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Child benefit for a single mother with many children. How to get help for single parents

So-called children's benefits are awarded.

Moscow social payments are available to single mothers who have a residence permit in the capital and are registered with the district USZN. These state benefits are not paid to mothers at the place of study, service or work. The amount of social payments this year to residents of the capital, including single mothers, remains at the 2016 level in accordance with Moscow Government Resolution No. 816-PP.

It is worth noting that, as a rule, the definition of “single mother” means a woman whose father’s name is written in her words on the birth certificate of the baby, or a dash is placed.

It is noteworthy that additional government assistance in the form of child benefits for single mothers is not so extensive, but they can count on the same social benefits as two-parent families. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Legislative aspect of the issue

Issues of providing social benefits to single mothers are regulated by the following capital legislative acts:

Types of financial assistance

In the capital, single mothers are entitled to the same regional one-time state benefits, which are also prescribed to Muscovite mothers from two-parent families after the birth of a baby, namely:

The above state benefits are listed on.

In addition, single mothers are entitled additional monthly government payments if her family is . It is noteworthy that in 2010-2011, according to a decree of the Moscow Government, a family was considered low-income if its income was less than 8,000 rubles. At the beginning of 2012, the subsistence level began to be used instead of this value.

Therefore, if average per capita family income is less than subsistence minimum, then she is low-income, which means a single mother in this case has the right to the following additional social benefits:

  1. Monthly state allowance for families with minor children. Depending on age, the following amounts are charged:
    • 0–3 years - 10 thousand rubles, for single mothers (fathers) - 15 thousand rubles;
    • 3–18 years old - 4 thousand rubles, for single mothers (fathers) - 6 thousand rubles.
  2. Monthly government compensation payment (MCP) to compensate for the increase in prices for food for children under 3 years old - 675 rubles.
  3. CSC for children under 16 years of age to cover the costs of improving the standard of living (for students educational institutions- up to 18 years old) - 750 rubles.

It is worth noting that application for provision It is best to write all the listed social benefits so that the time of submission does not coincide with the last 3 months. Otherwise, payments accrued for it will be taken into account when calculating family income, which is why it may become significantly higher than the established amount. It is noteworthy that if a single mother gets married, but her husband does not adopt the baby, then his income will not be taken into account when calculating state benefits.

If The average per capita income of family members exceeds the subsistence minimum, then the single mother receives additional social payments in the following amount:

  1. CSC for children under 16 years of age to compensate for expenses to increase the standard of living (for students of general education institutions - up to 18 years of age) - 300 rubles.
  2. Monthly compensation to compensate for the increase in the price of the food basket for children under 3 years old is 675 in national currency.

Registration procedure

Previously, in order to receive additional Moscow social payments, a single mother had to submit to the USZN (the Department of Social Protection of the Population) the necessary package of documents, including an F-25 certificate, which confirms the status of a single mother.

However, on this moment registration of regional state aids is conducted only through the Internet portal of city services of the city of Moscow.

List of benefits

If you are a single mother rents housing in the capital under a rental agreement, then she can receive compensation for its cost through RUSZN. At the same time, landlords must pay taxes to the state on income from rental housing.

Also, for single mothers receive a 30% discount on their children’s tuition fees(until they turn 18) in children's music, art and other art schools in Moscow.

Other social guarantees

In addition to the listed benefits, single mothers and their children (as well as full families) are entitled to the following: privilege:

Large families

Single mothers with many children the following social benefits are due:

  • one-time social benefit - for the 3rd child 14,000 rubles, for triplets - 50,000 rubles. If the mother is under 35 years old, then she is credited with 48,000 in national currency for each child;
  • monthly compensation for the cost of communication services - 250 rubles;
  • annual government payment for purchase school uniform- 5,000 rubles.

