Home Removal After finishing work we went to the theater. Test “test work”, Russian language

After finishing work we went to the theater. Test “test work”, Russian language

Each test task is offered in five versions. In each version, tasks are highlighted in the following sections of the Russian language and speech culture:

Spelling and punctuation standards;

Accentological norms;

Lexical norms;

Morphological norms;

Syntactic norms;

Norms of scientific style of speech.

Option I


Agent, alphabet, pine needles, oil pipeline, industry, watermelon, material support, blood test, many industries, scanty, old, language norm, more beautiful, exorbitantly expensive, mark, load, faster, took away, ringing, gate, nap, contract, sold, brought, manage.


The cover that stood next to Tushin’s guns left on someone’s orders. In the middle of the case, the battery continued to fire and (not, neither) was taken by the French only because (not, nor) a friend (not, nor) could pr...dpol... to deny the audacity of firing four (not, neither) anyone (not, nor) defending guns.

Color... tulle, delicious... stew, Italian... jacuzzi, clean... coupe, black... coffee, custom... taxi, familiar... entertainer, interesting... interview, new... cap, impeccable... alibi.

4. Complete the endings of the nouns.

To the dugouts..., in the galley..., about Marie..., in the department..., about knowledge..., from the candles..., on the battery..., upon arrival..., in misfortune..., to wormwood..., with the secretary..., to the hater..., to the port ..., upon arrival..., waiting..., from the line..., oh hero... .


Memory (visual, spectator)

Behavior (diplomatic, diplomatic)

Request (one, only)

Feeling (unrequited, irresponsible)

Apples (selected, qualifying)


None of the sisters, even the eldest, (knew, did not know) about what had happened.

He was awarded a well-deserved (award, award).

7. Open the brackets.

(For) always, (from) outside, (for) now, (until) impossible, (until) impossible, (until) now, (for) tomorrow, (for) a moment, (at) a stroke, (at) the clock, (from) memory, (not) home, far (not) by chance, no one (not) pleasant, (not) childish, (at) remote, (in) fifth, (in) first, (is) )(under) tishka, (in) Latin, (in) equal, (as) before, as (nor) as, (in) kindness (in) health.

8. Place punctuation marks.

1. Despair, bitterness, jealousy of eternal nature and a feeling of pity for people and myself, this merged into one lump in my throat. 2. I slowly walked away from the thunderstorm, crossed a dense, very young spruce forest and went out into a dry, gnarled pine forest. 3. I loved this quiet village, smelling through and through of young barley hung in plump sheaves on spinning poles. 4. It was apparently a typical resort town where Berliners probably went for the summer. 5. Stuck knee-deep in the snow, bending over to the window, I saw my mother in the dim light of a turned-down lamp, she was getting ready for dinner.


10. Find cases of erroneous use of forms of controlled words, incorrect choice of case of the controlled word, errors in word order. Correct them.

1. At the end of work we went to the theater. 2. Andrei Bolkonsky is capable of deep feeling. 3. Molchalin also starts a conversation about ranks with Chatsky. 4. Raskolnikov, through logical speculation, comes to the idea of ​​killing the old woman. 5. The image of a miser who has lost everything human cannot but cause our indignation. 6. The workshop carries out maintenance and repair of equipment.


Comet of the Century

The appearance of a bright, large comet in the earth's sky is a relatively rare phenomenon, occurring no more than 6-7 times a century. However, comets, which have been observed for many centuries, are fraught with many mysteries.

Now the bright comet Kohoutek, which approached the Sun in December 1973 and circled it, is again moving towards the boundaries of the Solar system. In the last century, for example, in 1812, even larger comets were observed, which flew even closer to the Sun than Comet Kohoutek.

But this unexpected visit of a new, hitherto unknown comet turned out to be very useful for astronomy. Modern research tools have made it possible to obtain extensive information about the comet, which adds a lot of valuable information to our knowledge about the processes that occur in the solar system.

Every comet consists of a solid part, called the nucleus, and a gas-dust atmosphere, which is constantly changing.

Far from the sun, somewhere beyond the orbits of Neptune and Pluto, the comet's nucleus does not have an atmospheric shell, and in this cosmic distance it is impossible to detect the comet.

But as it approaches the Sun, the cometary nucleus receives an atmosphere, which, however, is completely different from the atmosphere of the Earth or other planets.

The heads of the comet, which can be compared in size to the Sun, are small on a cosmic scale, and their tails extend for tens and hundreds of millions of kilometers. But the average density of cometary atmospheres is billions of times less than the density of room air.

Therefore, when colliding with comet tails, which by the way happened more than once, the Earth passed through them as easily as a bullet that passes through a cloud of tobacco smoke.

That is why comets received the humorous name “visible nothingness”!

Option II

1. In these words, put emphasis that corresponds to the modern literary norm.

Drowsiness, vision of the world, dancer, sentence, catalog, what destinies, well-aimed wit, asymmetry, puffs of smoke, spoiled, long, aggravate, normalize, get through, asked, distributed, taken away, coat is not enough, loot, heading, tool, quarter, pantry , self-interest, flint, foil.

