Home Tooth pain They told breast cancer what to do. Conquering breast cancer (breast cancer)

They told breast cancer what to do. Conquering breast cancer (breast cancer)

Today marks the end of the annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month around the world, the main goal of which is to give people as much information as possible. Together with oncologist and executive director of the Cancer Prevention Foundation Ilya Fomintsev, we have compiled a list of the most common misconceptions and facts about the disease that are important for everyone to know.

If you follow preventive measures, you can guaranteed prevent breast cancer

Not true. If it were 100% possible, everyone would do it. But there is no secret knowledge, which is a pity.

Of course, there are methods that significantly reduce the risk of dying from breast cancer, but all of them do not guarantee this 100%. These methods largely include secondary prevention - early detection of breast cancer in risk groups. However, there are factors that reduce the risk of developing breast cancer and which, to some extent, a woman can influence.

Only women at risk get breast cancer. If there are no risk factors, you won’t get sick

Not true. Unfortunately, everyone has a relatively small baseline risk of developing breast cancer, which increases as risk factors increase. Total cumulative ( that is, absolute - Approx. ed.) the lifetime risk of developing breast cancer for women in Russia aged 0 to 75 years is approximately 5.66%. That is, out of 100 women, approximately 5.7 get sick during their lifetime. In other words, approximately every 17th woman in the Russian Federation gets sick (if we do not take into account women over 75 years old).

One of the most important risk factors is age, which, of course, is constantly increasing for everyone. However, the statement “the more risk factors a woman has, the higher the likelihood of getting cancer” is truly true. Women from risk groups get sick much more often and take on most of the overall morbidity.

The risk of getting breast cancer increases with age

Is it true. After 45 years of age, the risk of breast cancer is significantly higher. For example, in 2015, 66,621 women fell ill with breast cancer in the Russian Federation. Of these, only 7,673 (approximately 11%) became ill before the age of 45 years, and only 425 (0.6%) women became ill before the age of 30 years.

Now think about what and why a young girl is doing when she examines her mammary glands using an ultrasound? The likelihood that this particular girl will be one of the 425 in approximately 80 million who will develop breast cancer this year is extremely small. If we also take into account the low sensitivity of ultrasound for cancer, the likelihood of finding it is even less.

But the likelihood that the doctor will find a cyst or fibroadenoma that does not require treatment, but which, nevertheless, will most likely be treated aggressively, is very considerable. Think about it - is it necessary to do this?

Fibroadenomas develop into breast cancer

Not true. Fibroadenomas are not a precancer of the breast. Despite this, an epidemic of removal of small fibroadenomas, which do not interfere with a woman, continues throughout the country. With our projects, we traveled all over the country - from Sakhalin to Kaliningrad - and everywhere we met scarred girls, frightened by cancer, at consultations, from whom for some reason all the fibroadenomas that were seen on ultrasound were removed. In fact, the only indications for fibroadenoma removal are its rapid growth or the woman’s desire to remove it.

Ultrasound of the breast is sufficient for early detection breast cancer

Not true. Breast ultrasound should not be used at all to look for asymptomatic breast cancer. It can be used for differential diagnosis, but not for searching for asymptomatic cancer: for this, breast ultrasound has too low specificity and sensitivity for cancer.

Breastfeeding and childbirth reduce the risk of breast cancer

This is true. Although slightly, it reduces. So, for example, we can say that every year of breastfeeding reduces the risk by approximately 7%, and every birth by approximately 9% - all these “discounts” are summed up.

For example, a woman who has given birth twice and breastfed for a total of three years can expect a relative risk reduction of approximately
40%. However, we must understand that relative risk is not absolute.
In terms of absolute risk, this “discount” doesn’t look so fun. For example, according to 2015 data, the risk reduction will be about 2.3%, since the lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is only about 5.7%.

In addition, these numbers will no longer be relevant for those who have oncogenic mutations.

Tight bras cause breast cancer

Not true. They don't affect anything at all, not even the shape of the breasts. An incorrectly chosen bra can rub the skin a little - perhaps that's all. In reality, they only have a decorative function, like any other clothing.

Abortion causes breast cancer

Not true. Abortion has no effect on the risk of breast cancer. However, the absence of pregnancies and childbirths throughout life does increase the risk of breast cancer. This is due to the quantity menstrual cycles: the more there are, the higher the risk, and vice versa. Accordingly, since each pregnancy and childbirth turns off this machine for at least nine to ten months, this understandably reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Early detection of breast cancer guarantees complete cure

Not true. Or rather, not entirely true.

Early detection is not a panacea for all women. For some it helps them live longer, for others it actually helps them to de facto recover from cancer, but for others it doesn’t help at all. These same “someone” groups have been well studied in Lately, and selection criteria for breast cancer screening have been significantly refined.

Unfortunately, in last years(especially in Russia) the possibilities of early detection of breast cancer using mammography have been overestimated. However, this does not change the fact that for a fairly large group of women, regular mammography can provide significant benefits. We (Cancer Prevention Foundation - Ed.), Having studied research and international practice in detail, we recommend that women undergo X-ray mammography annually from the age of 50, if there are no other risk factors other than age. Before this age, the decision about preventive mammography is questionable and should be made jointly by the doctor and the patient based on specific circumstances and medical history.

