Home Hygiene Permitted and prohibited spa procedures for pregnant women. Uterus (process of involution) Postpartum involution of the uterus

Permitted and prohibited spa procedures for pregnant women. Uterus (process of involution) Postpartum involution of the uterus

Involutive changes in the ovaries are a process that indicates the natural aging of the body. This condition is typical for women over 45-50 years old and occurs simultaneously with the onset of menopause. The occurrence of such changes in the genital organs in young patients is considered a pathology and requires treatment.

Postmenopausal period

Occurs after menopause. At this time, the genitals finally undergo involution and lose their reproductive ability. This is diagnosed in women 50-55 years old who have not had menstruation for a year or more.

Signs of involutive changes in the uterus and ovaries:

  • dysfunction of the appendages;
  • low levels of female sex hormones;
  • deterioration of health – changes in blood pressure, weakness;
  • increased hormonal activity of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus;
  • increased concentration of androgens;
  • deepening of the voice, male pattern hair growth;
  • the appearance of excess weight.

During menopause and after its end, there is a high probability of developing oncological diseases genitals caused by hormonal imbalance. To prevent them, it is recommended to regularly visit a gynecologist for a routine examination.

The timing of menopause is individual for each woman. It can begin either in the range of 45-50 years, or at an earlier or later time. The period of development of ovarian involution is determined by the presence gynecological diseases, childbirth and abortion, taking hormone-containing drugs, the date of the onset of the first menstruation.

Changes in the internal genital organs after menopause

Against the background of changing hormonal levels, involutive changes occur both in the ovaries and in the uterus. This process is most active during the first years of menopause. Over time, the rate of decline in the functions of the genital organs decreases. Stopping changes occurs when the menstrual cycle completely stops.

Changes in the uterus

The process of involution in the uterus is clearly visible on ultrasound. At first menopause deviations from the norm are insignificant. In this case, there is a decrease in the volume of the organ and the thickness of its endometrium. In the future there will be following signs uterine dysfunction:

  • local occurrence of myometrial fibrosis;
  • reduction in organ size by 40% of normal;
  • deterioration of local blood supply;
  • increased echogenicity of the organ;
  • endometrial atrophy;
  • narrowing of the cervical canal;
  • accumulation of fluid in the uterine cavity - serosometer.

Read also The main signs of multifollicular ovaries and methods of their treatment

All these processes are fraught with the development of organ diseases. Due to a decrease in blood supply and hormonal imbalance, there is a high probability of the formation of fibroids, polyps, benign pathologies, the appearance of intermenstrual uterine bleeding. The latter may be a consequence of the course of uterine tumors, including malignant ones.

All atrophic changes detected during ultrasound and Doppler testing. New growths that appear require treatment additional types examinations - CT or MRI of the uterus, tests for tumor markers, hormonal levels, diagnostic laparoscopy or punctures.

Ovarian disorders

Involution of the adnexa usually precedes similar changes in the uterus. In this case, the following deviations in their structure and functionality are noted:

  • reduction in size;
  • decreased endocrine function - manifests itself low level estrogen and progesterone;
  • change in echogenicity;
  • unclear boundaries of appendages;
  • a small number of follicles in the first phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • functional cysts.

Over time, the production of hormones by the ovaries becomes less and less intense. This entails increasing disturbances in the menstrual cycle. Menstruation comes with a delay, then once every few months. The bleeding itself, due to the lack of ovulation and a decrease in the thickness of the endometrium of the uterus, becomes scarce.

Low levels of estrogen and progesterone provoke the growth of androgens and hormones of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. This is how the body tries to maintain balance. endocrine system. The hypothalamus is capable of producing female hormones, but to a much lesser extent than the ovaries.

During the process of involution, the risk of developing diseases of the appendages increases significantly. Most of all, at this time, organs are prone to damage by tumor-like formations, which can degenerate into malignant ones. The main danger of such pathologies is their long-term asymptomatic course. Adnexal cancer is often detected already at stage 3, at which metastases are highly likely to spread throughout the body.

Instrumental diagnosis of the ovaries in menopause can be difficult due to the course of adhesions in the pelvis, uterine prolapse, obesity and other pathologies.

The effect of involution on the health of the whole organism

The negative impact on women's health occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Restructuring of the endocrine system provokes the following disorders and pathologies:

Read also Causes of pain in the ovaries before, during and after menstruation

Symptoms of the onset of menopause and the course of involution of the genital organs vary depending on the presence concomitant diseases. At this time, a woman may experience the following signs of menopause:

  • weakness, malaise;
  • changes blood pressure;
  • hot flashes;
  • sweating;
  • aching joints;
  • mood swings;
  • headache;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased libido.

