Home Pulpitis Fat and beautiful cats. Fat cat: causes of obesity

Fat and beautiful cats. Fat cat: causes of obesity

How often does a fat cat seem funny to us, and its clumsiness and clumsy movements make us smile! And we sometimes don’t see anything wrong if our pet is slightly well-fed, and even if not slightly. After all, he is so cute! He just loves to eat. And it’s hard to resist pampering him with delicious food!

Alas, excessive appetite and excess weight- not signs of health at all. Quite the contrary. Therefore, you should not be touched by the plumpness of your four-legged pet.

Why is obesity dangerous?

Obesity– is a disease in itself, and besides, it is a serious prerequisite for the development of many diseases. Excess weight contributes to the development diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, provokes inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), various diseases endocrine system, liver, heart, as well as joint diseases and skin problems. The animal often becomes inactive, gets tired quickly, and shortness of breath appears when playing or active movements. Agree, this is no longer amusing!

What is obesity?

Obesity (lat. adipositas - obesity and lat. obesitas - completeness, corpulence, fattening) - fat deposition, increase in body weight due to adipose tissue. An animal is considered overweight when its weight is 15% higher than normal. The norm for each cat is individual, depending on the breed, gender, size and other factors. The weight of champion cats from the Guinness Book of Records is 20-23 kg (look).

In cats, unlike humans, the skin is more loosely attached and therefore very mobile. In this regard, full cats there are no thick folds, and excess fat usually forms on the ribs and under the abdomen.

If obesity during the cat's growth period is associated with increase in the number of fat cells, then for more late period life is characteristic increasing their size.

Causes of excess weight in cats and kittens:

How can you determine how much your pet’s weight differs from the ideal? You can calculate your desired weight using the table below.

Who is guilty?

A cat living in nature does not suffer from obesity. At home, this disease is very common - overweight About 40% of male cats have. The main cause of obesity in cats is poor lifestyle. And, as a rule, their owners are to blame for this!

The most common mistake made by cat owners is both improper feeding and overfeeding their pets. Cats cannot eat most of what we eat: fried, salty, pickled, sweet, baked, spiced. At home, it is difficult to prepare food that would satisfy all the needs of the cat’s body and contain all the necessary nutrients, microelements, minerals and vitamins in the right quantities and in the right ratios.

It is much wiser to use good industrial feed for cats, specially designed taking into account their needs and characteristics, and give them according to the specified daily norm.

Another drawback of the owners is insufficient exercise stress pets A sedentary lifestyle causes them to become overweight.

So, we’ve sorted out the question of who is to blame, now let’s look at the question

What to do?

Fortunately, obesity in cats is easier to treat than in humans. How? The recipe is simple - reduce the calorie content of food and increase physical activity.

To protect your cat's health, you must adhere to proper diet, use balanced food and monitor its volume. Simply put, feed your cat correctly! - about it

Manufacturing companies ready-made feed They produce special diets for sterilized cats and cats, as well as for overweight animals. These are foods with reduced fat content, which reduces their calorie content, and the fiber used in them prolongs the state of satiety.

All that is required to prevent obesity is not to follow the lead of animals begging for food, but to feed them strictly the amount required for normal physical shape!

And to maintain your pet in this normal form, you should give him at least 15-20 minutes a day, forcing him to move actively with the help of his favorite toy or providing him with special ones. sports complexes- about it

Exercise burns calories, develops muscles, improves respiratory and digestive function, strengthens the heart muscle and leads to a reduction in the amount of food consumed.

(!) In addition, constant joint games strengthen the emotional connection between man and animal. Be friends with your pet!

If there is significant obesity, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Only a specialist will be able to correctly determine the cause of its occurrence, give recommendations for treatment and create the optimal diet for the four-legged patient. By ridding your pet of excess weight, you will protect his health.

The most popular pets, of course, are cats. Many people consider their pets to be friends and companions who are always nearby. When a kitten appears in the house, few people remain indifferent to the little fluffy ball. Over time, the kittens grow up, and after a few years a fat cat is already imposingly walking around the house, as in the photo and video in our article.


