Home Removal What is lipomatosis of the mammary glands? Breast lipoma - what the pathology conceals

What is lipomatosis of the mammary glands? Breast lipoma - what the pathology conceals

Breast lipoma is a benign formation consisting of fatty breast tissue. In common parlance it is also called wen. There are wen usually no more than 2 cm, but there are also larger ones up to 10 cm in diameter. The pathology occurs mainly in women over 40, but if it has hereditary causes, then its manifestation is possible at a young age.

A lump may gradually develop in a woman's breast without causing any symptoms. The lump itself does not cause pain, but if it is large, it can put pressure on surrounding tissues, causing discomfort and pain. This is probably the only thing possible symptoms breast lipomas.

Rare, but possible degeneration into malignant tumor called liposarcoma. Such malignancy occurs when the tumor is too large and deforms the breast.


Judging by the consistency, breast lipomas are classified into several types:

  • Myxolipomas - consist predominantly of mucus tissue;
  • Myolipomas - consist predominantly of muscle tissue;
  • Lipofibromas - generally composed of adipose tissue with a small amount of connective tissue;
  • Fibrolipomas - consist predominantly of connective tissue with a small amount of adipose tissue;
  • Angiolipomas are fatty formations with many blood vessels.

Depending on the location, breast lipomas can be intermuscular, subcutaneous, or cutaneous, but the most common are subcutaneous adipose tissue lipomas.

In addition, lipoma-like formations can be multiple or single in nature and have a diffuse or encapsulated form. Capsulated wen is soft and mobile to the touch, localized in a specific place. Diffuse formations are less common; they are characterized by the growth of adipose tissue and the absence of clear forms.

Causes and symptoms

There are virtually no symptoms indicating a problem. On palpation, the tumor is mobile, soft dough-like consistency, and is separated from the chest. Symptoms may occur associated with a sharp enlargement of the breast, or its severe deformation (such changes are clearly visible in the photo), but this is only possible with a large tumor, signs of galactorrhea (if there are problems with the thyroid gland).

Experts have not yet identified unambiguously reliable reasons explaining the occurrence of breast lipoma. The tumor can appear anywhere in the body that has adipose tissue. There is an opinion among experts that the reasons for the formation of wen in the mammary gland may lie in endocrine disorders associated with disorders of protein and fat metabolism.

There are suggestions that the appearance of such a pathology can be provoked by hormonal surges in the body. There is a right to exist version about slagging in the body, which contributes to the appearance of wen in the mammary gland. The reasons associated with heredity are quite justified, while acquired heart disease is not hereditary disease. In general, there are quite a lot of assumptions explaining the appearance of breast lipoma.

Diagnostic procedures and treatment

To accurately diagnose a lump in the breast, you must first undergo a medical examination by a mammologist. Then, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe an x-ray or ultrasound. In an ultrasound photo, the tumor usually appears as a homogeneous, clearly defined area. To confirm the diagnosis, in addition to ultrasound, the mammologist may prescribe a puncture for the purpose of cytological examination.

Breast lipoma is a formation that does not resolve on its own, so treatment of such fatty tissues involves their removal. Removal is also justified because such a lipoma can degenerate into a malignant formation. Therefore the only thing possible treatment– surgical removal of the tumor. Surgical removal carried out in cases where the wen begins to grow rapidly and hurt, if the disease leads to disruption of the functioning of any organs, or in case of an obvious cosmetic defect. Removal does not take much time, the patient does not need to be hospitalized.

Surgical treatment of breast lipoma can be carried out in several ways. Most often, the wen is removed by enucleation (enucleation). Tumors are not large sizes are being treated medications. They are administered by injection into the wen, the drugs begin to burn the formation from the inside until it is completely destroyed. Such treatment is quite lengthy and requires regular ultrasound monitoring. Sometimes a breast lipoma is removed using a puncture, i.e. the contents of the tumor are pulled out through a needle. There are no traces after the puncture, but the tumor shell remains under the skin.

Laser treatment for breast lipoma is considered the most popular today. This method is practically not accompanied by pain, and the formation itself is completely destroyed by the laser, which eliminates the risk of reappearance or malignancy. Along with laser, radio wave treatment of a tumor is often used, when the formation is burned out by high-frequency radio wave radiation.

Surgical treatment of a wen requires subsequent maintenance therapy. The patient needs to take anti-inflammatory drugs and treat the wound with antiseptics daily. In addition, it is advisable to take vitamin and immunity-boosting complexes.

There is no need to be afraid of surgical intervention. If you refuse surgery, you will have to regularly check the condition of the lipoma in the breast. In addition, fatty formation can provoke the development of necrosis in the breast tissue, so in order to avoid dangerous consequences there is no need to refuse the operation.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! At the first symptoms of the disease, contact a qualified specialist.


