Home Stomatitis DPT vaccination for children. What are the possible side effects of DPT vaccination in children?

DPT vaccination for children. What are the possible side effects of DPT vaccination in children?

DPT vaccination is one of the most difficult to tolerate child's body. Due to the many side effects and consequences that occur in children during vaccination, parents often wonder whether it is worth vaccinating their baby. And, if a positive decision is made, they look for ways to minimize the consequences for the child, carefully monitoring his condition after the injection.

Of course, when vaccinating a baby, the mother worries about his condition, but the benefits of DTP vaccination against serious diseases (whooping cough, tetanus) are too great. Against this background, the consequences of its introduction are insignificant. If you follow your doctor's recommendations before, during and after vaccination, the risks will be minimized.

How to prepare for the DTP vaccination, how many times is it given, how do children tolerate vaccination, is this vaccine dangerous? Let's discuss all the pros and cons of DTP vaccination in our article!

What is it, what is it for, composition

DTP is an adsorbed (concentrated) liquid vaccine for the prevention of serious diseases:

What is the best inhaler for a child? Help in choosing is in the following material: .

Efficiency and assistance to the baby after vaccination

The use of a combined vaccine has virtually eliminated the incidence of diphtheria and tetanus and has greatly reduced the incidence of whooping cough. One vaccination instead of three is better tolerated by children and more convenient for adults. To keep the side effects to a minimum, you need to help the baby a little.

  • give the antipyretic medication recommended by the doctor and monitor the baby’s temperature;
  • if necessary and as directed by the pediatrician, give an antihistamine;
  • if the seal at the injection site is causing concern, you can apply anti-inflammatory ointment to it;
  • give more drink;
  • do not force feed, but only at will, do not introduce new products;
  • limit visits to crowded places and exclude strangers from being at home;
  • ventilate the nursery well;
  • on the first day after vaccination, refrain from swimming.

How to prepare a child for vaccination, what is its effect, what may be the consequences and complications after DTP vaccination in children, are there any side effects– Doctor Komarovsky gives recommendations in the following video:

DTP vaccination is not mandatory, and everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether to vaccinate their child. We can only hope that loving parents will be able to make the right and informed choice, which will have a positive impact on the future of the baby.

In contact with

Every parent in Russia comes across the abbreviation DTP - a child under one year old is given three injections of this drug to instill immunity to whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria. National calendar Vaccinations in the Russian Federation include vaccination with this vaccine every month and a half starting from three months. Vaccine components always cause side effects in the child’s body, from mild and fleeting to extremely unpleasant and dangerous. Therefore, when vaccinating with DTP, it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions, avoid contraindications, and monitor the baby’s well-being after vaccination.

Works in Russia great amount private clinics or vaccination clinics providing vaccination services. In such institutions, the service is much better than in state ones - the main thing is the certification and reliability of the clinic.

Imported DTP vaccines

The reason for such reactogenicity of the Russian drug lies in its composition - to create immunity to whooping cough, one dose of the vaccine contains up to 20 million weakened whooping cough cells. They are the main reason feeling unwell children or a strong reaction. In addition, domestic vaccines are made using large amounts of harmful “heavy” preservatives and excipients. This composition causes significant stress in the body and, if the circumstances are unsuccessful, can provoke a serious illness.

Russian pharmacies sell only certified DPT preparations, but the choice of a particular vaccine must be discussed with your doctor.

For very worried parents or children with poor health, it is recommended to use imported vaccinations, such as Infanrix, Pentaxim and others. Foreign drugs have a much lower level of reactogenicity, which allows children to tolerate vaccinations without a reaction at all. The main disadvantage of such vaccines is the price, the most inexpensive imported vaccine DTP costs at least 700 rubles.

Possible reactions

The side effects of the Russian drug are quite numerous and variable - for different children and conditions, vaccination gives completely different consequences.

All side effects from vaccination, starting with the most common:

  1. Redness with compaction at the site of vaccination, the so-called. infiltrate. Reaches 8 centimeters in diameter and is very hard to the touch. Occurs due to tissue damage by injection and injection of solution. The injection site often hurts, which can be understood by the child’s behavior - limping, painful reaction when touched, and so on. You cannot smear the infiltrate with ointments or apply compresses, this will only worsen the situation. This phenomenon may subside within a week.
  2. Increased temperature due to the action of the pertussis component of the vaccine. The temperature rises to an average of 38° C and is easily reduced with children's antipyretics. A temperature above 39 °C is considered critical and requires contacting a clinic if it cannot be brought down to normal for more than a few hours.
  3. Child's drowsiness, loud, long crying, moodiness, loss of appetite. Often such reactions appear in children along with an elevated temperature.
  4. A runny nose, cough, and other symptoms of ARVI are quite common in the context of weakened immunity. Symptoms can be treated in the same way as in normal cases.

