Home Dental treatment How long does it take for the uterus to contract after childbirth and is it possible to speed up this process. Postpartum period

How long does it take for the uterus to contract after childbirth and is it possible to speed up this process. Postpartum period

After childbirth, a woman’s body includes mechanisms of reduction and return to its normal state. The ratio of hormones changes, the mammary glands begin to produce milk, and the width of the strip of tendons connecting the abdominal muscles gradually decreases. The contraction of the uterus occurs most clearly and rapidly after childbirth. Immediately before childbirth, the length of a woman’s uterus reaches 35–40 cm, and it needs to shrink to its original size of 6–9 cm.

How and why the uterus contracts

Contraction of the uterus begins immediately after labor is completed and the baby's place is removed. The condition of the uterus and the rate of its contraction - important indicator postpartum period, so doctors constantly monitor it. In the process of reducing the size of the uterus and compacting its tissues, small bleeding vessels on its inner surface are clamped, and the uterine cavity is cleared of wound secretions (discharges of this kind are called lochia). The pain can be severe, as during labor pains.

Contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus is caused by the action of oxytocin; the same hormone regulates the frequency and strength of uterine contractions during childbirth. Oxytocin is produced in a woman’s body “paired” with another hormone - prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. Therefore, in nursing mothers, the uterus contracts much faster - as a reflex signal to produce necessary hormones serves as nipple irritation during feeding.

Contractions of the uterus after childbirth are a rather lengthy process. The weight of the uterus of a woman who has just given birth is about 1 kg; within a week it is halved, and the uterus reaches its “pre-pregnancy” weight of 50 g after 2–3 months. After childbirth, the fundus of the uterus is palpated at the level of the navel, and then every day its level drops by 1.5-2 cm. Thus, on the sixth day, when the woman in labor is discharged home, the normal height of the fundus of the uterus is 4-5 cm above the pubic line.

Causes of slow uterine contractions

In some women in labor, the process of uterine contraction is slow or absent altogether. This phenomenon is called subinvolution and is considered dangerous because it can cause bleeding or the development of postpartum complications. A delay in the rate of uterine contraction for more than one day is considered as a pathology.

The following factors can reduce the rate of uterine contraction:

  • multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, or high weight of the child, causing excessive stretching of the uterine body;
  • low-lying placenta attachment site;
  • assisted birth caesarean section;
  • the presence of blood clots or remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterus;
  • too early or too late age women in labor;
  • inflammation of the uterine mucosa (endometritis);
  • presence of uterine tumors;
  • abnormalities in the structure of the uterus;
  • a large number of previous births or abortions;
  • violations by endocrine system leading to oxytocin deficiency;
  • some general diseases(pyelonephritis, anemia);
  • weak motor activity after childbirth.

How to speed up uterine contractions

What are they doing in the maternity hospital?

Stopping bleeding and better contraction of the uterus is facilitated by cold, which is applied to the belly of the new mother immediately after childbirth. The rate of contraction of the uterus is influenced by the fullness of the bladder. It must be emptied on time, despite the pain that is possible due to stitches placed after childbirth. It is also recommended to start getting out of bed after childbirth as soon as possible - movements increase the tone of all muscles, including the muscles of the uterus, and help remove blood clots from it.

If the gynecologist sees that the uterus is contracting slowly, he can prescribe oxytocin-based drugs that improve its contractile activity, or prescribe a massage of the fundus of the uterus through the anterior wall of the peritoneum. In cases where the cause of subinvolution of the uterus is the presence of part of the placenta or large blood clots that clog the uterine pharynx, the uterine cavity is cleaned.

What can you do at home?

If the disturbances in the rate of uterine contraction are minor, the woman can be discharged home on time. At home, you can speed up the reduction process by doing physical therapy and using decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs. But don't forget: and therapeutic exercises, and herbal medicine methods can only be used with the permission of a doctor!

Among the exercises that promote better contraction of the uterus, already in the first days after discharge, you are usually allowed to perform:

  • Retraction and protrusion of the abdomen. Performed in a lying position. As you inhale, the stomach inflates, and as you exhale, it retracts.
  • Slowly contract and relax the muscles of the buttocks.
  • Tension of the groin muscles (as if you want to stop urinating). This Kegel (Cajel) exercise is very effective for restoring the elasticity of the tissues of the perineum, vagina and uterine muscles that have experienced stretching during childbirth.

Infusions of nettle, wormwood, birch leaves, raspberry leaves, geranium, decoction of shepherd's purse herb, and viburnum juice are good for stimulating uterine contractions after childbirth. Talk to your doctor about which of these folk remedies is best for you.

It is said that the effort required to give birth to a child can be compared to the energy expended in a ten-round boxing match. You won this fight. We wish you a speedy recovery and good health!

During pregnancy, the uterus undergoes great changes. During the period of bearing a baby, it grows more than 10 times. After the birth of a child, the reproductive organ gradually returns to its prenatal state. Sometimes contraction of the uterus after childbirth takes on a pathological character. If the problem is not recognized early, it may be necessary to remove the organ. How long does it normally take for the uterus to recover?

What does the uterus look like after birth?

Childbirth ends at the moment when the baby's place, or placenta, emerges from the uterus. The uterine cavity becomes like a bleeding wound. The site of placenta separation is subject to the greatest damage, since a large number of vessels rupture there.

How does the uterus contract normally?

Despite the length of the stretching process, recovery of the uterus after childbirth occurs quickly. Immediately after birth, the fundus of the uterus is 1–2 cm above the navel. Every day it moves down. After 10 days, the uterus descends into the pelvis. Simultaneously with the descent, a decrease in size occurs reproductive organ and the output is poor. These processes are caused by contraction of the uterus.

Contractions after childbirth resemble contractions. The organ tenses, and the woman feels discomfort in the lower abdomen. Uterine contractions intensify when breastfeeding. In primiparous women they are more intense than in multiparous women. The table describes the established normative periods for recovery processes in the uterus.

Process Deadlines full recovery Features of the period
Uterus weight 1.5–2 months 7 days after birth, the weight of the organ decreases to 500 g, after 2 weeks its weight is 350 g, after 2 months – 50–70 g.
Cleansing from lochia 6 weeks For the first 3 days, scarlet blood with clots and mucus is released. Next, the discharge becomes pink or yellow-brown. By the 10th day, blood impurities disappear, the lochia is yellowish or transparent.
Endometrial restoration 10–12 days The restoration process occurs when cleansing from lochia and activating the formation of leukocytes.
Healing of the placenta attachment site 21 day
Cervical reconstruction 8–13 weeks After 12 hours it decreases to 6 cm, on the 10th day the internal pharynx closes, the external pharynx closes after 8 weeks.

As shown in the table, recovery, also called uterine involution, normally takes 1.5 to 2 months. The most intense contractions of the uterus are felt during the first week after birth.

Why doesn’t the organ contract or the process goes badly?

