Home Tooth pain Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from tartar. What you didn’t know about ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, but wanted to hear Ultrasound cleaning of gums

Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from tartar. What you didn’t know about ultrasonic cleaning of tartar, but wanted to hear Ultrasound cleaning of gums

Many people who care about their health have heard about this preventive procedure like ultrasonic teeth cleaning. However, not everyone knows what it is, its advantages and disadvantages.

What is ultrasonic teeth cleaning?

It is no secret that teeth are susceptible to such an unpleasant phenomenon as the formation of dark plaque on them. Plaque consists of food particles and particles deposited on the enamel. Plaque formation not only worsens appearance teeth, making the smile less snow-white, but also poses a health hazard, since the bacteria contained in plaque can trigger the development of caries. And brushing the mouth with a toothbrush does not always help clear this plaque. Particularly persistent plaque is formed as a result of regular drinking of coffee or smoking.

In addition to plaque, there is also tartar. This is the name given to hard mineral deposits that form on the surface of the enamel. Regular brushing is generally useless against tartar. Several decades ago, the stone was removed mechanically, using curettes - special sharpened instruments. This procedure often led to injuries to the oral mucosa, resulting in the removal of a small layer of enamel - 5-25 microns - along with tartar.

This is where ultrasonic cleaning technology comes to the aid of dentists. She can make teeth shiny and free of plaque and tartar in one session. In addition, the procedure makes teeth more resistant to other dental procedures - fluoridation, silvering, filling, and disinfects the enamel surface.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • Cleaning from dental plaque;
  • Tartar removal;
  • Teeth whitening (lightening by 1-2 tones);
  • Disinfection of the surface of teeth;
  • Increasing the resistance of teeth to caries;
  • Prevention of gingivitis, periodontitis, ;
  • Increasing the sensitivity of enamel to mineral substances beneficial to teeth - fluoride and calcium.

Is it possible to carry out ultrasonic cleaning at home?

Professional ultrasonic teeth cleaning can only be carried out in dental offices. However, there is a home alternative to professional ultrasonic cleaning - an ultrasonic brush. It is 2 times more effective at removing bacterial plaque compared to regular ones. But ultrasonic brushes are not yet capable of removing tartar.

When is the procedure necessary?

The procedure should be performed regularly by people who have a tendency to form deposits on the enamel. In addition, the presence of tartar can sometimes serve as a contraindication to prosthetics, installation of implants. Therefore, in such cases, the dentist may prescribe an ultrasonic cleaning procedure for the patient. In other cases, the procedure is not necessary, but highly desirable.

Is it harmful?

Ultrasonic cleaning teeth provided professional conduct The procedure is safe for health, but only if the patient has no contraindications. Also, do not forget that everything is good in moderation. Ultrasonic cleaning is a procedure that should not be performed more than 2 times a year. More frequent cleaning can be harmful. For example, the enamel may become thinner and microcracks may appear in it. However, if there are indications, for example, in cases of mineral metabolism disorders or increased salivary viscosity, the doctor may prescribe more frequent cleaning– once every 3-4 months.

Is professional ultrasonic teeth cleaning effective?

With professional teeth cleaning with ultrasound, the desired effect is certainly achieved, and the teeth are cleaned of plaque. However, sometimes alternative methods will be more appropriate, for example, cleaning using technology Air Flow. Ultrasonic cleaning demonstrates high efficiency in removing stone, but may not show such brilliant results when getting rid of soft plaque, “smoker’s plaque.”

Are there any contraindications?

There are contraindications to the procedure, but they are relatively few. This:

  • Allergy to fluoride-containing drugs,
  • Oncological diseases,
  • Presence of implants and fixed prostheses,
  • Presence of a cardiac stimulator,
  • Arrhythmias,
  • Severe cardiovascular diseases,
  • Asthma,
  • Childhood,
  • AIDS,
  • Hepatitis,
  • Diabetes mellitus in a severe stage or during an exacerbation period,
  • Therapy with corticosteroid drugs,
  • Multiple caries.

