Home Tooth pain Bronchitis in children is treated at home. How to treat bronchitis in a child: primary and auxiliary therapy

Bronchitis in children is treated at home. How to treat bronchitis in a child: primary and auxiliary therapy

Respiratory diseases in children are observed very often, but not every case requires observation in a hospital, so parents are interested in the question of how to treat bronchitis in children at home. Since this inflammatory process can have both infectious and allergic causes occurrence, upon detection characteristic symptoms You should consult your pediatrician. The specialist will prescribe an appropriate examination and, based on its results, may recommend complex treatment. If the small patient does not require special procedures or constant monitoring medical personnel, the doctor will tell you how to treat bronchitis in children at home.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by the formation of a large amount of sputum. Its consistency and color depend on the cause of the disease.

Experts highlight the following factors that can provoke inflammation:
  • influenza virus, parainfluenza or adenovirus, entering the nasopharynx, develop, affecting the mucous membranes, and if treatment viral disease did not start treatment in a timely manner, inflammation spreads to the trachea and bronchi;
  • bacteria enter the baby’s body from test surfaces or through contact with an infected person and are the main cause of bronchitis in most cases;
  • allergic reactions to an external irritant are recognized by experts as the least dangerous, since the symptoms recede immediately after stopping contact with the allergen;
  • dry air contaminated with chemical suspensions, dust particles or nicotine smoke;
  • hypothermia;
  • congenital narrowing of the bronchial lumen, increased viscosity of sputum or spasms can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the body; these pathologies are the causes of obstruction.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis should begin immediately, since the baby’s condition can deteriorate rapidly.

The onset of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract is indicated by:

  • severe cough, dry in the first days, then sputum discharge is observed;
  • difficulty breathing, during which you can hear a characteristic whistle;
  • profuse runny nose, green color secreted mucus may indicate a worsening condition or developing bacterial infection;
  • with bronchitis in children it is observed constant drowsiness and weakness caused by painful, excruciating coughing attacks;
  • the inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 38º, in rare cases it may not exist.

Before prescribing complex therapy with traditional drugs, the pediatrician must conduct full examination in order to determine the cause of the inflammatory process, since the treatment regimen will depend on the identified etiology of the disease. Diagnostic measures consist of interviewing parents about symptoms, listening to the lungs, analyzing the viscosity, transparency and color of sputum, and ordering a general blood test. If necessary, an x-ray is prescribed. If diagnostics do not reveal reasons for placing the baby in a hospital, it is quite possible to treat bronchitis at home.

It is important to remember that pathology, which is accompanied by even the most minor symptoms, requires complex therapy under the strict supervision of a doctor, since the disease is dangerous due to complications and transition to a chronic form:
  1. If the cause of difficulty breathing is determined to be a bacterial infection, the specialist will calculate the dosage and regimen of antibiotics. It is important to remember that aggressive drugs can become a factor causing intestinal dysbiosis, therefore, in parallel with antibacterial agents you should start taking probiotics.
  2. If found viral infection It is mandatory to take antiviral drugs medicines.
  3. It is necessary to select a suspension or syrups that dilute sputum and promote its removal.
  4. A high temperature requires mandatory use of antipyretics, as it can cause seizures in a child.
  5. The allergic origin of bronchitis is relieved by taking antihistamines, antispasmodics, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition to taking medications when diagnosed with bronchitis in children, treatment at home requires special care for the little patient. The child must be provided with bed rest, which does not limit quiet movements and games. The room must be periodically ventilated, wet cleaning and quartzing must be carried out in it (if you have a special device at home).

Drinking plenty of warm drinks, humidified cool indoor air, and a balanced diet will help cure bronchitis in a child.

For the treatment of bronchitis in children, in addition to drugs - immunomodulators, can be prescribed vitamin complexes, increased consumption of fruits, which will restore the defenses of the small organism.

Using traditional methods for infants

Treatment of bronchitis in children with folk remedies has many advantages. The components of the products can be selected according to individual characteristics body, decoctions do not contain substances that can cause reactions in other organs; they are easier to give to a child, disguised as sweet compotes, pastes or candies.

This is especially important if the patient is a baby under one year old. It is important to remember that bronchitis in children can be treated with folk remedies only after consultation with the attending physician, since this type therapy is only an addition to the main regimen.

Inhalations have been found effective for children. You can place a container of hot broth near the head of your baby’s crib. medicinal herbs or fees. Their pairs have a beneficial effect on the manifestations of the disease. In the absence of allergic reactions, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus or fir essential oil to the decoction.