The rate of restoration of the reproductive organ depends on individual characteristics women and the level of oxytocin hormone in the body. After caesarean section contractility the uterus is lower than after a natural birth (we recommend reading: how long does the uterus contract after a cesarean section?). However, regardless of the method of delivery recovery period should not exceed 2 months. The uterus contracts poorly due to a number of reasons:

  • the woman giving birth is less than 18 or more than 35 years old;
  • repeated abortions in the past;
  • childbirth after a previous caesarean section;
  • inflammation of the uterine endometrium;
  • hormonal deficiency;
  • refusal of breastfeeding;
  • birth of a large baby;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • complications that arose during childbirth (mild labor activity, rapid labor);
  • premature birth of a child;
  • congenital pathologies of the structure of the reproductive organ;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • the presence of a tumor in the uterus;
  • violation of hematopoietic function.

How to understand that the uterus is contracting poorly?

Poor uterine contractions prolong the postpartum recovery process. There is a danger of inflammation of the uterine endometrium due to delayed release of lochia, which can lead to infertility. Therefore, it is very important to identify abnormalities within a 2-month period. There are a number of ways by which you can determine that an organ is almost not contracting.

Ultrasound examination

In the case of a normal course of the postpartum stage, ultrasound is prescribed 4–6 days after birth. If delivery and the first day of the postpartum period are complicated, the study is carried out earlier. An ultrasound is performed abdominally. 2 hours before the procedure, the woman needs to drink 1–1.5 liters of fluid to fill bladder. If uterine recovery slows down after childbirth, an ultrasound will reveal:

  • a large number of clots or blood in the uterine cavity;
  • the presence of remnants of the placenta or membranes in the uterus;
  • discrepancy between the size and height of the fundus of the uterus to the norm.

Nature of the discharge

If the uterus recovers poorly after delivery, lochia is retained in its cavity. The processes of rotting and inflammation begin.

You can understand that the body has failed if the discharge:

  • smell unpleasant;
  • have a green tint;
  • scarlet blood is secreted for more than 4 days;
  • lochia are absent;
  • after complete cessation, the discharge resumed;
  • lochia ended before the 6th week or lasts more than 8 weeks.

Woman's feelings

Normally, during uterine contractions, a woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen, as during contractions. However, the sensations are short-lived and not intense. There is also pain in the mammary glands, nagging pain in the perineal area. These symptoms are most pronounced in the first week after delivery. However, after 1.5 months they completely disappear. If the uterus contracts for too long, the following symptoms appear:

  • there are no signs of contractile activity;
  • unbearable pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and perineum;
  • the intensity of contractions increases after 7 days;
  • when touching the abdomen, it feels like the uterus is hard;
  • the urge to urinate does not come on the third day after the birth of the child.

A woman may experience severe chills, fever and heat, lightheadedness, weakness and dizziness. Sometimes urinary incontinence occurs.

What to do to speed up organ contraction?

If it is determined that the involution of the reproductive organ is slow, doctors determine why this is happening and take measures to help shrink the uterus. In some cases (if endometritis or placenta remains are detected in the uterine cavity), curettage is performed. If general state women are satisfied, activities that help reduce the organ are carried out at home.


Because the organ contracts under the influence of oxytocin, doctors use it when the recovery rate is reduced. In order to help the uterus contract, pills, injections and intravenous infusion oxytocin drugs.

The regimen for using the drug is determined depending on the woman’s condition and the severity of the pathology. As a rule, the medicine is prescribed in the first days after childbirth. Over the course of 3–4 days, 2 ml of oxytocin is administered 3–5 times a day.

In the form of tablets, oxytocin is prescribed in case of minor disturbances in contractile activity. The use of the tablet form of the drug is also aimed at improving the production of prolactin and, as a result, lactation. To speed up the natural production of the hormone, doctors recommend frequently putting the newborn to the breast.

Physiotherapy (cold, massage, exercise)

Applying ice to the abdomen is one of the the oldest ways make involution faster. In some maternity hospitals, a woman in labor is placed on a heating pad with ice on her stomach in the first hours after delivery. Under the influence of cold, the muscle organ begins to shrink. Sometimes the procedure is carried out throughout the entire period of a woman’s stay in the maternity hospital. Ice is placed on the stomach 4-5 times a day for 5-10 minutes, placing a towel under the heating pad.

However, this procedure causes discomfort to the woman and increases the risk of activating inflammation in the appendages. In this regard, the use of cold has become an unpopular therapeutic measure.

A special massage also helps speed up the recovery of the reproductive organ. There are 2 types of procedure:

  • Interior. The first day after birth, the doctor performs manipulations inside the uterine cavity every 2 hours. The process makes the woman uncomfortable. However, it allows you to quickly induce contractions.
  • External. The obstetrician applies light pressure to the uterus, massages and strokes the abdomen. The doctor’s touch causes pain, since the manipulations cause contractions. The procedure is also canceled on the second day.

One of the simplest physiological exercises for uterine involution is resting while lying on your stomach. Lying in this position is also recommended after a caesarean section. In the absence of contraindications, experts recommend doing special physical exercise every day from the third day. Recommended exercises:

  • Lying on your back, straighten and bend your legs. At one time you need to do 10 flexion and extension movements.
  • Kegel exercises.
  • Sitting on a fitball, raise your legs one at a time and hold them raised for 10 seconds. In this case, it is necessary to tense the vaginal muscles.
  • Sitting on a gymnastic ball, make circular movements with your pelvis.

If stitches were placed during childbirth or complications arose, physical exercise should be coordinated with your doctor. It is necessary to practice in a well-ventilated area. Before exercising, you should empty your bladder.

Traditional medicine

Many adherents traditional medicine They claim that the uterus will recover better if you drink royal tea or decoctions, tinctures and juices of medicinal herbs. The following herbs help restore the organ:

  • Nettle. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 40 g of dry nettle leaves and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. The liquid must be infused for at least 40 minutes. Take the infusion 0.5 cups before meals.
  • Shepherd's purse. The infusion is prepared in the same way as the previous remedy. The prepared liquid is intended for one-day use.
  • Burdock juice. The leaves need to be crushed using a meat grinder and the juice squeezed out of them. Drink 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

To induce uterine contractions, white damselfish, birch and raspberry leaves are also used, Bay leaf, barberry roots, sage. Components can be combined. However, it should be borne in mind that during breastfeeding many medicinal herbs prohibited. The use of royal collections must be agreed with a specialist.

How to relieve pain from intense contractions?

Since different women The pain threshold is different; some mothers are in so much pain in the first days after childbirth that they require painkillers. Various help relieve pain medicines. However, their use must be agreed with your doctor. For pain relief we recommend:

  • No-Shpa;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Paracetamol.


The properties of this female organ are unique: during pregnancy, it increases several times in size, but after birth it returns to standard size. No doctor can say for sure how long uterine contractions last after childbirth, because each female body is unique in its own way. However, there are known factors, means, measures and drugs that can speed up or slow down this process.

To understand what the process of uterine contraction after childbirth is, you need to know what happens to the body during this period. Without anatomy, this issue cannot be understood.