Carrying out the procedure under these conditions can be harmful.

It is not advisable to carry out cleaning if the patient suffers from respiratory infections and oral cavity, since dust from plaque can increase inflammation.

If anesthesia is necessary, the patient must notify the dentist about the presence of allergic reactions for painkillers.

It is no coincidence that installed implants or fixed prostheses are a contraindication. After all, ultrasonic waves can disrupt the integrity of many structures, including metal ones.

If we talk about implants, cleaning is prohibited only in the area where they are installed. In other places of the dentition, ultrasonic cleaning can be carried out. Sometimes, in this case, your doctor may recommend an alternative procedure called AirFlow.

For a similar reason, the procedure is prohibited in the presence of pacemakers - ultrasonic waves can disrupt their functioning.

Is it possible to perform ultrasonic teeth cleaning during pregnancy?

The procedure is not contraindicated during pregnancy, since ultrasound waves have a local effect on the body. Research has not found any harmful effects for the fruit. However, it is advisable to carry out this procedure in the 2nd or 3rd trimester and only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Is it possible to brush your teeth if you have caries?

The procedure is contraindicated only if the patient has multiple deep caries. In such a situation, ultrasonic cleaning can only worsen the condition of the oral cavity. If individual teeth are affected by caries, and the caries is in initial stage, then the procedure is not prohibited. However, in this case, cleaning may be accompanied by unpleasant or even painful sensations.

Pros and cons of professional teeth cleaning

Like any procedure, ultrasonic cleaning has its pros and cons.

TO positive characteristics techniques include:

  • Painless,
  • Non-traumatic in relation to teeth,
  • High quality,
  • High speed,
  • Moderate cost,
  • Long lasting preventive effect.

Regarding painlessness, it is necessary to make a reservation. For most patients, cleaning the enamel does not cause any discomfort. But cleansing deposits on the gums is quite painful. Therefore, if such an option is necessary, the doctor first numbs the required area with an injection of an anesthetic drug or performs topical anesthesia.

Among the disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • If the enamel is highly sensitive, the procedure can be painful,
  • Quite high complexity for a dentist,
  • Inability to clean plaque in some areas,
  • Impossibility of performing the procedure in the presence of fixed prostheses,
  • Potential risk of harm to gums and enamel if the procedure is performed incorrectly.

How is ultrasonic teeth cleaning done?

The cleaning device is called a scaler. The working head of the scaler looks like a small curved tube. The curved shape of the device makes it easier for the doctor to access all areas of the oral cavity. The device emits ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 16 to 50 kHz, which are not felt by humans.

Getting on the surface of the enamel, ultrasound removes plaque and deposits. The tip of the device does not touch the very surface of the enamel and gums. Plaque particles are removed from the oral cavity using a vacuum method.

The dentist can adjust parameters such as amplitude and frequency sound waves. This helps to choose optimal mode for every patient. After all, the depth of plaque, the amount of tartar, and the condition of the teeth vary among all people.

The scaler has several replaceable tips for various operations:

  • Treatment of periodontal pockets,
  • Stone removal
  • Cleansing from soft deposits,
  • Polishing the tooth surface.

At the same time, a little water is applied to the teeth. This is necessary in order to avoid overheating of dental tissues, as well as to wash away particles of removed plaque. In addition, water increases the cleaning efficiency due to the cavitation effect. Sometimes dry mode (without water) can be used. Can also be served special gel, improving the quality of cleaning.

The procedure usually lasts no more than an hour, most often 30-40 minutes. After its completion, the doctor may suggest that the patient undergo additional operation– fluoridation of teeth using special pastes. This is necessary to reduce the sensitivity of the enamel.

Often, the ultrasonic cleaning procedure is combined with the AirFlow procedure - air-water cleaning of enamel using abrasive materials.