Breast injuries cause cancer

Not true. Trauma is not associated with breast cancer risk, but women often link the two. Injuring the chest is very easy and happens quite often. Breast injury is a painful thing, and women remember it well, so when after a while they arise Clinical signs cancer, women say to themselves: “Aha! I know who is to blame! But this is not true. Breast cancer until the moment clinical manifestation develops very slowly, over ten years. And, of course, the onset of cancer symptoms has nothing to do with recent trauma.

Smoking can cause breast cancer

Not true. Many studies have been conducted on this topic, but the connection between smoking and breast cancer has not been proven. This does not negate the significant effect of smoking on the risk of developing other cancers - lung cancer, stomach cancer, and ENT cancer.

Alcohol causes breast cancer

Not really, but true. Regular consumption of significant amounts of alcohol does increase the risk of breast cancer, and this has been proven in large studies. It cannot be said that alcohol causes breast cancer - that would be too strong a statement.

Mammography should not be done during pregnancy

Is it true. In any case, it is really not advisable to do preventive mammography for pregnant women. The benefits of such a preventive examination will be much less than the harm. However, if a pregnant woman needs mammography during cancer treatment, then this issue can be resolved individually, assessing all the probabilities of harm and benefit. If it is really necessary to treat cancer or exclude it, then pregnant women can have a mammogram.

If there is a high risk of developing breast cancer, then it is better to remove it in advance, like Angelina Jolie

Most likely true. If, of course, we are talking about proven very high risk cancer with an oncogenic mutation - for example, mutations in the BRCA1/2 genes.

In reality, this, of course, is always an individual woman’s decision, and it is difficult to give a “true or false” answer. However, if an oncogenic mutation is identified that significantly increases the absolute cumulative risk of breast cancer to 85%... I often ask women at lectures - what would you do if you knew that with such a mutation, 85 out of 100 get sick aggressive cancer breasts? About a third respond that they would prefer removal of the mammary glands with reconstruction with implants; Accordingly, two thirds are no longer so confident in this decision. It's hard to say which of them is right: this is their life.

If breast cancer is detected, the entire breast must be removed.

Not true. Nowadays, mastectomy (complete removal of the breast with regional lymph nodes) is used less and less often for the treatment of breast cancer. Moreover, in most major cities mastectomies constitute an absolute minority among all surgical interventions for breast cancer. This is due to new understanding of tumor biology. After many studies, it became finally clear that breast cancer was initially systemic disease and, of course, it makes absolutely no sense to delete large volumes locally.

This does not improve long-term results, but leads to an increased incidence of postoperative problems. Therefore, the role of surgery for breast cancer is now diagnostic rather than curative, and the volume of tissue removed is decreasing in line with improved understanding of cancer biology. On this moment most often used is removal of a sector of the mammary gland with a tumor and axillary lymphadenectomy (removal of part axillary lymph nodes). The mammary gland is preserved.

Moreover: for example, in the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Oncology named after N. N. Petrov, the technology of “sentinel lymph nodes” is used on the stream - lymphadenectomy is done only in the case when there are changes in a specially detected “sentinel lymph node”. If there are no changes, only the tumor is removed with a small amount of surrounding tissue, and nothing more.

Only women can get breast cancer

Not true. Breast cancer, although much less common, also occurs in men. By the way, breast cancer in a man is a reasonable suspicion of a mutation in the BRCA1/2 genes. If you have a close male relative who has had breast cancer, it makes sense to consult a medical geneticist to undergo genetic testing.

Oral contraceptives cause breast cancer

Not true. On the one hand, indeed, a history of long-term use of oral contraceptives only very slightly (about 10%) increases the relative risk of breast cancer. Moreover, the researchers accidentally discovered that, most likely, the increased risk is associated with a specific component of triphasic contraceptives - levonorgestrel.

Much more important is that oral contraceptives Long-term use significantly increases the risk of cervical cancer in those infected with the human papillomavirus.

However, the same oral contraceptives no less significantly reduce the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer. Therefore, the decision to start and continue taking contraceptives must be made individually with a doctor. The doctor must assess the risks of everyone listed diseases and make a decision with you based on your priorities.

Mastopathy is a precancerous disease

Not true. Mastopathy in the vast majority of cases of this diagnosis is not only not precancerous, but not a disease at all. What our uzologists and mammologists across the country are accustomed to calling “diffuse mastopathy” is a variant of the norm, which, as a rule, does not require any intervention if premenstrual pain is not too pronounced. By the way, there is no such diagnosis as mastopathy even in the ICD (International Classification of Diseases). So you can save a couple of thousand rubles on using drugs to treat a disease that does not exist. Yes, yes, this is the case Russian medicine it happens, and this is far from the only example.

Self-examination protects against breast cancer

Not true. Breast self-examination does not reduce the risk of dying from cancer. This has been proven in large randomized studies, which (and this is rare!) were also carried out in our country.

Implants increase the risk of breast cancer

Not true. Implants do not have any effect on the risk of developing breast cancer. This has been verified in many studies. The only problem that arises after getting breast enlargement implants is that the implants interfere with adequate mammography: they block the tissue, and this can interfere with cancer screening.

How bigger breasts, the higher the risk of cancer

Not true. Breast size has no effect on your risk of cancer. However, small breast size makes cancer screening easier: the likelihood of missing cancer in large breasts is higher.