The fattest cats

In the animal world, as well as in humans, there are some overweight individuals. But not all of our younger brothers worry about this and certainly don’t have a complex. The fattest cats in the world love to sleep and bask in their favorite warm places. At the same time, they simply love to show off on camera, making both themselves and their owners popular, who dote on them, feed them generously and literally carry them in their arms. That is why cats and cats are sometimes amazing with their size and body weight.

1st place – Tulle

Perhaps the leader among fluffy domestic fat cats can be safely called a cat named Tulle, who lives in Denmark. He is only 6 years old, but over the years the little red furry has gained weight of 19.5 kg. His owners say that the fattest cat in the world is not able to look after himself. He is also not interested in cat courtship, and he has never caught mice, because he simply is not able to do it.

Most of all, Tulle loves to doze near the TV, and when he sleeps peacefully, he can be mistaken for a large fluffy ottoman or pillow. Surprisingly, the cat is absolutely healthy, except for obesity, and he owes his large weight to his owners. They pamper him and do not refuse his constant desire to eat something tasty.

2nd place - Garfield

Next after Tulle, the handsome Garfield can rightfully be called a fat man. The cat is very similar to the movie hero, but he probably weighs more, since his weight is 18 kg. Like the hero of the film of the same name, Garfield is an amateur tasty food, good night and lying on the sofa. It was this way of life that led to the fact that the fat cat entered the first ranks of fluffy fat people.

3rd place – Xiong Yuzhong

Another fat cat named Xiong Yurong lives in one of the provinces of China. Its weight is about 17 kilograms. The owners love their fluffy fatty very much and this glutton’s diet always includes fresh meat, the amount of which is never less than 1 kg per day. He is not interested in birds, cats, or walking on rooftops. His favorite pastime is to lie on the couch and watch everyone fuss around him.

4th place – Otto

Otto the cat, who weighs 16 kilograms and lives in New Jersey, suffered from arthritis and veterinarians had to treat him by cutting his diet. So, after several months of treatment and a special diet, Otto lost about 3 kilograms and feels great. He has a beautiful color - black and white.

5th place – SpongeBob

Not so well-fed, but also a popular fat man, lives in New York in an animal shelter. His name is SpongeBob and this “baby” weighs 15.5 kg. The cat lives in the largest enclosure of the shelter, where he can always move around, which he does without much desire. But he is guaranteed a good mood when it’s time to eat, although the shelter employees take care of his health and the fat man follows a diet. Interesting video You can see the largest pet below.

What about kittens?

When a kitten, red, black or white, appears in the house, everyone is happy about it. His owners are ready to give him attention and care from the very first days. They pamper him with treats, as a result of which the kitten turns into a real glutton and gradually gains weight. Such cute and funny fluffies, plump and calm, loved by their owners, certainly cheer up and give a lot of positive emotions.

However, you should not chase the leaders of the presented rating. It is enough just to create adequate conditions for the animal to live and develop, to give it your love and care. Even without excess weight, male cats will undoubtedly be happy.

Photo gallery

Video “Very funny fat red cat”

In the video, we invite you to watch how a cat, despite its rather large size, does not lose its mobility and playfulness.

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Ask any owner of a well-fed cat, is his animal fat? What will you hear in response? Some will begin to explain the barrel-shaped appearance of the pet by breed, constitution and other reasons that are “in the hand of God”, others will recognize the fact, but are unlikely to talk about it as a serious problem.

Meanwhile, veterinarians call obesity in cats and dogs an epidemic that already threatens almost half of the domestic pet population: according to recent studies, different countries Obesity affects 22% to 40% of animals. Being overweight is not a cosmetic flaw; the challenges of fat cats extend beyond getting stuck in the cat flap.

Difficulties and problems of fat cats

Numerous studies have shown that obesity can have detrimental effects on the health and longevity of dogs and cats. Here's just a small list medical problems fat cats, the connection of which with obesity has been scientifically proven:

  • orthopedic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • heart disease;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • disorders of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • breast cancer;
  • some types of transitional cell carcinoma;
  • dermatological diseases.

Additionally, fat cats and dogs are at greater risk during anesthesia. As for life expectancy, so far reliable studies have been conducted only among dogs and have shown a decrease in life expectancy with obesity by an average of 2 years.

Why is the cat fat?