2. Fill in the missing letters and punctuation marks, open the brackets.

We had a gathering of office...students for some reason...mainly doctors...officials starting from the court councilor and... ending with simple clerical...sem... students, in a word, that motley mixed...society that can be found in the capitals where long ago everything moved in one general commotion.

3. Determine the gender of nouns and agree with adjectives.

Colorful... cockatoo, fashionable... bob, powerful... security, night... rendezvous, huge... corn, hammer... coffee, poor... orphan, destructive... tornado, missed... penalty, little... chimpanzee.

In a shootout..., on the seaside..., to Mary..., to the gorge..., to the banner..., with a cloak..., about arrival..., along the road..., about the performance..., in bed..., to the parcel post..., in the story..., along the division ..., at the end..., after returning..., in the cordon..., with the doctor..., in the calm..., oh genius... .

5. Choose from the words given in brackets the option that corresponds to the lexical norm.

Story (historical, historical)

Lunch (hearty, full)

Meaning (educational, educational)

Certificate (travelling, travel)

Competitions (selective, qualifying)

6. Choose from the words given in brackets the option that corresponds to the syntactic norm.

- “Izvestia” (placed, published) a review of the premiere at the theater.

No one, not even experienced surgeons (could, could not) save the patient.

Resolve the issue (upon arrival, upon arrival) from a business trip.

The coach is surprised (by the result, result) of the game.

7. Open parenthesis.

(For) now, (for) nothing, (for) empty, (for) memory, (without) silence, (before) refusal, (on) the fly, (by) touch, (not) in) might, (not )(childishly, (honor)honor, little by little, hand (over) hand, (apparently) exactly, at all (not) interesting, at all (not) interesting, met (not) friendly, drove (not) fast, but fun, suit (in) the time of youth.

8. Write down the sentences using punctuation marks.

1. The music solemnly thundered over the city, drowning out the explosions of shells, the rumble of airplanes, the crackling and rustling of burning trees. 2. I have long wanted to find a corner where everything would be at hand, including hunting and fishing, mushrooms and berries. 3. The hands of man parted the dense forests, forced the mountains to part, filled the dry deserts with moisture, blocked the rivers, freed the crushing and omnipotent energy of the atom, created amazingly beautiful paintings and statues. 4. Make noise, make noise in the green forest. I know your majestic noise and your peace and the shine of heaven above your curly head. 5. People wanted to keep everything, roses and snow.

9. Indicate cases of violation of lexical compatibility of words. Replace the incorrect phrases with the correct ones.

Geography of oil production, geography of tourism, geography of achievements, geography of tours, geography of records.

10. Find cases of erroneous use of forms of controlled words and indicate grammatical and stylistic errors: incorrect choice of case of the controlled word, errors in word order. Correct them.

1. Currently, our efforts are aimed at mastering the main issues of the program. 2. The book characterizes the modern essay. 3. It was not for nothing that Mikhailov was awarded a high award. 4. Gratitude was expressed to those who helped the chefs. 5. We can say that only a part of the youth loved and began to follow these poets. 6. Mrs. Prostakova is very unceremonious, she has no sense of tactics at all.

11. Read the text. Write an annotation of the text.

About Shostakovich

This amazing artist enriched all genres of musical art with his theme, his view of the world, his unique personality, and innovative discoveries.

His music contains the pulse of our life, if you want to know the time - listen to it, penetrate into the world of deep and capacious thoughts of its creator, the world of amazing harmony of heart and mind, it is full of passionate protest against cruelty, philistine complacency, and at the same time this music - always a hymn to man, a hymn to faith in him; humanism and citizenship - this is the foundation on which the building of the “Shostakovich style” is erected.

Dmitry Shostakovich's music never entertains, but always enriches the listener. Those who seek in music only a caress for the ear and a break from worries will find this art alien.

You can’t listen to Shostakovich’s music on the go, accidentally turning on a transistor on the lawn or rushing into the Great Hall of the Conservatory on the occasion that there were no cinema tickets, but by trusting it, you can understand a lot, feel again the beauty of your native landscape, and the irreparability of the loss of a loved one man, and reverence for the human mind. Shostakovich's music is the artist's confession, strong in its frankness, sometimes even tragic in its merciless truthfulness, it does not leave listeners indifferent.

Option III

1. Place emphasis on these words.

Conspiracy, celebration, yawning, colossus, marketing, catalog, pipeline, reprimand, increasing capacity, blooming iris, acquisition, unity, busy person, on, sealed, full of ideas, sold, took away, will call back, medicine, invention, thinking, decoration, unity, portfolio.

2. Fill in the missing letters and punctuation marks, open the brackets.

Analyzing the image of the main character of the novel, V.G. Belinsky expresses his brightly positive attitude towards a person (not, neither) who is perceived by many. Social life (no, no) killed Onegin’s feelings, but only cooled him down to bad passions and petty entertainments.

