Home Removal Nut saved signs and customs, conspiracies: the history of the holiday. Why do you need nut brooms?

Nut saved signs and customs, conspiracies: the history of the holiday. Why do you need nut brooms?

Nut or Bread Savior is a national holiday celebrated August 29 the day after the Feast of the Assumption Holy Mother of God- This is the last, third festival of the passing summer, which symbolizes the end of the harvest.

On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the transfer of the Image of Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands from Edessa to Constantinople. On the same day, the church celebrates the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos of Fedorov and Port Arthur.

Nut saved

The third Spas is called Nut, Bread and even Canvas. On this day, our ancestors baked bread, collected ripe nuts and traded linen at fairs. People said: “First Savior - they stand on the water; - eat apples; Third Savior - they sell canvases on the green mountains.”

Other names for Nut Spas

In the last days of August in Rus', since ancient times, the collection of wild nuts (hazel), as well as the baking of bread from the grain of the new harvest and the trade in homespun linens and canvases began. In this regard, the holiday was also called:

Savior on canvas,

Savior on the canvas,

Canvas saved.

This day was also called Little Savior - it is considered a kind of semi-holiday, since it falls on the after-celebration of a very important holiday in Orthodoxy - the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

Well, the popular names of the holiday - Autumn Spas and Cold Spas - remind that with the end of August, summer, alas, gives way to autumn.

Traditions and customs

The most important tradition Orekhovogo Spas, like other major religious holidays - attending church services and praying.

By church tradition on these days nuts (hazel, walnuts), bread and loaves made from first harvest flour.

On this day, according to tradition, they finished harvesting the grain and baked the first loaf of flour from the new harvest. The bread was blessed in the church and then eaten by the whole family.

In the old days there were such proverbs: “The Third Savior has stored up bread,” “If the Third Savior is good, there will be kvass in the winter.”

The ritual of keeping the remains of the first loaf, wrapped in a canvas rag behind the icon, has been preserved in some villages to this day. People believed that in this way they lured prosperity into the house and protected the family from hunger.

In many cities and villages, fairs were held on Khlebny or Orekhovy Spas - it was believed that trade on this day would be especially favorable.

At the fairs one could find an abundance of various fabrics, which the villagers willingly came for, since there was an opinion among the people that on this day they needed to buy something from fabrics.

It was not customary to celebrate the Bread (Nut) Savior in any special way, since at that time the suffering was in full swing, and people had no time for entertainment. In the morning they attended church, blessed nuts, bread, grains and went to prepare the fields for winter sowing.

Also on this day, housewives prepare a medicinal nut tincture: walnuts are poured with vodka and infused in a dark place.

The Nut Spas were celebrated no longer on the same scale as the Apple and Honey Spas. Summer was ending and the cold was beginning. And people tried to quickly prepare food in their barns.

At lunchtime they went to church to light bread and pies made from new grain. They prayed before the icon of the martyr Diomede.

By evening, the peasants cleaned the healing underground springs and cleaned the wells. In general, we were preparing for autumn and winter. And only then they sat down at the table. It was customary to serve a tincture based on walnuts, as well as bread and pies.

Well, we ended the day with a wash in the bathhouse. People made brooms from hazel, which protected them from diseases and the evil eye.

Housewives baked bread and pies with mushrooms, prepared various dishes with the addition of nuts and treated them to their relatives and friends. Since the Assumption Fast ended, dishes of meat and fish were put on the table. But the main dishes were:

  • fresh baked goods;
  • apples with honey.

Customs and signson nut saved

On this day, you can eat nuts from the new harvest, before which they are illuminated in the church. There is a sign that if the harvest of nut tree fruits is good, then next year there will be a rich harvest of rye.

On Orekhovy Spas it is customary to sow winter crops and bake pies from the flour of the new harvest.

Our ancestors, after morning prayer, accompanied the men with bread and salt to the field. Three sheaves were placed in the cart, on top of which sacks of rye were placed for sowing. Arriving at the field, the men tasted buckwheat porridge, and after sowing, returning home, they ate porridge and pies with the whole family.

