Home Prosthetics and implantation Can one person change the world? Can one person change the whole world? We're just getting started

Can one person change the world? Can one person change the whole world? We're just getting started

One of the most recognizable women in the world, who is discussed in all corners of the planet, celebrates her birthday on June 4, she turns 41 years old. The editors of the site look back and tell how Angelina Jolie's life has changed over the past year.

Humanitarian mission

Exactly one year ago, Jolie as ambassador good will The UN went to refugee camps from Syria and Iraq, who at that time had settled in Turkey on their way to Europe. Then she took her daughter Shiloh Nouvel with her, who, according to the actress, asked to go on the trip. And a few months later, Shiloh even appeared wearing a T-shirt with the words “Einstein was a refugee too.”

Angelina Jolie with her daughter in Turkey

Angelina Jolie with children at Los Angeles airport (Shiloh in that same T-shirt)

Then, with her son Pax, Jolie went to Southeast Asia - Cambodia and Myanmar. In these countries, the actress met with both officials and women who became victims of violence during military conflicts.

Angelina Jolie with her son in Myanmar

Throughout the year, Angelina visited refugee camps almost every month, both in Europe and the Middle East. A few months ago, she even held a press conference in the rain in the Lebanese city of Zahla, 15 kilometers from Syria. Then the Goodwill Ambassador provided a report on the Geneva negotiations regarding the fate of the refugees. After this, Jolie met with Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General UN, and a month ago it became known that she would be teaching a special course at the London School of Economics as a visiting teacher. Angelina Jolie will devote her lectures to the topic of the impact of war on women.

Angelina Jolie in Lebanon

at a press conference in Lebanon

Angelina Jolie and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

New film and new tattoos

During last year's trip to Southeast Asia, Jolie not only dealt with the problems of others, but also managed to film New film. While audiences around the world were enjoying her latest, Angelina herself filmed the novel by Cambodian writer and human rights activist Lun Ung in three months.

Angelina Jolie and film crew in Cambodia during a break between filming

Together they wrote a screenplay about life in Cambodia during the reign of the Khmer Rouge. When they took power in 1975, Un was only 5 years old. Having grown up, she decided to recount her entire experience in the book “First They Killed My Father: Memoirs of a Cambodian Daughter,” which became the basis for Jolie’s film. It is known that son Maddox, as during the filming of “By the Sea,” was an assistant to his mother-director. And the mother herself got three new tattoos during the making of the film. All of them symbolize Buddhist wishes for peace, goodness and prosperity.

Angelina Jolie already has new tattoos in Cambodia


After the release of two new works - the film "By the Sea" and the third part of the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda" - 40-year-old Jolie had to appear on the red carpet and during these appearances two things became obvious. Firstly, the actress deliberately stopped wearing elegant evening dresses, increasingly preferring modest dark outfits. And, secondly, without the down jackets and boots that she was used to seeing when visiting refugee camps, it became noticeable how much weight Jolie had lost.

Angelina Jolie in 2016 and 2012

Publications around the world raised a real panic at the beginning of the year when everyone saw Jolie's photo. The short black Saint Laurent dress only further emphasized the actress’s “new” figure, and the press reported a new mark on Angelina’s scales - a critical 35 kilograms. Obviously, the exact reasons for this extreme weight loss will never be made public. But among the most discussed are stress and disagreements with her husband Brad Pitt due to his alleged affairs with either a nanny or actress Elizabeth Kaplan. Be that as it may, Jolie does not pay attention to the rumors and does not comment on the weight loss story. Instead, the actress began to appear in public even more often and no longer wear trousers and mini-dresses, but exclusively laconic, but at the same time feminine outfits.

Angelina Jolie's anorexia is almost the most discussed topic of the last few years. The actress looks painfully thin, which provokes a bunch of rumors and speculation. Let's try to figure out how an appetizing woman turned into a “dried reed.”

early years

Angelina Jolie's anorexia may have started in childhood. WITH early years the actress had a penchant for self-destruction: she cut herself with knives, dreamed of working as a funeral director, a little later she took drugs, and, most likely, she could not do without alcohol either.