The appearance of any changes in the breast poses a threat to women's health. Breast lipoma is not uncommon; if its symptoms appear, you should urgently consult a doctor to rule out more serious diagnoses and begin breast treatment. You can see what a neoplasm is in the photo, for what reasons it occurs, how to identify it yourself - information useful for modern women.

What is breast lipoma

This disease is not considered dangerous and has a small chance of developing into a form of cancer. Benign neoplasm, developed from fat cells mammary gland, called lipoma or wen. The tumor can also be located in the tissue under the breast, on the sternum, and a wen on the nipple is possible. In this case, the neoplasm:

  • has a soft consistency;
  • round in shape;
  • does not cause pain upon palpation;
  • surrounded by a dense capsule of connective tissue.

The risk of degeneration of a benign lipoma into a malignant neoplasm - liposarcoma - exists when the following are present:

  • large tumors;
  • injury to the mammary gland;
  • exposure to radiation on the body;
  • poisoning;
  • presence of severe somatic diseases;
  • factors of unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • hormonal imbalances.


Many mammologists believe that the main factors that result in the development of lipoma in the mammary gland are blockages sebaceous glands and hereditary predisposition (defect of one of the genes). There are other expert opinions. The reasons for the appearance of a wen on the mammary gland are:

  • lipid metabolism disorder;
  • chest injuries;
  • obesity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • long-term use of contraceptives.

Factors contributing to the development of lipoma are:

  • breast stretch marks caused by pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • congestion caused by an incorrectly selected bra;
  • reception hormonal drugs;
  • loss of ovarian function during menopause;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, thyroid gland, pituitary gland;
  • breast surgery;
  • pathologies of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, excretory organs;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • stress;
  • smoking.

Symptoms of a wen in the mammary gland

Often the growth of a fatty tumor is asymptomatic. If there is a rapid change in tumor size, it is possible that pathological signs. These include:

  • the appearance of a round neoplasm in the subcutaneous fat;
  • deformation of the mammary gland due to tissue displacement;
  • the appearance of pain on palpation.

Symptoms of wen formation differ depending on the location of the tumor:

  • in the fatty tissue under the skin - protrudes above the surface of the chest, as in the photo, painless, inactive, diameter up to two centimeters;
  • in the depths of the mammary gland - detected during instrumental examination, is asymptomatic, with the deposition of calcium salts in the fibrous tissue, a feeling of discomfort and pain may occur;
  • large lipomas up to 10 cm in size cause deformation of the mammary gland and pain due to compression of adjacent tissues.

Classification of fat formations

Experts distinguish by the number of neoplasms into single ones, found only in the chest, and multiple ones, found throughout the body. This is considered a hereditary predisposition. Wen on the chest is distinguished by shape and structure:

  • Diffuse lipoma - adipose tissue grows beyond the capsule, there are no clear contours. Shapeless compactions appear.
  • Nodular - a round-shaped capsule with precise boundaries.

In addition to fat cells, breast lipoma may consist of other tissues. Depending on this, a classification according to consistency is adopted:

  • lipofibroma of the mammary gland - a formation that is soft to the touch, based on adipose tissue;
  • angiolipoma – predominance of the network of blood vessels;
  • fibrolipoma of the mammary gland - contains connective tissue;
  • myolipoma - the presence of fibers of the muscle structure;
  • myxolipoma – has a slimy fatty component.


If symptoms of lipoma appear, you should consult a mammologist. The doctor will begin the diagnosis with a survey and medical history. Next follow:

  • visual examination of the breast;
  • palpation of the mammary glands - detection of a mobile or dense neoplasm;
  • appointment biochemical analysis blood to detect abnormalities metabolic processes;
  • ultrasonography;
  • performing mammography of the mammary glands;
  • if necessary, perform a biopsy of the tumor;
  • histological examination of the obtained tissues - the nature of the lipoma is clarified.

Treatment methods

If a small tumor is detected, if it does not cause concern, treatment is not carried out. The lipoma is regularly monitored and changes in size are monitored. There is evidence that the wen is excluded from the general lipid metabolism in the body, so medications do not affect it. Treatment methods include:

  • monitoring the condition of the lipoma;
  • carrying out preventive measures;
  • when dangerous symptoms changes in the tumor, the likelihood of developing into a malignant form, is a surgical method of treatment.

Conservative therapy

Modern medicine does not have drugs to reduce the size of lipoma. Conservative therapy includes wait-and-see tactics if the growth of the tumor is slow or absent. The tumor is monitored if there is no tendency for it to increase, the appearance of cosmetic problems and pain. Mammologists recommend that women with lipoma, especially after 45 years:

  • undergo quarterly ultrasound;
  • do a mammogram every six months and donate blood for the CA-15-3 tumor marker.