Sayings and signs

  • The Third Savior saved bread.
  • Harvest for nuts - harvest for bread next year.
  • There is no harvest for nuts two years in a row.
  • If the crane flies to the third Spas, then it will be frosty on Pokrov.
  • Swallows fly away three times, three times.
  • “After the Assumption has come - the sun has set in autumn” (Ukrainian)

If, while collecting nuts, one of them falls on your head, there will be an unexpected profit.

How to predict the weather on Spas?

Cranes that have flown away before the Third Savior are a sign of the onset of frost before mid-October (until October 14, when Intercession is celebrated). A thunderstorm on this day foreshadows a warm autumn. Its sign is the calm flow of the river on holiday.

Bread or Nut Spas: conspiracies

On this day, you must definitely bring some collected nuts into the house. It’s very good if you can find a double or triple nut - this means that you will definitely get rich soon. For such a fruit you need to read a special spell:

“Let a lucky nut become a talisman for me,

It will bring me luck and a whole cartload of money.”

Keep the charmed nut next to your wallet. You can carry it with you. It will help attract money into your life and significantly improve your financial situation.

There is a belief that on August 29, every witch made herself a magic wand. The material for its manufacture was hazel, which on this day is filled with special magical power. On the third Spas, ordinary people made themselves walnut brooms for the bathhouse. It was believed that using these brooms would help cure various diseases. But they need to be dried and stored separately.

Nut Spas plot for marriage

Girls who for some reason cannot get married can perform a love ritual. To do this, on August 29 you need to pick a nut and bring it home. Split it into two halves. Remove the edible part.

“She connected the two parts into one whole, and cemented our love.

The servant of God (name) will yearn for me, the servant of God (name),

I am the only one to think and dream about.

Our hearts will beat in unison,

And destinies will forever be intertwined.

May Nut Savior fulfill my wish,

My life will be filled with happiness. Amen".

After that, take the nut, take it to your loved one’s house and bury it there.

Fortune telling for love and attitude at Orekhovy Spas

Having picked a nut from a tree, you need to eat it and determine its taste. Sweet it portends good luck in love affairs, bitter one - disappointment, betrayal of a loved one, an unripe nut announces important news, and a rotten one promises trouble.

How to make a wish on Spas?

There are many ways to make wishes on the third day. Here are the ones I use. This is very simple fortune telling, but my predictions came true, so much so that I believe in them.

  1. From the collected nuts, they pick up the one they like appearance, conceive a wish. Then it needs to be split. A tasty, large kernel foreshadows the fulfillment of a wish; an empty or rotten nut is a sign that it is not destined to come true.
  2. After making a wish, you need to pick up a lot of nuts (as many as will fit), spread them on the table, and count their number. An even number will mean that your plan will be fulfilled soon.
  3. On the street, they draw a circle with a radius of 15-20 cm, throw 13 nuts into it, after mixing them in their hands and making a wish. You need to throw the fruits up, not down. The plan will come true if most of the nuts (7-13) fall into the center of the circle. If there are fewer of them, the wish will not come true. You can take a close look at the composition of nuts in a circle. Its shape and location can tell a fortuneteller something if he uses his imagination.

What to cook for the Third Spas? Festive table on Nut or Bread Spas

During the feast, it is customary to rejoice at the end of the harvest and feast on treats. You need to try all the dishes on the holiday table for prosperity and health.

The Bread Savior falls at the end of the Dormition Lent, at which time it is already possible to eat various dishes. The head of the table are nuts. The third Spas ends the August Spas, in honor of which it is customary to eat apples and honey. These products, along with nuts, are the main ingredients from which holiday treats are prepared.

Meat dishes should not be ignored either. They can be improved by adding nuts and fruits.

On this day, there must be bread baked from new flour on the table. Guests are treated to food and treats not only in the house. You can go out into the street and distribute the prepared dishes to neighbors and passers-by.

Recipe for Nut Spas – Cookies with nuts and honey

A quick baking option is weightless honey-peanut “snails” made from store-bought dough. If you do not adhere to the exact list of ingredients, the strudel dough that is ideal in all respects is replaced with puff pastry, puff-yeast dough, peanuts with hazelnuts, walnuts or almonds, flower honey with sugar, and the yolk that gives gloss is completely abandoned.


