Home Hygiene Dua for protection from the evil eye. Muslim prayers against the evil eye and damage: strong Duas, Rukia, Ayats, Surahs

Dua for protection from the evil eye. Muslim prayers against the evil eye and damage: strong Duas, Rukia, Ayats, Surahs


In Islam, when turning to Allah for help from damage and the evil eye, they read certain duas - suras from the Koran, which is a huge shrine of all Islam. The entire religion of Muslims and magical rituals are built on its basis.

Very effective means to protect against witchcraft and remove damage in Islam, one should read following duas from damage and the evil eye:

Dua for damage and the evil eye text

Al-Fatiha (Opening) - the first sura of the Koran, consisting of seven verses, Al-Ikhlas (Purification of the Faith) - 112th sura, consisting of four verses, Al-Falyak (Dawn) - 113th sura of five verses, An -Nas (Morning) is the last, 114th sura in the Koran.

Khubayb (radiallahu anhu) reported the words of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam): “To the one who says “Kul Huwallahu ahad...”, “Kul a’uzu birabbil falyak...” and “Kul a’uzu birabbinnaas...” three times every morning. and evenings, this will be enough from everything.” (Abu Dawud, hadith 5082)

عن معاذ بن عبد الله بن خبيب، عن أبيه، أنه قال: خرجنا في ليلة مطر، وظلمة شديدة، نطلب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ليصلي لنا، فأدركناه، فقال: أصليتم؟ فلم أقل شيئا، فقال: «قل» فلم أقل شيئا، ثم قال: قل» فلم أقل شيئا، ثم قال: «قل» فقلت: يا رسول الله ما أقول؟ قال قل قل هو الله أحد والمعوذتين حين تمسي، وحين تصبح، ثلاث مرات تكفيك من كل شيء

This hadith says that “this will be sufficient from everything.” This means that if a person acts on this hadith with complete faith and punctuality, he will be protected from all evil, including black magic, the evil eye and evil spirits.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الَّذِي لَا يَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهِ شَيْءٌ فِي الأَرْضِ وَلَا فِي السَّمَاءِ، وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ العَلِيمُ

Transliteration: Bismillahillyazi la yadurru ma'asmihi shay-un fil-ardy wa la fis-samaa, wa huvas-sami'ul-'alim.
Translation: In the name of Allah, with the protection of whose name nothing on earth and heaven can bring harm, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.

Regardless of which suras (duas) are used to remove damage or protect against witchcraft, the reading must begin with Surah Al-Fatiha and end with Surah An-Nas.

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Regardless of what religion people follow, they believe in the existence of God and communicate with him. They each do this in their own way, but, one way or another, all appeals to the Higher Powers begin with some special sacred text. Representatives of Islam call such prayer-requests duami. Muslims consider the most powerful dua against damage and the evil eye, the text of which is taken entirely from the Koran.

How to read dua correctly?

All existing prayers in Islam they are taken only from the main book of Muslims - the Koran. Any deviations in the text from the original source are strictly prohibited. It is enough to turn to the Sunnah to understand that reading dua can be done at any time when a person has a desire and need in connection with Allah, but most often this is done before dawn.

As for a specific place for communicating with God, Muslims believe that it is better to pronounce holy texts in the desert. According to the muftis, only there can believers be completely protected from the influence of distracting worldly factors. Modern followers of Islam living in large cities can, instead of the desert, use some deserted room, for example, a bedroom in a house or Personal Area in the office.

Another main rule that should never be neglected is that sacred texts cannot be read “on paper”; to protect the soul and home, the believer must recite them by heart.

If you want to protect yourself from negative influence ill-wishers, always carry a sabab with you - take a white sheet and write on it original text dua.

Types of sacred texts

There are several ways to protect yourself from witchcraft, but do not forget that the believer must say all Muslim prayers, having achieved complete solitude in a spacious room; it is advisable to lock the door so that no stranger can enter your fortress.