  1. In the first time after childbirth, the organ is a wound surface. The part of the uterus where the placenta was attached is especially damaged, because there are too many clogged vessels in that place. The cavity itself contains remnants of the membrane from the fetus and blood clots.
  2. Cleansing of the uterus and its most powerful contraction occurs during the first 3-5 days after birth.
  3. If the body is healthy, processes such as phagocytosis (leukocytes dissolve bacteria) and extracellular proteliosis (the same bacteria are attacked by proteolytic enzymes) begin to actively occur.
  4. As a result, lochia begins to appear: on the 1st day they resemble blood, on the 3rd day they acquire a serous-serous hue, by the end of the 3rd week they become light and liquid, by the 6th they should end, which will mean completion process of uterine contraction.
  5. As for the size, immediately after the birth of the baby, the uterus weighs about 1 kg, its throat expands to 12 cm. At the same time, it reaches 20 cm in length and up to 15 cm in width. After a week, its weight will be only 300 grams, and by 7th week - only 70 grams.

The epithelium of this organ is restored in about 3 weeks, but the place where the placenta was previously attached heals much longer - up to 1.5 months. It is very important to observe how long the uterine contraction lasts after childbirth in each individual case and compare the period with the standard. If the lochia ends by the 6th week and there is no discomfort, there is no need to worry: everything is normal. If they stopped much earlier or, on the contrary, still continue after this time, you should definitely complain about these symptoms to a doctor. There are special signs by which you can judge whether everything is in order with you.

Wow! Standard size a healthy uterus in its normal state, when a woman is not pregnant, is 7.5 cm high, 5 cm wide. However, by the time the baby is born, it stretches so much that it touches the lower part chest. After giving birth, she has to shrink back to her normal size.

Symptoms of normal contraction

Every woman needs to know the signs of good uterine contraction after childbirth, which indicate a normal recovery period without any abnormalities. This will mean that there is no need to worry and all your strength can be directed to the child. Such manifestations include:

  • painful but tolerable sensations in the mammary glands;
  • first bloody, then yellowish-transparent lochia;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • diarrhea during uterine contractions can be observed only in the first 1-4 days; in other cases, it may indicate an overdose of some drug and will require medical intervention;
  • all these symptoms are quite strong in the 1st week after the birth of the baby, since uterine contractions occur most intensely during these days;
  • by the end of the 6th week, all these signs gradually disappear.

All pain during uterine contractions after childbirth, described above, is quite tolerable, although if a woman has a low pain threshold, the doctor often prescribes painkillers. These include:

  • no-shpa;
  • ibuprofen;
  • ketoprofen (this active substance contain ketonal suppositories);
  • You can relieve pain from uterine contractions using lidocaine injections;
  • naproxen;
  • homeopathic medicines: Bellis perennis, Caulophyllum, Sepia.

If after the first week the painful contractions remain as strong and even unbearable, this is a reason to seek medical help; such discomfort is not the norm. Since everyone’s body is different, gynecologists admit that for some, the recovery period can last from 5 to 8 weeks. If it goes beyond these limits, perhaps we are talking about pathologies, so it is better to get checked again.

Sometimes it happens! There were cases when women were diagnosed with 2 uteruses, each of which was a full-fledged, functioning organ. Moreover, some of them successfully gave birth healthy babies. One of the organs was involved in the process of gestation and childbirth.

Rapid contraction of the uterus

Women who are cleared of the effects of childbirth within 3-4 weeks usually rejoice in this rapid recovery and proudly tell everyone about it. Few of them think about the fact that such rapidity is not the norm and can lead to the most Negative consequences for good health. In most cases, rapid contraction of the uterus after childbirth can be fraught with the following complications:

  • lochia (remnants of the placenta, blood clots, burst vessels, dead endometrium, waste products of the child when he was in the womb) cannot be released in full in such a short period of time: this means that part of all this remains inside the uterus; this most often leads to their suppuration and the onset of the inflammatory process;
  • lactation disturbance: the amount of milk produced can sharply decrease, and its composition change, which is often very unpleasant for the baby - to such an extent that he can stop breastfeeding;
  • the risk of an instant second pregnancy increases, while the body is not yet physically ready for such a shock.

Considering these factors, you should not be happy if postpartum discharge stops very quickly. To prevent this from happening, you need to try to improve the contraction of the uterus after childbirth so that it occurs within normal limits and does not go beyond their limits. To do this, you need to follow (if possible) a daily routine, eat well, get enough rest, get enough sleep and breathe fresh air. Application medical supplies and folk remedies are not required here. However, there are not many such cases: the problem of too long uterine contractions is much more common.

Slow contraction of the uterus

Very often postpartum discharge and painful sensations they drag on and do not stop even after the 8 weeks specified by the norm. In this case, a whole problem arises: how to speed up the contraction of the uterus after childbirth and help your own body recover faster. First, you need to contact the observing gynecologist and follow his advice. Secondly, with his permission to perform various exercises, specially designed for this purpose, and use folk remedies.

Health care

If in the first 1-3 days after the birth of the baby, a woman does not begin to discharge and there are no painful, cramping sensations, this indicates that for some reason the process does not start. In this case, the doctor decides what to do to contract the uterus after childbirth: give injections or prescribe pills.

  • Oxytocin

In order to speed up uterine contractions after childbirth, prevent severe bleeding and normalize lactation, oxytocin, an artificial hormone, is prescribed. It is administered by injection, most often by injection. But if a woman is very weak after childbirth, an IV may be prescribed, especially after a caesarean section.

  • Uterine oxytocics

Very often, drugs from the same group of oxytocins are prescribed to contract the uterus, but not in pure form, but with pharmacological additives that enhance and weaken the effect of the main substance. These include hyfotocin, demoxytocin, dinoprost, dinoprostone, cotarnine chloride, methyloxytocin, methylergometrine, pituitrine, ergometrine, ergotal, ergotamine hydrotartrate. These could be pills or injections.

Any medicine is prescribed only if poor uterine contractions after childbirth are diagnosed (no discharge or cramping pain in the lower abdomen). However, the attitude towards oxytocin even among doctors is ambiguous. Most of them believe that this process should start naturally. Therefore, some gynecologists recommend turning to folk remedies for help.

Folk remedies

There are also folk remedies for contracting the uterus. However, you should not get carried away with them and it is recommended to use them only with the permission of a doctor.

  • Nettle

Dry nettle (4 tablespoons) is brewed with boiling water (500 ml). Let it sit until it cools down. Drink 100 ml three times a day.

  • White lily

Plant flowers (2 tablespoons) pour cold boiled water(500 ml). Leave overnight. Strain. Drink 100 ml 3 (or 4) times a day.

  • Shepherd's Purse

The herb is brewed (4 tablespoons) with boiling water (2 glasses). Wrap up, leave in a warm place, strain. Drink the entire prepared dose during the day.

  • Yarutka field

Brew the dry plant (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (a glass), leave overnight, strain. Drink 1 teaspoon 5 times a day.

  • Blood red geranium

Pour 2 teaspoons of herb into 2 cups of boiled, but already cold water, leave overnight, drink everything during the day.