But breast reduction surgery reduces the risk of cancer approximately in proportion to the proportion of tissue removed. The explanation here is quite clear: by removing gland tissue, plastic surgeons Potentially dangerous areas that are present in it are also removed. This reduces the risk. It is curious that, contrary to popular beliefs, the number of operations to reduce the mammary gland is quite comparable to the number of operations to enlarge it. This is a fairly popular procedure.

Topless tanning may cause breast cancer

Not true. Topless tanning, like any tanning in general, does not in any way affect the risk of breast cancer. Ultraviolet radiation does not reach the breast tissue at all, and heating of the surface tissues (skin and superficial subcutaneous tissue) during tanning does not affect the risk.

Unfortunately, even doctors still scare many women with this myth. God knows why they do this, it’s so easy to read about it. Exactly the same applies to tanning in a solarium with a stickini. This has nothing to do with breast cancer, but it can really save you from ultraviolet burns to the skin of your nipples.

Vegetarianism reduces the risk of breast cancer

Not true. Diet types do not have any significant effect on breast cancer risk. This may be true, with some reservations, for other types of cancer, but not for breast cancer.

Estimated reading time: 21 min. No time to read?

Hello, my name is Olga. I am 45 years old, I live in Obninsk, Kaluga region. I was cured of stage 3 breast cancer without surgery or removal. More than four years have passed since my illness, and I am completely healthy. I hope that my experience will help many people. Now I want to tell my story.

Four years ago, in 2011, I was diagnosed with stage 3 left breast cancer. I discovered my first small tumor in October 2010. Even then I understood what this meant. But I was afraid to go to the doctor, and by April 2011 the tumor was already huge. The oncologist prescribed me a course of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery complete removal left breast and left axillary lymph node.

I wanted to get better and did not want to have my breasts removed, so I began to look for an alternative to surgery, because I understood that my breasts would not grow back after surgery. I found statistics on 5-year survival of cancer patients after all medical procedures and realized that very few people survive the cancer center after 5 years. In an article on breast cancer, there was survival data for no more than 2% of patients, that is, out of 100 people operated on and irradiated, only two people remained alive after five years!

At that time, I met a cancer patient who had been operated on several times. Each time after the operation, the tumor appeared again, and something was cut off again. They operated on one breast, then the other, then the liver, then the metastases went to the lungs. In the end, the surgeon injured her muscle during the operation. right hand, and she stopped bending. It was a very sad sight.

And then I realized that I didn’t want to go down this path. I don’t want to be afraid of relapses all the time and have my body cut into pieces.

I started looking on the Internet for something that would help me. Almost immediately I found information about the Italian oncologist Tulio Simoncini. He believed that cancer cells are not mutated cells of our body, but multiplied Candida fungi. According to his theory, these simple fungi live with humans all their lives in symbiosis, but as soon as the immune system (that is, the body’s defenses) weakens, they begin to multiply in the body. And he said this phrase: cancer cells really love 3 things:

  • Animal protein;
  • Sugar;
  • Depressive thoughts.

And I realized that I had found a solution to the problem

Then I read that the body produces thousands of cancer cells, and if the body is healthy, then the immune system simply destroys them. This means I need to stop feeding cancer and start strengthening my immune system.

To be brave, I fasted for 3 days on the water. Then she switched to a vegetarian diet. It was soaked buckwheat, herbs and vegetables. Also drank clean water. Then I just didn’t know that it was called a raw food diet. I completely eliminated all store-bought food.

The third step for me was the realization that we all lack vitamins and microelements to boost immunity and for the normal functioning of the body. I studied this issue and realized that vitamins can be artificial (i.e. chemically synthesized) and organic (made from organic raw materials). I found a company that grows its own herbs and fruits and produces dietary supplements from them. And I started taking these dietary supplements. By the way, my whole family and I have been taking them for more than 4 years and feel great.

And finally, what I consider the most important thing in recovery from any illness. This is a recovery mindset. The wise said: “One person gets sick, but another person recovers.” Those. If a sick person does not change, he will continue to be sick. I needed to change the tone and direction of my thoughts.

I started tracking my thoughts

And it turned out that almost all of them were gloomy. I constantly thought why I was given this disease, and was upset that it was I who got sick. Those. I spent my already low energy on fears and grievances. Therefore, I began to read affirmations (positive statements) and learn to thank life for everything that exists. I woke up in the morning, but someone didn’t wake up. I have a family, a job, and a favorite city. If you wish, you can find so much beauty in our wonderful world! I started practicing good mood and don't allow yourself to slip into depression. It was difficult, especially lying in the cancer center, but I understood the importance of this and practiced a good mood every day.

At the cancer center I underwent two chemotherapy treatments and one radiation treatment. Now I regret it, because I severely burned my chest and left armpit. Only three years later my left mammary gland began to recover from severe radiation damage. My hair fell out from two chemotherapy treatments, I became very weak, and my hemoglobin dropped significantly. In general, taking poison to get rid of a disease – I don’t think it’s wise.

