Home Stomatitis Infrared photocoagulation of hemorrhoids. What is photocoagulation of hemorrhoids and reviews about it Infrared photocoagulation

Infrared photocoagulation of hemorrhoids. What is photocoagulation of hemorrhoids and reviews about it Infrared photocoagulation

Surgical treatment hemorrhoids can be classic and minimally invasive. If classical methods removal of nodes is quite small, then it takes a long time to understand gentle surgical techniques. In this article we will talk about proven and effective way treatment – ​​infrared coagulation.

Most of the remedies for “treating” hemorrhoids that are advertised on TV and sold in pharmacies are a complete scam. At first it may seem that creams and ointments for hemorrhoids help, BUT in fact they only remove the symptoms of the disease.

In simple words, you buy a regular painkiller, and the disease continues to develop into a more severe stage.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids can hide more serious illnesses rectum: trauma, intestinal bleeding, necrotic changes and even cancer.

We have studied great amount materials and, most importantly, tested most of the remedies for hemorrhoids in practice. So, it turned out that the only drug that does not relieve symptoms, but truly treats hemorrhoids, is this hemorrhoid cream.

This drug is not sold in pharmacies and is not advertised on TV or on the Internet. Carefully! IN Lately Many fakes have appeared, here is a link to the only official website.

To carry out the manipulation you will need a special device. It allows you to bring the tip to the hemorrhoids. This probe creates a powerful stream of infrared radiation. Once on the tissue, the flow is converted into thermal energy, which destroys cell proteins.

Laser and electric knife work in a similar way. Only instead of infrared waves, they destroy tissue with current and laser radiation.

The flow of rays is directed by the doctor to the base of the node (the place where the feeding vessels pass). The probe destroys blood vessels and cuts off the hemorrhoids from nutrition. After some time, the hemorrhoids undergo necrosis, are rejected, and the “bumps” come out during bowel movements. Only a postoperative scar remains on the wall of the rectum.

Infrared coagulation is indicated for stage 1 and stage 2 internal hemorrhoids. Only this type of hemorrhoid can be treated with a photocoagulator. On late stages infrared coagulation is suitable for emergency stopping of bleeding from inflamed hemorrhoids.

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  1. proctitis in the acute phase;
  2. paraproctitis;
  3. rectal fistulas;
  4. nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  5. Crohn's disease;
  6. thrombosis of the hemorrhoid.

The use of this procedure is significantly expanded by the absence of anesthesia and local anesthesia. The manipulations performed by the doctor are outside the zone of sensitivity (above the dentate line). Correct technique conduction provides only slight discomfort during manipulation.

Infrared coagulation requires highly qualified surgeons. The radiation flux has powerful energy, which can cause serious changes in the human body.

The most common complications of the procedure are:

Bleeding can occur if there is insufficient thermal effect on the tissue of the feeding pedicle. In this case, the vessels are not completely cauterized. Bleeding can be stopped by repeated coagulation or ligation of the node stalk.

Normally, after the procedure, the patient experiences slight bleeding from the anus on days 7-10 of the postoperative period. This is the dead node being rejected. Usually the patient is warned about this.

Infection is a possible scenario for any operation. Follow your doctor's recommendations and you can minimize the risk of this complication.

Pain during surgery indicates that the doctor made a mistake. If the manipulations took place above the dentate line, then severe pain manages to be avoided. There may be mild discomfort and a burning sensation in the intestines.

IN postoperative period The pain is also moderate. The doctor may prescribe NSAIDs for 2-3 days. Usually they are enough to relieve sensitivity.

Urinary retention is a reflex reaction of the body to manipulations in the intestine. It is typical for men, due to proximity prostate gland. To eliminate this problem, urine is released through a catheter. The main thing is not to tolerate it and consult a doctor in time.

So, we list the main pros and cons of the technique:

  1. the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization;
  2. used only for initial stages internal hemorrhoids;
  3. it can be used to urgently stop bleeding;
  4. The effectiveness of the method is 75% in the initial stages of the disease. Relapses occur within 5 years;
  5. the method does not require anesthesia;
  6. pain syndrome in the postoperative period is insignificant;
  7. You can treat 1 node per session; the procedure is repeated after 10-14 days;
  8. Complications with photocoagulation are rare.

