Home Prosthetics and implantation What does air flow remove plaque mean? What is professional teeth whitening and teeth cleaning Air Flow

What does air flow remove plaque mean? What is professional teeth whitening and teeth cleaning Air Flow

In order to keep your smile snow-white for as long as possible, you should take care of the condition of your teeth even when at a young age. In order to prevent pathologies oral cavity and conservation healthy smile You should visit your dentist's office regularly for professional cleanings. This is the most affordable method of maintaining the health of your teeth without significant costs. Today a lot has been developed preventive measures, but the most effective is Air Flow.

Indications for Air Flow

The effective Air Flow technique will become indispensable for those who smoke a lot and abuse coffee or tea, which contribute to the darkening of the enamel. It only takes one visit to the dentist to restore your smile to its natural beauty. Hygiene procedure Air Flow is indicated for all patients seeking beautiful smile, regardless of their age and condition of the oral cavity.

Mechanism of action

Air Flow is an innovative procedure that is carried out to remove accumulated plaque and pigmentation from the surface of the tooth. Air Flow cleaning is done with a special device, through which high pressure a special mixture is supplied, consisting of air, baking soda, and a fine mixture of water. Air Flow hygiene ensures effective removal plaque, food debris in the interdental space and hard-to-reach places. Air Flow whitening has no contraindications in the presence of crowns, dentures, etc. Before professional teeth cleaning, it is necessary to eliminate all inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Otherwise, there will be no significant effect from the procedure. To make the preventative session comfortable for both the doctor and the patient, before starting Airflow enamel cleaning, the dentist places a saliva ejector in the patient’s mouth. During the procedure, the device is located at a distance of 5 millimeters from the tooth, the doctor makes circular movements, trying not to influence soft fabrics oral cavity. Once the Air Flow cleaning is completed, the remaining mixture is removed with a dental vacuum cleaner. The final stage of the Air flow procedure is grinding and polishing the enamel using special pastes.

Removing plaque with an airflow system.

If the patient has a low pain threshold, the doctor may use local anesthesia, which will allow the patient to undergo the Flow procedure with the least discomfort. For this purpose, some time before cleaning, a safe gel is applied to the gums.

Benefits of Air Flow

  • efficiency - cleaning unpleasant coating it is removed even in the most inaccessible places, where it is difficult to reach with a regular toothbrush;
  • Absolute safety – Air Flow is not damaged during hygiene tooth enamel and oral mucosa;
  • Air flow cleaning is painless and does not cause discomfort even after the session ends;
  • excellent polishing – the surface of the teeth becomes smooth;
  • cleaning gets rid of and has a whitening effect, which is obtained naturally;
  • efficiency - for high-quality cleaning of all teeth it will take only 30-40 minutes.

Efficiency of Air flow

After cleaning Air Flow, the result will be hard to miss! The surface of the tooth will become smooth, the enamel will acquire a natural healthy shade and become several shades lighter.

Air Flow result. The work of Marina Mikhailovna Filatova.

The cost of cleaning using the Air Flow method is more than affordable, so everyone can experience its effectiveness for themselves. For proper dental hygiene, the procedure should be repeated every six months. Since the main substance is ordinary soda, you can clean your teeth without side effects or allergic reactions.

Despite the prevalence, innovative methodology Air Flow is not used in all clinics for removing plaque. This is explained by the fact that the equipment is not cheap, and the implementation of such a service requires financial investment. Not all dentists have this opportunity, so if you are offered alternative cleaning methods, you should not immediately agree, but rather go to another clinic.

Outdated methods of cleaning enamel significantly interfere with the Airflow procedure, since they affect the condition of the oral cavity. The choice is always yours, but you should keep up with the times and use the best! Millions of patients around the world have been convinced of the effectiveness of the method of removing tartar and plaque, as evidenced by multiple positive reviews.

What happens after Air Flow

Tooth enamel is very sensitive and vulnerable to damage within a week after the procedure. external factors, therefore, you should not alternate too cold food with hot food, otherwise there is a risk of painful sensations. Avoid consumption for several days coloring products nutrition and minimize smoking, otherwise the enamel may very quickly acquire a darkish tint again. In order to preserve the results obtained for as long as possible, dentists recommend using an ultrasonic toothbrush and a high-quality brush at home. toothpaste with whitening ingredients.

Contraindications to Air flow

Are you interested in the Air Flow technique? You can experience all the delights of this useful event in our dental clinic, where advanced equipment and safe treatment methods are used. Air Flow cleaning is carried out experienced dentists who are attentive and responsible in performing their work. Patients are received in cozy, bright rooms. You can make an appointment or find out the cost of cleaning by calling the contact phone number.