These symptoms can be present until the involutive changes in the ovaries and uterus are completely completed - from 1 to 5 years. In some cases, menopause may last longer long term. Intense, persistent symptoms that reduce the patient’s performance require treatment.

Involution as a pathology

All signs of regression of the genital organs, diagnosed at 45-50 years of age, are also characteristic of women young when this phenomenon is considered pathological. Early decline in the functionality of the appendages leads to the premature onset of menopause. Patients who consult a doctor with this problem usually complain about the inability to conceive.

To prevent complete ovarian dysfunction, medications containing estrogen and progesterone are prescribed. If they are ineffective, drug stimulation of ovulation is used. In extreme cases, conception occurs through artificial insemination.

Involution of the appendages during reproductive age is rarely manifested by sweating, hot flashes, changes in blood pressure and other symptoms. Women usually note only deterioration in the condition of their skin, hair and nails, mood swings, and changes in the nature of their periods.

Eliminate menopause symptoms

It is impossible to prevent the onset of menopause. This process is considered natural for female body. Probably just relief of his symptoms. For this purpose the following medications are prescribed:

Can be used as maintenance therapy folk remedies. For this, herbs are selected that improve local blood supply, support the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and contain small doses of estrogen.

Taking oral contraceptives during the period of ovarian involution is not recommended. These drugs are removed unpleasant symptoms, but after their cancellation the course of menopause continues. In this way, the natural decline of the functions of the genital organs is interrupted and the onset of postmenopause is delayed.

Mom and baby. From birth to three years Pankova Olga Yurievna

Involution of the uterus: how does it happen?

Immediately after birth, the uterus has a mass of about 1 kg and a cavity volume of about 5 liters, which significantly exceeds similar parameters outside pregnancy (on average 70 g and 5 ml, respectively). Involution of the uterus occurs due to the dissolution (lysis) of proteins in the cells of the muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium). Quantity muscle cells it does not change. If immediately after birth the uterine fundus is located in the middle of the distance between the womb and the navel, then as a result of structural changes in the myometrium, after two weeks the uterus returns to the pelvic cavity, and by the sixth week after birth it reaches its normal size.

Postpartum contraction of the uterus to its previous size occurs due to the action of the hormone oxytocin. It is produced during nipple stimulation during breastfeeding. Nature has taken care of everything: you feed - your uterus contracts!

Immediately after childbirth, a woman experiences vaginal discharge, which varies depending on the stage of uterine involution. These secretions are called lochia (from the Greek. lochia– childbirth).

In the first 2–3 days after birth, bleeding, starting from the 3-4th day until the end of the first week, the lochia becomes serous-sucrose; from the 10th day, it acquires a yellowish-white color with a large admixture of leukocytes, to which mucus from the cervical canal is gradually mixed (from the 3rd week) . At 5–6 weeks, lochia normally stops.

QUESTION: Hello Olga! I have this question: I gave birth a month ago. Immediately after giving birth I there was little discharge, and now constantly bleeding. Please tell me this Fine? What have to do?

In addition to being examined by a doctor to obtain detailed information It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination to determine the condition of the uterus in the postpartum period.

On the 1st–3rd day after birth, small clots are normally detected in the uterine cavity, the number of which gradually decreases by the 5th–7th day.

When the tone of the uterus decreases and its contraction is insufficient, the contents may remain in the uterine cavity for more a long period, which is determined by ultrasound data. If you experience prolonged bleeding or bleeding after childbirth, you should consult a doctor to rule out the most common complication of the postpartum period - uterine subinvolution (slow involution). This condition causes sluggish inflammatory process(postpartum endometritis), associated with impaired outflow of intrauterine contents.

To predisposing development factors postpartum endometritis relate:

somatic diseases: diabetes, anemia, heart disease, etc.;

presence of foci chronic infection (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, pyelonephritis, bronchitis, inflammatory processes of the genital organs);


long anhydrous period (more than 12 hours from the moment of outpouring of water until the birth of the fetus);

premature birth;

weakness labor activity;

prolonged labor;

birth of a large fetus;

births in first-time mothers over 30 years of age;

childbirth in women with narrow pelvis or abnormal position of the fetus;

placenta previa;

childbirth before the age of 19;

birth canal injuries;

significant blood loss during childbirth;

manual examination of the uterine cavity during childbirth.