Women who raise children without the help of men different ways supported by the state. Single mothers in 2019 are entitled to the following benefits and allowances:

  1. After the birth of the baby, the mother will receive a one-time payment, the amount of which is fixed at 17,000 rubles.
  2. For pregnancy and childbirth, a single mother is entitled to a one-time benefit, the amount of which is calculated based on average earnings (100% of average wages, summarized over the last two years).
  3. The young mother will receive a benefit from her employer in the amount of 40% of her salary. She will receive monthly payments until the baby reaches one and a half years old.
  4. Single mothers who do not have an official place of work will receive monthly compensation in cash equivalent from the Employment Center - 3,000 rubles. for one baby. If two or more children are born, the benefit amount will increase to 5,800 rubles.
  5. Single mothers have labor benefits. For example, employers cannot fire them (except for situations in which workers violate labor laws and discipline) until their children turn 14 years old.
  6. Women raising children on their own can ask for an unpaid 2-week leave at any time convenient for them.
  7. Federal legislation provides for early retirement for such women.
  8. Single mothers whose children are under five years old cannot be forced by employers to work on holidays or weekends, and they cannot be involved in overtime work.
  9. Single mothers have the right to take advantage of additional benefits, for example, receive free linen for newborns, temporarily not pay for utilities, purchase medicines with 50% discount, etc.
  10. If a woman has low-income status, then she should receive a cash payment until her child reaches 36 months. The amount of the monthly benefit will be equal to the cost of living established in the capital.
  11. Until 2022, the Government will pay all women at least 10,000 rubles. for every first-born child. Cash mothers will receive until their children are one and a half years old. For every second baby, mothers should receive 6,200 rubles. for three years from the moment of their birth.
  12. A single mother who gave birth to a second baby can receive maternity capital in the amount of 453,026 rubles.

ABOUT state aid For single mothers, watch the following video.

A few decades ago, being a single mother was truly shameful. However, human morals change, and if you look at today, discarding all sentimentality and unnecessary reasoning in such a matter, then a single mother who received legal status, is the same full-fledged citizen of society as others - like those mothers who enjoy all possible payments and benefits for their children.

Single mother status in 2016

Of course, being a single mother and being one by law are two different things, since in the first case the benefits will be the same, and in the second case the benefits for single mothers will be different. We will consider the second case, namely the documented fact that the woman is a single mother. And we will begin, perhaps, by defining three positions by which a woman can secure the status in question:

  • She shouldn't be married;
  • She has no written confirmation that any man became the father of her child;
  • She does not have a court decision to initiate paternity proceedings.

Any fact presented above that confirms the paternity of a particular man does not allow a woman to obtain the status of “single mother” and benefits provided. On the contrary, if none of the documents gives a positive answer in terms of establishing paternity, then at the registry office, where all documentation is submitted when registering a child, they put a dash in the special column “father”, thereby confirming the fact that the mother is single.

To confirm the mother’s new status, she is issued a certificate numbered 25, which finally confirms and assigns her the status of “single mother”.

It is this certificate that she can present in the future, if necessary, at the place of request, when preparing certain documentation, and also receives the right to all currently available benefits for single mothers in 2016.

The relevance of the “single mother” status

In connection with the above material, the answer to the question of why many single mothers try to document this status for themselves becomes obvious.

In Russia, this status gives mothers a sufficient number of benefits and preferences, while the support provided at the federal level is based not only on providing a number of benefits, but also on tangible cash payments. Thus, any single mother will receive very significant benefits and allowances, and obtaining such a status for herself has become truly relevant today.

Benefits for a single mother

So let's talk about benefits first.

The current benefits for single mothers in 2016 at the federal level have a clear gradation.

Firstly, it is necessary to highlight the benefits of the labor area:

  • The presence of children of such a woman cannot be a basis for refusing to hire her;
  • It is impossible to fire such a woman, even if there is a reduction in staff, if her child is not yet 14 years old;
  • If the company in which such a woman works closes altogether, then her employer is obliged by law to provide the single mother with similar work in another organization;
  • Any overtime work for such women is prohibited if the child is under five years old;
  • By agreement with the employer, and if he has such an opportunity, an individual work schedule in the form of part-time work can be created for a single mother;
  • If the child gets sick, then the woman mandatory are awarded a special cash allowance for care. When a child is admitted to the hospital, the calculation of such benefits is carried out by the company’s accounting department, based on the mother’s total work experience. If the baby is treated on an outpatient basis, the benefit is paid in full within 10 days, and then payments are made in an amount equal to 50% of the mother’s salary. Wherein sick leave must be paid in full if the child has not reached the age of seven. If the child is over seven years old, then the organization is required by law to pay two weeks of sick leave;
  • A single mother has the right to take at any time convenient for her additional leave to the main one, which should be at least two weeks, but will not be paid.