3. Determine the gender of nouns and agree with adjectives.

Dexterous... chimpanzee, strong... brandy, apple... jam, aromatic... cocoa, Finnish... salami, experienced... croupier, joint... communiqué, fresh... fillet, spacious... foyer, complex... relay.

4. Add the endings of the nouns.

In the azure..., in Transcaucasia..., along the alley..., oh happiness..., from the names..., in the radiance..., along the platforms..., on the ship..., in the greatcoat..., in joy..., near the station..., about the branch..., about Claudius ..., in control..., ivy...m, in despair..., about something else..., with a friend...m.

5. Choose from the words given in brackets the option that corresponds to the lexical norm.

Campaign (electoral, electoral)

System (root, root)

Interests (masculine, masculine)

Situation (distressed, poor)

6. Choose from the words given in brackets the option that corresponds to the syntactic norm.

Those who (survived, survived) will never forget the horrors of war.

Some of the books (lay, lay) on the table.

He acted contrary to the (prescription, orders) of the doctors.

The mother was worried (about the state of) her son’s health.

7. Open parenthesis.

(on) back, (on) a lot, (after) tomorrow, (on) two, (on) soon, (on) a little, (on) manually, (on) the world, (on) morning, (not) on )friendly, (in)disappearance, (in)visibility, (in)alone, (at)alone (in)time, very (not)successfully, not at all (not) entertaining, not at all (not) deliberately, for no one (not )interesting, (hard) to learn, speaks (not) loudly, but clearly.

8. Place punctuation marks.

1. Forcing herself to get up, Tamara Innokentyevna climbed into a warm robe and, wrapping herself tightly, chillyly holding the collar to her throat, went to the window and opened the curtains. 2. Everything turned black, everything wilted, swollen with water, potato grass, barley, oats. 3. The amazing transparency of the water, the healing air of the pine forest, and the rich fish catches have made Lake Naroch a favorite vacation spot for workers. 4. Across the table, the girl’s eyes were constantly looking at him and there was so much hot unspoken love in them, expectation of hope and humility that Davydov was confused for a moment.

9. Indicate cases of violation of lexical compatibility of words. Replace the incorrect phrases with the correct ones.

Heavy industry, souvenir industry, construction industry, consumer services industry.


1. On streets where there are no sidewalks, pedestrians are required to walk along the edge of the curb towards traffic. 2. This fact cannot be ignored. 3. The purpose of the review is to eliminate all the reasons that hinder the rise in labor productivity. 4. The book lying on the table has been read. 5. The arriving train on track 5 departs for the park. 6. This was a real feat of a Russian soldier, loyal to duty and the Fatherland.

11. Read the text. Write an annotation of the text.

Biological noises of the sea

While studying the depths of the sea, scientists encountered an interesting phenomenon. It turned out that most fish (out of 20 thousand known to science), as well as all mammals living in water, and many invertebrates, have ways of making sounds and generating noise, and in a wide range - from low, accessible to human hearing, to infrasound, captured only by special devices.

It turns out that the expression “dumb as a fish” is not true.

Among many other aspects of the development of the World Ocean, much attention is paid to its biological resources and their use in the interests of humanity. This is why the role of marine bioacoustics in underwater research and especially in fisheries has been growing recently.

Recently, devices for “eavesdropping on conversations” among marine inhabitants have appeared on ships. The hydrophone of an acoustic device is lowered to a depth of 20-30 meters, picking up the “voices” of the inhabitants of the underwater world. The type of fish is determined by the nature of the sounds, and their number is determined by the power.

What “voices” of marine animals and fish are already known to science? Sardinela, for example, “chirps like a sparrow, tuna makes a knock like a woodpecker. The voices of some fish resemble the rustling of branches in a forest in a strong wind, others resemble the sea surf in calm weather, and still others resemble the crackling of burning branches. Dolphins have a more lively conversation. They whistle, rattle and even bark.

But each species of whale has its own language. A herd of beluga whales makes sounds reminiscent of the chirping of birds, a sperm whale chatters like a radio operator on a key, a blue baleen whale makes sighs and moos. There is also a drummer fish. The sounds she makes are like drumming.

Option IV

1. In these words, put emphasis that corresponds to the modern literary norm.

Strengthening, apocalypse, dispensary, concentration, blinds, multi-colored mugs, increasing profits, life support, rallying cry, wholesale supplies, busy house, catch a glimpse, full and clumsy, activated, rummaging through the archive, phone, bonus, turn on, proofread manuscript , religion, gas pipeline, leisure, started, accept, gathered, arrived.

2. Fill in the missing letters and punctuation marks, open the brackets.

The procurator’s orders were carried out quickly and accurately and with some kind of (not, neither) ordinary rage, which burned Yershalaim (not, nor) in those days, managed to still get close... to its highest point when on At the top of the (r, rr)a(s, ss)e garden, near the two marble white lions guarding the…living ladder, the procurator and the acting pr…z…dent of the Sanhedrin met.

3. Determine the gender of nouns and agree with adjectives.

Interesting... summary, exquisite... sconce, delicious... kohlrabi, fast... kangaroo, approaching tsunami, delicious... jelly, new... blinds, round... orphan, wide... highway, beautiful... hotel.

