Home Hygiene Skin diseases in children: symptoms and treatment. Frequent skin diseases in children Damage to a child’s skin due to various diseases

Skin diseases in children: symptoms and treatment. Frequent skin diseases in children Damage to a child’s skin due to various diseases

Skin diseases in children this is a fairly common occurrence. It is difficult to find a person who did not have skin rashes of one nature or another in childhood. There are more than a hundred types of skin diseases in children. With all the variety of symptoms, their manifestations are often similar to each other. Therefore, it is so important to make the correct diagnosis, which only an experienced specialist can do. You cannot rely on intuition and self-medicate your child.

The causes of skin diseases in children are very diverse. Still doesn't exist unified classification such pathologies in modern dermatology. Let's look at the most common skin diseases in children, dividing them into two groups - skin lesions of an infectious and non-infectious nature.

Infectious skin diseases in children

Common symptoms of skin infections in children are elevated temperature body, chills, runny nose, cough, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite. The rash may be the first sign of infection or appear within 2-3 days.

Experts distinguish such infectious diseases skin in children:

  • Measles– a disease of viral origin, the incubation period of which is 9-12 days. The first symptom of the disease is an increase in body temperature, after which a few days later a rash appears, first in the upper part of the neck and on the face. After 2-3 days, the rash spreads throughout the body. Severe complications measles can be fatal.
  • Rubella– transmitted by airborne droplets. Incubation period illness – 12-21 days. The rashes are localized on the face and torso, presenting as a finely spotted rash that does not merge. Usually does not require special treatment.
  • Scarlet fever– infection occurs through airborne droplets, less often through household contact. The incubation period of this skin disease in children is 1-8 days. The rashes are small-pointed and localized mainly on the inner thighs and shoulders. Characteristically, the patient has a pale triangle around the mouth against a red complexion. Antibiotics are used for treatment.
  • Pustular lesions skin – most often caused by streptococci and staphylococci. If a child has a weakened immune system, the infection can enter the body through any damage to the skin (scratches, abrasions). The most common pustules are folliculitis (inflammation of the hair funnel or follicle), furunculosis (purulent-necrotic inflammation of the follicle and surrounding tissue), carbunculosis (purulent-necrotic inflammation of several hair follicles with necrotic rods), impetigo (vesicular-pustular rashes).
  • Mycoses– skin diseases caused by fungal infection. The most common are keratomycosis (varicose or pityriasis versicolor), which affects the sebaceous hair follicles. Candidiasis is also common - diseases that are caused by yeast-like fungi, manifested in the form of stomatitis, swelling of the lips, and inflammation of the corners of the mouth.
  • Dermatophytosis- skin lesions, which most often represent fungal infection stop.
  • Herpes simplexviral disease skin in children, which causes the formation of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes in the mouth and nose. A recurrent form of herpes is dangerous, which is characterized by a severe course with an increase in body temperature to 39-40ºC.

Non-infectious skin diseases in children

In addition to infectious ones, there are many types of skin diseases in children of a non-infectious nature. Let's look at the ones that occur most often:

Allergic skin rashes

This specific reaction body to a specific irritant (allergen). The most common allergies are skin diseases in children in the form atopic dermatitis. It is characterized by paroxysmal itching that accompanies the rash. Children often develop urticaria, in which burning, itchy blisters appear on the skin or mucous membranes, reminiscent of a rash from a nettle burn. Such rashes may be the body's reaction to medications, food products, cold.

Diseases of the sweat and sebaceous glands

Young children often experience heat rash, the appearance of which is associated with improper care, overheating or hyperfunction of the sweat glands. In this case, pink-red rashes appear in the form of small spots and nodules that appear in the folds of the skin, in the lower abdomen, at the top of the chest, and on the neck. During puberty, with improper hygiene and poor nutrition, seborrhea may appear - a disorder of sebum formation, which is characterized by increased or decreased function sebaceous glands.

Skin diseases in children of different ages occupy one of the leading positions among all childhood pathologies. Diseases are caused by various pathogenic microorganisms and allergens; the problem often arises due to improper care and nervous worries.

Skin rashes appear due to improper care or allergies

Childhood illnesses with skin rashes

Many childhood diseases are accompanied different types rashes - blisters, pimples, blackheads, multi-colored spots, types of rashes can be seen in the photo. Skin manifestations are inherent in infectious and non-infectious pathologies.