The procedure does not require anesthesia, except for cleaning the gums or in case of increased sensitivity of the enamel.

After the procedure

After the procedure, the patient has a feeling of freshness in the mouth. However, this does not mean that teeth do not require care after cleaning. The sensitivity of the enamel may increase, so on the first day it is recommended to avoid foods that are too hot or cold. During the day, you should not consume foods that intensely stain your teeth - coffee, chocolate, wine, red fruits and vegetables, and stop smoking. At first, you should brush your teeth not 2 times a day, as usual, but every time after eating. For this it is advisable to use toothbrush with soft bristles. It is best to change the brush, as the old one may contain an increased amount of bacteria.

Tartar not only disrupts the aesthetics of a smile, but leads to gum disease, bad breath, the development of dental caries and, in advanced cases, tooth loss.

Regular teeth cleaning using ultrasound removes hard plaque from the surface of the teeth and from shallow periodontal pockets (maximum up to 5 mm); the procedure is carried out using a special device - a dental scaler (scaler). The device can be built into a dental unit or stand-alone.

Ultrasonic scaler consists of a control unit and vibration generation, a tip, removable (replaceable) attachments and a control pedal. The device is equipped with a liquid supply system. During operation, the device creates ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 25-30 kHz, which are transmitted to the tip nozzle.

Physical principle of operation: an ultrasonic wave is transmitted from the tip to the scaler nozzle, which in turn transfers it to dental plaque. Under its influence, deposits are destroyed from the inside. To prevent damage to tooth enamel, the dentist moves the attachment strictly along the surface of the tooth. The simultaneous supply of water to the zone of ultrasound influence provokes the effect of cavitation, the formation of micro-bubbles in the volume, which accelerate the process of destruction of tartar. At the same time water or medicinal solution, contribute to the washing out of dental plaque destroyed by ultrasound from the treatment area.

Benefits of ultrasonic teeth cleaning

The first devices for ultrasonic teeth cleaning, which appeared in the 60s of the last century, were somewhat imperfect, and after their use, damage to the enamel could occur. Therefore, plaque and tartar were often cleaned manually. Modern ultrasonic units are absolutely safe; they are used not only for removing tartar, but also for removing crowns, minimally invasive preparation of enamel areas affected by caries, and caring for dental implants.

The benefits of ultrasonic teeth cleaning include:

Indications for use

Almost every adult needs ultrasonic teeth cleaning to prevent the formation of dental plaque, but there are categories that are recommended to perform the procedure first:

  • Patients preparing for caries treatment and teeth whitening, installation of implants, braces, dentures;
  • Patients after removal of braces;
  • Patients with installed implants, crowns (special plastic attachments are used for cleaning);
  • Patients diagnosed with gingivitis or periodontitis.


Like any medical procedure, ultrasonic teeth cleaning has its contraindications:

  • Installed pacemaker;
  • Acute inflammatory processes in the periodontium, osteomyelitis;
  • Oncological neoplasms in the oral cavity;
  • Erosion of soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity;
  • Severe form of diabetes mellitus;
  • Acute and chronic infectious diseases;
  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Epilepsy;
  • A history of retinal surgery (consultation with an ophthalmologist is required).


Assuming that the medical history has been collected and the patient has been given all the necessary explanations, ultrasonic teeth cleaning is carried out in the following sequence:

Comprehensive hygienic cleaning

For more effective cleaning of the dental surface, we recommend that our patients undergo comprehensive oral cleaning, which includes:

If the patient, after comprehensive hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity, follows the rules for caring for the oral cavity, then he reduces the likelihood of re-formation of tartar, because prevents the hardening of soft dental deposits that inevitably accumulate on the surface of the teeth. Therefore, during the next preventive examination Teeth cleaning may be limited to using the Air Flow method to remove stained plaque.

For periodontal pockets deeper than 5 mm, it is recommended to undergo a procedure for removing hard deposits using a vector device.