Only a very small proportion of the causes of obesity are diseases (for example, hypothyroidism) or intake medications(for example, glucocorticoids and anticonvulsants), which cause increased appetite. Sometimes genetic defects lead to obesity, in particular, such defects have been recorded in the populations of certain dog breeds - Labrador Retriever, Cairn Terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel and others, as well as in some cat breeds.

An important risk factor is sterilization of animals, after which the metabolic rate decreases. However, studies show that if the main energy expenditure is on muscle activity, then there is no difference between castrated and non-castrated animals - the metabolic rate will be the same.

Change plays a much larger role eating behavior after sterilization: the cat eats a lot, gets fat, and moves less.

Fat cat - owner stereotypes

However, the most main reason obesity is a person. Why is the cat fat? You are overfeeding him. Interestingly, the reason for overfeeding is different for dog and cat owners. In dogs, as in humans, eating and sharing food plays an important social role.

The animal always tries to be present at the family meal and, even if it is trained not to beg for pieces, the owner always, simply at the genetic level, has a desire to treat the dog. Everyone should eat!

In addition, many people like to watch a dog eat: expressive facial expressions allow these animals to demonstrate obvious and great pleasure from the process. And this, in turn, pleases the owner. It’s not for nothing that we enjoy watching people and children with a good appetite eat.

Cats have no food social function does not play. But man is a social animal, so he unwittingly misinterprets the animal’s signals. The cat meows, asking for communication, and the person, especially if he is preparing or eating food at this time, thinks that she is asking for food. Well, how can you not give a piece! At the same time, the cat understands that seeking contact with a person leads to food reinforcement, and this makes it initiate it as often as possible.

As for diet, scientists have not found any connection between obesity and feeding natural food home-cooked food (not food from your table!) or industrial rations. But there is an important “but”: the cheaper, lower quality both are, the higher the risk of obesity.

A logical factor why a cat is fat is the owner’s excess weight: a person who overeats himself and is not used to thinking about the volume and calorie content of the food he absorbs does not bother with this issue in relation to his animal.

How to determine obesity in cats?

Before you panic that your cat has become fat, you need to decide what you mean by normal. There is no accurate, clinically proven method for determining obesity in relation to cats and dogs. In the most common study, overweight is defined as over 15% of optimal body weight, and obesity as over 30% of the same figure. However, what is optimal body weight?

The article we studied provides a mathematical and morphological method for determining excess body weight in cats. We measure the diameter with a centimeter chest(LLE) at the level of the ninth rib and limb length index (LLI) - the distance between the kneecap and the heel bone of the hind limbs. During measurements, the animal must stand straight and with its head raised. Having recorded the data in centimeters, we make calculations using the following formula:

Fat mass (%) = (DHA:0.7067 – IDK:0.9156) – IDK.

It’s more difficult with dogs, since in many breeds the morphology is greatly changed by humans, so they have developed their own way of calculating excess body weight.

Fat cats: treatment

Nothing new has yet been invented in the treatment of obesity. For people, a diet is used, physical exercise, psychotherapeutic assistance, drug therapy And surgical methods. Not all of these methods are applicable to animals. So, there are still no special ones certified medicines, promoting weight loss in cats and dogs, and surgical methods are not used for ethical reasons. What remains?


This method should be selected individually, taking into account the age, scale of the problem, and health status of the animal. But general principles are like that. Although fasting leads to rapid loss weight, it is unacceptable, because along with fat, muscle mass is also catastrophically lost. Therefore, for weight loss, diets low in fat and calories, but with sufficient amounts of protein, vitamins and microelements, are used.

Availability high level squirrel in dietary nutrition especially important for maintaining muscle mass, and the additional addition of vitamins and microelements allows you to compensate for the poor composition of the food.

Scientists recognize L-carnitine as an additional substance that promotes weight loss. We will not explain in detail the mechanism of action of this substance on the body, but the fact that it promotes weight loss has been clinically proven in experimental animals.

As for another common element - linoleic acid, the research here is contradictory, which means it is impossible to say for sure that adding it to the diet promotes weight loss. The same goes for fiber. Coarse fibers are often used in “fullness” diets. However, some studies show a decrease in appetite when eating foods with coarse fibers, while others do not.