The method of treating hemorrhoids with heat is accessible and effective. In the initial stages of the disease, it allows you to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

I've already tried so many things, all the pharmacies in the city

Over the past few years, it has begun to be used in proctology. innovative methodology treatment of hemorrhoids – infrared photocoagulation.

Due to its simplicity and high effectiveness, it is widely popular. When performed correctly, the procedure is absolutely painless.

Characteristics of the procedure

It is performed on an outpatient basis using an infrared photocoagulator. Thus, infrared radiation affects the tissue of the hemorrhoidal pedicle with thermal energy, causing a coagulating effect.

After the procedure, a crust forms at the burn site, which subsequently comes out during defecation. Due to the mild thermal effect, there is no chance of the formation of a deep layer of scar tissue.

The duration of the operation is several seconds. During one procedure, a maximum of three hemorrhoids can be treated. Photocoagulation can be repeated no earlier than after 3 weeks.

During the procedure, the patient may experience a slight increase in temperature.

Unlike other techniques (for example, electrocoagulation), this procedure does not use electric current, which eliminates the possibility of getting a burn if the electrode is placed incorrectly.

This technique does not treat hemorrhoids, but only eliminates its consequences. If the disease is not treated, it may reappear after some time.

Procedure for performing infrared photocoagulation

The procedure is performed using an anoscope with a diameter of about 18 cm and a tube length of 6-8 cm. During the operation, external light sources or a fiber illuminator are used.

The device is inserted into the anal canal so that the hemorrhoidal node is located in the lumen of its tube.

If a large hemorrhoidal node is being treated, it is necessary to additionally coagulate the surface of the node itself at 3-4 points.

Rehabilitation and possible complications

After photocoagulation, the patient may be observed for 24 hours discomfort in the anal canal area. After 1-2 weeks, bleeding may develop as the hemorrhoids fall off.

Patients undergoing infrared photocoagulation are advised to eat as much fiber-rich foods as possible to avoid constipation and drink daily norm water.

For a month after the procedure, it is advisable to refrain from eating heavy food, alcohol and physical activity.

In most cases, one procedure is sufficient to eliminate hemorrhoids. The more advanced the stage of the disease, the greater the number of photocoagulation cycles required for successful treatment. A total of one to six cycles of the procedure can be performed.

One of the disadvantages of this technique is the low likelihood of relapse. So, in some cases coagulation blood vessel, feeding the hemorrhoidal lump, may be incomplete and lead to re-development of the disease.

This situation occurs if the exposure to infrared radiation was insufficient in time or did not cover the entire area of ​​the hemorrhoid.

Over the course of 5 years after photocoagulation, there is a 15% risk of relapse.

After the procedure, there is a minimal risk of developing necrosis or thrombosis of hemorrhoidal tissue and heavy bleeding. Thrombosis can occur if coagulation has occurred healthy tissue surrounding the hemorrhoidal node.

To reduce the risk of bleeding, it is advisable to refrain from taking aspirin and other non-steroidal drugs in the first 14 days after surgery.

Indications for use

The indication for infrared coagulation is the presence of circular combined hemorrhoids of stages I-II if the internal hemorrhoids are located at the same level with the anorectal line. Infrared photocoagulation is also used to treat internal bleeding hemorrhoids of stages I and II.

Assign this procedure in the event that the size of the hemorrhoids is not sufficient for latex rings.

The technique can also be used if it is necessary to eliminate internal bleeding nodes, remaining or ligating.

Also, infrared photocoagulation can be used to stop hemorrhoidal bleeding.

In late stages of the disease, it is advisable to use combined treatment methods– for example, a combination of infrared photocoagulation with ligation with latex rings.


It is not recommended to perform infrared photocoagulation for hemorrhoids of stages III and IV. Also, this technique is not applicable if the patient has any of the pathologies of the anal canal - cryptitis, anal fissure, rectal fistula, etc.

