Home Prevention Sensitivity of teeth near the gums. Increased tooth sensitivity: causes and treatment

Sensitivity of teeth near the gums. Increased tooth sensitivity: causes and treatment

How does it manifest itself and why is it dangerous? As soon as the irritant is on the surface of the tooth, a person with hypersensitive teeth or gums feels pain. However, the discomfort goes away within a few seconds or minutes. The rapid disappearance of pain, by the way, is the main difference from another disease - pulp (nerve inflammation). Hyperesthesia can be either a separate problem or a symptom of a disease (for example, infection, periodontal disease, and so on).

Why has tooth sensitivity increased? First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand the structure and structure of the tooth. So, enamel and dentin are the main dental tissues. Dentin is located close to the pulp (nerve). Dentin contains tubes of fluid that start from the nerve cells themselves in the pulp and end directly at the tooth enamel. The tubes contain processes of nerve cells. If the enamel is thinned and certain irritants fall on it, then these processes instantly transmit an impulse. As a result, the tooth hurts from cold and hot, reacts sharply to sour, sweet, and so on.

Conditionally provoking factors are divided into systemic and non-systemic. The latter are in one way or another connected with external influence. Systemic factors that increase tooth sensitivity appear due to disorders and failures in the human body itself.


  • the emergence and development of infectious diseases;
  • the presence of viral diseases;
  • disruptions in the hormonal system;
  • toxicosis;
  • insufficient amount of mineral beneficial microelements in the body;
  • illnesses endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract and so on.


  • influence of irritating acids (fructose);
  • using a toothbrush that is too hard;
  • presence of microtraumas or cracks;
  • periodontitis;
  • too thin dental tissue, susceptible to abrasion;
  • erosion of tooth enamel;
  • carrying out a variety of dental procedures (turning for a crown, getting rid of tartar, chemical whitening, and so on);
  • regular mechanical damage (for example, biting off a wire or the habit of chewing seeds, and so on).

A dentist will help you determine exactly why your teeth have become sensitive during a personal examination during a consultation with the patient.


according to form:

  • limited hyperesthesia: one tooth or several teeth react;
  • systemic hyperesthesia: the whole dentition reacts.

by stage of development:

  • at the initial stage of hypertension painful sensations occur exclusively upon contact only with cold or hot;
  • the second degree includes the symptoms of the first stage, as well as discomfort when consuming spicy, sour, sweet, and so on. That is, the list of irritants is no longer limited only to temperature ones;
  • at the final stage, increased sensitivity of the teeth is observed upon their contact with any type of irritant.
  • Adjust your diet

What to avoid: It is worth excluding those foods that can provoke a pain impulse. We are talking about sweet and sour drinks and dishes (for example, soda). It will be effective to avoid foods that can harm tooth enamel. For example, crackers or seeds contribute to the formation of chips and microcracks.

What to include in the menu: foods high in minerals and vitamins are suitable. These include cheese, dairy products (primarily cottage cheese and milk), as well as liver, fish and seafood. Calcium and potassium should prevail in the food consumed, iron and phosphorus should be present in large quantities, and so on.

  • Buy a remedy for tooth sensitivity

The pharmacy offers a whole series of specialized products. These are a variety of varnishes, foams, pastes for external use and medications for internal use.

  • Undergo physiotherapeutic procedures

If tooth sensitivity has increased, then in some cases the doctor advises you to undergo electrophoresis. This is a procedure in which electric current is applied to the surface of the teeth.

  • Sign up for dental remineralization

Dental procedure – remineralizing therapy – involves professional treatment of tooth enamel special composition for maximum calcium saturation. To do this, the dentist uses appropriate means. After using them, the doctor can also apply fluoride material to the enamel to strengthen and improve the result.