Benefits for children of single mothers

Secondly, I highlight benefits for single mothers in 2016 related to the process of upbringing and education:

  • Any state organizations providers of services in the field of sports and art are required to charge children of single mothers a 30% discount;
  • Compared to other children, children of single mothers are given priority place in preschool institutions, as well as a 50% discount on the cost of their services;
  • Children from such a family studying at school have the right to receive educational literature(textbooks and teaching aids) on a free basis, as well as free meals (breakfast and lunch) in the school canteen.

Benefits for housing and communal services and medicine

Thirdly, there is a benefit related to utility bills:

  • Single mothers do not pay for waste removal services from their home until their child is one and a half years old.

Fourthly, they provide benefits for children of single mothers, in terms of providing medical care and issuing medications:

  • There is free provision for the children of such women with certain medicines. At the same time, drugs not included in such a list are purchased by the mother at half the cost;
  • Massage services provided in the children's clinic are also provided to such children free of charge.

In addition to monetary assistance and some other forms of benefits and payments to single mothers, single mothers are entitled to natural help, until their children reach the age of three:

  • Things and various linens for babies;
  • Receiving free food provided by the dairy kitchen;
  • Preferential conditions for providing vouchers to Spa treatment for children;
  • Preferential conditions for the provision of housing (provided that the mother has not reached 35 years of age).

Many of the benefits presented above for single mothers today are given to the regional level, and therefore may not apply to all single mothers, but, for example, only to mothers with two or more children. Therefore, in each specific case, it is necessary to clarify this with the relevant authorities.

Features of preferential tax treatment for single mothers

The tax deduction for single mothers in the current 2016 will be equal to 2,800 rubles. (double tax deduction) - for the first and second child separately. A similar deduction for the third and subsequent children is equal to 6,000 rubles. (also, is double deduction- 3000 rubles each. every). All deductions are made when the child reaches the age of majority, and if the child is studying full-time at a university, then when he reaches 24 years of age.

In addition to this form of deduction, the mother has the right to a refund of the taxes she paid when purchasing housing.

Payments due to single mothers with disabled children

Benefits for disabled children are provided until they reach the age of eighteen. If the child is disabled from childhood, the payment period is automatically increased until he reaches 23 years of age.

The amount of this benefit increased in 2016 and amounted to 12,000 rubles.

At the same time, depending on whether the family in which a disabled child is growing up has many children or not, a single mother has the right to preferential compensation for a certain part of her expenses in the event of an increase in prices for essential goods.

What benefits does a single mother have (video)

Almost 30% of the population have this status. And this suggests that the desire to receive benefits is quite strong.

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After all, as practice shows, every second woman specifically wants to obtain status in order to acquire a different plan.

What it is?

If the registry office does not show a joint statement from the parents to establish paternity, then here the woman also receives this status.

As a rule, when registering a child at the local registry office, the mother’s surname, first name and patronymic of the child are determined in the record book. The latter can be recorded from the words of the mother, even if the father abandons the child. It is also possible that in the “father” column there will be a dash or a fictitious name.

After receiving the birth certificate, an additional form 25 is issued.

The status is confirmed if a woman is with a baby who, according to the official version, does not have a father.

Women who simply raise a child without a husband cannot count on such status. And it doesn’t matter whether he lives with his family or whether he fulfills his obligations.

In this case, such women have the right to involve the father in fulfilling his obligations to pay alimony, possibly even in court.

In this case, a woman can be officially married and be a single mother if the document contains a dash in the father’s column. Even if she marries another person, this status does not change.

If the new spouse adopts a child, then this status is removed from the woman and she is deprived of benefits.

In each region there are additional benefits for such a contingent of citizens. There is not only regional assistance, but also federal assistance, including various child benefits and labor benefits.