In Islam there is no sin worse than black witchcraft, especially from which a person can die. If you are absolutely sure that you have been damaged, you can first neutralize its effect using verses 54, 55 and 56 from the Barriers. And then, in order to completely get rid of negative consequences, memorize 35 verses from the Story, and, having finished night prayer, repeat this dua from severe damage seven times.

There is another way to help eliminate the consequences of black witchcraft: for forty days, read the 87th verse from the Prophets 121 times without interruption. This should be done in the first half of the day after prayer. The words of verse 87 are not difficult to remember, it is quite short:

“There is no god but You, most pure are You! Verily, I was from the oppressors."

The main thing is not to get confused, counting the number of repetitions and do not forget to say “Salavat” before each next approach. Already on the second or third day after you start reading the verse, you will notice that it will become a little easier.

To avoid becoming a victim of negative magical influence, always carry with you the words written on a piece of paper: الله لاحَولَ ولاقُوّه الا بالله، قالَ موسی ما جِئتُم بِه السِّحرُ ا ِنَّ اللهَ سَیُبطِلُهُ اِنَّ اللهَ لا یُصلِحُ عَملَ فَوَقَعَ بوا هُنالِكَ وَانقَلَبُواصاغِرینَ (only the original text is required, otherwise the dua will be ineffective)

The meaning of the message is approximately as follows: Praise be to Allah, his strength and might. According to Musa, Allah can destroy everything witchcraft, but it is not in his power to correct the affairs of those who have sinned.

Only the Koran and no fortune tellers

In Islam, believers are prohibited from any communication with fortune tellers and psychics, much less accepting help from them in eliminating damage. Muftis explain this by saying that magicians interact not with the Almighty, but with shaitans, genies and other demons, so if you want to return peace of mind, do not hesitate to open the Quran.

How to deal with envy and the evil eye

There are suras in the Koran that serve as amulets against any unwanted witchcraft:

Learn all these duas against damage and the evil eye, and recite them by heart as reliable protection for your soul and home.

All the suras in the Koran are written in Arabic, but how can you find out the sound and meaning of the text of the dua against the evil eye and envy if you do not speak the language? Solving the problem is easy - ask your loved ones to read the suras for you and explain their meaning.

If none of your relatives knows Arabic, the Internet will help you, for example, enter “Mishari Rashid listen” in the search bar and you will find a lot in the search results interesting information, this man reads surahs superbly, start listening to him and soon their meaning will become clear to you.

Remember, you can’t just open your mouth and utter an inarticulate set of sounds, only by reading dua kaytarma and others consciously, you can count on satisfaction higher powers your request. In addition, you cannot deviate from the text even a word.

All appeals must be creative in meaning, which means that when asking Allah for mercy before dawn or at other times, one cannot express desires for revenge on the offender. Otherwise, neither the first nor the second part of the request will be fulfilled.

  • to save the family, ask for this, and not for the elimination of your rival;
  • if your health has suffered due to damage, ask for the healing of the disease, and not the return of these diseases to the offender;
  • if someone wishes harm to your child, ask them to remove the negativity, and not punish the ill-wisher.

Allah will punish all enemies who offended you, especially with the help of witchcraft, without your request, do not worry about it.

In order to protect a child, the Koran provides a special dua against the evil eye for children, which stands apart from all the others. This is surah 112, already known to us, called Al-Ikhlas. When you choose the right moment, read it three times and then say:

“May Allah make it blessed.”

Muslim children, like no one else, are susceptible to the accidental evil eye, because it can be done not only by the person who looked unkindly at the child, but also by the one who praised him excessively. Therefore, the protection of Allah will help the baby not to become a victim of magic.

The negative influence of envious people can be neutralized by daily reading cleansing pre-dawn appeals to the Almighty. But, do not forget that curling is a sin, therefore, in order not to experience the wrath of Allah, try to get rid of this bad feeling as soon as it arises.

Koran – holy book Islam, literally translated from Arabic – “reading aloud”, “edification”. This is a collection of texts - messages of Allah, written by the Prophet Muhammad. According to Muslim beliefs, the Koran contains the basic tenets transmitted from God Allah to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Jebrail.

In Islamic countries, the Koran serves as the basis for religious, civil and criminal legislation. The Koran consists of a set of Surahs.