Air Flow teeth cleaning is a method of cleaning tooth enamel by supplying an air-water mixture with abrasive powder. The method is used in modern dentistry for professional oral hygiene.

From the Air Flow device, thin streams of air and water with soda-based powder are supplied under pressure. At the tip of a special equipment nozzle, these streams are combined into a precisely directed spray that hits the surface of the teeth. This technology allows you to effectively remove supragingival and subgingival plaque from the tooth surface and can be used in the fight against periodontal diseases.

Air Flow equipment, designed for air-abrasive treatment of teeth, allows you to simply, comfortably and safely eliminate dental plaque. The method provides a gentle effect on tissue, can be used on filling materials, fixed orthodontic structures, and requires little time to achieve the desired result.

Main indications

Air Flow cleaning is indicated in the following cases:

  • removal of supra- and subgingival plaque;
  • removal of deposits from exposed tooth roots;
  • elimination of subgingival deposits from pockets at a depth of up to 5 mm;
  • reducing the number of bacteria in periodontal pockets;
  • professional hygiene oral cavity during orthodontic treatment;
  • cleaning teeth to restore natural color or before whitening.

How to prepare for the procedure

Before prescribing cleaning, the dentist examines the oral cavity, assesses the condition of the patient’s teeth and decides on the advisability of using the Air Flow method and the need for preliminary treatment measures.

Contraindications to using the method:

  • taking medications that affect salt metabolism;
  • following a sodium-free diet;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy.

Features of the procedure

Before cleaning Air Flow, the patient is placed in a dental chair and puts on glasses to protect the eyes from contact with the working mixture. Vaseline is applied to the corners of the patient's lips to prevent cracking, and a saliva ejector is placed under the tongue.

After pouring the abrasive powder into the appropriate container of the device and adjusting the flow of air, water and powder, the doctor begins the procedure. He directs the flow of the mixture along the periodontal sulcus and around each tooth, performing circular movements for uniform cleansing. The movement of the working nozzle is accompanied by the simultaneous movement of the vacuum cleaner device, which serves to evacuate liquid and powder.

After completing the Air Flow session, the doctor informs the patient that eating and drinking (coffee, tea) should be postponed for 2-3 hours to prevent possible staining of the teeth.

Conventional oral hygiene methods, even with careful adherence to the rules, do not protect against the appearance of plaque and tartar. The result is systemic enamel damage, caries and other dental diseases.

Medicine owns additional methods preservation of teeth. An effective development by scientists - Air Flow, “Air Flow”: cleaning enamel with a stream of air saturated with a water-abrasive solution.

Air Flow does not refer to chemical or mechanical methods of influence; rather, it is an original and safe way removal of soft and hard plaque.

What is Air Flow?

“Air flow” teeth cleaning is performed by a device that generates an abrasive substance saturated with water and microparticles, supplied by a stream of compressed air.

Soda, as a rule, acts as a “grinding” material. The fine dispersion of soda guarantees safe, high-quality cleaning of dental pockets, removal age spots and enamel brightening.

Operating principle

Air Flow teeth cleaning - air flow simultaneously removes plaque and whitens teeth

Air Flow (air flow, air flow) - alternative, modern method safe teeth whitening.

Enamel cleaning with a device from the Swiss company EMS Air Flow is multi-purpose - the air flow simultaneously removes plaque and whitens teeth.

Operating principle:

  • purification is provided by a stream of pressurized air containing water, baking soda or other fine powder containing calcium;
  • The air pressure is provided by a compressor and a Prophy-Mate double tip.

Advice! The air jet whitening level is 2-3 tones. If needed snow-white smile, additionally undergo laser or photo whitening.


The professional method of cleaning teeth with compressed air is used:

  • in the presence of dental stones;
  • plaque and the formation of age spots;
  • predisposition to periodontal disease;
  • in preparation for teeth whitening.

Attention! Before brushing your teeth with the Air Flow method, consult your dentist.

Preparatory stage

Preparation for cleaning using the Air Flow system in dentistry consists of protecting the patient’s body from particles of abrasive substances, for which they wear a special cap and glasses.

Then the doctor installs a retractor and a saliva ejector, and lubricates the patient’s lips with a cream that protects the skin from drying out.

Important! Before you start brushing your teeth air flow, localize existing inflammatory processes in the oral cavity - get rid of caries and gum disease.

Professional teeth cleaning

After cleaning with Air Flow, dentists advise not to consume food or drinks containing dyes.

Upon completion preparatory stage professional hygiene, the dentist installs a device that supplies the air-water mixture and adjusts the power of the jet depending on the volume of detected formations.

  • install the nozzle at an angle of 30⁰-60⁰ relative to the teeth;
  • Clean the teeth from the outside and inside in a circular motion.