Drug treatment

Since there are no medications that can help reduce the size of a tumor in the mammary gland, the causes that provoke the development of lipoma are treated. For this purpose, drug correction of conditions is used. Doctors recommend:

  • at hormonal imbalance– Duphaston is an analogue of progesterone, used only as prescribed by a mammologist;
  • immunostimulants – Timalin, used in injections, increases cellular immunity;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes - for general support of the body.

Treatment of breast lipoma with folk remedies

Experts believe that the use of traditional medicine recipes does not produce results in the presence of a wen in the mammary gland. To prevent the growth of lipoma, metabolic processes can be restored. For this purpose, products with medicinal herbs and plants are used. Prescriptions must be agreed with a doctor; self-medication is unacceptable. To normalize metabolic processes, take orally:

  • decoction of fireweed tea;
  • juice of fresh nettle leaves;
  • water infusion of knotweed, St. John's wort, hawthorn, chamomile;
  • tea with strawberry leaves and stems;
  • decoction of dandelion leaves.

Surgical removal of the tumor

It is believed that the most effective method of treating lipoma is surgery. It is prescribed for indications for surgery. These include:

  • tumor necrosis;
  • risk of degeneration into a malignant neoplasm;
  • the presence of hereditary factors;
  • lipoma compression of tissues, blood vessels, nerve endings, causing pain;;
  • severe deformation of the breast, nipple;
  • high growth rate;
  • severe pain.

During surgery, the capsule is removed along with its contents, which eliminates the risk of relapse. There are several ways to surgically remove a lipoma:

  • lipectomy using a scalpel;
  • laser removal– special equipment is required;
  • excision using a radio wave knife;
  • pumping out the contents from the capsule - puncture - there is a possibility of new filling with fat;
  • injection of a drug into the tumor that promotes the resorption of the lipoma.

Laser removal

This method surgical intervention considered low-traumatic. The operation is bloodless - the laser seals small blood vessels. The rehabilitation process takes a short period. During the operation:

  • the risk of hematoma formation is reduced - there is no mechanical trauma to tissue;
  • infection is excluded;
  • there are no postoperative scars;
  • It is possible to control the depth of the cut, which eliminates damage to healthy tissue.

Removal of a lipoma using a laser is carried out only if the tumor is located in subcutaneous tissue. The operation lasts several minutes. When executing it:

  • local anesthesia is administered;
  • The skin is cut with a laser beam;
  • the edges of the wound are moved apart to expose the capsule;
  • the tumor is grasped with forceps;
  • pulled out;
  • the edges of the wound are tightened and fixed;
  • The lipoma is sent for histological examination.

Radio wave method

The operation is carried out using a radio wave knife - a tungsten filament under electrical voltage. When using the method, tumors no larger than 6 cm in size are removed. Advantages of the radio wave method:

  • low morbidity;
  • neat incision – after the operation a small scar remains;
  • absence of blood - under the influence high temperature sealing of blood vessels occurs.

The operation has contraindications - diabetes, the presence of metal implants in the patient's body. Before the intervention, local anesthesia is performed. During surgery doctor:

  • performs breast resection with a thin tungsten thread;
  • peels out the capsule with its contents;
  • sends biomaterial for research.

Rehabilitation after removal of a benign tumor

After surgery, dressings must be done so as not to cause infection. The procedures are carried out until a crust forms at the suture site. Rehabilitation after lipoma removal includes:

  • use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain;
  • treating the wound with antiseptic agents;
  • reception vitamin complexes;
  • use of immunomodulators;
  • the use of antibiotics to combat inflammation after surgery;
  • using ointments for quick healing and reducing swelling.

Prognosis for treatment of breast wen and possible complications

Surgical removal of breast lipoma in women has a favorable prognosis in most cases. After the operation, no health problems arise, and there is no risk of relapse. It is important that several conditions are met. Among them:

  • timely diagnosis of tumor;
  • completing the rehabilitation course in full;
  • following all doctor's recommendations.

If mammary lipomatosis is diagnosed in an advanced state, there are unfavorable factors that contribute to the degeneration of the wen into a malignant neoplasm, and serious complications of the disease cannot be ruled out. The most great danger– development of liposarcoma. An increase in tumor size with lipofibrosis can provoke:

  • breast deformation, which becomes an aesthetic defect;
  • development inflammatory process;
  • suppuration;
  • tissue necrosis.