Additionally, single mothers have the right to receive similar payments from the state to ordinary families.

According to statistics, almost 30% of women consider themselves to be single mothers. Some people make their own decision to have a child for themselves, while many simply do not see the prospect of a relationship with a specific man.

Sometimes the biological father independently renounces paternity and it is almost impossible to force him to recognize the child as his own. Often this happens due to the reluctance of both the father and his parents.

Sometimes women consciously agree to recognize themselves as the only parent in order to receive additional financial support from the state.

Regardless of whether the spouse is the biological father or not, he is legally included on the birth certificate. Even if a woman has a new common-law husband, the father will be her ex-husband.

To minimize such a risk, it is better to formalize the relationship or declare your intentions to your common-law husband in writing. To do this, a corresponding application is submitted to the registry office.

In case of divorce within less than 300 days, the former spouse is also registered as the father of the child, even if the woman lives in a civil marriage with another man.

At the same time, the former spouse has the right to challenge such an action in court or challenge the decision about the child. The likelihood of a positive response from the court is very high.

The main condition for obtaining status is a court decision or documentary confirmation of this fact. The status is confirmed by a special document - a certificate in form No. 25.

The legislative framework

Several legal acts regulate this issue:

  • Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 1 of January 1, 2019 – stipulates labor Relations with citizens who have this status.
  • Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Council No. 81 of 1995 - stipulates everything monetary compensation and benefits for this status.
  • Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 1012N of 2009 - the procedure for appointment and the possibility of receiving benefits.
  • Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 4218-1 of December 1992 - stipulates issues related to the housing issue of single mothers.
  • TK Russian Federation Articles 74, 77, 79, 261 – stipulates all relationships between employers and single mothers.

What benefits are a woman entitled to from the state?

It must be remembered that every woman in this status should receive increased benefits to standard benefits.

In particular, the state must pay an additional amount to the standard deduction in accordance with applicable law.

Additionally, there is annual financial assistance in the amount of 300 rubles. This amount is small, but is issued on an annual basis.

Additionally, there are certain benefits. No one has the right to fire a single mother, regardless of the legal form. But this condition only applies to reductions.

When a company is liquidated, it pays compensation. In other cases, it remains for the woman workplace until the child turns 14 years old.

When liquidating an enterprise, the organization must find to this person new job, while maintaining position and specialization.

If a single mother works under a contract, then after its expiration it is necessary to employ the person in accordance with the rules. While searching for a suitable place, you need to pay such an employee a salary. But this condition applies to a period not exceeding a quarter.

Additionally, when a single mother goes on sick leave to care for a child, 100% of the amount is paid.

The entire period is valid only when raising a child under 7 years of age. In other cases, the first 15 days are paid. Additionally, such citizens are entitled to additional rest - 2 weeks at her expense. Moreover, she can receive it at any time.

Often women simply add it to their main vacation. But you can use it separately. The main thing is to warn your superiors in advance. It is better to do this in two weeks.

No employer has the right to refuse employment to such a person. A woman has a priority right to a vacant position.

If the employer refuses, he must justify this in writing. Such a document is the basis for challenging it in court.

Help for single mothers

There is also additional help such a status that allows single mothers to take full advantage of all benefits.


Social assistance is an opportunity to receive additional benefits and incentives. For example:

  • If a person needs real estate, then the status allows him to be on the priority list.
  • When raising a child on her own, a woman has the right to place the child in any preschool and school institution, while all expenses for the child’s stay there are borne by the state, with the exception of private organizations.
  • When raising a child school age, free meals are provided in the canteen, free textbooks. But, as a rule, this fact is decided by the head or director of the school institution.
  • A single mother has the right to take advantage of the purchase privilege medicines with a 50% discount. As a rule, this chance applies only to cheap drugs. But in some cases you can also find a discount on expensive goods.
  • You can take advantage of the free visit benefit massage room. A full family has the right to count on a 50% discount.
  • Also required free trip to the sanatorium at least once a year. It is possible to provide a place in the camp. It is provided free of charge or with a small fee.


A single mother receives the same standard as an ordinary woman. But he additionally receives an allowance for child care up to 1.5 years old.