Infectious diseases

Types of viral rashes

Skin rashes- one of the main signs of infectious viral childhood pathologies; for each disease, the nature of the rash, its localization and time of appearance are different, which greatly simplifies the diagnosis. Diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets, nutrition, and contact.

Diseases in which viral exanthems appear:

  1. Measles– causative agent RNA virus. Papular rash, light spots on the bridge of the nose, behind ears become noticeable 3–4 days after infection. Gradually the rash spreads to the face, chest and top part back, skin of arms and legs. Additional symptoms– cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis.
  2. Rubella- causative agent togavirus. A rash in the form of small pale pink spots appears already on the first day of illness, first on the face, then moves to the sides of the torso, buttocks, arms and skin of the legs. Additional symptoms are joint pain, sleep disturbance, weakness, temperature rises to 39.5 degrees or more. The disease is most often diagnosed in children aged 6 months to 2–4 years.
  3. Chicken pox– the causative agent is herpes virus type 3.4, the disease is most often diagnosed in children preschool age, junior schoolchildren. Vesicles cover the face, body, and sometimes mucous membranes, but there are no vesicles on the feet and palms. The first rash appears on the face, scalp, groin and genital area, the child is worried severe itching, in children the temperature rises briefly to 38–38.5 degrees.
  4. Roseola infantile– causative agent of herpes virus type 6.7. The child’s temperature rises sharply, but there are no other manifestations of disease; after 4-5 days the levels also drop sharply, and a rash appears on the body.
  5. Warts, papillomas– small pink neoplasms, Brown, may be flat or raised above the surface of the skin. Infection with papillomavirus occurs through close contact with a sick person, but pathology develops only when cellular immunity decreases.
  6. Herpes simplexviral infection, in which blisters form on the mucous membrane and skin oral cavity, nose, around the lips.
  7. Infectious mononucleosis– the causative agent is Coxsackie enterovirus, Epstein-Barr virus. Generalized infection is accompanied by pain in the liver and spleen, swelling of the tonsils. Rashes in the form of red spots 5–15 mm in size appear on days 5–7 of illness, gradually merge, and are most often localized on the face. A special feature is that with mononucleosis the rash does not itch.
  8. Erythema infectiosum- the causative agent is parvovirus. At the initial stage of development, the disease occurs like a cold; after a few days, numerous red pimples appear on the face and body.
  9. Mollusk– a viral infection, children most often become infected in swimming pools, when using hygiene items from a sick person. Initially, neoplasms appear under the skin; as the disease progresses, they come to the surface in the form of nodules; after opening, a white heterogeneous mass can be seen inside; it contains many viruses.

Almost always infectious rash accompanied by fever, weakness, and often enlarged lymph nodes. The rashes have a strict phasing pattern, gradually covering new areas of the skin.

Bacterial diseases

In children, bacterial diseases with skin manifestations most often occur against the background of infection with streptococci, staphylococci; microbes enter the body by airborne droplets, through wounds and scratches on the skin.

Scarlet fever first appears on the face and then moves to other parts of the body

Types of pathologies:

  1. - the causative agent is streptococcus from group A. The rash can appear within 24 hours after infection - extensive red roseola with small pink dots inside appear on the cheeks, rough to the touch, they gradually turn pale and turn brown. The rashes from the face spread to the stomach, back, neck, and thighs, but there is no rash in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Additional symptoms are fever, sore throat, diarrhea, the tongue is covered with a white coating, but after a day it turns red, and papillae are clearly visible on the surface.
  2. Erythema migrans– bacterial dermatosis, occurs after a tick bite. After 1–2 days, a round spot appears at the site of the bite, the skin inside turns red, peels, and the inflammation gradually grows. Itching, tingling and irritation occur only if the bite occurs in an area with thin, sensitive skin. Without proper treatment, the infection spreads to the central organs nervous system, meningitis may develop.
  3. Folliculitis, furunculosis, carbunculosis– inflammation of one or more hair follicles, often the pathological process spreads to surrounding tissues. The affected areas are red and hot to the touch, and the disease is often accompanied by fever.
  4. Hidradenitis - ulcers form in sweat glands, the rash is localized in the armpits, in groin area, in the folds of the skin, the disease develops only in adolescents.
  5. Streptoderma - on the face and limbs, in the folds of the skin, bubbles with purulent contents appear, which easily burst, blisters and red ulcers form.
  6. – the skin becomes covered with deep ulcers with a diameter of 2–4 cm, the inflamed areas have a soft bottom and are covered with dry crusts.