  • semi-finished dough for strudel - 200 g;
  • peanuts - 100 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.

How to cook

  1. Preheat the nuts in a dry frying pan - keep for a couple of minutes at high temperature, remove the husks and let the aroma reveal itself.
  2. Grind the peanuts by rolling them with a regular rolling pin by hand, or in a blender bowl.
  3. Mix peanut crumbs with any type of honey - the filling for baking is ready!
  4. Since we have “live” dough that has not been frozen, we immediately unroll the roll, cover it with an even layer of sweet peanut and honey filling and roll the layer again.
  5. We cut the “bundle” into pieces about 2 cm wide.
  6. We lay out the future “snails” with the cut side up/down on the parchment - keeping a small distance. Lubricate the “washers” with egg yolk diluted with water or milk and place in the oven, which has already been heated to maximum. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.
  7. Cool the freshly baked snails on a wire rack and lightly dust them before serving.
  8. Homemade honey-peanut snails are equally good with coffee, tea, milk or berry juice!

On the last day of the summer month, namely August 29, the Bread Savior is celebrated, also called the Nut Savior. Traditionally, baking on holiday is incredible. delicious bread from the new harvest and then consecrate it directly in the temple. Many different conspiracies for the Nut (Bread) Savior are read for good luck, for protection and gaining strength.

The Third Savior is popularly called the Nut or Bread Savior. He completes the two-week Dormition Fast. It is celebrated annually at the same time - August 29 (new style). It got its name as the Nut Festival because the nuts are fully ripened by this day, and the Bread Festival because on this day housewives began baking bread from the new harvest.

Nut saved signs and customs, conspiracies: the history of the holiday

The tradition of celebrating the Nut (third) Savior has been going on since ancient times. The holiday is dedicated to the miraculous salvation of the prince of the city of Edessa from leprosy. He was able to heal with the help of a towel on which the face of the Savior was imprinted.

The servant of the Mesopotamian prince, the painter Ananias, sent to Jesus Christ, was unable to capture his image on canvas. However, the Lord's face remained on the towel as he wiped his wet face on it. This is how it appeared The Savior Not Made by Hands, possessing miraculous power. The first Byzantine icons were painted from it.


On this day, you must definitely bring some collected nuts into the house. It’s very good if you can find a double or triple nut - this means that you will definitely get rich soon. For such a fruit you need to read a special spell:

“Let a lucky nut become a talisman for me,

It will bring me luck and a whole cartload of money.”

Keep the charmed nut next to your wallet. You can carry it with you. It will help attract money into your life and significantly improve your financial situation.

Nut Spas plot for marriage

Girls who for some reason cannot get married can perform a love ritual. To do this, on August 29 you need to pick a nut and bring it home. Split it into two halves. Remove the edible part.

Write your name and your loved one's name on a small piece of paper. Fold the leaf several times and place it in the nut. Tie the fruit tightly with red thread so that it does not fall apart. Take it in your hands and read the plot:

“She connected the two parts into one whole, and cemented our love.

The servant of God (name) will yearn for me, the servant of God (name),

I am the only one to think and dream about.

Our hearts will beat in unison,

And destinies will forever be intertwined.

May Nut Savior fulfill my wish,

My life will be filled with happiness. Amen".

After that, take the nut, take it to your loved one’s house and bury it there

Nut saved signs and customs, conspiracies: the most common questions

On Orekhovy Spas it is customary to bless new wells, go to springs and drink water from them. Also on this day, loaves and pies are baked from the flour of the new harvest. There were no big celebrations for the holiday.

Don’t give up work, as Nut Saving is the time of harvesting and preparing food for the winter. You can't go into the forest without a talisman - there you can meet evil spirits and do not withhold food from the needy and strangers.

Signs and beliefs on the Nut Savior

If the hazel trees produced a good harvest, it means that people spent the past year righteously.

If, while collecting nuts, one of them falls on your head, there will be an unexpected profit.

How to make a talisman for home and family on Spas?

Nuts hidden on holiday different parts home, also protect its inhabitants. Outsiders should not know about this amulet.

If you were jinxed at Orekhoviy Spas?