The procedure is strictly contraindicated in case of thrombosis of hemorrhoids or the presence of proctitis and other inflammatory diseases.

Clinics performing infrared photocoagulation

In Russia and abroad, many clinics perform infrared photocoagulation procedures.

This technique is used by medical centers:

  • On-Clinic.
  • Union Clinic.
  • Oxford Medical.
  • Deltaclinic.
  • Oris.

In domestic clinics, the cost of removing one hemorrhoid can vary from 2,500 to 6,000 rubles.

The cost of photocoagulation is added to the cost of a doctor’s consultation and preliminary diagnostics, which vary in each hospital.

Infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids is a process of thermal influence on the affected areas, thereby allowing the removal of both internal and external formations. The laser beam is directed at the leg of the node, which leads to a decrease in the tissue on it, due to which the flow of blood into it stops, which leads to the death of the problem area. This method The treatment is quite quick and does not cause pain to the patient, although pain may appear in rare cases.

And the very next day a person can begin everyday activities and worries. The only thing that doctors do not recommend after laser treatment is lifting weights. The body's recovery process occurs over several days, so this time may persist high sensitivity in the anorectal area.

How is infrared coagulation performed?

During the procedure, a special device is used for bipolar coagulation of hemorrhoids, which forms the direction laser beam using a halogen-tungsten lamp. The effect of a heat ray occurs over a very a short time, only about 3 seconds. In order to get into the rectum, an illuminated anoscope is used; it is with the help of it that the hemorrhoids that are located inside are found.

This procedure is performed on a gynecological chair in a position, very rarely on a couch in a lateral or kneeling position.

Coagulation of hemorrhoids can be carried out either once or several times. It all depends on which patient has applied for medical care. But the repeated process should be carried out only after half a month.

If sufficiently large nodes are observed, then laser exposure occurs at several points at once, usually in one session it is not possible to completely get rid of them.

After a procedure such as laser coagulation, a person experiences discomfort for several hours, accompanied by minor pain, which usually passes.

Several laser coagulation methods

  • transmucosal removal (an intense beam is used, the length of which is 0.9-1.4 microns, starting with cauterization of the tip of the node, gradually moving to the base);
  • subdermal-submucosal excision (a transdermal puncture of the node is performed, after which a laser is applied to it from the inside, destroying diseased cells);
  • laser coagulation with foam sclerotherapy (after exposure of the node to the beam, a sclerosing substance is introduced in the form of foam, thanks to which the affected areas are glued together).

When is this treatment method used?

This method is used for people who have stages 1-3. Moreover, the indications should be as follows:

  • development internal hemorrhoids at stages 1-2;
  • combined hemorrhoids at stages 1-2, and the nodes should be no lower than the anorectal line);
  • internal nodes, of which there's blood coming out, not closed after ligation with latex rings.

Therefore, the patient needs to be sufficiently attentive to his health, and when the slightest sign seek help from specialists.

Complications during the procedure

Bipolar coagulation of hemorrhoids can lead to a number of complications:

  1. Firstly, this process may not be completed completely; in this case, the flow of blood to the node does not stop, resulting in the development of a blood clot, which leads to a disease such as thrombosis with slowly developing inflammation.
  2. Secondly, sometimes when treating hemorrhoids at stages 3-4, when the nodes have enough big sizes, it is impossible to remove them at one time, so several sessions are used.
  3. Third, laser method only removes hemorrhoids, but the cause of their occurrence remains untouched. Therefore, bumps may subsequently form.

If the patient seeks help at a late stage, prolapse of nodes is observed, which is accompanied by bleeding. In this case, it is necessary to use a combined treatment method for a positive result.

The result is considered excellent when the prolapse of hemorrhoids stops, the bleeding stops, the state of health, as well as the psychological mood of the person improves.

There are cases when the result of treatment is the preservation minor bleeding and temporary loss of nodes. After laser coagulation, a relapse of the disease may occur. Appears due to the patient’s negligence towards his health.

