Home Stomatitis Amulet to attract happy love. How to make your own love amulet

Amulet to attract happy love. How to make your own love amulet

Have you noticed in your life how random things are not random? Sometimes it happens that even if you try very hard to define an accident as a simple coincidence, nothing comes of it. And the coincidence doesn't match...

Troubles happen to everyone, but the question is why do they happen? There are reasons for this, and by eliminating them, we get rid of unnecessary problems.

Let's start with the fact that nothing is by chance

This world is structured in a certain way, and there are Higher Laws to which everything that happens is subject. Ignorance, misunderstanding or rejection of these laws does not invalidate them. We can say that Life is built on the principle of a school where we must learn wisdom: learn the laws of life and live in accordance with them in order to enjoy every moment of life.

We live in a closed system in which all its parts are closely interconnected with each other and have mutual influence, so nothing is accidental and nothing passes without a trace.

What you put out is what you receive. What goes around comes around. Only what you do towards others comes back to you.
Folk wisdom.

The golden rule from Buddhism - “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself” - is built on the understanding of this. Other religions say essentially the same thing.

Why is this difficult to understand?

Because life here has a duration (time, inertia) and the “return” does not come immediately. When you launch a boomerang, it takes time to fly away to reach the end point and return; and while it flies, other boomerangs launched before it return to you. Since the mind (in most cases) cannot track this cause-and-effect relationship, there is no understanding that nothing happens by chance. Everything is interconnected and natural.

We need to understand that the troubles that happen to us are not a punishment from God, ( Higher Powers etc.), but the result of our violation of these very Divine laws. In other words, I myself was the cause of this trouble. By accepting this as a fact (I am responsible for what happens to me), you create the opportunity for spiritual growth: learning, correcting your mistakes and achieving highest goal- happiness.

The Higher Laws are absolutely fair and harmonious (selfishness sometimes does not allow us to see this). You are the reason for what is happening to you. You must understand what it feels like to do/have done to others. This is the only way you can learn wisdom and receive a certificate - happiness. That's why this world works this way.

Being offended or angry at a person who creates trouble for you is a mistake that leads to a strengthening of your own ego, which feeds on negativity. In this case, spiritual growth is impossible or inhibited. The other person through whom the trouble came is not the source of this trouble, but only its conductor. Through it, Life points out your own mistakes, asks you to think, realize and do correct conclusions. If this person had not existed, there would have been another, but the situation would have turned out the same.

You need to learn from troubles

Unless, of course, we want to step on the same rake again and again. If the same trouble comes into your life again and again, this indicates that you are stepping on the same rake again. Life is trying to teach us something, but we still don’t learn and don’t learn. We don’t think twice (preferring to blame others), we don’t draw the right conclusions, and we continue to do stupid things. Therefore, Life is forced to teach us through increasingly tough situations. This can go far and be increasingly painful.

If something bad happens to you, don’t despair, try to think about why this is necessary, because there are no accidents!

Have you ever wondered why all this is happening to me?

“In April 2013, a great misfortune happened to me - I was framed, and long trips to the courts began, where only I was tried. This seemed to go on forever.

And in the summer of 2013, after another trial, I stood in the kitchen and looked out the window. I was alone in the apartment. I thought why all these misfortunes fell on me, and I looked, as it seemed to me, at one point for a very long time.”

Amazing experience!

“And suddenly I began to feel something solid stretching upward from the top of my head.

Then I didn’t know about chakras¹ and wasn’t interested in anything like that at all...

And this solid pillar slowly went up somewhere through the roof of the house. It seemed to me as if the heavens had parted; I didn’t see it with my eyes, but I felt it in the top of my head.

As soon as I said the last word, I felt all my tension. In bewilderment and fear, I said (I don’t even know why): “Who am I?” And suddenly a sharp wind rose outside the window, and there was a heavy downpour with large hail. I remained tense and relaxed only when everything calmed down and the sun was shining.

Then people complained that the hail ruined the harvest. And from then on I began to be tormented by the question: “Who am I, and whose voices were talking over me?”

There are no coincidences!

“This unexpected realization led me to start doing research. I became interested in meditation various exercises, altered states of consciousness, mantras². I flew in meditation, feeling like a superman!

