Home Smell from the mouth DPT vaccination at 6 years of age reaction. Consequences after DPT vaccination in children: reaction to vaccination, side effects and complications in infants

DPT vaccination at 6 years of age reaction. Consequences after DPT vaccination in children: reaction to vaccination, side effects and complications in infants

DTP vaccination has always caused the greatest concern among mothers. Complex in its essence, it is difficult to tolerate even completely healthy people. The most allergenic of all vaccines is the DPT vaccine. side effects its administration can lead to severe health problems, disability and even death of the child.

Why is this vaccine so “heavy”?

The most “heavy” component of this vaccine is the pertussis component from killed pathogens and their processed toxins. IN pure form toxins released by whooping cough bacteria negatively affect the nervous system, causing spasms blood vessels, increase blood pressure, convulsions, as well as hypersensitivity to neurotransmitter chemicals responsible for transmitting impulses in the brain, which leads to anaphylactic shock. Therefore, after vaccination, the child must be monitored for the first 30 minutes in the clinic, and vaccination rooms, according to the rules, must be supplied with anti-shock therapy drugs. It is thanks to the presence of whooping cough toxins in the DPT vaccine that the child’s body produces antibodies that recognize this infection.

It should be added that the notorious DTP vaccine is not applicable to some age categories of people: side effects in children over 4 years of age can cause serious complications, so at this age a vaccine without pertussis serum is used. And children over 7 years old, adults and those whose DTP vaccination leads to significant negative consequences are administered a half dose of toxins and bacteria in the form of the ADSM vaccine.

Anti-tetanus serum is also dangerous, as it significantly increases the sensitivity of the body and affects the nervous system. It also causes the greatest number allergic reactions among children. Moreover, sensitization of the body “accumulates” with the number of vaccines administered, and if the first two vaccinations at 3 and 4 months in an infant can pass without consequences, the third vaccination at 6 months can cause complications. Almost every child, after receiving the vaccine, experiences either an increase in temperature or, at a minimum, unusual behavior.

Mercury merthiolate, contained in the complex vaccine as a preservative and aseptic, is characterized by a maximum harmless dosage of 35 mcg/liter of blood. The amount of this toxic compound in one dose of DTP is 60 mcg (data from the instructions for the drug), which is, in principle, safe for an adult. But for infant this concentration is still high, merthiolate is eliminated from the body within a month, and countries such as the USA and the countries of the European Union have long abandoned its use in manufactured vaccines.

The age at which the first DTP vaccination is given to children coincides with the natural weakening of the child’s immunity. By about three months, the child’s body’s resistance, which was previously supported by the mother’s antibodies coming from breast milk. The complex administration of several vaccines in one vial also leads to undesirable effect antigenic competition, when different components of a vaccine suppress each other’s response to the production of antibodies in the body. A short period of time between several different vaccinations may give an accumulated effect in terms of complications. Moreover, according to some researchers, almost a third of children, a year after the “completed” DTP vaccination, completely lose immunity to diphtheria, and 10% of children do not develop it at all. DTP vaccination is contraindicated for children with a history of allergies - the consequences can lead to anaphylactic shock.

DTP vaccination: side effects in children

DTP vaccination is considered one of the most reactogenic in immunology - the consequences in children after vaccination are traditionally divided into two types: those considered to be a normal vaccine reaction of the body to the administration of the drug and pathological.

Uncomplicated DPT vaccination - side effects in infants:

  1. Redness, swelling of the tissue up to 8 cm and painful sensations in the place where the injection was given. Hives, skin rash It is a fairly common allergic reaction on a baby’s body after vaccination, so before vaccination, pediatricians strongly advise giving the child antihistamines (most often Fenistil).
  2. Temperature rises to 38-39 degrees; excessive irritability or drowsiness, tearfulness associated with disturbances in brain activity; loss of appetite, and in some cases - vomiting and diarrhea.

The pathological manifestations that DTP vaccination gives are consequences that are direct indications for refusing vaccinations:

  1. An increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, which can cause convulsions.
  2. Convulsions, collapse (a sharp drop in pressure and a critical deterioration in the body’s blood supply), shock.
  3. Severe allergic reactions requiring resuscitation measures:
    • Quincke's edema, as a result of which the baby may suffocate;
    • inflammation of the mucous membranes, formation of erosions on the skin and mucous membranes followed by ischemia;
    • toxic-allergic damage to the heart, liver, kidneys;
    • inflammation of the lymph nodes and joints.

    Ideally, to avoid such consequences, before vaccination DTP for a child it is necessary to do allergy tests.

  4. CNS lesions:
    • Encephalopathy, manifested in prolonged crying of the child, memory loss, headache, fatigue and irritability, absent-mindedness, bad sleep or daytime sleepiness, general weakness and impairment of higher brain functions.
    • Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain, most often manifested after the first vaccination and accompanied by high fever, vomiting, convulsions and loss of consciousness, as well as further development epilepsy.
    • Brain hemorrhages and swelling
  5. Sudden death of a child.

Side effects can normally develop during the first two days, as indicated in the annotation for the vaccine. Vaccine manufacturers believe that the immediate manifestations of complications can be seen within the first 24-48 hours, and later negative phenomena arise due to other diseases that are in no way related to the vaccine. This opinion is also shared by the famous popularizer of pediatrics E.O. Komarovsky. However, if we turn to classical sources and official educational literature according to immunology, you can see a completely different picture - post-vaccination consequences can develop even a month after vaccination, including severe lesions nervous system and SIDS (syndrome sudden death The child has).

In practice, in regional and municipal children's hospitals, medical workers never voluntarily admit the presence of serious complications in a baby after DTP vaccination, as this entails a thorough investigation and punishment of officials. It is very difficult for parents of such children injured by vaccines to prove their case because they do not have the appropriate medical knowledge, and even medical workers cannot competently differentiate post-vaccination complications from other childhood diseases.