Upon diagnosis obstructive bronchitis In children, treatment with folk remedies involves the use of the following recipes for oral use:
  1. Plantain and coltsfoot juice taken in equal parts are mixed with the same amount clean water. The child is given one spoon three times a day.
  2. A tincture of dry plantain leaves, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, will also quickly relieve symptoms. The raw materials are poured with boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. After which the infusion is wrapped and placed in a warm place. The baby is given the product one small spoon at an interval of three hours.
  3. A proven folk remedy for bronchitis in children is black radish juice. To prepare it, the root vegetable is cut into small cubes, covered with granulated sugar or poured with honey, if the child can use this product. After 12 hours, the juice can be taken one tablespoon at an interval of two hours.

External agents are no less effective in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children. Their use is allowed only in the absence of temperature. In addition, only warm compresses can be applied to the baby’s delicate skin.

The most popular traditional methods of treatment are:
  • heated natural honey and flour, taken in equal proportions, are mixed to form a flat cake, applied to the baby’s chest, the compress is fixed with gauze or a warm scarf, and can be kept on the skin for no more than three hours;
  • Children's bronchitis can also be treated with the help of ordinary potatoes, it quickly relieves even the most severe cough; to prepare a compress, the root vegetable is boiled in its peel, softened to a puree, adding soda, the cakes are applied both to the chest and to the back.

Traditional treatment of bronchitis in children involves the use of methods such as rubbing. If the inflammatory process has developed against the background of an untreated cold, internal pork, dog or badger fat will quickly and effectively relieve cough.

It is melted in a water bath, honey and dry mustard are added. Soak gauze or cloth in the resulting mixture and apply it to the baby’s chest for a while.

When wondering how to cure bronchitis in a child using folk remedies, many parents turn to the Internet or reviews from friends. However, it should be remembered that only the attending physician can identify all the signs of the disease, establish the cause of its occurrence and prescribe a competent treatment regimen. Folk remedies for bronchitis can be used as concomitant treatment aimed at relieving symptoms. In this case, it is allowed to use herbs, essential oils, internal fat of animals, and beekeeping products. Each method must be agreed upon with a pediatrician in order to avoid possible complications.

Childhood bronchitis is a common disease. Many parents recognize it almost by the first symptoms - wheezing in the bronchi. And all because there is, perhaps, not a single child who has never suffered from bronchitis in his life. With this disease, as is known, treatment must be quick and accurate so that unwanted complications. Many mothers and fathers ask whether it is possible to use folk remedies for bronchitis. This is what we will try to understand in this article.

What is it, symptoms and signs

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchi, both the mucous membrane and the entire bronchial wall. In children, it can appear in two ways - as a separate illness (primary), and as an echo or complication of another disease (secondary).

As a result of inflammation, the ability of the bronchi to produce and promptly remove a special secretion, which initially serves to protect the respiratory system from the penetration of viruses and other foreign “guests,” is impaired. During illness, more secretion is produced, and if its removal to the outside (in the form of sputum as a result of expectoration) is impaired, this is fraught with serious consequences, such as pneumonia.

With chronic bronchitis, a cough plagues the child for several months in a row. As a rule, it intensifies in the morning and subsides somewhat in the evening. However, the reflex does not bring much relief, since a small amount of sputum is released, although the cough is wet. Children with allergies suffer more than others from the chronic form of the disease.

Not every child who gets a viral infection or suffers from allergies develops bronchitis.

Features of the condition play a role in many respects immune system baby, as well as the presence or absence of factors that are considered predisposing to bronchitis:

  • Air pollution (dust, smoke, fumes, gases).
  • The air is too dry or too humid.
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions.

What is the danger?

Bronchitis can become complicated and become bronchopneumonia. It's pretty dangerous disease, in which, against the background of reduced immunity, a secondary bacterial infection joins the viral infection. Another unpleasant thing possible complication- pneumonia (pneumonia). Long-term chronic bronchitis can develop into obstructive disease lungs. In the most severe cases, bronchial asthma, emphysema and cardiopulmonary failure develop.

Treatment options

Since most cases of childhood bronchitis are viral in nature, antibiotics are not effective for this disease. But the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, etc.) gives good results. Doctors willingly allow patients to treat this disease with drugs alternative medicine. Moreover, in addition to drug treatment, and as an independent therapy. First of all, this is a large number of special decoctions, teas and infusions to thin the mucus.

If the sputum does not contain any impurities of pus, you can apply rubbing and warm compresses. Vibration (drainage) massage will be useful for children of any age; we will talk about it below.

When are traditional methods not enough?

Despite the positive attitude of doctors towards prescriptions traditional medicine in the treatment of bronchitis, there are conditions that require exclusively drug therapy. These are bacterial bronchitis, severe, sometimes requiring hospitalization. If a child develops a secondary bacterial infection, the doctor will also not allow the use of folk remedies, with the exception of vibration massage.