So I realized that there are no accidents, and a person needs negative experiences in order for him to begin to engage in his spiritual development!”

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² A mantra is a sacred text in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, usually requiring accurate reproduction of the sounds that make it up (


We take our seats according to the purchased tickets; today the rumor is about why there are no accidents in nature and what the law of cause and effect is.

The world is not so complicated, there are certain laws in it and if you know them, then well done and keep your happiness. Well, if you don’t know, then, as one school teacher on works said: “Blame it on yourself, my friend.” So, let's not be friends, let's go understand the realities of life.

Why there are no accidents

There is such a thing - the law of cause and effect. The law says: any circumstance in our life entails a certain result and, conversely, any result was achieved thanks to a certain circumstance. Everything is natural, there are no accidents.

The effect of the law is best illustrated by a specific example. Let's simulate the situation. Today you had a bad day: you were late for work because you overslept. We overslept because we went to bed late, and we went to bed late because it was my best friend’s birthday yesterday. Well, my friend’s birthday was just yesterday, because once upon a time his mother successfully guessed. Each phenomenon in this plot is easily broken down into cause and effect:

  1. cause - friend’s birthday, consequence - went to bed late;
  2. cause - went to bed late, consequence - overslept;
  3. cause - overslept, consequence - late for work.

Our whole life consists of a very long cause-and-effect chain of events. You don't have to be Sherlock to realize how basic this is. Knowledge of the laws of nature is sewn into a person along with other factory settings. But in the real world, not everything is as simple and elementary as on paper.

Why do we believe in coincidences?

A person has one great ability: for some reason he really likes to believe in all sorts of crap. We have found three main points that prevent people from realizing that there are no coincidences. Let's take a closer look at these nuances, because sooner or later this information will save someone.

A moment of naivety

This point is the cause of all coincidences in our lives. “Naivety” here means the ability to blindly believe that something random on planet Earth really exists.

This happens because we do not know how to observe, here is one question for you as an example: how random are you? How random was the appearance in this huge world of just one small cell, and then the creation from it of an extremely complex organism with a hundred trillion cells, which somehow, apparently also randomly united into organs and learned to interact with each other?

Man is a fantastic example of how everything in nature is interconnected and logical. If you don't like this example, take a look at the things around you. Have you ever thought about trees? How random are there trees on Earth? How random are they exactly? Green colour? Do they accidentally produce oxygen? The water cycle in nature, food chain, the change of seasons - how unobservant do you have to be to miss all this?

Despite the above, many of us magically decide to go beyond nature itself (of which we are all a part) and begin to broadcast about the wonderful world of coincidences. A good example This “super-insight” is our article with, which should not have existed at all if a person knew how to observe.

In general, if you are one of the above-mentioned gentlemen who like to complain about accidents and coincidences, then just don't make yourself laugh and don't waste your precious time on leftist thoughts.

Teachable Moment

It may be impossible to immediately understand the cause of some things. A man was hit by a car. The consequence here is obvious - the car hit a person. But for what purpose did this happen, what is the point? This person has committed a major crime or does not value life, maybe he is a Catholic, or his parents don’t like him, or maybe he just needs to be more attentive???

There is definitely a reason, because there are no coincidences in this world. Sometimes a variety of events happen, and sometimes you get lost among a ton of guesses on the topic “Why did this happen to me?” But it must be so, we cannot possess complete information, because otherwise interest in life will be lost. This is how a person works: ignorance creates a desire to know, and desire is interest.

Finding answers to the question “why?” necessary for growth. In search, we think, come to conclusions and change our lives in accordance with the conclusions made. Misunderstanding of the causes of events is good and ensures our development. Reading about will help you understand this in detail, and we move on.

Psychological moment

The psychological point is that We don’t like responsibility and disown it in every possible way.. Imagine Afanasy, who dislikes his job with all his heart. The consequence is not difficult to determine - it will be bad work. What about the reason?

Now the average average Afanasy would answer something like: “The work is bad, because times are difficult now,” or “The work is bad, because it happened that way,” or “Now all jobs are the same,” or something else like that. And all because Afanasy’s ego turned on, which prevents him from honestly admitting that he's an asshole himself and there are no accidents.