Every woman should undergo regular breast examinations to identify tumors. This is done independently every month, in the first week after the end of menstruation. Prevention of lipoma includes:

  • breast protection from solar radiation;
  • personal hygiene to prevent blockage of sebaceous ducts;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • avoiding injury, exposure chemical substances;
  • timely treatment skin pathologies;
  • if there is a wen, control its development;
  • performing tests for tumor markers once a year.

To prevent lipoma formation, women need to:

  • conduct an ultrasound of the mammary glands annually;
  • follow a low-fat diet;
  • monitor excess weight;
  • go for a walk every day fresh air;
  • after 45 years, undergo mammography once a year;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • exclude bad habits;
  • lead healthy image life;
  • sleep at least 8 hours.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Lipoma in the mammary gland is a neoplasm formed from adipose and connective epithelium. The nature of the pathology is benign. Lipomatosis occurs in women after 28 years of age. Formed in subcutaneous fat layer organ. Differs in slow growth. Tumors ranging in size from 2.5 cm to 15 cm are diagnosed. The disease must be treated at any stage of development. During the growth, the atypical tissue compresses neighboring organs and vessels with nerve endings, which can lead to serious complications in the functioning of the breast.

Breast lipoma is benign lump in subcutaneous tissue. Pathology is formed from adipose and connective tissue. An atypical cell grows slowly. Lipoma sizes are diagnosed from 25 mm to 20 cm. With volumes exceeding 20 mm, pathological compression of the nearest blood vessels and milk ducts with nerve processes occurs, which can lead to stagnation of blood and subsequent tissue necrosis.

The formation in the sternum is located in a special capsule made of connective fiber. The soft node is mobile and can be easily felt during palpation of the organ. It is difficult to determine the disease on your own. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to see a doctor and undergo a detailed examination of the body.

Based on the structure of the neoplasm, the following types are distinguished:

  • myxolipoma consists of adipose epithelium interspersed with mucus produced by the lipoma;
  • fibrolipoma contains connective fibers with adipose tissue;
  • angiolipoma is characterized by a high content of blood capillaries with a fatty layer of tissue;
  • myolipoma consists of a small amount of fatty epithelium;
  • lipofibroma is characterized by a predominance of the fat layer with minor inclusions of connective fiber.

Depending on the location of the tumor, superficial, intermuscular and subcutaneous forms are distinguished.

The wen looks like a rounded neoplasm with clear boundaries. Sometimes there are seals with blurred edges. The tumor developing in the capsule consists of a fibrous membrane.

ICD-10 code for disease D17.9 “Benign neoplasm of adipose tissue unspecified localization" Women over 25 years of age are at risk of developing pathology.

Causes of the disease

Reasons for the appearance of a wen on the mammary gland:

  • pathologies of an endocrine nature - diabetes mellitus, pancreatic tumors;
  • metabolic problems;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • disturbances in the production of sex hormones;
  • state of stress during long period time;
  • excess body weight;
  • lack of physical activity - sedentary work;
  • unbalanced diet – deficiency of plant fiber and vitamins and microelements;
  • injury to chest tissue;
  • abuse of alcohol and nicotine.

Lipoma occurs in the sternum due to blockage of the ducts sweat glands. A disruption in the functioning of the gland leads to the formation of a capsule filled with fatty fiber. Many doctors consider hormonal and metabolic disorders in the body to be the main factor of the disease - this is accompanied by tissue replacement with a predominance of the glandular type. The fibrous epithelium is actively growing. Lipofibromatosis must be treated urgently to avoid degeneration into cancer.

Signs of pathology

A suspicious lump in the chest cavity can be felt independently through the skin. During the rapid growth of atypical tissue, the tumor can be diagnosed without palpation. Lipoma is characterized by a dense consistency with a movable capsule in the subcutaneous layer. At the initial stage of formation, the disease has no symptoms. The first signs appear when the node increases to 15 mm and above.

Due to the structural features and characteristic mobility under the skin, there is systematic contact with the upper layer of the dermis and the internal epithelium in the chest. Often women are diagnosed with lobular compaction with no clear boundaries. The formation often protrudes above the skin surface.

Localization of the wen in the deep layers of tissue develops secretly - without the presence external signs and the ability to palpate the node. Characterized by germination into muscle fibers. IN in this case appears pain symptom with internal discomfort in the mammary gland.

It is possible for a single lipoma to form in one breast or on both sides at once - a bilateral variant of the pathology.

Diagnosis of the disease

Chest in female body performs important functions, so doctors advise closely monitoring the appearance of suspicious tumors. If a node is detected inside the mammary gland, you should consult a doctor for a full examination.

At the clinic, the patient will be prescribed a number of procedures to clarify the diagnosis and select the correct course of therapy. The disease is dangerous due to the active growth and compression of blood vessels with nerve endings, which can lead to necrosis of damaged tissues.

