Home Orthopedics Michael Bulgakov. Talking dog

Michael Bulgakov. Talking dog

Everyone has their own style of cultural work.
Russian proverb

This always happens with trains: it goes and goes and ends up in the middle of nowhere, where there’s not a damn thing except forests and cultural workers.
One of these trains dropped into a certain station. Murmansk railway and spat out a certain person. The man stayed at the station exactly as long as the train - 3 minutes, and departed, but the consequences of his visit were incalculable. The man managed to rush around the station and scrawl two posters: one on the red wall near the bell, and the other on the door of a sour building with a sign;
The posters caused Babylonian pandemonium at the station. People even climbed on each other's shoulders.
Stop, passerby!! Hurry up to see!-
Just once and then off to Paris!
With the permission of the authorities.
Famous cowboy and fakir
with its world-class attractions, such as:
will perform a dance with a boiling samovar on his head,
barefoot he will walk across the broken glass and lie face down in it.
In addition, at the request of the respected public
a living person will be eaten and other ventriloquism sessions.
In conclusion it will be shown
clairvoyant talking dog
or a miracleXX century
Sincerely, John Pierce- white magician.
Chairman of the Club Board
Three days later, the club, which usually accommodated 8 people, accommodated 400, of whom 350 were not members of the club.
Even the local men came, and their wedge-shaped beards looked on from the gallery. The club was buzzing, laughing, the buzz was flying through it from top to bottom. A rumor fluttered like a bird that the living chairman of the local committee would be eaten.
Telegraph operator Vasya sat down at the piano, and to the sounds of “Homesickness,” the cowboy and magician John Pierce appeared before the public.
John Pierce turned out to be a puny man in a flesh-colored leotard with sequins. He walked onto the stage and blew a kiss to the audience. The audience responded to him with applause and shouts:
- Time!
John Pierce pulled back, smiled, and immediately the rosy-cheeked sister-in-law of the chairman of the club’s board brought a boiling pot-bellied samovar onto the stage. The chairman in the front row turned purple with pride.
- Your samovar, Fedosei Petrovich? - the admiring audience whispered.
“Mine,” Fedosei answered.
John Pierce took the samovar by the handles, placed it on a tray, and then placed the entire structure on his head.
“Maestro, I’ll ask for a match,” he said in a choked voice.
Maestro Vasya pressed the pedal, and the match jumped on the keys of the broken piano.
John Pierce, throwing up his thin legs, danced across the stage. His face turned purple from tension. The samovar rattled its legs on the tray and spat.
- Encore! - thundered the delighted club.
Pierce then showed further miracles. Taking off his shoes, he walked on the broken glass of the station and lay down on it with his face. Then there was an intermission.
- Eat a living person! - the theater howled.
Pierce put his hand to his heart and invited:
- Anyone interested, please.
The theater froze.
“Petya, come out,” suggested someone’s voice in the side box.
“What a smart guy,” they answered from there, “come out yourself.”
- So there are no takers? - Pierce asked, smiling a bloodthirsty smile.
- Money back! - someone's voice boomed from the gallery.
“Due to the lack of anyone willing to be eaten, the number is cancelled,” Pierce announced.
- Give me the dog! - thundered in the stalls.
The clairvoyant dog turned out to be the most a homely dog from a breed of mongrels. John Pierce stopped in front of her and said again:
- I ask those who want to talk to the dog to come on stage.
The club chairman, breathing heavily from the beer he had drunk, walked up onto the stage and stood next to the dog.
- I ask you to ask questions.
The chairman thought, turned pale and asked in deathly silence:
- What time is it, doggy?
“It’s a quarter to nine,” the dog answered, sticking out his tongue.
“The power of the cross is with us,” someone howled in the gallery.
The men, crossing themselves and crushing each other, instantly cleared the gallery and went home.
“Listen,” said the chairman to John Pierce, “tell me, dear man, how much does the dog cost?”
“This dog is not for sale, for mercy’s sake, comrade,” answered Pierce, “this is a learned, clairvoyant dog.”
- Do you want two ducats? - said the chairman, getting excited.
John Pierce refused.
“Three,” said the chairman and reached into his pocket.
John Pierce hesitated.
- Doggie, do you want to come into my service? - asked the chairman.
“We wish,” the dog answered and coughed.
- Five! - the chairman barked.
John Pierce gasped and said:
- Well, take it.
John Pierce, drunk on beer, was carried away by another train. He also took away five chairman's chervonets.
The next evening the club again seated three hundred people.
The dog stood on the stage and smiled a thoughtful smile.
The chairman stood in front of him and asked:
- Well, how did you like it here on the Murmansk railway? road, dear Milord?
But Milord remained completely silent.
The chairman turned pale.
“What’s wrong with you,” he asked, “are you numb, or what?”
But the dog didn’t want to answer that either.
“He doesn’t talk to fools,” said a malicious voice in the gallery. And everyone started thundering.
Exactly a week later, the train dumped a man at the station. This man did not put up any posters, but clutching his briefcase under his arm, went straight to the club and asked for the chairman of the board.
- Is this a talking dog you have here? - the owner of the briefcase asked the chairman of the club.
“We have,” answered the chairman, turning purple, “only she turned out to be a fake dog.” Does not say anything. We had this swindler. He spoke for her with his stomach. My money is gone...
“So, sir,” the briefcase said thoughtfully, “and I brought you a piece of paper, comrade, that you are resigning from the management of the club.”
- For what?! - the stunned chairman gasped.
- But for the fact that instead of doing cultural work, you are organizing a booth in a club.
The chairman bowed his head and took the paper.