Another “contraindication” for alternative medicine is the presence of impurities of pus and blood in expectorated sputum. Chronic bronchitis cannot always be treated with homemade remedies.

Folk remedies


It is best to brew your child teas with raspberries, currants, make fruit drinks from frozen or fresh berries; pediatricians recommend drinking more compotes and decoctions for this disease. However, it is advisable to pre-coordinate the use of herbal decoctions and infusions with a doctor in order to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction to herbal substances and essential oils. You can brew simple but effective medicinal drinks at home.

  • A decoction of plantain helps well, for the preparation of which you need to take a tablespoon of crushed dry leaves (not sold in pharmacies) and brew 200 ml of boiling water. Infants are dosed with teaspoons of the decoction; older children can be given a quarter glass per dose.

  • Radish juice helps remove phlegm and reduce inflammation. To do this, the root vegetable is cleaned, cut into small pieces and sprinkled with sugar. You need to infuse the product in a closed container for about 12 hours, after which the resulting juice should be given a teaspoon several times a day. Radish and sugar are contraindicated for infants. And after 3 years of age, a child can take honey instead of sugar if he does not have an allergic reaction.

  • A good drink can be prepared from chamomile and raspberry leaves. You need to take a tablespoon of herbal raw materials and pour half a liter boiled water. Leave in a water bath for about 10 minutes, then cool, strain and give your child a quarter glass 3 times a day.

The best “helpers” for parents in the treatment of childhood bronchitis are considered to be onions and garlic, lemon, figs, horseradish, mint, cinnamon, milk and ginger.

Rubbing and wrapping. Children from 3 years old can rub their chest and back with warm camphor oil or fir oil. You can make special wraps with regular sunflower oil or sea buckthorn oil. To do this, you need to heat the oil in a water bath, moisten a towel in it, and wrap the child’s torso for several hours.

The most famous rubbing for bronchitis is rubbing with badger fat. The child's chest and back are generously lubricated with this product, and then the patient is covered with a warm blanket. It is strictly forbidden to do warming rubbing and wraps at elevated body temperatures, as well as in the presence of pus and blood in the sputum.


The removal of sputum will become easier and faster if a curd compress is applied to the baby’s chest throughout the night. To prepare it, you will need 300 grams of granular cottage cheese, fold it into gauze, and give it a rectangular shape. Apply the resulting layer to the chest, first making sure that there are no wounds or abrasions on the skin. You can use cling film as an intermediate layer. According to parents, 3-4 days are enough to notice the effect of curd compresses.

In the same way they make warm potato compress, which is applied for 1-2 hours during the daytime.

Under no circumstances should children be given compresses based on alcohol and vinegar. These substances severely irritate the skin, and inhaling the vapors complicates the course of bronchitis itself.


This great way relieve the child from stagnation of mucus in the bronchi and speed up recovery. Infant take it in your arms and gently tap it with your fingertips on the back, and then on the chest in the area of ​​the bronchi and lungs.

Older children are placed across the adult's lap, so that their head is level above their butt. Tap with your fingertips and do circular movements along the back in the area of ​​the bronchi. Then they ask the child to stand up sharply and clear his throat.

The area of ​​the ribs on the sides of the sternum is also massaged using tapping (vibrating) movements in a standing position. It is important to repeat each technique at least 10-15 times in one session.

These simple actions, which any mother and even father can do on their own, help avoid stagnation and drying out of mucus in the bronchi.

When treating bronchitis, especially the acute form, it is very important to give the child plenty of water (from 2 to 4 liters per day). The drink should be warm. This will help remove bronchial secretions from the inflamed respiratory organs.

It is imperative to humidify the air in the room where a child with bronchitis is. To do this, you can use special devices - humidifiers, or simply hang out wet towels and sheets more often and make sure that they do not dry out. It is especially important to create sufficiently humidified air in winter, at the height of the heating season. The air humidity level should be at 50-70%.

With bronchitis, children sweat more often and more profusely. It is important to ensure that the baby is dressed appropriately for the weather, not warmer. At heavy sweating The child should be rinsed in the shower and changed into dry clothes.

As soon as the acute phase of the disease was left behind, the temperature came to normal values, do not allow your child to lie in bed during the daytime. To make the cough go away faster, at this stage you need to move a lot, walk on fresh air, actively play.

Almost every person on earth has suffered from bronchitis at least once in their life. Unfortunately, even the most caring parents it is usually not possible to avoid this occurrence inflammatory disease at your child.

What is bronchitis?

Bronchitis is a diffuse inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, often affecting the mucous membrane of the throat, nose, trachea and larynx. The disease first appears in the child's nasopharynx and then spreads to the respiratory tract.