It all started with the fact that the girl’s father (famous actor Jon Voight) left the family when Angelina was only a year old. Living in a single-parent family, needing a father and protection during their complete absence- this is a definite injury. In addition, Angelina was offended for her beloved mother. And then the father smiles from the screens and photographs of gossip columns, showing with all his appearance that he is fine without a family.

It is no wonder that a certain breakdown occurred inside the future actress, which greatly affected her life, her work, and the nature of the roles she played. She admitted that she never fit in with the usual Beverly Hills teenagers, so she preferred to spend more time with her older brother.

Carier start

Angelina Jolie's anorexia is not the first life-threatening situation the actress finds herself in. At the dawn of her acting career, the girl became addicted to drugs and even tried to commit suicide.

After graduating from the famous acting school Jolie for a long time I didn’t get roles, so I went into the modeling business. But the young beauty’s modeling career did not work out, but at the age of 19 she received main role in the movie "Cyborg 2".

The actress recalled how she was initially worried about filming: every day she came to the set a few hours before the start of the process and tried to get herself into a working mood. But she didn’t always succeed, so she had to apologize for herself many times during the shooting day.

However, Jolie was still interesting to directors, and the aspiring actress was not left without work: year after year she starred in new projects. Only she chose strange roles. Jolie has always gravitated towards “outcast” characters. Her on-screen characters are rejected by society (“False Fire”), different antisocial behavior(“Interrupted Life”), suffer from addictions (“Gia”).

Most likely, the actress simply knew how such people felt. There were times when Angelina Jolie was so depressed that she even tried to hire a hitman to kill her. But nothing came of this idea, and the girl became addicted to drugs.

Best roles

Who would have thought that very soon Angelina Jolie's anorexia would be discussed in the press? On the set of the film "Lara Croft" the actress looked very appetizing. You could even say that during this period she was at the peak of her beauty. No hint of painful thinness.

Filming in the duology about the famous tomb raider made Angelina an A-class star. She began to receive huge fees for her participation in films. After filming the action movie, Jolie switched to melodramas and played in several more good films in their own way: “Temptation,” where Antonio Banderas became her partner, and the film “Life, or Something Like That.”

It is also impossible not to note her role in the historical film “Alexander”, the drama “Beyond” and the action film “Wanted”. It was incredibly difficult to work in Clint Eastwood's film The Changeling.

The birth of a child

Filming in the film “Lara Croft” radically changed the star’s life. Firstly, she had to give up addictions for several years and take up sports. Then Jolie got so involved in healthy image life that tries to stick to it to this day.

Secondly, the film made the girl a world-class star. Thirdly, after a visit to Cambodia, where the filming took place, everything changed in Jolie’s mind: she became interested in world social problems, UN activities and wanted to adopt her first child. It was in Cambodia that Angelina Jolie formalized her first adoption.

Anorexia (photos of the star periodically appeared on the covers of publications) was not yet attributed to the actress at that time, but fans noted that with the birth of her first child, Jolie lost a little weight. Then this fact was attributed to worries and worries about the baby.

Romance with Brad Pitt

In 2005, Jolie agreed to star in the film Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Her partner on the stage was Hollywood's first handsome man, Brad Pitt. The audience waited with bated breath for the premiere of the film, because two such people were supposed to collide on the screen. famous person having the same status, but different characters.

By that time, Jolie had experienced two unsuccessful marriages and was a single mother. Pitt had a cloudless family life with Jennifer Aniston. And it happened! There were rumors in the press that Brad had a hard time with his co-star, but Jolie remained silent on this matter. But a year later, Pitt filed for divorce from Aniston, and Angelina began to appear in public with him. It would seem that everything in the actress’s life has improved. But soon the newspapers will be full of new headlines: “Angelina Jolie has anorexia!”