Investigation of vaccine complications is regulated methodological instructions MU 3.3.1879-04, approved in 2004 by the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia G.G. Onishchenko.

DTP vaccination: contraindications

Medical specialists also have an ambiguous attitude towards the issue of contraindications for DTP. Previously, the Ministry of Health approved more wide list consequences that serve as the basis for medical withdrawal from DTP vaccination, it also included the shrill, incessant crying of the baby, indicating damage to the central nervous system. This item has now been removed from the list. Contraindications officially stated in the annotation for the drug are:

  1. Serious complications from a previous DTP vaccine, including high temperature(up to 40 degrees).
  2. Progressive neurological diseases, including seizures.
  3. Recently transferred acute diseases. Vaccination is allowed to be done at least a month after full recovery.
  4. Acute respiratory infections, including the period of illness and 2 weeks after recovery.
  5. Chronic diseases until stable remission is achieved within a month.
  6. Developmental delay for children born weighing less than 2 kg.

Controversial issues include determining the advisability of vaccination for children with disorders in the development of the nervous system, as well as those with acquired or congenital chronic diseases. Perinatal encephalopathy is not officially a contraindication for vaccination. However, it is possible to fully assess the damage to the child’s health received during intrauterine development much later. At an early age, such pathologies in infants are difficult to identify, and stable remission for some chronic diseases takes much longer than one month.

DTP statistics - consequences in children after vaccination

Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) does not provide statistics on reported cases of pathological side effects after DPT vaccination. But the following information can be gleaned from earlier sources. According to the WHO, the following statistics were officially documented in 2001:

  1. High-pitched screaming and crying for more than 3 hours - from 1 case in 15 vaccinations to one case in a thousand vaccinated children.
  2. Seizures - from 1 case in 1,750 vaccinated children to 1 case in 12,500 vaccinated children.
  3. Anaphylactic shock - up to 1 case per 50,000 vaccinated people.
  4. Encephalopathy is one in a million cases.

IN Soviet time Even more depressing statistics on DTP vaccination were noted:

  1. Local allergic reactions - 20% of vaccinated people.
  2. General post-vaccination reactions - 30% in vaccinated people.
  3. Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting and diarrhea - 1%.
  4. Lesions of the nervous system - 1 case in 60,000.

As can be seen, even for official statistics level negative consequences Large enough for the central nervous system. As for the real picture, according to some estimates, the number of side effects is many times greater. This is due to the “natural” desire of medical workers to hush up the inconvenient facts of post-vaccination complications, as well as the phenomenon of delayed side effects.

DPT vaccination: consequences, reviews of complications

If previously only doctors knew about post-vaccination complications, then with the development of the Internet, public awareness has increased, and parents have become more attentive and serious about vaccination. Many mothers leave their subjective reviews about the consequences of DTP vaccination on forums, sharing their bitter experience of dealing with complications in a child and with the conservatism and bureaucracy of the medical system.

The main responsibility for the presence of contraindications for DTP vaccination should fall on pediatricians assessing the general condition of the child, and on neurologists aware of the level of risk of this vaccine for the baby’s nervous system. In practice, it turns out that doctors abdicate responsibility by asking parents to sign consent to undergo vaccination, without actually informing them in any way about possible complications. Very often, local pediatricians ignore the child’s painful condition and send him for vaccination. In addition, each medical exemption given by one of these doctors is considered at the local level by a special commission, and management and average medical staff are interested in the widest possible vaccination coverage of the child population, which is directly imposed on them from above at the state level.

The benefits of vaccination against the most serious diseases of mankind cannot be disputed, but until an individual pre-vaccination approach with thorough examinations, extensive tests and allergy tests appears, the risk of complications from DTP vaccination and other types of vaccines will remain at a high level.

Good day, dear readers. In this article we will look at what possible side effects and complications are possible after DTP vaccination. You will also find out what preventive measures you can follow and how to behave in cases of atypical reactions.

Typical symptoms after vaccination

When this vaccine is administered, in almost all cases, signs may appear that indicate that the body is reacting normally to the vaccine. Parents should be prepared for such manifestations and not be afraid of them. As a rule, the doctor warns about such reactions and emphasizes that you should not worry, everything will pass in a day or two.

These symptoms include:

  1. Moodiness.
  2. Inhibited behavior.
  3. Decreased appetite.
  4. Sleep disturbance.
  5. Temperature up to 37.6 degrees.
  6. Redness and/or hardness at the injection site.

Reaction to DPT vaccine

The body's response to the vaccine may vary. The occurrence of specific reactions is possible. Moreover, some of them will indicate that the body is fighting, which means active production of antibodies has begun. In addition, some reactions will not be to the vaccination itself, but to mechanical damage to the skin when the needle is inserted.

You need to know that these reactions are divided into local and general.

As a rule, all side effects appear on the first day. And, if a baby develops symptoms of a viral infection later than two days after the vaccine is administered, then it is a virus, and not a reaction to the vaccine.

It is important to know that if serious side effects occur, you should seek medical help. These include:

  1. Hyperthermia from 39 degrees and above.
  2. Prolonged and non-stop crying for more than three hours. The baby sheds tears because of strong pain.
  3. Swelling at the injection site greater than 8 cm.


Local manifestations are usually represented by the following conditions:

  1. Redness of the injection site.
  2. Compaction, lump formation.
  3. Edema.
  4. Cough, inflammation of the tonsils.
  5. The child cannot walk due to pain at the injection site.

If compaction occurs, doctors do not recommend doing anything. As a rule, it resolves within a maximum of 14 days. This is a physiological process provoked by the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction at the injection site. The lump will decrease as the vaccine is absorbed.