Surahs are meant to communicate with Allah, the God of the Islamic religion.

According to Muslims, with their help you can get rid of any negativity, you just need to have strong faith in their power. Removal of the evil eye and damage occurs through the recitation of certain Surahs from the Koran itself.

How to determine that you have damage or the evil eye?

There are signs based on which we can say that you have negative impact dark forces. The main indicators of the presence of damage and the evil eye:

  • You feel physically weak headache, lack of strength, constant desire to sleep
  • Are in a state of deep sadness, tearfulness, despair
  • is stalking you frequent yawning during the ritual of prayer
  • Bad breath that is not relieved by anything
  • Foul discharge from the genital organs in women, sexually transmitted infections

In the holy book of Islam there is a parable about how Surahs from the evil eye and damage appeared in the Koran. In very ancient times, one infidel decided to destroy the Prophet himself and brought damage to him.

The Prophet soon fell ill and began to waste away before our eyes. The angel Jamail volunteered to help him.

He said that the old man’s illness was hidden in the village of the Banu Zuraik tribe at the bottom of a deep well.

We went there immediately faithful people and found in the indicated place the enchanted comb of the Prophet, on which was his hair.

Each hair was tied with eleven knots. After this, Allah sent two texts through the angel Jamail: “Al-Falaq” and “An-Nas”, after reading which the Prophet was immediately cured. These Surahs were included in the Koran. Each Sura consists of eleven verses - verses - according to the number of hair knots on the comb.

Rules for reading surahs from the Koran against the evil eye and damage

  1. The 1st Sura of the Koran - “Al - Fatih” (opening) consists of seven verses: “In the name of Allah. Praise be to Allah, who rules over the world. Allah's mercy is eternal and limitless. Gracious, merciful, reigning on the day of judgment. We worship you and ask for help and support. Show us the right path of truth, so as not to encounter the fiends of hell. Guide only those who deserve your blessing, who have not angered you and who are not lost.”
  2. 112 – I Surah of the Quran – “Al-Ikhlas” (sincerity) consists of four verses: “Say “Allah is one and eternal.” He would not have given birth, and he would not have been born. There is no one equal to him"
  3. 113 – I Surah of the Quran – “Al-Falyak” consists of five verses (dawn): “Say: “I ask the Lord for dawn, namely salvation from the forces of evil emanating from those created by Him, as well as from the evil that descended from the darkness. I ask for protection from sorcerers and evil envious people, at a time when envy is ripening in him.”
  4. 114 – I Surah of the Koran – “An – Nas” (morning): - “I seek refuge with the Lord of men, the king of men, the God of men, from the evil designs of the tempter, who tempts the hearts of men, appearing in the form of jinn or men.”

You can get rid of damage and the evil eye by reading these four Surahs. Also for this purpose they use one strong and powerful Sura - the 36th Sura “Ya - Sin”.

It consists of eighty-three verses and takes a long time to read.

Regardless of the purpose, the 1st Sura is always read first, it is the opening one, and the 113th Sura always ends the prayer. That is, in this case it should be read like this: 1st Sura, 36th, 113th.

The scriptures of the Koran say that the Prophet Muhammad read these Surahs daily before going to bed. As he prayed, he rubbed his body and face with his hands.

It is believed that thanks to this particular ritual, the prophet remained protected from the actions of evil forces until dawn.

A faithful Muslim knows his holy book, the Qur'an, from cover to cover and reads it daily.

Reading Islamic Surahs is a ritual called Dua. The word Dua literally means “to call” in Arabic.

It is important for this ritual to perform right actions, pronouncing the right words and using a special place for the ceremony.

How is Dua different from prayer?

Dua is an “unofficial” appeal to Allah, unlike prayer. Namaz must be performed every day several times with a certain ritual.

Dua is used as needed. Dua is allowed to be performed by any convert to Islam.

Anyone can ask for protection and help from the evil eye, illness, or unkind people.