Pathological reactions or complications after DPT requiring mandatory medical intervention:

  1. Baby has seizures. Appear against the background of a very high temperature or disturbance nervous system, If there are any. Even mild cramps are a cause for concern - you should immediately seek qualified medical help.
  2. Swelling of the neck and face, difficulty breathing, incessant high-pitched crying of the child - with such symptoms or other signs of severe deterioration in the condition of children, hospitalization is required.
  3. Allergic reactions. They can vary greatly in presentation and severity. The most common: rash, frequent sneezing, runny nose, itching, purulent abscess at the vaccination site. An increase in temperature is often accompanied. If the child’s health is poor or there is no improvement for more than four days, a doctor’s consultation is required.

Do not give in to the panic surrounding DPT vaccination, which is often created on forums and chats by impressionable mothers - in 90% of cases, their stories are greatly exaggerated and are the result of their own carelessness.

How to avoid

The best way to protect children from the unpleasant consequences of DTP vaccination is an imported drug. Unfortunately, they are not available to everyone because of their high cost, and in some places they are not available for sale at all. In this case, it will be useful to draw up and take into account a small reminder on how to undergo vaccinations without consequences:

  • At least a week must pass between the child’s vaccination and his last illness. You cannot vaccinate after a recent infection or exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • Request doctors not to neglect the examination. The immunologist must carefully examine children for abnormalities and contraindications;
  • Three days before the DTP vaccination, it is advisable to give the child a children's antihistamine in order to reduce the risk of allergic reaction to a minimum. Stock up on antipyretic medication for children to be prepared to fight the temperature;
  • Do not feed your baby for an hour before and after vaccination. For three days after vaccination, it is recommended to stay at home with the baby and protect it from other children due to the threat of infection;
  • If there is a temperature, you should not bathe the baby; if there is no temperature, wet the injection site as little as possible and do not rub it with a washcloth.
  • If your baby feels unwell or has unusual side effects after DTP vaccination, this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

As a parting word

This is all the necessary information that parents need to know about this stage of vaccination. Many mothers and fathers neglect such knowledge, completely trusting their babies to the medical staff. Meanwhile, the actions of doctors are brought to automaticity by a huge flow of patients, which negatively affects the flexibility of thinking. Try to follow the progress of the procedure, note the correct or incorrect actions of the doctors, and do not hesitate to ask questions. Despite the fact that the DPT vaccine is considered quite harmful, most of the problems with vaccination are caused by people! Don't forget about this and let your baby grow up healthy!

ADSM vaccination - decoding and application
Compaction after DTP vaccination

Vaccination of children is aimed at combating diseases that pose a danger to humans. Among the vaccinations given to children in their first year of life is DPT. Let us examine in more detail the features of such a vaccine, as well as possible adverse reactions to its administration.

Calculate your vaccination schedule

Enter the child's date of birth

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Create a calendar

What is it and what diseases are they vaccinated against?

The DPT vaccine is aimed at preventing the occurrence of several diseases at once:

  1. Diphtheria;
  2. Tetanus;
  3. Whooping cough.

All these infections are considered serious and very dangerous diseases with a high percentage of death or disability. The letters K, D and C in the name of the vaccine indicate these infections, and the letter A means “adsorbed”.


  • This vaccine will protect the child from three serious diseases. Even if the baby becomes infected, the disease will end quickly and without complications.
  • The use of such a combination vaccine allows you to avoid three injections.
  • The DTP vaccine has a fairly low incidence of complications.
  • The domestic vaccine is available and very effective.


  • This vaccine is one of the most reactogenic, so many children develop side effects after its administration (especially the second or third vaccination).
  • The injection is quite painful and many babies cry for a long time because of it.
  • Parents have to pay for imported vaccines separately.

Possible adverse reactions

A reaction to the administration of DPT appears in every third child, but is not a pathology, since in most cases it goes away without a trace. Most often, side effects are caused by the second and third vaccinations.

There are such adverse reactions to DTP:

  1. Local. This is a change in the skin at the injection site (redness, thickening or swelling), as well as difficulty walking due to pain at the injection site.
  2. Are common. DTP can cause hyperthermia, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, moody mood, and prolonged sleep.

Increased body temperature, as well as local changes, are observed in 25% of babies. Vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness and poor appetite are typical for the first day after DTP vaccination in 10% of children.

All these side effects are detected in the first day after vaccination. If several days have already passed and they do not go away, the child has probably developed an infection (very often children become infected in the clinic while they are waiting for manipulation).

You should also definitely contact a pediatrician if the reaction to vaccination is very pronounced - the injection site is very swollen (more than 8 cm), the child cries for more than 3 hours, his body temperature is more than 39 degrees.

Serious side effects and statistics on them

Complications caused by the DTP vaccine can be caused by ignoring contraindications to vaccination, using a spoiled drug, or incorrectly administering the vaccine. The incidence of complications during DTP vaccination is 1-3 per 100 thousand.

After vaccination the following are possible:

  • Symptoms of encephalopathy;
  • Convulsions (without elevated temperature);

One in 14,500 vaccinated children develop seizures. The incidence of severe allergy to DTP is 1 in a million.

It is extremely rare that an abscess appears at the injection site due to violation of sterile conditions during vaccination. Previously, the incidence of abscesses was higher because DTP was injected into the buttock.

Studies have not found a direct effect of DTP on neurological disorders Therefore, it is believed that in the event of such complications, vaccination acts as a provoking factor for the manifestation of disorders that existed before, but did not manifest themselves openly.

