the drink, but only if you are not allergic to bee products. Those who like sourness in taste will prefer another method - cranberry juice.

If you have gastritis with high acidity, which is also called hyperacid gastritis, it is recommended to drink a mixture of beetroot, potato, carrot and white cabbage juices. To prepare the most healthy cocktail, you need to take equal amounts of potato and carrot juice, as well as half the amount of beet and cabbage juice.
If the patient suffers from constipation or headaches, you can mix potato juice with beetroot and carrot juice. Be that as it may, with the help of such simple and at the same time healthy products, it is possible to significantly improve the taste of the healing drink and increase its effectiveness.

Contraindications and dangers

Potato juice helps cope with a large number of diseases, but it should not be taken if you have:

Treatment of gastritis with this method can be undertaken at any time of the year, with the exception of March, since during the winter potatoes are saturated with the toxic substance solanine and lose most of their vitamins. Therefore, if you start fighting gastritis at this time, you may not only not get the desired effect, but also suffer severe poisoning.

Tip: Since the juice obtained from unpeeled tubers can destroy tooth enamel, it is recommended to drink it through a straw.

After treatment with potato juice and, of course, following an appropriate diet, patients note an extraordinary improvement in their well-being. They notice that the heaviness and pain in the stomach have disappeared without a trace, and their stool and mood have improved. Therefore, to this day this remedy is actively used to eliminate problems not only with the digestive tract, but also with other organs.

Potato juice for gastritis is an excellent remedy to eliminate heartburn and return to a vigorous working state. This is known to many who have experienced irritating heartburn that is impossible to tolerate. Unconsciously, the search for an effective remedy continues until it is discovered. Some people with a high acid-base balance in the stomach intuitively reach for raw potatoes, rich in starch, and eat a couple of tasteless tubers from time to time.

In fact, potato juice for gastritis should be taken systemically. With the right approach to treatment and nutritional culture, achieving complete healing is quite feasible in a short time. If you do not trust traditional medicine and prefer traditional methods, raw potatoes can alleviate the symptoms of gastritis in the early stages.

Treating gastritis with raw potatoes is quite a troublesome task. But by squeezing juice daily, you will receive tangible dividends:

  • save on some medications;
  • improve your overall health;
  • prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, thereby investing time and labor in preparing the product into your health, longevity and long-term performance.

What are the benefits of potato juice and starch for gastritis?

The properties of potato juice are very diverse, but the same cannot be said about its taste. There is a misconception that potatoes contain only starch and are unremarkable for adherents of a healthy diet. But it is not so. Many beneficial properties of the vegetable disappear after heat treatment. When fried, it's really a source of starch, fat, and excess carbohydrates without the beneficial nutrients that keep cells healthy.

Treating gastritis with raw potatoes is cheap and effective. The tuber contains vitamins A, E and C, folic acid, proteins, minerals such as sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and complex carbohydrates - a source of energy.

Freshly squeezed potato juice, when consumed regularly, promotes the following processes:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • optimization of kidney function;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular reducing the acidity of gastric juice, improving peristalsis, eliminating heartburn, improving appetite;
  • provides an antimicrobial effect, which improves the effect of antibacterial therapy (but does not replace it);

Potato juice, entering the stomach, reacts with gastric juice and reduces the acidity of the environment. In gastritis, starch also performs an important function - a protective barrier between the surface of the stomach and aggressive hydrochloric acid, preventing the disease from developing.

Potato juice for gastritis provides the following effect on the esophagus and stomach:

  • regenerating;
  • antimicrobial;
  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory.

How to treat gastritis with potato juice?

The main rule when using raw potatoes in the treatment of gastritis is to consume them immediately after cooking. Freshly squeezed juice is not stored, even for half an hour. The healing ability of this natural remedy lasts only until the juice begins to darken (no more than 10 minutes).

The following scheme is used: 10 days, 1-2 times a day, the drug is taken on an empty stomach, the next 10 days - a break. The average serving is 100 ml. This must be repeated 3 times.

To prepare the body for treatment with potato juice, you need to significantly reduce (or better yet completely abandon) meat and fish dishes a few days before the start of the course. Try to eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts.

An experienced specialist will tell you how to treat the disease in each specific case. It is never a bad idea to consult a doctor about supportive folk therapy.

In what cases should you not take potato juice for gastritis?

Not every type of gastritis can be cured by raw potatoes; only with increased secretory function, potato juice will be appropriate. If we are dealing with gastritis with low acidity, this cannot be treated.

The high glycemic index of raw potatoes is an unfavorable factor for diabetics. If you have diabetes, you will have to look for an alternative (herbs, olive or flaxseed oil, milk thistle, etc.).