Women at risk for postpartum endometritis also include: suffered C-section . In this regard, such patients require special monitoring using ultrasound. The following symptoms are characteristic of endometritis after surgical delivery:

slowing down the involution of the uterus;

increased body temperature;

signs of edema of the uterine wall in the suture area, its failure.

When involution slows down, agents that contract the uterus are prescribed. If necessary, perform hysteroscopy (examination of the inner surface of the uterus using optical device) and remove the contents of the uterus. If there are signs of inflammation in the uterine cavity, it is washed with a special disinfectant solution, and complex anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy is also prescribed.

QUESTION: I I'm breastfeeding. Please tell me via How long after giving birth should my period start?

After childbirth, a woman produces the hormone prolactin, which ensures the formation breast milk. At the same time, prolactin suppresses ovulation, preventing the possibility of pregnancy. This is how nature took care of the woman, allowing her to serve as a nurse for her newly born child.

QUESTION: Hello! I gave birth year and a half ago. chest I don't feed month. But I increased prolactin. Menstruation in the first eight months after childbirth in general did not have and now they come once in two months. This is fine?

During lactation in women, menstruation is often absent or “comes” rarely. This is also the action of prolactin. Within a few months of stopping breastfeeding, prolactin levels return to normal and menstrual cycle is being restored.

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Translated from Latin, Involutio means coagulation, regressive changes. They occur in the female body in two periods - postpartum and menopause. Involution is not a disease or pathology. This concept denotes the physiological process of reverse development in cellular elements, tissues and organs.

Postpartum involution

In the female body, reverse changes are considered normal and natural, predetermined by nature. All phases of this process follow their own schedule.

With the birth of a child reproductive system women are rebuilding again. Pregnancy hormones are not produced, and the reproductive tract gradually begins to restore to its prenatal state. It is believed that this period normally passes within three months.


It takes about two months for the uterus to fully recover to its previous size.

In the first days after birth, the walls of the organ are thickened; due to peripheral contractions, it has decreased in size, but still has a spherical, flattened shape, and it can be determined by palpation, approximately 12–14 cm above the pubic symphysis. After all, its weight is still about 1 kg with an approximate volume 500 ml. The non-pregnant uterus weighs only 70 g and holds 5 ml. Its return to prenatal size is facilitated by the lysis (dissolution) of proteins, and the number of muscle cells remains the same, and they simply decrease in size. Blood walls And lymphatic vessels shrink, and some of them completely obliterate (close). Additional nerve, muscle and connective tissue cells undergo protein and fatty degeneration and disintegrate. How does the involution of the uterus affect the weight of the organ:

  • End of the first week: minus 550–600.
  • Second week: minus 300 g.
  • Third week: minus 150–200.

By the seventh to tenth day minor damage epithelialization occurs on the cervix, vagina, and perineum. By the end of the second week, the organ is already located only in the small pelvis, and by the sixth week it returns to its normal size, acquiring a cylindrical shape. The isthmus of the cervix is ​​already closed.


Postpartum discharge indicates that the healing of the inner walls of the uterus is proceeding normally. Lochia (wound secretion) consists of remaining particles of membranes; blood clots have a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction with a specific predominant odor. If in the first 2–3 days they are profusely bloody, then over time they become bloody-serous in nature due to the large number of leukocytes in their composition. By the end of the first week they become more serous and transparent-watery, and by the sixth week they stop completely. The involution of the uterus is completed. From the eighth week, a woman is already allowed to have sex.


Under the influence of a number of unfavorable factors, reverse changes do not occur or are delayed. The opposite process, in which the uterus is not able to contract to its natural size, subinvolution, is diagnosed by the end of the first week after delivery. There are two types of this pathology:

  1. Subinvolution of an infectious nature. The reason is inflammatory processes against the background of chronic diseases (pyelonephritis, anemia) or as a result of an infection that has developed due to particles of the placenta or fetal membrane remaining in the uterine cavity.
  2. True subinvolution occurs from excessive mechanical overstretching of the walls of the organ.

It can be caused by a number of unfavorable factors:

  • Difficult pregnancy.
  • Multiple births.
  • Polyhydramnios.
  • Large fruit.
  • Anomalies of labor.
  • Caesarean section.
  • Suppressed immune system.