A lump appears if the doctor, when injecting it, does not enter the muscle fiber, but the subcutaneous fatty tissue. There are significantly fewer vessels, which significantly slows down the absorption process. In addition, a lump can occur in cases of inflammation due to violations of asepsis rules. In such a lump, pus will begin to develop. It is imperative to open and clean such a formation.

Redness is also a response to the introduction of foreign bodies and needle penetration into the baby’s skin. As a rule, it goes away very quickly, without additional help.

If severe pain occurs, and this may be due to individual characteristics Each child must be given pain relief, but only as prescribed by a doctor. If it doesn't go away for a long time, contact a specialist for help.

The appearance of a cough on the first day after vaccination occurs if abnormalities in the functioning of organs have already been diagnosed respiratory system. This is a reaction to the introduction of the pertussis component. Usually, special treatment does not require. It often happens due to contact with a carrier of the virus in the first time after vaccination.


Such reactions include:

  1. Hyperthermia.
  2. Moodiness.
  3. Lethargy.
  4. Anxiety.
  5. Stomach upset, vomiting. As a rule, in cases of intestinal infection.
  6. Decreased appetite.
  7. Disturbance in sleep duration.

Parents should understand that a slight increase in temperature will certainly be present after vaccination, but this is the body’s natural response to the vaccination, and not some kind of deviation from the norm. This is why doctors recommend taking antipyretics on the day of vaccination and especially before bedtime. Of course, if hyperthermia rises above 39, then this is a reason to sound the alarm and call an ambulance.

After the first vaccination, my son did not experience any negative reactions. After the second, the baby began to become moody and have a worsening appetite, although I did not attribute this specifically to the vaccination. And after the third administration of DTP, local reactions already appeared, in particular redness and thickening. But everything resolved on its own and the redness went away. So this vaccination did not bring us any serious changes in the body.

DTP vaccination, consequences in children

Such manifestations occur extremely rarely. Out of 100 thousand children who have been vaccinated with DTP, two have complications. They can be represented by the following deviations:

  1. Anaphylactic shock.
  2. Hives.
  3. Angioedema.
  4. Encephalitis.
  5. State of shock.
  6. Meningitis.
  7. Quincke's edema.
  8. Encephalopathy.
  9. Convulsions (in the absence of hyperthermia).

It is worth noting that complications, as a rule, arise against the background of existing abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system or if the child is allergic. It is important to inform your doctor about your toddler’s diagnoses in a timely manner. In addition, you must follow all recommendations for preparing for vaccination.

Precautionary measures

To eliminate possible side effects after administering the vaccine, you must follow all the rules for preparing for this vaccination:

  1. If your little one has already started introducing complementary foods, do not add new foods a week before and after vaccination. The same applies to a woman who is breastfeeding.
  2. Bring only a completely healthy baby to the appointment.
  3. Don’t forget to visit your pediatrician, and if you wish, you can take clinical blood and urine tests to avoid the possibility of onset colds or other deviations.
  4. If you know about the presence of any chronic pathologies or serious deviations in the development of your little one, be sure to notify the specialist before vaccination. This also applies to negative reactions during the previous administration of DTP.
  5. Make sure to follow aseptic standards to reduce the risk of infection. It is also necessary that your little one is purchased before vaccination.
  6. Start giving in a couple of days antihistamine, especially if the child has previously known cases of an allergic reaction.
  7. Be sure to give an antipyretic after vaccination and at night. It is also recommended to give something against allergies. If the next day the temperature still rises, it is also recommended to bring it down. Antihistamines are given up to three days after vaccination.
  8. Before vaccination, the child should not be overfed. It is better if, on the contrary, he is slightly hungry. In the first three days after vaccination, it is also not recommended to overfeed the baby; it is better to focus on drinking plenty of fluids and frequent walks in the fresh air.

What to do if negative reactions occur

What should parents do if there is some kind of negative reaction?

  1. If the temperature rises, and this is most likely the case, give the baby an antipyretic, preferably in suppositories, to speed up the absorption process. As a rule, on the third day the temperature no longer rises. The exception is hyperthermia at 39 and above. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.
  2. If redness, swelling, thickening or lumps appear, you should not take any special measures. As a rule, everything goes away in the next few days, some symptoms can last up to 14 days, no more. But in cases of severe swelling, more than 8 cm, consult a doctor immediately. In cases of a painful lump, too. Its cause could be infectious process and, as a result, the accumulation of pus under the skin. In such cases, the baby will, at a minimum, be prescribed antibiotics, and at maximum, the lump will be opened to pump out the pus.
  3. If a cough appears no later than 24 hours after vaccination, this is the body’s reaction to the pertussis component and also does not require any treatment. But if it lasts a week, contact a specialist. And if the cough appears a few days after the vaccination, then it has nothing to do with DPT. It is possible that after vaccination the baby’s immunity weakened for a short period and the child managed to become infected.

Of course, the occurrence of any reactions after the introduction of the vaccine will most likely be observed. But you shouldn’t panic too much right away or rush to refuse the vaccine. Remember that serious complications occur in very rare cases, and the side effects are incomparable to how infection with whooping cough, tetanus or diphtheria can affect a toddler’s body. So, carefully consider whether you need to refuse the DTP vaccination or whether it is still worth giving it to your little one. I wish you and your children health!

Preventive vaccinations for children in Russia first began to be introduced in 1940. As soon as a child is born, he is already vaccinated in the maternity hospital. The main vaccinations that must be given are the vaccine against tuberculosis, polio, measles, hepatitis and the DPT vaccine.

We will look in detail at what DPT is, why it needs to be done, at what age it is administered, and what complications there may be.

DTP is an adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine.

From the transcript it is clear that the vaccine is a simultaneous prevention of the three most dangerous childhood infections: whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus.