What is it like?

Bronchitis has several classifications:

By order of occurrence

  1. Primary - the inflammatory process began to develop in the bronchi.
  2. Secondary - bronchitis appeared against the background of another disease: whooping cough, tuberculosis, influenza, heart disease, chronic pulmonary diseases(pneumonia).

By type of inflammation

  1. Hemorrhagic - it is characterized by hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the bronchi, the presence of blood in the sputum.
  2. Fibrinous - it is characterized increased secretion in the secretion of fibrin (a protein insoluble in water), due to which sputum becomes thick and difficult to separate, and air permeability in the bronchi is impaired.
  3. Purulent - involves the release of purulent sputum.
  4. Mucopurulent - it is characterized by increased secretion of mucopurulent sputum.
  5. Catarrhal - with increased accumulation of mucus in the bronchi.

According to the nature of the inflammatory process

  1. Diffuse - inflammation affects the bronchi in both lungs.
  2. Focal - inflammation has a specific location.

According to the duration of the disease


This is a viral or bacterial inflammation of the bronchi, resulting from:

  • hypothermia,
  • inhalation of pollutants (tobacco or any other smoke, dust, allergens),

  • lack of oxygen in the air,
  • hereditary predisposition of the child to chronic pulmonary diseases.

Acute bronchitis is determined by the following symptoms:

  • sore throat,
  • headache,
  • runny nose,
  • cough (first dry and then wet),
  • elevated body temperature (37.5-38 degrees).

If there are no complications, the child recovers in about a couple of weeks.


This is a progressive lesion of the bronchial branches, accompanied by disruptions in the secretory, cleansing and protective functions of the bronchi. This diagnosis is made if a child’s cough persists for 3 months for two or more years.

More often chronic inflammation bronchi is a consequence of untreated acute bronchitis and prolonged presence of viruses and pathogenic bacteria in the respiratory tract.

Chronic bronchitis is dangerous because it develops gradually, shortness of breath becomes stronger, and the volume of sputum increases. Its exacerbations in children occur mainly in winter and off-season.

By localization


With this form of bronchitis, inflammation occurs in the trachea and bronchi. The child suffers from a paroxysmal cough, often causing painful sensations in area chest, while mucous discharge is usually not abundant and difficult to separate.


With bronchitis, inflammation occurs in the middle and small bronchi. It is characterized by traditional symptoms colds: loud cough, fever, sweating, lethargy. In the absence of treatment and proper conditions, it can worsen to bronchopneumonia and pneumonia.


Bronchiolitis, in turn, affects the bronchioles - the branches of the small bronchi.

In the vast majority of cases, the disease begins with the usual symptoms of a cold, progresses long and severely, and even with high-quality treatment can last up to two months. During the course of the disease there may be various lesions hearts.

Bronchiolitis occurs more often in children infancy and sometimes even with intensive treatment can be fatal.


Obstructive (blockage of the bronchi)

Obstructive bronchitis is accompanied by wheezing, progressive shortness of breath and lethargy of the child. At the initial stages, the process is easily reversible, however, with chronic bronchitis, qualitative changes occur in the bronchi, which subsequently cannot be returned to a healthy appearance.

Non-obstructive (simple)

This form of bronchitis is characterized by increased secretion of bronchial glands in the large and medium bronchi.

Main symptoms:

  • deep cough
  • large volume of purulent mucous sputum.

Reasons for the development of bronchitis in childhood

Let's name the main reasons why bronchitis occurs in children:


This is the “leader” in the frequency of diseases: they enter the respiratory tract through the nasopharynx, damage the mucous membrane, multiply and, if measures are not taken in time, can spread to other organs.

Also, bronchitis is often a complication of ARVI left to chance.


The main causative agents of bacterial bronchitis are Haemophilus influenzae, streptococcus, pneumococcus, staphylococcus, moraxella, chlamydia, which can pose a serious danger to the health and even life of the child.

As a rule, bacterial bronchitis occurs in children with weakened immune systems.


They can cause the development of bronchitis in weak, premature, small children who were given antibiotics in large quantities. However, this form of bronchitis is quite rare.

Fungal bronchitis is characterized by deep damage to the bronchial mucosa, so it is very dangerous, especially for infants.


In some cases, bronchitis appears due to the reaction of allergens to external irritants (dust, pollen, smoke, wool).

Toxins (inhalation of harmful chemical elements)

Today due to global pollution atmosphere, the balance between the ratio of beneficial and harmful substances, so children increasingly began to suffer from bronchitis. It is especially worth noting that inhaling tobacco smoke has a strong toxic effect on children.