Meanwhile, it is known that the pertussis component of the vaccine irritates the membranes of the brain, which causes short-term disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. In such cases, vaccination DTP for a child no longer carried out (ADS is administered).


General contraindications(they are not vaccinated) are:

  • Acute period of any disease;
  • Allergy to any component of the vaccine;
  • Immunodeficiency.

A serious obstacle to DTP vaccination is the increased thymus. If you ignore this contraindication, the vaccine may backfire big problems with the child's health.

It is necessary to stop administering DPT for a while during exacerbation of diathesis until remission is achieved. After an acute respiratory infection in mild form You can vaccinate a child 2 weeks after recovery, and after other acute diseases - after 4 weeks.

There are also contraindications to the administration of DPT, but allow vaccination with the drug DPT. These are neurological pathologies (for example, encephalopathy), the presence of seizures or allergies in the baby’s relatives, as well as prematurity.

Why vaccination is needed: the statistics speak for themselves

At present, DTP is indicated for administration to children in all developed countries, since thanks to this vaccine thousands of children’s lives are saved. In some countries, over the past 5 years, a lighter version of this vaccine has been used, which did not contain the pertussis component. The result was a significant increase in the incidence of whooping cough, as well as complications and deaths from this infection.

If parents decide to refuse vaccination altogether, then they are not interested in AFSC at all, but if they doubt the need for such a vaccine, believing that a large number of components can harm the child, their worries are in vain. Since the components of the vaccine are aimed at various infections, they are well tolerated by the baby’s body. In addition, the compatibility of these components has been proven over the years.

Let us recall that until the 50s, when vaccination began in Russia, diphtheria developed in 20% of children, and fatal outcome was present in almost 50% of cases of the disease. Tetanus is an even more dangerous infection with a mortality rate of about 85%. Well, before the start of DTP vaccination, whooping cough developed in all children, occurring with varying severity. Now that all children are offered vaccination, the statistics of whooping cough diseases have decreased by 20 times.

Why is a vaccine better than a disease?

Many adults have the mistaken belief that immunity is more durable after illness than after vaccination. This is indeed typical for some infections, but diphtheria and tetanus are not among them. If a child gets sick with any of these infections, immunity to them will not develop. While a basic three-time vaccination using DTP will protect the baby from these diseases for a period of 6 to 12 years. As for whooping cough, immunity appears after exposure, but its duration is the same as with the introduction of the vaccine (from 6 to 10 years). It turns out that vaccination is safer and more profitable.

At what age is the vaccine given?

IN childhood Vaccination against tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria is given three times. Interval between injections DTP vaccines should be between 30 and 45 days. The minimum period after which the next vaccine can be administered to your baby is 4 weeks.


The vaccination calendar notes that the first time the DPT vaccine is administered to children at 3 months of age. This is due to a decrease in the baby’s protection from infections due to the antibodies received from the mother. For the first vaccination, you can use any vaccine – both imported and domestically produced. It is noted that Infanrix is ​​more easily tolerated by 3-month-old babies, since the pertussis component in this vaccine is acellular.

If there were reasons to cancel the vaccination at 3 months, you can get DPT at any time before the age of 4 years. If a 4-year-old child has not previously been vaccinated with DPT vaccine, he is no longer given this vaccine, but DPT.


30-45 days after the first administration DTP vaccination repeats itself, so the average age for the second DPT is 4.5 months. The vaccination can be carried out either with the same vaccine that was used for the first vaccination, or with any other type.

The reaction to the second injection of the vaccine may be more pronounced (it is to this administration of DPT that most babies react), but this is not a pathology, but is due to the fact that the baby’s body has already become familiar with the ingredients of the vaccine and has developed a certain immune response, so during the second “meeting” the response will be stronger.

The missed second DTP should be given as soon as possible, then the vaccination will be the second and there is no need to start the vaccination process again. If the baby had a serious reaction to the first administration of DPT, then it is possible to replace the second vaccine with DPT, since the pertussis component is most often the cause of the side effects of this vaccine.


The third time, DTP is also given 30-45 days after the second vaccination, so the age of the third vaccination is often 6 months. If the vaccine was not given during this period, DTP must be administered as soon as possible, then the vaccine will be considered the third.

Some children have the most pronounced reaction to this particular vaccine injection, which is also not considered a pathology, as in the case of a reaction to the second vaccination.

The fourth administration of the DTP vaccine is called the first revaccination and is carried out at the age of one and a half years (one year after the previous vaccination). It, like all subsequent vaccinations, provides support for the immunity of the child and adult against these diseases. Next, the child is no longer given DTP, but a version of this vaccine without pertussis toxoid - ADS-M. This vaccination is given at age 7, then at age 14, and then every 10 years throughout the life of an adult.

When is it needed?

Vaccination with DPT vaccine begins with early age and support the immunity formed after vaccination throughout a person’s life. This vaccination is important not only for children in the first years of life, but also for adults, since the risk of contracting tetanus exists at any age.

If the vaccination schedule is violated, there is no need to start administering DTP again from the very beginning. Vaccinations continue from the stage when the next vaccination was missed.

Are vaccines from different manufacturers compatible?