Folk remedies for uterine contraction are good because they force the body to actively recover in postpartum period independently, without application synthetic drugs, the influence of which on the child (through breast milk) and the health of a young mother has not yet been fully studied.


In some cases, uterine contraction is stimulated from the inside when the doctor gives the woman a special massage every two hours in the first two days after childbirth. Smooth movements apply pressure to the uterus. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, this procedure can be very painful, but useful.


In order for the uterus to contract faster, homeopathy is used, the main advantage of which is that it mobilizes the body’s own forces and does not contain any synthetic, chemical substances.

Among the well-proven drugs, the following can be noted: Millefolium, Hina (excessive bleeding), Ergot (perfectly contracts the uterus, but can provoke the development of thrombosis, phlebitis, abscess), Sabina (distinguished by the absence side effects), Ipecac (helps cope with weakness after childbirth), Secale, Phosphorus, Hamamelis, Ferrum phosphoricum, Staphysagria (promotes healing of the uterus).


If the doctor allows it, from the first day after birth you can perform simple, but very useful physical exercise for contraction of the uterus after childbirth, which does not require much effort and time from the woman. The sooner you start doing them, the lower the risk of a protracted recovery period.

  1. Lie on the floor on your back. Relax. Bring your legs together. Bend and unbend them at a calm pace. Do 10 times.
  2. At any free time curl and relax your toes.
  3. Lie on the floor on your back. Relax. Straighten your legs. Pull your toes toward you as much as possible.
  4. Helps well breathing exercises to contract the uterus, which can be done several times daily. Lie on your back. Bend your legs. Breathe deeply and evenly. Connect your abdominal muscles to this process. Lift up abdominal wall as you inhale and lower it as you exhale. Help yourself with sliding movements of your hands towards the pubic bone from the navel.
  5. Exhaling, squeeze your pelvic muscles and pull your navel as close to your chest as possible. Concentrate on the sensations in your lower abdomen. Hold your breath for 10 seconds.
  6. Such exercise must necessarily include: alternately strain (squeeze) the muscles anus and vagina.
  7. Exercise regularly to promote postpartum uterine contractions. Prepare an exercise ball. You will need to perform the exercise on a non-slip floor. Sit on the ball, squeeze your intimate muscles. In this position, raise your leg and hold it suspended for about 10 seconds. Repeat the same movements with the second leg.
  8. Sitting on a gymnastic ball, perform circular movements with your pelvis in both directions.
  9. Sitting on the ball, swing in different directions.

Exercises for rapid contraction of the uterus after childbirth should not be performed by those who have had stitches. First you will need to wait for them to heal completely.

Special cases

In some cases, postpartum uterine contractions have features that it is better for a woman to know about in advance so as not to be scared and be prepared for the unexpected.

After the second birth

Most often, uterine contractions after the second birth occur much more intensely. Therefore, in the first days, the chest may be very sore and swollen, especially during feeding, and also breaks the lower abdomen and perineum. The sensation may be so painful that your doctor will prescribe a pain reliever. It is not recommended to select medications and folk remedies on your own, as they can negatively affect lactation.

After artificial birth

Causes some anxiety and contraction of the uterus after artificial birth, since the body does not perceive them properly. Therefore, in most cases, they are prescribed medications or folk remedies are used to speed up the process.

Another danger is severe bleeding, which is not normal: it needs to be stopped as quickly as possible. Afterwards, the recovery period depends on the period at which the pregnancy was terminated. Typically, the time of uterine contraction ranges from 3 days to 2 weeks, no more if everything goes without complications.

Female body, despite modern development science and medicine, still remains a mystery. The uterus is one of its most amazing organs. Only she has such amazing elasticity and can change sizes on such a scale. To help her recover faster, you need to perform various physical exercises and consult a doctor in a timely manner. Folk remedies that help increase uterine contractions during this period should be used with extreme caution. There are standards with which you need to constantly compare your feelings, the composition of the discharge and the timing.

The basis of the recovery period after delivery is uterine contraction. This process returns the organ to its original size and stimulates lactation. If the contractile activity of the organ is poorly expressed, then doctors prescribe special medications. Before childbirth, the organ also contracts – these are the so-called “training contractions”. But if this happens during pregnancy, this is a pathology that requires specialist intervention.

What is uterine contraction?

The uterus contracts after delivery to regain its previous shape and size. A sign of the onset of contractile activity is the hardness of the organ. Over the course of 2-3 weeks, the uterus becomes the same as it was before pregnancy. During these days the organ moves.

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the uterus weighs about a kilogram, and after two weeks it no longer weighs more than 70 g.

During this process it is reduced muscle, hypertrophy goes away.

How do uterine contractions occur?

During contractions in the postpartum period, lochia emerge from the woman's genitals. Initially it's bloody copious clots, which gradually fade and decrease in number. After two weeks they become transparent or yellow in color. Their smell does not cause strong disgust, but it is difficult to call them pleasant either. After 2 months they should no longer be there. During the contractile activity of the organ, there is slight pain, aching and pulling in nature. Women with a high pain threshold experience spasmodic pain in the abdominal area. In such cases, antispasmodic injections can be used. If the volume of the abdomen has decreased, discharge and pain have disappeared, it means that the uterus has shrunk to normal size.

During pregnancy (in the first half), uterine contractions signal the presence of pathology. Manifests itself in the form of lumbar pain and in the abdominal area. At the same time, the stomach itself is hard.

Reasons for layoffs

The cause of contraction can be both pathologies and normal functioning of the organ. The norm is considered to be contraction after childbirth and in the second half of pregnancy.

Also, the reason for this phenomenon may be:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • abnormal organ structure;
  • severe toxicosis (due to constant vomiting, the peritoneal area becomes tense);
  • incompatibility of the Rh factor in the child and mother;
  • infectious and inflammatory nature of pathology of the genital organs;
  • polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancy;
  • the appearance of fibroids or endometriosis;
  • high physical activity;
  • regular stressful situations, psychological overload;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • harmful production.

Keep in mind that a pregnancy that occurs with constant uterine contractions is considered pathological. The fetus does not receive the required amount useful substances, there is a delay in its growth and development.

Increased tone during pregnancy is a threat of miscarriage, and insufficient contractile activity after childbirth threatens the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

Reasons for violation of contractions

Poor contractile activity may occur due to:

  • a large number of fetuses during pregnancy;
  • low location of the placenta;
  • difficult childbirth and pathological pregnancy;
  • large fruit;
  • weak labor activity;
  • weakness and exhaustion of the female body, etc.

The reason for the complete absence of reductions will be:

  • bend of the uterus;
  • injury to the birth canal;
  • organ underdevelopment;
  • inflammation of the appendages or uterus before this;
  • presence of fibroids.

The list presented may expand, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Ways to stimulate uterine contractions

There are folk remedies and pills for contracting the uterus after childbirth. In addition, suppositories, injections and more are used.

Drug stimulation

After childbirth, to contract the uterus, the gynecologist may prescribe medications that cause increased contractile activity. This is usually done in cases where the body is unable to do this on its own.