Ecthyma is accompanied by skin ulcers

Newborns are sometimes diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases - syphilis, genital herpes, chlamydia; infection occurs in utero or when the child passes through the birth canal. Venereal rashes are varied - maculopapular rash, erosions, ulcers, chancre, nodules, they appear on the genitals, in the folds of the skin, on the face, and less often they can be found on the mucous membranes. STDs are often detected in teenagers who start early sex life, have poor understanding of safe sex issues.

Staphylococci affect follicles and glands, streptococcal infections develop on smooth skin, most often around the mouth and nose.

Pediculosis manifests itself as severe itching of the head and spots on the skin

List of common diseases:

  1. – lice infestation. The disease is accompanied by severe itching, red dots appear on the skin, and there are many nits on the hair.
  2. Scabies– infection with scabies mites. Scabies are formed on the skin - small winding lines of pink or gray, the disease is characterized by severe itching, which intensifies at night.
  3. Demodicosis– infection with demodex mites. The disease manifests itself in the form of rosacea and granulomas; sores on the face are accompanied by severe itching of the eyes and profuse lacrimation.

Fungal pathologies

Mycoses occur with the active growth of pathogenic fungi; they often affect not only the skin, but also the hair and nail plates; rashes usually affect large areas. Causes of diseases - long-term use of antibiotics or the use of antiseptics, malfunctions endocrine system, bad ecology, vitamin deficiency, frequent stress.

Keratomycosis is pityriasis versicolor that affects upper layer epidermis

Types of mycoses in children:

  1. – pityriasis versicolor, pityriasis versicolor, trichosporia nodosum. The diseases are characterized by the absence of an inflammatory process and minor damage to the upper layers of the epidermis.
  2. Dermatophytosis– trichophytosis, microsporia. Pathological processes penetrate deep into the epidermis, affecting nails and hair.
  3. – occurs when the number of fungi of the genus Candida increases. The pathology affects the skin and mucous membranes, accompanied by the appearance of a cheesy coating with a sour odor and numerous small white pimples.
  4. Deep mycoses– chromomycosis, histoplasmosis, blastomycosis. Fungi penetrate deep into the skin, affecting nearby tissues and internal organs.

Candidiasis affects the mucous membranes

Fungal rash looks like spots different diameters and shapes, they can be colored pink, yellowish-brown, their surface is flaky and covered with scales.

Fungal diseases are often chronic, with exacerbations occurring due to weakened immunity.

Non-infectious types of rash

Non-infectious rashes occur due to improper care and may indicate problems with work internal organs.

With toxic erythema, spots appear on different parts of the skin caused by a change in environment

The main types of rashes are not infectious origin:

  1. Newborn acne– numerous yellow or yellow pimples white on the forehead, cheeks, and around the nose are present at birth, or appear during the first 6 months of the child’s life. Pathology occurs under the influence of the hormone estrogen, due to the active work of the sex glands, specific treatment does not require.
  2. – reaction of a newborn’s skin to a new environment. Groups of spots of different sizes appear on the chest, buttocks, and in the bends of the limbs, yellowish-gray blisters, and the skin in the areas of the rash is dense. In a localized form, the rash disappears within 2–4 days; in a generalized and widespread form, it can persist for up to 20 days, with an increase in temperature, and the baby becomes restless due to severe itching.
  3. Milia - small white nodules localized on the face. The disease develops 7–14 days after the birth of the child due to blockage of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Pilar (follicular) keratosischronic illness, occurs due to disruption of the process of desquamation and keratinization of epithelial cells. Small rough nodules appear in the locations of the hair follicles, most often the disease goes away with the onset of puberty.
  5. Diaper dermatitis – a consequence of improper care of the child’s skin. Redness, blisters, and peeling appear in the groin area, in the folds of the skin, and in places of friction with clothing.
  6. Seborrheic dermatitis – develops in newborns and adolescents when the sebaceous glands malfunction, the problem arises due to overheating, increased sweating, dietary errors, stress. Symptoms – the skin swells, turns red, peels, is bothered by severe itching and burning, the condition worsens and appearance hair, but crusts appear on the scalp yellow color.
  7. Miliaria – skin irritation due to increased sweating, failure to hygiene standards, small bubbles of pink, pearlescent, white, flesh color appear.