Bacterial or viral infections and mechanical damage to the internal genital organs can slow down the reverse conversion process. The rate of uterine involution after childbirth can also be affected by age (over 30 years), general state organism, accompanying chronic diseases. Basic warning signs subinvolutions:

  • Copious brown discharge mixed with blood, unpleasant odor
  • Temperature increase.
  • Rapid heartbeat, weakness.
  • There is no cramping pain in the lower abdomen during feeding.

If a woman is discharged from maternity hospital, with such symptoms she should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

After examination and ultrasound examination, the specialist determines the type of pathology and prescribes therapy:

  1. When the cause is an inflammatory process, antibiotics and drugs that improve uterine circulation are indicated. If necessary, vacuum aspiration of blood clots from the organ cavity is performed.
  2. With true subinvolution, special drugs are prescribed that stimulate muscle tone uterus.

Usually the course of treatment lasts from 10 to 14 days. If a woman applied for medical care, the prognosis for recovery is favorable.

In most cases, the woman provokes subinvolution herself. To avoid it after childbirth and caesarean section, you need to walk as much as possible, roll over on your stomach and pay attention breastfeeding. With good and established lactation, the chance of subinvolution occurring is negligible.

Climacteric involution

Against the background of age-related hormone deficiency, the uterus, as the most vulnerable and sensitive organ, is the first to change. During premenopause, it first increases in size, but loses its density. The myometrium begins to degenerate, being replaced connective tissue. So gradually the uterus loses contractility. Atrophic processes in the myometrium reduce the organ in volume by approximately half. The cervix becomes short, the lumen of the cervical canal tightens or completely closes.

With the decline of the myometrium, the function of the mucous glands decreases and the amount of vaginal mucus begins to decrease. A jump in such changes is observed in women in the first two years of postmenopause. By this time, the involution of the uterus stops, and 12–15 years after menopause, the organ decreases to the size of the tonsil. The female genital area atrophies and completely fades away.

– a postpartum complication characterized by a slowdown in the restoration of normal (prenatal) sizes of the uterus. Symptoms are abundant bloody issues brown color, low-grade fever body, absence of usual cramping pains during breastfeeding. The presence of a complication is determined by gynecological examination, ultrasound examinations(Uterine ultrasound, three-dimensional echography). Treatment is complex, including hormonal drugs - myometrial contraction stimulants, antibiotics or antivirals. To stimulate involution, blood clots are removed from the uterus and a gynecological massage is performed.



General information

The prefix “sub” in the term “subinvolution” denotes incomplete or partial involution (restoration) of the uterus after childbirth. Is quite common postpartum complication– it is registered in 1-2% of women giving birth, and among all pathologies after childbirth its share is 30-50%. There is scientific debate as to whether this condition should be considered a separate entity. Many experts attribute it to the first manifestations of postpartum endometritis - the group infectious complications after childbirth. According to another point of view, subinvolution is an independent disease, caused by bacterial or viral infection and almost always leads to endometritis.

Causes of uterine subinvolution


Obstetricians-gynecologists already at the stage of pregnancy identify among women a risk group that is more likely to develop subinvolution. It includes pregnant women with polyhydramnios, fibroids, large fetuses, infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system, and pronounced signs of gestosis. Such women need special monitoring in the postpartum period for timely detection of complications and initiation of their treatment. To diagnose the condition, a range of obstetric examinations and general clinical tests are used:

  • Consultation with an obstetrician. The specialist conducts a questioning, during which he determines the nature, volume and duration of lochia, the presence or absence subjective symptoms. Based on the data received, the doctor prescribes a number of additional diagnostic procedures.
  • Inspection on the chair. Bimanual examination reveals an enlarged uterus (not consistent with the period after birth), a pear-shaped spherical shape of the organ. Elastic-soft consistency indicates the presence of birth canal remnants of placenta. When examined with mirrors, swelling and purplishness of the cervix are determined, the cervical canal is enlarged (1-2 fingers can easily pass through), and blood clots are detected in its cavity.
  • Ultrasound examinations. To diagnose complications, transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs and three-dimensional echography are used. A high position of the uterine fundus, which does not correspond to the postpartum period, and thickening of its walls are determined. Sonography allows you to accurately determine the presence foreign bodies and the remains of the placenta in the uterine cavity.
  • Hysteroscopy. Endoscopic examination of the internal cavity of the uterus often reveals signs of subinvolution and endometritis even before the height of clinical manifestations. In addition to examination, the technique makes it possible to take samples of the endometrium, lochia, and placenta remains for a more accurate diagnosis.