Walnut branches that appear out of nowhere in the courtyard of a house or in an apartment after the arrival of guests are a sign of damage caused to its inhabitants. They need to be scooped up with a broom and then thrown into a body of water with the current. Water will take away the evil eye. But don't take them to whoever you think brought them. It is better that the person does not know that you have found them and know that he is harboring a grudge. Do not repay evil with evil, it is better to protect your home and family from such a person, communicate with him less.

How to predict the weather on Spas?

Cranes that have flown away before the Third Savior are a sign of the onset of frost before mid-October (until October 14, when Intercession is celebrated). A thunderstorm on this day foreshadows a warm autumn. Its sign is the calm flow of the river on holiday.

Harvesting and sowing crops on Spas

It is customary to finish sowing winter crops at Khlebny Spas. First they say a prayer at home, after the wife and bread and salt they send the men to the fields. The seed rye was put into bags and placed on a cart on top of three sheaves. In the field, the men were given buckwheat porridge, and at the end of sowing, the whole family tasted porridge and pie.

By Nut Spas, the entire wheat harvest should already be harvested and stored for the winter. It is believed that if this is not done before the holiday, the harvest will rot and there will be famine. If someone objective reasons does not have time to do this, it is customary for the entire village to come to his aid.

When harvesting, a little wheat is left behind, which needs to be harvested on the eve of the Nut Savior. When cleaning it they say:

Harvest spell:

“Having harvested two fields, plowed the third, give it back and put it down”

Charge yourself with power at Nut Spas

Wheat is piled into breasts. The last ears of corn are pulled out of the ground with a sharp movement. They need to be thrown back, saying:

“Stubble, my stubble, I stung you, I was losing my strength, here’s the stubble for you, and give me my strength.”

The number of resulting breasts is counted. An odd number of them means changes in life. They can be good, for example, marriage, or bad, for example, death will come to the house.

Sometimes the last ears of corn are not harvested, in the belief that they will give the earth strength to grow subsequent harvests.

The end of the stubble is always celebrated with chants, after which the sickles are washed in a pond, saying:

A spell that charges Khlebny Spas with power:

“Willow, willow, give me my strength before the second stubble”

One of the sheaves is carried home and is called the “birthday” sheaf. It is decorated for Easter, sprinkled Epiphany water, sing songs to him, dance round dances around him.

After going to church at Orekhovy Spas, it is customary to go to the fields. This is how people thank the earth for the harvest - the harvested one, and the one that will be harvested in the future.

According to Orthodox church calendar Nut Spas is celebrated on August 29. This is the third Spas after the honey and apple versions of the holiday, which also fall in the last summer month. Another name for Nut Spas is Bread Kvass.

Christians celebrate the event at the very end of summer, on August 29. In addition to the two names already mentioned, the holiday in some regions is also called the Savior on Canvas. As for the Orthodox and church name of this day, it is written in the calendar as
The Savior Not Made by Hands.


Nut Spas - the history of the holiday and traditions go back far into the past. This holiday is called not made by hands for the reason that when Jesus Christ washed himself, he wiped his face with a towel. His face was imprinted on this towel. The Miraculous Image of Christ is the symbol of this day. The image was not created by human hands, it was created by God himself. It is precisely because of this biblical history associated with a towel, people traditionally went to consecrate the Nut Spas natural fabrics. In the old days, women made these fabrics themselves, then blessed them in the church and sewed clothes for the whole family. The popular name Nut Spas received due to the fact that at this time of year the villages were already harvesting nuts. It was also customary to consecrate them in the church; the tradition is still preserved in many regions.


Nut Spas: history of the holiday and traditions, photo holiday in the church they show that the image of collecting nuts for this day and consecrating them in the church is still popular. Previously, with this holiday, the harvesting season had already ended, and the wheat had almost been harvested. It was on this day that bread was baked from the new harvest wheat. Hence another name for the holiday church day- Bread saved.

Interesting! Among the main rural traditions that can be distinguished for this holiday are the customs of cleaning the well, holy springs, and the consecration of new wells. On this day, it was customary to drink pure water from a new source.

In Rus', for every Savior, there were many signs and customs that people tried to observe. They said that if a lot of nuts are collected in the summer, then next year the grain crops will grow well. On August 29, in Orekhovy, it was the branches of the walnut tree that had healing and magical powers. If such an opportunity exists, then you can make some kind of souvenir or talisman from this wood. Both for yourself and as a gift.