Medicines are prescribed in the form of:

  • Oxytocin;
  • Ergotala;
  • Pituitrina;
  • Methergina;
  • Ginestril;
  • Desaminooxytocin
  • prostaglandins, etc.

Homeopathic medicines have a milder effect.

These include:

  1. Millefolium granules or drop form. The product not only stimulates contractile activity, but also calms the nerves.
  2. Witch hazel tincture. Activates muscle function, eliminates inflammatory processes, stops bleeding.
  3. Sabina. It contains Cossack juniper, which improves the general condition and returns to normal metabolic processes, stimulates the uterus.

If necessary, massage therapy is also prescribed. In extreme cases, it is necessary to perform an operation - curettage. If the case is very severe, the uterus is removed. In a good way stimulation is provided by breastfeeding. It is more difficult for those mothers who do not have milk. In addition, you need to be more active and sleep on your stomach. Frequent trips to the toilet to defecate urethra also help the uterus contract.

On CTG you can see uterine contractions and monitor them. After giving birth, not all cases should involve taking medication by mouth or experiencing the stress and pain of injections. You can buy suppositories for contracting the uterus; the doctor will decide which ones are suitable in a particular case.

Folk remedies

Herbs for uterine contraction also help. The following recipes are advisable.

  1. Birch tincture. May foliage is suitable for cooking. At this time it has the most medicinal properties. If the raw materials were not prepared in advance, then any leaves will do. For 600 ml hot water take three tablespoons of crushed raw materials. A pinch is also placed here baking soda. The product is infused for two hours. You need to drink everything in three times (in the morning, afternoon and evening time with equal intervals). This tincture can be used 10 days after birth.
  2. Infusion of raspberry leaves. The raw materials are crushed. Two tablespoons are poured with 500 ml of boiling water, and everything is left for three to four hours. This is consumed within a day.
  3. Viburnum juice. A good option is to drink 10 ml of pure juice three times a day.
  4. Decoction of shepherd's purse. How to reduce the uterus by this recipe? Take 25 g of raw material and fill it with 500 ml of water. Place on the fire and wait until it boils. Leave to infuse for two hours. You need to drink 10 ml three times a day.
  5. Decoction of claspberry. 30 g of clasp flowers are poured with boiled water in an amount of 500 ml. Then put it on the fire and cook for another 7-8 minutes. The resulting drink is divided into 5 parts and drunk throughout the day. Keep in mind that this herb lowers blood pressure.
  6. A decoction of nettle leaves. Dry raw materials (35 g) are poured with 500 ml of boiling water. It costs about three hours. Drink two or three times throughout the day. This decoction can also be dripped into the nose or inserted into moistened tampons for nosebleeds.
  7. Tincture based on red geranium. 10 g of foliage and stems are poured into 450 ml of warm water. Leave the composition for 12 hours in a dark place. Everything is drunk 2-3 times throughout the day.
  8. Tincture of bitter wormwood. 5 g of raw material is poured into 500 ml of hot water. The composition remains standing for an hour. You need to drink 150 g three to four times a day.
  9. Honey and lemon juice. This drink promotes contractile activity. But be careful if you are breastfeeding. Your baby may have an allergic reaction to citrus fruits and honey.

To make the uterus contract faster, you can do special exercises. But, do not forget to consult your doctor first.


What to drink to contract the uterus? You will find the answer to this question above. There is a huge amount medicines and traditional medicine recipes. Remember that only the attending physician can take responsibility for choosing the means of stimulation. Independent use is fraught with serious consequences.

The contractile activity of the organ in which the fetus was present for 9 months should help reduce its size. At the same time, lochia - postpartum discharge - comes out of the uterus. Along with tolerable pain, this is a woman’s normal condition after childbirth. If for some reason this process is suspended or does not occur at all, then doctors prescribe special drugs that stimulate the uterus.


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During pregnancy, a woman’s body changes, and after childbirth, its recovery takes from a couple of months to several years, and some features remain for life. The most important change that is noticeable to everyone around is a large, rounded belly. expectant mother. The skin, muscles and uterus are stretched to make the baby more comfortable inside. The birth of a child is a great stress for the mother’s body. An important component of overall recovery is the normal contraction of the uterus after childbirth.

Unfortunately, this period does not always pass without complications. In the first two months after birth, medical supervision is necessary to assess the contraction process and stimulate it in case of complications.

After childbirth, while the uterus contracts, blood and lymph vessels are compressed. They partially dry out, and the bleeding gradually goes away. The muscle tissue increased due to the growth of the fetus decreases in size, and some cells die and are resorbed.

The inner layer of the uterus after the birth of a child is one large bleeding wound. Most of the damage is in the area where the placenta is attached; there are many vessels in which blood clots gradually form. The entire internal surface consists of blood clots and remnants of the fetal membrane. Painful sensations arise due to contraction of the uterus - a natural and normal process.

When the postpartum period passes without complications, the uterine cavity is sterile for 3-4 days after the birth of the child. Cleansing occurs through phagocytosis, a process during which white blood cells engulf and dissolve bacteria. Proteolytic enzymes formed from the breakdown products of blood cells also play an important role.

How long does it take?

Many new mothers often have concerns about how long the uterus contracts after childbirth. If there are no complications, it will take about 6 weeks. During this period, the weight of the uterus decreases from 1000 to 60 grams, the most intense changes occur in the first 6-10 days.

The uterus recovers more slowly in the cervical area. The process of its reduction lasts throughout the entire postpartum period. The diameter of the internal uterine os after the baby is delivered is 10-12 cm, which allows you to manually remove parts of the placenta. Within 24 hours it is significantly reduced, becoming passable for 2 fingers, and after 3 days for 1. After three weeks, it closes completely.

How long the uterus will contract after childbirth depends on the characteristics of pregnancy and childbirth. On average, the process lasts 1.5-2 months, but can be completed in 4 or 10 weeks. Such terms are a variant of the norm.

Reasons for non-contraction of the uterus

The timing of uterine contractions after childbirth may increase for several reasons:

  • pregnancy and childbirth with complications (preeclampsia, ruptures, low location of the placenta, etc.);
  • high fetal weight;
  • twins or triplets;
  • characteristics of the woman’s body, concomitant diseases;
  • caesarean section (incision into the uterine cavity). Read more about uterine restoration after cesarean section →

All these factors are taken into account when a doctor monitors the recovery process. So, with multiple pregnancies, the normal duration of uterine recovery increases by several weeks. In such situations, medication support may be prescribed.

In some cases, the uterus does not contract at all. This complication is possible with high water pregnancy, uterine bending, inflammation in the pelvic organs, fibroids, benign neoplasms, serious injuries birth canal and disorders of the blood coagulation system.

What to do if the uterus contracts poorly?

What to do to make the uterus contract after childbirth? Immediately after delivery, women place a heating pad with ice on their stomach. Reducing the temperature constricts blood vessels, helps reduce bleeding and speeds up uterine contractions.