Physical activity of dogs and cats

This required condition for successful weight loss in both dogs and cats. Dog owners, of course, have more choice. The most in a simple way are long walks. Just walks, not standing in the yard. Keep in mind that even if you walk, an obese animal will most likely just barely move its legs after you, trying to sit down or even lie down.

Therefore, you need to take the dog on a leash and walk with it at a brisk pace, forcing it to adapt to your pace. Don't set records - increase the distance and pace gradually. Can buy treadmill for dogs - some people really like this simulator. Also in a wonderful way To reduce weight is swimming.

Cat owners are advised to play with their pet using toys - try to find ones that will interest the animal.

Very important for success in your struggle for the health of your pet is not only strict adherence to the prescribed veterinarian diet, but also monitoring the animal’s nutrition after the result is achieved. Weight, as you know, comes back, and each time it becomes more and more difficult to lose it.

Larisa Solodovnikova

Cats are sweet, playful creatures that need human care. Sometimes there is too much care, it manifests itself in a large amount of food. Who doesn't love delicious food? Most cats do not know limits and cannot resist a treat. As a rule, such gluttony leads to dire consequences; sometimes it can negatively affect the health of the pet. If you contact in time veterinary clinic, specialists will help return your cat to its previous shape. We present to your attention the top 10 fattest cats that could use shedding a few extra pounds.

Fat cat Merlin

Merlin lives in a small Russian town. He loves to soak up the sun and recently celebrated his 10th birthday. Merlin weighs 13 kilograms, but this does not prevent him from moving calmly and leading an active lifestyle. He is a cheerful tabby cat who loves to eat delicious food.

SpongeBob the Cat from New York

The funny red cat SpongeBob lives in New York and weighs 15 kilograms. The saffron milk cap is in a shelter where he is cared for and even given the largest enclosure. The cat can move slowly without much desire. When dinner time comes, he immediately becomes active and good mood steps towards the bowl of food.

Otto the cat

Otto lives in New Jersey and weighs 16 kilograms. Heart disease forced Otto to go on a diet and dilute his life with physical activity. After four months of treatment, he was able to get into shape and lose four kilograms.

Cat Meatball from Phoenix, USA

Meatball - domestic cat and it weighs as much as 17 kilograms. He weighs a little more than a child aged three. Now the furry friend is in an animal shelter. It is difficult for a fat dog to find worthy owners who will pay him a lot of attention. Meatball has too little physical activity and requires constant care, which includes regular training and proper nutrition. The reason for such a large mass lies in the improper care of the previous owner, who fed the pet with what was on his table.

Xiong Yurong from the province of China

Xiong Yuzhong weighs 17.5 kilograms and lives in a province of China. The cat is not very active and prefers to relax on the couch all day, watching the commotion. Every day, Xiong Yurong eats at least one kilogram of fresh meat.

Fat guy named Garfield

The cat got the nickname Garfield because of his exotic shape. The cat itself is quite large, plus it weighs 18 kilograms. Compared to his owner, he seems simply huge. Feed this one pet It’s not easy, but the owners are trying to fight Garfield’s excess weight; they have chosen a course of therapy and the right diet.

Fat American cat Meow

The fattest cat in the United States lived in New Mexico. This nice little guy weighed 19 kilograms. He loved to eat and gained a little weight, then a little more. Ultimately, the owner had to take him to an animal shelter; her pet required too much care and food. The woman was already 87 years old, and she was not able to feed such a large hungry beast. Unfortunately, the cat died at the age of two, without completing courses of therapy aimed at weight loss.

Black and white cat Tulle

Tulle lives in Denmark and weighed 20 kilograms at the age of six. Owners are proud that their feline friend is special. They believe that this body weight is normal, and the cat feels great. When Tulle relaxes on the sofa in front of the TV, he can easily be mistaken for a small fluffy pillow.

Spice the cat from Connecticut

Spice is located in Connecticut and weighs 21 kilograms. Its size is impressive. He is a lazy fat cat who doesn't like to catch mice or hunt birds. Spice loves to eat and bask in the sun.

A cat named Himmy

The cat Himmi weighed almost 22 kilograms and she breaks all previous records. This “achievement” cannot be registered in the Guinness Book of Records. Otherwise, people will simply feed their pets in order to become famous. Himmi died from respiratory arrest and complete absence physical activity at the age of 11 years.