Currently, DTP vaccines are produced by several manufacturers and may include other components. Existing options vaccines:

  • Domestic DPT;
  • Infanrix;
  • Bubo – against tetanus, diphtheria and hepatitis B;
  • Pentaxim - the DTP vaccine is supplemented with components that protect against hemophilus influenzae infection and polio;
  • Tritanrix-NV - vaccinate against whooping cough, hepatitis B, tetanus and diphtheria;
  • Tetrakok - includes DTP and polio vaccine;
  • ADS is a vaccine that does not have a pertussis component (there is also ADS-M, which is administered from the age of 6);
  • AS – only against tetanus;
  • AD-M – only against diphtheria.

Preparing for DTP

Since on DTP reactions occur much more often than other mandatory vaccinations, so parents and medical personnel You should be more attentive both to the child and to the vaccination itself.

  1. It is important that the child is vaccinated in a healthy state.
  2. It is best to vaccinate the baby after stool and on an empty stomach; however, it is not recommended to dress the baby too warmly.
  3. Parents should purchase antipyretic drugs of several groups in different release forms (syrup and suppositories).
  4. It makes sense to carry out medicinal antiallergic preparation for children who have a high risk of allergies. Such children are given antihistamines 1-2 days before vaccination and continue to take them until the third day after vaccination.

Where is the injection given?

The vaccine is administered in muscle tissue, since it is from it that the DTP components are released at the speed necessary for the formation of immunity. If the drug is injected under the skin, it will take too long to release, making the injection useless.

The thigh is usually chosen for DTP administration, since the muscle tissue in the legs is often well developed even in very young children. For kids school age And for adults, vaccination is carried out in the shoulder, provided it hits the muscle tissue.

It is not recommended to administer the vaccine into the buttocks, since this area has a large layer of fatty tissue. In addition, with this administration there is a risk of the vaccine components getting into a nerve or blood vessel. Intravenous administration the drug is unacceptable.

What to do if negative reactions appear?

At home, the baby is advised to immediately give an antipyretic drug and monitor his body temperature throughout the day. Fever is a common reaction to DPT, but since it has no effect on the immune response, any hyperthermia after vaccination should be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If redness appears, you do not need to do anything. If a lump appears at the injection site, it may take up to two weeks to resolve. This is also a common reaction caused by local inflammation of the tissue at the site where the vaccine is absorbed. You can help your baby with Troxevasin ointment.

Some children may develop a cough after administration of DTP. It does not require any treatment if it occurs within 24 hours after vaccination. If the cough appears later, most likely the child contracted some kind of infection during a visit to the clinic.

After vaccination, give the child more to drink and feed as desired, but do not introduce new foods into the baby’s diet. It is also recommended to limit meetings with other people and frequently ventilate the room.

  • Doctor Komarovsky
  • Description

Vaccination of babies begins immediately after their birth. During its first year of life, the baby receives a long list of vaccinations that can create resistance in its body to the most dangerous ailments infectious genesis. Vaccines provoke a number of side effects, as they are often poorly tolerated by the baby and affect his health. Among the difficult-to-tolerate vaccinations is DPT, which is designed to protect the baby from whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. So, what complications occur after DTP vaccination? How to avoid unwanted effects after the vaccine?

Why do babies often react to DPT?

What is the reason for such a frequent reaction of children to DPT? , diphtheria pathology and tetanus are indeed particularly allergenic. It is after DTP that mothers most often complain about the deterioration of their babies’ condition associated with the vaccine. What is the reason for this phenomenon?

As you know, the vaccine contains three main components:

  • tetanus toxoid;
  • diphtheria toxoid;
  • killed whooping cough pathogens.

The pertussis component of DPT is the most reactogenic in the vaccine, and it is it that provokes the occurrence of numerous side effects of vaccination. The first DTP vaccine is administered at the age of three months. By this time, the child almost completely loses the natural protection received from the mother and can rely solely on his own strength. After vaccination, a number of complex immune processes occur in the baby’s body, which in most cases clinical cases lead to the formation adverse reactions. Often, a child’s immune system reacts violently to contact with foreign DPT material, which in practice is manifested by various reactions of the body to the administration of the vaccine.

The allergenicity of the DTP suspension is associated exclusively with the pertussis component of the DTP. It is this part of the vaccine that triggers complex mechanisms of response to particles atypical for its composition entering the blood. Given this fact, some modern manufacturers exclude pertussis agents from their solutions, which makes them safer and practically harmless.

When is DTP not given?

To do or not to do DTP? The reason for vaccination may be absolute and relative contraindications to DTP vaccination. Absolute contraindications are determined by the presence of a number of pathologies in the child that are poorly compatible with immunization. Such diseases include:

  • severe reactions to a previous DPT vaccination;
  • immunodeficiency pathologies;
  • progressive pathologies of the central nervous system associated with intrauterine damage to cerebral tissue or birth trauma;
  • epilepsy in a child that is uncontrollable;
  • frequent seizures not associated with;
  • progressive encephalopathy in infants.

Relative restrictions on DTP vaccination are characterized by their temporary nature, since when they are diagnosed, doctors recommend delaying the administration of the vaccine for several days until the level of health is completely normalized:

  • the presence of symptoms of acute viral or bacterial infection in children;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • elevated temperature of unknown origin;
  • intestinal diseases.