The death of the mother and the sharp Angelina Jolie: anorexia. Photo of a star

Throughout her life, Jolie has been strongly attached to only a few people: her mother Marcheline Bretrand, her brother James and, one might assume, now Brad Pitt.

However, back in 2000, the actress received unpleasant news: her mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Marcheline struggled with the disease for seven years, but in 2007 she died. After this, Angelina herself began to literally “dry up.”

In 2008, the premieres of several films took place, the filming of which began in 2007. And for two years from the gossip column.

In 2010, it became absolutely obvious that Angelina Jolie suffered from anorexia: in the film “The Tourist” she looked so exhausted that she even temporarily changed her hairstyle so that her face would not seem so haggard. Photos from the sets no longer pleased fans, because the actress’s legs and arms were terribly thin, veins were visible and the overall appearance was painful.


Is it true that Angelina Jolie got anorexia? It's difficult to talk about this. Perhaps the actress’s thinness is not caused by digestive problems, but by much more serious troubles.

It turned out that Jolie is terribly afraid of getting cancer like her mother. That is why in 2013 she removed both breasts and replaced them with implants. According to the actress, this will help her be with her children and her beloved husband longer. However, that's all for experiments. mother of many children didn't finish.

In 2015, Angelina removed her ovaries, as tests confirmed that there was a very high probability for her to get cancer. So the actress, at the age of 40, lost the opportunity to give birth to her biological child.

After operations, Angelina Jolie never returned to normal weight. “Anorexia” is what comes to the mind of an ordinary person when he looks at a photo of a forty-year-old actress. Unfortunately, Hollywood standards have nothing to do with it, since the star’s weight has long fallen below the permissible norm.

Angelina Jolie: anorexia, weight

With the actress's height of approximately 170 cm, she weighs just over 40 kg. This is already enough to start worrying about Angelina's health.

Does Angelina Jolie struggle with anorexia? Nothing is said about this. Jolie herself does not talk about this topic. Brad Pitt is unlikely to tell the public anything, if only out of tolerance for his wife.

Nevertheless, Jolie continues to lead an active lifestyle. For example, in 2014, fans of her talent were able to see their favorite in the fairy tale “Maleficent”. Jolie looked very natural in the role of the evil sorceress.

In 2015, the film “Côte d'Azur” was released, in which the actress starred with her husband, and also directed the film. It's hard to believe that Angelina Jolie suffers from anorexia. The photos, however, do not lie, but are evidence that Hollywood celebrity you need to gain at least a little weight.

In any case, fans can rest assured, because Jolie intends to do everything to stay with her children longer, which means she will take care of her health under any circumstances.

Dear readers of the HRM blog.

I bring to your attention an interesting article by American consultant and writer Steve Toback.

“Let me ask you a question, and I want you to answer honestly: Do you really think you can make a difference in the world?

If you're like most people, your answer will be no. But, you know what? You are wrong. Most likely, you simply underestimate the impact on other people that you have every day. Believe me, it's bigger than you think.

Awareness of such an impact really helps, the main thing is to believe in it. There are many examples of leaders who changed the course of industry history simply because they believed they were special and destined for great things.

Such a powerful combination, closely related to the self-realization of top officials, leads to incredible results. This is a very correct and laconic description of all successful leaders. They really believe that they can change...

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This is what a fucking, thrice-fucking cunning and fucking well-thought-out sabotage should be on the part of the Mujahideen (Sorry for the swearing, but I couldn’t resist), so that they could induce the Minister of Armaments himself or someone else to convert to Islam, so that no one would notice... And so that this minister goes through all the security levels.... NOD32.dll, well, you certainly amused me.

Okay, let's say the rocket was launched like this? There are two options. Either the whole planet will die to hell, or people will survive and build everything again... Of course, thousands of years will pass before we return to a happy existence. But we’ll come back if we survive! And if we die, we won’t care.

