Home Children's dentistry How the baby moves through the birth canal. The birth process from start to finish: description of the main stages

How the baby moves through the birth canal. The birth process from start to finish: description of the main stages

Stages of childbirth or how natural childbirth occurs over time

In order for a woman to more easily endure the process of giving birth to a child, not to interfere with her actions, but to help the medical staff, she must clearly know what stages of childbirth she will have to go through. Having an idea of ​​the physiological changes occurring in the body, a woman reacts less emotionally to what is happening, is less afraid, and experiences moderate painful sensations. When the first stage of labor has already begun, it is too late to provide training. Difficulty concentrating on new information. We suggest that you familiarize yourself in advance with the three stages of childbirth in order to prepare as fully as possible for the upcoming complex and responsible work.

  1. First stage: preparatory
  2. Birth of placenta
  3. Duration of labor

The first stage is preparatory

At the end of pregnancy, a woman may experience discomfort in the abdominal area, lower back. Can they be confused with the beginning of real contractions? Women who already have children claim that this is almost impossible. Painful sensations Training contractions can be weakened and stopped completely if, at the moments of their occurrence, you distract yourself with something interesting:

  • watching a movie;
  • taking a warm shower;
  • a cup of aromatic tea.

If this is not “training”, but the first stage of childbirth, then the body cannot be deceived by any means. The pain slowly and gradually increases, the intervals between contractions are even periods of time, which become increasingly shorter. Stage 1, in turn, is divided into 3 time periods, during which sequential preparation for the expulsion of the fetus occurs. Of all the stages of childbirth, this is the most painful and longest period. Attempts to speed it up can cause injury to mother and baby. The cervix will not have time to open properly.

Three phases of the first stage:

  • latent (cervical dilatation up to 3–4 cm);
  • active (opening up to 8 cm);
  • transient (full dilatation up to 10 cm).

By the second phase, the waters usually recede. If this does not happen, the doctor who controls the stages of labor performs a puncture of the amniotic sac, due to which the cervix opens faster.

By the end of the second phase, the woman enters the maternity hospital. She is already having fairly intense contractions, occurring less than 5 minutes apart. The third phase takes place under the supervision of doctors. Every 3 minutes there are wave-like contractions lasting up to 60 seconds. Sometimes a woman does not have time to rest between them, because they come one after another. At this stage of labor, the fetal head descends into the pelvic cavity (pelvic floor). A woman may experience fear, even panic. She needs specialist support. Sometimes there is a desire to push, and this is where the help of obstetricians is indispensable. They will tell you when it’s time or if you should wait until the cervix opens to the desired size.

In the first stages of labor, close relatives of women in labor can play a huge role. It is important to talk to her, reassure her, do light massage lower back, holding hands, helping to take those positions in which a woman can most easily endure pain:

  • be on all fours;
  • while moving vertically;
  • stand with support on your hands.

The first of the three stages of labor is the period when the fetal head moves downward under pressure from the muscles of the uterus. The head is oval, the birth canal is round. There are places on the head where there is no bone tissue- fontanelles. Due to this, the fetus has the opportunity to adapt and pass through narrow birth canal. - this is the slow opening of the cervix, smoothing of the birth canal and the formation of a kind of “corridor” wide enough to let the baby through. When everything is prepared, the second stage of labor begins – pushing.

The second stage: the period of pushing and the birth of the child

If we consider everything 3 stages of labor, then pushing is the happiest for the new mother, who can finally forget about the suffering she endured and press her little blood to her chest for the first time.

At the beginning of this stage, if a natural birth is planned (without caesarean section), the woman is asked to sit on the birthing chair. The most important and responsible work begins. By this point, the woman in labor is already very exhausted from prolonged pain, her main task is to concentrate on the commands medical personnel and carry them out exactly. The baby turns several times while passing through the birth canal and finally approaches the exit. First, the head is shown (it can be hidden back several times). In order not to harm the child, it is necessary to push strictly according to the doctors’ command. The baby’s head presses forcefully on the rectum - and along with the next contraction, the desire to push appears.

After the head is born, the doctor helps it release from the perineum. The shoulders are born, and then (very quickly) the whole body. The newborn is placed on the chest. At this moment, the woman experiences a powerful release of the hormone oxytocin, and she experiences a state of euphoria. There is some time to rest. The work is not finished yet - we need to wait for the birth of the placenta.