How to treat tooth sensitivity with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a variety of recipes for decoctions and tinctures for rinsing oral cavity. It is difficult to talk about the effectiveness of such methods, but a clear advantage is the content of natural ingredients in the composition of such rinses. So, for example, you can brew one spoon of burdock and chamomile. You can also rinse your mouth with warm water and a few drops of oil. tea tree.

A common problem for many people who go to the dentist is sensitive gums. In total, such patients can be up to half of all those applying for medical assistance. Discomfort for such a patient comes from inflammation and bleeding of the gums, the inability to chew food comfortably, especially hard and healthy foods: vegetables and fruits.

What causes lead to the problem of gum sensitivity, how to determine in time that a problem exists, and methods for the prevention and treatment of bleeding gums will be discussed in this article.

Signs of gum sensitivity

  • The gum tissue reacts painfully to irritants, swells and becomes inflamed when exposed to acidic foods or to hot and cold foods, painful reaction to spicy foods.
  • When brushing your teeth, blood appears and your gums become damaged.
  • When eating hard foods that need to be chewed painful sensation in the mouth.

It is worth noting that oral sensitivity May be initial stage more serious illness, there is a risk of tooth loss or damage. What actions should be taken to avoid bringing the disease to a severe end?

Causes of gum sensitivity

If you notice signs of gum sensitivity, immediately consult a doctor for advice, he will help determine the cause of the discomfort and prescribe the correct treatment.

Besides correct diagnosis, the dentist prescribes what is necessary for the patient medicinal preparations and recommends procedures. In addition, it is necessary the right approach to oral hygiene, quality food composition and diet during the day.

Treating sensitive gums

The very first What a patient with hypersensitive teeth needs to do is get rid of tartar. Has proven itself very well ultrasonic cleaning teeth, in many clinics this procedure Dentists recommend to patients as a preventive measure and strengthening of soft gum tissue.

Replacing your toothbrush to a more gentle option with soft bristles.

Oral hygiene after each meal using a toothbrush and special dental floss to remove food debris in the interdental cavities.

Replacing regular toothpaste to a specialized medical facility marked “for sensitive teeth" Such pastes contain special means which protect teeth and make them less susceptible to external environment and form a thin layer of protection on the teeth. As an alternative, you can also use a medicated gel for sensitive teeth.

Gum massage using a special device– an irrigator or a special toothbrush with rubber bristles instead of regular ones. An irrigator will also be very useful for washing out food debris between the teeth; in all respects it is useful and the required device. Massage using an irrigator is performed with a stream of water. The cost of the device is about three to four thousand rubles.

You need to reconsider your diet and eat more foods containing vitamins B, C, K and E. They increase resistance to infections, strengthen the immune system, promote rapid healing of inflamed and bleeding gums, and strengthen the oral mucosa.

Regular preventive examinations at the dentist- the earlier it is possible to identify a problem with gums, the easier it is will undergo treatment. Visits to the doctor are required at least every six months.

Products for a wide range of applications (pharmacy)

Depending on the composition medicinal products, brand recognition, the cost of medicinal products from a pharmacy can range from fifty to three hundred rubles.

Traditional medicine techniques in treating the oral cavity and strengthening gums

Along with medicinal methods For the prevention and treatment of gum sensitivity, methods from traditional medicine are used - treatment with herbs and tinctures.