According to studies, vaccination is tolerated normally if the child feels absolutely healthy after vaccination. Such a patient must have no symptoms of any disease, be determined normal temperature body, check in good mood before vaccination and unimpaired appetite. But if a child has a fever on the eve of vaccination, it is imperative to inform the doctor about this. Such manifestations indicate the development viral infection in babies and are considered a contraindication for vaccination. To avoid the problem of post-injection complications, doctors examine the child before vaccination and evaluate the results of his blood test.

The most common complications in a child after DTP

Complications can be local and general. Local effects occur directly at the injection site, and general effects are manifested by increased temperature, poor health, malaise, and the like. The severity of complications depends on several factors:

  • immune capabilities of the child’s body;
  • compliance with all rules for administering the vaccine;
  • vaccine quality.

Most often, in response to DTP vaccination, the body reacts with an increase in temperature. A weak reaction is diagnosed if the child’s temperature does not exceed 37.5 0 C, that is, low-grade fever predominates. The average reaction is characterized by hyperthermia up to 38.5 0 C, and its complex degree occurs against the background of fever, when the temperature goes beyond 38.5-39 0 C or more. Usually the reaction lasts no more than two days. Prolonged fever may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction or viral infection, so it is better to play it safe and call a pediatrician to the patient.

An ambulance should be called if a child experiences the following types of post-vaccination reactions:

  • appearance obvious signs severe allergies with attacks of shortness of breath, blue discoloration of the skin of the face and limbs, a generalized rash over the body;
  • fever over 39 0 C, which cannot be stopped with medications;
  • feelings of numbness or convulsive signals in the leg;
  • constant vomiting and severe diarrhea from vaccination;
  • swelling reaction in the facial area;
  • episodes of loss of consciousness or confusion.

What local reactions occur after DPT vaccination?

There are several types of local reactions, including:

  • allergic reaction of the body to the vaccine;
  • the appearance of a compaction at the site of DPT injection;
  • the appearance of a subcutaneous infiltrate or abscess as a result of DTP vaccination.

Allergy symptoms are often observed in the area where the drug was injected. Pathological changes manifested by local edema skin, the occurrence of hyperemia in the affected area and itchy sensations. Signs of allergy are the body’s immune reaction to foreign DTP agents entering it. It requires medication correction, so after identifying such symptoms, the child should be shown to a doctor.

Induration after vaccination is one of the common complications of DTP immunization. As a rule, it reaches 10-15 mm in diameter, rises slightly above the skin level and is easily palpated with light pressure. The complication does not last long, no more than three days. If it does not go away after the specified period, then it makes sense to notify the pediatrician about its appearance.

Often, a drug that gets under the skin potentiates the formation of a tense lump. This formation is an infiltrate resulting from a tissue reaction to the vaccine. Over time, if the child is not given proper assistance, the infiltrate can transform into an abscess (a purulent formation with signs of general intoxication). This serious complication is accompanied by fever, pain at the injection site and lethargy. It requires medical supervision and antibacterial therapy, and in very advanced cases - surgical drainage of the inflamed lump.

General reactions to the DPT vaccine

DTP vaccination is often complicated by common side effects, which are of a wide variety of nature. If an immunized baby loses interest in games and others or behaves restlessly, eats and sleeps poorly, and also starts to have a fever, then it is customary to talk about intoxication caused by the DTP vaccine. To help the child cope with the complication, antipyretic drugs are used.

The result of violation of vaccine administration algorithms is considered to be the development of leg pain and lameness in a child. This is possible if the drug does not enter muscle tissue, but nerve structures, causing buckling lower limb on the impact side.

Side effects from the central nervous system after vaccination include:

  • lethargy and apathy;
  • monotonous crying;
  • causeless irritability and anxiety;
  • convulsions.

Convulsions after vaccination are short-lived. They are combined with fainting and occur a couple of days after vaccination. The symptom is a manifestation of temporary cerebral edema, such as specific reaction on the penetration of the components of the DTP drug into the body. It is extremely rare that the DTP vaccine stimulates the development of post-vaccination encephalitis. This disease is characterized by a varied clinical picture and, without intervention from medical personnel, leads to fatal outcome already a few days after its development.

DTP vaccination can cause a general immune response. In a child it takes the form of anaphylaxis or angioedema, therefore it develops at lightning speed, a couple of minutes after vaccination.

Features of treatment of a child with consequences of DTP immunoprophylaxis

The child's parents should be made aware of the possible side effects of immunization. In addition, they must know what can be done to alleviate the baby’s condition if signs of a complicated process appear. The algorithm of actions at the pre-medical stage is included in the table.

Reaction type Steps to help manage vaccine side effects


The child can be given antipyretics to quickly normalize the temperature, and if there is no effect, go to the clinic


It is recommended to take antihistamines in dosages that correspond to the age of the child. This allows you to eliminate all manifestations of hypersensitivity a couple of days after vaccination.
Effect on nerve fibers Immediate contact with a neurologist to determine the degree of complexity of the post-vaccination process and the role of DTP vaccination in its development.
Compaction and infiltration of tissue at the injection site You can apply a compress or give an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory drug to a small lump or lump. If the child’s education worsens, it is necessary to show him to a specialist.