It is necessary to ask the Almighty to have mercy and grant what you want. In essence, Dua is the same prayer as Christians. But there are certain differences between them:

  • Dua cannot be practiced by non-believers and sinners.
  • Each Dua has its own purpose. You cannot protect yourself from the evil eye and damage by using Dua to attract wealth.
  • It is strictly forbidden to recite Surahs for the sake of laughter.

Every religion has its own ways of communicating with God. As a rule, in order to turn to the Almighty, a person must read some sacred text, usually a short one. In Islam, such short texts are called “dua”. This prayer against the evil eye, damage and witchcraft is quite long and taken entirely from the Koran. There is also a dua against the evil eye, envy, and witchcraft.

Rules for reading dua

Sacred texts, duas, unlike Christian prayers, can only be found in the main book of Muslims? Koran. It is believed that dua can be read at any time when a person feels the need to turn to Allah.

If we talk about a specific place for reading dua, then such a place is the desert. It is there, according to the muftis, that a person is closed from penetration outside world. Since in modern realities it is quite difficult to find a desert nearby, you can retire to some room or other room that is visited by a small number of people.

Strong dua against the evil eye, damage and witchcraft

There are several duas against corruption and witchcraft, which are recommended to be read in privacy in a closed room. In general, witchcraft is considered one of the most terrible sins in Islam. It can even kill a person.

If a person knows for sure that he has been damaged, he can protect himself by reading 54-56 verses (verses) of Surah “Barriers” (Araf), and in order to completely eliminate Negative consequences witchcraft? The 35th verse of Surah “The Story” 7 times after the night prayer.

Reading the 87th verse of Surah “Prophets” for 40 days helps eliminate the consequences of damage. You need to read the verse after morning prayer 121 times. Here is his text: “There is no god but You, most pure are You! Verily, I was from the oppressors." Before each new reading, you need to say the word “Salavat”.

The following message helps well against corruption and witchcraft: “In the name of Allah and through Allah, in the name of Allah and what Allah desired, in the name of Allah, and there is no strength and might except with Allah! Musa said: “Allah will destroy what you brought from witchcraft. Allah does not correct the deeds of the wicked.” And the truth was fulfilled and made a lie of what they had done, and they were defeated there and returned humiliated.”

On paper these words look like this:

????? ???? ?? ??????? ????? ???? ?? ?? ????????? ???? ???? ??????? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ???????? ????? ????? ??????????? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ????? ???????????? ???????? ??????? ? ?????? ?? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????

And under no circumstances should you write a translation, only a message in Arabic! Otherwise, the dua will not work.

Finally, I do not advise muftis to turn to fortune-tellers and psychics if they suspect damage or witchcraft, since in Islam it is believed that all magicians communicate with shaitans, genies, and therefore receive information not from the Almighty, but from demons.

Dua against evil eye and envy

If your relatives or you have been jinxed, you can take measures to energetically protect yourself and your home. To do this, you need to read surah 112, 113 or 114 of the Koran. These are the so-called amulets suras.

By the way, if you don’t know Arabic, any Muslim can read the surah for you. While reading, you can ask Allah for mercy, but you need to ask without malicious intent, without the desire to punish the offender. Otherwise, the amulet will not work.

If you are not sure that you have been jinxed, but simply want to ask for strengthening of strength, protection in previous matters, turning to Allah with a sura against the evil eye will be incorrect, because according to Muslim customs, a person must rely primarily on his own strength.

In addition to the dua against the evil eye and envy, the dua for protecting children stands out. This is the same 112th sura called “Al-Ikhlas”. The Surah must be read 3 times in a row, and then say: “May Allah make this blessed.” Interestingly, in Islam you can jinx a child either with an unkind look or with excessive praise. In any case, words about Allah’s blessing will help the child avoid the fate of an outcast in the future.

Feelings such as envy can be easily weakened by reading the pre-dawn prayer to Allah. Under no circumstances should you envy yourself, so that Allah does not send you suffering from those who are envious of your success.

Video on the topic of the article

Dua against damage and the evil eye is one of the few ways for devout Muslims to limit themselves from Satanism, the evil eye and evil intentions. In our article we will look at all options for protection from enemies, curses and dark witchcraft. After all, it is known that in the present time, when even at work competition can turn into real hostility or a bloody war, all means are good to achieve the goal.