  1. Wormwood tincture. It helps very well to eliminate bleeding of soft gum tissue. To prepare the product you need to take 30-40 grams of dry wormwood per 200 grams alcohol solution(vodka). It is recommended to infuse the mixture for a week or two weeks. After this period, you can use the infusion as an application to the gums or as a rinse, diluting it with water after morning dental hygiene.
  2. Recipe using onions and aloe. Take one medium onion, peel and grate. Grind. Wash two medium aloe leaves and chop finely. Mix the ingredients together. Keep the resulting pulp in your mouth, chewing in small portions, but without swallowing. Before using the pulp, you must thoroughly brush your teeth; after the procedure, you should not eat food for some time to enhance the therapeutic antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. After chewing, you can enhance the effect by rinsing your gums with chamomile infusion or infusion of strong black tea.
  3. Oak bark has a hemostatic effect. For inflammatory processes in the oral cavity folk recipes It is recommended to use a decoction of oak bark. This product is also suitable for removing bad smell from mouth.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide 6%. Perfectly relieves gum inflammation and reduces tooth sensitivity. You can prepare a rinse solution as follows: pour one tablespoon (tablespoon) into a glass of water at room temperature and rinse the gums several times a day for a week.
  5. Rinse with water with the addition of propolis: take half a glass of water per teaspoon of propolis.
  6. Pour a mixture of herbs from St. John's wort, elderberry and strawberries with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, after which the mixture must be thoroughly strained. The resulting infusion is used for rinsing throughout the day. The next day, a fresh mixture is prepared according to the same recipe.
  7. Slowly dissolve honey in small quantities several times a day. Honey is natural healer and has unique properties. This kind of prevention is perfect for children, because it’s a tasty treatment. However, it is worth noting that treatment with honey is designed for a long period of time; you should not expect a quick result.

Regularly using folk remedies Even as a fight against gum inflammation, you will quickly forget about the discomfort associated with tooth sensitivity.

Ways to prevent gum inflammation

As a preventative measure to reduce tooth sensitivity, it is recommended to use products with increased vitamin C content, folic acid and zinc. It can be greens (dill, parsley, green onions), cauliflower and tomatoes.

Smoking is also contraindicated if the patient is prone to loose gums and bleeding of the soft tissues of the oral cavity. If you can't quit smoking, you should rinse your mouth after every smoking. herbal decoction from anti-inflammatory herbs such as calendula or chamomile.

Massage with salt mixture very useful too. To prepare the mixture, take 3 parts finely ground sea salt and one part olive oil. The resulting substance can be stored in the refrigerator and massaged two or three times a week.

When brushing your teeth, do not forget to brush your tongue, on the surface of which bacterial plaque forms.

Smile! A smile produces light massage good effect and promotes a good mood.

Many people often wonder how to relieve tooth sensitivity at home. Unpleasant sensations problems that occur in the oral cavity when drinking hot or cold drinks, sour fruits and sweets, interfere with the pleasure of eating.

About 40% of the world's population faces this problem, but not everyone will turn to a doctor to help him cope with dental irritation. Meanwhile, only a qualified specialist can accurately determine the cause of excessive sensitivity and answer the question of how to treat this problem.

In addition to procedures that can only be performed in medical institution, there are also home ways to reduce tooth sensitivity.

Dentists call excessive sensitivity hyperesthesia. It most often occurs when the hard dental tissue of dentin is exposed, which is a consequence of receding gums or thinning of the tooth covering - enamel. When hard dental tissue is exposed, it becomes unprotected from external irritants, they begin to affect it, which leads to short-term pain.

If you brush your teeth incorrectly and use toothbrushes with hard bristles, you will definitely damage your enamel. If you have hyperesthesia, use soft toothbrushes to brush your teeth. Enamel can also be destroyed after bleaching using aggressive chemicals. Therefore, it is better to do this procedure using a gentle ultrasound method.

Why is it so important to see a doctor if you feel unpleasant pain when drinking or eating? The thing is that increased sensitivity of teeth can be caused by other serious illnesses, for example, periodontitis or caries. In this case, only a dentist will help get rid of it after curing the underlying disease.

The video shows why increased tooth sensitivity occurs:

Where to start treatment

If your doctor examines your mouth and finds exposed dentin, he can help you combat the problem. You need to start treating tooth sensitivity at the dentist's office. There are several in dentistry professional ways salvation from hyperesthesia, the essence of which is to coat the teeth with special compounds that protect the enamel and make it healthy. Here are the most common procedures:

  1. Exposed areas of dentin are covered fluoride varnish, which creates protection hard tissue from external irritants.
  2. A special composite material is used to seal the exposed tooth surface.
  3. The mouthguard is filled with gel containing fluoride. You will need to keep the mouth guard in your mouth for about 5 minutes, during which time the fluoride will saturate your teeth and strengthen them.