Interesting! A broom, collected from nut branches on this holiday, drove illnesses out of the house.
They also said that on August 29, birds already fly south. The cranes, at least by this time of the Savior, had already completely flown away to spend the winter in warmer climes.

You can tell fortunes using nuts. A wish is made and one nut needs to be cracked. If the kernel is good, solid, and even tasty, then your wish will definitely come true. But if the kernel is black or the nut is empty, then, unfortunately, all the wishes will not be fulfilled. At least this year.

Folk sayings on Nut Spas:

The Third Savior supplied us with bread.
If there are a lot of nuts this year, then there will be a lot of bread next year.
Swallows fly south to winter three times, at three times of the Savior. The third flight marks the last flight of the swallows.
If the cranes fly away only to the third Savior, it means there will be frost outside on Pokrov.

How to celebrate?

You definitely need to buy something, a small souvenir, at the Third Spas. If this is not done, then people believed that the whole year would pass in a poor and unstable financial situation. You definitely need to go to church.

Usually, bath brooms are prepared for Orekhovy Spas, of course, those that are made from hazel. Such brooms can drive away diseases and strengthen a person’s strength. It is customary to bake bread at the Third Spas, but from this year’s grain harvest. It’s great if nuts are added to the bread.

In addition, the girls wondered about the future and love. They picked nuts and determined what the next year would be like. A ripe nut means great love, an unripe one means important news, a rotten one means trouble, and a bitter one means problems.

You cannot refuse work and be lazy, because during the Third Savior people were harvesting and preparing for winter. It is imperative to help those in need and we must not refuse children, the poor and the sick. During the Third Savior, you cannot go into the forest without some kind of amulet, because there you can meet evil forces

Nut Spas is one of the favorite festivals in the series of August Orthodox and folk celebrations. Favorite because he managed to combine many customs, foundations and traditions that help preserve the faith and history of the beginning of the Christian path.

Nut Spas is an important holiday for all Orthodox people. It is considered the third Savior in August, and its celebration always falls on the 29th of August.

Nut Spas carries with it centuries-old traditions and rituals that have survived to this day.

The third Spas - Nut, or Bread - closes the two-week Assumption Fast and is the last of the Spas, after Honey (August 14) and Apple (August 19). It was named “Orekhov” because folk naturalists believe that by this day the nuts finally ripen.

On this day, it is also customary to bake bread from the new harvest, which, after consecration, becomes the main dish of this holiday. The Third Savior is celebrated on August 29 (new style).

Other names for Nut Spas

The third Savior is also called the Savior on the canvas (the First is “on the water”, the Second is “on the mountain”). Among its popular names are Maly Spas, Kholshtovy Spas, Kalinnik, Borozden, Bryazzhe. It is also called Not Made by Hands.

“All the Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

The dreams of the Mother of God are “folk” prayers. In fact, these are conspiracies for various needs, mainly for protection from enemies, troubles, thieves, for a prosperous and long life. They can be read in difficult life situations, before important matters, before leaving home.

Only todayYou can purchase book “All the Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary” Byspecial price here: http://elma.justclick.ru/order/sni/

The Legend of the Image Not Made by Hands

According to an ancient legend, which is based on a document found in the 4th century, the ruler of the city of Edessa in Mesopotamia, Abgar, suffered from leprosy. Wanting to be healed of an incurable disease, he sent the painter Ananias to Jesus Christ with a letter where he asked the Savior for healing. Seeing the face of the Savior, the artist wanted to depict His features on the canvas, but he never succeeded.

And then the Lord asked for a towel, washed his face and wiped his face. His face was imprinted on the towel. Thanks to this miraculous image brought by the painter, the prince of Edessa was healed of his illness and began to spread Christianity.

The image of Jesus Christ, attached above the main gate of the city, was stolen by Muslims, and only nine centuries later the Byzantine Emperor Michael III was able to redeem it.

On August 29, 944, by order of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, the Image of Edessa was transferred to Constantinople and a festival was established in honor of this.