No matter how many jobs there are with poor conditions, in any case there will be those where the conditions are excellent. Most likely, the reason for the poor work is that Afanasy is still a poor specialist, or has chosen the wrong occupation, or does not value himself. The reason here is Afanasy himself.

Like our hero, we often prefer to remain blind because it is easier and safer.

What does all this give us?

And finally, the climax of today's lecture: the example described above shows that a person himself is capable of being the cause of consequences in his life. For a better understanding of this fact, it is advisable to imagine.

We just need to stop being afraid of responsibility, because the more of it, the stronger man able to influence the course of events in his life. IN in this case responsibility is a thing that expands our capabilities.

Don't believe us? Don't believe the words of writers and thinkers? Meet this Brian Tracy, and there is hardly a person on the planet who knows more about success than Brian. Here's what he thinks about all this:

Coincidences are not accidental - I was recently able to verify this personally. Life has presented another amazing gift! The gift was so unexpected and extraordinary that I couldn’t help but write about it.

It so happened that in mid-August I went on vacation. My path lay from the glorious city of Anapa to my native Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Here I have family, friends, and terabytes of memories!

A list was made of who I would like to meet first. This list, among others, included my eldest daughter, who is now 18 years old. We haven't seen each other for 5 years. All our conversations over the years can be counted on one hand. The relationship did not work out, my daughter’s interests were unknown to me, and there were fewer and fewer topics for conversation.

Naturally, I wanted to see her and somehow improve relations. But how can I do this when I have absolutely no idea how to behave with her, what to talk about, etc. In general, during the week of my stay at home, I still couldn’t muster up the courage to call her.

I don’t know how much longer I would have delayed until His Majesty chance intervened! This is not even an accident, it is a whole chain of random, inexplicable events.

The first coincidence. Arriving in Komsomolsk, I stayed with my mother. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that she did not have wireless Internet, only fiber optic. Due to the nature of my work, I can’t go a day without the Internet, so my search for a provider led me to MTS.

The technician who installed the Internet for me told me where I needed to go to pay the subscription fee. He gave several addresses, besides, I could do it without leaving home, since I know how to use various online payment systems.

Second chance. I suddenly had an irresistible urge to drink beer. I have! Have a beer! Sometimes I drink alcohol, but it never happens that I just want a beer and go and buy a bottle. It used to be, but for the last few years this has not been my story.

And suddenly I have this desire. Sitting at home was unbearable, the desire to drink beer did not go away, and I got ready to go out, at the same time grabbing money and a passport to pay for the Internet.

The third chance. For some reason I chose to pay for the head office, which was farthest from me. No, at that moment, all my thoughts seemed very logical to me. A fine nasty rain was dripping outside and in order to avoid walking in the rain, I decided to take the tram to the head office.

The fourth chance. I stood at the tram stop for 35 minutes! Even for Komsomolsk it’s a bit much. Why didn’t I give up and go to the nearest MTS office? Don't know. Then it seemed to me that it was because of the rain. However, I didn’t buy beer either. When I went outside, the desire to drink somehow went away by itself. I still waited for the tram and arrived safely at the head office.

The fifth chance. I arrived, then I arrived, but there were problems with payment. It turned out that at the MTS head office there was no change to give change from my thousand. So I had to go to the nearest shopping center to change money.

Imagine my surprise when, after walking along the first floor of the supermarket and looking into every boutique, I was still unable to change the unfortunate thousand rubles! But I can't be broken that easily, uh shopping center there were two more floors!
Having moved to the next floor, I decided to start my attempts again, and then... I saw one young saleswoman waving her hand at me... I, of course, am confident in my irresistibility and attractiveness. But I haven’t been picked on so openly for a long time. I was pleasantly surprised and intrigued and decided to go meet such a brave mademoiselle. But before my fantasies had time to run wild, I recognized the fragile charmer who was waving at me as my daughter!

Silent scene! Now I know what the phrase “Storm of Emotions” means. I was simply rocked by the surging feelings and thoughts! How?! That's her?! Can't be?! I hugged her! I hugged my daughter, whom I had not seen for five years, with whom I had not had emotional contact for a long time. But all this, all the grievances, misunderstandings remained somewhere out there, beyond this moment.

