Home Gums How to automatically search for instructions for household appliances. Where can I find the instructions? Help from the World Wide Web

How to automatically search for instructions for household appliances. Where can I find the instructions? Help from the World Wide Web

Today you will learn to search and find out where to find instructions. I love it. We will be talking about operating instructions, user manuals, etc. for complex household appliances, electrical appliances, electronics, mobile phones, etc.

Have you ever come from abroad and bought some complicated thing there: phone iPad etc. You will probably answer in the affirmative. Because “over the hill” these things are one and a half to two times cheaper than in their homeland.
Have you often come across instructions in Russian included in the kit? I'm sure not. Most likely never.
Then you have two options: either teach English language. But it's long and tedious. The second option is to learn to find any instructions in Russian on the Internet.
I am sure that you will prefer the second option. Therefore, let’s quickly watch a short video that will solve another problem of yours.
Of course, you can say: I haven’t been abroad, I haven’t bought anything. I do not need it.
Take your time.
Who said it will always be like this?
Go and buy something someday.
After all, it's cheaper there. It will be possible to “splurge” and, at the expense of the saved money, have a rest like a human being.
So everyone watch the video.

Well, isn’t it really all very simple? Did you like it?
Then share with your friends and comment. Write what to tell you about next time.
Yes, I remind you that then your name will appear in the very CENTER of my site in the “Recent comments” section.
But the truth is only as long as yours is fresh. Others can “move it” by writing their opinion.
But don’t despair - there are many articles on the site. A comment on any of them returns you to the very first line. Taking into account the fact that almost all of us here are mini-information businessmen and are still semi-entrepreneurs, am I offering you bad PR?
Good luck to you in your niches.

Introduction. What does the instruction manual tell us?
I think many people, when purchasing a product in the store, looked at the instruction manual, since this is one of the thickest books supplied with their favorite product, be it electronics or winter boots. And for 80% of Russian residents, this was their last acquaintance with the operating instructions. Why? - you ask.
The reason is banal. When we get something new in our hands, we “basically” don’t have time to read anything about it. We first assemble, launch, configure, and then, after “we’re tired of the new toy,” we read the instructions.

Of course, someone gets acquainted with the instructions early. For example, a person bought mobile phone, and doesn’t even understand how to switch the interface to Russian - he, of course, turns to the instructions earlier than the person who, after putting contacts into it all day, doesn’t understand how to set an alarm for the morning. The result of all this is the same: instructions for cell phones are an integral part of any mobile phone.
This also applies to all other products, be it winter boots, which tell you how to care for them, or microwave ovens, which tell you how to use them correctly.
Not long ago there was a funny incident in the USA regarding microwave ovens. It consisted in the fact that a woman, after reading the instructions for using a microwave oven, decided that she could dry her beloved cat, which for some reason was wet. Without hesitation, “she warmed up the cat,” and then just as quickly sued the then company Goldstar and won, since the instructions did not indicate that animals “cannot be put in a microwave oven.” The result of this is not comforting: in order to avoid other similar scams from consumers of products that had already sold millions of copies, the Goldstar company liquidated itself, from the ruins of which the LG Electronics company grew.
Now every little detail is taken into account in all instructions, because the “Operating Instructions” supplied with the product are actually legal document, which can both protect the product supplier and ruin it to the point of complete collapse.
From all of the above, a simple conclusion suggests itself: “Read the instructions before handling the product you just purchased or the consequences of “penalizing yourself”.” This is especially relevant because:
- In Russia, legal proceedings are not as objective as in the USA, it is more subjective and not every judge will support you, just like a resident from the USA.
-Western companies stipulate everything in their operating instructions possible options use of the device and be sure to add that this instruction may change at any time without notifying the buyer.
-A in products Russian manufacturers, the instructions either cannot be found, or they are printed on such paper that you don’t want to pick them up.

Definition: operating instructions.
If we consider the very concept of “operating instructions” from a legal point of view, it turns out that:
“The operating instructions are the rules for using the product and its description officially certified by the manufacturer.”
As you can see, this is a rather blurry concept - without definite boundaries. It is not known to what extent to describe the product: either write a model and stop, or describe it, starting with temperature characteristics and ending with functionality.
Regarding the rules of use, producers are given the same practically monopoly right “to compose.”
The topic of operating instructions is also quite heavily discussed abroad. Various abbreviations are used there, which are applied to a particular surface of the product or used in discussions on the forum.
The following abbreviations are quite common:
1. RTM - stands for “Read the manual”. This abbreviation can also be found in official instructions to products.
2. RTFM - stands for "Reading the following materials", "read the accompanying documentation". But still, in the lexicon, for example, on forums, it is not recommended to answer in this way, otherwise they can be deciphered as “Read the fucking manual,” “read the fucking instructions.”

These basic abbreviations may hide the instructions for your cell phone. And if searching for the tag “panasonic instructions” does not yield success, you can try searching with these abbreviations, which will help you find it in a foreign language.

