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Muslim prayer for success. Spells for money for Muslims that really work

What does the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” mean? Why do Muslims use it so often and what is its translation?

The blessed phrase of all Muslims is the prayer “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim”

The correct transcription of the phrase looks like this: Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. This is just a pronunciation, but it is not able to explain all the power and strength invested in the meaning of these words. Translation (meaning) of the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” - in the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful.

What does "In the name of Allah" mean?

Every devout Muslim must begin any of his actions in the name of the Almighty, perform all good deeds and acts of worship only for the sake of his Creator and in all matters rely only on him alone.

In the case when, before starting any business, a Muslim utters the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim,” his deeds not only receive the blessing of the Almighty, but are also encouraged by high rewards, which will be valued on the Day of Judgment as a bargaining chip in exchange for sins, as salvation from Hell .

If a person does good things not for the sake of the pleasure of the Almighty, but to achieve some worldly goals, for example, for the sake of fame, enrichment, increasing his reputation among people or any other self-interest, he is not given spiritual rewards, he receives only what he strived for , and on the Day of Judgment he will not be able to rely on his good deeds, since he did not care about his distant future, but was only interested in worldly goods.

The phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” serves as a verbal confirmation of the sincere intentions of doing things for the pleasure of Allah. However, if there is hypocrisy and dishonesty in a person’s heart, then these deeds will not be accepted by the Almighty, no matter how good they may be.

What is Rahman?

More correctly - Ar-Rahman, if we remove the word from the text. This is one of the names of Allah, reflecting his quality of all-mercy towards all his slaves, be they sinners or righteous. Any person on Earth, no matter how misguided he may be, receives colossal mercies, starting with healthy body, a wonderful family, a happy destiny, ending with the main mercy - the opportunity to repent and receive forgiveness at any time.

What is Rahim?

Ar-Rahim is another name and attribute of Allah Almighty. It signifies God's mercy towards all his devoted and obedient slaves on the Day of Judgment. When all believers are gathered before Allah and appear before His fair Court, He will show His quality of mercy and forgive whatever He wishes. He will remind his slaves of all their good deeds, down to the smallest good deeds that they themselves did not remember, and will give them eternal bliss in Paradise only because of his Mercy - the attribute of Ar-Rahman.

That is why every Muslim strives to receive forgiveness from the Almighty and to be joyful on the Day of Judgment, and each of his affairs begins with a blessed phrase - the Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim prayer, the text of which is known to any Islamic child and is the main words of a Muslim believer. This is a formula for recognizing the mercy and power of God, whose blessings are asked before starting any business.

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Now you know what the Translation of the meaning and interpretation of the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” is, you can read about it here, and also see other prayers and articles about religion online!

Most entrepreneurs, especially those who have achieved some success in business, argue that in order to achieve something in business, we need to work, work and work... Of course, we must create reasons for the fulfillment of our desires. However, if there is no barakat (grace) and tawfiq (assistance) from, a person will not achieve any success in business or in other areas. Allah Almighty in the hadith al-qudsi, which is transmitted from Abu Zarra al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) says:

يَا عِبَادِي : لَوْ أَنَّ أَوَّلَكُمْ وَآخِرَكُمْ ، وَإِنْسَكُمْ وَجِنَّكُمْ ، قَامُوا فِي صَعِيدٍ وَاحِدٍ ، فَسَأَلُونِي فَأَعْطَيْتُ كُلَّ إِنْسَانٍ مَسْأَلَتَهُ مَا نَقَصَ ذَلِكَ مِمَّا عِنْدِي ، إِلَّا كَمَا يَنْقُصُ الْمِخْيَطُ إِذَا أُدْخِلَ الْبَحْرَ

« O My servants! If the first and last of you, humans and jinn, stand in one place and ask Me (for something), and I give everyone what he asked for, this would reduce what I have only to the extent that a needle decreases (the amount water) when immersed in the sea " (Muslim, 2577)

That is, if Allah Almighty gives every person everything he asks of Him, this will practically not reduce His wealth.

Allah Almighty instructs his slaves to turn to him with prayers and ask him to fulfill all their desires and promises to fulfill them:

وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ

« And your Lord, Allah Almighty, said: “Call upon Me (make supplications to Me), and I will answer you (give what you ask).” " (Surah Ghafir, 60)

In order for the Almighty Creator to grant barakah, provide assistance and increase inheritance in affairs, there are different duas. Therefore, anyone who wants to achieve success in business should make dua and ask for barakat and assistance from Allah Almighty.

Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that one person said to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):

« O Messenger of Allah, he has turned away from me, and he is moving away and moving away from me. " The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told him:

« Have you not heard the prayer (salat) of the angels and the tasbih of all the creatures of Allah, through which they receive their destiny? Read a hundred times at dawn:

سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ، سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ العَظِيم، أستغفر الله

« Subhana Llahi va bihamdihi Subhana Llahi l-"azim, astaghfiru Allah »

« Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, Glory be the great Allah. I ask forgiveness (of sins) from Allah,” and the whole world will humbly come to you».

This man left and after a while returned and said: “ O Messenger of Allah, verily, this world has turned towards me in such a way that I do not know where to put it (property) " (Al-Khatib)

It is also reported from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“When Allah sent (peace be upon him) to Earth, he stood up, went to the Kaaba and performed two rak’ah prayers. Then Allah inspired him to recite this dua:

اللهم إنك تعلم سريرتي وعلانيتي ، فاقبل معذرتي ، وتعلم حاجتي فأعطني سؤلي ، وتعلم ما في نفسي فاغفر لي ذنبي ، اللهم إني أسألك إيمانا يباشر قلبي ، ويقينا صادقا حتى أعلم أنه لا يصيبني إلا ما كتبت لي ، ورضا بما قسمت لي

« Allahumma innaka ta'lamu sarirati wa 'alaniyati fa-kbal ma'zirati, wa ta'lyamu hajati fa-'tini suli, wa ta'lyamu ma fi nafsi fa-gfir-li zanbi. Allahumma inni as'aluka imanan yubashiru kalbi, wa yakinan sadikan hatta a'lyama annahu la yushibuni illya ma katabta li, va rizan bima kasamta li »

« O Allah! Verily, You know my hidden and obvious deeds, so accept my apologies. You know all my needs, give me what I ask. You know everything that I hide in my soul, forgive my sins. O Allah, I ask You for iman (faith), which controls my heart, I ask for deep correct conviction, which will inform me that nothing will befall me except what You have prescribed for me, I also ask for contentment with what You have given me».

Further, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Then Allah Almighty informed Adam (peace be upon him): “ O Adam! Verily, I accepted your repentance and forgave your sins. Whoever turns to Me with this dua, I will forgive his sins, deliver him from the most difficult problems, drive away the shaitan from him, make his trade the best among all traders, and this world will be forced to favor him, even if he himself does not want it. "". (Tabarani)

information with friends!

Money is an important component human life. IN different times they were given different meanings in a religious and moral sense, but one way or another it is impossible to live without money if a person is more or less integrated into society.

Lack of money entails enormous difficulties in all areas of life, but correctly used wealth is a Muslim virtue, Allah will bless the good rich man, and without any additional attraction of money, without special Muslim prayers for money, he will increase his wealth.

In Islam, in addition to prayer, there are prayers (dua in Arabic) - this is an opportunity for live communication with the Almighty.

He knows everything obvious and hidden, therefore he will hear any prayer, regardless of whether it is said out loud or silently, on the surface of the Moon or in the bowels of the earth.

Dua (prayer) to Allah must always be said confidently, because Allah created us and our difficulties relating to all areas of life, He has the power to change this world and solve any problem. You can read a prayer, or you can listen to how another person reads it, turn in your heart to the Almighty - and He will not abandon His faithful one with His mercy.

Muslim prayer “For money”

“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful. I am seeking refuge from the damned Shaitan, accept my prayer. I seek refuge from You from anxiety and grief, I seek refuge from You from lack of strength and from laziness, I seek refuge from You from cowardice and stinginess.
I seek refuge from You from debt bondage and
oppression of people. Send down to me what is lawful. Take away from me what is forbidden. And by Your mercy, free me from the desires of that which is not You.”

Muslim duas serve different purposes and have different origins. Most of the prayers are taken from the Quran, some are received from the sheikhs and awliya (friends of Allah). Muslim prayer for money is widespread; there is a Muslim prayer for bringing good luck, family well-being and happiness into life, and getting rid of danger.

How to pray correctly?

Before prayer, you need to cleanse your soul and body, and direct your thoughts to the Almighty. Before ritual prayer, you need to dress in accordance with the traditions of Islam, cover areas of the body that should be covered before reading or listening to prayer.

Before prayer, you cannot defile yourself with anything, interact with uncleanness, or have clothes stained with the hair of an unclean animal.

Desecrated natural ways must wash and cleanse themselves before reading or listening to prayers.