How to avoid the consequences of DTP vaccination?

How is the prevention of post-vaccination conditions associated with DTP immunization carried out? DTP vaccination is a difficult test not only for the child, but also for his close circle. The administration of a solution for whooping cough, associated with tetanus toxoids, as well as diphtheria, causes one or another reaction in every second person, whose parents have to make a lot of effort to eliminate it. You should not guess whether your child will respond to the vaccine after vaccination. It is better to take simple measures to prevent the occurrence of any post-injection consequences of DPT.

Regardless of what drug will be administered to the child, the patient must be examined before the procedure. The most acceptable option in this case is medical checkup before vaccination with the donation of peripheral blood and urine. If your baby has ever had neurological changes after vaccination, you need to show him to a neurologist.

What can affect the reaction? Doctors advise adults to follow simple recommendations to minimize the risks of developing DTP side effects:

  • ensure complete psycho-emotional calm for the child on the day of the injection, protect him from anxiety and stress;
  • make sure that on the eve of the procedure, the small patient does not have contact with children with clinical signs infections;
  • if the previous DTP vaccination had Negative consequences, you should ask what drug it can be replaced with;
  • For a couple of days after the injection, you should not visit crowded places with your child, where infections spread very quickly;
  • During the day you cannot completely or wet the affected area;
  • allowed to walk in the fresh air on the same day;
  • You should not practice introducing new food products into the diet in the post-injection period, since any of them may turn out to be an allergen for the baby;
  • It is better to give it to children prone to allergies right away antihistamines without waiting for a possible reaction.

After vaccination, it is recommended to remain indoors for some time. medical institution so that doctors have the opportunity to monitor the vaccinated patient. Half an hour is enough to evaluate it. Also, do not immediately exit treatment room, expose a child physical activity. The best option is to ensure peace and a calm walk with him in the park.

Analogues of DTP vaccination

Pentaximpertussis, and tetanus. Multicomponents make it possible to reduce the number of injections and eliminate the need for additional administration of anti-polio solution. French manufacturer assures that Pentaxim can be administered together with other vaccines, for example, and the like. There shouldn't be any reaction. Despite its multicomponent nature, the vaccine is well tolerated, therefore even allergy sufferers are allowed to take it. The effectiveness of immunization is at least 98%.

The cell-free immune suspension Infanrix and Infanrix IPV is an absolutely safe solution that has been used in world practice for more than ten years and during this time has proven itself exclusively in positive side. Unlike DPT, this vaccine liquid is not allergenic, and therefore the vaccine can be safely used in children with a tendency to allergic diseases and other reactions. Vaccination is allowed with other immune injections without fear of consequences. The Belgian manufacturer is responsible for the quality of the product produced and assures that the effectiveness of such vaccination is at least 89%.

Unfortunately, free imported solutions in state clinics are not entered. A relative must purchase a harmless vaccination from a pharmacy chain at his own expense. In our country, only DTP is administered without payment, although this is fraught with complicated reactions.

The issue of the need to vaccinate children is particularly relevant today. Many parents simply refuse to put their kids at risk. On the other hand, the pathologies that vaccines are designed to protect against are no less dangerous. The greatest concern for mothers and fathers is possible reaction for DTP vaccination, which is included in the list of mandatory ones. Although combination vaccine designed to strengthen protective function body, it is classified as reactogenic, capable of causing serious allergic manifestations.

DTP: interpreting the name

The abbreviation stands for adsorbed (purified) pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus combined vaccine, aimed at protecting the body from three serious illnesses. For its production, toxoids of diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough are used. In the last component, only some cell fragments can be used (DPT vaccine), which is much safer in contrast to whole-cell preparations.

Acellular vaccines are prescribed if the child’s reaction to the DPT vaccine (previous) was severe, as well as in the case of a weakened immune system in the baby. There is a type of drug that does not contain the pertussis component at all.

All known pathologies in medicine have their own personal code. The International Classification of Diseases allows you to record information about the health status of the population and contains all the names of diseases in alphabetical order. The last revision was carried out in 2010, so it is customary to use the abbreviation ICD-10. The reaction to DTP vaccination is also included in this list (T88.0).

How does the DTP vaccine work?

Vaccinations can prevent the development of serious and sometimes fatal diseases. The vaccine against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus, when entering the body, begins to release weakened components. This stimulates the defense system to produce immune cells(antibodies and T-lymphocytes) and fight foreign microorganisms. Atoxins are not dangerous to the body; they only stimulate it to resist disease.

What reaction to the DTP vaccine is considered normal?

IN medical practice It is customary to divide reactions into weak, moderate and strong. The immune response of the system to the introduction of drug components can be quite pronounced. This is a normal reaction of the body, indicating that the vaccine has begun to take effect. Standard manifestations include fever, excitability, moodiness in infants, drowsiness, and vomiting (rarely).

Symptoms are characterized by sudden appearance and disappearance. Normally, they occur in the first 24 hours after the injection. If a similar reaction of the body to the DTP vaccine is observed for more than 48 hours, you should consult with your pediatrician.