4. Add the endings of the nouns.

In the shallows..., in the gorge..., in Siberia..., about the genius..., to the daughter..., in the notebook..., in the lobby..., in office..., about the bulletin..., at the festival..., on the territory..., in the tunnel..., upon completion ..., reeds... m, to the line..., to position..., in despair... .

5. Choose from the words given in brackets the option that corresponds to the lexical norm.

Regime (despotic, despotic)

Shelling (methodical, methodical)

Union, bloc (democratic, democratic)

(Breathe, sigh) relief

6. Choose from the words given in brackets the option that corresponds to the syntactic norm.

Forty-one students (attended, were present) attended the lecture.

Pay (travel, for travel).

Love for the homeland, the desire for justice are especially (dear, dear) to me in the works of the poet.

The work is carried out according to (plan, plan).

7. Open parenthesis.

One (on), (in) Russian, (on) cleaner, apparently (not) apparently, (not (today) tomorrow, (from) far, (in) far, (on) pure, (in) hand-to-hand, ( at) home, (at) an hour, (not) enduring, (not) childishly, (not) one iota, (without) tired, (from) abroad, (not) under) force, (before) late, (therefore, side (about) side, (not) with, (not) with anything, (in) eyes, first (on) first, (in) cape, (with) sleepiness, (from) forehead, (in) girth, (in) sawn-off shotgun, lives (not) richly and (not) poorly, extremely (not) thoughtfully, (in) floor )walls.

8. Place punctuation marks.

1. A.P. Chekhov himself worked tirelessly on himself, enriching his wonderful, varied language from everywhere from conversations from dictionaries from catalogs from scientific works from sacred books. 2. We had to go down into ravines, climb steep clay slopes, make long detours, and sketch rough maps. 3. Having already said goodbye, I stopped for a minute in the hallway, looked around, pushed the door and went out. 4. The hut did not touch the floor to the ground but was built on stilts. 5. Thick black smoke came in large clouds from under long reed roofs flattened to the ground and lazily rose upward. 6. Somewhere forests are burning and a smoky veil that has been swirling on the horizon all day is spreading across the sky, as if heavy with dampness.

9. Indicate cases of violation of lexical compatibility of words. Replace the incorrect phrases with the correct ones.

Increase academic performance, increase knowledge, increase success, increase requirements, increase demand, increase product quality, increase discipline, increase interest.

10. Find cases of erroneous use of forms of controlled words, incorrect choice of case of a controlled word, errors in word order. Correct them.

1. This device is not affected by cosmic radiation. 2. These facts speak for the possibility of a wide and varied use of algae. 3. The manager of the farm, Comrade Zaitseva, objects to this proposal. 4. In the novel “Eugene Onegin” I am attracted to Tatiana and Onegin. 5. The trees created shade, already covered with rather dense foliage. 6. The purpose of the conversation is a general acquaintance with the basic rules of traffic safety on city streets and what harm it causes.

11. Read the text. Write an annotation of the text.

The diagnosis is made by the atom

With the help of the “labeled” atom, many secrets have already been discovered in medicine and biology. In order to use this method, you need the latest radio-electronic devices. They make it possible to directly monitor the inclusion of a radioactive “tag” in the biochemical processes developing in the body. Researchers have created an original set of clinical techniques and equipment for radioisotope diagnostics. The joint search of instrument makers and doctors turned out to be useful: in a relatively short time, a complex was developed and implemented that allows one to quickly examine the body and recognize the disease.

Most methods are based on recording an isotope in the tissue of the organ being studied. The radioactive “tag” clearly paints a picture of the most important physiological processes. Features of organs that are difficult to X-ray examination are identified. Radioisotope diagnostics is also characterized by the fact that it makes it possible to quickly and with high accuracy obtain the necessary information. To, for example, assess the condition of the lungs using clinical tests, it is necessary to study the patient for several days. Radioisotopes do this in just a few minutes.

Research using “labeled” atoms does not bother patients and is completely safe for health.

The development of mass production and their introduction into practice made it possible to apply a number of original diagnostic methods. We have now begun to create electronic equipment that will improve the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Doctors will be able to quickly assess such important indicators as blood flow through the heart and lungs and the volume of blood circulating in the body.

The release of this equipment will allow for wider use of radio electronics in medicine.

Option V

1. In these words, put emphasis that corresponds to the modern literary norm.

Agronomy, aristocracy, blinds, title, invention, spark, kilometer, creditor, verdict, acquisition, centimeter, statue, convocation, concentration, means, expert, gross, wholesale market, port city, management, took away, rose, curved, immersed in water, modern youth, you are right.

2. Fill in the missing letters and punctuation marks, open the brackets.

One...the tenth hour is running out. (Still breathing heavily...t July afternoon. (Not, not) a person (not, not) a small grass creature (not, not) who is (not, not) struggling a little with languor... everyone has given up, it seems there is (not, not) anything to think about. What is this pr...dpr...that will refresh you? It’s (as, just as) stuffy in the forest as in an open field.