In 1204, the Icon Not Made by Hands was stolen from Constantinople during one of the Crusades. According to legend, it was carried on a ship that sank, and since then the ancient relic has been considered lost.

It is also believed that the first Byzantine and Old Russian icons were painted from this image not made by hands.

This day is also the day of veneration of the martyr Diomede the doctor, who is prayed to in cases of various ailments and illnesses.

Customs and signs on Orekhovy Spas

On the Third Savior, nuts are blessed in the church, and from this day onwards it is allowed to eat nuts from the new harvest. And the end of the grain harvest was associated with the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, celebrated the day before. According to popular belief, the harvest of nuts foretells the harvest of rye for the next year.

On this day, pies are baked from the flour of the new harvest, and winter rye is also sown.

After general home prayer, the housewives accompanied the men to the fields with bread and salt, placing three sheaves on a cart, and on top - rye for sowing in bags. On the field they were greeted with buckwheat porridge, and after sowing winter grain, pie and porridge were eaten by the whole family.

Another popular name for the Third Savior - Canvas (Savior on canvas) - was given because on this holiday there were fairs where trades were held in linen and canvases. It was believed that on this day you need to buy at least something, otherwise you will spend the whole year in poverty.

The main dish of the holiday is, of course, consecrated bread from the new harvest, as well as nuts. “The Third Savior saved bread.” The people celebrated this day as a day of thanksgiving to the Lord for their daily bread.

Housewives made bread and pies with mushrooms from new flour, prepared dishes with nuts and treated them to all relatives and guests. The Assumption Fast had already ended by this day, which meant that meat and fish dishes could be placed on the table. However, at the head of the table, of course, there was bread, nuts, honey and apples. It was believed that if a person tasted each dish, any of his wishes would be fulfilled, and money would flow into life.

On this day, housewives also made a special tincture that helped get rid of any cold. For it, membranes of walnuts were taken and filled with vodka or moonshine.

On this holiday, a variety of treats are served to the table. Some of them have been preserved since ancient times. Many housewives bake charlotte from nuts, pies with various fillings, cakes including nuts, muffins, brushwood, baked apples with nuts, Georgian sweets made from nuts and honey, which are very popular in our country. Also various salads, jams, sauces and many dishes that include nuts. Carp with stuffed nuts, beef and nut jelly are very popular.

The last flight of cranes and swallows takes place at Orekhovy Spas. If the cranes have flown away, it means there will be frost on Pokrov. But a stormy August is a harbinger of a long, warm autumn. On this day, “Velykodensky” festivities begin in cities. In some lands, on this day, as on the Second Spas, new wells are blessed, healing springs are cleaned by autumn and underground water is drunk.

An interesting sign is that on Orekhovy Spas every witch prepares a magic wand. People said that magic wands were made from hazel, which on this day is filled with special power. But ordinary people made bath brooms from walnut on this day. It was believed that such a broom would help cure any disease, even the most severe one, but they could not be dried and stored next to brooms knitted from the branches of other trees.

On the holiday, it is customary to wish everyone health, as strong as a nut shell, prosperity and God's blessing in all endeavors.

On this day, water from underground sources is considered healing, which must be drunk in order for existing diseases to recede and for good health this year. There is another tradition associated with water: on holiday they go around the well, as if closing the warm season, and leave all misfortunes and illnesses behind them.

On this holiday, a woman must make a wreath from walnut tree branches. It will be a strong talisman for the home and will take all the elements and evil people away from the walls of the home. It is important that the wreath should only be made from branches of one tree. Men prepared walnut bath brooms, which could banish any ailment.

The Third Spas is considered a favorable day for everyone involved in trade, so sales fairs are organized on the holiday. Based on your income on this day, you can determine how things will be with money throughout the year.

Nut Spas is the last Orthodox summer holiday. Try to meet him, observing all traditions and church foundations. Visit the temple, set the festive table, where nuts and bread will definitely be included in the menu. This will help you welcome the arrival of autumn with ease in your heart and get into a good mood.

Conspiracies for Nut (Bread) Spas

On the holiday, it is customary to bake incredibly delicious bread from the new harvest and then consecrate it directly in the temple. Many different conspiracies for the Nut (Bread) Savior are read for good luck, for protection and gaining strength.