Birth of placenta

When the 3 stages of labor are described, minimal attention is paid to this last stage. But it is extremely important for a woman’s health. It is necessary that the “children's place” is separated on time and completely. The third stage begins with rather weak (compared to everything that the woman in labor has already experienced) contractions. Normally there will be very few of them, you need to push further and help the uterus expel the placenta. If the placenta does not separate on its own, doctors resort to surgical intervention. The uterus must be cleansed. Otherwise there is inflammatory process, prolonged bleeding. The last stage is completed, the young mother and child are left under observation for a while. Then they are sent to the ward.

Duration of labor

Stages of labor different in time. The duration of each of them is different for those giving birth for the first time and for repeat births. Let's see how childbirth goes for first-time mothers and for those who have already gone down this path (more than once).

Table 1. Duration of the 3 stages of labor

Categories of women in labor First period Second period Third period
Primipara From 8 to 16 hours. 45–60 min. From 5 to 15 min.
Those giving birth repeatedly 6–7 hours. 20–30 min. From 5 to 15 min.

Those who give birth to their second and subsequent children, the first two periods pass much faster. Therefore, it is very important for multiparous women to call “ Ambulance“so that the birth is not caught at home or on the way to the hospital.

What to do if a woman in labor feels that the baby’s head is about to appear and she can’t get to the maternity hospital on time? In this case, those around you will have to deliver the baby at the pre-hospital stage.

Such situations are possible during premature pregnancy, in multiparous women, during nursing, during rapid labor. It is necessary to prepare warm water, sterile gloves, napkins, and changing supplies. The person assisting the woman in labor must carefully support the perineum as the fetal head moves forward to prevent rupture. Only when the child's suboccipital fossa is under the mother's pubic symphysis can one carefully help the child get out into the light. After birth, mother and newborn should be taken to the hospital for examination as soon as possible.

Childbirth is a process that women have always approached with understandable fear. But if you are prepared for each stage, you will be able to manage childbirth, that is, turn from a passively suffering patient into an active participant in difficult but joyful work. All fears will be immediately forgotten as soon as your little copy appears on your chest. The birth of the most beloved creature in the world is worth patience!

Of course, the statement that preparing for childbirth is useless is incorrect. This is how those who are lazy or are simply afraid to find out something about childbirth in advance justify themselves. And yet, there is some truth in this statement: no matter how you prepare for childbirth, the beginning of this process will still be associated with natural excitement, during which all acquired knowledge can become confused in the head.

To meet this process fully armed, many women, long before the end of pregnancy, begin to seriously prepare for childbirth: they take courses, read magazines and search for information on the vast expanses of the Internet. After all, in order to feel confident from the very beginning, you need to firmly understand how not to miss the onset of labor, when you need to go to the maternity hospital, what documents and things will be required for hospitalization, what needs to be done before leaving for the maternity hospital.

Let's assume expectant mother the first “suspicious” sensations appeared: the back ached, the stomach tensed, unusual discharge from the genital tract appeared. At this moment, many thoughts simultaneously appear in your head based on the information received about childbirth. However, these thoughts are sometimes very contradictory, because in courses and in specialized literature we understood different variants the beginning of labor. So, where to start: call the doctor, your husband or an ambulance? What if this is it? What is the best way to behave now during “sensations”: try to relax or immediately use pain relief techniques? What is better now: lie down, sit down or walk? Looking for an answer to these questions during contractions, rummaging through a stack of magazines or thick course notes, is extremely inconvenient. To make this task easier, we have compiled a guide to action on the most important points the beginning of labor.

Labor begins: how to stop panicking?

At the beginning of childbirth, every expectant mother experiences excitement - a completely natural feeling before such a responsible and difficult process. However, at this moment it is very important not to give free rein to your emotions and quickly try to calm down in order to prevent panic from occurring.

Panic fear of childbirth can serve the expectant mother very badly: after all, it is the state of panic that leads to the development of most labor disorders. With significant emotional arousal, which is associated with a feeling of fear, the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted. As a result of “nerve failures,” signals coordinating labor activity arrive unevenly and may weaken or, on the contrary, sharply increase. Due to violation nervous regulation labor contractions become painful, weak and unproductive.


In order not to succumb to panic, it is important to control your emotions from the very first sensations. There is no need to fuss and try to solve several problems at once. There is no need to immediately call your relatives, rush to get ready or call an ambulance: first, sit or lie down, find the most comfortable and relaxed position, close your eyes and take several long deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This will help calm your emotions and only takes a couple of minutes. Then open your eyes and try to assess your well-being as objectively as possible: what exactly has changed in it?

How do your waters break at the beginning of labor?

This is probably the most common cause for concern: most expectant parents are afraid of not noticing the release of water, confusing it with urination, the passage of a mucus plug, or ordinary female secretions. In fact, fetal fluid is fundamentally different from all other types of discharge from the genital tract, and it is extremely difficult to confuse it with anything. Normally, this should happen during contractions, but often the water breaks before labor begins.