To clarify the sizes, you must contact social security at your place of registration.

It is provided to a person who needs additional protection from the government. Often it is precisely this contingent that is converted.

It is possible to provide lump sum payment. It all depends on the application in a specific region of the country.

In accordance with current legislation, such citizens are limited to social services. services and special promotions. There is only an increased payment for parental leave for up to one and a half years.

Finding yourself in a difficult situation

Assistance to single mothers from the state in 2019 is also provided in the form of “benefits for citizens caught in difficult situation" Issued by social security using supporting documents.

Payments are made in accordance with regional indicators.

You can only use it once after checking the information.

Large families

Families with many children are provided with the same payments as for one child.

Additionally, it is possible to receive benefits in an amount not exceeding 80% of the average earnings of a single mother.

With housing

Every single mother has the right to count on housing as a low-income family. To do this, you submit an application to social security and you need to get on the waiting list.

This contingent has a priority right to receive housing if they really need to improve their lives.

But you can wait in line for a lifetime, as Russian practice shows.


There are also regional payments to large families. A single mother raising a third and subsequent child can count on special maternity capital, in addition to the federal one.

Its size is determined based on the region of residence.


All benefits are divided into annual and monthly.


Annual benefits are of the following type:

  • pregnancy benefit (one-time) – 34,520.55 rubles;
  • allowance for registration within a period of up to 12 weeks. (one-time) – 613.14 rubles;
  • at the birth of a baby – 16,350.33 rubles;
  • additional payment annually – 300 rubles.


There are also monthly benefits:

  • up to one and a half years - 40% of the average salary of a citizen, minimum 3065.69 rubles;
  • up to three years – 50 rubles;
  • up to 18 years old – 150 rubles.

How to apply?

You can apply for social assistance for single mothers only in social service by providing supporting documents.

If a citizen is working, then she must contact the place of employment with the appropriate package of documents and an application.


Assistance to single mothers is provided only if they have documents confirming their status.

To receive it you must provide:

  • identification document of a single mother;
  • application of the appropriate sample;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • other supporting documents;
  • a certificate from the bank about the details to which funds will be transferred;
  • certificate in form No. 25.

An additional package of documents may be required if proof of ability to work or official work is required.

To do this, you must first come to the place of application and clarify the full package of documents.


Unfortunately, a single mother is a common occurrence, both in modern Russia, and throughout the world. There are many reasons for a woman to raise a child alone, but despite different reasons, the result is the same: mother and child need help. Assistance to single mothers from the state is expressed as follows: additional child benefits and payments, benefits in labor and tax legislation, preferential queue for placement in kindergarten and much more. You will learn more about all the rights, benefits and benefits in 2017 for single mothers in this article.

Single mother status 2017

The legal definition of single mother status is as follows: “A single mother is a woman whose child does not have information about the father on the birth certificate.” It would seem that this formulation explains a lot, but, in fact, it explains nothing. After all, we are talking about a morally and often socially disadvantaged person who is responsible for the maintenance and upbringing of a child - a growing citizen of our state.

Payments and benefits to single mothers 2017


All benefit amounts indicated are as of 2016. The amounts of these benefits, taking into account indexation for 2017, will be approved in December of this year.

First of all, it is worth noting that all parents, including single mothers, have the right to Federal payments and benefits for the birth of a child.

How much do single mothers earn? Additional benefits are established by regional legislation and to obtain a comprehensive list of payments and benefits, you should contact the regional office of the center social protection population. Let's look at payments using the example of Moscow.

Additional payments to single mothers in Moscow

Benefits paid in 2017 to single mothers from the city budget are provided for by Moscow Government Decree No. 828-PP dated December 8, 2015. However, the resolution states that families with income below the subsistence level can count on some payments.

A single mother in Moscow is entitled to the following payments, regardless of family income:

Monthly compensation payment due to the rising cost of living, single mothers (fathers) for children under 16 years of age (students under 18) - 300 rubles.

Monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for single mothers, as well as families in which a parent evades paying child support, for children under 3 years old - 675 rubles.