Swelling and itchy rashes after insect bites are a type of non-infectious rash.

Allergic skin diseases

Allergic dermatoses are quite often detected in children; they develop against the background of infectious pathologies, poor nutrition; allergens can be foods, household chemicals, pollen, animal hair, dust, and medications. Allergies are often inherited.

Atopic dermatitis - allergic pathology

List of dermatoses of allergic origin:

  1. Contact dermatitis– severe irritation worries after contact with household chemicals, some plants, in case of intolerance sunlight, low temperatures. Typically, blisters and red spots disappear on their own when exposure to allergens stops.
  2. Diathesis– red cheeks appear rough spots, the disease occurs in infants up to one year old if the mother consumes prohibited foods; in older children, such rashes indicate food allergies.
  3. – the most common type of allergic childhood pathology, often has a hereditary nature. A polymorphic rash in the form of red spots of irregular shape, pustules, vesicles appears in various areas, but most often on the face, head, in places where joints are bent, and in folds. Symptoms - severe itching, redness of the skin, vascular network, increased dryness skin, thickening of all layers of the epidermis, disturbance of the psycho-emotional state.
  4. Toxidermy– acute inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes manifests itself under the influence of allergens, characterized by the appearance of rashes, blisters, and purulent nodules. Irritants can be food, medications, toxic fumes. Additional symptoms are fever, chills, itching, inflamed areas hurt, and sometimes vomiting and nausea are observed.
  5. Hives– occurs after contact with plants, insect bites, consumption of allergenic foods, during treatment with antibiotics, against the background of infectious diseases. The blisters are localized in different areas of the skin and mucous membranes, and the child is bothered by severe itching.
  6. Eczema– more often a consequence of severe stress, the disease is recurrent in nature, exacerbation is noted in winter.

Often a rash appears with ARVI, influenza - this is due to sharp decline immunity, which leads to the appearance allergic rashes. With a cold, urticaria is most often observed - multiple small blisters form on the skin.

Rash as a manifestation of diseases of internal organs

Often, a rash indicates a disruption in the functioning of internal organs; rashes appear if a large number of toxins accumulate in the body, some of them are excreted through the pores. Most often, skin manifestations occur in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, intestines, and hematological pathologies.

Acne on a child's face appears due to problems with the intestines.

Description of the rash various diseases

Types of diseasesCharacteristics of rashes
Bowel diseasesDermatitis, acne, acne, peeling - usually the rashes are localized on the face.
Liver diseasesSingle red spots, pustules, small pink rashes all over the body, the skin on the palms becomes marbled. Liver plaques – flat compactions yellowish color, located on the limbs, eyelids, armpits.
Blood diseasesPurpura - numerous small bruises throughout the body. Small nodules on lower limbs and buttocks.
Kidney diseasesIncreased dryness, yellowing of the skin, age spots, itchy rash all over the body.

In diseases of the internal organs, the rash is usually located symmetrically.

Treatment of skin diseases in children

Since childhood skin diseases are caused by exposure to various factors, if a rash appears in a child, visit a dermatologist, he will prescribe tests to identify the causes of the pathology.

To identify pathologies, visit a doctor

To combat dermatosis, drugs are used against the main causative agents of the disease, external agents and tablets are used, the action of which is aimed at eliminating unpleasant manifestations and strengthening the immune system. As additional methods Treatments include physiotherapy - UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, laser therapy.

Therapy is carried out at home, with chronic course For skin diseases, children are given vouchers to specialized sanatoriums.