Fluoridation is an important part of treatment

These procedures, performed by a professional, perfectly reduce hyperesthesia, but to prevent it, you need to continue to monitor the condition of the oral cavity. Therefore, your dentist will recommend simple steps that can reduce tooth sensitivity at home. We are talking about medicinal rinses, gels and pastes, special films, and traditional medicine.

Medicinal pastes

Since not every person who turns to him will want to reduce the sensitivity of teeth in the dentist’s office, the simplest action to solve a dental problem would be to purchase medicinal pastes. They contain increased amounts of calcium, fluorine and potassium. Unlike conventional oral and dental care products, these are specially formulated for sensitive gums and teeth. For example, the potassium chloride they contain makes nerve endings less susceptible to external irritants, and sodium fluoride is added to toothpastes to restore tooth enamel.

The most useful pastes in the fight against excessive sensitivity are Sensodyne F, LACALUT Extra Sensitive, Blendamed Pro-Expert, SILCA Complete Sensitive. It is better to purchase them in pharmacies, as there is a risk of running into a fake.

Sensodyne F LACALUT Extra Sensitive Blend-a-med Pro-Expert SILCA Complete Sensitive

Oksana Shiyka


Therapeutic pastes should be used for 4-5 weeks 2 times a day, alternating them with conventional means that cleanse teeth of food debris. Only whitening paste is prohibited, as it can make the enamel thin and even damage its integrity, which will lead to increased tooth sensitivity.

Special toothpastes have one drawback: since their composition is gentle, it does not contain aggressive abrasive particles, and these medicinal products do not remove plaque from the enamel surface as well as other toothpastes.

Gels, ointments and dental film

If you have sensitive teeth, then products such as ointments, gels and even dental film will help you remove hyperesthesia.

To prevent acids from destroying tooth enamel, you can use GS tooth mousse ointment at home. It must be applied to the surface of the teeth in an even thin layer using cotton swab in the morning and late in the evening. After the procedure, it is not recommended to drink or eat for 30 minutes. The ointment, like toothpastes, contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium. Thanks to the presence of these elements, the drug creates a protective film on the teeth, which is a barrier to acids, and closes the exposed dentin channels. The unpleasant symptoms of hyperesthesia disappear quite quickly.

A good remedy that relieves a high degree of sensitivity to cold, acid and hot drinks is Fluocal gel. This is such an effective remedy that it should only be used twice a year. The gel is capable of forming a mineral layer on the surface of the enamel that is resistant to external irritants and caries. To treat the problem, the drug is applied to a cotton swab, which is used to treat clean teeth. In this case, you need to make sure that the gel does not get on your gums. After 4 minutes, you need to spit out the remaining drug into the sink and do not eat for 1 hour.


PRESIDENT Sensitive plus gel can also cure hyperesthesia. Acting together with the toothpaste of the same name, it perfectly solves the problem of dentin sensitivity to external irritants. After brushing your teeth with paste, apply a layer of the preparation on them, paying attention to the root part. Do this twice a day for a month, and soon you will forget about the discomfort.


You can also carry out treatment at home using dental film Diplen Denta F. This two-layer product can negate the recurrence of the problem. First outer layer The film protects teeth from food acids, and the second, sticky film, fills them with fluoride. The film is attached to the teeth with the adhesive side and left for 7–8 hours, and then removed. Due to prolonged exposure to fluoride compounds, the enamel becomes dense.

Film Diplen Denta F

Rinses and infusions

In pharmacies you can purchase bottles of solutions and rinses Colgate Plax, Desensin plus, Parodontol PROF, which can reduce irritation from hot and cold food and drinks. The substances included in these products strengthen enamel, eliminate gum inflammation, and destroy bacteria that affect the appearance of plaque on teeth. After eating or brushing your teeth with toothpaste, rinse your mouth with solutions and rinses that will improve not only your teeth, but also your gums.