These diseases cause severe complications that can remain with the child for life, and are also one of the main causes of child mortality. DTP vaccination is carried out not only in Russian Federation, but also in almost all countries of the world.

DTP is a cloudy liquid. Consists of dead cells dangerous pathogens: small particles of pertussis microbes, tetanus toxoid, diphtheria toxoid.

In Russia it is used as a domestic DPT vaccine, and verified imported.

The mechanism of action of the vaccine is aimed at creating artificial immunity in the baby, because the child is not yet able to independently fight such infectious diseases. The baby did not receive the necessary antibodies from the mother during intrauterine development and during lactation.

After the vaccine is administered, foreign agents immediately enter the bloodstream, creating an imitation of the disease. The body begins to develop immunity to infections. The production of protective factors, antibodies, interferons, and phagocytes is activated.

Thus, blood cells (leukocytes) remember the microbial agent, and if the child gets sick, or tetanus, then he the immune system will be able to overcome the disease.

Types of DTP vaccine

In medicine, there are 2 types of DPT vaccine:

  1. Cellular . Cellular vaccines contain whole cells of killed bacteria and viruses containing toxoid. This type of vaccine is used if the child has not had diphtheria, whooping cough, or tetanus. Used to develop your own active immunity.
  2. Acellular. Contains particles of killed microbial and viral organisms. Used if the child has had an infectious disease. At school age, the vaccine is repeated. The vaccine supports the child’s already developed immunity, which is good prevention.

Drug names

The vaccine is produced in ampoules or disposable syringes of 0.5-1 ml. The main drugs used to vaccinate children: Pentaxim, Infanrix.


Drug for intramuscular injection. Consists of dead cells of whooping cough, diphtheria toxoid, tetanus. Available in the form of a cloudy suspension in an amount of 1 ml. Manufacturer: Russia.

Infanrix and Infanrix IPV

Infanrix - suspension for intramuscular injections in an amount of 0.5 milliliters. Contains toxoids of diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus. Used for primary vaccination and revaccination.

The drug Infanrix IPV is a suspension for intramuscular administration in an amount of 0.5 ml. Contains diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus toxoids. Manufacturer: Belgium.

Infanrix is ​​used both for primary immunization in children and for revaccination.

Side effects of Infanrix:

  • redness, thickening, burning, lump at the injection site;
  • pain, lameness of the leg;
  • increased body temperature, which lasts up to 3 days;
  • runny nose, sore throat;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, tearfulness;
  • pain in the gums and teeth;
  • allergic reaction.

Side effects after the administration of Infanrix occur in almost all children, especially after the initial administration.

To facilitate side effects, you should follow the doctor’s recommendations: do not walk on the day of vaccination, do not swim, if the temperature rises, give an antipyretic, if an allergic reaction develops, it is recommended to take an antihistamine, if a lump, thickening, or redness appears, take alcohol compress.

Contraindications to the administration of Infanrix:

  • heat;
  • teething;
  • ARVI, runny nose, bronchitis;


The drug Pentaxim is available in a disposable syringe in a volume of 1 ml. Contains toxoids of whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria. Manufacturer: France. Pentaxim consists of three injections, each 0.5 ml. It is administered at intervals of 1 to 3 months.

Side effects of Pentaxim:

  • compaction, lump, redness at the injection site;
  • increased body temperature, lasts from 1 to 3 days;
  • runny nose, sore throat;
  • lameness in the leg;
  • pain in the gums and teeth;
  • allergic reaction;
  • irritability, tearfulness, lethargy.

The severity of complications after the administration of Pentaxim can be controlled with antihistamines, antipyretics, and applying an alcohol compress to the area of ​​the lump, lump, or redness at the injection site. After administering Pentaxim, it is not advisable to walk outside, swim, or touch the injection site.

Contraindications to the administration of Pentaxim:

  • heat;
  • teething;
  • ARVI, runny nose, sore throat, signs of intoxication;
  • severe concomitant pathology.

Infanrix and Pentaxim are the most common immunization drugs.

Vaccination schedule

DTP vaccination is administered according to the schedule. First DTP vaccination must be done at 3 months. Introduction preventive vaccinations It is recommended to carry out according to schedule. If the baby has contraindications, the doctor may delay immunization for two weeks or more.

  1. At 3 months.
  2. At 4-5 months, that is, exactly 30-45 days depending on general condition and the consequences of the first vaccination.
  3. In six months.
  4. At 1.5 years.
  5. At 6 or 7 years old.
  6. At 14 years old.

Vaccination at the ages of 6 and 14 years is carried out in order to support the child’s immunity. Subsequently, DTP is given to an adult every 10 years.

The pediatrician at your place of residence warns you about the need for vaccination. However, it is up to parents to keep track of the vaccination schedule.

Method of administration

The DTP vaccine is always administered intramuscularly into the gluteal muscle. Some pediatricians believe that for children under 1.5 years of age, the vaccine should be injected into the deltoid muscle, in the upper third of the shoulder.

Their opinion is justified by the fact that in young children the buttocks have a large layer of fat and the drug can get into it. This provokes a number of complications at the injection site, such as hematoma, local inflammatory reaction, swelling, lump. In any case, both methods of administering the vaccine are considered effective.

Technique for administering DTP

The administration of DTP in children is carried out by the procedural nurse in the vaccination room of the children's clinic. The injection site is treated with an alcohol cotton ball so as not to introduce microbes into the body from the surface of the skin.

The drug is injected into the gluteal (deltoid) muscle. The injection site is treated with the same cotton alcohol ball. This standard rules administration of injections, which medical staff are obliged to comply with.

How to prepare for DTP vaccination

In most cases, DTP is difficult for the child to tolerate, and can even cause complications if not properly prepared. To minimize the risk of complications, the doctor gives recommendations before vaccination.