Tobacco smoke contains more than four thousand potent substances that have a depressing effect on the respiratory system not only of children, but of people in general.

Smoking, both active and passive, is strictly contraindicated in childhood, since quite quickly it can lead to bronchitis and other more serious illnesses bronchopulmonary system.

Weakened child's immunity

For the disease to develop unhindered, the body’s immunity must be weakened, and this occurs from hypothermia, a long stay in a draft or in a damp room, severe overwork or stress (previous operations, serious illnesses).

It also often affects children who attend kindergarten or school and are in close proximity to each other for a long time, as well as with sick children.

In addition, the accelerated entry of harmful particles into the respiratory tract is facilitated by the presence of adenoid inflammation in the child, which does not allow breathing through the nose.

The main symptoms of bronchitis in children

Any bronchitis, no matter what type it is, is recognized by a rumbling cough and typical signs colds(runny nose, sore throat, sore throat, general weakness in the body).

The child’s temperature does not rise in every case. If the small bronchi are blocked, the baby may complain of difficulty breathing.

Having noticed the first symptoms of the disease, you must immediately go to see a pediatrician and act in accordance with his recommendations.

How is bronchitis diagnosed in a child?

Bronchitis can be diagnosed in a child by listening to the lungs (auscultation) using a stethoscope, which allows you to determine the nature of wheezing.

In any case, if bronchitis is suspected, the doctor will take general analysis blood to determine the nature of the infectious-inflammatory process: with a progressive disease, the amount immune cells decreases.

When diagnosing the disease, the child is also given a swab of the nose and pharynx for microflora (presence of fungi) and culture of sputum with mandatory identification mucosal reactions to antibiotics. Sputum is additionally examined for the number of cellular elements in it.

If pneumonia is suspected, a sick baby is given a chest x-ray: in the image you can clearly see the extent of the spread of the disease in the bronchi.

Form chronic bronchitis determined using bronchoscopy. During this procedure, a special device (bronchoscope), which consists of a monitor and a fiber optic tube, is inserted through the larynx into the child’s trachea and bronchi.

This method is also used to determine the location of foci of inflammation and to remove any foreign body from the lung.

How is childhood bronchitis treated?

To effectively treat bronchitis in children, it is important to maintain bed rest and drink plenty of fluids. Children's body I need rest to recover. Treatment of this disease and selection of drug dosage should be carried out strictly according to the doctor’s prescription.

Typically, with proper treatment, the disease goes away completely within a couple of weeks.


At mild form When bronchitis occurs, a sick child is prescribed tablets, suspensions, sprays and syrups; in case of severe bronchitis, injections are prescribed.

Antibiotics are prescribed to children only for bacterial bronchitis, so before prescribing them, the doctor must diagnose the disease. Antibiotics are also prescribed for the following symptoms: shortness of breath, purulent sputum, increased body temperature more than three days(in other cases it is better to do without antibiotics).

To remove mucus from the bronchi, the child is usually prescribed to take expectorants; if bronchiolitis is suspected, bronchodilators are required: today they are produced in the form of aerosols, syrups and tablets.

The doctor calculates the dosage and frequency of medications individually depending on the age and body weight of the child.


For bronchitis in children, inhalations are very effective - they penetrate deep into the alveoli, dilute mucus and allow it to be removed from the body, moisturize the mucous membrane, improve blood circulation in the lungs, due to which the tissues regenerate faster.

After consultation with a doctor, such procedures can be carried out using both aerosol inhalers and nebulizers (steam and ultrasonic) or steam inhalations.

How to perform steam inhalations for bronchitis at home?

A sick child needs to cover himself with a blanket over a saucepan with inhalation liquid or put a funnel with the tip cut off on the nose of a kettle with hot medicinal liquid and inhale the steam. Inhalation is recommended 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes.

As an active substance, you can use soda, eucalyptus, calendula, licorice root, St. John's wort, oak bark, honey, chamomile, oregano or yarrow (1-3 tablespoons of the active substance per container of water). You can also use ready-made mixtures and decoctions for inhalation.

Steam inhalations are hot, so they should never be used for purulent inflammatory processes: sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, since an increase in temperature in the respiratory tract will contribute to the accelerated proliferation of pathogenic organisms.


Massage for bronchitis is especially indicated for young children, as it not only promotes the rapid removal of mucus from respiratory tract, but also has a beneficial effect on the development of the respiratory system as a whole. In addition, it stimulates the contraction of the bronchial walls and improves blood circulation.

Has several varieties:

  • drainage (the child is placed with his stomach on a cushion, his back is thoroughly warmed up, then massaged with progressive movements from the lower ribs to the upper ones. Then they pat him between the shoulder blades with a brush compressed in the shape of a boat. Then they squeeze the child’s sternum from the sides, repeat the procedure 3 more times and let him cough );

  • honey (active elements are absorbed into the skin, providing a tonic effect on the baby’s body);
  • acupressure (using acupuncture);
  • vibration (rhythmic tapping on the child’s back);
  • canned.