Everyone has their own style of cultural work.

Russian proverb

This always happens with trains: it goes and goes and ends up in the middle of nowhere, where there’s not a damn thing except forests and cultural workers.

One of these trains dropped into a certain station. Murmansk railway and spat out a certain person. The man stayed at the station exactly as long as the train - 3 minutes, and departed, but the consequences of his visit were incalculable. The man managed to rush around the station and scrawl two posters: one on the red wall near the bell, and the other on the door of a sour building with a sign;


The posters caused Babylonian pandemonium at the station. People even climbed on each other's shoulders.

Stop, passerby!! Hurry up to see!-

Just once and then off to Paris!

With the permission of the authorities.

Famous cowboy and fakir


with its world-class attractions, such as:

will perform a dance with a boiling samovar on his head,

barefoot he will walk across the broken glass and lie face down in it.

In addition, at the request of the respected public

a living person will be eaten and other ventriloquism sessions.

In conclusion it will be shown

clairvoyant talking dog

or a miracle of the 20th century

Sincerely, John Pierce- white magician

Chairman of the Club Board


Three days later, the club, which usually accommodated 8 people, accommodated 400, of whom 350 were not members of the club.

Even the local men came, and their wedge-shaped beards looked on from the gallery. The club was buzzing, laughing, the buzz was flying through it from top to bottom. A rumor fluttered like a bird that the living chairman of the local committee would be eaten.

Telegraph operator Vasya sat down at the piano, and to the sounds of “Homesickness,” the cowboy and magician John Pierce appeared before the public.

John Pierce turned out to be a puny man in a flesh-colored leotard with sequins. He walked onto the stage and blew a kiss to the audience. The audience responded to him with applause and shouts:


John Pierce pulled back, smiled, and immediately the rosy-cheeked sister-in-law of the chairman of the club’s board brought a boiling pot-bellied samovar onto the stage. The chairman in the front row turned purple with pride.

Your samovar, Fedosei Petrovich? - the admiring audience whispered.

“Mine,” answered Fedosei.

John Pierce took the samovar by the handles, placed it on a tray, and then placed the entire structure on his head.

Maestro, I’ll ask for a match,” he said in a choked voice.

Maestro Vasya pressed the pedal, and the match jumped on the keys of the broken piano.

John Pierce, throwing up his thin legs, danced across the stage. His face turned purple from tension. The samovar rattled its legs on the tray and spat.

Bis! - thundered the delighted club.

Pierce then showed further miracles. Taking off his shoes, he walked on the broken glass of the station and lay down on it with his face. Then there was an intermission.


Eat a living person! - the theater howled - Eat a living person! - the theater howled. - This feuilleton can be considered to some extent an early version of the “Seance of White Magic” in the novel about the devil..

Pierce put his hand to his heart and invited:

Anyone interested, please.

The theater froze.

“What a smart guy,” they answered from there, “come out yourself.”

So there are no takers? - Pierce asked, smiling a bloodthirsty smile.

“For lack of anyone willing to be eaten, the number is cancelled,” Pierce announced.

Give me the dog! - thundered in the stalls.