Now it was just me and her, next to each other. So grown up, so beautiful, so alien and so dear. Then we sat for a long time in the coffee shop, talking about a lot of things. They probably understood something for themselves. In the context of this article, this is not so important. But apparently, random encounters are not at all random!

The interesting thing is that, as it turned out, this day for her also consisted of accidents, thanks to which she ended up there at that time. Firstly, that day was the last day of her work in this store, so it was not for nothing that I seemed to be pushed out of the house on that day. Secondly, she should have left a couple of hours ago, but the rain that fell on the street that day contributed to the fact that customers constantly came to the store and bought umbrellas.

In general, coincidences, coincidences and more coincidences.

There are no coincidences - everything is planned in advance

When you start to analyze all this, you realize that there are no coincidences! So many coincidences in one day, it clearly goes beyond mere coincidence.

After all this, the question arises, who put these desires (to drink beer), these thoughts (to go to the farthest office) into my head, why I did this and not otherwise. I was absolutely sure that these were my thoughts, I was thinking them.

However, it is quite obvious that it was, figuratively speaking, “the hand of Fate.” It led me in the right direction. A whole chain of accidents, both on my part and on her part, brought us together at the same time at the same point of existence.

I was already sure that there were no accidents, but it had never been shown to me so clearly. What confuses me a little in this situation is the fact that where it seemed to me, I was completely independent:
I had a desire to drink beer. My wish?
I decided to go to the farthest office. Did you accept it yourself? No one pushed me in the back.
All this was provoked by someone very intelligent, according to a plan known to him alone and a goal known only to him.

That is, the meeting was clearly planned, and in order to push us together it was necessary to organize all this. That is, they didn’t even ask me about it... Where is free will!?

Now I understand how V. Maigret, the author, felt when he realized that his meeting with Aphrodite in Greece was also arranged by them. It’s good that Anastasia explained to him why such non-random accidents happen. If it weren’t for her explanation, I would now be in a deep depression over the fact that we are under a hood, that we are just blind executors of other people’s plans.

But, according to Anastasia, this is not so. Our desire always comes first! And if the desire is real, then “they,” as she calls the creatures or forces that fulfill a person’s desires, begin to do everything to make the desire come true.

Apparently the same thing happened to me! I really wanted to see my daughter, I really wanted to improve the relationship, and “they” took this as a signal to action, and without asking me how best to organize this, they organized everything themselves, at their own discretion.

If we consider this issue purely from scientific point point of view, then, in my opinion, there can be no talk of any accidents at all. They simply cannot exist in nature for the following reason.

A pseudo-scientific explanation of why accidents are not random

We all remember from the school course in physics and chemistry how electrons move orderly around the nucleus of an atom. Any molecule consists of these elementary particles and in every molecule, think about it! Each has its own, strict, orderly life.

Electrons and protons are not knocked out of their orbits by accident. They strictly act according to the staffing schedule, they act on external stimuli in a standard manner, that is, all their reactions are subject to strict laws.

The entire universe consists of these elementary particles, including us. Everything is subordinated to a single mind and a single plan, in which there is simply no such thing as chance. This concept, in my opinion, was invented by people who simply do not realize such things, who simply do not believe in God, or do not believe in God.

Everything, from the micro to the macrocosm, is subject to the same laws. Look what galaxies look like, and what patterns the trajectories of planets draw! There is no place for coincidences in the world! There's just no room...

I’ll end this post with a surprisingly beautiful verse from an author unknown to me. Read it, get into the rhyme. I was impressed...

Do you want me to tell you a secret?
One such tiny secret?
Know... People don't meet by chance,
There are no coincidences, believe me, in life.
Do not believe? But then at least listen,
Don't be afraid, I won't deceive you.
Imagine that souls exist
Tuned to one string.
Like stars in the infinity of the universe,
They wander along hundreds of roads,
So that we will definitely meet someday,
But only when God wants.
For them there are no norms in the usual understanding,
They are free, like the birds.
There are no distances for them
Conventions, prohibitions and boundaries...

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