There are two “scenarios” for water breaking. In the first version, they pour out unexpectedly, all at once and in large quantities. As a result, the liquid will flow down the legs, all clothes below the waist will instantly become wet - it is simply impossible to miss such a phenomenon! The rupture of the membranes itself, due to which the water begins to leave, is not accompanied by any subjective feelings– it occurs without pain, spasm or urge to urinate.

The water drains completely differently if the resulting hole in the amniotic sac is located high and is covered by the wall of the uterus: in this case, the liquid may periodically be released in drops or tiny streams, in small quantities, wetting the sanitary pad and underwear. However, even with slight leakage of water, they can be easily distinguished from ordinary vaginal discharge: the water is absorbed into the fabric of the underwear and wets them without leaving mucus on the surface. Fetal fluid is also completely different from urine: it does not have a specific color and smell, like urine, and the spontaneous release of urine without the urge to urinate in healthy woman can not be.


In doubtful cases, you should see a doctor: special test on water held in reception department any maternity hospital, will dispel all doubts!

The onset of labor: is it possible to confuse the release of the mucus plug with the rupture of water?

It is not at all similar to the leakage of water that the mucous plug, or cervical mucus, is discharged - a special secretion that closes the cervical canal during pregnancy. Usually the cork is released gradually, in parts, leaving brownish marks on the underwear for 1–3 days. Much less often it appears entirely at once. In this case, it can be compared to a lump of gel up to 1.5 cm in diameter, yellowish-pinkish-brown in color. The removal of the plug may be accompanied by slight aching sensations in the lower abdomen, similar to the discomfort before the start of the next menstruation.


When water appears, regardless of its quantity and the presence of other signs of the onset of labor (contractions, pain in the lower abdomen), you should immediately go to the maternity hospital: from the moment the membranes rupture, the risk of infection of the uterus and fetus increases, and it is better for the expectant mother to be in the sterile conditions of the obstetric department.

Remember that it is impossible to confuse the mucus plug with fetal fluid: it is a very thick, jelly-like, viscous and elastic mucus, not at all like a liquid. Cervical mucus may begin to appear about two weeks before your due date. This is a normal option and, unlike water leakage, does not require seeing a doctor.

How can you tell if real contractions have begun?

The classic onset of labor is the onset of contractions. Contractions are regular contractions of the uterine muscles. The first contractions are usually not associated with pain or significant discomfort. Describing their feelings at this moment, expectant mothers say that the stomach itself is very tense, as if it “turns to stone” for 5–10 seconds, and then completely relaxes until the next one. This is similar to the increase in tone during pregnancy, but stronger and short-term. Contractions occur periodically, at certain intervals. In the intervals between contractions, the expectant mother’s well-being is no different from usual - absolutely no new sensations! However, the appearance of the first contractions of contractions does not necessarily mean the beginning of labor: they may turn out to be just a rehearsal, a false alarm and end as unexpectedly as they began. Such contractions are called training contractions, or false contractions, and can normally appear as early as the 36th week of pregnancy.


The first task of the expectant mother when a periodic feeling of tension appears in the abdomen is to detect the intervals between contractions in order to understand whether they are real or training. Real contractions occur regularly - there are equal intervals between them, not exceeding 20 minutes, and the neighboring contractions themselves are the same in duration and strength of sensations. Another sign of real contractions is an increase: over the period of observation they should gradually become longer, stronger and more frequent. With this option for the onset of labor, you should go to the maternity hospital as soon as the interval between contractions is reduced to 10 minutes. Up to this point, provided wellness you can stay at home, under the supervision of loved ones, calmly gather and watch the development of contractions.

Training contractions, on the contrary, are irregular: the intervals between several neighboring contractions are unequal, sometimes more often, sometimes less often - and the contractions themselves occur at random, sometimes longer and stronger, sometimes shorter and weaker. There will be no increase in false contractions either - even if the intervals between them are more or less the same, they do not change in any way for several hours. It should be noted that the intervals between false contractions can be either very large (more than 20 minutes) or very small (3–5 minutes), so it is necessary to evaluate first of all not the frequency of contractions, but rather the regularity and increase.

What is the best way to behave during contractions at the beginning of labor?

At the beginning of labor, when the first contractions just begin, they are practically painless. At this stage, you can behave freely: there are no restrictions in actions, movements, just as there is no need to use special pain-relieving techniques - poses, massage, breathing techniques– they will be needed later, when the contractions become stronger and more painful.