Plot for happiness on Orekhoviy Spas

On the day of celebration, it is necessary to bring a small amount of nuts from the forest. And there is one incredible interesting sign that if you are lucky enough to meet a twin or triplet among the collected nuts, then soon you will definitely get rich. Next, such an absolutely incredible nut needs to be spoken in the following words:

“Be, my lucky nut, my good amulet

Bring me unknown wealth,

There is an inexhaustible flow of gold and silver.”

Using this conspiracy on Nut Spas, it is believed that the money will absolutely never be transferred. The main condition: you need to store such a charmed nut next to your wallet or in the wallet itself.

Charge yourself with power at the Nut (Bread) Spas

To perform the next conspiracy, you must first fold the wheat into breasts. It is enough to pull the outermost ears directly out of the ground with a sharp movement. After throwing them back, say the plot:

“Stubble, my stubble, I reaped you, I was losing my strength, here’s the stubble for you, and give me my strength.”

After counting the number of resulting breasts, observe the following. If the amount is dishonest, then this means certain changes in life. In turn, changes can be both good and, unfortunately, bad.

It also happens that the outermost ears of corn are not collected at all, because they believe that they can help the earth by force to grow the next crops.

And then with various chants, they celebrate the end of the stubble. While washing sickles in a pond, they whisper a conspiracy that charges the Bread Savior with power:

“Willow, willow, give me my strength until the second stubble.”

One of these sheaves is carried to their home. They directly sprinkle him with baptized water, dance around him and dress him up.

Previously, by going to the temple for the Nut (Bread) Savior, people thanked the land directly for the harvest, both for which it had already been harvested and for the one that would be in the future.

On Orekhoviy Spas you can protect your family from harm. To do this, you need to hide nuts in all parts of the house.

Good luck ritual “Seven Nuts”

This method of attracting good luck is suitable for those who want to succeed in a certain business. To accomplish this you will need seven hazelnuts and a piece of clean white cloth. The ritual should be performed in the morning, immediately after waking up.

To begin, sit near a slightly open window, or go outside. Take a handful of seven nuts, close your hands, close your eyes and imagine your final goal in as much detail as possible. When all the smallest details desired result will be taken into account, unfold the cloth on your knees and place one nut on it, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother Earth gave birth to you, the red Sun warmed you, violent winds bypassed you, pure rains filled you with strength. As the harvest lies in my hands, so luck and strength come to me! According to my word, according to my deed, so be it!”

When the spell is pronounced, tie the nuts tightly in a bundle and carry it with you until the desired is achieved.

Ritual for a prosperous year
The second method may be perfect for filling your home with the energy of wealth and prosperity for the whole year. For this ritual you will need a small clay pot, a container of good honey, kindling for a fire and matches.

To perform the ritual you need to go outside your home. It is best to go towards the forest, avoiding strangers. When left alone, light a fire and let it burn properly. At this time, look at the flame and think about what you want to see next year. When the desired state is achieved, say all your desires out loud, and then say the following words:

“Father Fire, younger brother of the Red Sun! Just as you left no trace of the branches, so burn, mark, and kill the obstacles on my path from the white light! My word is strong, my deed is righteous, as it is said, so it will be fulfilled!”

Wait until the fire burns out and collect some coals in a clay pot. Leave the honey near the fire, opening it but not pouring it onto the ground. Place the pot of coals in a secluded place in your house and do not touch it until the next Nut Savior.

These two ancient rituals, which have survived to this day, are extremely effective today, despite their apparent simplicity. Carrying them out correctly, as well as observing folk traditions on the day of the Nut Savior, will help you make any of your wishes come true in a short time. We wish you wealth and great happiness.

Useful properties of nuts

Previously, only forest (hazelnuts) and walnuts grew in our lands. Nowadays they are brought in much more from different countries, and each of the nuts is healthy and tasty in its own way.

Nuts contain the main sources of energy - proteins and fats. Moreover, the proteins are similar to meat proteins. And twenty walnuts are enough to meet a person’s daily requirement for fat.

However, you don’t have to be afraid to gain weight: nuts are used in both vegetarian and dietary cuisine, even in cases of obesity, since fiber improves intestinal function.