The tumor did not shrink from these procedures, and I decided to leave the oncology center. The doctors tried to persuade me for a long time, saying that they had many cases where people left without completing treatment and then died. But I understood that doctors are fighting the consequences of oncology, and not the cause. The tumor is cut out, the person does not change his diet and way of thinking, and after a while the cancer returns. Often in a much more severe form, since chemotherapy greatly undermines the already weak immune system.

Visualizations helped me

I constantly imagined myself healthy, even when the tumor did not change. Every day, morning and evening, I did visualizations, that is, I mentally saw my body as healthy and beautiful. The most important thing, especially when you don’t see results right away, is not to stop doing visualizations. At first I didn’t see any changes in the tumor, but every day I told myself: “The process has already begun, even if I don’t see anything, but inside I’m already getting better.” It is very important to believe and tune in to health and do visualizations every day.

Also, recovery stories from the Internet helped me a lot.

The story of the American doctor Ruth Heydrich, who healed a breast tumor by vegetarianism, and she has been healthy for more than 25 years. I was also very inspired by the story of a man with colon cancer. He talked about how he refused surgery and visualized his tumor getting smaller every day. He imagined his tumor as a coil of barbed wire and several times a day imagined how he burned it piece by piece on a fire, and it became smaller and smaller.

I came up with a visualization for myself with a tree. I love birch trees very much, so I constantly imagined how I was pressing my chest against the light trunk, how my energy from the tumor was leaving the tree. And I tried to feel how the tumor was shrinking, softening and making me feel better.

In addition, I constantly read spiritual books

“Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsh,” “Reality Transurfing” by Vadim Zeland, books by Richard Bach. Marcy Shimoff’s book “The Book of Happiness” is very helpful. Every day I watched two comedies or two positive films - that is, I imbued myself with the energy of joy. I also found happy pictures on the Internet and laughed.

The tumor began to go away after a month

From being stone-heavy, it gradually began to soften, its contours began to blur and shrink. And after another two months it completely disappeared. I did an ultrasound and mammography: the doctors were shocked - no tumors were found in me!

Now I undergo examination every year, which confirms my full recovery. In May 2015, I was tested using a phase contrast microscope using a drop of blood. And the biochemist said that I don’t even have atypical cells in my blood, which former cancer patients always have.

I communicate with those women with whom I was in the oncology center. They all completed the entire course. traditional medicine: dozens of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery. Unfortunately, most of them have already died or are on disability. I know of several cases when, after a full course of official treatment, people return to oncologists with metastases.

After oncology, I was a vegetarian for three years. I completely gave up meat and alcohol. Once a week I ate fish and consumed dairy products. I felt good about being a vegetarian, but I didn’t like everything. I was healthy, but excess weight didn't leave. With a height of 165 cm, I weighed 76 kg. Began to intensify dark spots on the skin of the face and new ones appear. And when undergoing a medical examination, I discovered that my blood sugar was high - 6.4 (the norm is 3-5), and my cholesterol was higher than normal. I was very surprised, but then I realized that this was the effect of chocolate, buns and various store-bought sweets. That is, I understood that by giving up meat and alcohol I was on the path to health, but I had to change my diet more seriously.

A year ago I decided to completely give up cooked food.

Now I, my husband, my eldest son and my sister eat only live plant foods. I lost 12 kg of excess weight. The skin on my face cleared up and the gray hair went away. I am constantly in a good mood, high performance and a lot of energy.

At the moment I have been on a raw food diet for a year. And I want to talk about interesting experience. Two months ago, I began to allow some non-raw foods in addition to chocolate and cheese. I could buy cake, halva, chocolates, store-bought salads with mayonnaise. There is an opinion that you can easily break away from a raw food diet. In my experience, after 10 months of a raw food diet, the body was sufficiently rebuilt and cleansed. And when I allowed non-raw foods, the body’s reaction was sharply negative. Immediately the stool became loose, even liquid, and my stomach hurt. In the morning there was severe sneezing, my tongue was very coated, there was heartburn, and after several pieces of cream cake, in the morning I felt as if I had drunk alcohol yesterday and was severely poisoned. I had the same feeling about store-bought salads and candies. The migraine returned, which I had forgotten about on a raw food diet and from which I had suffered for decades. The excess weight immediately returned. If in 10 months I lost 12 kg, then in 2 months of such “pampering” I regained 7 kg of weight. I was very uncomfortable with this non-raw food, so I was very relieved to go back to the raw diet.

About spirituality

We haven’t had a TV at home for 2 years now; we watch all movies from the Internet, without advertising. I watch videos about raw food diets all the time. Very grateful Sergei Dobrozdravin , Mikhail Sovetov , Yuri Frolov. I really liked the project "1000 stories about raw food diet". I enjoy watching Pavel Sebastianovich’s video. In June 2015, we were at the Moscow Festival of Raw Food and Vegetarianism. We really liked it there.

A year ago I learned that the method with which I was healed has long been used in Holland. Back in the 40s of the last century, the Dutch doctor Cornelius Moerman treated cancer patients with a vegetarian diet, natural vitamins and mandatory psychological support. The complete cure of 116 cancer patients out of 160 people has been documented. And these were very seriously ill patients with stages 3 and 4 of cancer. Refused most of them official medicine. The remaining patients received significant relief. K. Moerman's method is 5-8 times more effective than traditional medicine methods. Without any operations, disabilities and consequences for the body.