How to avoid hemorrhoids

In order to avoid such a disease, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • lead an active lifestyle, move as much as possible, play sports, even if you have a sedentary job, you can do small physical exercises every hour;
  • you need to monitor your diet, you need to eat fried, spicy, salty foods as little as possible, eat vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products every day, make sure that constipation occurs as little as possible, because they are the main cause of the disease , eat as little sweets and starchy foods as possible;
  • It is better to drink a glass of kefir before going to bed, and a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach, this promotes good functioning of the digestive system;
  • you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, as well as various compotes, drinks, green or herbal tea, you need to consume black tea and coffee as little as possible, and also consume sweet carbonated drinks as little as possible;
  • better to refuse bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and smoking, and also avoid overeating.

Cost of treatment

Price of infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids in various clinics different from each other. First of all, it depends on the stage of the disease, the number of hemorrhoids, as well as the technique of its implementation. If we take the average cost, then removal of one hemorrhoid will cost 6,500 rubles. If you remove several formations while using complex treatment, then the cost can range from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

A person must remember that with timely treatment, you can quickly and painlessly get rid of the first signs of the disease, spending a little time and a significantly smaller amount of money.

When hemorrhoids develop to 3 or , the patient may encounter a number of problems that are associated with general condition health. At this stage, the person feels constant discomfort, as well as painful sensations. Treatment may not produce the expected results as the disease progresses.

Today, many minimally invasive methods are known that allow short time get rid of such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids without blood and pain. One of these methods is infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids.

The infrared photocoagulation method is relatively new, however, it has already gained wide popularity in proctology due to the simplicity of the operation and its safety.

Description of the photocoagulation method

Infrared coagulation is a method of minimally invasive treatment of hemorrhoids, which uses therapeutic effect infrared rays. Directed rays of infrared waves are applied to the base of the hemorrhoid, the heat of which causes tissue coagulation. As a result, the node stops receiving the necessary nutrition and dies over time.

To carry out the procedure, a special instrument is used - a coagulator. It consists of a power unit, a hand applicator and a rigid quartz light guide with a heat-resistant polymer tip.

The operating principle of the instrument is as follows: a low-voltage lamp transmits a stream of infrared radiation into a quartz light guide. Thanks to the material from which the light guide is made (a special polymer), infrared light reaches the mucous membranes of the internal hemorrhoid without losing the power of light energy. The timer regulates the action of thermal contact within 0.5-3 seconds.

Once inside the node, the infrared flow is converted into thermal energy, under the influence of which the tissues coagulate. The strength of the impact depends on the duration of the pulse.

Many people confuse photocoagulation of nodes with. In fact, these are two different procedures. Laser coagulation of hemorrhoids has its own nuances and features.

Indications and contraindications

Infrared photocoagulation of nodes is indicated for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids of stages 1-2. In particular, it is used for such complications of hemorrhoids as bleeding.

The technique is especially effective at stage 1 of hemorrhoids, when the nodes are still small enough to require ligation of hemorrhoids, as well as at later stages for eliminating very small bleeding nodes that the proctologist could not remove by ligation or as a result of hemorrhoidectomy.

At later stages of pathology, it is advisable to combine photocoagulation of nodes with other minimally invasive or radical techniques. But infrared coagulation of grade 3-4 hemorrhoids is not prescribed as the only treatment method.

The method is not used when identifying pathologies of the anorectal zone in a patient, such as: rectal fistula, cryptitis, combined hemorrhoids.

Advantages and disadvantages

Infrared coagulation has many advantages. In particular, this method is characterized by:

  • Highly effective for stage 1-2 hemorrhoids;
  • Short duration - the procedure requires no more than half an hour;
  • Absence painful sensations– this is confirmed by numerous patient reviews;
  • No need for preliminary preparation of the patient for surgery;
  • The actual absence rehabilitation period– already the next day the patient can return to the usual rhythm of life;
  • Bloodlessness;
  • No postoperative scars.

In addition, many patients, judging by the reviews, prefer this method due to its attractive price.