Diagnostics includes the following activities:

  • The doctor conducts a physical examination of a woman with breast palpation and collects a complete medical history.
  • Ultrasound (ultrasound) examines the shape and size of the tumor with the depth of penetration into the subcutaneous layers of the organ.
  • The mammography procedure allows you to examine the structure of the mammary gland affected by the wen.
  • A general analysis of blood and urine is carried out to determine the indicators of the main elements.
  • The patient is prescribed a puncture to collect biological material for a biopsy of the lipoma.
  • To exclude a malignant form, cytology is prescribed with a histological examination of the tumor cell sample.
  • The doctor may suggest computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging as additional procedure to determine the extent of damage to the body.

After receiving the test results, the doctor will be able to assess the woman’s condition and choose correct treatment. The fatty tissue must be removed at any stage of the development of the pathology. As tumors grow, they are compressed milk ducts with blood vessels, which can provoke severe consequences for women's health.

Treatment of breast lipoma

After diagnosis, the patient prepares for treatment. Breast lipoma can be removed using conservative therapy, surgical excision and traditional medicine. Drug treatment is used for early stages lipomatosis, when the neoplasm is within 10 mm. The wen does not resolve on its own.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman is under close medical supervision with any method of therapy. An ultrasound procedure is performed once every 3 months and mammography annually.

Conservative treatment is accompanied by regular blood tests for the presence of tumor markers CA-15-13. If the tumor is actively growing, it is necessary to urgently remove surgical intervention. There is a risk of injury to nerve endings, accompanied by painful spasms.

Lipoma gigantic size causes external deformation of the breast, noticeable to the naked eye. This also requires urgent surgery to excise the node.

Surgical excision of lipoma

The surgical method is recommended when diagnosing a large tumor in the breast or in the absence of effect from the conservative method of therapy. Sectoral resection is mainly used, which allows the tumor to be removed along with the capsule - this avoids relapse.

Small lumps are removed using enucleation (husking) - a method that is gentle and non-traumatic for the woman. A small node can be removed with a puncture biopsy. To do this, you will need a long thin needle, which is inserted into the capsule and the contents are brought out. After removal, no scars remain, but the lipoma shell remains inside, which can provoke a relapse.

Sectoral resection is painful procedure for excision of the wen, but gives positive result for a full recovery. The method is used in the presence of certain discomfort and other accompanying pathologies breast – mastitis, fibroadenoma or granuloma.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia - depending on the area being operated on and the depth of the organ damage. Then cut marks are made using a cotton swab with brilliant green. The doctor makes an incision into the organ to access the lipoma and removes the capsule completely. If there is a risk of malignant degeneration, then they are partially removed healthy tissue– this will help avoid recurrent pathology. After the operation, the edges of the wound are sutured.

It is impossible to leave empty cavities in the breast tissue, so it is possible to apply sutures above the subcutaneous fat layer. Remote biological material sent to the laboratory for histological examination of the structure of the wen. The procedure lasts 20-30 minutes.

Complications after surgery are rare. Re-infection of the wound with an inflammatory process or a hematoma in the operated area is possible due to incomplete bleeding. If there are problems with blood clotting, internal bleeding may be diagnosed.

Stitches are usually removed within 7-8 days. After the procedure, there may be pain discomfort, so the patient is prescribed a course of painkillers and sedatives.

New growths in the mammary gland that do not exceed 50 mm in size can be removed using laser therapy. The operation is performed upon insertion local anesthesia for pain relief. The tumor is excised along with the capsule to prevent recurrence of the disease. The laser beam has antibacterial properties, which prevents re-infection of the wound. The operated area heals in 5-7 days. The skin recovers completely within 15 days.

The operation is considered safe in terms of no vascular damage or rapid wound coagulation. The disadvantage of the procedure is the inability to take biomaterial for histology.

Liposuction is rarely used due to high risk relapse. Radio wave treatment is used when the node is small in size and accessible.