The only special recommendation during the first contractions is “belly breathing”, practiced in psychology and yoga. At the beginning of the contraction, the expectant mother takes a relaxed, slow breath in through her nose, and then exhales the air through her mouth for as long as possible (as if blowing on water). With this technique, in addition to the intercostal muscles, the respiratory act involves the diaphragm and abdominal muscles - hence the name of this breathing. As a result of abdominal breathing, intra-abdominal pressure changes during each inhalation and exhalation. This ensures good blood flow, helps prevent hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus and weakness of labor, and also helps cope with anxiety.

How to pack things correctly?

To the maternity ward of the maternity hospital you need to take washable slippers, clean socks, toilet paper, disposable toilet seats, wet wipes or disposable handkerchiefs (for the face and hands), a bottle of still water), thermal water spray (for irrigating the face and body), chapstick or lip balm, moisturizing drops or nasal spray, earplugs (the maternity ward can be noisy), a phone with charger and headphones. If you are allowed to take your own clothes to the hospital block, you can take a couple of T-shirts or short nighties and a robe.

In the bag for the postpartum department you need to put clothes for yourself and the baby, daily hygiene products, postpartum pads, disposable panties, bra and nursing pads, nipple cream, breast pump, pack of diapers and baby wipes.


When packing things for the maternity hospital, it is more convenient to distribute them into two bags: in one, put everything you will need in the maternity ward, and in the other, the most necessary things for the postpartum ward. Many maternity hospitals do not allow you to carry things in textile bags, so it is better to use plastic bags. If you are having a partner birth, don't forget clothes, a change of shoes and food for your spouse!

How do you know if you can have a snack?

Food is a source of energy that is so necessary for the expectant mother during the long and labor-intensive process of childbirth. Today, even in the maternity ward, the staff offers sweet tea, a lollipop, and a piece of chocolate to a tired woman in labor. True, it is better that it is just a snack, something light and quickly digestible - fruit salad, yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts, dried fruits, juice or sweet tea. It is better to abstain from rich, heavy food at this moment, as it can provoke vomiting with a subsequent increase in contractions.


Contrary to popular belief, at the beginning of labor you can and even need to have a snack - of course, if you have an appetite. It is necessary to completely abstain from eating from the very beginning of labor only in the case of a planned surgical delivery (that is, before a cesarean section) or in case of any symptoms of deterioration in the health of the woman in labor (bleeding, rising blood pressure, severe pain).

Take a warm shower. In addition to its hygienic function, a shower during contractions is used as a relaxing and pain reliever. Streams of warm water directed at the abdomen and lower back reduce the feeling of tension during contractions and help improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, on which the dynamic development of labor and the baby's breathing depend. At the beginning of labor, it is better to get into the shower completely, with your head - a water massage will help you relax and calm down, control your emotions and have a positive attitude towards the upcoming birth.

Get a manicure and pedicure. First, remove the polish from your fingernails and toenails. Based on the color of the nail plates, the doctor during the birth process determines the level of microcirculation (blood flow in small vessels) in you, and therefore in the baby! Secondly, trim your nails short. Immediately after birth, the baby will be placed on your tummy and allowed to hold it with your hands. The skin of a newborn is very delicate and vulnerable, almost like the mucous membrane of an adult. Protruding nails can easily damage skin baby, and the resulting scratch becomes an entry point for infection.

Perform intimate waxing. Hair removal in the perineal area is a standard “preparatory” procedure upon admission to maternity hospital. Many women do not understand the purpose of this manipulation: it is obvious that the presence or absence of hair does not in any way affect the course of labor. Why is it necessary to shave the pubic hair and between the legs before giving birth? Hair around the vagina traps intimate secretions. During childbirth and especially during postpartum period these secretions become much more abundant than usual, accumulate at the entrance to the vagina on the hair of the perineum and serve as an ideal breeding ground for the proliferation of various bacteria, which can cause serious infectious complications for mother and baby. Use a razor to completely remove hair from the perineum. If independent depilation turns out to be too complicated a procedure for you or there is no time left for it, it will be done in the emergency department of the maternity hospital.

When to go to the maternity hospital?

If contractions begin, interspersed with uniform and gradually shortening intervals, the expectant mother feels well, the water has not poured out - we go to the maternity hospital no later than a 10-minute interval between contractions.

If the contractions that start are irregular, the mother feels well, the water has not poured out - rest and wait further development events.

If water has leaked or is leaking in any quantity, or there is even a suspicion that water has broken, we go to the maternity hospital immediately.

In doubtful cases in emergency room maternity hospital will produce special analysis- swab on water. The result will be ready in 15–30 minutes and will allow you to confirm or refute the fact of rupture of the amniotic sac, regardless of its size and location.