Feeding pets is a real pleasure. By buying expensive food and various treats, owners strive to express their love and care for cats. Animals, in turn, gratefully eat everything that is provided to them, and this inevitably affects their weight.

Animals that resemble a swollen ball in shape do not always remain dexterous and flexible, but their clumsiness looks very funny and amusing. This forces people to once again look at photos and videos of such cats, which makes such pictures one of the most popular.

There are many fat cats in the world, but not all of them were able to win titles and titles. The owners of some made sure that their pets became famous throughout the world thanks to their excellent appetite and excess weight.

Australian fat man

The largest officially recorded weight of a cat was recorded in Australia. The owner of the record 21.3 kg was a well-fed cat named Snowball, who more closely resembles a huge white snowdrift. The fat animal, despite being overweight, showed miracles of longevity for the following parameters: Snowball lived for 10 years, after which he died due to respiratory arrest, which is not surprising. If an adult had the same degree of obesity, his weight would exceed 270 kg.


In second place is a cat living in America. The owner took his fat pet Otto to the veterinary clinic in order to euthanize the animal, since the cat had become so fat that he had difficulty moving around the house and could not go to the toilet on the tray, since his butt no longer fit there. Veterinarians persuaded the man not to euthanize his pet, but to try to gradually limit his food intake to stabilize his body weight. After six months of following a special diet, the fat man was able to lose significant weight, which made his life much easier, but pushed him out of the rankings.

Record holder Meow

Third place in the Guinness Book of Records was taken by a cat with the funny name Meow, who was the size of a medium-sized dog. He was only one and a half years old when his previous owner, who lived in Santa Fe, turned to a cat shelter to transfer a problem animal to specialists for permanent residence.

The fat pet reached a weight of 18 kg, which made caring for him more difficult, especially considering the woman’s advanced age (at that time she was 87 years old). Specialists began to adjust his diet and tried to return him to the animal. normal indicators. Meow has become the star of several shows and television programs dedicated to the rules of nutrition for pets. A strict diet helped him get rid of several kilograms and soon there were people who wanted to take home the popular cat, but the consequences of obesity made themselves felt: Meow died in a shelter at the age of two due to pulmonary failure.

Spongebob square….belly

The fourth position belongs to another American resident - a fat red cat named SpongeBob. The weight of this nine-year-old pet is 15.5 kg. Unlike previous heavyweights, medical checkup showed that all his health indicators were in perfect condition. But in order to avoid possible problems in the future, experts recommended adjusting the diet and putting the fat cat on a diet, since extra pounds can cause pathologies in the joints, muscles, etc.


Elvis the cat, who, alas, is not included in the Guinness Book of Records, since this category was banned in 2015 due to the risk to the lives of pets whose owners deliberately feed their animals. This fat man is German and lives in Germany. On this moment Elvis reached a weight of 17.5 kg, which exceeds all acceptable standards. Because of extra pounds he has a whole bunch of diseases - from diabetes to muscle tissue atrophy. He moves with great difficulty, has breathing and heart problems, so the owners intend to take his nutrition seriously and gradually achieve weight loss, which will extend the years of Elvis’s life. A special advisory group of four veterinarians has been created to monitor his health and rate of weight loss.

Despite the fact that fat cats look very funny and make us touch, many animal rights organizations warn that the task of a caring owner is to keep their pet's weight under control, because obesity can lead to many diseases and, as a result, , to an early death.

Fat cats from the Internet

The appearance of furry fatties on the Internet never goes unnoticed. People are ready to look at them every day, so their photos and videos are always in the top. Some get thousands and sometimes millions of views in a matter of days and become real celebrities. Often, when looking at such photos, you want to urgently go on a diet yourself. Sometimes fat cats try to get lost among the interior or blend in with the environment.

On the Internet you can find photographs of fat bellies getting stuck in various holes - this is the time to think about an emergency diet!

But still, most of them, at any weight, feel like the most beautiful and graceful creatures who have come into our lives for us to constantly admire them, regardless of whether they are fat or not.

In addition to photographs, owners of fat cats constantly strive to capture their pets on video, so we can enjoy watching fluffy fat cats having fun, funny asking for food or playing around like little children.

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