Types of DTP vaccine

The domestically produced vaccine in question is quite well tolerated by children. It is provided free of charge in clinics. If parents wish, they can purchase imported analogues. Some of these drugs contain additional components to combat other diseases. The negative reaction to foreign-made DTP vaccination is reduced to a minimum. These vaccines include:

  • “Pentaxim” (made in France) is a popular analogue of the domestic vaccination; it contains 5 components of dangerous childhood pathologies: tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, polio, and hemophilus influenzae.
  • "Infanrix" (made in England) is an acellular vaccine with minimal side effects. It is produced in several types and may additionally contain components of poliomyelitis (Infanrix IVP) or hepatitis B, as well as Haemophilus influenzae infection (Infanrix Hexa).
  • "Tetracok" (made in France) - the vaccine contains components of DPT and polio. It is administered to children with immune disorders.
  • "Tritanrix HB-HIB" (made in Belgium) - the vaccination dose contains diphtheria and tetanus anotoxin, inactivated fragments of whooping cough, hepatitis B surface antigen, capsular polysaccharide of Haemophilus influenzae infection.

A reaction to DTP vaccination can occur regardless of the manufacturer. Of course, foreign companies producing vaccines are trying to reduce the risk of complications and offer only the most modern developments in the field of drugs for routine vaccination.

Local reaction

The injection site may be slightly swollen, red, and painful. The swelling goes away within 3 days after vaccination. In severe cases, suppuration may begin. This is most often caused by non-compliance with the technique of performing this type of injection. Also, the causes of development include a tendency to allergies.

According to statistics, every fifth child experiences a local reaction to the DPT vaccine. At 3 months, when the primary vaccination should be done according to the schedule, the manifestation of such signs practically does not occur. Symptoms intensify with each subsequent administration of the drug.

Possible complications

Cases of complications after DTP vaccination have indeed been recorded. Experts, trying to persuade parents to vaccinate, insist that the benefits significantly outweigh the risks.

Allergic manifestations intensify depending on the predisposition of the child’s body. This means that the danger still exists, and therefore it is not surprising that mothers and fathers refuse to administer such drugs to their children.

A child’s reaction to DTP vaccination and polio may manifest itself in the following form:

  • Anaphylactic shock - a sharp decline pressure, violation heart rate. In children it often manifests itself as fainting and loss of consciousness. Occurs 30-60 minutes after the injection. Requires immediate resuscitation action.
  • Afebrile seizures occur without an increase in temperature due to irritation of parts of the brain. This serious damage to the nervous system requires long-term drug treatment. The cause is the whooping cough components in the vaccine.
  • Encephalopathy is a severe pathological damage to the brain that often becomes lifelong. Develops within 1 month under the influence of a vaccine containing pertussis cells.
  • Quincke's edema - this reaction to DTP vaccination and polio is characterized by swelling of the neck, face, larynx, and nose. It is important to provide the baby with urgent medical care.

Parents' opinion

Now you won’t surprise anyone by refusing the DTP vaccine. Parents do not agree to expose their children to the threat of severe neurological abnormalities, which most often accompany children after vaccination for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, doctors do not prescribe a preliminary examination by various specialists who give their opinion on whether vaccinations are allowed or prohibited. Some mothers and fathers simply do not have the information that such research is necessary.

In children's clinics, before vaccination, the child is simply examined by a pediatrician. What is the reaction to the DPT vaccine? Most often you can hear that normally the temperature may rise slightly and a lump may appear at the injection site. Doctors prefer to remain silent about more serious consequences. Moms and dads, in turn, trusting the professionals, sign the permit and thereby shift all responsibility onto themselves.

Still, the majority of parents are confident that vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and polio should be done in mandatory. Some completely trust the domestically produced drug, while others (the minority) purchase imported analogues, which have a much lower risk of developing severe complications.

What to pay attention to after DPT vaccination?

A slight increase in temperature, lethargy and lack of appetite in the first days after vaccination is a normal reaction of a child to DTP vaccination and polio. The parents' job is to control further development situations.

The following symptoms should alert you:

  • prolonged fever;
  • body temperature exceeds 39°C and cannot be reduced with antipyretic medications;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • a child crying with an uncharacteristic high-pitched scream;
  • pallor (sometimes blue discoloration) of the skin;
  • the child stopped responding to treatment.

Such signs should not go unnoticed, and parents should seek medical help. If only a moderate local reaction to the DTP vaccine occurs, then there is no reason to worry. Such symptoms pass quickly and do not cause serious consequences.

How does the body react to each stage of vaccination?

It should be taken into account that the reaction to the 2nd DTP vaccination, which is scheduled to be given at 4.5 months, may differ from the first injection. Despite such a small age, children tolerate the administration of whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria atoxin well. The World Health Organization recommends not to violate the established vaccination schedules to avoid complications.

The next injection is given at six months, if the baby has tolerated the first and second vaccinations normally. Otherwise, it is necessary to replace the drug with one that does not contain the reactogenic fragment of whooping cough. It is considered the most dangerous component, capable of causing irreversible changes in the brain ( severe complications). The reaction to the 3rd DTP vaccine often frightens parents and sometimes the fears are justified. At this time, enhanced formation occurs defense mechanism, and therefore the consequences can be quite serious.