Any of these types of massage is recommended to be done in the morning strictly before meals. However, let us pay attention (!) if there are profuse rashes on the back or when the cough has not yet become wet (to avoid the disease “sinking” into the small bronchi), it is contraindicated for the baby!

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies mainly has a warming, sweating and/or diuretic effect, due to which the metabolism and recovery of the body of a child with bronchitis is accelerated.

The most effective home recipes are:

Mixtures with honey (for internal use)

  • juice of freshly squeezed vegetables (carrots, beets) with the addition of honey,
  • applesauce with honey,
  • viburnum, mashed with honey;
  • radish juice, as well as turnip juice with honey or sugar;
  • milk, boiled, with the addition of sage, honey with a spoon of soda or coarsely chopped cloves of garlic;
  • mix 300 g of honey, half a glass of water and grated aloe pulp and cook over low heat for 2 hours, then cool the mixture and consume 3 times a day, one tablespoon. (good for chronic bronchitis).

Herbal decoctions, infusions and teas

  • hot herbal infusions: mint, sage, violet, Linden blossom, ginger, elderberry;
  • tea with the addition of raspberries (promotes increased sweating), after drinking it is recommended to wear a warm woolen sweater and socks;
  • onion juice or decoction, also cabbage juice (drink in small quantities as a strong expectorant);
  • burnt sugar dissolved in birch sap;
  • figs boiled in milk (eat the fruit, drink the milk);
  • strained decoction of linden flowers;
  • 3 tsp mint + 5 tsp. wheatgrass in 3 glasses of water, wait until the mixture boils, then let it brew, strain, drink a third of a glass 5-10 minutes before meals;
  • warmed whey (drink).

Warming up

  1. Hot boiled potatoes or hot salt, wrapped in a rag bag or towel so that it does not burn too much (this type of heating is used when the child does not have elevated temperature body, most often before bedtime).
  2. As an alternative, you can mash jacket potatoes and add a few drops of iodine and one spoon of sunflower, olive or flaxseed oil.
  3. Mustard plasters on the chest (in the area of ​​the collarbones) and calves, keep until the burning becomes too strong (suitable for children over 5 years old).
  4. Compress with grated horseradish on the chest.

It is recommended to turn the youngest children who do not yet know how to cough on their own more often from one side to the other (sputum begins to move through the bronchi, which causes a reflex cough).

Also, inhalations with a decoction of potatoes with the addition of a couple of drops are very useful for children of all ages. fir oil(if there are no contraindications).


Not only folk remedies and massage, but also physiotherapeutic procedures help to comprehensively treat bronchial inflammation in children.

So, for a faster and more effective result, the doctor may additionally prescribe the following physical therapy to the child:

  • calcium electrophoresis;
  • ultraviolet irradiation of the sternum;
  • solux on the chest;
  • high-frequency magnetic field (inductometry) on the chest and between the shoulder blades.

Complications of bronchitis in childhood

Failure to comply with medical instructions for the treatment of bronchitis and continued exposure of the body to stressful conditions can lead to the following complications:

  • development of pneumonia;
  • progression of bronchitis from acute to chronic;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema (pathological expansion of air spaces in the bronchioles, leading to destructive changes alveolar walls);
  • cardiac pathologies (usually they arise as complications of chronic advanced bronchitis due to a discrepancy between the load on the child’s body and the volume of oxygen received during difficult breathing).

Prevention of childhood bronchitis

You can prevent the occurrence and recurrence of bronchitis in a child in the following ways:

  • flu vaccination;
  • regular intake of complex vitamins and balanced diet(easily digestible proteins (poultry, fish), fruits, vegetables);
  • cleanliness and optimal air humidity at home (from 40 to 60%);
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • taking medications that strengthen the resistance of the bronchi to external irritants (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • teaching a child to breathe only through the nose.

At modern development medicine, it is not difficult to cure bronchitis, the main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner and right choice medications taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body. In full compliance with the instructions and preventive measures the disease will quickly subside.

Treatment of bronchitis in a child is a complex and responsible task. Therapy should be carried out only after examination by a doctor, in strict accordance with his recommendations. The course of treatment is selected individually for each child, it depends on the symptoms and severity of the disease. Cough must be treated completely, as in children it quickly becomes chronic.

Acute bronchitis in children 2 years old can occur under the influence of ARVI, bacterial infection (with weakened immunity), various allergens and toxins (chemicals).