For vaccination the following conditions must be met:

  • the child must be healthy;
  • the vaccine is not given on an empty or full stomach, one hour after eating;
  • the child must go to the toilet;
  • the child should be normally dressed, he should not be hot or cold.

Additionally, the pediatrician will prescribe medication preparation. This will protect against possible complications and unwanted reactions:

  1. 2 days before vaccination and 2 days after it is recommended to take antihistamines (Fenistil, Suprastin). The dosage is prescribed by the doctor depending on the age of the child. Antihistamines will help prevent the development of an allergic reaction and diathesis.
  2. DPT can cause a rise in temperature. Therefore, it is worth preparing in advance antipyretic drug(syrup, rectal suppositories).
  3. On the day of vaccination, you should not bathe your child or walk outside. This can cause a rise in temperature. The temperature in children, like other side effects, subsides within 1-3 days.
  4. The pediatrician will definitely obtain written consent from the mother (father, guardian) for vaccination.

Contraindications to DTP

If there are absolute contraindications, the child cannot be vaccinated at all. Otherwise, a reaction to the DTP vaccine is possible. Such complications include:

  • convulsive syndrome;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • immunodeficiency, HIV infection;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the DTP drug;
  • if children have developed a severe allergic reaction to a previous vaccination.

Relative contraindications, that is, temporary ones, delay the time of vaccination. A pediatrician may postpone vaccination in the following cases:

  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • symptoms of intoxication: vomiting, nausea, general weakness, malaise, anxiety, lethargic child;
  • loose stools, colic;
  • teething;
  • runny nose, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis;
  • the child did not eat due to lack of appetite.

Complications and side effects of DTP

The development of complications is not associated with the place of manufacture of the drug. Both imported and domestic vaccines are of sufficient quality and have proven themselves well among pediatricians.

Subject to the rules of preparation for vaccination side symptoms will pass quickly, within 1-3 days. There are children who tolerate DTP vaccination well.

Severe complications develop if the vaccine was given in the presence of absolute contraindications.

In such case of DTP may provoke:

  • severe allergic reaction: anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, urticaria;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • convulsions;
  • neurological symptoms.

As a rule, severe complications develop almost immediately after the drug is introduced into the child’s body. That is why the pediatrician, after vaccination, recommends sitting for some time (from 15 minutes to an hour) near the treatment room, so that in case of complications, immediate assistance medical care.

If severe side symptoms develop later, you should immediately call an ambulance.

How to provide first aid to a child?

  1. An abscess, lump, lump, and burning sensation appeared at the injection site. Prepare an alcohol compress and apply for 10-15 minutes.
  2. An allergic reaction developed. Give the child an antihistamine according to the regimen recommended by the doctor.
  3. The temperature rose. An antipyretic should be given or a rectal suppository should be given. The child should not give any injections on his own. It can only make things worse.
  4. Redness appeared at the injection site. Prepare an alcohol compress and apply to the area of ​​redness for 10-15 minutes. Be sure to contact the children's clinic at your place of residence.

DTP and walk

Many mothers cannot understand why they can’t walk outside after DTP? What can happen and what are the dangers?

In fact, there is nothing scary about walking after DTP. Pediatricians do not recommend walking outside, because after vaccination a decrease in immunity occurs. The child reacts to every sneeze in his direction. The child has an increased risk of developing respiratory diseases, runny nose, and bronchitis. Therefore, on the day of a serious vaccination, it is not advisable to walk on the street.

There is also a risk of developing complications after DPT: fever, runny nose and other acute respiratory diseases. It is not recommended for your child to walk outside in hot, sunny, or frosty weather.

Autism as a consequence of DTP

No matter how safe vaccines are, all parents are concerned about the serious consequences. There are many stories that say that DPT develops autism in a child.

Most pediatricians will say that autism and DPT have no connection. There is also a circle of supporters that autism in a child can be provoked by well-known foreign drugs, including the combination drugs Infanrix and Pentaxim.

Autism is a congenital, hereditary disease. This disease is characterized by isolation, the inability to adapt to society, and indifference to everything that happens. All symptoms of autism depend on the severity of the disease.

Factors and diseases that contribute to the development of autism include:

  • phenylketonuria;
  • meningitis;
  • complication after surgery infectious diseases;
  • poisoning with toxic substances.

DTP becomes a provoking factor for autism only if there is concomitant pathology The child has.

Lump after DTP

What to do if a lump appears at the injection site? It can be in the form of a compaction, soft, with accompanying redness of the skin, and the leg may hurt. Don't panic. First of all, report the complication to your local pediatrician. Follow all his recommendations. Do not touch the bump under any circumstances. If the doctor advises you to make an alcohol compress, do it.

Poliomyelitis after DTP

Today, pediatricians prescribe simultaneous vaccinations. At one time, DTP and polio vaccination are introduced into the child’s body. For any caring mother, such an innovation is terrifying. This is understandable, because the combination gives many complications. It rarely happens that a child who has received several vaccinations feels good.

Poliomyelitis is a terrible infectious disease that is fatal in most cases. To prevent it, a polio vaccine has been developed.

Contraindications to polio vaccination:

  • heat;
  • teething;
  • ARVI, runny nose, bronchitis;
  • severe concomitant pathology.

To ease the side effects of polio vaccination, follow your doctor's instructions: do not take your child for walks, do not bathe him, and give him the recommended medications.

Polio vaccination schedule:

  1. At 3 months.
  2. At 4.5 months.
  3. In six months.
  4. At 18 months, at this age you need to get your first polio booster vaccination.
  5. At 20 months.
  6. At 14 years old, at this age you need to carry out the third booster vaccination of polio.

DTP is one of the most difficult childhood vaccinations, as it is characterized by a large number of side effects. The temperature after vaccination increases in almost all children. This is why it is so important to be well prepared for vaccination. You should tell your pediatrician about all complaints and follow his recommendations.