3. Determine the gender of nouns and agree with adjectives.

Fast... gazelle, new... muffler, lived... rentier, main... avenue, exotic... mango, new... jeans, embargoed, American... attaché, young... lady, fresh... fillet.

4. Add the endings of the nouns.

Along the alley..., at the crossroads..., at the sanatorium..., at the factory..., in joy..., at night..., with love..., along the line..., in September..., at the pier..., on the battery..., in the greatcoat..., after ..., about Anastasi..., blush...m, under the cloak...m, about arrival..., to forget... .

5. Choose from the words given in brackets the option that corresponds to the lexical norm.

Meeting (friendly, friendly)

Intention (hidden, secretive)

Problem (logical, logical)

Flight (test, trial)

Letter (thank you, thank you)

6. Choose from the words given in brackets the option that corresponds to the syntactic norm.

Quite a few issues of the new magazine (came out, came out) were very late.

We were unable to get (loan, credit) from the bank.

7. Open parenthesis.

( To) inside out, (to) fluff and (to) dust, (without) tired, (to) the bottom, (to) eyelids, (to no) sense, (to) extreme, (to) point-blank, (not) difficult, several (not) difficult, (not) in) the test, (not) to taste, (without) looking back, (again), (not) just, (on) the other day, (on) hours, (on) tiptoe , (in) (half) intensity, (from) below, (not) well, (not) completely, (for) nothing, (on) rare, (at) wide open, reads (not) badly , but slowly, (to) death, not to the stomach, but (to) death.

8. Place punctuation marks.

1. We walk on the earth, but how often does it occur to us to want to bend down and carefully examine this earth? 2. Despite this, Timoshka selflessly loved the inhabitants of the bright house surrounded by a garden and forest, and even with a wonderful lake in the birch trees. 3. The flame spread to the pine needles and, fanned by the wind, flared up with a groan and whistle. 4. The soft and silvery sea merges there with the blue southern sky and sleeps soundly, reflecting the transparent fabric of cirrus clouds of motionless stars that do not hide the golden patterns. 5. On the water, smooth as a mirror, circles occasionally moved and the river lilies trembled, disturbed by the cheerful fish. 6. It seems simple, but a severe misfortune will come and great strength and human beauty will rise in him.

9. Indicate cases of violation of lexical compatibility of words. Replace the incorrect phrases with the correct ones.

Literary criticism, sharp criticism, monopoly criticism, destructive criticism, important criticism, objective criticism.

10. Find cases of erroneous use of forms of controlled words, incorrect choice of case of a controlled word, errors in word order. Correct them.

Most of the time was spent on creating unnecessary reports. 2. These data allowed the author to base the following conclusions and proposals. 3. The poem describes the adventures of Chichikov. 4. Every day the father understands his son more and more clearly and rejoices at his success. 5. The inspection will be carried out by a commission appointed by the administration. 6. Vakhtangov relied on and developed Stanislavsky’s system in his work with actors.

11. Read the text. Write an annotation of the text.

Tretyakov Gallery

The State Tretyakov Gallery is a museum of Russian national and Soviet fine art. It contains a collection of Russian icon painting, painting, graphics and sculpture from the 11th century to the present day. The exhibition of the Soviet department presents works by artists from many republics of the Soviet Union.

The museum grew out of the private collection of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov (1832-1898), an outstanding figure of Russian culture of the second half of the 19th century. The large manufacturer P.M. Tretyakov belonged to the progressive strata of society. In the 50s, he began collecting works of Russian painting.

P.M. Tretyakov sought to create a museum of Russian national art in Moscow, accessible to all segments of society. P.M. Tretyakov was not just a collector, seized by the passion of collecting, he followed the development of Russian art, making sure that everything marked by talent, everything that truthfully reflected Russian life, ended up in his collection. P.M. Tretyakov collected works that were distinguished by their democratic orientation and realism. In 1881, the gallery was opened to public viewing.

In 1892, P.M. Tretyakov donated a collection of his paintings and a collection of paintings by his brother S.M. Tretyakov (3500) to the city of Moscow. The gallery became known as the Moscow City Gallery of Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov.

Nowadays, the State Tretyakov Gallery has become one of the largest scientific and cultural centers in the country. Its funds are constantly replenished. The number of visitors reaches 1,600,000 annually.

12. Write an annotation of the text.

“Reason and feelings are two forces that equally need each other” (V.G. Belinsky).

Comedy hero A.S. Griboyedov Alexander Andchreevich Chatsky at some point exclaims: “The mind is not in harmony with the heart.” This results in misunderstanding of the obvious, disappointment, and mental trauma. How to ensure that the mind and heart are in harmony, because, according to Belinsky, they equally need each other? How to learn to live so that the mind does not deprive a person of feelings and emotions? At the same time, feelings should not subjugate the mind, they should not deprive people of the ability to think, reason, and analyze. Of course, not everyone succeeds in being in harmony with their mind and feelings.