The most common is the first cause of the disease. At the diagnostic stage, it is extremely important to determine the cause of the cough, since the therapy performed will depend on it. Treatment of bronchitis after ARVI in children aged 2 years is aimed at clearing the respiratory tract of mucus, as well as eliminating infection and non-productive dry cough.

Rules for treating a baby at home

If a child aged 2 years develops a severe form of the disease, he may need hospitalization. It is possible to treat a small patient at home only with mild forms of bronchitis. In this case, parents need to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and give the baby all the medications prescribed by the pediatrician.

Be sure to stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids (every 30-40 minutes). By safe means for a 2-year-old child, milk with butter and honey, herbs in the form of decoctions, rosehip infusion, tea, etc. are used. At the recovery stage, badger fat can be used for rubbing. The room where the baby is located should be well ventilated, but at the same time warm enough (20-22 degrees).

The indoor humidity should be maintained at 70%. To do this, you can use wet towels on batteries or special air humidifiers. The room should be cleaned without using chlorine, which can cause allergies in a 2-year-old child. Smoking is prohibited in the presence of sick children.

In the acute phase of bronchitis, it is not advisable to take a child outside; “walks” can be done at home. To do this, you need to wrap the baby in a blanket and stand next to him. open window within 10-15 minutes. The nutrition of sick children 2 years old should be fractional and high in calories. Milk and dairy products, vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits are recommended for consumption. At the same time, you need to ensure that the baby does not have a food allergic reaction (this is especially true for babies who are allergic to milk and dairy products).

Additional measures can also be carried out if the child has no contraindications to them (for example, high temperature). You can use badger fat for rubbing, anti-inflammatory herbs for baths and effleurage massage. A flatbread made from potatoes and mustard will help reduce coughing. It should be applied to the chest of a 2-year-old child as a compress.

Medicinal antitussives

The main treatment for children aged 2 years is prescribed by a doctor. It usually involves the simultaneous use of several medications with different spectrums of action. This approach to treatment will not only reduce cough, but also eliminate the cause of its occurrence:

  1. Medicines that relieve moist cough. Some are divided into two groups, the first of them are mucolytics, which thin the sputum (Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Lazolvan, Fervex, Acetylcysteine). They must be given to the child during antibiotic therapy. The second group is drugs that remove mucus from the bronchi: Mucaltin, Pertussin and herbal preparations containing anise, licorice, marshmallow, thermopsis, elecampane, plantain, etc.
  2. Drugs that eliminate dry cough (Sinekod, Stoptusin).
  3. Antibiotics wide range actions. It is recommended to give such drugs to children 2 years of age only if the infection has bacterial origin. In other cases, the use of antibiotics can lead to complications such as dysbiosis, allergies, or the development of viral resistance to the drug. To wash down antibiotics, you can use both warm water and milk, which in itself is excellent folk remedy for the treatment of bronchial diseases.
  4. Antipyretic syrups with paracetamol (prescribed if a cough is accompanied by an increase in body temperature).
  5. Products that help to safely increase the immunity of 2-year-old children: vitamin C, Aflubin, Interferon, Anaferon, Bronchomunal, Umkalor. While taking these medications, the child should drink milk and eat foods rich in vitamins.

Give the child the medications prescribed pediatrician, you need to strictly according to the schedule. It is undesirable to take one drug together with another, so experts advise parents to keep a special diary for taking medications.

Healing procedures for babies

It is possible to treat bronchitis in a 2-year-old child not only with the help of medicines, but also by conducting medical procedures, which are an excellent addition to the main therapy. The most popular procedures are:

  1. Inhalations, which are carried out using nebulizers or inhalers (oil, steam). The inhalation product must be safe for children 2 years of age and hypoallergenic. Most often, procedures are carried out with soda or saline solution, mineral water or essential oils.
  2. Rubbing with warming ointments (products containing badger fat are especially popular), as well as steaming the feet. These measures can be taken if the child does not have a fever.
  3. Warming compresses on the back and chest. This could be, for example, a compress with sunflower oil or a potato-mustard cake. This remedy is also used only at normal body temperature.
  4. Breathing exercises. You can get children interested in this procedure by asking them to imagine that they are blowing out birthday candles or inflating balloons.
  5. Vibration breast massage. Indicated if the baby has a wet cough, but is not recommended for acute stage diseases. The baby should be placed on his stomach, with his legs higher than his head. The skin of the back should be stroked and then lightly patted from the bottom up, towards the spine. The duration of the massage is 8-10 minutes. After it is completed, the child should cough.

Although all these procedures for bronchitis seem quite safe, before treating children with their help, you need to consult with your local doctors.