Before vaccination, the doctor will definitely examine the baby, measure body temperature, examine the throat, gums, abdomen, skin. At the slightest DPT contraindications will be delayed for some time. Most often for 2 weeks.

DPT vaccination in our country is voluntary. Therefore, any mother can write to her child for any reason.

Doctor Komarovsky about DTP vaccination

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One of the most famous vaccinations is DTP - a vaccine against tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria. It is the most common, as it is given to children all over the world from a very early age, protecting them from the most dangerous infectious diseases. But it is this vaccine that is associated with the greatest doubts and scandals; it is most often accused of causing severe complications. Having listened to numerous scary stories, parents are afraid to administer this vaccine to their child.

It is worth understanding what it is - the DPT vaccination: exact decoding, indications, possible side effects and consequences, the likelihood of their occurrence.

The DTP vaccine includes three components that create immunity against three diseases. The abbreviation stands for adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus according to their names. These three components are also included in the vaccine, which also includes components against polio and Haemophilus influenzae. The importance of such a vaccine is explained by the severity of the diseases from which it is designed to protect.

Tetanus is an acute infectious disease, characterized by severe damage to the human nervous system with a high probability of death. Infection occurs through contact of damaged skin or mucous membranes of a person with the pathogen – tetanus bacillus. It can live in the intestines of a carrier, be it a sick person, animal, bird or rodent. Its danger is that the stick can remain and multiply for a long time in the soil, where it ends up with the feces of a sick carrier. That is why it is so dangerous for children, who can easily get hurt while walking on the street and introduce an infection into the resulting wound.

Whooping cough is also an acute infectious disease transmitted by contact with a sick person through airborne droplets. His characteristic feature– severe paroxysmal cough, lasting for a very long time, and causing hypoxia with convulsive syndrome. Whooping cough is especially dangerous for infants and can be fatal due to respiratory arrest resulting from spasmodic coughing. Adults can also suffer from it, but most often it is observed in children from one to five or six years old.

Diphtheria is an infectious disease that can also be transmitted by airborne droplets and causes severe inflammation and swelling of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. The causative bacterium (diphtheria bacillus) releases a strong toxin that affects the heart, nervous system and kidneys of a person, causing infectious-toxic shock. The possibility of death is also high.

As you can see, the danger of these diseases justifies the need for vaccination with DTP. Due to the insufficient level of immunization of the population, especially children, the risk of encountering the causative agent of one of these diseases increases, and the consequences can be much more serious in young children. Therefore, you should definitely follow the National, which indicates optimal age for DTP vaccination.

At what age is it done?

DTP does not provide lifelong immunity from these three diseases. Therefore, vaccination must be carried out throughout a person’s life at certain intervals. It is important to start vaccinations at an early age according to the schedule (if there are no contraindications):

  • At 2-3 months;
  • 4-5 months;
  • 6 months.

These three vaccinations are mandatory components of the first course of immunization. If, due to temporary contraindications, vaccination began later than the recommended dates, then you need to start at any suitable time and observe a break of 45 days between subsequent vaccine administrations. Next comes revaccination of the child at 18 months.

After this, revaccination continues throughout life, but without the pertussis component (from tetanus and diphtheria): at 6 years old, then at 14. After this, adults should be revaccinated every 10 years. Most often, after the last school vaccination at the age of 14, most adults forget or do not know about the need for revaccination, but this is important, since diphtheria and tetanus can occur at any age and can be deadly.

Possible side effects after DTP vaccination

In some cases, some negative reactions may occur after vaccination. Despite the fact that these are rather unpleasant symptoms, this can be considered as a variant of the norm: this is how the body reacts to the introduction of foreign bodies and develops the necessary protection (for which the vaccination is done). It is worth noting that the reaction is caused by one component of the drug, namely pertussis. Unpleasant symptoms may be as follows:

  • Induration, redness in the place where the injection was made, pain there. Some children (who are already walking) find it painful to stand on the leg that was injected.
  • Lethargy, drowsiness, tearfulness, irritability - a general malaise.
  • Increase in temperature (permissible up to 39 degrees).

Some pediatricians note that in infants the side effects after DTP vaccination are less pronounced than in older children. How younger child, the easier he is likely to tolerate vaccination: another benefit of following the generally accepted schedule.

Doctors often recommend giving antihistamines after an injection to reduce the risk of possible negative manifestations. When the temperature rises, it should be brought down with antipyretic drugs. At the same time, this must be done at the first signs of an increase: the rule “do not reduce the temperature to 38 degrees” does not apply here.

Adverse reactions usually occur in the very first knocks after the injection and can persist for two to three days, gradually disappearing. In this case, you must carefully monitor the condition of the baby and immediately seek medical help if:

  • the size of the swelling at the injection site exceeded 8-10 centimeters in diameter;
  • the temperature rose above 39 degrees;
  • The baby cries and screams for too long.

Any negative reactions not described in the list of possible ones are a clear reason to show the child to the doctor.

It should be noted that sometimes there is a situation when fever, lethargy, runny nose, etc. first appear a few (3-4) days after vaccination. These are no longer its consequences, but symptoms of a viral infection, which can often be picked up at the same clinic where you came for vaccination.

Serious adverse reactions and statistics on them

Every body is different, and in rare cases individual, serious reactions may occur that cannot be predicted. The frequency of such cases is low: 1-2 per 100 thousand vaccinated people. What serious consequences can occur in children after receiving DTP vaccination:

  • severe allergic reaction, up to anaphylactic shock;
  • neurological disorders;
  • convulsions.