And in my memory, the most powerful explosion that took away a lot of lives was the explosion in Hiroshima. But it was wartime.

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In Christ, cleansed from petrified LIES, the coming GOLDEN age of humanity:
1. Matt. 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

This commandment is for creators! Love of truth is the main feature of scientific thinking.

2. Christ came with a sword capable of dividing TRUTH from LIES and GOOD from EVIL!

3. Ch. the commandment (Matthew 22:37) REQUIRES to love God not only with all your HEART (faith!), but also with all your MIND (and this is the path of KNOWLEDGE!), and the MIND and HEART in ch. zap. - these are two blades of the DOUBLE-EDGED sword of Christ (for creators!) - your SIGN, in which is the SALVATION of the soul and the world!! !

(Divine truth, LOVE, PEACE and GOOD where there is harmony of MIND and HEART; and where there is no this harmony, there is EVIL and the devilish LIE!)

4. To love God and “neighbor” - to conquer (with the sword of Christ!) all difficulties and enemies with your MIND and HEART, making them your friends and bringing the good news - LIGHT, LOVE, PEACE and prosperity to the whole earth!! !

(The Sword of Christ is the only weapon worthy of a MAN!!!...

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Discussion "Can one person change the world?" took place as part of the "Open Show" project.

The DOC Documentary Film Center held a screening of the film “The Day Peace Came”, which tells the story of the actor’s struggle for his idea to create a “day of peace on Earth.”

In 1998, director and actor Jeremy Gilley came up with the idea of ​​creating an “International Day of Peace,” a day when “military activities would stop and humanitarian aid would be delivered to those in need.” He managed to achieve recognition of his idea at the UN on September 7, 2001, but after well-known events, the approval of the idea dragged on for another seven years. As a result, with the help of celebrities, including Angelina Jolie, Jude Law and Elton John, the actor achieves his goal - the “International Day of Peace” is scheduled for September 21.

The director personally presented his film manifesto, and also, together with Chulpan Khamatova, Nyuta Federmesser, Mitya Aleshkovsky and Tatyana Lazareva, took part in a discussion on the topic “Can one person change the world?” The presenter was...

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A comment from bee bee gave me an interesting thought. Can a person influence society, and if so, how?

Everyone understands that through its pressure, society produces the kind of person the state needs. All social technologies focused on this. Personality is a product social relations. But a person as an individual, in turn, builds and rebuilds the society that creates him. There are very subtle relationships here. You may ask, how can one person influence society? Does this seem unlikely to you? But a person as an individual is, in principle, capable of influencing the fate of a city, a country, even humanity.

What conditions are necessary for a person to influence society? Firstly, the state system must be in a non-equilibrium state. We are talking about crisis periods in the development of society. As soon as the state as a system turns out to be weak, great amount charlatans, all sorts of dark...

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Be kind to the people around you and smile more often. You smiled at your neighbor in the stairwell, he smiled at a fellow passenger on the subway, the fellow passenger smiled at his wife, the wife at the saleswoman, the saleswoman at the customer. AND happy people immediately there were more.

Most people want to live in a clean, prosperous world. Keep order. Train yourself to take the trash to the trash can and turn off the water when it is not needed. When cleaning up trash in the forest, don’t be too lazy to grab empty bottles left by previous vacationers.

Learn to listen to others. Often, many people suffer from the fact that they have no one to talk to. By listening to the problems of a friend, mother, colleague, you can make these people calmer and happier.

Participate in volunteer events, become a blood donor. Surely you have things that you haven’t worn for a long time - give them to low-income families. By donating a small portion of your time or resources, you can help many...

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Can one person change history? miss_tramell - 07/10/2014 I am sure that the progress of humanity is driven by individuals. Any qualitative leap is the work of one person who was born at the right time and found himself in the right place.

So Napoleon turned France, torn apart by talkative rebels, into an empire, forced the whole world to reckon with it and scared it so much that all the European kings shit their pants in fear.