You need to be careful about the described remedy if gastritis is accompanied by frequent bloating and flatulence. The product may worsen these symptoms. Potato juice for gastritis is an effective method of treatment, but in matters of effectiveness and safety, it is important to remember an integrated and qualified approach. And also do not forget about healthy eating and peace of mind to successfully cure gastritis.

Currently, many people suffer from stomach diseases, including gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Moreover, many children also suffer from gastritis. Our grandmothers knew about the treatment of these diseases with potato juice. Recent research has found that potato juice contains an antibacterial compound that is much more effective in treating gastritis and stomach ulcers than some medications and inhibits the growth of bacteria.

What are the benefits of potato juice?

Potatoes have long been our second bread, and we have learned to prepare not only many different dishes from them, but also to use them for medicinal purposes. The medicinal properties of potatoes are widely used in folk medicine. Doctors do not refute them either, who often recommend drinking potato juice as a concomitant remedy in the treatment of stomach diseases. Its beneficial properties promote the healing of the gastric mucosa and accelerate its healing, and, therefore, recovery.

Potato juice has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it possible to use it for chronic gastritis. It not only copes well during an exacerbation of the disease, but also serves as a good prevention of the disease.

Thanks to the presence of fiber, it has a positive effect on the entire digestive tract, stimulating and improving its functioning.

Another advantage of potato juice is its diuretic properties, which allows it to be used for high blood pressure.

The enveloping components of the juice are able to neutralize the effect of increased hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.

In addition, one cannot fail to note the beneficial composition of potato juice, which contains a number of useful substances important for the human body, including:

Vitamins of group B, E, C, PP;

Minerals: copper, magnesium, manganese, iron, potassium;



This is not a complete list of all the beneficial substances contained in potatoes. But this is enough to understand that this familiar vegetable and the juice from it contain a lot of useful things.

In addition to treating gastritis of the stomach, potato juice is used for:

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

Potato juice is useful for skin diseases such as eczema, joint diseases: gout, rheumatism, arthritis.

How to make potato juice

As studies have shown, to prepare potato juice it is better to take red or pink tubers. They contain more useful substances that are needed to treat the stomach.

You can make juice using a juicer or first grate the tubers on a fine grater and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. For preventive purposes, juice can be prepared in a blender. After grinding, strain the resulting pulp through a strainer, adding a little water to better separate the juice.

Before preparing juice, thoroughly wash the tubers with a brush to remove all dirt. Peel, removing the skin as thinly as possible. After all, it is in it that the most vitamins and minerals are concentrated, especially potassium. Cut off all green spots (this is solanine) or it is better not to use such tubers at all.

Treatment with potato juice is best done from June-July to February. At this time, potatoes contain the maximum amount of nutrients, the amount of which decreases closer to spring. In addition, by spring, potatoes begin to accumulate more of a toxic substance - solanine.

How to take potato juice

Potato juice is useful not only for stomach diseases, but also has a general healing effect on the body. When treating stomach ulcers, it is taken in courses of 20 days. The first doses are recommended to be taken in small doses.

Start drinking potato juice with 50 grams and gradually increase to 100 grams at a time.

You need to take potato juice half an hour before meals three times a day.

If the juice is prepared in advance, shake it before drinking.

Since this juice contains quite a lot of active nutrients, it is better to drink it through a straw and immediately rinse your mouth with water.

During treatment, you need to exclude all spicy, fried, smoked, and fatty foods from your diet.

For general health improvement, you can drink potato juice once a day in the morning on an empty stomach. To do this, mix 50 grams of juice and 150 grams of water and quickly drink the drink.

Potato juice does not have an exquisite taste and for many people drinking it will not be enjoyable. To improve the taste, you can add other juices, for example, carrot or beet juice, a spoonful of honey, a little lemon juice.

Potato juice for pancreatitis

When treating pancreatitis, it is also useful to drink potato juice. Its consumption will help normalize blood sugar levels and improve the functioning of the pancreas.

Only a severe form of diabetes mellitus can be a contraindication.

Drinking potato juice is useful not only for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It will also help get rid of headaches, normalize sleep and appetite.

Contraindications to drinking potato juice

It should be noted right away that potato juice can be drunk only if the stomach has high acidity, since potato juice reduces the production of hydrochloric acid. And with low acidity, this can lead to even greater problems and damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach walls.

In other cases, if the acidity is high, the only contraindications may be the individual characteristics of the body, which can manifest themselves in the form of an allergic reaction.

For this reason, patients with type 1 diabetes should not drink it. If you have type 2 diabetes, you should definitely consult your doctor.

For pancreatitis, you also need to consult a doctor.