In the article:

It is known that in Islam witchcraft is prohibited and is considered terrible sin, and those who use it to achieve certain preferences or position in society will end up with Iblis. In general, it makes no difference for what purpose witchcraft is used, because if a person has already taken this risky and obviously illegal step, then his thoughts are evil. It is believed that such people in the future will in no way be able to get to Heaven, because the way there is blocked for sorcerers.

Together with all of the above, however, witchcraft is a very real phenomenon that comes into contact with the material world and can change a person’s life, influence it and cause irreparable consequences. The magical manipulations themselves produce results only due to the fact that there is contact with supernatural entities, the so-called jinn or shaitans, which once again confirms the evil will of the person performing such a ritual.

A Muslim believer can protect himself from evil intent, especially those associated with dark and sinful witchcraft. With the help of Allah and tireless prayer, one can become envious. Dua is a prayer to the Almighty for help at a difficult moment, a type of honoring him, associated with a request that only he alone can fulfill, because it is his will. In Islam, there are many different duas dedicated to various everyday circumstances, because the Almighty says in the Koran: “ Call to me and I will answer you».

Perhaps it will be interesting: for the Orthodox.

Usually duas are used before starting any new business in order to gain some kind of “approval”. The prayer itself is done for oneself, and later - for absolutely all relatives and friends, as well as all believers. The prayer should begin with the exaltation of the Almighty and the direction of blessings to the prophet. The prayer must be said persistently, repeating the request many times, while being in a state of complete bodily and spiritual purity.

Dua in the same way can be used to ward off slander, damage, or evil eye. However, before use Muslim prayer To remove the soil and the evil eye, you need to be absolutely sure that you have already been jinxed and all your misfortunes happen precisely for this reason.

The fact is that in Islam, in principle, there are no such concepts as “luck” or “bad luck”, because everything that happens around, the state of affairs, is such only because it is the will of the Almighty. Therefore, perhaps, if everything in your life is not going well or even tragically, you should pay attention to what kind of person you are and take a critical approach to this issue. It may be that by leading through trials and difficulties, the Almighty only shows that something is worth changing and therefore this issue cannot be approached lightly, looking for an easy way out of this. Duas do not work as wishes; in our case, they are deliverance from dark spells through tireless glorification and turning to Allah.

Muslim prayers for damage and the evil eye

Many occult practitioners are confident that in order to protect your home, the life of yourself and your family from bad witchcraft, from damage or the evil eye, it is not necessary to resort to retaliatory witchcraft and get dirty in all sorts of rituals, because the holy book of the Koran contains everything that you need needed for protection.

The Koran may be the only holy book in Islam, because the book, written by Allah himself, contains virtually everything that a devout Muslim needs for religious rites and rituals. As for prayers against the evil eye in Islam, according to many authoritative sources, such a prayer can only work if the person praying is sincere in his intentions and is confident that it can help him, because this will require all his strength faith aimed at getting rid of bad omens. It is also worth noting that such prayers can only help adherents of Islam, Christians, Buddhists or Hindus from the evil eye, even the strongest and most powerful prayers are not able to help, since infidels are not kind to the will of Allah.

Now let's move on to how devout Muslims can protect themselves from evil magic, there is quite a lot of information on this matter, however, not all of it can be trusted. We will try to give you recommendations on how to avoid becoming a victim of damage. So:

1. This is truth in deeds - this is how you protect yourself from becoming a victim of someone’s evil intent.

1. Real protection will be feeling like a slave of the Almighty and recognizing the fullness of his power over your life and everything that happens in the world. After all, it is the will of Allah, including that your life and well-being will be reliably protected.

2. This is a constant presence among people, a feeling and recognition of oneself as part of a team.

According to many Islamic religious figures, being in society, its general collective will, is capable of performing great miracles and driving away the shaitan. This also includes the strict performance of group prayer. And, of course, the key to safety will be following the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, because where else can the wisdom of the whole world be contained, if not in a book written by the Almighty himself?