Acyclovir helps get rid of herpes

How to treat skin diseases

Name of the drugWhich group does it belong to?What is it prescribed for?
Viferon, PanavirAntiviralFor dermatoses of viral origin.
Antiherpes remedyFor infections caused by different types herpes virus.
Collomak, FeresolCauterizing agentsHelps remove warts.
Lamisil, Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Nizoral shampoo, DermazoleAntifungal drugsFor mycoses, seborrhea.
Tetracycline, ErythromycinAntibioticsFor purulent lesions, secondary infections due to scratching of the rash.
Medifox, Benzyl benzoate, sulfur ointmentAcaricidal drugsFor scabies.
Pediculen Ultra, NyxAnti-pediculosis drugsFor pediculosis.
Trichopolum, MetronidazoleAntiprotozoal agentsWith demodicosis
Zyrtec, CetrinAntihistaminesPrescribed for all types of dermatoses to eliminate itching and swelling.
Prednisolone, Diprospan, Hydrocortisone ointment, LorindenGlucocorticosteroidsEliminate the strong inflammatory processes, unbearable itching severe forms skin diseases.
Polysorb, activated carbonEnterosorbentsThey remove toxins and allergens from the body and are necessary for all types of skin diseases.
Ibuprofen, paracetamolAntipyreticReduce temperature indicators for infectious diseases.
Immunal, PolyoxidoniumImmunomodulatorsThey strengthen the immune system; medications are necessary for all types of dermatoses.
External emollientsFor severe peeling of the skin.
Miramistin, FukortsinAntisepticsFor lubricating rashes due to dermatoses.
Tenoten, PantogamSedativesFor nervous disorders.

Bepanten is used for dry skin and flaking.

If the rash occurs due to diseases of the kidneys, liver, blood, organs digestive system, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease.

Prevention of childhood skin diseases

It is almost impossible to completely prevent the appearance of rashes on a child’s skin, but compliance with simple rules will help reduce the risk of developing dermatological problems to a minimum.

How to avoid skin diseases:

  • timely vaccination – vaccinations protect children from many viral diseases;
  • regularly strengthen the immune system - hardening, following a daily routine, proper nutrition, exercise;
  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the premises;
  • immediately treat all wounds and scratches with antiseptic agents;
  • take vitamin complexes twice a year;
  • do not give your child antibiotics or other potent drugs without a doctor’s prescription;
  • Regularly visit specialized specialists for preventive examinations.

Timely vaccination of a child will protect him from infections and viruses.

Most skin diseases are contagious, sick children should be protected from communication with healthy ones, and they can only attend school and kindergarten if they have a certificate from a dermatologist.

Every child can develop skin rashes; the parents’ task is to contact a dermatologist in time to identify the cause of the disease, accurately follow all the doctor’s recommendations, keep the room clean, and follow hygiene rules.

Young children often show a tendency to skin diseases, which manifest themselves in the form of diathesis, dermatitis, allergies and other skin disorders. Doctors have found that the prevention and treatment of skin diseases is the implementation integrated approach: medical health and psychological.

A very important aspect is the participation of the skin in immunological processes. Chronic skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and herpes also contribute to a decrease in immunity. This is precisely why prevention of skin diseases is so necessary for both children and adults.

Pre-existing skin diseases - eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis - require special attention. For example, with a disease such as dermatitis atopic treatment and prevention must be constant. It all depends on the stage of development of the disease and the condition of the patient’s body.

It is important to remember that it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later. This applies to a large extent to skin diseases. It must be remembered that different skin symptoms(rash, redness, peeling, itching, etc.) only visible reflection serious pathology of internal organs or the central nervous system, endocrine system or severe systemic diseases. Therefore, you should not neglect them, but try to identify the disease as early as possible and cure it.

Basic rules for the prevention of skin diseases:

1. Keeping the skin clean: wash your hands with soap and bathe your child often.

2. Wearing light, hypoallergenic, breathable clothing made from natural fabrics at home and in groups. Clothing should be appropriate for the time of year and weather, age, gender, height and body proportions of the child. It should not restrict movement, interfere with free breathing, blood circulation, irritate or injure the skin. Socks are a must, even in the hot summer. Clothes must be clean and underwear changed every day. Avoid wrapping yourself up.

3. Timely treatment of wounds and abrasions, do not contact the patient.

4. Frequent ventilation of premises and daily wet cleaning.

5 . Carpets should be vacuumed daily, periodically beaten out and wiped with a damp brush.

6. Toys for children should be washed regularly, and doll clothes should be washed and ironed when dirty.

7. Bed linen and towels are changed at least once a week.

8. Introduction of personal hygiene rules into everyday life. Individual use of personal belongings and accessories.

9. Increasing the immunity of children: organizing a rational balanced nutrition, vitaminization, air baths, hardening, healthy image life (observance of daily routine, morning exercises, walk, sports).