In Holland, for oncology, the patient can choose official treatment or the Moerman method. Often, after operations and radiation, people switch to the Moerman method to prevent the cancer from returning.

The Gerson Institute has been operating in the United States for many years. Many thousands of hopeless cancer patients were completely cured by changing their diet according to Max Gerson's scheme. There is a wonderful film online - Gerson Therapy. (Note from MedAlternativa.info: most likely we are talking about the film. The film is truly wonderful).

Then I came across Katsuzo Nishi’s book “Macrobiotic Nutrition” and it said that in Japan they also very successfully treated oncology with vegetarianism, therapeutic fasting and a magnesium diet. This diet included raw vegetables, soaked uncooked cereals and vitamins, especially magnesium. Katsudzo Nishi said that sugar, salt, canned food, smoked foods, starch, white flour products, and alcoholic beverages should be completely eliminated. And I realized that I did everything right.

Then I read Evgeniy Gennadievich Lebedev’s book “Let’s Cure Cancer.” In it, the author describes how he cured many dozens of hopelessly ill patients with oncology. And the emphasis in treatment was on macrobiotic nutrition and changing one’s spirituality. The author himself went through oncology, in the book he gives detailed diagrams treatment of cancer patients, and I completely agree with his methodology.

I would like to note that E.G. Lebedev insists on the Orthodox way of life. But we must understand that Katsudzo Nishi, from whom E.G. Lebedev took his technique, learned about this method of healing from Zen Buddhist monks, who used it for many hundreds of years. I also adhere to Eastern views and recovered using this technique. Therefore, in my opinion, it doesn’t matter which religion you belong to, what matters is what you bring to the world. If this is love and joy, then it is love and joy that will return to you.

Now I am working on a big project - to create a health center in Russia using the Cornelius Moerman method. I called this wellness center “Life”. Patients will live there for 2-3 months for complete cleansing and recovery from cancer.

Why do I insist that patients should live in a health center? The fact is that I wrote about my experience of recovery in many medical newspapers. And my story was published by the newspaper “Grandma’s Recipes”. I began to receive letters from cancer patients who either did not want to undergo surgery to remove the tumor, or such surgery was contraindicated for them.
I answered all the letters and described in detail what should be done and how. I especially insisted on changing my diet, taking vitamins and working with the mindset of recovery. Out of a dozen letters, only one woman wrote that she was a vegetarian; the rest could not overcome the craving for kebabs and sausage. But all of them had tumors growing, that is, the cancer was progressing. And I realized that it is very difficult to cope with cancer alone.

So I want to create medical institution, where, under the supervision of a nutritionist and a good oncological psychologist, patients will recover and, no less important, learn to live on without relapses.

I also plan to have groups at the Life Wellness Center therapeutic fasting– how to do it correctly, transition groups to vegetarianism And raw food diet. Weight Loss Groups naturally. Recovery groups using naturopathy methods from diabetes mellitus And cardiovascular diseases. Which is also very effective and without any side effects.

Now I am training as a clinical psychologist and have already completed courses as an oncologist

There are very few oncological psychologists in Russia now, only a few dozen, although in the West oncological psychologists work at every scientific and oncological center. There are statistics that when an oncopsychologist works with a patient, recovery rates increase many times over.

I have a business plan for the “Life” health center ready, and now I am looking for sponsors - people who are ready to invest money in a new and very promising type of business for improving people’s health using naturopathy methods.

Thank you for reading my story. I will be glad to talk with all listeners who are interested in the topic of healing from cancer using naturopathy methods, the topic of raw food nutrition. With those who want to fully recover from cancer and who are not candidates for chemotherapy or surgery. Or who does not want to undergo body-mutilating operations and procedures. And I am waiting for proposals from business partners for health center"Life".

Olga Tkacheva(you can get advice through the section)

I am the mother of a large family: ten children, seven of whom are adopted. I went to create such a family for a long time and consciously. And the disease, oddly enough, gave me strength.

Ten years ago, my beloved husband and I already had two daughters and a son, and we began volunteering at a boarding school from the church. We are not businessmen or billionaires - an ordinary Russian provincial family. I then worked in a brigade, finishing apartments, and my husband worked with plumbing all his life. Of course, we couldn’t buy expensive sweets for the children in the boarding school, so I baked pies. Every Saturday I started ten liters yeast dough and sculpted three hundred and fifty pieces. I really wanted to somehow convey to them the feeling of home warmth. We also played with the children sport games, in relay races, sometimes we took them to our home and took them for a walk in the park. We observed the lives of children not only on holidays, but every weekday and saw the emptiness inside them: boarding school teenagers are a wolf pack where everyone is trying to survive. Although the material situation there is quite good - better than in many provincial families. A friend said: “Calm down, it’s just a cyst, apply a downy handkerchief, and the heat will resolve everything.” They are dressed, shod and not hungry - they simply lack love. Therefore, these children often grow up as consumers and live from holiday to holiday, when sponsors come. Watching them, my husband and I realized that if we want to really help someone, it is better to take the child for ourselves. And we decided to adopt four brothers at once, since such children have very little chance of being adopted.