Increased secretion of the gastric mucosa is a condition accompanying gastritis, in which significantly more hydrochloric acid is released than is necessary for normal digestion. With low acidity, food is poorly broken down in the stomach, and this complicates the further normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The benefit of the potato drink lies in its ability to suppress the secretory function of the gastric mucosa at elevated levels. By drinking a vegetable smoothie on an empty stomach, you can quickly relieve morning pain and cramps. A natural antiseptic will have a beneficial effect on the inflammatory process of a bacterial nature. Potato juice for gastritis with high acidity should be taken to get rid of pain and heartburn in the morning (increased secretion).

The article contains brief information about the effect of potato juice on the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, whether it can be taken. Recommendations are given on the properties of the juice, courses of treatment, options for an accompanying diet and ways to improve the taste of the drink are suggested. Contraindications and precautions for use with high acidity are taken into account, and reviews are provided.

The main components essential in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Starch (vitamins: B, C, PP).
  2. Carotene.
  3. Amino acids.
  4. Microelements (magnesium, fluorine, iron).
  5. Significant fiber content.
  6. Organic acids.

What effect does it have on the body if you take potato juice? Potatoes contain proteins, vegetable fats, proteins, amino acids and fiber; they strengthen the immune system by increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Potato starch has a gentle effect on inflamed areas of the stomach during periods of exacerbation of gastritis, and helps the natural process of regeneration of the mucous membranes. Restores the water-salt balance of the intestines: headaches, discomfort in the stomach are reduced, blood pressure is restored. The evacuation-motor function of the stomach is normalized, and the juice neutralizes heartburn with high acidity, the digestive process returns to normal. Periodic consumption of potato drink calms inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

If it's not very tasty

Treating gastritis with a potato drink is an unpleasant pleasure for the taste buds. People refuse to take it, despite the noticeable relief, because of the unpleasant taste. Some patients suffering from high acidity experience bouts of nausea after drinking potato juice and stop taking the juice. Is it possible to slightly change the taste of such a healthy product?

To improve the taste, it can be mixed with cabbage or carrot juice

List of possible options for improving taste:

  • If, based on the diagnosis, the acidity is increased, the potato cocktail is mixed with the juices of vegetables such as cabbage and carrots. It is not recommended to add too much cabbage juice, so as not to worsen the taste.
  • A mixture of potato and cranberry drinks has a sweet and sour flavor, making it much more pleasant to take.

Reviews from people show that the most pleasant-tasting is a cocktail that contains 3 vegetable juices: potato, carrot and beetroot.

Method of preparation and common treatment regimen

Treatment of gastritis with potato juice is carried out in the fall. September potatoes are rich in starch, useful vitamins are preserved until the beginning of winter. It is not recommended to store freshly squeezed juice in the refrigerator. Thermal effects destroy the natural properties of potatoes, and the same happens during cooking. Potato juice is undoubtedly useful for gastritis, if you know how to take it correctly.

The best result of treatment with a potato drink is possible in the case of catarrhal or erosive gastritis. The least effect is for allergic, hypertrophic, atrophic and autoimmune gastritis, this can be judged by reviews and opinions of specialists.

The prescription depends on the diagnosis. For atrophic gastritis, peeled potato tubers are used. The prepared drink is drunk in courses of 7 days (½ glass on a lean stomach). Then a week break follows, and the course resumes.

For erosive gastritis, root vegetables do not need to be peeled to prepare a cocktail. Increase the dose of the drink gradually, starting with one teaspoon and increasing to ½ glass. It is necessary to complete 3 courses of treatment for 10 days each with one-week breaks between courses.

Medium-sized tubers are suitable for juice and puree. There should be no rotten, sprouted or green areas on the vegetable. Preference is given to root vegetables with pink skin.

Let's look at how to prepare juice. Several tubers are thoroughly washed, cleared of soil and rinsed in boiling water. The peel is cut off. There are two options for squeezing: an electric juicer or a regular coarse grater. In the second case, the mashed potatoes will have to be additionally squeezed through cheesecloth.

The drink is drunk immediately after preparation. Daily maximum: 3 root vegetables.

Diet combined with potato drink:

  1. Vegetable and fruit diet.
  2. Cleansing enema as recommended by a doctor.
  3. Temporary abstinence from fish and meat.

Before starting to treat the stomach with folk remedies, they undergo an examination and find out their acidity level. Potato juice suppresses stomach acidity. It is strictly contraindicated in diseases that are accompanied by decreased secretory function of the mucous membrane. Potato juice for gastritis can be considered as an auxiliary remedy, which comes in combination with diet, drug treatment and other doctor’s prescriptions. The potato drink must be taken under his supervision. Incorrect or excessive consumption will harm the entire gastrointestinal tract.

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