After the third vaccination, the child’s temperature rises, which is sometimes difficult to bring down. Diarrhea, vomiting, sharp changes moods. The injection site looks swollen and red. To better transfer the painful vaccine, it is given exclusively to the thigh. This way the components enter the vessels faster and do not cause a violent local reaction. Only in rare cases pain syndrome develops to such an extent that for several days the child has difficulty stepping on his foot. The baby should be closely monitored after each vaccination and, if necessary, seek medical advice.

How to alleviate a child’s condition after DTP vaccination?

If a child has a fever in response to the DPT vaccine, first of all, it is necessary to give an antipyretic. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to take it simultaneously with 1/4 tablet of No-shpy.

Compresses with magnesium (or simple rubbing) will help reduce pain at the injection site. It is also allowed to make an iodine mesh, which helps to quickly reduce swelling and puffiness. Antihistamines will help eliminate allergy symptoms.

DPT revaccination

The last vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough is given at the age of 18 months. It is called revaccination, which completes the complex of DTP vaccinations and consolidates the effect. There are special requirements for its implementation: the child must be absolutely healthy. Therefore, it is imperative to undergo examination by highly specialized specialists (neurologist, cardiologist, ENT) and pass lab tests. This is the only way to be sure that the vaccine will not harm the baby.

A negative reaction to the DTP vaccine, which was administered before revaccination, is an indication for canceling the injection or replacing the drug. If the child has suffered an illness (including simple ARVI), revaccination is postponed for 12 months. The period must be counted from the day of the third vaccination.

Consequences of revaccination

The reaction to DTP vaccination and polio may be different in each case. Revaccination is no exception, which some children tolerate well, while others suffer from high temperature, severe pain in the area of ​​the injection, lack of appetite. If previous vaccine administrations are well tolerated, there should be no serious complications.

How long does the reaction to the DTP vaccine last? Normally, symptoms should subside three days after the injection. If the child feels well, is not capricious, or complains of pain in the leg, then the body has tolerated the drug well.

Do you need any preparation for vaccination?

Proper preparation of a child for routine vaccination is the key to good tolerance and absence of complications. You should take the DTP vaccine with special responsibility, since it is the one that most often causes various kinds complications. In order to avoid disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and kidneys, you should first undergo medical examination to get information about your baby's health status.

Local pediatricians often neglect this prerequisite, on which the child’s admission to vaccination depends. As a result of such negligence, a child may have a severe reaction to the DTP vaccine. Parents must understand that examining the child immediately before the injection is not enough. It is necessary to request a referral from the pediatrician for laboratory tests. You also need to see other specialists, in particular a neurologist.

Before vaccination, doctors advise preparing the child’s body for a “meeting” with the components of the vaccine. To do this, antiallergic (antihistamine) medications are started within a few days. They will help smooth out the manifestation of some reactions of the system to the introduction of foreign viruses (even weakened ones). In turn, the doctor should be aware of the baby’s tendency to allergies.

It is not recommended to introduce new types of products into the child’s menu that can provoke a reaction in the body in the form of dermatitis. On the day of vaccination, many experts advise giving an antipyretic drug even before a possible rise in temperature. All medications are discontinued 3-5 days after DTP vaccination.

When should vaccination be delayed?

There are temporary indications that allow you to postpone the introduction of the vaccine for a certain period. It should be noted that a few decades ago this list was more impressive. Modern scientific developments have made it possible to reduce it. Currently, an exemption from the DTP vaccine is given for the following indications:

  • Recent infectious and viral diseases in the anamnesis. It is allowed to vaccinate a child only a month after complete recovery.
  • Exacerbation of chronic ailments - a delay of at least 3 months from DTP vaccination.
  • Intestinal dysbiosis - causes a decrease in immunity, which can complicate the child’s reaction to the injected toxin. Children with this diagnosis are not recommended to get the DPT vaccine.
  • Premature birth - underdeveloped various systems fragile organism should not be harmed by the vaccine. Children born ahead of schedule, you need to gain weight before the first DTP vaccination.
  • Severe reaction to DPT vaccine and polio or other vaccines. Subsequent administration of the drug is allowed only after full examination. The most commonly used drug is a drug without pertussis cells (ADC).

When referring a child for routine vaccination, a local doctor must make sure there are no diseases or contraindications. It is mandatory to take the temperature and listen to breathing. If there is the slightest suspicion of bad condition health of the baby, injections are contraindicated.

You should refrain from vaccination if the child must go on a long journey. This increases the chance of catching a virus, which will negatively affect a weakened immune system.

In what cases is it prohibited to vaccinate with DTP?

Complete contraindications include:

  • a history of pathologies of the nervous system;
  • recorded reaction in the form of convulsions when body temperature rises;
  • allergic reaction to a previous injection;
  • infantile spasms;
  • brain disorders, pathologies;
  • epidemic of any other disease;
  • presence in the family history of patients with neurological abnormalities, mental disorders;
  • birth trauma of the skull.

During the initial administration of the vaccine, it is necessary to especially monitor children whose close relatives are prone to allergies.

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