Search for operating instructions.
I think many people had the same problem as finding the operating instructions for a particular product. I recently encountered this problem myself - I needed instructions for the washing machine. It was not possible to find it, since there was no information about its existence, so it was decided to “study” the Internet.
Based on personal experience, I would like to introduce the basic principles of searching for operating instructions on the Internet:

1. Search using search engines.
I think this is the way a lot of people will start. The main thing here is to enter correctly keywords. You need to be very attentive to the endings of words, for example, to search for instructions for a video camera, you need to type “instructions for a video camera.”

2. Search on forums.
This is a search method for the “lazy”, but it gives quite high results - the main thing is to place your message correctly.
Forums of product manufacturers are most suitable for this kind of search, where they almost always have topics like “Help me find instructions...”.

3. Search on the manufacturer's website.
Honestly, this is the first thing that comes to mind, but it also turns out to be the most difficult. The reason is that having gone to the manufacturer’s website, you still need to get to the instructions section, find your “TV produced in 2000” in the archive and then rewrite the instructions. Although they could rewrite it 5 times faster by searching in any search engine for the query “instructions for TV.”

4. Search on specialized sites for “instructions”.
This is a fairly young area for the “Runet”, but there are already many sites in which instructions are posted in catalogs that provide convenient search. I really liked the site free-manuals.ru, where I easily found instructions for my washing machine - fortunately it was there. Prepared the article FireAiD especially for Mega Review

If you are just going to flash your Xbox 360 on Freeboot or the technician has already returned it from the workshop, you need to deal with principles of handling the attachment. The more information the user knows, the faster he will be able to use all the functions of the hacked system.

Where to find information about Xbox 360 with Freeboot

Forums about Xbox 360 with Freeboot

First you will need to find a kind of Freeboot FAQ, that is, a site that will contain all the popular questions regarding freeboot, as well as brief and informative answers to them. Often, all this can be found on thematic forums, where users ask questions, for example, to experts or experienced users who have been “cooking” in this area for a very long time. The user can register himself and ask him a question.

Video instructions

On the Internet there is an immeasurable amount of all kinds of information, which is most often transmitted as text. However, sometimes situations arise when it is much easier to show once than to tell a hundred times.

In this case, the YouTube service comes to the rescue, where people share information for free in the form of videos. There you can find guides on setting up Freeboot, useful information About, how to use Freeboot and much more.

Torrent sites

Before downloading games from torrents, read their descriptions. Often, editors will put in this block some tips or necessary information about launching a particular game.

In addition, on similar resources you can find video tutorials and manuals, which will already be prepared for use and conveniently equipped.

Thematic sites about Freeboot

A striking example of a thematic site is the page itself on which you are reading this text.

Produced in our workshops installing Freeboot on Xbox 360. You can confidently trust the many years of experience of our specialists. Call and make an appointment!

Xboxland and HackFaq will also help answer your questions.

All these sites contain information about all the most interesting technical aspects of handling set-top boxes, last news in the world of consoles, instructions and much more. The authors of the articles try to present information in an interesting, structured and on-topic manner. They also describe the most complex processes in simple terms.

Freeboot instructions - why?

First of all, knowledge of how to use freeboot on the Xbox 360 will help you not harm the system with your rash actions. For example, if you copy the game to the wrong directory, the console won't be able to see her. And if you configure the cooling system incorrectly, it may fail.

Everything for Freeboot on Xbox 360 can be found on the website if desired.

1. To search, you need to find out the manufacturer and model of the device. You can usually find this data on the device itself. The brand is usually written in the most visible place and in large letters. To find the model code, you need to inspect the device and find the factory information sticker. Most often this label is located on back wall. Examples:

2. Type a query in the search bar. The optimal request would be “brand model code”. Only the model number can be specified. The data may not be complete, but in this case several instructions may be found and you will need to find the file you need among the results. For example, for the bakery shown in the photo above, you can type “panasonic sd-255”, “panas 255”, “sd-255”, “panasonic sd 255”. In all variants, a bakery will be found. Let's dial:

3. In response to your search request, the system will open a search results window.

The results display information about the operating instructions found, including the model, device type, file size, and language of the instruction text in the form of a flag. Several files can be found for one device. This may be due to the fact that there are several versions of the instructions, each in its own language, or there are several instructions for the device: short and complete, separate instructions for additional functionality.

4. Having selected the file you need, follow the link to the operating instructions page and download the file by clicking on the “Download” button.

Questions and answers for finding operating instructions:

What to do if the instructions are found, but there is not a single option in Russian?

Perhaps your device was not originally intended for Russia, so instructions in Russian simply do not exist. In this case, you can use the help of friends, who know the language or use a text translation service, such as Google Translator.

Several checkboxes appear next to the operating instructions. What language are the instructions in?

This manual contains information about the device and operating rules in several languages ​​in one file.

The search results found several files in Russian for one device. Which file should I download?

You can download all files, since our service has no restrictions and all instructions are free. Perhaps each instruction describes part of the functionality of the device, or has a short version for quick reference when purchasing and Full description for a deeper acquaintance.

Is it possible to indicate the name of the manufacturer in Russian when searching?

The brand name must be specified accurately. If you are not sure how to spell a brand, you can replace part of the name with a space, for example “pana ni”. But if you distort the spelling of the brand, then such a search query will not yield results, i.e., if you write “Panasonic”, you will not be able to find the instructions.

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