The monthly compensation payment to a single mother (father) caring for a disabled child of group I or II under 18 years of age (up to 23 years for a disabled person since childhood) is paid only if the child does not work, and amounts to 6,000 rubles.

Payments to single mothers if their income is below the subsistence level:

Monthly compensation payment due to the rising cost of living for single mothers (fathers) for children under 16 years of age (students under 18) - 750 rubles.

Monthly allowance for single mothers for children aged 0 to 1.5 years and from 3 to 18 years - 2500 rubles.

Monthly allowance for single mothers for children aged 1.5 to 3 years - 4500 rubles.

To the social services department protection must provide a certificate of income for the last 3 months. The optimal period for filing applications for these benefits is one in which maternity payments do not fall into your income.

Labor benefits

Talking about labor benefits For single mothers, the following points should be noted:

In the event of a reduction in staff at an enterprise, a single mother cannot be fired if she supports a child whose age has not reached 14 years. Dismissal is illegal when there is a change in management at the enterprise and even when such an employee is not suitable for the position held. However, precedents are being recorded in which a single mother was fired due to regular serious disciplinary offenses.

In addition, a single mother, in the event of layoffs due to the liquidation of an enterprise, can count on being provided with another job. By the way, responsibility for subsequent employment lies directly with the administration of the enterprise where the layoffs were carried out.

A single mother, like any other mother, is provided with benefits if she is caring for a sick child. The benefit paid for inpatient treatment is calculated depending on the length of service.

Outpatient treatment involves payment of benefits to a single mother during the first 10 days in full and in the amount of 50% of wages for the rest of the time.

Caring for a sick child under 7 years old includes payment for sick leave without any restrictions. If the child is over 7 years old, you can expect to receive 15 days of sick leave.

A single mother has the right to receive leave at her own expense at any convenient time for up to 14 days.

Single mothers with a child under 5 years old cannot be required to work overtime, work at night, on holidays or weekends.

The mother of a child under 14 years of age (including single mothers) has the right to part-time work, determined at her own request.

In addition to the above, single mothers can count on employment benefits, since a potential employer does not have the right to refuse to hire due to the presence of children. In case of refusal to hire, the administration of the enterprise must provide a clearly formulated reason for the refusal.

Tax deduction for a child of a single mother

A single mother has the right to receive double expenses for the maintenance of each of her children until the age of 18. If a child who has reached the age of 18 is a university student, the double tax deduction will continue until the age of 24. This means that a certain amount of income will not be subject to income tax, namely 1400 * 2 rubles for the first and second child and 3000 * 2 for the third and subsequent ones.

What benefits cover other aspects of life for single mothers?

The right to receive free sets of baby clothes for a newborn baby;

The right to a temporary waiver of payment for the removal of solid food waste and for cleaning the territory of an apartment building if the child is under 1.5 years old;

The right to receive free meals at a dairy kitchen for a child under 2 years of age;

The right to purchase a number of medications at reduced prices with a discount of up to 50%;

Possibility of free visit to the massage room, if there is one in the children's clinic;

In addition, children of single mothers in secondary schools should receive two free meals a day in the school canteen;

Children of single mothers upon admission to additional educational establishments, for example artistic and music schools, can count on a 30% discount on tuition fees;

Again, such children enter preschool institutions out of turn and with a 50% discount;

And finally, every year children of single mothers can count on receiving a sanatorium voucher.

Housing for single mothers

Of particular note is the target program “Affordable housing for young families.” Under this program, mothers under 35 years of age can apply for compensation for part of the cost of housing.

A single mother is a woman who is not married and is raising a child or children alone, without a joint statement from the parents to register paternity rights when registering the child with the registry office. A single woman is often confused with a single woman (who has a child but no husband). In our case, we are talking about a woman whose child officially does not have a father. Such a mother does not have the opportunity to apply for the collection of alimony, because there is no one to legally collect it from.

If the father wants to obtain paternity rights, he can resolve this issue in court. If a woman does not want to register the second parent in the documents or he himself does not want to admit the fact of having a child, this can also be decided in court (Article 49 of the RF IC).