Caring for your teeth after ultrasonic cleaning

After the procedure, especially if a lot of plaque has been removed, there is a slightly increased sensitivity of the teeth to temperature and chemical irritants, so for 24 hours after cleaning, patients are advised to refrain from eating excessively hot, cold, sour and salty foods. It is advisable to follow a “white diet” for a couple of days, as after teeth whitening, to exclude strongly coloring foods from the diet (red wine, coffee, black tea, beets, some bright fruits and juices from them) so that the cleaned enamel does not absorb food dyes, and on the contrary, enrich it with solid and fiber-containing products that will prevent the appearance of plaque and stones (fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc.).

After every meal you need to rinse your mouth clean water- this rule must be observed not only after ultrasonic cleaning, but also constantly.

The most frequently asked questions from patients about the procedure

Ultrasound teeth cleaning is a painless procedure, but it may be accompanied by minor unpleasant sensations in the presence of subgingival dental deposits, to remove them you need to slightly disturb the gums. Patients with hypersensitivity enamels. In such cases, the doctor will perform cleaning with maximum comfort for the patient, using local anesthesia.

No, whitening is a completely different procedure; it is carried out using special whitening compounds that are applied to the tooth. A slight lightening of the enamel is due to the fact that after ultrasonic cleaning, the surface of the teeth is polished; sometimes the difference in color is clearly visible.

No it is not true. On the contrary, after ultrasonic cleaning followed by polishing the enamel, plaque appears more slowly. Maintaining oral hygiene helps prevent its occurrence: responsible brushing of teeth at least 2 times a day, rinsing the mouth after meals, choosing the right toothpaste. Smoking, excessive consumption of tea and coffee, and metabolic disorders in the body contribute to the rapid appearance of plaque.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, damage to tooth enamel is excluded. After cleaning, weak and thin enamel is additionally strengthened with remineralizing gels, the enamel is actively saturated with microelements, and it becomes stronger.

Acute inflammation of the gums, accompanied by bleeding, in most cases is a contraindication to ultrasonic teeth cleaning before removal acute symptoms. We offer our patients tartar removal simultaneously with gum treatment using the Vector device. This is a specially designed ultrasonic scaler that is equipped with a unique Paro tip that creates special ultrasonic vibrations. The device allows for deeper treatment of periodontal pockets if the patient is diagnosed with periodontitis; Simultaneously with the removal of dental plaque, the enamel is polished with a special polishing liquid. After its use, supragingival and subgingival deposits, inflammation of soft tissues and bleeding are completely eliminated, disappears bad smell from the mouth, the health of the oral cavity is restored.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is not only allowed for pregnant women, but is also recommended for mandatory use. This is explained by the frequent occurrence of problems with teeth and gums in pregnant women due to hormonal changes and the need to sanitize the oral cavity before childbirth. The procedure is completely safe for health expectant mother and her baby, but you still need to consult a gynecologist before doing it.

We recommend that our patients have their teeth cleaned with ultrasound every 6-12 months; sometimes, if there is an increased tendency to form plaque, cleaning is done more often. The best solution is to carry out a comprehensive oral hygiene cleaning, which helps maintain oral health and fresh breath.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning helps prevent the development of many dental diseases, so do not neglect this procedure.

Cost of ultrasonic teeth cleaning

One of the first questions that patients are interested in is how much does ultrasonic teeth cleaning cost? This procedure is one of the most affordable in dentistry; its cost depends on individual characteristics body, in particular, in some people, tartar is almost completely dissolved by saliva, in others periodontal pockets are not formed, or the opposite example, in the presence of severe curvature of the teeth, hard plaque forms so strongly that it will take an hour or more to thoroughly remove it.

In our clinic, the cost of ultrasonic teeth cleaning is fixed and unchanged. For complex cases, our clear recommendation is to use the vector device.