And Joan of Arc? France fell apart, the retinue of weak kings killed each other, the counts of Burgundy killed the Dukes of Burgundy, and the country was visited annually by the English degenerate and villain the Black Prince. Hunger, poverty, and death practically destroyed the prosperous country, and then she appeared.

Many said that Zhanna was fucked because of schizophrenia. Even so, what she did saved France. The people who believed her gathered their courage and slapped the invaders on the horns. From Zhanna's mission...

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Great gift.

Number of pages: 704
Binding: hard
Illustrations: b/w + color

Description of the book

Can one person change the whole world?

Maybe history knows many such examples. Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Galileo, Columbus, Einstein, Thomas Edison, Avicenna, Shakespeare, Charlie Chaplin, Yuri Gagarin and Leonardo da Vinci - greatest commander and a brilliant politician, great scientists and an adventurous traveler, an unsurpassed playwright and a cheerful comedian, a space explorer and the most mysterious painter and inventor - they lived in different time and in different parts light, and only Alexander set the goal of conquering the world.

However, we can safely say about all of them: they changed the world - each in their own way, each in their own area, and thanks to them we began to live differently, think differently, understand differently...

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Download the movie in good quality

lyrics from the cartoon "Little Raccoon"

Of course, the idea that any good deed will be returned to you a hundredfold is as old as the world. But the film Pay It Forward, based on the book of the same name by Catherine R. Hyde, gives us a new vision of how to implement this idea. Many consider the plot of the film to be utopian, but it shows how literally one person can change the whole world.

But does it need to be changed? - the question arises. The answer sounds in the film: “Because there is trouble everywhere” - that’s what they say at the same time main character Trevor and homeless drug addict Jerry. Of course, people don't always know what they need and may simply not want to change anything. Then, according to Trevor, they lose.

Without change there is no future, no happiness, because life turns into a gray routine. And although we go to her...

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(357 words) Man is a social being, society influences him important influence, and this fact was interpreted in world literature within the framework of realism. It was the realists who spoke about a typical hero in typical circumstances, and it was the environment, the environment characteristic of a given era, that made him so. Could it be the other way around: a person can change society? Many classics pondered this topic.

We find a positive answer to this question in the drama “The Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky. The main character, Katerina, had the courage to rebel against an aggressive society for the rights to love and be loved. The woman grew up internally free, and after marriage she fell under the despotic power of her mother-in-law and the puritanical morality of the province. She could not endure this oppression; she needed an outlet, which was love for the unworthy of her, but so attractive Boris. Katerina could not deceive and hide for long, so she confessed to her sin. Punishment followed immediately: insult, beatings, actual imprisonment. The heroine escaped and drowned herself, thereby freeing herself and showing by personal example that everything cannot be decided by force, guided by the inviolable dogmas of Domostroy. Only after her action did Kuligin and Tikhon find their voices, and a little earlier Varvara ran away. And this sanctimonious, ossified world swayed, only to soon fall.

But sometimes the individual turns out to be a loser. This happened with Chatsky, the hero of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". Returning from abroad and full of new ideas, Alexander meets with an unkind reception: for Sophia, whom he loved, he becomes too arrogant, for her father Famusov - too poor, for his former comrades - too dangerous. The hero just wants understanding and friendliness, but he “grew up” from the society around him, it was left behind. That's why everyone believed in his madness so easily. However, Chatsky is trying to explain himself, to prove to others what the truth is. But do they need it? Sophia is satisfied with her submissive and meek admirer Molchalin (who is courting her for profit). But it was precisely her that the main character hoped for most, and even in her he was deceived. Alexander could not change society, formally he lost the battle, but his thoughts and feelings are alive, relevant, they will still be reflected in the future.

A person is not capable, on his own, of suddenly changing society. Change can only happen if those around you are ready for it, the right time has come. However, you cannot give up and give up, not considering it possible to change something, because the light of many lonely lights necessarily adds up to a huge luminous flux.

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