Colgate Plax Desensin Parodontol PROF

You don't have gels or ointments on hand, but you have sensitive teeth. What can you do at home in this case? Medicinal plants will come to the rescue. Infusions and decoctions made from herbs help remove the increased sensitivity of dentin to cold and hot.

Oksana Shiyka


Among the most popular herbs are chamomile and lemon balm. They are considered antiseptics and relieve pain that comes with eating. To prepare the infusion you will need 1 tbsp. l. flowers of these plants and 1 glass of boiling water. The grass is being flooded hot water and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse the mouth with warm infusion after eating.

If you live in a rural area, you are probably familiar with burdock grass. How to treat hyperesthesia with it? An infusion is also prepared from burdock. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs 200 ml hot water and boil for 2-3 minutes. In the same way, you can make an infusion from oak bark, but it should be boiled longer - 5–6 minutes. After the medications have been infused for 1 hour, they can be used as mouthwashes after each meal. These homemade infusions will strengthen the enamel and gums and relieve pain.

They also have calming properties essential oils. For example, a few drops of tea tree oil can be added to a glass of warm water and stirred thoroughly. At severe pain teeth, you can increase the concentration of this oil: take 5 drops and add the same number of drops to them eucalyptus oil. You need to dissolve everything in 100 ml of liquid and rinse your mouth several times a day. Essential oils will also help you get rid of plaque and freshen your breath.

Knowing how to reduce tooth sensitivity using available remedies, you can improve your health without leaving your own home. Herbs, pastes and ointments can improve the condition of your oral cavity and relieve irritation and pain, but only if the problem of hyperesthesia is related to the condition of the dentin.

Teeth may bother you for more serious reasons, which cannot be eliminated on your own. Don't be lazy to go to the dentist at the first sign of discomfort. After all, only a doctor will give you the correct diagnosis and suggest treatment methods, some of which you can carry out yourself at home.

Hyperesthesia, which is what hypersensitivity of teeth is called in medicine, is not so a rare occurrence: It affects about 40% of the population. If your teeth, besides the touch of a toothbrush, are irritated by almost everything: sour, sweet, salty, cold air and hot drinks, and literally immediately a sharp toothache- this indicates hypersensitivity tooth enamel.

But you can’t constantly deny yourself everything and eat only warm, unleavened cereals, so the problem needs to be solved somehow. Can I do this myself and if so, how?

Before answering this question, you should understand the structure of the tooth. On top it is covered with enamel, under which there is tissue (dentin) resembling bone, inside it there are thin tubules containing liquid.

These threads form a kind of system connecting the enamel with nerve cells located in the pulp of the tooth. Inside the dentinal tubules, in addition to fluid, there are nerve endings, which give a painful reaction for all kinds of irritants: sweets, cold and sour drinks, hard toothbrush, etc.

Tooth sensitivity may be caused by for various reasons. Hyperesthesia requires immediate treatment, otherwise there is high risk development of other oral diseases.

The causes of hyperesthesia may be the following:

  • thinning of dentin or enamel;
  • violation of the integrity of nerve processes;
  • erosion;
  • mechanical damage to teeth.

Quite often the development of hyperesthesia occurs against the background of dental diseases carious and non-carious origin, as well as mechanical injuries and periodontal pathologies.

Hyperesthesia due to dental caries

Non-carious lesions are of the following types:

Enamel whitening at home or in the dentist's office, carried out unprofessionally, can lead to loss of important microelements from enamel, which causes increased permeability and sensitivity of dentin.

And if to this is added congenital weakness hard dental tissues, then very soon you risk encountering a problem such as very increased sensitivity of the teeth.