This rule does not apply to prayers said in a moment of danger to save a life. Allah is merciful, He will forgive those who sincerely resort to His help and protection. You need to listen to prayer no less carefully and soulfully than read it.

What to expect from prayer?

Allah will support the one who sincerely reads or listens to the prayer addressed to him. Muslim prayer for money is a reliable means, by resorting to which every believer can attract money when he especially needs it.

It is useful to listen to prayers Arabic, even if you do not fully understand the meaning of all the words. Prayers should be distinguished - those who do not have enough money for the basic necessities and those who ask Allah to increase their money in order to be able to do more good deeds and support more of the poor and deprived do not pray in the same way.

Money for the sake of money has no meaning or value in any traditional religion.

The meaning and purpose of money is good deeds and helping others. For this purpose, Allah is asked to increase the amount of money - not out of simple greed and money-grubbing. Money cannot be a goal, it is always only a means.

Original post by cassandra196

بســــــــــــــم الله الرحمان الرحيم
اللهُم يا صانع كل مصنوع و ياجابركل كسيرويامؤنس كل فقيروياصاحب كل غريب وياشافي كل مريض وياحاضركل خلائق ويارازق كل مرزوق وياخالق كل مخلوق ويا حافظ كل محفوظ ويافاتح كل مفتوح وياغالب كل مغلوب ويامالك كل مملوك وياشاهدكل مشهودوياكاشف كل كرب اجعل لى من امرى فرجا ومخرجااقذف قلبى لاارجو احدا سواك برحمتك ياارحم الرحمين

" Bismillahir-rahmanir Rahim. Allahuma ya sani u kulli masnu ya jabiru kulli kyasirin ya muchnisu kulli faqyrin ya sahibu kulli garibin ya shafi kulli maridin ya hadyru kulli hallikin ya razyku kulli marzykin ya haliku kulli makhlyukin ya u kulli maftukhin ya fatihu kulli maftukhin ya galibou kulli maglubin ya malik kulli mamlukin ya shakhidu kulli mashkhudin ya kashifu kulli karbin Ijal-li minanri, farajan wa mahrajan ikzif kalbi Laarju ahadan siuak. Birahmatika ya arhamar-rahimin "

O Allah, creator of all creatures, O Comforter of all the poor, O Companion of all wanderers, O Healer of all the sick, O Giver of blessings to the needy, O Revealer of all that is revealed, O Conqueror of all that is conquered, O witness of everything visible, O Deliverer from all suffering! O Allah, Grant me a successful outcome in every matter, cleanse my heart! I do not rely on anyone but You and trust in Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!
This prayer has 30 virtues:
1. If someone finds himself among enemies and is afraid of their harm, then he should, in a state of ablution, sincerely recite this 7 times prayer and Allah He will be protected, inshaAllah.
2. If someone finds himself in poverty and in distress, then he must perform 2 rakats in the evening, in each rakah after “Fatiha”, read Surah “Ikhlas”. After prayer, read this prayer and say: “O Allah, for the sake of respect for "Tajnama" save me from poverty!" and then ask for what you want and run your palms over your face. InshaAllah, Allah will soon grant your request.
3.Whoever is defeated by sikhr (corruption) must recite this prayer on the water 7 times, then pour this water over him and drink some of it. InshaAllah, get rid of sikhr.
4. If someone is so overfed that heart pain appears, you need to write this prayer with saffron on a white plate, rinse with water, drink it, wash your face and eyes.
5. If someone is sick for a long time and nothing helps him, he must read this prayer 70 times and blow on rainwater and give the sick person a drink, insha Allah, he will soon get relief.
6. If someone finds himself in great misfortune and suffering, one must sincerely read this prayer 1000 times in a state of ablution, insha Allah, Allah will give help.
7. Anyone who wants to get a positive solution to their problems from their boss should read this prayer 7 times near him and, inshaAllah, he will achieve what he wants.
8. Anyone who suffers from hearing loss should read this prayer in the ear 3 times, insha Allah, he will get rid of the disease.
9.Whoever reads a prayer 48 times on Friday morning, everyone will be friends with that person.
10. If a person gets into trouble due to injustice, then he should, after each morning prayer Read this prayer 40 times and blow on yourself. InshaAllah, you will get rid of trouble.
11. If a person is lazy and likes to sleep for a long time, then he needs to read this prayer on Friday, after Juma prayer, 25 times.
12.Whoever does not have children should read this prayer on wax 70 times on Friday night, then put it in water and drink it, insha Allah, there will be children.
13. Anyone who wants to become rich must read this prayer 15 times every day.
14.Whoever wants to make friends with his enemies, let him read this prayer 70 times.
15. Anyone who wants to have a successful business (trade) should read this prayer once before leaving home and carry it with him.
16.For successful dunya and Akhyryt, you need to read 3 times daily and ask Allah.
17. If you write on a plate and give it to a sick person to drink, he will recover, insha Allah.
18.For enemies to stop slandering, you need to read it 11 times.
19.To return safely from a trip, you need to read this prayer 10 times.
20.If you read the dua 10 times during the sowing season, Allah will protect you from all harm.
21.Whoever wants to receive the Shafaat of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, should read this prayer 100 times daily.
22. If there is no love and friendship between a husband and wife, let them write this prayer in saffron on white paper and put it in bed. Their relationship will improve, insha Allah, and no sihr will take them.
23. For Allah to open the gates of happiness for a person, one must read this prayer 15 times and ask Allah.
24. If this prayer is attached to a child, he will be protected from fear and harm from the jinn.
25. During a difficult birth, you need to read this prayer 11 times and blow from the back on the woman in labor, Insha Allah, she will give birth soon and easily.
26. If a girl carries this prayer with her, everyone will like her.
27. If you read this prayer 5 times and blow on an animal, it will save them from illness.
28.To gain useful knowledge after morning prayer, you need to read this prayer 70 times.
29.Whoever has a large debt, with the intention of paying off the debt, should read this prayer 30 times, Insha Allah, Allah will give help.
30. Anyone bitten by a snake or scorpion should read this prayer and blow into the ear. Soon the patient will receive relief, Insha Allah.