When a man was not officially married to a woman who has a child from him, but recognized the baby and after some time passed away, the fact of paternity is also established through special legal proceedings (Article 50 of the RF IC, paragraph 4, paragraph. 2 Article 264 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation).

When can a mother qualify for single status?

  • If there is a dash in the “Father” column on the birth certificate.
  • When the mother did not submit an application to the registry office to register paternity.
  • The mother adopted the baby without being married.
  • If a man disputes his paternity based on genetic testing, which was certified in court.
  • When the birth occurred after 300 days from the date of divorce.
  • In the case of adoption, when the mother was married, but the husband refused to accept these obligations.

The Moscow Civil Registry Office has given the following definition of a single mother: “A single mother is the mother of a child who is not married, or her marriage has been dissolved, declared invalid by the court, or the husband of the child’s mother has died, and from the date of dissolution of the marriage, recognition of it as invalid, or from the date more than three hundred days have passed since the death of the mother’s spouse before the child’s birth, and paternity of the child has not been established.”

  1. An application, a sample of which is issued by the social protection authorities.
  2. Passport or driver's license.
  3. Baby's birth certificate.
  4. Certificate of family composition.
  5. On the right according to form No. 25, which is issued at the registry office. It contains information about where and when the child was born, his parents are indicated, the registration number and the name of the registry office where it was made.
  6. Income certificate certifying that .
  7. A certificate from the employment service, which states that the mother is not registered for unemployment and does not receive such benefits.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, such matters are entitled to a monthly federal benefit, the amount of which depends on the specific region.

General terms and conditions that affect the amount of benefits for a single mother are:

  • Fact of employment.
  • Amount of children.
  • Average family income per person.

Legally, such a woman is entitled to an amount that is equal to payments for children for two-parent families. The entire amount of payments for state level recorded in Federal law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children.”

An additional payment is the federal child benefit, the amount of which depends on the region. As a rule, we are talking about a small amount.

In order to receive such benefits, you need to contact the specialized state protection authorities, providing the following documents:

  1. An application that also includes information about family income.
  2. Child's birth certificate.
  3. A certificate from the housing office confirming that the child lives with the mother.
  4. Employment history.
  5. Passport.
  6. Coordinates of the card or bank account where the money will need to be transferred.

If verification of existing income is required, the social security authority provides a preliminary response to the applicant’s request within 10 days, indicating the need for additional verification. After all procedures have been completed, the final response is given no later than 30 days after the date of application.

If the mother is employed, after the birth of her second baby she can count on the same benefits as after the birth of her first. In this case, the amount of payments for a child up to 1.5 years old increases, and the woman already has.

Regional maternity capital is usually prescribed after the birth of the third child, but the law provides for exceptions.

If a single mother doesn't work

Such women are entitled to less benefits than working women. Payments are usually minimal and are carried out through the Social Security authorities, and not through the Social Insurance Fund in the case of working people.

During pregnancy, such women are also not entitled to financial benefits. They are paid only a lump sum after childbirth and monthly until the child reaches 1.5 years of age.
There are a number of benefits that mothers who do not work can count on:

  1. Child benefit for a low-income family, the amount of which is calculated individually.
  2. Maternity capital for the second child in the amount of RUB 453,026.00.
  3. Monthly allowance for the third child until he reaches the age of three.

Students and military women are also officially equal to the status of non-workers. They are paid an amount equal to a scholarship or cash allowance.

Single mother - changes in legislation

Women who raise children without a father can enjoy a number of benefits and privileges, including:

  1. Compensation for baby food until the child reaches three years of age.
  2. Kindergarten without a queue. To do this, the mother needs to obtain a certificate and send it to the kindergarten. If the mother does not want to send her son or daughter to this institution, she has the right to receive compensation.
  3. Benefits for paying for housing and communal services. This is a so-called subsidy, for which you need to apply to the responsible authorities.
  4. No possibility of dismissal from work due to layoff. Dismissal can only occur in case of gross violation of labor discipline. These include theft, drunkenness, and truancy. The list also includes disclosure of trade secrets and forgery of documents.
  5. Free two meals a day at school.
  6. Prohibition on working night shifts, overtime and on weekends. This law is valid until the child turns 5 years old.