Most often we see that feelings overwhelm a person, which often leads to tragedy. For example, the hero of the novel I.S. Turgenev Evgeny Bazarov, a nihilist who denies everything in the world, a strong personality capable of leading others, cannot cope with his feelings when he fell in love unrequitedly. He denied romanticism, love, poetry and suddenly, having fallen in love, he felt the romance in himself. An attempt to get rid of the feeling that prevents him from living and working leads to his untimely death. Without a doubt, the reasons for Bazarov’s tragedy are not only unrequited love, the novel is deeper and more philosophical, and cannot be reduced solely to a love story. But it was precisely at that moment when the hero was captured by the feeling that he lost faith in his ideas, because before his death he says: “Russia needs me. No, apparently it’s not needed.”

Turgenev’s idea that a person should not suppress his emotions, feelings, that one cannot live only by ideas and complete indifference to the world of human experiences, is consonant with the thoughts of another great writer, namely L.N. Tolstoy.

In the novel War and Peace, Andrei Bolkonsky, an almost ideal hero, lives more by his mind than by his feelings. What he has in common with Bazarov is strength of character, will, deep intelligence, and the ability to suppress emotions. One can only admire his fearlessness on the battlefields. When, during the Battle of Shengraben, he arrives at Captain Tushin’s battery to give him the order to retreat, he experiences a feeling of fear, because enemy shells are exploding all around. But Bolkonsky says to himself: “I cannot be afraid,” he remains on the battery, helps remove the guns, which earns the respect of all the soldiers. But Prince Andrei has his own shortcomings, he is overwhelmed by pride, he does not know how to forgive, he is not able to understand the feelings of another person. His mind prevails over his feelings, and for this he is punished. Having fallen in love with Natasha Rostova, Prince Andrei, at the request of his father, postpones the wedding for a year, not understanding what this means for Natasha. She cannot stop living, she is too cheerful, full of emotions, experiences, and this is where her passion for the scoundrel Anatoly Kuragin comes from. Prince Andrei cannot forgive her, cannot understand that this event happened through his fault too. Does he understand what a tragedy this is for Natasha, because she almost died? The ability to understand and forgive comes to Prince Andrey only after being wounded, as a result of which he dies.

Thus, Russian writers, like Belinsky, believe that reason and feelings are not opposed to each other, but should be in balance and harmony, because they form the basis of a single whole - the human personality.

In Tolstoy's artistic world there are heroes who persistently and purposefully seek the meaning of life, striving for complete harmony with the world. They are not interested in social intrigues, selfish interests, empty conversations in high society salons. They are easy to recognize among arrogant, self-satisfied faces.

These, of course, include one of the most striking images of “War and Peace” - Andrei Bolkonsky. True, the first acquaintance with this hero does not evoke much sympathy, because his handsome face “with definite and dry features” is spoiled by an expression of boredom and dissatisfaction. But it, as Tolstoy writes, is caused by the fact that “everyone who was in the living room was not only familiar, but was already so tired of him that he found it very boring to look at them and listen to them.” The author's extensive commentary suggests that a brilliant and idle, empty life does not satisfy the hero, who strives to break the vicious circle in which he finds himself.

Prince Andrei, who, in addition to intelligence and education, has a strong will, decisively changes his life by entering service at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief. Bolkonsky dreams of heroism and glory, but his desires are far from vanity, for they are caused by the desire for the victory of Russian weapons, for the common good. Possessing hereditary pride, Andrei unconsciously separates himself from the world of ordinary people. In the hero’s soul, the gap between his lofty dreams and earthly everyday life becomes deeper and deeper. His pretty wife Lisa, who once seemed perfect to him, turned out to be an ordinary, ordinary woman. And Andrei undeservedly insults her with his disdainful attitude. And the bustling life of the headquarters of the commander-in-chief, which Bolkonsky sees as the brain of the army, also turns out to be very far from ideal. Andrei firmly believes that his thoughts about saving the army will attract attention and interest and will serve the common good. But instead of saving the army, he has to save the doctor’s wife from the demands of the transport officer. This, in general, noble deed seems too petty and insignificant to Andrei in comparison with his heroic dream.