The clairvoyant dog turned out to be the most ordinary-looking dog of the mongrel breed. John Pierce stopped in front of her and said again:

I ask those who want to talk to the dog to come on stage.

The club chairman, breathing heavily from the beer he had drunk, walked up onto the stage and stood next to the dog.

Please ask questions.

The chairman thought, turned pale and asked in deathly silence:

What time is it, doggy?

“It’s a quarter to nine,” the dog answered, sticking out his tongue.

The power of the cross is with us,” someone howled in the gallery.

The men, crossing themselves and crushing each other, instantly cleared the gallery and went home.

“Listen,” the chairman said to John Pierce, “tell me, dear man, how much is the dog worth?”

This dog is not for sale, have mercy, comrade,” Pierce answered, “this is a scientific, clairvoyant dog.”

Do you want two chervonets? - said the chairman, getting excited.

John Pierce refused.

Three,” said the chairman and reached into his pocket.

John Pierce hesitated.

Doggie, do you want to come into my service? - asked the chairman.

We wish,” the dog answered and coughed.

Five! - the chairman barked.

John Pierce gasped and said:

Well, take it.


John Pierce, drunk on beer, was carried away by another train. He also took away five chairman's chervonets.

The next evening the club again seated three hundred people.

The dog stood on the stage and smiled a thoughtful smile.

The chairman stood in front of him and asked:

Well, how did you like it here on the Murmansk railway? road, dear Milord?

But Milord remained completely silent.

The chairman turned pale.

“What’s wrong with you,” he asked, “are you numb, or what?”

But the dog didn’t want to answer that either.

“He doesn’t talk to fools,” said a malicious voice in the gallery. And everyone started thundering.


Exactly a week later, the train dumped a man at the station. This man did not put up any posters, but clutching his briefcase under his arm, went straight to the club and asked for the chairman of the board.

Is this a talking dog you have here? - the owner of the briefcase asked the chairman of the club.

“We have,” the chairman answered, turning purple, “only she turned out to be a fake dog.” Does not say anything. We had this swindler. He spoke for her with his stomach. My money is gone...

“So, sir,” the briefcase said thoughtfully, “and I brought you a piece of paper, comrade, that you are resigning from the management of the club.”

For what?! - the stunned chairman gasped.

But for the fact that instead of doing cultural work, you are organizing a booth in a club.

The chairman bowed his head and took the paper.

M. All-Wright.

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Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov


Everyone has their own style of cultural work.

Russian proverb

This always happens with trains: it goes and goes and ends up in the middle of nowhere, where there’s not a damn thing except forests and cultural workers.

One of these trains dropped into a certain station. Murmansk railway and spat out a certain person. The man stayed at the station exactly as long as the train - 3 minutes, and departed, but the consequences of his visit were incalculable. The man managed to rush around the station and scrawl two posters: one on the red wall near the bell, and the other on the door of a sour building with a sign;


The posters caused Babylonian pandemonium at the station. People even climbed on each other's shoulders.

Stop, passerby!! Hurry up to see!
Just once and then off to Paris!
With the permission of the authorities.
Famous cowboy and fakir
with its world-class attractions, such as:
will perform a dance with a boiling samovar on his head,
barefoot he will walk across the broken glass and lie face down in it.
In addition, at the request of the respected public
a living person will be eaten and other ventriloquism sessions.
In conclusion it will be shown
clairvoyant talking dog
or a miracleXX century
Sincerely, John Piercewhite magician
Chairman of the Club Board

Three days later, the club, which usually accommodated 8 people, accommodated 400, of whom 350 were not members of the club.

Even the local men came, and their wedge-shaped beards looked on from the gallery. The club was buzzing, laughing, the buzz was flying through it from top to bottom. A rumor fluttered like a bird that the living chairman of the local committee would be eaten.

Telegraph operator Vasya sat down at the piano, and to the sounds of “Homesickness,” the cowboy and magician John Pierce appeared before the public.

John Pierce turned out to be a puny man in a flesh-colored leotard with sequins. He walked onto the stage and blew a kiss to the audience. The audience responded to him with applause and shouts:

- Time!

John Pierce pulled back, smiled, and immediately the rosy-cheeked sister-in-law of the chairman of the club’s board brought a boiling pot-bellied samovar onto the stage. The chairman in the front row turned purple with pride.

– Your samovar, Fedosei Petrovich? – the admiring audience whispered.