Drug treatment

Wen can be cured using conservative therapy. For a positive effect, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations. The method helps at the initial stage of the formation of the disease. Manipulations allow you to stop the growth of the node and reduce it in size until it completely resolves. The following medications are used for this:

  • Vitaon is made from natural plant ingredients. The ointment does not irritate the skin and does not cause inflammatory processes. The presence of individual intolerance requires stopping use and replacing with another product with similar action. The balm is applied to sore spot and fixed with adhesive tape or a tight bandage. The bandage needs to be changed 2 times a day. The medicine has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which has a beneficial effect on the tumor.
  • Vishnevsky ointment is made on the basis of birch tar, castor oil and xeroforms. Recommended if there is an inflammatory process inside the lipoma. The substance is applied to the chest and fixed with a bandage for 2-3 hours. The procedure is repeated up to 3-4 times a day for a week. Possible appearance side effects or allergic reaction, then the drug must be excluded from the course of therapy.
  • Ichthyol ointment has an antiseptic effect. They prefer to prescribe when diagnosing infection of a wen inside the mammary gland. The drug eliminates the effect of itching, restores skin turgor and blocks further inflammation. Positive healing effect after application it is observed after 2-3 hours. It is forbidden to use by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Treatment medicines helps with early detection diseases and small tumor sizes. Correct use of medications with precise dosage guarantees fast recovery body and complete resorption of the wen.

Alternative medicine

Traditional medicine is considered auxiliary method To conservative method therapy. Before using these recipes, you should consult your doctor and carry out the procedures under close medical supervision.

The following recipes are considered the most effective and popular in the treatment of breast lipoma:

  • Grind 50-100 g of lard in a meat grinder with 1 head of garlic. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the finished mixture to the affected area. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day. The ointment can be secured with an adhesive plaster or bandage.
  • Wash the Kalanchoe and cut into small pieces. Apply the resulting paste to the chest and secure with gauze overnight.
  • The golden mustache is cut and applied to the tumor. Place cling film on top and secure with a tight bandage. Change the bandage 2 times a day. The course lasts 15 minutes.
  • head onions bake in the oven and crush with 50 g of laundry soap. The compress is applied 2 times a day until the node is completely absorbed.
  • Cinnamon should be added to coffee, porridge, and milk to cleanse the blood and stimulate the breakdown of fatty tissue.
  • Mix 40 g of fresh or dried black currants with 50 grams of rose hips. Pour boiling water (350 ml) and leave for 30 minutes. Then strain, pour in beer (200 ml). Drink once a day until complete recovery on an empty stomach.
  • Pour boiling water (300 ml) over fresh pine needles. To put on water bath up to 15 min. Cool and apply lotions 2 times a day.

Traditional medicine recipes cannot be used independently without consulting a doctor. This can cause serious consequences and deterioration in well-being.

Disease Prevention

To prevent lipomas in the breast, you need to exclude fatty foods and enrich the diet with plant fiber. The presence of physical exercise will reduce the risk of developing pathology. You also need to control your weight and emotional background. Independent research breast examination will allow to identify the lump at the initial stage and carry out timely treatment.

The presence of illness in the family requires close attention from doctors and the woman herself. It is necessary to undergo regular scheduled examinations and diagnostic procedures.

Breast lipoma is a benign formation, consisting predominantly of fat cells, which may contain fibrous tissue, a vascular component, and muscle fibers. A tumor that grows painlessly. The seal is eliminated in two cases: with a pronounced external defect of the breast and compression of the surrounding tissues.

Lipoma in the breast is an independent disease, but in rare cases it is part of a multiple lesion - lipomatosis. The disease is characterized by a dense elastic consistency, mobility, clear demarcation, and non-invasive growth.

Fats that reach large sizes, cause tissue deformation or interfere with the function of the mammary gland are removed surgically.

Education grows slowly and painlessly. Discomfort occurs only when surrounding tissues, blood vessels or nerve bundles are compressed. Lumps in the mammary gland are rare; most often the problem is localized in areas with a low percentage of fat.

  • nodular, delimited by a dense connective tissue capsule;
  • diffuse - cluster-shaped accumulations of lipocytes without clear boundaries.

Causes of appearance and code according to ICD 10

The reason for the formation of such neoplasia in the breast is difficult to identify. It is known that compactions account for up to 10% of all detected benign tumors. Risk group: women over 45 years of age in menopause.

Theories for the development of foci of adipose tissue in the mammary gland:

  1. Genetic predisposition caused by a defect in the HMG I-C gene and other chromosomal aberrations. Systemic lipomatosis is diagnosed.
  2. Menopausal metabolic syndrome is a change in natural metabolism with age-related involution of all ovarian functions. As a result, the structure of the breast changes: glandular tissue is gradually replaced by fatty and connective tissue (involutive processes).
  3. Pregnancy and job changes endocrine system related to the position of women.
  4. Impaired metabolism of low-density lipoproteins, prone to encapsulation. Risk factors: passive lifestyle, unhealthy diet, excess consumption of animal fats, various enzymopathies.
  5. High percentage of body fat. All lipocytes are considered hormone active, producing adiponectin, resistin, and leptin. When leptin levels increase, the thyroid and adrenal glands begin to malfunction. Disruption of metabolic processes provokes the development of systemic lipomatosis.
  6. Injuries, thermal effects, improperly performed plastic surgery belong to exogenous factors in the formation of wen.