I went to the guardianship authorities. I remember very well the first conversation with their employee: “Don’t you have children of your own? Three? Are you crazy, these are children from drunkards, alcoholics and prostitutes - you don’t understand what you’re getting into,” that woman told me. I began to explain to her that we are Christians, we have a good family that doesn’t drink, and we just want to help. “If you are so kind, arrange a foster family.” I asked what is this? But she only answered: “If you want, you will find out.” I went home and cried.

There was no Internet then, so I collected all the information from acquaintances and friends. When all the documents for the adoption of four children were ready, I discovered a lump in my chest. The friend said: “Calm down, it’s just a cyst, apply a downy handkerchief, and the heat will all go away.” I did such lotions several times, but in the end I only did harm - another lump popped up under my arm. And then I ran to the hospital. The gynecologist immediately sent me to a mammologist, who sent me for an ultrasound and to oncology. The diagnosis was made quickly - breast cancer. It seemed to me that this was not happening to me. I am very active person, I had my own motorcycle, skateboard, I never got sick with anything. I didn’t even know my blood type; I was only in the hospital in the maternity hospital.

The doctor, without looking me in the eyes, says: “Baby, you’re not doing very well. We need to cut off the entire breast and as quickly as possible." I remember how I came to the hospital for tests, and the doctor, without looking me in the eye, said: “Baby, you’re not doing very well. We need to cut off the entire breast and as quickly as possible.” It was like thunder among clear skies. You know, when I was young, I always thought that breasts only bothered me. As a teenager, I played football as a forward and used an elastic bandage to wrap my chest so it wouldn't jiggle when I ran. And by nature I am more of a tomboy. And suddenly, at thirty-six years old, I began to realize that breasts are something important for a woman. I was able to ask the doctor only one question: “What will happen there?” I remember how she looked up at me and said: “Trap.” It was December 1, 2010. On December 6, I was admitted to the hospital.

I asked my husband what to do about adoption. He replied that this topic is closed for now. Adoption documents are valid for two years.

On December 16, my husband and I celebrated our fifteenth wedding anniversary. Before the illness, we were thinking of celebrating in a restaurant. But I was in the hospital after the operation and didn’t know if I would survive. The day before, I told my husband that he should never be left alone - this is an unnecessary sacrifice. At night my temperature rose and I couldn’t sleep. I asked God: “Why did this happen to me? What did I do wrong? This is probably the question all cancer survivors ask themselves. I began to reconsider my whole life. I began to remember that before the operation I dreamed of my own car. I looked at women in mink coats and thought: “Someone has everything. And now I’ll take more children, and I’ll only have pots, snot and lessons. Do I need this? But that night everything appeared in a different light. I realized very clearly: today you exist, tomorrow you may not exist. And no one needs your cars or fur coats. We invented some unnecessary tinsel for ourselves. I lived thirty-six years very happily, my husband never offended me, he never raised his voice at me, I have very kind and loving children. And I was not afraid to think about death - I am a believer. But I felt sad about leaving this life, knowing that I could still help someone. I could convey to someone else that life is a gift that is given to us freely. I remember I kept remembering the film “Schindler’s List”, the episode where the hero took off his gold cufflink and said: “I could save one more person with this.” I also wanted to have time to do something worthwhile. By morning I stopped rebelling and bargaining with life and death. I accepted everything: as it will be, so it will be. I calmed down, fell asleep, and in the morning I felt healthy. I lay and looked out the window at the pine branches covered with snow. It was like being in a Christmas story.

In the morning, a sister came and said: “We have women lying in the corridor after surgery who do not have enough space in the ward. You are from Oryol, local, maybe we should discharge you? And you will come to us for procedures.” The neighbors in the ward began to be indignant: “What a disgrace? They are throwing us out here with stitches!” And I almost danced a butterfly polka to celebrate and went home.

I asked God: “Why did this happen to me? What did I do wrong? Then there were twenty-five radiation sessions and six chemotherapy sessions. Before the procedures I bought a wig. Until the fourth chemotherapy, I continued to work as a pastry chef at a children's camp - I got a job there for the summer to take my mind off heavy thoughts. At first, I was embarrassed by my wig at work: it seemed somehow ridiculous to put a chef’s hat over it. And then she spat, in front of everyone she took a three-liter jar, turned it over, put a wig on the jar and a chef’s hat on her head. And she said: “The best cook is a bald cook!” Everyone was in awe of me and treated me very well.

After the fourth chemotherapy I was completely weak. It took me fifteen minutes to climb to the third floor, out of breath. I thought that nothing was helping me and I was dying. Once, while visiting an oncologist, I saw an advertisement for a self-help group “ Women Health" I dialed the number and from the first minutes of the conversation I felt that the woman on that line was asking me very precise and correct questions. A man spoke to me who had gone through all this himself. It was incredibly inspiring. I came to the group and saw fifteen women there, each of whom had gone through all this. Someone also wore a wig, someone with short growing hair. I looked at them with square eyes and endlessly asked questions: “Will I have hair like that too?” “Yes, there will definitely be some like that, and curly ones! They will grow three weeks after the last chemo.” I confessed to one woman: “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I can barely move my legs. I'm probably dying." And she says: “Sveta, your leukocytes have dropped. This means that the chemistry is doing its job. This is very good!"