Of course, like other minimally invasive techniques, infrared photocoagulation also has disadvantages:

  • With insufficient coagulation of the leg of the node, complications such as thrombosis or necrosis of the node may develop;
  • Due to the detachment of dead tissue or trauma to the treated mucosa during defecation, bleeding may develop.

However, the main disadvantage of the procedure is that it does not eliminate the very cause of hemorrhoids, but only its consequences, so it is possible that after some time hemorrhoids may form again.

According to statistics, recurrence of hemorrhoids after infrared coagulation develops in approximately 15% of patients within 5 years. Fortunately, photocoagulation of nodes can be performed many times.

Preparing for surgery

As mentioned above, infrared photocoagulation is a simple procedure and does not require any preparation from the patient. It can be carried out on the day the patient contacts the proctologist, of course, after undergoing a thorough diagnosis.

However, doctors recommend not eating heavy food the day before coagulation, as well as during the day after it. The point is that in order to avoid unpleasant complications, it is highly undesirable for the patient to have stool on the day of the procedure.

It also wouldn’t hurt to do a cleansing enema or cleanse the intestines with laxatives a couple of hours before photocoagulation.

Technique of the operation

During the operation, the patient is on the operating table in the knee-elbow position, or is positioned in special chair by placing your feet on supports or pulling them towards your stomach.

An illuminated anoscope is inserted into the anus so that the hemorrhoidal node is clearly visible to the proctologist. After this, the tip of the coagulator is inserted into the anoscope and the coagulation process begins.

The cauterization of the node takes 1-2 seconds. The doctor influences the node from different angles. If it is large, its surface is additionally coagulated.

In one session you can influence a maximum of three nodes. However, in most cases, only one hemorrhoid is removed per procedure. The interval between repeated sessions should not be less than 10-14 days. Depending on the nature of the lesion, the patient may be prescribed from 1 to 6 photocoagulation procedures.

When the coagulation procedure is carried out correctly, it does not cause any pain to the patient.

After operation

After the end of treatment, the patient remains in the hospital for several hours under the supervision of doctors; subsequently, provided there are no complications, he is released.

During the operation, patients noted that they felt a local increase in body temperature in the anorectal area, and quite rarely there may be a feeling of being pricked by something sharp. As a rule, these phenomena disappear on their own within an hour after the manipulation.

With successful coagulation, the patient experiences:

  • stop ;
  • reduction of nodes in size.

In the future, no physical activity, the nodes do not fall out during defecation.

If infrared coagulation was performed on a patient with grade 3 hemorrhoids, he experienced a temporary cessation of bleeding, however, its subsequent resumption is not excluded, although to a lesser extent.

At stages 3-4 of hemorrhoids, it is advisable to use infrared photocoagulation in combination with other methods. For example, with the help of coagulation they stop bleeding, and with the help they prevent their loss.

Possible complications

The photocoagulation procedure is well tolerated by most patients and complications rarely occur.

If coagulation was carried out in a sensitive area - below the pectineal line, patients noted minor pain within 1-1.5 weeks after the procedure. In this case, analgesics and anti-inflammatory rectal suppositories are effective.

Also, about a week after treatment, bleeding may occur due to the falling off of the dead hemorrhoid. To minimize the risk of this complication, patients are advised to prevent constipation and not take medicines, promoting blood thinning, for 4-5 days after the procedure.

To more severe complications infrared coagulation include:

  • Thrombosis of hemorrhoids - can occur due to cauterization of too large an area and the subsequent development of the inflammatory process;
  • Necrosis of the hemorrhoidal site, which is most likely a consequence of excessively prolonged coagulation. In some cases, necrosis is accompanied by light bleeding.

The above complications require contacting a proctologist and prescribing symptomatic treatment.

Cost of coagulation of nodes

The price for the procedure of infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids depends on the region and the chosen clinic. In general, the procedure is relatively inexpensive and available to almost all patients. So, its cost in Moscow clinics ranges from 2.5 to 6 thousand rubles.