“Mine,” answered Fedosei.

John Pierce took the samovar by the handles, placed it on a tray, and then placed the entire structure on his head.

“Maestro, I’ll ask for a match,” he said in a choked voice.

Maestro Vasya pressed the pedal, and the match jumped on the keys of the broken piano.

John Pierce, throwing up his thin legs, danced across the stage. His face turned purple from tension. The samovar rattled its legs on the tray and spat.

- Encore! - thundered the delighted club.

Pierce then showed further miracles. Taking off his shoes, he walked on the broken glass of the station and lay down on it with his face. Then there was an intermission.


- Eat a living person! - the theater howled.

Pierce put his hand to his heart and invited:

- Anyone interested, please.

The theater froze.

“What a smart guy,” they answered from there, “come out yourself.”

- So there are no takers? – Pierce asked, smiling a bloodthirsty smile.

“Due to the lack of anyone willing to be eaten, the number is cancelled,” Pierce announced.

- Give me the dog! - thundered in the stalls.


The clairvoyant dog turned out to be the most ordinary-looking dog of the mongrel breed. John Pierce stopped in front of her and said again:

– I ask those who want to talk to the dog to come on stage.

The club chairman, breathing heavily from the beer he had drunk, walked up onto the stage and stood next to the dog.

- I ask you to ask questions.

The chairman thought, turned pale and asked in deathly silence:

- What time is it, doggy?

“It’s a quarter to nine,” the dog answered, sticking out his tongue.

“The power of the cross is with us,” someone howled in the gallery.

The men, crossing themselves and crushing each other, instantly cleared the gallery and went home.

“Listen,” the chairman said to John Pierce, “tell me, dear man, how much is the dog?”

“This dog is not for sale, for mercy’s sake, comrade,” answered Pierce, “he is a learned, clairvoyant dog.”

- Do you want two ducats? - said the chairman, getting excited.

John Pierce refused.

“Three,” said the chairman and reached into his pocket.

John Pierce hesitated.

“Dog, do you want to come into my service?” – asked the chairman.

“We wish,” the dog answered and coughed.

- Five! - the chairman barked.

John Pierce gasped and said:

- Well, take it.


John Pierce, drunk on beer, was carried away by another train. He also took away five chairman's chervonets.

The next evening the club again seated three hundred people.

The dog stood on the stage and smiled a thoughtful smile.

The chairman stood in front of him and asked:

- Well, how did you like it with us on the Murmansk railway? road, dear Milord?

But Milord remained completely silent.

The chairman turned pale.

“What’s wrong with you,” he asked, “are you numb, or what?”

But the dog didn’t want to answer that either.

“He doesn’t talk to fools,” said a malicious voice in the gallery. And everyone started thundering.


Exactly a week later, the train dumped a man at the station. This man did not put up any posters, but clutching his briefcase under his arm, went straight to the club and asked for the chairman of the board.

– Is this a talking dog you have here? – the owner of the briefcase asked the chairman of the club.

“We have,” answered the chairman, turning purple, “only she turned out to be a fake dog.” Does not say anything. We had this swindler. He spoke for her with his stomach. My money is gone...

“So, sir,” the briefcase said thoughtfully, “and I brought you a piece of paper, comrade, that you are resigning from the management of the club.”

- For what?! – the stunned chairman gasped.

- But for the fact that instead of doing cultural work, you are organizing a booth in a club.

The chairman bowed his head and took the paper.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov


Everyone has their own style of cultural work.

Russian proverb

This always happens with trains: it goes and goes and ends up in the middle of nowhere, where there’s not a damn thing except forests and cultural workers.

One of these trains dropped into a certain station. Murmansk railway and spat out a certain person. The man stayed at the station exactly as long as the train - 3 minutes, and departed, but the consequences of his visit were incalculable. The man managed to rush around the station and scrawl two posters: one on the red wall near the bell, and the other on the door of a sour building with a sign;


The posters caused Babylonian pandemonium at the station. People even climbed on each other's shoulders.

Stop, passerby!! Hurry up to see! - Only once and then they leave for Paris! With the permission of the authorities. The famous cowboy and fakir JOHN PIERCE with his world-class attractions, such as: he will perform a dance with a boiling samovar on his head, walk barefoot across broken glass and lie face down in it. In addition, at the request of the respected public, a living person will be eaten and other ventriloquism sessions will be performed. In conclusion, a clairvoyant talking dog or a miracle of the 20th century will be shown. With respect, John Pierce - a white magician.