In case of an infectious form of the disease or the addition of complications, diagnostic procedures are also prescribed clinical tests blood and urine, sometimes culture of the microflora of the vagina or uterus (for endometritis) is performed to determine the pathogen. Changes characteristic of inflammatory processes are found in the blood - increase in ESR, leukocytosis, anemia. In recent years, a tomographic method has also been used for diagnosis - MRI of the pelvic organs. It allows you to accurately determine the size and structure of the uterus and identify even the smallest pathological inclusions in its cavity.

Treatment of uterine subinvolution

Therapy for the condition is complex, including medications, instrumental and massage treatments. Greater role in efficiency therapeutic measures plays a role in determining the type of disease, and when it infectious nature- type of pathogen. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms of the pathology and the presence or absence of concomitant diseases that may affect the organs reproductive system women. Effective therapy subinvolution includes the following drugs and treatment methods:

  • Hormonal agents. Contraction of the uterus after childbirth normally occurs under the influence of the hormone oxytocin. Therefore, to accelerate this process, hormonal drugs are used that affect the myometrium and its vessels - oxytocin, methylergometril and others.
  • Antibacterial therapy. The most common cause of infection in the postpartum period is bacterial microflora. Antibiotics are used to eliminate it wide range actions. If, as part of the diagnosis, it was possible to determine the type of pathogen, antibiotic therapy is carried out with the most suitable drug in this case.
  • Removal of inclusions in the uterus. Residues of placenta and blood clots facilitate infection and can themselves cause inflammation. They are eliminated by vacuum aspiration or by curettage of the uterine cavity.
  • Gynecological massage. Can improve the contractile properties of the myometrium and accelerate the recovery of the reproductive system after childbirth.
  • General activities. A woman with subinvolution of the uterus is shown bed rest, absence physical activity And emotional stress. Regular latching of the newborn to the breast also helps to contract the myometrium.

Prognosis and prevention

Subinvolution of the uterus before the development of severe infectious complications responds well to therapeutic measures and is eliminated over several weeks, so it has a relatively favorable prognosis. The development of endometritis and other inflammatory conditions against this background is fraught with more serious consequences - the occurrence of sepsis, infection of other organs and systems ( abdominal cavity, urinary tract). Obstetricians recommend carrying out preventive actions women whose pregnancy and childbirth were complicated (polyhydramnios, rapid labor). They consist in the purpose hormonal drugs to accelerate involution in the first days after the birth of a child, regardless of the presence of symptoms of slow uterine recovery.

Every woman who has given birth to a child is mentally and physically exhausted for the first month. Also, many are worried that subinvolution of the uterus will not occur. It is no coincidence that doctors consider exactly 10 months of pregnancy - this already takes into account the involutionary period, starting from birth until the restoration of the female body after childbirth.

Subinvolution of the uterus: what is it?

Immediately after labor on the first day, the woman feels weak and drowsy. The next day she feels much better and the following days proceed quite normally: her condition is satisfactory, the woman is gaining strength. Sometimes there may be mild pain associated with muscle strain during childbirth, but it is quite tolerable.

But subinvolution of the uterus may still occur in postpartum period. It cannot be detected immediately, but after about 7 days after birth.

This is a deviation that reduces the normal contraction of the uterus under the influence of complications. Therefore, the uterus cannot acquire its normal shape.

The period of postpartum activity is called uterine involution. During which the woman in labor completes the reverse development of systems and internal organs that underwent certain changes during pregnancy and childbirth.

A postpartum large uterus weighs approximately one kilogram and a volume of about 5000 ml, while a non-pregnant one weighs 70 g and a volume of 5 ml. Immediately after birth, the uterine fundus is determined by palpation at the middle distance of the womb and navel.

If the reduction in size occurs instantly, this is the result of expulsion of the fetus, amniotic fluid, or placenta. This also indicates that hormonal stimulation has stopped.

Involution of the uterus involves a number of changes. After childbirth, the uterus actively contracts, then it acquires a spherical shape and is slightly flattened.

After studying the process in a longitudinal section of the organ, on the third day, the uterus has a spherical shape, by the fifth - oval, on the seventh - pear-shaped. Such information can be obtained through an external examination by a gynecologist or an ultrasound examination.

The main task of the doctor after childbirth is the correct diagnostic assessment of changes in the uterus. It is necessary to exclude factors that may interfere with natural involution. Such measures play important role to detect infectious and inflammatory complications at an early stage.