Prices for ultrasonic teeth cleaning in Dental World dentistry.

It has long been proven that ultrasound neutralizes bacteria. So why not use it to clean your teeth? No bacteria - no caries. Great prevention!

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is a non-contact, painless and completely safe method. Its main purpose is to remove hard limestone deposits (stones). Tartar is a mineralized bacterial plaque that cannot be removed at home even with the hardest brush.

How to do professional ultrasonic cleaning

Until about 10-15 years ago, dentists removed hard plaque using curettes. This hand tools, very sharp and sharpened at the ends. It is clear that the procedure was painful and injured the enamel and gums. The layer of “living” tissue that is removed with curettes is 5-25 microns. This means that each time the enamel becomes thinner and becomes more and more sensitive.

During gentle ultrasonic cleaning, only 0.1 microns of tissue is removed. It is carried out using an ultrasound machine, which is now installed in almost every dentistry and clinic. A special scaler attachment produces silent vibration vibrations with a frequency of 16 - 45 thousand Hz. The doctor adjusts the amplitude of vibrations to relieve different types plaque, including in hard-to-reach places.

Ultrasonic waves eliminate not only visible yellow plaque, but also subgingival bacterial deposits that accumulate in periodontal pockets and trigger the inflammatory process.

Ultrasound, like a drill, crushes tartar into tiny particles. The resulting stone dust is removed using a mouth “vacuum cleaner”, then the enamel is washed with a stream of water. At the very end, the surface of the teeth is ground and polished using professional nylon brushes and abrasive pastes. The entire session lasts about 30-40 minutes. And if there are too many stones, the procedure takes about an hour.

Pros and cons of ultrasonic cleaning

The method is excellent for caries prevention and inflammatory diseases gums - gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis. It is recommended for all patients. This is why ultrasonic teeth cleaning has become so popular and in demand:

  • safe removal of tartar without damaging the enamel;
  • removal of subgingival plaque, which causes bleeding and inflammation of the gums;
  • ultrasound sterilizes tooth surface, destroys pathogenic microflora;
  • eliminating bad breath;
  • lightening the enamel to a natural shade - by 1-2 tones.

Disadvantages of the procedure

First of all, the disadvantage is pain when removing subgingival stone - if desired, local anesthesia can be used. Secondly, there is discomfort when treating sensitive areas, for example, the root area, where the enamel is thin.

Care after ultrasonic teeth cleaning

After the procedure, a feeling of freshness and cleanliness appears, the enamel brightens, becomes perfectly smooth, and pleasant to the touch. To maintain the results as long as possible, it is recommended to carefully care for your teeth, brushing them after every meal or at least 2 times a day.

On the first day, slight sensitivity is possible, so it is better to avoid foods that are too cold or hot. It is also recommended to limit intake for a couple of days. coloring products(coffee, tea, wine) so that the whiteness of the enamel will delight you for a long time.

Dentists advise purchasing a new toothbrush. After ultrasound treatment, the gums are slightly irritated and vulnerable to infection. And your old brush can serve as a source of harmful bacteria.

Contraindications to ultrasonic teeth cleaning

Although ultrasonic teeth cleaning is recommended for all patients, there are still contraindications:

  • cardiac arrhythmia and other serious ailments of the cardiovascular system;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • chronic asthma, bronchitis;
  • exacerbation of any respiratory diseases;
  • serious infectious diseases - hepatitis, tuberculosis;
  • childhood and adolescence.

Unfortunately, ultrasonic cleaning is not suitable for patients who have dental implants and orthopedic structures in the mouth. The fact is that vibrations of ultrasonic waves can disrupt the integrity of some products. This happens extremely rarely, but still not worth the risk. IN in this case apply alternative method- Air Flow abrasive cleaning.


Is ultrasonic teeth cleaning harmful?