Over the next few days, while the young mother is in the maternity hospital, the doctor checks daily how the recovery process is going. If upon examination it is discovered that the fundus of the uterus descends slowly and remains soft, then a conclusion is made about a reduced ability to contract. According to the doctor's decision, special drugs can be administered that stimulate this process (Oxytocin, prostaglandins), as well as a course of massage through the abdominal wall.

Many maternity hospitals pay Special attention establishing breastfeeding: when a baby suckles, a woman’s body releases hormones that help shrink the uterus.

Discharge from the maternity hospital is made after the doctor is convinced that the process of uterine contraction is proceeding normally. In the next 1.5-2 months, you will need to regularly visit the gynecologist on an outpatient basis. If during the examination it is revealed that the pharynx is clogged with blood clots, or that lochia or part of the placenta remains in the uterine cavity, a cleaning will be prescribed.

What should be normal?

You can determine whether the uterus contracts poorly after childbirth or normally by looking at several symptoms.

If the recovery period passes without complications, then the woman experiences:

  • some tenderness in the mammary glands;
  • in the lower abdomen - discomfort;
  • bloody, and after a while yellowish vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • diarrhea for 1-4 days after the baby is born.

The uterus contracts most intensively in the first 10 days after birth, it is during this period that symptoms are pronounced. At the end of 6 weeks they almost completely disappear.

Most often, discomfort in the postpartum period is tolerable, but some women have a reduced sensitivity threshold, and they need medication assistance. To reduce the pain accompanying uterine contractions, you can take No-shpa, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and use Diclofenac suppositories.

What to do to make the uterus contract faster?

It will be useful for every woman to know how to speed up uterine contractions after childbirth.

  1. Breastfeed your baby. When nipples are irritated during this period, hormones are produced, including prolactin, which promotes uterine contraction. The earlier feeding starts, the better.
  2. Do not go on bed rest and move as much as possible: walk, exercise homework, care for the baby. However, if the birth was complicated, then the possibility physical activity need to discuss with your doctor.
  3. Sleep on your stomach, especially during the day.
  4. Take care of genital hygiene: wash yourself several times a day (and at first after each visit to the toilet), treat wounds.
  5. Empty your bladder at the first urge, even if it causes discomfort. The more often, the faster the uterus will contract.
  6. Gymnastics after childbirth to contract the uterus is based on contraction of the abdominal muscles, perineum, vagina, as well as movements of the diaphragm using breathing.

There are cases when all these methods do not help, since the uterus is prevented from contracting by lochia or the remains of the placenta after childbirth; only a cleansing procedure can help. It is carried out under general anesthesia using a special tool that looks like a spoon with a hole. You should not be afraid of these manipulations; without them, the development of inflammation of the uterus and nearby organs is inevitable.

Contraction of the uterus after childbirth is the basis for the restoration of the entire body. This process should occur independently, within 1.5-2 months. But in case of complications accompanying pregnancy and childbirth, as well as in the weakened health of the woman, the uterus for a long time remains stretched and enlarged. In these cases it is necessary health care. You can speed up recovery by adjusting breast-feeding, observing the rules of hygiene and performing feasible physical activity, including special gymnastics.

Useful video about what happens to a woman after childbirth

Home Health Pregnancy Uterine contraction after childbirth

Pregnancy and the birth of a baby are always a long-awaited and important time in the life of any woman. What happens to a young mother’s body after childbirth, and how soon will the uterus return to its prenatal state? Let's look into this issue.

How much does the uterus contract?

During the process of childbirth, there are 3 states of the uterus: the period of dilation, expulsion of the fetus and postpartum. The latter normally lasts no more than half an hour. During this time, the afterbirth is separated, in place of which a wound is formed. Then mucus and blood clots, called lochia, begin to emerge from the uterus, which are first bloody in color, and then they become serous-sanguineous. The discharge ends completely after 6 weeks. During this time, the endometrium is completely restored.

During the same 6 weeks, the uterus completely returns to its prenatal size and shape. Recovery is most active in the first few days after the baby is born. During this period, the cervix closes and its weight decreases, decreasing by 20 times.

If some kind of pathology develops, then the process of organ contraction proceeds very slowly, or even stops altogether. This condition is very dangerous for a woman’s life and can lead to death if medical assistance is not provided on time.

Why does the uterus contract poorly after childbirth?

The process of returning the uterus to its prenatal state is influenced by many reasons. These include:

  • Possible complications during pregnancy. For example, a pregnant woman had hypertension or nephropathy.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • The attachment of the baby's place inside the uterus is too low.
  • The baby was very large.
  • Severe exhaustion of the mother's body.
  • Labor contractions were not active enough.

The reduction process is largely influenced by the behavior of the young mother after childbirth. If you spend all your time in bed and are inactive, the organ will contract weakly.

In some cases, the reduction does not occur at all. This is caused by various pathologies that arise during pregnancy and childbirth. For example, inflammation, bending of the uterus, ruptures and cracks in the birth canal, polyhydramnios, the presence of a benign tumor or poor blood clotting.

What to do to make the uterus contract

A young mother must be examined by a doctor several times after labor is completed to determine how well the uterus is contracting. Monitoring is carried out regularly throughout the entire time that the woman lies in maternity hospital. If insufficient contraction of the organ is detected, the woman will have to stay there longer. In this case, all measures will be taken to help the uterus decrease in size.

To improve the process, the woman is prescribed medications that facilitate this process. For example, oxytocin is administered. For the same purpose, a uterine massage is prescribed, which is performed externally.

It is very important for good contraction of the organ to frequently breastfeed the baby, then oxytocin is formed naturally in the woman’s body and accelerates the process of returning the uterus to its original state. It is also important to maintain personal hygiene. It is necessary to wash and treat stitches in a timely manner if they have been applied. The uterus immediately after birth is open wound and is very susceptible to infections.

In some cases, lochia remaining in the organ cavity due to poor contraction can clog the uterine os. As a result, an infection develops, the presence of which is indicated by the characteristic smell of discharge. In this case, for the health of the young mother, she has to clean out the uterus. If, despite all the efforts of doctors, contraction of the uterus does not occur, then a decision will be made on surgical intervention. In especially severe cases, the organ is even removed.

Exercises to contract the uterus after childbirth

To speed up the process of restoring the tone of the uterus, it is recommended to do special gymnastics.

  1. The breathing exercise is best done while lying on the floor. In a supine position, bend your knees slightly. Now inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, while your stomach should inflate. Exhale also slowly, but through your mouth. Now do the same, but when you inhale, your chest should rise. Complete 5 breathing movements chest and stomach.
  2. The next exercise is the well-known Kegel exercise. It is necessary to squeeze and unclench the vaginal muscles alternately. This exercise is useful not only for the involution of the uterus, but also for the vagina. With its help, you can significantly reduce the width of this organ and generally return the vagina to its prenatal state. The good thing about the Kegel exercise is that you can do it anywhere, anytime, without anyone around you noticing.
  3. The last exercise is aimed at the abs. Of course, such an exercise cannot be performed in full, but it is necessary to begin preparation. It is performed from a supine position. Inhale and rise up and lean on your bent arms. Exhale and return to the starting position. This exercise must be repeated 5 times.