Family of Svetlana Kuzmenko.Photo: from personal archive

I remember I came home after the women’s group and told my husband. “Pash, if after treatment I live at least another five years and we don’t take children, I will regret it every day and feel that I lived these days uselessly.” And my husband supported me. I went through two more chemo sessions and we called the regional care coordinator. A few months later we took in two brothers. A little less than a year after the first adoption, three more brothers were adopted. And in March of this year - two more brothers. And we already have documents ready for one girl.

I confessed to one woman: “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I can barely move my legs. And she says: “Sveta, your leukocytes have dropped. This means that the chemistry is doing its job."

Breast cancer - how to psychologically overcome a terrible diagnosis

Doctors never tire of talking about ways to prevent and diagnose breast cancer, emphasizing that cancer is curable if the disease is detected early stages, and that after treatment you can live full life, to be desired, beautiful, loved. And therefore, a psychologist or psychotherapist plays a huge role in the treatment, rehabilitation and moral support of a woman.

The help of a psychologist may be needed as soon as a person learns about his diagnosis. A woman who was told that she has breast cancer experiences a whole storm of strong emotions: “This cannot be!”, “This is a death sentence!” How long will I live?”, “Why didn’t the doctors find this earlier?!”, “Why me?”, “How to live on?”... Is it necessary to continue all these questions that torment day and night, remaining unanswered ? Shock, denial, fear, panic, anxiety, anger at doctors and the villainous fate, aggression, apathy - a healthy person can only guess what is going on in the soul of a sick person. This does not add optimism at all, but, on the contrary, takes away vitality and energy that is so needed to fight the disease.

Psychologist - like a saving bridge

The patient’s psychological mood is very important, and the better, more positive it is, the more efficiently the immune system works, the more actively the body fights the disease. But, firstly, not every woman is able to remain optimistic in such a situation. life situation, and, secondly, relatives and friends are not always able to support her. Not because they don’t want it, they really want to help and save, it’s just that they are people too, and they, like the woman herself, can experience conflicting feelings - from pity, a feeling of helplessness and guilt to impotent anger and resentment at injustice of fate and doctors. After realizing the gravity of the situation, few people have enough physical and mental strength accept the challenge of fate and fight, and not go into depression, throwing up your hands and mourning your fate. According to statistics, the most rational psychological reaction(“Yes, this happened to me, but not everything is lost. We need to fight. Even if I am destined to live for at least six months, I will live this time meaningfully, with benefit for myself and my children, my loved ones”), unfortunately, it does not happen often.

Therefore, we need a professional who will help cope with the anxiety and uncertainty that has settled in the soul, find the key to the patient’s heart and say the right words that will shake her up, give her hope and force her to act - to fight for life. Having learned about the diagnosis, you should not waste precious time on empty questions, complaints and lamentations, you must discard false shame and embarrassment, in parallel with the main treatment, feel free to seek help from a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

Expert opinion:

Irina Morkovkina, Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychiatrist, member of the Board of Trustees of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Research Oncology Institute named after. P.A. Herzen" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, coordinator social projects"Movements against cancer":

“The main advice that I want to give to all women diagnosed with breast cancer is to listen to the oncologist in everything and strictly follow his recommendations. No unconventional methods of treatment, the Internet, advice from friends and relatives. Unfortunately, many women experience anxiety, fear, and various mental states and do not always reach a doctor. And be sure to contact a psychologist, there is nothing shameful in that. It is an accepted practice all over the world that during the period of treatment and rehabilitation, cancer patients are observed by a psychologist or psychotherapist.”

Psychological split

In recent decades, medicine has made significant progress in the treatment of cancer in general and breast cancer in particular. And thanks to the use of organ-preserving methods of treatment and breast reconstruction, women do not feel somehow inferior. But, unfortunately, awareness of the diagnosis and the treatment of breast cancer itself is accompanied by suffering - physical and mental.

Experts say a woman is going through a 'super strong' psychological stress, is experiencing “double psychic trauma.” On the one hand, she realizes that she has cancer and to save herself she needs to undergo surgery to remove the mammary gland (mastectomy), followed by heavy treatment. On the other hand, it is difficult to come to terms with the fact that the operation will change the body, depriving it of some sexual attractiveness. After the hospital, already at home, the weak woman is overtaken by a second psychological shock. Having undergone a mastectomy knocks the vast majority of women out of their usual public and social environment. Such a crisis situation changes the psyche, life position, views on everything and everyone, attitude towards loved ones, their words and actions.

No drama or holding back emotions

In that difficult period A woman’s future lifestyle in the family and society is being formed, so the main task of doctors, psychologists, relatives, friends, and colleagues is to help her cope with all the difficulties that have arisen. According to oncologists, the microclimate in the family largely depends on the woman herself and her attitude towards the disease: the less she dramatizes the situation (although she will really want to do this - put pressure on pity and blame fate), the more chances she has to receive family support. But you shouldn’t go to the other extreme and remain silent (both for the woman herself and for family members): discussing problems out loud usually helps relieve stress and reduce tension. Both before and after surgery, it is important for everyone to maintain a positive attitude (this is one of the most important factors in the fight against cancer), but at the same time, do not consciously shy away from negative ones (fear, sadness, anger), so that loved ones are not afraid to discuss their feelings and experiences. Artificially restraining natural emotions will only increase stress for a sick woman and create unnecessary problems. As is known, chronic stress suppresses functions immune system even healthy person, what can we say about the patient...