These cases are extremely rare, as confirmed by the relevant official statistics:

  1. Mild side effects such as fever and swelling at the injection site occur in 1 in 4 children, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy in 1 in 10.
  2. Side effects of moderate severity have the following statistics: long strong crying - 1 case in a thousand, convulsions - 1 in 14.5 thousand, and a temperature above 39.5 - 1 in 15 thousand vaccinated people.
  3. From severe violations severe allergies occurs 1 time in a million cases.

Concerning neurological problems, then they appear especially rarely and usually are not even associated specifically with DPT.

The now notoriously popular anti-vaccination movements speculate on the connection between autism and DTP, but official medicine refutes this. The reasons for the development of autism in children have not been precisely clarified, but since the first signs usually appear at the age at which all children are diagnosed (and many times), this provides food for such speculation.

What to do if complications arise

When vaccinated with any vaccine, including DTP, careful monitoring of the child’s condition on the day of vaccination and several days after is necessary. If side effects occur, you must immediately take adequate measures to help alleviate their course.

So, if the temperature rises, you should immediately give the child an antipyretic drug (paracetamol or ibuprofen), you can do this immediately after the vaccination and give prophylactic dose for the night. At the first symptoms of an allergy, antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs will help; you can often apply them topically to the injection area (there are similar products in the form of ointments).

You should limit physical activity for a couple of days; drinking plenty of fluids and eating light food will be an advantage. Monitor the air and humidity parameters in the nursery: the air should be cool (18-20 degrees Celsius) and humid (60-70%). Such simple measures will help your baby endure unpleasant consequences as easily as possible.

As mentioned above, with any other reactions, with more severe complications you need to go to the hospital urgently.

Why is it better to get vaccinated than to get sick?

One of the erroneous arguments of parents who refuse to give DPT to their child sounds like this: It’s better to get over the disease and gain natural immunity from the disease than to get a vaccine with complications. This is fundamentally wrong, if only for the reason that tetanus and diphtheria transferred do not create immunity in a person. Whooping cough gives immune protection for the same period as the vaccine. But severe complications from real diseases are much more likely than serious adverse reactions from the DTP vaccine.

Another misconception is that the possibility of contracting one of these infections is extremely low, so there is no point in exposing the body to unnecessary vaccine stress. But low level the spread of such diseases is directly related to vaccination, and the lower the percentage of the vaccinated population, the higher the risk of an entire epidemic of diphtheria, more frequent cases of tetanus and whooping cough. General immunization creates herd immunity, protecting the most vulnerable groups of people - those for whom vaccination is really contraindicated.

Video on the topic

A very useful program by Dr. Komarovsky, dedicated to DPT vaccination. It details all the nuances associated with this vaccine.

Today, vaccination gives us an invaluable opportunity to protect ourselves and our children from dangerous infections. Not taking advantage of this benefit of medicine means exposing yourself and your children to the risk of becoming seriously ill with unpredictable consequences. How do you feel about the DTP vaccine? Tell us about it in the comments. Have you given this vaccination to your child? How did he bear it?

Activities to vaccinate children are aimed at combating diseases that are dangerous to human health and life. One of mandatory vaccinations, which must be given to children under one year of age, is the DPT vaccination.

Let's talk in detail about the features of this vaccine, as well as about the likely possible adverse reactions to its administration.

What is DTP and for what diseases is it used?

DTP vaccination is aimed at preventing the emergence of several diseases at once:

  1. Tetanus;
  2. Whooping cough.

Each of the listed infections is a very serious and extremely life-threatening disease, statistics for which show a high percentage of death or complete or partial loss of ability to work. The abbreviation DTP stands for: K, D and C in the name of the vaccine mean those infections that it fights, the letter A here means “adsorbed”, that is, “concentrated”.

DTP vaccination protects against several diseases with high mortality rates

Pros and cons of DTP



  • This vaccine is the most reactogenic, and therefore babies experience the development of various side effects when vaccinated with it. This is especially true after the second or third vaccination.
  • The injection itself is quite painful, for most little people this level of pain causes a great shock; many children cry for a long time after vaccination.
  • If the DTP vaccine is not supposed to be domestic, then parents will be forced pay specially.

Possible side effects

A reaction to the DTP vaccine is observed in every third baby, but is not classified as a pathology, since in the vast majority of cases it goes away without a trace. IN in this case side effects are usually caused by two subsequent vaccinations.

Kinds adverse reactions children's organisms on DPT:

It is necessary to conduct a particularly careful examination of the child’s condition before he is vaccinated in order to understand what exactly applies to possible reaction for injection and what not.

An increase in temperature, as well as various local reactions, are observed in 25% of young patients. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased drowsiness and decreased appetite are often observed on the first day after injection with the DTP vaccine in 10% of babies.

All of these side effects occur in the first 24 hours after the injection. If several days have passed by the time all these disturbances occur, and there is no downward trend, this may indicate that the baby has begun to develop an infection (it is not uncommon for babies to become infected in hospitals and clinics while awaiting manipulation).

It is also mandatory need to contact pediatrician if the reaction to the injection turns out to be too pronounced (for example, severe swelling has formed at the injection site - more than 8 cm, the baby cries for longer than 3 hours, the temperature rises to more than 39 degrees).

The most serious complications after DTP and statistics on them

Complications after DTP vaccination are often caused by ignoring contraindications for injection, using a spoiled drug or incorrectly administering this vaccine. Statistics on the frequency of complications after the introduction of DTP are as follows: 1-3 cases per 100 thousand.

After the injection you may experience:

According to statistics, seizures can occur in one child out of 14,000 vaccinated children. The incidence of severe vaccine allergy is 1 in 1 in a million.

In exceptional cases, at the injection site an abscess may occur, which is associated with the disdainful attitude of medical staff towards sterile conditions at the time of vaccination. In previous years, the incidence of abscesses was observed more frequently because DPT was administered through the buttock.