Chairman of the board of the club ___________

Three days later, the club, which usually accommodated 8 people, accommodated 400, of whom 350 were not members of the club.

Even the local men came, and their wedge-shaped beards looked on from the gallery. The club was buzzing, laughing, the buzz was flying through it from top to bottom. A rumor fluttered like a bird that the living chairman of the local committee would be eaten.

Telegraph operator Vasya sat down at the piano, and to the sounds of “Homesickness,” the cowboy and magician John Pierce appeared before the public.

John Pierce turned out to be a puny man in a flesh-colored leotard with sequins. He walked onto the stage and blew a kiss to the audience. The audience responded to him with applause and shouts:


John Pierce pulled back, smiled, and immediately the rosy-cheeked sister-in-law of the chairman of the club’s board brought a boiling pot-bellied samovar onto the stage. The chairman in the front row turned purple with pride.

Your samovar, Fedosei Petrovich? - the admiring audience whispered.

“Mine,” answered Fedosei.

John Pierce took the samovar by the handles, placed it on a tray, and then placed the entire structure on his head.

Maestro, I’ll ask for a match,” he said in a choked voice.

Maestro Vasya pressed the pedal, and the match jumped on the keys of the broken piano.

John Pierce, throwing up his thin legs, danced across the stage. His face turned purple from tension. The samovar rattled its legs on the tray and spat.

Bis! - thundered the delighted club.

Pierce then showed further miracles. Taking off his shoes, he walked on the broken glass of the station and lay down on it with his face. Then there was an intermission.


Eat a living person! - the theater howled.

Pierce put his hand to his heart and invited:

Anyone interested, please.

The theater froze.

“What a smart guy,” they answered from there, “come out yourself.”

So there are no takers? - Pierce asked, smiling a bloodthirsty smile.

“For lack of anyone willing to be eaten, the number is cancelled,” Pierce announced.

Give me the dog! - thundered in the stalls.


The clairvoyant dog turned out to be the most ordinary-looking dog of the mongrel breed. John Pierce stopped in front of her and said again:

I ask those who want to talk to the dog to come on stage.

The club chairman, breathing heavily from the beer he had drunk, walked up onto the stage and stood next to the dog.

Please ask questions.

The chairman thought, turned pale and asked in deathly silence:

What time is it, doggy?

“It’s a quarter to nine,” the dog answered, sticking out his tongue.

The power of the cross is with us,” someone howled in the gallery.

The men, crossing themselves and crushing each other, instantly cleared the gallery and went home.

“Listen,” the chairman said to John Pierce, “tell me, dear man, how much is the dog worth?”

This dog is not for sale, have mercy, comrade,” Pierce answered, “this is a scientific, clairvoyant dog.”

Do you want two chervonets? - said the chairman, getting excited.

John Pierce refused.

Three,” said the chairman and reached into his pocket.

John Pierce hesitated.

Doggie, do you want to come into my service? - asked the chairman.

We wish,” the dog answered and coughed.

Five! - the chairman barked.

John Pierce gasped and said:

Well, take it.


John Pierce, drunk on beer, was carried away by another train. He also took away five chairman's chervonets.

The next evening the club again seated three hundred people.

The dog stood on the stage and smiled a thoughtful smile.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov


Everyone has their own style of cultural work.

Russian proverb

This always happens with trains: it goes and goes and ends up in the middle of nowhere, where there’s not a damn thing except forests and cultural workers.

One of these trains dropped into a certain station. Murmansk railway and spat out a certain person. The man stayed at the station exactly as long as the train - 3 minutes, and departed, but the consequences of his visit were incalculable. The man managed to rush around the station and scrawl two posters: one on the red wall near the bell, and the other on the door of a sour building with a sign;


The posters caused Babylonian pandemonium at the station. People even climbed on each other's shoulders.

Stop, passerby!! Hurry up to see! - Just once and then off to Paris!With the permission of the authorities. Famous cowboy and fakirJOHN PIERCEwith its world-class attractions, such as:will perform a dance with a boiling samovar on his head,barefoot he will walk across the broken glass and lie face down in it.In addition, at the request of the respected public a living person will be eaten and other ventriloquism sessions.In conclusion it will be shown clairvoyant talking dog or a miracle XX century Sincerely, John Pierce - white magician

Chairman of the Club Board

Three days later, the club, which usually accommodated 8 people, accommodated 400, of whom 350 were not members of the club.