In the absence of contraindications, ultrasonic cleaning is absolutely safe. In addition, it is good for your teeth. Cleansed, smooth enamel begins to better absorb microelements and nutrients contained in toothpaste, mineral water, food. Do not confuse ultrasonic cleaning with chemical bleaching, which dries out the enamel, making it more fragile and sensitive.

How often should I do ultrasonic teeth cleaning?

It is recommended to undergo a session approximately once every six months. Over the course of 6 months, dental plaque gradually accumulates and hardens. In people suffering from mineral metabolism disorders or increased viscosity of saliva, tartar forms faster. In this case, cleaning should be done every 3-4 months.

Is it possible to do ultrasonic cleaning at home?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to install a scaler at home and do ultrasonic cleaning of your teeth yourself. This should be done by a specialist. But there is an alternative option - buy an ultrasonic toothbrush. It has a special mechanism and a conductor inside the handle that produce vibrations. This is the so-called “soft ultrasound”, which destroys pathogenic microflora. This device removes plaque 200% more effectively than a regular toothbrush. It’s just that it’s unlikely to be able to cope with massive tartar that has accumulated on your teeth for years. Therefore, it is still recommended to consult a dentist before purchasing.

Is ultrasound safe during pregnancy?

Ultrasonic waves act locally, so they are safe for a pregnant woman. However, it must be taken into account that in the first trimester of pregnancy the protective properties of the placenta are still very weak, and in the third trimester the sensitivity of the uterus to any external influence. Therefore, if you decide to go hygienic cleaning at the dentist, it is better to do this in the second trimester. Be sure to tell your doctor about your situation.

Before and after ultrasonic teeth cleaning

Cost of the procedure

  • Ultrasonic cleaning of the entire oral cavity will cost approximately 3,000 rubles.
  • You can also remove stone only in certain areas, the cost of such a service is 220 rubles. for 1 tooth.

Agree, it is cheaper and more pleasant than treating caries, pulpitis or gingivitis. Timely prevention is the key to the health and beauty of your teeth!

We also invite you to look comparative characteristics ultrasonic teeth cleaning and Air Flow method.

The main method of preventing dental diseases is professional teeth cleaning. It involves removing bacterial plaque and hard plaque from teeth.

In most dentistry, ultrasonic equipment is used for this, which will allow you to clean crowns in a minimum period of time without damaging the enamel.


Teeth cleaning with ultrasound is carried out using a special device that generates ultrasonic waves with a high vibration frequency. This equipment does not injure the enamel due to the ability to regulate the frequency from 20 to 50 kHz.

Oscillatory motion of the wave help loosen plaque soft and hard type, which is then easily washed off with water.

Photos of the procedure results


Most in-office crown cleaning methods are aimed only at removing soft deposits. Only a few of them are able to cope with tartar, but there is still a high probability of damage to the enamel.

Ultrasonic cleaning does not damage the surface of crowns and is aimed at solving several problems at once:

  • removal of solid deposits, such as on visible parts of the crown and in the area periodontal pockets below the gum line;
  • removing soft plaque;
  • removal of the pigmented layer, which leads to lightening of the crowns.

Thanks to high-quality removal of deposits, the risk of developing periodontal diseases and dental caries is minimized.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compared to other methods of cleaning the teeth, ultrasonic cleaning has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages include the following:

  1. Safety for enamel. The ultrasonic cleaning system is designed in such a way that it does not directly affect the surface of the teeth. This significantly reduces the likelihood of damage.
  2. Quality of cleansing. Ultrasound is capable of breaking down hard deposits even under the gum, which is beyond the capabilities of most other methods.
  3. Simultaneously with the cleansing of plaque, mild teeth whitening, to your natural tone.
  4. This procedure allows immediately assess the condition of the tissues that were covered with hard deposits, and notice their pathological change.
  5. This procedure takes a short period of time and does not require special training.
  6. Cleansing is carried out painless. In case of a large amount of deposits in the gum line area, an application or local anesthesia, with a minimum dosage of anesthetics.
  7. This technique can be combined with other methods of professional cleaning of crowns.
  8. The procedure has reasonable cost.