The feat he accomplished during the Battle of Austerlitz, when he runs ahead of everyone with a banner in his hands, is full of external effect: even Napoleon noticed and appreciated it. But why, having committed a heroic act, does Andrei not experience any delight or elation? Probably because at that moment when he fell, seriously wounded, a new lofty truth was revealed to him, along with the high endless sky, spreading a blue vault above him. Against his background, all his former dreams and aspirations seemed small and insignificant to Andrey, the same as his former idol. A reassessment of values ​​took place in his soul. What seemed beautiful and sublime to him turned out to be empty and vain. And what he so diligently fenced himself off from - a simple and quiet family life - now seems desirable to him, full of happiness and harmony. It is not known how Bolkonsky’s life with his wife would have turned out. But when, having risen from the dead, he returned home kinder and gentler, a new blow fell upon him - the death of his wife, to whom he was never able to make amends. Andrei is trying to live a simple, calm life, touchingly caring for his son, improving the lives of his serfs: he made three hundred people free cultivators, and replaced the rest with dues. These humane measures, testifying to Bolkonsky’s progressive views, for some reason still do not convince of his love for the people. Too often he shows contempt for a peasant or a soldier, whom one can pity, but cannot respect. In addition, the state of depression and the feeling of the impossibility of happiness indicate that all the transformations cannot completely occupy his mind and heart. Changes in Andrei's difficult mental state begin with the arrival of Pierre, who, seeing his friend's depressed mood, tries to instill in him faith in the existence of a kingdom of goodness and truth that should exist on earth. Andrei's final revival to life occurs thanks to his meeting with Natasha Rostova. The description of the moonlit night and Natasha’s first ball emanates poetry and charm. Communication with her opens up a new sphere of life for Andrey - love, beauty, poetry. But it is with Natasha that he is not destined to be happy, because there is no complete mutual understanding between them. Natasha loves Andrei, but does not understand and does not know him. And she, too, remains a mystery to him with her own, special inner world. If Natasha lives every moment, unable to wait and postpone until a certain time the moment of happiness, then Andrei is able to love from a distance, finding a special charm in anticipation of the upcoming wedding with his beloved girl. The separation turned out to be too difficult a test for Natasha, because, unlike Andrei, she is not able to think about something else, to keep herself busy with something. The story with Anatoly Kuragin destroys the possible happiness of these heroes. Proud and proud Andrei is unable to forgive Natasha for her mistake. And she, experiencing painful remorse, considers herself unworthy of such a noble, ideal person. Fate separates loving people, leaving bitterness and pain of disappointment in their souls. But she will unite them before Andrei’s death, because the Patriotic War of 1812 will change a lot in their characters.

When Napoleon entered Russia and began to rapidly advance, Andrei Bolkonsky, who hated the war after being seriously wounded at Austerlitz, joined the active army, refusing a safe and promising service at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief. Commanding a regiment, the proud aristocrat Bolkonsky becomes close to the mass of soldiers and peasants, learns to appreciate and respect the common people. If at first Prince Andrei tried to arouse the courage of the soldiers by walking under bullets, then when he saw them in battle, he realized that he had nothing to teach them. He begins to look at the men in soldiers' greatcoats as patriotic heroes who courageously and steadfastly defended their Fatherland. Andrei Bolkonsky comes to the idea that the success of the army does not depend on the position, weapons or number of troops, but on the feeling that exists in him and in every soldier. This means that he believes that the mood of the soldiers, the general morale of the troops are a decisive factor for the outcome of the battle.

But still, the complete unity of Prince Andrei with the common people did not happen. It is not for nothing that Tolstoy introduces a seemingly insignificant episode about how the prince wanted to swim on a hot day, but due to his disgust towards the soldiers wallowing in the pond, he was never able to fulfill his intention. Andrei himself is ashamed of his feelings, but cannot overcome it.

It is symbolic that at the moment of his mortal wound, Andrei experiences a great craving for simple earthly life, but immediately thinks about why he is so sorry to part with it. This struggle between earthly passions and ideal, cold love for people becomes especially acute before his death. Having met Natasha and forgiven her, he feels a surge of vitality, but this reverent and warm feeling is replaced by some kind of unearthly detachment, which is incompatible with life and means death.

Thus, revealing in Andrei Bolkonsky many remarkable features of a patriotic nobleman. Tolstoy ends his path of quest with heroic death for the sake of saving his homeland. And in the novel, his friend and like-minded person Pierre Bezukhov is destined to continue this search for higher spiritual values, which remained unattainable for Andrei.


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Tags: The path of Andrei Bolkonsky's quest Essay Literature

At the level of phrases At the supply level At the text level
1. Violation 1. Loss of coordination 1. Violation
approval standards. between the subject and the verb semantic and syn-
to be taken into account. taxi relations
2. Violation 2. Violation of the border is pre- between
management standards provisions proposals.
3. Disturbance of order 2. Unmotivated
words in a sentence. bathroom used
4. Violation of regulations monotony.
replication of homogeneous members 3. Unmotivated
new proposals. bathroom attached
5. Errors in use proposal
participial phrases. ny
6. Errors in use
adverbial phrases.
7. Violation of norms when
complex sentence structure
8. Mixing straight and oblique
vein speech.

Test yourself

1. Name the syntactic units of speech.

2. What are the violations of syntactic norms in the area of ​​collocation?

3. What are the violations of syntactic norms in the sphere of sentences?

4. What are the violations of syntactic norms in the text sphere?


Let's think together

How is the richness of syntactic norms of the Russian language expressed? What rules of word placement should you remember in order to write in pure and correct Russian?

Sample reflection

Russian grammar is one of the richest in its forms and significant endings... The abundance of grammatical forms and significant endings has as its natural means great freedom in the order of words and in the construction of sentences and periods of our language. In Russian there is no need at all to strictly follow the analytical structure, and the most daring inversions can be used. However, there is a certain rule for the arrangement of words, based on the spirit of the language, and this rule cannot be neglected if they want to write in pure and correct Russian, namely: to bring together, as far as possible, members of a sentence that are closely related to each other. This rule changes depending on the number of additions to the subject and predicate, and if it is slightly modified, it knows no exceptions, at least in prose.