Even the local men came, and their wedge-shaped beards looked on from the gallery. The club was buzzing, laughing, the buzz was flying through it from top to bottom. A rumor fluttered like a bird that the living chairman of the local committee would be eaten.

Telegraph operator Vasya sat down at the piano, and to the sounds of “Homesickness,” the cowboy and magician John Pierce appeared before the public.

John Pierce turned out to be a puny man in a flesh-colored leotard with sequins. He walked onto the stage and blew a kiss to the audience. The audience responded to him with applause and shouts:


John Pierce pulled back, smiled, and immediately the rosy-cheeked sister-in-law of the chairman of the club’s board brought a boiling pot-bellied samovar onto the stage. The chairman in the front row turned purple with pride.

Your samovar, Fedosei Petrovich? - the admiring audience whispered.

“Mine,” answered Fedosei.

John Pierce took the samovar by the handles, placed it on a tray, and then placed the entire structure on his head.

Maestro, I’ll ask for a match,” he said in a choked voice.

Maestro Vasya pressed the pedal, and the match jumped on the keys of the broken piano.

John Pierce, throwing up his thin legs, danced across the stage. His face turned purple from tension. The samovar rattled its legs on the tray and spat.

Bis! - thundered the delighted club.

Pierce then showed further miracles. Taking off his shoes, he walked on the broken glass of the station and lay down on it with his face. Then there was an intermission.


Eat a living person! - the theater howled.

Pierce put his hand to his heart and invited:

Anyone interested, please.

The theater froze.

“What a smart guy,” they answered from there, “come out yourself.”

So there are no takers? - Pierce asked, smiling a bloodthirsty smile.

“For lack of anyone willing to be eaten, the number is cancelled,” Pierce announced.

Give me the dog! - thundered in the stalls.


The clairvoyant dog turned out to be the most ordinary-looking dog of the mongrel breed. John Pierce stopped in front of her and said again:

I ask those who want to talk to the dog to come on stage.

The club chairman, breathing heavily from the beer he had drunk, walked up onto the stage and stood next to the dog.

Please ask questions.

The chairman thought, turned pale and asked in deathly silence:

What time is it, doggy?

“It’s a quarter to nine,” the dog answered, sticking out his tongue.

The power of the cross is with us,” someone howled in the gallery.

The men, crossing themselves and crushing each other, instantly cleared the gallery and went home.

“Listen,” the chairman said to John Pierce, “tell me, dear man, how much is the dog worth?”

This dog is not for sale, have mercy, comrade,” Pierce answered, “this is a scientific, clairvoyant dog.”

Do you want two chervonets? - said the chairman, getting excited.

John Pierce refused.

Three,” said the chairman and reached into his pocket.

John Pierce hesitated.

Doggie, do you want to come into my service? - asked the chairman.

We wish,” the dog answered and coughed.

Five! - the chairman barked.

John Pierce gasped and said:

Well, take it.


John Pierce, drunk on beer, was carried away by another train. He also took away five chairman's chervonets.

The next evening the club again seated three hundred people.

The dog stood on the stage and smiled a thoughtful smile.

The chairman stood in front of him and asked:

Well, how did you like it here on the Murmansk railway? road, dear Milord?

But Milord remained completely silent.

The chairman turned pale.

“What’s wrong with you,” he asked, “are you numb, or what?”

But the dog didn’t want to answer that either.

“He doesn’t talk to fools,” said a malicious voice in the gallery. And everyone started thundering.


Exactly a week later, the train dumped a man at the station. This man did not put up any posters, but clutching his briefcase under his arm, went straight to the club and asked for the chairman of the board.

Is this a talking dog you have here? - the owner of the briefcase asked the chairman of the club.

“We have,” the chairman answered, turning purple, “only she turned out to be a fake dog.” Does not say anything. We had this swindler. He spoke for her with his stomach. My money is gone...

“So, sir,” the briefcase said thoughtfully, “and I brought you a piece of paper, comrade, that you are resigning from the management of the club.”

For what?! - the stunned chairman gasped.

But for the fact that instead of doing cultural work, you are organizing a booth in a club.

The chairman bowed his head and took the paper.

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