The disadvantages of this system include:

  • often when cleansing it is necessary to resort k, which is carried out using a special nozzle. In some cases, this leads to slight gum bleeding, swelling and redness;
  • the quality of work and integrity of the enamel will be directly depend on the professionalism of the dentist, since the cleansing procedure involves direct impact the tip of the nozzle of the ultrasonic device on the deposits;
  • the precision of the impact will be depend on the type of device. If outdated models are used, where ultrasound is delivered elliptically, then the likelihood of injury to periodontal tissue and crowns increases.

Conditions of appointment

Indications for professional teeth cleaning using ultrasonic equipment are:

  • frequent relapses of inflammation periodontal tissue;
  • a large amount of dental plaque, both soft and hard type;
  • poor hygiene quality oral cavity;
  • prevention of dental diseases.

When the procedure is prohibited

This method can only be used if the patient does not have the following contraindications:

  1. Availability of a device for artificially maintaining heart rhythm or other implanted stimulating devices. Unfortunately, the effects of ultrasound waves are not limited to the oral cavity.

    Vibration can be transmitted throughout the body and lead to malfunction of the stimulating device or its breakdown.

  2. Pathologically high sensitivity enamels. The impact of waves is aimed not only at surface cleansing, but also at removing pigments and bacteria from enamel micropores, which can cause the situation to worsen.
  3. Pregnancy. Studies have shown that an ultrasonic wave, even of low frequency and power, can cause changes in operation metabolic processes a woman’s body, which directly affects the development of the fetus.

    The body perceives this effect especially acutely in first trimester pregnancy. In the remaining months spend this procedure allowed if there are no general pathologies.

  4. Period of mixed dentition. At this time, such cleansing is not recommended because children’s tooth enamel is too thin.

    The service can only be used 2 years after the eruption of the last tooth. It is during this time that the enamel will reach the required density and thickness.

  5. Heart diseases. Exposure to ultrasonic waves can cause short-term violation rhythm.
  6. Bronchitis in chronic form or bronchial asthma. The device is able to influence the functioning of blood vessels, leading to their narrowing and spasm. In the presence of these diseases, this can lead to an attack of suffocation.
  7. Respiratory infections. Since cleaning causes injury to dental and periodontal tissues, infection can settle in the wounds and cause inflammation.

Operating principle

For removal, a special ergonomically designed device is used. Built into its body ultrasonic generator, delivering waves of adjustable frequency to the tip. For ease of operation and quality of cleaning, the nozzles of the cleaning handle of the device can be changed.

The procedure provides a classic set of tips designed for:

  • cleansing visible part of the crown from soft deposits;
  • dental treatment before prosthetics;
  • removal of deposits in the area of ​​periodontal pockets;
  • surface polishing;
  • removal of tartar.

In addition to a wide selection of attachments, different operating modes are used. Cleansing can be done as dry method, so with use of liquids. This makes it possible to use not only plain water, but also various aseptic and anti-inflammatory agents.

Effective removal of deposits occurs due to a double action:

  1. The wave is fed with pulse frequency, due to which the tip has an oscillatory effect on the deposits and destroys them mechanically.

    In order to avoid damage to dental tissue, it is necessary that the movements of the scaler be linear along the entire surface of the tooth.

  2. Simultaneous application of ultrasound and water leads to cavitation effect– the formation of many microbubbles, which loosen plaque and promote its separation from the enamel.

All scalers are equipped with special lighting, which improves the quality of cleaning.


The ultrasonic cleaning procedure begins with an examination, during which the dentist determines the volume of deposits and the quality of oral hygiene. If necessary, the patient is given local anesthesia.