Professional cleaning of the oral cavity should only be performed by a highly qualified specialist, since increased sensitivity of the teeth can lead to unprofessional actions of a dentist.

Violation of the integrity of the enamel layer when using dental instruments, as well as excessive efforts when polishing teeth in the neck area also contributes to increased sensitivity and destruction of the structure of dental tissues.

Carious tooth lesions by themselves do not cause hyperesthesia. With caries, pain is not associated with increased tooth sensitivity caused by loss of minerals.

Nature pain syndrome in this case is determined by gradual destruction of the enamel layer cariogenic microbes. However, violation of the etching rules and socket filling techniques can provoke an increased reaction of the tooth to external stimuli.

Hyperesthesia is also caused by various damage to dental tissues that appear as a result of injury: cracks, splits, chips and breaks of pieces of the crown.

What to do if your teeth become sensitive: home treatments

You can reduce tooth sensitivity by using medical manipulations or independently at home, using traditional medicine.

Common chamomile, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, has strong antimicrobial and soothing properties. Simply brew the herb with boiling water and leave for a while. To carry out the procedure you will need 1 sachet.

Oak bark. Is an excellent remedy to reduce tooth sensitivity. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. oak bark, pour boiling water and simmer over low heat until the amount of water is reduced by half. The result is a thick and rich decoction that can be used to treat hyperesthesia.

These decoctions are used as mouth rinse. They should be used immediately after oral hygiene procedures, 2 times a day: morning and evening. After some time, you will feel that the sensitivity of your teeth has decreased, and they themselves have become stronger.

Snake Highlander. A decoction based on this plant helps get rid of pain and also helps eliminate bad breath. To do this you need to take 5 grams. chopped knotweed root and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.

Melissa and chamomile. Place the collection of dry herbs in a thermos and pour boiled water, leave for 1 hour. Can be used as a rinse after brushing your teeth.

Eggplant peel decoction will help strengthen tooth enamel. It is necessary to take freshly peeled fruit peel, brew it with boiling water and leave it in a dark place.

Sesame oil will relieve you of pain, regardless of the nature of its origin. A few drops of this product are applied to a gauze swab and applied to the diseased tooth.

You can also use the following tips to reduce tooth sensitivity:

And, naturally, any healing therapy, the purpose of which is to reduce tooth sensitivity, necessarily involves the use of preventive measures.

Prevention of hyperesthesia

Prevention of the development of hyperesthesia is largely determined by the organization of the person himself and his desire to maintain dental health. Not recommended frequent use whitening toothpaste, as it contains harmful chemical substances negatively affect the tooth shell and cause its thinning.

To perform oral hygiene, you must use a paste that contains fluoride. You can also use special rinses, especially those containing calcium. However, it must be said that the effectiveness of these toothpastes is much lower than professional means, which are used in a dental office.

This is especially important if relief from symptoms of hyperesthesia is required, and full recovery weakened tooth enamel that has lost a large amount of minerals. After all, a thin layer of enamel opens the way to the development of caries.

There are several types of semi-professional and quite effective means, which can be purchased at free sale. Drugs that make teeth less sensitive: Elmex-gel and mineral-rich R.O.C.S. gel. Medical Minerals. You can learn more about the use of these drugs by reading the instructions supplied with them.

Avoid consuming foods and drinks that contain harsh substances, such as acids. Their regular impact on the oral cavity can cause rapid thinning of tooth enamel, which, in turn, will lead to pain.

Not worth it chew hard foods and objects, endangering the health of your teeth. In addition, following some rules will help to avoid the development of hyperesthesia:

  • do not use aggressive methods of exposure to dental tissue, such as using lemon juice, or brushing with soda or salt to whiten the enamel;
  • don't forget about daily hygiene procedures oral cavity;
  • eat more foods containing fluoride and calcium, this will help reduce the risk of hyperesthesia;
  • To brush your teeth, use only high-quality toothpaste and toothbrush, which must be replaced when loose fibers appear;
  • after eating food containing acid, do not forget to rinse your mouth with warm water;
  • Visit your dentist regularly for checkups.