Often the two factors combine. According to the international classification of diseases ICD 10, information about lumps in the breast can be found in two sections: lipomatosis (E 88.2) or benign breast formations (D 24).

Is a lipoma in the breast dangerous?

Wen localized in the mammary gland is a cosmetic defect. The formation is located under the skin and, as it grows, significantly deforms the breast. A risk factor for large neoplasia is compression of blood vessels or nerve trunks. Lack of tissue nutrition leads to necrosis.

Could it be cancer?

The seal is considered benign education, but we must not forget about the risk of cell mutation into cancer.

Liposarcoma and other types of fatty tissue cancer may be no different from a lipoma in the breast.

Any neoplasia after removal is subject to histological examination to exclude oncopathology at the cellular and tissue levels.

A lipoma located in the mammary gland is dangerous if it is constantly traumatized. The risk of malignancy increases or the lump degenerates into oleogranuloma - focal necrosis of adipose tissue with the development of an inflammatory process. Macroscopically, it is similar to a malignant neoplasm and has no clear boundaries. The final diagnosis is made by a pathologist. Differential diagnosis must be carried out with lymphadenitis, hygroma, epidermal cyst, soft fibroma, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma.

Treatment methods for wen in the breast

To make a conclusion and determine treatment tactics, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic procedures in the mammary gland. They begin with palpation: the lipoma is felt as a dense, movable seal. Color and condition skin not changed, which distinguishes a lump from oncology.

Ultrasound or mammography. Methods help determine the size, shape and exact location of the wen. Does not disappear on its own and does not respond drug treatment. Removal of the tumor is recommended. After the intervention, antibiotic therapy is prescribed to prevent inflammatory processes.

In the hospital

If a puncture biopsy does not reveal any signs of cancer in the lipoma, there is no pain or discomfort, constant monitoring is recommended. It is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist twice a year.

If there is a rapid growth of a wen in the mammary gland, or the presence of a cosmetic defect, the problem must be eliminated after diagnosis.

Therapy methods:

  • complete elimination of the tumor with capsule traditional method(using a scalpel), laser or radiolifting;
  • removal of contents is suitable for cluster lipomas. The capsule remains inside, increasing the likelihood of relapse. Scars do not remain;
  • sectoral breast resection is performed in extreme cases with diffuse lipomatosis and suspected malignancy of a wen in the mammary gland.

Complications after surgery are minimal. The procedures are performed under local anesthesia.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment are less effective.

At home, cutting or piercing a neoplastic formation in the mammary gland is dangerous!

There is a risk of developing an inflammatory process and the addition of a bacterial infection. The body's reaction is unpredictable.

At home, you can get rid of wen using Kalanchoe or aloe. The leaf is cut lengthwise and the pulp is applied to the projection area of ​​the nodule. In two weeks daily treatment the seal dissolves on its own.

Prognosis and prevention

When lipoma is excised, the prognosis is favorable. Enucleation of the tumor with complete removal of the capsule prevents the occurrence of recurrent nodes, excluding tissue malignancy. It is necessary to undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist and mammologist, take tests to determine cholesterol and lipoprotein levels, and monitor hormone levels. Such methods are a means of preventing the appearance of breast lipomas in the future.

The most common soft tissue tumor, with the exception of the nervous tissue, is lipoma, or lipoblastoma, commonly called a wen. In 98% it is localized in the subcutaneous tissue, in other cases it is found wherever there are fat cells. Breast lipoma is a benign, almost always soft consistency, mobile, painless formation located in any part of the mammary gland and containing adipose tissue.

Reasons for the formation of a neoplasm

Although a fatty tumor with this localization is not a specifically female pathology, it is more common among women after 35-40 years of age. Its development at an earlier age is usually hereditary.

The formation of lipoma occurs as a result of abnormal division of one's own fat cells in a limited area. The reasons and the unified mechanism of their development have not been fully established, since they are, as a rule, isolated and arise without visible reasons and provoking factors, sometimes after mechanical injury mammary gland or limited inflammatory process.

However, there are not only single wen, but also multiple ones. In this case, we are talking about lipomatosis as a disease in which tumors are distributed in a limited area of ​​the body (regional lipomatosis) or throughout the body (diffuse lipomatosis), sometimes they are symmetrical. In these cases, lipoblastomas are usually a manifestation systemic disease connective tissue. If breast lipomatosis is diagnosed, then, as a rule, it is accompanied by fatty tissue in other parts of the body and/or in internal organs and may be one of the signs of disorders of fat, protein, carbohydrate metabolism substances.