Treatment of an emergency

If the baby’s bronchi are blocked with a large amount of mucus, the cough becomes hoarse, and the breathing becomes wheezing, this means that bronchitis has become obstructive, and therefore requires immediate treatment. The first thing you should do is call ambulance, and while waiting for doctors, take some measures.

The first step is to restore bronchial patency. If the baby is very excited, then his respiratory failure. In this case, he needs to be given some age-appropriate sedative. You can also do inhalation with an alkaline soda solution, medicinal herbs or essential oils. This will help thin the mucus.

In the hospital, children 2 years old with this form of the disease are given inhalations with salbutamol and glucocorticoid hormones. This mixture allows you to quickly relieve the obstruction. The baby can also be given specially prepared humidified oxygen to breathe. If a young patient develops intoxication and dehydration, he will be treated with bronchodilators (intravenously). If necessary, antibiotics, antipyretic, antiallergic, expectorant and immunostimulating drugs will be prescribed.

Parents can speed up the recovery of children with bronchial obstruction. To do this, they must strictly monitor the baby’s daily routine, diet and hygiene. Drinking plenty of fluids is mandatory (it is best to drink warm milk or medicinal herbs in the form of decoctions), breathing exercises, massage to help remove mucus, as well as compresses.

During the recovery stage, you can use badger fat for rubbing. Walking in the fresh air for no more than an hour a day (away from the roadway and places where children gather) will also be useful.

Folk remedies in the fight against bronchial diseases

Folk remedies have long helped fight various diseases. Their indisputable advantages include naturalness and the minimum amount of possible side effects. For bronchitis in children, traditional medicine helps reduce inflammation of the bronchi and make the cough less intense. Moreover, such drugs can be used as an auxiliary rather than primary therapy.

Thus, children can benefit from cabbage and honey cakes, compresses with sunflower oil and honey to warm the chest, bear or badger fat, as well as baked onions as rubs. But such procedures can only be carried out if the child has a cough due to normal temperature bodies. A child can soak their feet in an infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile sage, mint or mustard solution. In this case, the water temperature should be no more than 40 degrees.

It should be remembered that badger fat, milk and many herbal remedies They help not only cure the current disease, but also strengthen the immune system, and, therefore, reduce the risk of diseases in the future. If there is no allergy, a 2-year-old child can be given herbal decoctions (linden, mint, chamomile, coltsfoot, calendula) to drink. Pharmacy breast milk and warm milk with honey and soda are also effective.

If bronchitis is accompanied by very severe cough, then the child should be given carrot or cabbage juice, garlic juice added to water or milk in the amount of 1 drop, as well as onion or black radish juice with sugar. It is recommended to put aloe juice in your nose. For the obstructive form of the disease, lingonberry juice with sugar or honey, warming compresses with potatoes, salt or buckwheat porridge are used.

Prohibited methods of treatment

Children's acute bronchitis often becomes chronic or occurs with complications due to mistakes that parents make when treating children at 2 years old. To prevent a sharp deterioration in your baby’s condition, you should avoid the following actions:

  1. At your own discretion, adjust the dosage of medications or change the duration of the treatment course.
  2. Use unproven traditional treatment methods. This is especially dangerous for those children under 2 years of age who are prone to allergic reactions. A new topical product (such as badger fat) should be tested before first use. To do this, it should be applied in small quantities cotton swab on the skin in the baby’s elbow area or behind the ear, and observe the reaction throughout the day. Testing tools for internal use This is done as follows: the child is given the test product on the tip of a teaspoon. If the product causes a negative reaction from the body of a small patient, then it is prohibited to use it.
  3. Bathe your child in a bathtub with hot water. The respiratory muscles of a 2-year-old child are still immature, so when steaming, the mucus in the bronchi increases in size, and it becomes even more difficult to cough it up.
  4. Carry out physical procedures and use badger fat for rubbing during the acute period of the disease.
  5. Use medications containing codeine.
  6. Use badger fat for internal use. This product contains many active substances, so in children under 6 years of age it can cause severe allergic reactions when taken orally. Badger fat for rubbing must be heated before use, as it is stored in the refrigerator. Using a cold remedy can aggravate an existing disease.
  7. Treat coughs with warming balms or aerosols, apply mustard plasters and inhale drugs with strong odors. All these manipulations can cause bronchospasm in a small patient.

When faced with any illness, it is important to learn as much as possible about it. Forewarned is forearmed. Having a full range of information about pathology, a person knows when to see a doctor, what symptoms to focus on, whether it is possible to get rid of health problems on one’s own, and what complications one should be prepared for.

The website provides information about various diseases, their symptoms and diagnostic methods, directions of therapy and a specific list of medications. Publications are created by us using reliable scientific sources and presented in an easy-to-understand manner.

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