  1. Cleansing visible part of the crowns from soft deposits.
  2. Tartar removal along the gum line.
  3. Curettage of periodontal pockets.
  4. In order to remove deposits located deep in the pores of the enamel, ultrasonic cleansing complemented by the use of the system .
  5. Then proceed to leveling the dental surface using a special micro-abrasive paste and a grinding attachment.
  6. In conclusion, crowns coated with fluoride, to strengthen the enamel.

In this video, a specialist talks about the procedure:


In order for the effect of whiteness and cleanliness of teeth to last as long as possible, it is necessary to adhere to standard rules of oral hygiene:

  1. Should not be abused coloring and carbohydrate products that lead to the appearance of bacterial deposits and enamel pigmentation.
  2. The basic rule is high-quality cleaning of crowns. To do this, it is necessary to use not only regular brush. It is necessary to additionally use floss, brushes and rinses. It is also recommended to use an irrigator regularly.
  3. Shouldn't be avoided regular visits dentist, which can promptly notice dental diseases at the initial stage of their development.


The cost of this procedure is quite acceptable and is in the range 1000–3000 rubles. On average, processing one tooth costs 50 or 70 rubles.

But increasingly, dentists offer a professional cleaning procedure, where ultrasonic treatment is only part of it. As a rule, it is complemented by treatment with the Air Flow system and fluoridation of the crowns. Such a complex can cost 4500 rubles and higher, depending on the status of the clinic.


Nowadays, a large number of clinic patients resort to ultrasonic cleansing. Their reviews indicate the effectiveness and safety of this procedure. Only a few report slight discomfort that goes away on its own within a few days.


  • Natalie

    October 21, 2016 at 5:48 pm

    It took me a long time to decide on this procedure, but the tartar was simply driving me crazy! Well, I decided, it was scary. When I came to the doctor I calmed down, the procedure itself lasted 30 minutes, to be honest, it was tolerable, but it depends on what your pain threshold is. The result, of course, is visible immediately, but for the first couple of days I had to follow the doctor’s instructions to consolidate the result. In my case, I gave up strong coffee and tea. But I have the most beautiful smile and no STONE!

  • Zhenya

    October 22, 2016 at 4:12 am

    Ultrasonic cleaning is now the most common and popular, I did it myself. I had the tartar removed and the surface of my teeth polished. For me, the cleansing procedure was painless and I was pleased with the results. I was only afraid that my gums would get hurt and they would bleed, but that didn’t happen, the main thing in this matter is to find a professional dentist.

  • Lina

    October 23, 2016 at 4:04 am

    Very good procedure with visible results. My brother conducts it at intervals of one year. But what I want to point out is that choosing a good dentist is really important. Before you go for ultrasonic cleaning, try to ask as much as possible about patients who have already visited this or that doctor. Ask them how satisfied they are with his work. If the dentist does not have professional skills in this matter, he may ruin your tooth enamel, and this is fraught with sad consequences. There were such cases.

  • Marina

    February 28, 2017 at 9:30 pm

    After removing the braces, the orthodontist sends me for ultrasonic cleaning at every examination, but I still haven’t decided. When complaining about tooth sensitivity, he says, “It’s okay, you can use anesthesia.” And the article says that high enamel sensitivity is a contraindication. I don't even know who to listen to. And about Chronical bronchitis I found out just in time, I’ll probably abstain after all.

  • Natalia

    August 5, 2017 at 10:49 am

    my dentist damaged my enamel, I got an ugly gap between my front teeth, like a crooked hole between the teeth - she claims that she just removed deposits from reverse side teeth, but in the end this happened, she says that ultrasound only removes pathological formations, and it is not her fault, in the end I will have to carry out corrections - put fillings to level the gap. and in another tooth - a canine - the enamel was also severely damaged on the reverse side, I also sandblasted the surface of the filling - as a result, half of the filling was demolished, the recess in the fissures deepened greatly, the gap between the filling and the tooth became visible. She claims that it’s not her fault - it happened that way and everything is fine (

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