Documents to the maternity hospital: what to take with you?

When going to the maternity hospital, you must take a passport, exchange card, birth certificate, insurance policy and/or birth contract. If you have a copy of your passport and insurance policy, also take them with you - this will significantly speed up the procedure for obtaining a card in the emergency room of the maternity hospital.

The scarier the more painful it is!

It is important to understand that the level of pain during contractions directly depends on fear and tension. If a woman in labor is not mentally prepared for childbirth and is very afraid, even in cases where the birth proceeds without complications, the contractions are felt much more painful than usual. This is easily explained: the sensation of pain directly depends on the ratio of various hormones in the blood of a woman in labor. The most important of these are endorphins and adrenaline. Endorphins have an analgesic effect; an increase in adrenaline in the blood, on the contrary, leads to a decrease in the pain threshold and increased pain. Fear is known to stimulate the release of adrenaline in huge doses. Therefore, when you panic, the amount of adrenaline in the blood goes through the roof, it displaces painkillers endorphins, and as a result, the pain during a contraction is felt much stronger.

How does the baby understand that labor has begun?

Modern science believes that the baby, or rather, his body, initiates labor itself. Of course, the fetus has no experience of birth, but in most cases, during childbirth, without complications, it does everything correctly - this is how nature arranged it. When the first contractions begin, the expectant mother produces oxytocin, a substance that we know as the love hormone. He comes to the baby and calms him down, because childbirth is also a great emotional and physical stress for the child. However, all the shocks that await a child during childbirth are within the limits of his capabilities.

How does the fetus feel during contractions?

Supposedly, children feel something like a tight hug, more discomfort than pain. Doctors suggest that adults experience such sensations when they try to crawl under a fence. During contractions, the baby receives less and less oxygen from the placenta (this is normal), and this has a calming effect on him - he falls into a kind of trance, some babies can even sleep while the cervix is ​​dilating.

What does he hear and see while he is being born?

This issue has been little studied. It is known that children hear their mother and other relatives even before birth. During the time spent in the womb, the baby gets used to his mother’s voice and can recognize it at such a difficult moment for him as birth. Nothing concrete is known about vision during childbirth either: doctors say that immediately after birth, the child sees everything unclearly, the picture before his eyes is blurred. However, at a distance from the mother's chest to the face, he is already beginning to see more clearly - and this is not by chance, this is how the baby establishes the first eye contact with his most important person.

How does a baby breathe while passing through the birth canal?

In the womb, the lungs do not work; they are filled with fluid. During childbirth, the baby continues to receive oxygen from the mother, that is, through the placenta. But his lungs are already preparing to take his first breath - the fluid gradually disappears during childbirth, making it possible respiratory organs expand. After birth, the placenta ceases to perform its function, the pressure drops, and blood begins to flow into the lungs in the required volumes.

How does the baby move during labor?

Shortly before labor begins, the baby descends into the entrance to the pelvis, and when the uterus begins to contract, the fetus begins a journey through the birth canal. During this time, he manages to press his head to the chest in order to squeeze into a narrower section of the pelvis, and then turn over to face the mother’s spine. If the baby lies facing the mother's belly, contractions may become more painful, then doctors may ask the woman in labor to walk around so that the fetus will still take normal position. Before birth, the baby makes several more movements: he straightens his neck, and when the head is born, he turns sideways (doctors often help the baby do this half-rotation), and then, pushing off from the bottom of the uterus, he emerges entirely.

Is your baby scared?

It is believed that children feel discomfort from the fact that life in the womb is over and that the womb ceases to be a cozy home. Some psychologists are inclined to believe that because of this, the baby experiences fear of loss during childbirth, afraid that he will no longer have a mother. But no one knows for sure. It is known, however, that the birth itself becomes a shock for a child, and the intensity of these sensations depends on how noisy and light the room is.

Is your baby in pain during childbirth?

Scientists have found that children are able to feel pain even before birth, from about the 20th week of pregnancy. However, little is known about the baby's sensations during the birth process. Scientists believe that the child does not feel pain as such, and certainly does not experience the pain of childbirth that accompanies a woman.

How does he manage to get out through such a small hole?

It's all about the mobility of the skull bones. It seems to consist of small tiles that change their position, allowing the baby to move along the birth canal. After natural birth The head of any newborn is slightly deformed, but in a couple of days everything will return to normal. In addition, a comfortable position helps the baby to be born (we are talking about children in the cephalic position) - he tries to shrink so as to become as small as possible.