Single mother raising a disabled child

Mothers who have a disabled child under their guardianship may qualify for additional monthly payments from the state:

  1. In the case where official guardianship is issued over the child, the payment amount is 2,000 rubles.
  2. When the mother is also disabled, she is entitled increased pension.
  3. Regional surcharges are possible, the amount of which depends on legislative framework specific area.

Social guarantees that are provided in this case:

  1. A woman should work part-time working week.
  2. She is entitled to 4 days off, which are paid at the workers' rate.
  3. The employer cannot fire the mother if she does not agree.
  4. If a mother raises a child under 18 years of age, she has the right to retire upon reaching the age of 50.
  5. A woman has the right to social housing.

Improving living conditions

A single mother does not have a priority right to housing. This becomes possible if the family has status.

There is a program “Affordable Housing for Young Families”. According to its rules, if a mother is no more than 35 years old and is raising 1 or more children, she can become a participant in this program under the item “Providing housing for young families.”

Who is not recognized as single mothers?

  1. If a mother is raising children after a divorce.
  2. When a woman has a child within 300 days after the divorce or the same period after the death of her spouse. In this case, the father is recognized ex-husband(Article 48 part 2 of the Family Code).
  3. If paternity is established voluntarily or by court decision, but the woman still continues to raise the children herself.
  4. Widow.
  5. If the father is legally deprived of parental rights.

Even if a woman is not qualified for her position, by order of her superiors she cannot be dismissed from work until the child turns 14 years old. If the contract expires, management may dismiss, but provide continued employment. In this case, the job search should not exceed three months. During this period, the woman must receive the average salary from her previous place of work.
Sick leave is paid in full, regardless of its duration.

According to the law, if a child is between 7 and 15 years old, the mother has the right to take sick leave for up to 15 days. When outpatient treatment is indicated, wages are paid in full for the first 10 days. Starting from the 11th day, the salary is calculated at 50% of the rate.

As for leave, the mother is entitled to it every year. There are two types – paid and unpaid. The mother can take the second one at a time that is convenient for her.

If there is a need to get a job, and a woman has a son or daughter under 14 years of age in her care, the employer, in case of refusal of a job, must provide a written explanation where the reason must be substantiated. When a woman considers that the reason for refusal is unfounded, she can go to court to resolve this issue.

Can a single mother get a mortgage?

The bank does not provide separate lending conditions for this category of the population, however, if a woman has stable income, she can easily get a mortgage. The presence of a husband in this case is not necessary. Family income is considered.

If a woman has two children, she will also need to prove her solvency. In this case, the income level must be high to cover the costs for three people. When you need to pay a down payment, you can use funds from maternity capital. It is legally required to use it to improve living conditions. It can also be used to pay off the principal portion of the mortgage loan.

An initial fee

To date special program, which would involve taking out a mortgage without a down payment, no. Also, the state has not developed any legislative acts that would help a single mother repay a loan. There is a possibility of regional bills that could regulate this situation and provide assistance to single mothers in purchasing housing. Such possibilities need to be clarified locally with the administration. settlement.

Question answer

I'm a single mother. Recently, a man who is biologically the father of my child returned to the country. Can I file child support for him if, by law, I am raising the child alone?

In this case, a woman can file for alimony in court, but she will need to achieve recognition of paternity, voluntarily or forcibly.

Are there any benefits for providing vouchers for children to a sanatorium?

Eat. You need to contact the social protection center at your place of residence. In this case, it is necessary to draw up an application and a package of documents, which will be indicated there.

My child starts school in a year. Who can tell me what benefits may be provided if I am a single mother?

At school it will be possible to have two free meals a day at the expense of the state. If you live in Moscow, you can apply for training in art schools, sports and other specialized sections on preferential terms. The benefit amount is 30% below the regular cost.

If a single mother gets married and her husband does not adopt the child, does the woman still have this status?

After marriage, the status of children born before marriage remains the same.

The rights of single mothers are protected by law. However, before entering into labor, family and other types of relationships, you need to familiarize yourself with the legislative rationale that works in a particular case. A specialized lawyer who works in the field of Family or Labor Law will help with this.

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