Of course, you can ask for protection from the Almighty himself, because who, if not he, can protect you? Muslims have special prayers for this. Constant ablution is also protection, because a person who is clean in body and in constant ablution is under the protection of the angels, who, in turn, are governed by Allah.

To protect yourself from evil forces, you should enliven the night with your tireless prayer, because nothing cleanses a person’s soul and thoughts more than praising Allah at night when one so wants to sleep. In conclusion, it should be said that some sages claim that in order to protect yourself from any damage or the evil eye, you should eat exactly seven dates on an empty stomach, because this is how the Prophet was saved from the pagan witchcraft of ill-wishers. It is important to read special surahs that are directed against evil interference in your life, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Dua for evil eye

If you are sure that you have been subject to someone’s evil eye, damage or curse, then you can try the duas that will be presented to your attention below. However, before directly considering those prayers that can help you, we will consider what the evil eye is. According to authoritative sources, the evil eye is a type of curse that involves causing harm, sometimes quite serious damage, by an evil eye.

Often this type of curse is associated with envy, an unfavorable attitude towards someone else's well-being, happiness or wealth. For example, a person admires or envies an object while contemplating it, as a result of which, having received a negative impulse, the object becomes a kind of “cursed” and can be lost. To protect yourself from this kind of manifestation of dark witchcraft, you need to use prayers to remove the evil eye in the Koran.

Special duas for removing the evil eye and damage are very short, formulated, and in some ways even laconic, because they are read directly from the Koran. Thus, the dua to remove the evil eye is the suras, below we will cite and list them.

So, in order to remove the curse of the evil eye, you need to use the following suras: Al-Fatiha, aka the first sura of the Koran, Al-Ikhlas, the one hundred and twelfth sura, Al-Falyak, aka the one hundred and thirteenth sura and, finally, Al-Nas, one hundred and fourteenth sura.

It is these prayers that should help you in the fight against dark sorcery, witchcraft and the evil eye. When using these suras, you must definitely use them and read them in the specified order, while reading them in any other order will bring all efforts to naught; the expected effect of deliverance simply will not follow. The ritual itself must necessarily be carried out at night, however, the last sura must be read before dawn.

There is also an opinion that in order for prayer to have maximum effect possible effect, it should be read directly from the Quran, while reading it in Arabic, necessarily without translation. Of course, at the same time, not only Arabic, but also Tatar prayer for removing damage can help you. However, they say that if you need to read a translation, then while reading it, you need to recite the suras by heart, and the Koran should lie on the knees of the person praying.

Also in Islam there is another very powerful dua that can completely free you from the shackles of dark witchcraft. This Surah Ya-Sin, aka the thirty-sixth sura of the Koran. However, it is quite possible that to read it you will need a lot of time and some effort, since this surah is very long and consists of. In order for the prayers to work the way you want, that is, with maximum efficiency, the surahs must be read by the victim himself, repeating them day after day, week after week until he understands that the moment of deliverance has come and Changes in his life did occur.

It is worth noting that sometimes it happens that witchcraft is very strong, and its destructive power is so great that the victim, broken by illness or misfortune, is simply not able to get out of bed. In this case, the sura can be read by another person, however, it is important that this person is close and favorably disposed towards the victim, only in this case of dua will have an effect. Moreover, many argue that in this case, the victim should not even suspect that strangers are praying for his salvation, but only rely on the will of Allah, at least mentally - this is how prayers against the evil eye work in Islam.

Coming to the end of our article on how Muslims should protect themselves from the manifestation of evil in the world, I would like to say once again that dua is a very powerful tool that cannot be used disdainfully or frivolously. Duas can protect your children from the evil eye, protect your home and family comfort only if you believe one hundred percent in their power and the will of Allah. You need to be absolutely sure that you have already been jinxed if you use the dua specifically against the evil eye. Try to understand yourself first, perhaps you have led the life of a not entirely respectable Muslim or simply not a very honest person? By leading you through hardships and trials, Allah makes you better, that is His will. However, if you are sure that you have become a victim of a curse and do not see any other way out, then be sure to use prayer as a means of protection.

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