Most of the world's religions suggest various shapes connection with the Divine. This is an inseparable part of religion, since man, by nature, is a very limited being and needs help from above. One such form is prayer. Muslim prayers

Since Islam is the second largest religion in the world, it is worth knowing about it. As you know, a person’s faith determines his actions. When more than a billion people believe in the same doctrines, it has a huge impact on humanity.

How Muslims understand prayer

The second pillar of the five that are the basis of Muslim practice is prayer. Muslims are expected to pray five times a day, facing Mecca. On Friday, Muslim men (and in some cases women) must meet at the mosque to participate in midday prayers. Naturally, in addition to the basic prayers, dedicated believers make many other calls to God during the day.

Islamic theologians such as Sheikh Ahmad Kutty exclude the concept of "luck" from their vocabulary, due to the belief that everything in the world is the result of predestination or the orders of Allah. They do not admit the idea that at least something in this world can happen without the knowledge and without the will of the Almighty. Thus, in this system of ideas there is no room for luck or arbitrariness.

Despite this, there are a number of specific prayers from the Quran, which are called “prayer for good luck” or “dua for success.” In the post-Soviet space, these prayers in Turkic and Tatar languages. In these languages ​​it is pronounced "dualar". Dua is the weapon of the believer and is the most important tool available to a Muslim to overcome all stressful situations and failures in life. Meaning different types these prayers: dua for good luck in business, dua for wealth, dua to quickly settle relationships with loved ones.

But there are also duas that need to be practiced with certain actions. Muslims believe that if you write a dua to quickly attract prosperity (karinja) 5 times in a row on different pieces of paper, place 4 pieces in 4 corners of the room where a person works, and keep the fifth one with him, then Allah will give him success in his work and career. To help another in this means to take care of yourself. There is also a specific Muslim prayer calendar.

Success for a Muslim

All people want to achieve success in their life. Muslims are no exception to this; they also want success. For a Muslim, success is not an achievement of a person, but by the grace of Bo ha. To do this, he must listen to the words from the Koran and dogas. They have to work for it, but apart from the effort, they have to perform dua for success. According to various sources there are many duas. However, this article describes the dua for success according to the Quran.

Let's list the 20 most significant of them.

To succeed in business

Muslims believe by virtue of these prayers:

For wealth and prosperity

Muslims who dream of wealth should know these duas:

For success before people and God

To be successful These duas should be recited:

To have a correct understanding of Islam, one must understand that they do not use God as a means to achieve their own goals. On the contrary, a Muslim believes that he brings praise to God by praying for his home, for health, for academic performance, etc. Thus, the prayers described in this article should not be understood as magic phrases that bring a guaranteed result. Intrinsic motivation plays a big role. And even more so, conservative Muslims will say that prayers performed not according to the canons of the Muslim religion will not be heard by Allah.

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