Childbirth is always a huge stress for a woman’s body. And it does not immediately return to normal. Gradually, the functioning of the organs returns to the prenatal state. The uterus especially undergoes changes throughout pregnancy. After all, it increases approximately 500 times. And to restore it you need not a day or two, but much more time, plus proper care and observation by a gynecologist.

The postpartum period (6-8 weeks after childbirth) is a very difficult moment, there is a physical and emotional restructuring.

All organs and systems of the body undergo reverse restoration and there are signs by which one can distinguish a woman who has not given birth from one who has given birth. For example, the cervix of the uterus in a woman who has given birth is slit-like, while in a woman who has not given birth it is round. After childbirth, the uterus is stretched and its volume is increased, it also contracts and lochia - postpartum discharge - comes out of it. Which in the first days are very similar to menstruation, and then lighten and their number gradually decreases.

How quickly does the uterus contract?

It will take 1-1.5 months for the uterus to return to its usual size. It contracts most strongly in the first days after birth, losing about half of its weight within a week.

Immediately after birth, the diameter of the cervical pharynx is 10-12 cm, which makes it possible to perform a manual examination and remove the remains of the placenta. At the end of the first day you can insert 2 fingers, and on the third day only one. After birth, its approximate weight is 1 kg, length 15-20 cm and transverse size 12-13 cm. The rate of recovery of the uterus depends on the particular course of labor and pregnancy.

Why doesn't the uterus contract?

Doctors identify several reasons that affect uterine contraction in the postpartum period.

  • features of the course of pregnancy and childbirth
  • how many fruits were there
  • location of the placenta
  • baby's weight
  • woman's health condition

For example, if a woman had a multiple pregnancy, complicated by gestosis and low attachment of the placenta, plus the woman was weakened and the baby was born large, then the contractions of the uterus will be very weak and it will take more time to recover.

Also, the uterus may not contract at all after childbirth if there was:

  • polyhydramnios pregnancy
  • bend of the uterus
  • treated or existing inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs
  • uterine fibroid, benign tumors, nodes
  • bleeding disorder
  • birth canal injuries.

The process of uterine contraction is checked in the maternity hospital. Immediately after childbirth, cold is placed on the woman’s stomach to stop bleeding and speed up contractions. If the uterus does not contract on its own, then the woman in labor is additionally prescribed medications that will speed up this process (oxytocin, for example), and you can also massage the fundus of the uterus.

If the contractions are very painful, then painkillers or antispasmodics are used. In the first days, genital hygiene (washing, cleaning sutures) plays an important role, which will prevent the occurrence of infection in the uterus, which after childbirth is very susceptible to them.

It is very important to establish lactation, feed on demand, lie on your stomach and move a lot - this improves the contractile activity of the uterus. If the uterus contracts poorly and postpartum discharge and the remains of the placenta are retained in its cavity, this will lead to inflammatory process, which in turn may end in cleaning. And sometimes it may even require surgery or even removal of the uterus.

In any case, if you notice that the discharge has become sharply profuse, bad smell or have suddenly stopped altogether, contact a gynecologist you trust.

In the first few hours after birth, the woman in labor experiences bleeding, which is a consequence of the release of the baby's place. Under the influence of the uterus, all excess should come out, which normalizes the process of restoration of the female body.

It is the contractile activity of the uterus that doctors observe until discharge from the hospital. And if there are violations, the woman may be hospitalized for further treatment.

Why is full uterine contraction so important?

If a woman experiences weak uterine contractions or complete absence, then this may indicate pathology. Within a few days after birth, all remaining placenta and blood clots should be released so that the uterus can return to its original size. Weak contractile actions are a condition that threatens a woman’s health - remaining pieces of the baby’s place can lead to an inflammatory process or the development of infection.

Reasons for the absence of uterine contractions

  • Hypotension. A sharp decline uterine tone and weak contractile actions are called hypotension. This disease is easily treatable. To do this, the woman is given special drugs based on oxytocin, which, acting on the uterus, cause its active contraction.
  • Atony. With uterine atony, weak contractile activity is observed and heavy bleeding. Muscular system the organ is in a state of paralysis. The drugs have no effect and the woman is indicated for surgical intervention. Fortunately, this disease is extremely rare, and doctors have learned to deal with it using methods that are friendly to the female body.

The atonic and hypotonic state of the uterus is caused by several factors:

  • Complicated childbirth, leading to complete exhaustion of the body. The immune system and the organs begin to work to restore strength, leaving the uterus at rest.
  • Hypertension before and during pregnancy, severe gestosis.
  • Rapid or prolonged labor that required the use of oxytocin.
  • Previa, placental abruption or low location.
  • Overdistension of the uterus due to polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies.
  • Pathologies of uterine development, the presence of scars after abortion, removal of fibroids and other formations.

The listed reasons are responsible for the contractile activity of the uterus after childbirth, and if several pathologies are observed in the complex, then a complete absence of contraction is possible even with the administration of drugs.

Symptoms of lack of contractile activity

As mentioned earlier, in the first four hours after childbirth, a woman experiences quite heavy bleeding. During the specified period of time, a young mother can lose up to 500 ml of blood. Immediately after the birth of the child, a heating pad with cold water is placed on the woman’s stomach, which helps not only to narrow the blood vessels to stop bleeding, but also to reduce uterine contractions.

Over the next few days, the uterus continues to contract, returning to its pre-delivery size. If this does not happen, then heavy bleeding begins, which causes anemia and even shock. At this stage, the woman requires immediate assistance from specialists to prevent severe blood loss.

The contraction of the uterus in the first few days is felt especially clearly during breastfeeding. At the same time, blood clots are released, which is normal.

Prevention of complications

Behind the intensity uterine contractions A doctor is observing in the maternity hospital. After being discharged home, a woman should follow several important rules that will help prevent complications that begin with bleeding.

  1. Do not lift heavy objects and try to rest more for the first two weeks. Of course, with a small child this is quite problematic, but household responsibilities should be assigned to a spouse or other assistants.
  2. Carry out regular thorough hygiene of the genitals. If an infection gets into the uterus, which immediately after birth resembles a bleeding wound, contractions may weaken. The body's forces will be aimed at suppressing the source of the disease, and not at removing the remains of the child's place.
  3. Sanitary pads must be changed every three hours, and they must be made with a natural base. This also applies to underwear. It is unacceptable to wear synthetic panties, which can cause serious complications after childbirth.
  4. Be sure to process the seams according to the instructions of a specialist.
  5. Breastfeed your baby for a long time. Lactation causes the uterus to contract, so it should last at least two months.

Stimulation with folk remedies

  • Alcohol tincture of water pepper perfectly stimulates the contractile activity of the uterus.
  • A decoction of dried herbs.
  • A decoction of shepherd's purse.
  • Decoction of dead nettles.