10.Lack of excessive influence of ultraviolet rays and active sun.

11. Use of sun protection in the summer.

12. To prevent cracks and itching on the skin, small children use a variety of herbs with a mild anti-inflammatory effect: chamomile, calendula, string, sage.

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Before meeting with a doctor, it is difficult to find out the nature of the trouble that has occurred, and in some cases, manifestations may be congenital or of a hereditary nature.

The older a child gets, the easier it is for him to have certain diseases, including skin ones. This is due to the body’s resistance: babies are extremely unstable to harmful influences from the outside, their skin is very sensitive, and the ability to resist harmful microbes is negligible. IN early age The baby’s nervous system has an insufficient regulatory effect, and the endocrine glands do not work at full strength. The wealth of children's skin in lymphatic and blood vessels promotes a greater intensity of reaction to external stimuli.

Believing that after a couple of days the inflammation will go away as suddenly as it appeared, parents make a mistake. Today, doctors know more than 100 types of skin diseases that can easily overcome a child. Unfortunately, no one is insured.
The symptoms of skin diseases are varied, but many are not without similarities.

Immediate contact with a specialist is the first step towards a competent diagnosis of a skin disease and a speedy recovery for the baby!

When is infection to blame?

An incipient infectious disease has the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • nausea;
  • jumps in body temperature;
  • sore throat and stomach;
  • cough;
  • lethargy and loss of appetite.

Skin rashes may appear immediately or appear after a few days.

Below we will consider what ailments can “please” the baby and his parents with an unpleasant rash.

Bacterial and viral diseases leading to rashes

With some acute diseases viral and bacterial origin the rash necessarily appears, while others may occur without it.

1. Rubella
At least 12 days pass from infection to the appearance of the first symptoms. The rash has a finely spotted appearance, concentrated on the torso and face.

Photo: Manifestations of rubella

The incubation period is about a week. In some cases, the rash may appear on the second day after infection. The rashes are small-pointed and are noted on the shoulders, hips and face (except for the nasolabial triangle, which remains white). The disease is always accompanied by a disease of the larynx (angina).

Photo: Scarlatina

The time it takes for symptoms to appear is 9 to 12 days after infection. The first sign is an increase in body temperature, which is followed by a rash a couple of days later. First, the rashes are localized on the face and neck, and then spread throughout the body.

Photo: Measles

The disease is highly contagious and can spread quickly through airborne droplets. Initial symptoms− elevated body temperature and rash all over the body. It is noteworthy that with chickenpox, the rash has several stages:

  • formation of pink spots;
  • filling the bubbles with a clear liquid;
  • drying of bubbles;
  • formation of brown crust bubbles in place.

Photo: Chicken pox

This condition is often referred to as “slap mark syndrome.” At first, it is easy to confuse it with the flu (body aches and a runny nose appear). However, after some time, the child’s body becomes covered with a rash that causes discomfort (burning, itching).

Photo: Erythema infectiosum

In addition to those listed, this group includes roseola baby(better known as three-day fever), Infectious mononucleosis.

Treatment of rashes for these diseases is included in complex therapy. In some cases, antibiotics are necessary, in others the doctor recommends local drugs, caring for the baby’s skin and monitoring his general condition.

Pustular diseases.

These diseases are caused by staphylococci and streptococci that enter the child’s body through skin lesions. Children who constantly suffer from ARVI are at risk, that is, those who do not have a strong immune system.

The most common pustular diseases are:

  • impetigo(pustules look like small blisters);
  • furunculosis(inflammation of the follicle, which is purulent-necrotic in nature);
  • folliculitis(inflammation of the follicle or hair funnel);
  • carbunculosis(inflammation of the hair follicles, which is purulent-necrotic in nature);
  • ecthyma(inflammation of the skin, in which ulcers with a soft bottom and a dry crust form);
  • dry streptoderma(flaky pink spots, covered with scales).

Photo: Furunculosis

If there is a child on the body purulent rashes, you should not allow him to take a bath or even splash in the shower.

By softening the skin, you can help further education purulent lesions. For the same reason, you should refrain from compresses.

To eliminate skin diseases of the pustular group, antibacterial drugs and laser therapy.

Photo: Antibiotic treatment

Fungal diseases

Damage to areas of the skin caused by pathogenic fungi differs both in location and based on the type and genus of the pathogen.