Studies have not revealed a direct effect of the DTP vaccine on neurological areas; therefore, it is believed that when such complications arise, the vaccine plays the role of a provocateur for the manifestation of disorders that were observed before, but were not manifested openly.

However, doctors and scientists know the fact that the pertussis component included in the vaccine irritates some membranes of the brain. This may explain and justify short-term disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. THEN the baby's vaccination baby DPT is contraindicated and is replaced by ADS.

It should also be noted that the likelihood of complications after vaccination in healthy babies equal to zero.


General contraindications for which vaccination is not carried out, are:

A serious obstacle to DPT injection is the pathologically increased thymus. This contraindication should under no circumstances be ignored, otherwise the vaccination is quite capable of causing huge health problems for the baby.

Temporarily refuse DTP vaccination should be used during exacerbation of diathesis until a period of remission occurs. Also, after suffering from an acute respiratory infection, even in a mild form, it is contraindicated to inject DTP earlier than after 2 weeks. It is necessary to wait for complete recovery, wait 14 days and only then begin administering the drug. If the acute respiratory infection occurred in acute form, then the waiting period increases by 4 weeks.

In addition, there are contraindications to the administration of this vaccination, but allowing vaccination with ADS. Her can be used for:

  • neurological pathologies (for example, encephalopathy),
  • convulsions,
  • allergies in the child's relatives,
  • prematurity, etc.

Before vaccination, you should first carefully read the contraindications. It is always necessary to take into account that there are children who are prohibited from receiving DTP.

Why do you need DTP vaccination?

Currently, DTP vaccination is indicated for children in almost all developed countries due to the fact that thanks to it they provide saved from serious and even fatal diseases Tens of thousands of children are saved. In some countries for 5 recent years They used a lighter version of this vaccine, which differs from today’s in that it did not contain the pertussis component. As a result, whooping cough disease has experienced a significant increase and, in addition, an increase in complications and deaths after suffering from this infection.

If parents have decided to completely refuse vaccination, then in principle they are not interested in DPT. However, refusal of DTP is often the result of parents’ experiences in the fact that they are worried about the abundance chemical composition could harm the baby. But their worries are completely in vain. Due to the fact that the components of the drug are aimed at fighting various infections, they are well tolerated by children. Moreover, their compatibility within the vaccine has been tested for many years.

Let us remember that until the 50s of the 20th century, when DTP vaccination had just begun in the country, diphtheria was diagnosed in 20% of children, and the fatal outcome of the disease was observed in 50% of cases.

Tetanus represents even more dangerous infection with statistics deaths 80−85%. At the same time, whooping cough before the introduction of compulsory DTP vaccination was observed in all children and occurred with to varying degrees gravity. Today, when parents of all children are offered this vaccination without fail, the statistics of the occurrence and development of whooping cough has decreased by 20 times.

Vaccination is better than disease

Many adults mistakenly believe that after an illness, the baby’s immunity becomes stronger than after vaccination. This statement is true for some infectious diseases, but this in no way applies to diphtheria and tetanus. Parents, remember that if your baby becomes infected with any of these infectious diseases, then they will not develop immunity.

Meanwhile, a basic three-time DPT vaccination will protect a child from these diseases for a period of 6-7 to 12-13 years. Regarding whooping cough, it should be noted that immunity appears after recovery, but its duration is the same as with vaccination, only slightly less - 6-10. It is easy to understand that DTP vaccination, after which complications are practically excluded, turns out to be more beneficial and safer for the baby’s health.

What to do if side effects and negative reactions occur

Immediately after vaccination, experts recommend not leaving the clinic for about half an hour or walking along the paths near the building. In this case, it will be possible to immediately receive the necessary medical attention if an immediate allergic reaction occurs.

At home for the child It is recommended to immediately give antipyretic medicine and monitor your body temperature throughout the day. An increase in temperature is a common reaction to DTP vaccination, however, due to the fact that it in no way affects the development of immunity, any temperature reaction of the DTP injection must be removed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If redness appears at the vaccination site, then in this case there is no need to take any special measures. If a lump appears at the injection site, it will resolve on its own, although it may take up to two weeks. This is to some extent a fairly common reaction, which is caused by local inflammation in the place where the vaccine is absorbed into the body. You can help your child by anointing the area of ​​the lump with Troxevasin ointment.

One of the common reactions to DTP administration is also cough. No measures should also be taken to eliminate it if it appears within 24 hours after vaccination. If the onset of cough is noted later, then this most likely indicates that during the visit to the clinic you did not contract any infection.

After vaccination Give your baby as much fluid as possible(preferably plain water, not juices, teas, etc., to avoid allergic reactions). During this period of time, it is advisable to feed the child at will, that is, without insisting that the plate must be empty. It is not recommended to introduce new foods into a child’s diet these days. It is also important to temporarily isolate the baby from meetings with other children and adults. It is also important to ventilate the room more often.

DTP analogues

The domestic DPT vaccine is given to children free of charge. The injections are included in the mandatory vaccination calendar. HOWEVER, not everyone knows that this vaccination can be replaced with paid European analogues from foreign manufacturers. One of their main advantages over our vaccines is that they do not contain mercury elements, which we use as preservatives.

One of the analogues of DTP is the vaccine "Tetrakok". It further includes inactivated polio virus. However, judging by the reviews, the drug has reactogenicity similar to DPT.

There are also foreign analogues based on acellular pertussis components.

Imported analogues of DTP are:


DTP vaccination is one of the most serious and important injections, the percentage of post-vaccination reactions to which is the most common. The baby must be prepared for the injection in advance in order to successfully carry out all the necessary examinations. If necessary, you should seek advice from specialists.

DPT vaccination should only be given to healthy children.. After the injection, the child should be closely monitored for three days.

It should be understood that if any reactions to the vaccinations do not go away within 24 hours, do not hesitate to call your doctor at home.

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