Life after mastectomy

The first thing that will need to be done (no matter how difficult it is physically and mentally) after the operation is to analyze your life before the disease, try to identify factors that could contribute to the development of breast cancer and eliminate them, if possible. Among the risk factors there are those that are completely within our power to influence - smoking, abortion, obesity, stress, overwork, lack of sleep and chronic fatigue. After that, every day, slowly but steadily, return to normal life and do the following:

Change your daily routine;
. change your diet, lose excess weight;
. learn to relieve physical and psycho-emotional stress;
. be sure to take care of your appearance;
. do what you love;
. find “friends in misfortune”, enroll in a psychological support group, engage in educational social activities - helping cancer patients and their families.

The latter can return you to an active life faster than it seems. Studies conducted in the USA, Europe and Russia have shown that patients with cancer who, after discharge from the clinic, begin to attend support groups, undergo psychotherapy with talking and visual exercises, or psychological counseling, are able to significantly improve the quality of life during the disease and are less susceptible to it. relapses, which means they live longer.

I got sick in 2013. Before that, I had already treated my mother for six years for the same diagnosis - breast cancer. The doctor warned me that I was at risk; I knew that I had to pay especially close attention to my health.

Every four months I was examined and thought that I was ahead of the curve, I thought that even if I found something, it would be at an early stage... But cancer is an insidious thing that is very difficult to catch. It does not manifest itself in any way in the early stages.

When I found out about the diagnosis, I was mentally prepared for it, but it was still stressful. While doctors choose treatment tactics, you are between heaven and earth. You are waiting for the verdict: is the cancer operable, do you have a chance... The doctor told me that it is operable.

There are many methods, depending on the stages and types of breast cancer. Someone begins to be treated with radiation therapy, then surgery, then chemotherapy. For some people, the tumor is slightly reduced with chemotherapy, then it is removed, and then radiation is prescribed. Some people undergo chemotherapy for a whole year to shrink the tumor, only then it is removed and radiation is prescribed. The methods are different even with the same diagnosis, because everyone’s body is individual. It is not at all necessary that everyone undergoes surgery-radiation-chemo in exactly the same order as I did. Everyone has their own way.

It is necessary for the doctor and the patient to be allies. Of course, the patient, having learned about the diagnosis, begins to rush around, look for information on the Internet, listen to the advice of incompetent people... The role of the doctor is very important here. Only when doctors are willing to spend enough time to convey all the nuances to the patient can the treatment process proceed normally.

Mona Frolova,

I didn't know who to turn to for help. I was very scared, I pulled myself out of despair, I found out everything about the disease myself. But it helped me that I had experience in treating this disease with my mother. I thought it would be very difficult for other people experiencing this for the first time. And around the same time, the idea of ​​creating a volunteer organization that would unite people fighting this disease first arose.

Natalya Loshkareva

Chemotherapy is constant drips of very powerful poisonous liquids that kill both good and bad indiscriminately. They kill everything. My hair is falling out completely and I feel terribly sick. I just lived in the bathroom and toilet for five days. After the fifth day you begin to come to life a little - you find yourself able to drink a little or even eat an apple. With chemistry, you understand that you are being poisoned. But, unfortunately, there is no other treatment against cancer. More than 100 years - and nothing was invented!

Now the principles of treating patients, especially hormone-dependent cancer, have changed significantly. Non-toxic tableted hormone therapy is prescribed for long time. Sometimes for years. At the same time, patients can lead a normal, full-fledged lifestyle.

Mona Frolova,

Ph.D., senior Researcher Department of Clinical Oncology, Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Cancer Research Center named after N. N. Blokhin, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Chemotherapy is a very, very difficult ordeal. Friends and family must be supportive. It is impossible to cope alone.

I did not allow myself to relax, because my mother was still undergoing treatment. I had to encourage her with my example. Sometimes I cried, I wanted to feel sorry for myself, but I had strong motivation. I was energized by my husband and daughter, who said: “No, we won’t let you go, we want you to be with us.” My friends also supported me. In the hospital people came to see me all the time. I knew that I had to move on, I had already entered this battle, I had made a decision, since I had the operation, now I will do everything that the doctors say. But during chemotherapy, I also had moments when I wanted to give up. It hits you very hard at night, you think that life is pain, it’s easier to just take everything and leave it.

Treatment should not be more severe than the disease. We must not only prolong life, but also maintain its quality for the patient. And fortunately, such opportunities exist today. Now new drugs are appearing, so-called targeted drugs, that is, drugs with targeted action. Unlike traditional chemotherapy, they only target molecular damage in the tumor.

Mona Frolova,

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Clinical Oncology, Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Cancer Research Center named after N. N. Blokhin, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

When I went to see my chemotherapy doctor, I saw her separate stack of case reports. One day I asked who these people were. She replied that these were the patients who came, underwent one course of chemotherapy and never returned; it is not even known whether they are alive or not. I was shocked: “How? Don't you call them? Don’t you recognize it?” The doctor answered me: “They have no motivation. Some people's husbands have left them, others' children have already grown up and are living separately. Women aged 40-50 who are faced with cancer do not have the strength to endure all these trials. There’s nothing stopping them, unfortunately, we’re so busy that we don’t call them.”

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