Preventing tooth sensitivity is much easier than getting rid of it.

Dental methods for treating tooth sensitivity

A visit to a doctor will help you get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as hyperesthesia. Dentists have a wide variety of means and methods to prevent dental hypersensitivity:

For prevention and treatment possible consequences advanced hyperesthesia is recommended at the first sensation of discomfort in the oral cavity contact a specialist.

With an exacerbation of tooth sensitivity, the microflora of the oral cavity changes, which can lead to the appearance of pathogenic plaque and the development of caries, followed by increased hyperesthesia, the occurrence of hyperplasia or gum recession, as well as the onset of other diseases.

Sensitive gums– a problem familiar to 40% of the world’s adult population. Ice cream, hot drinks, ice-cold cocktails or cold blasts of air: all of this causes discomfort and causes a short-term attack of pain. The official name of this pathology is hyperesthesia. Women are more susceptible to gum sensitivity; after 30 years, the risk of hyperesthesia increases. Sensitive gums

Briefly about the problem

Hypersensitivity occurs if the hard periodontal tissues are exposed to various irritating factors(mechanical, chemical, thermal). The attack of pain comes sharply and unexpectedly, and also suddenly it stops. The mechanism of the appearance of hyperesthesia is associated with the structure of enamel, dentin and the characteristics of their interaction with the pulp. The main sources of hyperesthesia are exposure of the enamel-dentin border or thinning and drying of the enamel.

If characteristic pain appears when brushing your teeth or when inhaling cold air - these are signs of a neglected condition. In this case, even the slightest touch to the enamel provokes acute attack pain.

Causes of gum sensitivity

There are many reasons for the development of hypersensitivity. Among the indirect ones are problems with blood clotting, lack of useful substances and vitamins in the body, smoking, weakened the immune system. This condition also causes a number of other reasons.

  1. Carious inflammation. Sensitivity appears if the carious lesion is located close to the gum. The enamel loses minerals, and protection against exposure to acidic environments decreases.
  2. Periodontal diseases. Sensitivity in this case is a consequence of receding gums.
  3. Dental errors. Poor filling or treatment of caries damages the integrity of the enamel, and an incorrectly installed crown causes receding gums. Other reasons – violation of bleaching technology, poorly carried out professional cleaning(the enamel has become thinner).
  4. A number of systemic diseases. In this list hormonal disbalance, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, depression, menopause in women.
  5. Poor hygiene. Brushes with hard bristles, misuse dental floss, frequent use of highly abrasive pastes and gels. As a result, mechanical damage to the enamel occurs, cracks and chips contribute to the appearance of hyperesthesia. Also home whitening baking soda destroys enamel and causes hypersensitivity.

Periodontal diseases

Is it necessary to treat

Sensitivity is a common problem, but it cannot be ignored. If pain occurs, you should definitely contact your dentist to determine the cause of the phenomenon. High gum sensitivity can be a symptom developing pathology(bruxism, pathological abrasion, periodontitis or periodontal disease). Hyperesthesia also carries the risk of exposing roots and loosening of teeth. It is necessary to treat such a pathology.


After the examination, the dentist prescribes the appropriate treatment:

  • hygienic cleaning;
  • hardware treatment of gums with systems " Varius" And " Vector»;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy.
  • physiotherapy.

The physiotherapeutic treatment process includes massage, darsonvalization (exposure to electric current) different frequencies), vacuum therapy and electrophoresis. The result is increased lymph and blood circulation, nutrition of gum tissue, and increased capillary density.

Medicines are prescribed to provide an anti-inflammatory effect. Most often, gels are prescribed that relieve swelling, reduce inflammation and have an antimicrobial effect. This is a gel Holisal, Metrogyl Denta, Asepta, Kamistad, Solcoseryl, Actovegin.