Pediatric dermatologists identify the following fungal diseases:

  • dermatophytosis(usually the feet are affected);
  • keratomycosis(lichen, caused by the fungus Pityrosporum orbicularis, localized in the pilosebaceous follicles);
  • candidiasis(fungal disease of the mucous membranes and skin surface, expressed in stomatitis, swelling of the lips);
  • pseudomycoses(the causative agents are special microorganisms. Damage to children’s skin by them is extremely rare).

Photo: Keratomycosis

Treatment of such diseases should be determined individually for each case, however, it is impossible to do without the use of antifungal drugs.

Viral dermatoses

This should include herpes, which promotes the appearance of bubble formations on the mucous membrane/skin of the nose and mouth. Typically, the rash is caused by type 1 herpes virus, but there are cases where the lesions become a symptom of infection with type 2 virus.

Photo: Herpes

In addition, viral dermatoses are associated with warts. The disease is transmitted by direct skin contact with an infected person, and occurs in the presence of microtrauma and reduced immunity.

Non-infectious skin diseases

In addition to illnesses of infectious origin, which become the impetus for the formation of a rash on a child’s skin, there are many diseases that have nothing to do with infection. Most often, according to dermatologists, the following occur:

1. Allergic rashes.

If the rash is allergic in nature, it means it is a reaction child's body to one stimulus or another. As a rule, skin allergies manifest themselves in the form of atopic dermatitis, which is characterized by itching.

Photo: Allergy in a child

Cases of urticaria, in which blisters appear not only on the skin surface, but also on the mucous membranes, are also common among children. Urticaria occurs as a result of taking medicines, certain foods, and sometimes as a reaction of the child’s body to cold.

Pediculosis- the most common of the diseases of this series. It is caused by lice and manifests itself in the form of itching.

Photo: Pathogens of pediculosis

Scabies- another unpleasant one skin disease. Its appearance is caused by the scabies mite. A child who has contracted scabies experiences severe itching on the skin.

Photo: Scabies pathogen

Demodicosis− less common, but no less unpleasant disease. It is caused by the acne gland mite, which penetrates the hair follicles. The affected skin becomes covered with acne.

Photo: Causative agent of demodicosis

3. Diseases of the sebaceous glands.

Often in children one can observe the most common disease of this group, called prickly heat. Its occurrence is a consequence of improper care of the toddler’s skin and its overheating. Prickly heat rashes that have a reddish tint can be observed in the baby’s lower abdomen, on chest and neck, in the folds of the skin.

Photo: Prickly heat

Seborrhea also refers to diseases of the sebaceous glands. It can overtake a child who has improper hygiene.

4. Hyper- and hypovitaminosis.

Such diseases, accompanied by the formation of rashes and inflammation on the skin, can occur due to heredity and a number of systematic diseases.

Is the nervous system to blame?

Sometimes this happens. Skin diseases in children that are neurogenic in nature can develop due to any disturbance, even the slightest, of the nervous system. - one of these troubles, like.


Photo: Psoriasis

Skin diseases in children: where to look for treatment?

As soon as suspicious rashes, redness or inflammation appear on the child’s skin, parents are simply obliged to consult a dermatologist. Only a doctor can make a competent diagnosis.

Photo: Consultation with a dermatologist

The doctor will have the right to prescribe treatment in the future. However, first the doctor will collect the information necessary to prescribe therapy and conduct a series of mandatory laboratory tests.

Thus, the child’s parents must know and distinguish between skin diseases that pose a threat to the baby’s life, when every minute counts.

Necessary prevention Mainpreventative measure maintaining hygiene ! If the child is too young for independent work above own body

, parents should do this. And don’t forget to educate your little one about hand cleanliness!

Photo: Personal Hygiene Mandatory and proper diet

nutrition for a child of any age. This will allow mom and dad to gain confidence in the strength of their child’s immunity. Finally, one should not take liberties with cleaning the house

. If a lot of dusty toys have accumulated in your little one’s room, it’s time to start cleaning them! Parents need to treat to changes in the child's skin. Rashes on the dermis often indicate the presence of diseases, which, if ignored, are fraught with disastrous consequences. To prevent a disease from causing harm to the body, it must be properly diagnosed and treated.