Proctology can offer a variety of methods for treating hemorrhoids. One of the developments recent years became infrared photocoagulation of hemorrhoids. This procedure is popular due to its ease of implementation and good results.


The following conditions are contraindications to the procedure:

  • acute phase of proctitis;
  • the presence of fistulas in the rectum;
  • paraproctitis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • thrombosis of the hemorrhoid;
  • Crohn's disease.

Subtleties of the process

Infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids is an operation that is performed in an outpatient setting. A photocoagulator is used for this. The radiation affects the tissue of the leg itself, which causes a coagulating effect.

In order for the procedure to be as effective as possible, preparation must be made before it is carried out. To do this, on the eve of the manipulation, you need to cleanse the intestines in one of the following ways:

  • in the evening before surgery and in the morning before manipulations;
  • use of laxatives. Microlax works great.

The procedure is performed in one of the positions accepted by the patient:

  • on your back, sitting on a gynecological chair (legs tucked to your stomach);
  • in a knee-elbow position;
  • on the side.

The device (coagulator) is a structure consisting of a power unit, a rigid light guide with a polymer tip, and a manual applicator. Getting into the tissue of the node, the infrared light beam is converted into thermal energy that affects the tissue. Due to exposure to heat, coagulation occurs - the death of node cells.

An anoscope with a diameter of 18 mm and a length of 6 to 8 cm is also used for manipulations. A fiber illuminator or an external light source is used for lighting.

The device is inserted into the anus so that the node is located in the lumen of the anoscope. The tip of the coagulator is inserted into the lumen of the tube and positioned so that it is in the projection of the hemorrhoidal pedicle. During exposure, it is necessary to lightly press the tip against the mucous membrane. At each node, cauterization is carried out at 3-4 points at a distance of 0.5 from each other. The duration of exposure to the beam is 1-3 seconds, depending on the size of the node and the characteristics of physiology.

After the manipulations, a crust forms at the cauterization site, which is later removed during bowel movements.

The number of procedures prescribed by a doctor depends on the stage of the disease and the severity of symptoms. Usually 1 to 6 procedures are performed for complete cure. The procedure itself takes a few seconds, during which from 1 to 3 nodes are processed. A repeat procedure can be performed only after the end of the 3-week postoperative period.

Unlike other methods, photocoagulation of hemorrhoids does not require the use of electrical current, which can create a burn if the device is not placed correctly inside the intestine.

The method is aimed at eliminating the consequences, and not at treating hemorrhoids themselves.

Results of the operation

The main determining factors for the success of the operation are:

  • loss of dead nodes along with feces;
  • stopping bleeding.

A procedure can receive a “satisfactory” rating if the cure turns out to be temporary, and anus blood is released periodically.

The result is considered unsatisfactory if there is a recurrence of bleeding and prolapse of hemorrhoids.

Recurrence of the disease may be caused by incomplete coagulation of the blood vessel.

If exposure to an infrared ray did not cover the entire area of ​​the node or was not sufficient in time, then the risk of relapse increases to 15% within 5 years after surgery.

Even after such modern manipulation, a number of complications can occur:

  • thrombosis of nodes;
  • necrosis of the intestinal mucosa;
  • pain syndrome;
  • bleeding.

After the procedure, the patient may experience discomfort in the area of ​​the operation. Bleeding may occur a couple of weeks after the hemorrhoids fall off.

  • Additional recommendations

For the rehabilitation process to be successful, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. It is recommended to fill your diet with fiber-rich foods and drink your daily amount of water. This will help improve motor skills and relieve constipation.
  2. It is worth giving up alcohol and heavy food.
  3. It is not recommended to consume foods that cause gas formation.
  4. Carbonated drinks are also prohibited.
  5. It is better to postpone physical activity until complete recovery.
  6. In the first two to three weeks after surgery, you should not take aspirin and other non-steroidal drugs to reduce the risk of heavy bleeding.

In any case, for a high-quality operation it is necessary that it be carried out professional doctor with experience, since all manipulations must be precise and movements coordinated. Application modern technologies in proctology will allow you to quickly and efficiently eliminate unpleasant symptoms diseases.

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