Such disorders usually accompany diseases of the liver, pancreas, endocrine system, in particular the hypothalamus, hormonal changes in menopause, as well as some genetic, hereditary and other diseases unknown etiology(Madelung, Gram, Dercum, Verneuil-Poten syndromes, multiple lipoma syndrome, etc.). Quite often lipomatosis occurs against the background diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, malignant tumors in the upper respiratory tract.

The occurrence and growth of lipoma is not associated with general obesity, since it can also develop in people with normal or underweight. Even during a period of significant reduction, adipose tissue in the wen continues to accumulate.

Most often in women, breast lipoma occurs during menopause, when menstrual cycles, associated with sex hormones, are no longer available. A number of research authors explain this by the developing so-called metabolic menopausal syndrome.

The latter is a change in metabolic processes in a woman’s body as a result of the extinction of the hormonal function of the ovaries and the restructuring of the function of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, against the background of which changes occur in the mammary gland (accelerated transformation of glandular tissue into adipose and connective tissue). But the occurrence of lipoblastomas in men and even children once again confirms the polyetiological nature of their development.

Types of lipoblastoma

They can be of different sizes, grow very slowly, reaching 10 cm or more, but, as a rule, in the mammary glands their diameter does not exceed 10-20 mm. With lipomatosis, the wen is much larger, often merges with each other and can be painful. The adipose tissue of these formations differs from the usual one in the size of the fat lobules and cells. The latter can be different - from very small to giant, between which there are cells containing several fat vacuoles.

There are two types of breast lipoma:

  1. Nodular, the most common and representing a node delimited from the rest of the adipose tissue by a thin connective tissue membrane, or capsule.
  2. Diffuse, which gradually, without forming clear boundaries, passes into the surrounding adipose tissue.

Depending on the cellular composition, they are divided into the following types:

  1. Classic, consisting only of fat cells.
  2. Lipofibromas, which contain fatty and connective tissue, but the first one prevails.
  3. Fibrolipomas, the predominant tissue in which is connective tissue.
  4. Angiolipomas containing many blood vessels.

Other types of formations are also possible, for example, containing smooth muscle fibers (myolipoma) or mucus (myxolipoma), but they are practically not found in the mammary glands.

Symptoms of breast lipoma

The usual localization of lipoblastomas in the mammary gland is in the upper outer quadrant. Being small in size, they do not lead to a cosmetic defect and do not cause pain or discomfort. Due to slow growth, the tumor long time develops unnoticed and can be accidentally detected on a mammogram, by the woman herself, or during a routine examination by a gynecologist.

During palpation (palpation) examination, a fatty tumor is a smooth, painless, round-shaped formation with clear, even outlines (if it is a nodular type of tumor), easily displaced under the skin and not fused to it and the surrounding tissues.

If it has a lobular structure, then when the skin above it is stretched, you can notice minor depressions and depressions. Classic, as well as lipo- and angiofibroma, have a soft-elastic, jelly-like or doughy consistency. Deeply located and diffuse wen are much more difficult to detect by palpation. However, with significant sizes, sprouting with its processes into the muscle fascia or between the fibers pectoral muscle they may cause discomfort or pain.

Diagnosis and treatment of lipoma

In order to clarify the nature of education and conduct differential diagnosis with malignant neoplasms are carried out additional research:

  1. X-ray mammography, which shows the shadow of the formation itself and its borders.
  2. Ultrasonography, in which a tumor is defined as a formation with reduced echogenicity with or without a capsule, and it is also possible to determine its depth of location.
  3. CT scan, which is the most reliable method for diagnosing a tumor located deep. It makes it possible to distinguish adipose tissue from other, denser surrounding structures.
  4. Puncture aspiration biopsy. It is performed if there is doubt about the benign nature of the tumor or the woman refuses surgical treatment. The method consists of collecting material from the neoplasm by puncture with a needle and its further cytological examination.

Lipoblastoma does not disappear on its own and cannot be cured by any conservative means. Treatment for breast lipoma involves removing it surgical methods. The tumor is removed only together with the capsule (enucleated) to prevent relapse.

This is done in the usual way (using a scalpel) or through the use of a radio wave “knife”. If the formation is diffuse, liposuction can be used to achieve a better cosmetic result, especially in combination with endoscopy: to ensure its complete removal. But usually a diffuse lipoma is removed by sectoral resection of the mammary gland.

There is no transformation of a lipoma into a malignant tumor, but it is always necessary to differentiate it from the latter. Therefore, after excision of the node during surgery, an emergency histological examination of the material is carried out in order to clarify its benign nature. If atypical cells are detected, the operating surgeon makes a decision regarding the choice of one of the mastectomy methods. The woman is warned about the possibility of such an outcome before the operation begins.

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