For chronic hyperesthesia, you need to use foams and mousses for regular rinsing. These substances form a protective film on the gums; after using them, it is not recommended to eat for 30-40 minutes. Examples of medicinal products: Bifluoride 12, Fluocal-gel, Fluoride varnish, Remodent powder.

Device Vector

Choosing a toothpaste

Dentists recommend special pastes for patients with hyperesthesia. They need to be used in courses, the frequency of use depends on the degree of sensitivity. Such pastes contain sodium bicarbonate, potassium and sodium carbonates. Their composition also necessarily includes calcium, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, enzymes and biological supplements, fatty acid.

  • The elements strontium and potassium prevent irritation of nerve endings.
  • Potassium protects teeth from external irritants.
  • Calcium restores damaged elements bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  • The presence of fluoride helps strengthen and restore tooth enamel. Its share in the composition should not exceed 2%.

One toothpaste should not contain a combination fluoride and calcium. It is recommended to use fluoride-containing toothpaste in the mornings, and calcium-containing toothpaste in the evenings. Also, the paste for sensitive teeth should not contain flavoring additives, dyes, or whitening particles. The paste and rinse should be purchased at a pharmacy and only on the recommendation of a dentist.

Folk remedies

The best therapeutic effect can be achieved with complex therapy. One of the components of such treatment is ethnoscience. So, how to deal with gum sensitivity at home?

NameIngredients for cookingHow to cook?
Wormwood tincture
  • 30-40 g of dry wormwood herb;
  • 200 g of alcohol (alcohol, vodka).
Pour alcohol over wormwood and leave in a dark place for 1-2 weeks. Use the product for applications or for rinsing (after diluting with water).
Onion and aloe paste
  • 1 medium sized onion;
  • 2 medium aloe leaves.
Grind the ingredients until smooth. Apply the paste to the gums, do not swallow.
Oak bark decoctionOak bark and boiling water.Pour boiling water, leave, rinse or make mouth baths.
Healing herbal extractSt. John's wort, strawberries, elderberry (in equal proportions), boiling water.Pour boiling water over the herbs, leave for 60 minutes, then strain. Let the solution cool and rinse 1-3 times a day.

Regular slow resorption of honey will have a strengthening effect. Honey is a natural source of beneficial elements and vitamins. This tasty medicine is an effective prevention of gum inflammation and sensitivity.

Preventive measures

Are common preventive actions– strengthening the immune system, enriching the diet with vitamins, maintaining a daily routine and healthy sleep. Recommended quit smoking, since this bad habit promotes vasoconstriction (blood circulation in the gums is inhibited).

If you cannot give up completely, after each cigarette you smoke, rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. Regular light massage of the gums is also indicated. You need to massage large and index finger, For better effect- use olive oil or sea ​​salt.

It is recommended to quit smoking

Nutrition rules

You need to remove irritants from your diet: cold and hot food. After drinking citrus fruits and carbonated sweet drinks, it is recommended to rinse your mouth thoroughly. You also need to exclude solid foods (nuts, crackers, seeds).

They lead to chips and cracks in the enamel. Be sure to enrich your diet with foods filled with calcium and fluoride, magnesium, and iron. This is fish and seafood dairy products. A balanced diet is especially important for prevention.

Oral hygiene rules

Preventing the condition of gums and teeth is not a difficult task. Be sure to use a properly selected brush: it must have soft and even fibers. You need to change the brush at least once every 2-3 months.

Use dental floss

After every meal, floss and use toothpicks very carefully. An irrigator and rinses will help eliminate bacteria and plaque in hard-to-reach places.


So, tooth sensitivity is a common problem. It is necessary to treat the pathology; therapy must proceed regularly and comprehensively. When the first warning signs Contact your dentist immediately. For oral hygiene, use only suitable toothpastes and follow a diet. Remember that advanced hyperesthesia leads to tooth loss.

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