Only a few childhood diseases can provoke rashes on the dermis:

Important:rashes on the body may also indicate an allergic reaction. It appears after contact with a common allergen or an object new to the child.


Each disease is characterized by certain symptoms:

  1. Allergy. In addition to skin rashes, the child may complain of itching of the dermis, nasal congestion, sneezing and general bad feeling. Allergies often cause swelling and tearing.
  2. Measles. Three days before the rash, the baby shows signs of a cold (cough, nasal congestion, purse). After this, the main symptoms of measles are localized on the body, which are large red spots. They first appear on the face and then spread throughout the body and limbs.

  3. Chicken pox. Reddish spots spread throughout the body, gradually turning into bubbles with liquid inside. After treatment with medications, they disappear, leaving areas of rough skin that gradually come off.

  4. Meningococcal infection. If meningococci have attacked the baby's body and caused meningitis, the resulting rashes will be similar to small hemorrhages. Another sign of the disease is a feverish state.

Attention: meningococcal infection often causes the death of a child. You should immediately consult a doctor if you suspect it and take all necessary medical measures.


Put accurate diagnosis only a specialist can. The inspection must be carried out in inpatient conditions. The doctor may take measures such as:

  1. Basic inspection. The specialist will determine the nature of the rash and take into account other symptoms.
  2. Analyzes. The doctor may refer you to donate blood, urine and feces.

Attention: if serious complications are suspected, special diagnostics are required (X-ray, ultrasound, etc.).


The treatment regimen for childhood diseases that cause spots on the skin directly depends on many factors. In most cases, parents are given recommendations and a list medications, but if the diagnosis is serious, the child is treated in a hospital.

For each disease there is a specific treatment regimen:

  1. Chickenpox. The spots need to be lubricated daily with brilliant green. If the temperature rises above thirty-eight degrees, it is necessary to give the child antipyretics based on Paracetamol.
  2. Allergy. It is necessary to give your child anti-allergy medications. Eg, Suprastin You should give half a tablet in the morning and evening.
  3. Prickly heat. It is recommended to take baths with herbs ( chamomile, series), wipe the spots where the stains are located with a solution potassium permanganate and use talc. If the specialist diagnoses the bacterial origin of the disease, he will prescribe suitable antibiotics.

    MeansFeatures of use
    Soda-salt rinse solutionDissolve a large spoonful of salt and the same amount of soda in a glass of boiling water. After the liquid has cooled and is warm, give it to your child as a gargle. The product should be used three times a day
    Herbal infusion for rinsingPour one teaspoon each of dry sage and chamomile into a glass of boiling water. Leave for ten minutes. Strain the liquid and let your child gargle it twice a day
    Tea with honey and lemonAdd a large spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon to your green tea. You can drink it several times a day

    Video - Rash in children

    Treatment errors

    Incorrect actions reduce the effectiveness of treatment and aggravate the situation. Take into account the measures that should not be taken:

    1. Initiation of treatment before diagnosis in an inpatient setting. Should not be used medicines before the child is examined by a doctor.
    2. Scratching out rashes. Explain to your child that you need to touch the skin where the symptoms are located as little as possible. If the baby ignores the request or is very small, carefully monitor his hand hygiene.
    3. Use of additional medications and folk remedies until the approval of the attending physician. From various sources you can learn that some herbs and medications help fight rashes. But many of them have side effects and they are not suitable for treating certain diseases.

    Important:Monitor your child's hygiene. Pathogenic organisms should not be allowed to enter wounds.

    Video - Causes of rashes in children

    How to increase the effectiveness of treatment?

    To ensure that the disease stops bothering your child as quickly as possible, you need to follow these recommendations:

    1. Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids. This rule is especially relevant in cases where the appearance of spots is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Give your child tea, fruit drinks and juices.
    2. Take your child for a walk if the weather and the state of his body allows. Keep baby at home until full recoverybig mistake. The baby must stay on fresh air at least a few minutes a day, if he does not have a fever, and it is not too cold outside and there is no precipitation with wind.
    3. Fortify your baby's diet. Any disease negatively affects immune system. To prevent the recurrence of the disease, speed up treatment and strengthen the immune system, prepare your child dishes from vegetables and fruits. It is advisable that they be raw or steamed.

    Important:if the appearance of red spots is caused by allergic reaction, exclude citruses and bright fruits from your baby’s diet.

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