In addition, they contain many minerals and trace elements, in particular iodine and zinc, as well as vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Thus, peanuts help patients with hemophilia, diabetes and exudative diathesis. Cedar nuts increase protective forces, immunity, and have a good effect on the development of children. The nutritional properties of cedar oil are higher than sunflower oil.

Pistachios are good for the brain and heart, as well as for liver diseases. Increase potency.

Walnuts are also called food for the mind. The priests in ancient Babylon did not allow ordinary people to eat nuts so that they would not become too smart.

In fact, walnuts have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain, preventing stroke and improving memory. Not only nuts, but also leaves are used in treatment.

Hazelnuts have been collected since Neolithic times. There is more protein in this nut than in meat, and the oil is used in cosmetology. According to recent studies, a substance has been found in hazelnuts that can slow down the development of cancer. Hazelnuts cleanse the body and promote bowel function; it is recommended to take a handful of these nuts before bed.

Honey Spas, Apple Spas and walnut saved, these are national holidays celebrated since ancient times and especially revered by Orthodox Christians. Savior, from the word “Savior” and that’s it Orthodox people are certainly waiting for gifts of fate on these magical holidays.

They are considered salvation in the literal and figurative sense, firstly it is associated with the hassle of large harvests, preparations, etc., and secondly with great Orthodox holidays: the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross, the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the beginning of the Dormition Fast.

The celebration begins with the Honey Savior (August 14), then the Apple Savior (August 19) and the third Nut Savior is celebrated on August 29.

Honey Savior (August 14), or Maccovey, is considered a good and saving holiday on which Orthodox people go to churches to bless honey, poppy seeds and water. And on this day, it is good to carry out rituals using love spells, for good luck and spells against illnesses. Honey is stored for a very long time, and conspiracies and rituals performed at Spas will help for a long time forget about health problems.

It is believed that it is on the Honey Savior that all honey is endowed with magical powers, and honey consecrated in the church can work miracles. The plot and ritual for the Honey Savior will help get rid of many problems and improve your health.

Honey consecrated on the Savior is used as a reliable remedy for any troubles. Eat a piece of bread spread with honey every morning on an empty stomach and you can avoid troubles in dealing with people (at work, in public transport etc.)

For family quarrels, you can use soothing tea with the addition of a teaspoon of this honey, but when you add honey, say the following spell:

Spell for honey (consecrated on the Honey Savior)

“Honey, soften the ardor of the angry one, pacify him, take away the offense.”

Then you can treat the whole family to this tea (arrange a family tea party). And by performing this ritual at work and treating your boss to such a magical drink, you can gain favor from your strict boss.


Honey is always the first remedy for colds for us; by reading a spell against illnesses using honey, and even consecrated for the Savior, we increase the likelihood of a quick recovery.

“Disease witch, get off me! Go beyond the swamps, beyond the fields, beyond the forests, go away forever! You taste bitter and cold. I’ll sweeten myself with honey and warm myself with warm milk. Exactly!"

And here is another ritual and conspiracy for the Honey Savior, which was previously used to attract happiness and prosperity into your life.
You need to take three types of honey to Spas (flower, linden and bee), some birch bark and spring water. Before sunrise, they filled a cup with well water, and at noon, holding birch bark in their left hand, right hand completely coated with all three types of honey, then applied it to the forehead and said the following spell:

“Happiness is in me, joy is in me, goodness is in me. Depravity is from me, bad is from me, grief is from me. Just as bee honey is sweet, as flower honey is sweet, as linden honey is sweet, so my life will be filled with triple joys.”

We washed ourselves with prepared water and thoroughly washed the birch bark in it. Water was poured under any tree, but the bark was carefully kept in the house for happiness and well-being.

On Apple Spas, in order to find love, they used love spells and rituals. They took an apple blessed at the Apple Savior, cut it in half and pulled out the core. Three nettle leaves were placed inside the apple and, connecting both halves together, they spoke a love spell 7 times.

Love spell (Apple Spas)

“On this fine day, let the breeze bring me ardent and pure love, so that my heart beats faster, so that love burns like nettles, me and my chosen one. Exactly!"

They put the apple in a secluded place, and when it dried up, they buried it near their house.


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