Childbirth is one of the most impressive moments one can experience. female body, but also one of the most painful. If you are expecting a baby or planning to become pregnant soon, you may be wondering what will happen to your body when your baby arrives. Here detailed information from specialists. Every woman in labor encounters the stages described below in one form or another.

Your water will break

One of the first things a woman going into labor will experience is her water breaking. This is a sign that birth process has begun. For some women, this happens spontaneously when the body's reaction is triggered at the cellular level. It is worth considering that each woman experiences this moment of childbirth individually, just like everyone else. This means that you will experience your water breaking differently than others.
This may be a slight discharge or, on the contrary, very intense. You may or may not experience uterine contractions. However, there is something in common - after the water breaks within a few hours, the labor process will begin. In other words, if your water breaks, you definitely need to go to the hospital. Your baby is ready to be born and you need health care so that this process is safe for both of you.

You will forget about hunger or fatigue

You might think that the process of having a child leads to severe hunger. After all, your body is doing a massive job. physical work. However, experts note that everything is not entirely true. Some people start to worry about not being able to eat for too long, but this is in vain - you definitely won't feel like eating at all.
In addition, you will not experience fatigue, despite the fact that the body will work very intensely. Changes in hormone levels keep you alert and strong for labor. It doesn't matter whether it's day or night - you won't want to sleep. After the baby is born, you will be able to regain your strength - you will probably immediately want to sleep. This will all happen completely naturally, so don't worry.

You will feel contractions

Contractions are the most obvious part of the birth process. When you give birth, your uterus contracts and pushes the baby out. Contractions are painful, but they are necessary for the baby to be born. As you approach your due date, your uterus will begin to contract. The first contractions do not mean that you are already giving birth, they are just preparation for what will happen in the near future.
Such contractions usually occur chaotically and are accompanied by minimal discomfort. Only when contractions become regular and intense can you assume that labor has begun. Frequent and painful uterine contractions, occurring every three to five minutes for two hours, are a sign that your baby is about to be born. This means that you should rush to the hospital if you are not already there.

You will get back pain

The contractions themselves are quite painful, and they also cause back pain. In fact, this is one of the first signs of the onset of contractions. Since the uterus is a large muscle, its contractions can cause back discomfort. In addition, back pain may be completely unrelated to contractions. Most often, the baby descends through the birth canal facing the spine. However, sometimes its position is different, and then its skull may touch the spine. This will cause a fairly noticeable feeling of discomfort. There is no need to be afraid - such sensations do not mean that something is going wrong.

Removal of the mucus plug

During birth, a variety of bodily fluids leave the body with the baby. Among them will be a mucus plug. During pregnancy, it blocks the cervix to protect the baby from infection. The closer the birth process is, the less tightly this plug stays in the cervix. Its release may be a harbinger of childbirth. If you notice unusual discharge, don't panic. Stopper is a thick, sticky gray mucus that you may notice on your underwear or toilet paper. If it does not appear before delivery, you will likely notice a large amount of mucus during labor. It can be quite off-putting, but it's all a natural part of the wonderful process of bringing a baby into the world. You should not be embarrassed at all about this - doctors are well aware that this is absolutely normal.

You will lose blood

In addition to mucus, you will also lose a lot of blood during childbirth. But there is no need to worry, as blood loss is completely normal. The placenta contains quite a lot of blood, and the body accumulates as much fluid as possible in advance, preparing for the birth process. You lose even more blood when the placenta comes out. The blood comes out in an intense stream, which frightens some women. Nevertheless, the doctor monitors the process and may well assess whether this amount is normal. If something goes wrong, you are guaranteed to receive necessary help. If everything is in order, rest assured, your body will quickly recover after the baby is born.

The cervix will almost disappear

When you give birth, the cervix goes through several changes, including almost complete disappearance. It moves relative to the uterus, thinning and expanding so that the baby's head can pass through the uterus. As a result, we can say that it practically disappears.
Doctors note that there are no other parts of the body capable of such transformations - not a single organ is capable of disappearing and appearing again. After childbirth, the cervix magically restores its miniature size. This is surprising - usually the hole is so small that it is practically undetectable, and during the birth process the baby passes through it. After this, the hole returns to its previous size. All this suggests that childbirth is a truly unique process.

Your uterus will stretch

During childbirth, not only the cervix changes, but also the uterus itself - it stretches greatly. This is necessary to facilitate the baby's exit. The process is accompanied by the release of an increased amount of lubricant so that the child slips out. Do you wonder how a pregnant woman feels at this moment? As a rule, women feel pressure in the lower abdomen, similar to the urge to go to the toilet. If you are worried about what will happen to the uterus after childbirth, you can calm down - it will recover and the swelling will go away, although it will not be exactly the same as before. You will feel discomfort for a while, but after a few weeks you will feel much better. A warm bath will help relieve swelling and pain. You can also do pelvic floor exercises to help you recover faster after childbirth.