Norm – heterogeneous structure meometry after childbirth, this is explained anatomical features uterine blood flow, vascular bed, swelling of tissues and the volume of intercellular fluid, changes in which occur throughout the entire involutionary period.

Possible causes and characteristic symptoms

In rare cases, the disease may appear for no apparent reason. Experts explain this by poor heredity or the negative impact of the environmental situation in the metropolis.

Of course, there are predisposing factors that increase the chances of developing pathology.

Therefore, let’s look at what you need to pay attention to in order to prevent subinvolution:

  • Age. For example, in girls the uterus may not yet develop sufficiently, but in mature age in women, the contraction function begins to fade. Therefore, if you are at risk, pay attention to your body.
  • Surgical intervention during childbirth. If an emergency caesarean section is necessary, they may be damaged internal organs or tissue injury.
  • Childbirth with complications. For example, if there is a large fetus, multiple pregnancy, or the child is not the first. The consequences are unpredictable.
  • Congenital pathologies of the uterus. In such a situation, everything will become known before pregnancy or in time, and it may be necessary to take early measures.
  • Gynecological diseases. Of course, close monitoring by doctors and all possible support for pregnancy is possible, but the percentage of postpartum deviations is high.
  • Weakened immunity. Infections and anemia adversely affect the condition of the uterus, so the consequences will make themselves felt.
  • Excessive, unhealthy stress during pregnancy. It is important to take care of yourself during this period and follow your doctor’s recommendations.
  • Aware means armed. Therefore, if a woman is at risk, constant medical supervision. Risks are assessed taking into account the condition of the body, genetics, the nature of the pathology and other factors.

The first thing that should be a cause for alarm is the discharge, which is homogeneous and brown in color, similar to heavy bleeding from the uterus.

Important! If the obstetrician-gynecologist did not pay attention or overlooked, be sure to point out such a symptom to him.

During the examination, the gynecologist may be concerned about a large, loose uterus. In some cases, deviations may indicate elevated temperature about 37-37.5, which does not decrease for a long period of time.

Another symptom that requires attention is the absence of characteristic cramping pain in the lower abdomen, including during direct breastfeeding.

This symptom indicates that an inflammatory process is beginning to become active in the body, so if at the time of such signs you are already at home and not in the maternity hospital, immediately seek medical help.

It is also important to note that postpartum uterine subinvolution occurs without characteristic pain, so the woman does not feel anything and will not be able to guess about the problem.


If subinvolution is suspected, the gynecologist refers to ultrasound examination. Ultrasound can not only confirm or refute the diagnosis, but also establish possible reason, which prevents the uterus from contracting normally.

Echography can also be performed: it helps to determine the presence or absence of pathological inclusions in the uterine cavity. This procedure is necessary to choose the right treatment tactics.

How does the treatment work?

The course of treatment directly depends on the manifestation clinical symptoms and type of pathology. If subinvolution is accompanied by inflammation, this means that the disease is independent, so taking antibacterial drugs is necessary.

In the presence of infection, except antibacterial therapy medications are prescribed that improve blood flow and thin the blood in the uterus. The duration of treatment is about 10 days.

To treat the true type of disease, drugs are prescribed that stimulate muscle tone. If there is no intoxication, then clots in the uterus can be removed using a vacuum pump.

Used to completely wash out lochia saline solution. It's also possible local treatment with massage procedures for the ovaries and uterus. If there is a virus, then injections of drugs are administered intramuscularly: “Colostrum”, “Oxytocin”, “Ergot”. Autohemotherapy and novocaine therapy are quite effective.

Intrauterine injection: “Exuter”, “Neofur”, “Metromax”, intravenous solution ascorbic acid with glucose.

The following complications are also possible:

  • lochia stagnation;
  • infection;
  • endometritis.

Preventive measures

Every woman should understand that in order to reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to take preventive measures before pregnancy.

The first thing you need is to undergo all medical and clinical examinations, eliminate problems (if any) and undergo consultations with the necessary specialists.

Most likely, it won't hurt to do therapeutic exercises Kegels to improve muscle tone. This is necessary to increase firmness and elasticity, so that after childbirth the muscles return to their previous shape without complications - this is important for the period of involution.

You need to remember to observe the rules of intimate hygiene during pregnancy and follow the doctor’s recommendations. Also, after two weeks after birth, it is important to visit a gynecologist so that he can promptly detect abnormalities and prescribe appropriate treatment.

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