The listed traditional medicines are recommended for use if the uterus does not contract after childbirth, but the discharge remains within normal limits. Consultation with a specialist is advisable, but the herbs listed have virtually no contraindications and are prescribed by gynecologists to speed up the release of placental remnants.

Useful gymnastics

As a preventive measure, a woman can do special gymnastics, which speeds up the recovery process and improves overall well-being. But before starting classes, you need to familiarize yourself with important rules:

  1. Exercises should begin on the second day after birth and continue until 12 weeks. It would be a good idea to continue exercising to improve your immunity.
  2. The room should be cool. It is recommended to pre-ventilate the room so that it is not stuffy.
  3. You need to do the exercises regularly, every day, an hour after meals.
  4. You should only wear loose clothing that will not restrict movement.
  5. Pre-feed the child so that he does not ask to eat during classes, and the woman is not bothered by swollen breasts.

The exercises themselves are varied. But most of it should be done on the stomach, which helps to contract the uterus. In this case, you need to slowly raise your legs, then your torso. You can’t do abdominal exercises - you won’t achieve anything other than increased bleeding.

An excellent exercise to improve the contractility of the uterus is walking. In this case, you need to stand up on your full foot.

When medical attention is needed

If a woman experiences weak contractions of the uterus, then drug treatment is indicated for her. Cleaning is often required to mechanically remove any remaining placenta or blood clot. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and is practically not felt by a woman. After 2-3 hours she is allowed to go home.

After cleaning, the young mother can return to full life. Of course, you shouldn’t start dealing with the mess right away. It is necessary to spend several days at rest so that the body can rest from the next stress suffered.

More often, uterine contractions are enhanced with special preparations containing a large dose of oxytocin. They are not contraindicated during lactation and do not have any negative influence per child. The drugs are administered intramuscularly until the uterus is completely restored.

It is not difficult to determine that you need specialist help. If a woman experiences severe bleeding such that the pad is not enough to last for one hour, she should be called immediately. ambulance. The woman in labor will be taken to a hospital, where she will be given ultrasonography, will take tests and conduct a visual inspection.

First aid is aimed at stopping bleeding. If the blood loss is severe, a blood transfusion may be required to save the woman's life. Further treatment depends on the reasons that caused postpartum complication, and is aimed at restoring contractile activity. As a rule, a woman spends about 10 days in a hospital, after which she is indicated drug therapy at home.

Contraction of the uterus is an important process that should accompany every woman in labor. If abnormalities occur in the body, the woman faces complications. Timely consultation with a specialist and observation by a gynecologist during the first two weeks after birth will prevent very unpleasant consequences for the body.

Useful video about uterine contractions after childbirth

Pregnancy and the postpartum period are a very difficult time in a woman’s life. The female body is exposed dramatic changes, requires special attention to yourself and maximum accumulation of strength for recovery. What can we say about the uterus, which, during pregnancy, increases tens of times.

Now, a woman has given birth and the restoration of the body begins, this includes weight balancing and hormonal changes, and contraction of the uterus after childbirth. Questions arise about what is happening to the uterus, what difficulties may arise. What if the uterus doesn't contract? Or uterine prolapse has occurred. How to help yourself recover faster. Let's try to figure it out together and find answers to your questions.





Uterus after childbirth, video

Changes in the uterus after childbirth. Contraction of the uterus. How much does the uterus contract after childbirth?

The postpartum period is approximately 1.5-2.5 months. During this period, the uterus is also restored. The uterus is the organ in which the embryo is located and the fetus is born, so it is not surprising that it is very stretched. After childbirth, the uterus contracts quite intensely. Contraction of the uterus after childbirth occurs most rapidly in the first week after birth. During this period, she will lose about half of her weight, which is about 1 kg. Contraction of the uterus is accompanied by discharge called lochia.

In the first days after birth, they resemble menstruation, but gradually lighten and become watery. Their volume also decreases. The uterus after childbirth has a completely different photo than that of a nulliparous woman. So, in the first case, the uterus is slit-shaped, in the second it is round. How long does the uterus contract after childbirth? The process of restoring the uterus to its usual state is a purely individual matter, depending on the woman’s health, the course of pregnancy and childbirth, but in general it takes from 1 to 1.5 months. The lining of the uterine cavity is restored by the end of the postpartum period.

Prolapse of the uterus after childbirth. Causes of the problem and ways to solve it

One of the most common postpartum problems is prolapse of the uterus after childbirth. Behind correct location and retention of the uterus, ovaries, vagina, etc. The pelvic muscles are responsible. Thus, when these muscles are stretched or damaged, the uterus moves from its natural (usual, natural) location down towards the genital slit.

This problem can manifest itself either immediately after childbirth or years later. Possible causes of uterine prolapse: - direct muscle injury. During pregnancy, muscles are subject to increased stress, including due to a large fetus and polyhydramnios. Also during difficult childbirth, when using medical forceps and other things.

Such injuries cause uterine prolapse after childbirth.;

- heaviness. Carrying weights is strictly prohibited for women. This applies to both women in labor and other women. Lifting heavy weights increases the risk of uterine prolapse, and in many cases is the underlying cause;

- constipation. It is very important to comply proper nutrition and drink enough water to avoid constipation, which affects the functioning of the pelvic muscles and can cause uterine prolapse;

- heredity. Like any disease, uterine prolapse can be a consequence of poor heredity.

Depending on how prolapsed the uterus is, you can fight this disease with the help of constipation prevention, prophylactic and therapeutic exercises, special ointments, as well as surgical intervention. In any case, a decision regarding the method of prevention and treatment should be made only after consulting a gynecologist.

What to do if the uterus does not contract after childbirth?

It also happens that the uterus does not contract after childbirth, or contracts slowly. This may be due to individual work body, with the course of pregnancy and childbirth. What should you remember? Postpartum personal hygiene is very important, since the uterus during this period is very susceptible to infections. Washing after each visit to the toilet, cleaning sutures and monitoring for lochia are mandatory. Any sudden changes (increase in the volume of discharge, its cessation, return to the previous shade) are a reason to be wary and consult a doctor!

If the uterus contracts poorly, some “experts” advise applying cold to the lower abdomen. In turn, many experts prohibit the use of this method, since it can stimulate diseases of the pelvic organs.

And so that increase contractile activity of the uterus, you can do:

1. Massage of the uterus. It is carried out externally, massaging the abdomen from the middle to the bottom in the area of ​​the uterus. Movements should be gentle and soft, without effort.

2. Breastfeeding. In this case, nature took care of everything. Well-established lactation and feeding at the baby's request have a very good effect on uterine contractions after childbirth.

3. When resting, it is advisable to lie on your stomach, which promotes contractile activity of the uterus.

4. As soon as possible, during the postpartum period, you should move as much as possible. Activity and minimal housework will only be beneficial.

5. Medication assistance. If simple methods do not help and the uterus does not contract after childbirth, the doctor decides to help the woman with special medications that stimulate uterine contractions.

Self-attention and care, timely observation by a specialist will help you stay healthy. No matter how difficult it may be during the postpartum period, remember that this time will pass and the wonderful joy of motherhood will remain.

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