After the placenta is delivered, the uterus will contract

After the baby is born, the placenta is delivered. After this, the uterus begins to contract and return to its previous size. Some women notice pain during the recovery process. Nevertheless, painful contractions are good, because this is how the vessels that were open when the placenta came out close. You should only worry if the discomfort bothers you too much and does not go away for a long time. In such a situation, you should consult a doctor to eliminate the possibility of complications.

In this article we are talking about urgent, or timely births that occur during pregnancy 38 - 41 weeks, the reasons for their occurrence and signs of impending birth.

Information At the end of pregnancy, changes occur in a woman’s body that prepare her body for the upcoming birth. According to modern scientific ideas, childbirth begins and proceeds safely in the presence of a formed generic dominant.

It is a complex that combines higher centers regulation (central and peripheral nervous system, hormonal regulation) and executive bodies(uterus, placenta, membranes). That is, this means that for any even minor deviations in the operation of this complex system Various anomalies of labor may occur.

It has been proven that women who have been trained in special courses for pregnant women give birth easier and develop fewer complications during childbirth and early pregnancy. postpartum period than in unprepared women in labor. Therefore, it is better to expect the upcoming birth, as they say, “in full combat readiness,” without fear, looking with hope into a bright future with your baby.

First stage of labor. Frequency and intensity of contractions. Methods of self-pain relief during contractions

The moment when contractions become regular and gradually intensify is considered the beginning of the first stage of labor. At this stage, the cervix dilates. In primiparous women, it lasts 10–12, but can reach 16 hours; in multiparous women, the process goes faster and takes an average of 6–8 hours.

At first, the contractions are short, 10–20 seconds, and the breaks between them are long, 15–20 minutes. If you are at home, then you can slowly get ready for the maternity hospital. Gradually uterine contractions will intensify and the gaps will shorten. Try to move more or stand near a support, in this position the pain is not felt as much, and the opening proceeds faster.

Important During contractions, the most important thing is to relax as much as possible and breathe deeply, because when contracting, the muscles compress the vessels through which blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

And if the baby is in a state of hypoxia (lack of oxygen) at such a crucial moment, then it will be more difficult for him to adapt to new living conditions. Calmness helps not only to relax the whole body and fill every cell with oxygen, but also allows you to put your thoughts in order. As soon as you feel that a contraction begins, take a comfortable position and begin to calmly inhale air through your nose, you can put your hand on your stomach and ribs to feel how your stomach rises, your diaphragm falls and air fills your lungs. And then take a calm, long exhale through your mouth.

You can also use self-massage techniques in conjunction with diaphragmatic breathing to relieve pain from contractions:

  • Stroke the lower abdomen from the midline to the edge with both hands;
  • Massage the base of the sacrum with your fingertips;
  • Acupressure of the inner surface of the iliac crest.

Also distracts from pain nice talking in a cozy environment. It’s good if you have someone with you during childbirth close person: husband, girlfriend, sister or mother. It is very important that they are prepared for childbirth and do not panic during labor, but support you.

Usually, when the cervix is ​​dilated by 5–6 cm, the membranes rupture and amniotic fluid is released. After this, the doctor must examine the woman in labor in the chair to make sure that the baby’s head is positioned correctly and that the umbilical cord loops of the arm or leg have not fallen out (in case of breech presentation). The volume of the uterus has decreased, and contractions after a short break become even stronger and more frequent.

Sometimes the amniotic sac is opened artificially when the uterine pharynx is dilated by 2–3 cm, this procedure is called amniotomy. It is used for weak labor and to activate contractions.

During the first stage of labor, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the bladder and go to the toilet every 2 hours. Crowded bladder prevents the normal opening of the cervix and the direct passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

When the cervix is ​​dilated by 10–12 cm, the fetal head presses on the sacral plexus and the desire to push arises. But this cannot be done until the doctor examines you, because if you start pushing when the cervix is ​​not fully dilated, it can simply be torn. With the beginning of pushing, labor moves into the second stage - period of exile.

Anomalies of labor in the first stage of labor

Primary birth weakness - a condition in which the strength, frequency and duration of contractions are not sufficient to dilate the cervix from the very beginning of labor. Secondary birth weakness– reduction in the intensity of contractions after their normal course. To restore contractile activity of the uterus, use intravenous administration prostaglandin or oxytocin solution. These substances are produced in the body and cause muscle contraction. If the first stage of labor is prolonged and the woman is tired, medication-induced sleep and rest may be prescribed, but only if the condition of the fetus is stable and there are no indications for emergency delivery. During stimulation of labor, antispasmodics and analgesics are additionally prescribed and constant monitoring of the fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions is carried out.