(V. Kuchelbecker. About Russian literature)

Name cases of poor coordination between subject and predicate.

The struggle for improvement and exemplary sanitary order in the city became the work of every citizen. Protection in the form of mountains and protective strips significantly reduce the effect of frost. A number of students who spoke at the meeting spoke about the true state of affairs. One hundred and forty-one people voted yes. The main features of the team are the unity of personal and public interests.

3. Name cases of incorrect agreement between the definition and the word being defined.

Now the club has a choral and drama club. Igor’s ostentatious independence and heroism were blown away like the wind. Standing in front of them was the world's first female astronaut. The newly-minted Don Quixote and Sancho Panzo did not have to wait long. Come between five and six o'clock.

4. Put the noun in the correct case, using prepositions if necessary.

Worry (mother), admire (painting), reproach (rudeness), confidence (victory), need (books), slow down (development), go (Caucasus, Crimea, Belarus, Ukraine, Alps), go (train, tram), return (school, college, kindergarten), pay (fare), be proud (son), faith (victory), control (fulfillment).

Find cases of incorrect use of control forms.

After finishing work we went to the theater. Andrey is capable of deep feeling. The honor and brilliant position did not in the least shake Beethoven’s republican convictions and democratic sympathies. It was not for nothing that Mikhailov was awarded a high award. You must pay for travel on public transport. The head of the department was upset. These facts speak for the possibility of quickly solving this problem. I want to tell about my life. She is polite to people and responsive. Every day the mother rejoices at her son’s success. The poem describes the adventures of Chichikov. The lecturer dealt with precise facts. How to look at the indifference of parents for the fate of their children. Gratitude was expressed to those who organized the concert for military personnel. On streets where there are no sidewalks, pedestrians are required to walk towards traffic. This fact cannot be ignored. This behavior deserves a reward.

A. Nagulnov is devoted to the party, but he has negative shortcomings, and he
makes mistakes and mistakes.

B. Tolstoy’s favorite heroes are far from ideal; they fall into their own crises.

B. Modern science has creatively mastered much of what has been created

D. Having received a serious wound, the soldier was saved by his comrades.

D. The boy threw a stone into the water.

E. The director repeatedly noted these tasks.

G. Buy me a pair of stockings and two pairs of socks.

X option


Pamper, barge, seal, cork, phlegm (dampness), orphans (plural), spongy, hysteria, exhaust, petition, pullover.

2.06 create the form (fill out the table):

Genitive case Tomatoes
plural Apples
nouns Weddings Hectares
Genitive, Eight hundred twenty
creative, four cities
prepositional cases
Male Get wet
past tense Get wet
verbs Return
Plural Variety
nominative case Chauffeur

3. Hidden - secretive, current - current.

A. Korchagin works in construction in the icy cold and cold
narrow gauge railways.

B. Belinsky’s literary critical articles tremble with political passions.

B. The report of this conference was not submitted until the first of October.

G. Having quickly dressed and washed, the boy ran to school, but

caught on something and stumbled and fell.

D. To what do I owe such a flattering review of my work?

E. This freight train arrived from Moscow.

G. It is necessary to form in children the correct attitude towards phenomena

surrounding reality.

XI option

1. Place stress on the words:

Unrestrained, disguise, youth, muscular, quick-witted, condolences, sorrel, flounder, translated(form),a loop.

Indicate the difference in the lexical meaning of words

Artificial - skillful, brakes - brakes.

Correct speech errors; edit sentences

A. The appearance of the heroine of the story is very attractive.
B. Along with Pavel and Nilovna’s spiritual growth, their speech grows.

B. We bought a lot of tangerines and oranges.

D. It is necessary to provide schools with a sufficient number of

fuel for the winter.

D. At the end of work we went to the theater.

E. The speaker tried to convince his listeners that it was as if

The provisions he put forward have been tested in practice.

G. Young teachers systematically exchange experiences in their

them work.

XII option

1. Place stress on the words:

bent, phone, coal, catalog, glider, mold, owners (pl. h.), sleek, incessantly, ordeal, philanthropy.

3. Indicate the difference in the lexical meaning of words Offensive - touchy, bread - bread.

Correct speech errors; edit sentences

A. In the further development of the plot, many surprises await us and
interesting surprises.

B. He was already marking time: he could not take off.

B. Fedorov deliberately tried to refrain from commenting on
merits of the experiment.

D. Humanity is seized with a passionate desire to ensure that war in

the power of its monstrosity would have outlived itself.

D. Calm down, drink water.

E. Andrei Bolkonsky is capable of deep feeling.

J. The Motherland glorifies the exploits of its sons.

XIII option

1. Place stress on the words:

Gas pipeline, closed, sharpened, white, call convocation, whitewashed, submerged (to the platform), Christian, goose (Rod.p.).

3. Indicate the difference in lexical meaning words

Effective - spectacular, furs - furs.

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