Overly strong labor activity may occur in hypersensitive, nervous women in labor. They are characterized by very strong, frequent contractions and pushing. Childbirth, even for first-time mothers, ends in 1–2 hours. Due to the fact that all processes are significantly accelerated, the body of the mother and child cannot adapt and therefore ruptures of the genital tract and injuries to the newborn occur. To reduce the activity of contractions, the woman is placed on the side opposite to the back of the fetus and drugs that relax the muscles of the uterus are administered.

Another violation is discoordinated labor– in the uterus the direction of propagation of the wave of contractions changes, that is, the force of contractions decreases not from top to bottom, but vice versa. Contractions are very painful, but the cervix does not dilate, the myometrium does not relax and the uterus is in constant agitation - uterine tetanus. Blood flow is disrupted and the fetus is in severe hypoxia.

The second stage of labor is the birth of the child. Attempts

From the moment the cervix is ​​fully dilated, perhaps the most important stage of childbirth begins - the period of expulsion. Usually the second period lasts 1 – 2 hours.

The passage of the child through the birth canal depends entirely on how hard and well you push. At the command of the doctor or midwife, you need to calmly take a deep breath and hold your breath as long as possible, while the air should not be kept in your cheeks, but directed downwards, as if pushing it out of you along with the child.

On average, pushing lasts 1.5 - 2 minutes and during this time you need to push like this, holding your breath 4 - 5 times, then, while resting, breathe deeply and calmly, restoring your strength. You need to press your knees towards yourself with your hands, tensing your abdominal muscles. When you are transferred to the delivery room (usually this happens when the baby’s head has already emerged from the genital slit), there, on a special birth bed, the legs are spread wide on the stands, and your hands will need to hold on to the handles and pull them towards you during the fight.

With each attempt, the baby slowly moves towards the exit, the bones of his skull overlap each other to match the size of the birth canal. If you breathe incorrectly, small hemorrhages may appear on the face and eyes, and the baby’s head will stand in one place for a long time and be compressed, which can lead to various injuries. When the head is already born, for correct conclusion hanger, the midwife will ask you to breathe shallowly often to suppress the pushing.

As a rule, after this no more than 1 - 2 minutes pass and the whole baby appears. This is the most joyful moment of your life - the first meeting with your baby. With his first cry, the baby expands his lungs and takes his first breath. If all is well, the baby will be placed on the mother’s tummy to activate breast milk production.

With skin-to-skin contact, the mother's microflora will transfer to the baby's skin and protect him from harmful microbes. Then the desire to push again appears - this means the placenta has separated, and the third stage of labor has begun - the birth of the placenta. Meanwhile, the midwife will take the baby to weigh, measure and treat cord remnant, and the pediatrician will examine him and evaluate him using the Apgar scale.

Sometimes it happens that there is simply no strength to push - this condition is called weakness of pushing. It occurs when the woman in labor is overworked, as well as when the abdominal muscles are weak. In this case, oxytocin is administered, if it is necessary to speed up the birth of the child, the tissue of the perineum is cut (the operation is called episeotomy). But, if the fetal head is sandwiched between the pelvic bones and the baby’s condition worsens, in the absence of effective attempts, forceps or a vacuum extractor are applied to the fetal head and the baby is pulled out. But it’s better not to let it come to this, but to gather all your strength and push yourself.

The third period is the birth of the placenta (placenta, membranes and umbilical cord)

During the last attempt, the afterbirth appears from the uterus - this is the umbilical cord, placenta and membranes. Special attention The doctor spends time examining the placenta; it is necessary that all its lobules are in place and nothing remains in the uterus. If everything is normal, the obstetrician examines the birth canal and, if necessary, sews up the torn tissue.

An ice pack is placed on the abdomen to force the uterus to contract faster and prevent atonic bleeding. If a piece of the placenta remains in the uterus or for some other reason the uterus does not contract and blood continues to flow, manual control is performed and. The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia.

After giving birth, you and the baby will have to spend two more hours in the birthing unit; after this time, the doctor will assess the condition of the uterus, measure your pulse and blood pressure, and then transfer you to the postpartum ward. There you will get used to each other, and the baby will also get used to new living conditions. It is very important to put the baby to the breast as early as possible and feed him according to his every need, and not by the hour. Enjoy every moment of your new life, because now it has a new meaning.

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