At the same time, the cleaning mixture is supplied through a 2-channel tip: the inner channel contains soda and air, the outer channel contains water, and the waste material enters the suction tube.

The final stage of the procedure is to coat the tooth enamel with fluoride-containing varnish.

After cleaning Air Flow, dentists advise: do not consume food and drinks containing dyes, coffee, tea, and do not smoke for several hours.

Depending on the condition of the periodontium and the rate of formation of dental plaque, repeated cleaning is carried out after 3-6 months.

Tools and materials

Air-Flow device

The Air Flow device was developed by EMS (Switzerland), specializing in the production of dental equipment wide range actions.

EMS technology is used in outpatient, periodontal and maxillofacial surgery.

Operating principle of Air Flow: removal of dental plaque using a stream of compressed air, water and finely dispersed powder.

The device package includes:

  • guide tip;
  • head with two nozzles;
  • needles for cleaning canals;
  • hoses for air and water supply;
  • control pedal;
  • sterilizing box.

The Air Flow device has a thoughtful design and durable body. For ease of grip and holding, the handle is equipped with recesses.

The buttons built into the handle are easy to press; The tip holder, rotating 360⁰, is equipped with a lock. The power of the air stream is controlled by a special regulator. The device is easy and safe to use.

Cleaning powders

Powders for cleaning using the “air flow” method are made from finely dispersed calcium-rich organic matter. The final product has a certain taste and aroma.

Today, the Swiss company EMS produces three main types of powder:

Duration of cleaning

Brushing teeth with an “air flow”, as a rule, does not last long.

Depending on the complexity and volume of the task, the procedure takes 30-50 minutes.

Painfulness of the procedure

The Air Flow teeth cleaning procedure is a painless and gentle method of removing plaque - a mixture of air, water and soda does not injure tooth enamel.

After cleaning, the teeth are coated with fluoride varnish, which protects the enamel from caries and prolongs the effectiveness of treatment.

Care and effect

How to care for your teeth after Air Flow:

  1. Stop brushing your teeth for one day. This will allow the protective varnish to dry and harden to the surface.
  2. Do not smoke for several hours.
  3. Do not drink coffee, tea, foods or drinks containing dyes.

To protect your gums from injury, refrain from eating hard, solid foods for 2-3 hours.

Air Flow is not only whitening, but also cosmetic cleaning that combines the removal of soft deposits, plaque and disinfection of the oral cavity.

The duration of the effect depends on the patient's oral hygiene and diet. Coffee, strong tea and nicotine restore plaque a few weeks after cleansing, but with moderation and quitting smoking, the result lasts for 5-6 months.

Professional teeth cleaning with Air Flow – before and after the procedure


Air Flow is also contraindicated for women in the first and third trimester of pregnancy and during lactation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Air Flow teeth whitening method has advantages and disadvantages that are recommended to be taken into account when making a decision:

Plus Minus
Removal of soft deposits, pigment, plaqueDon't expect a snow-white color - the enamel lightens by 2-3 tones
Eliminating bad breathAir Flow does not remove tartar
Painless and no anesthesiaThe method has medical contraindications
Natural origin of materials used in cleaning
Safe manipulation for gums and bone tissue
Prevention of dental diseases
Affordable price


The total cost of the Air Flow cleaning procedure depends on the number of teeth treated. The average cost of a tooth is 200 rubles.

Attention! If you don’t have enough money, you can order cleaning of your front teeth, which are visible when you talk and smile.

The price of Air Flow increases if ultrasonic cleaning is required to remove tartar and mineralized deposits.

Majority dental clinics offer comprehensive solution Problems. Today, the total cost of cleaning, including coating of teeth with fluoride varnish, is 6-7 thousand rubles.

Ultrasound or Air Flow

The ultrasonic treatment method is safe and does not cause mechanical or chemical exposure on enamel

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is no less popular than Air Flow and patients often ask questions about the advantages and disadvantages of the methods.

According to dentists, both methods are useful.

Air Flow is effective in removing plaque from nicotine, ultrasound in eliminating tartar and preventing caries.

Ultrasound crushes tartar and also disinfects the oral cavity: it destroys pathogens in the subgingival zone and interdental spaces.

The ultrasonic treatment method is safe and does not have a mechanical or chemical effect on the enamel.

But ultrasonic cleaning is not for everyone.

This method contraindicated in patients:

  • with pacemakers;
  • chronic heart diseases.

Ultrasound is not suitable for patients with dentures that break down during cleaning,

In turn, Air Flow does not break up large tartar, but removes soft plaque.

Conclusion: The optimal cleaning option is a combination of two methods: removal of dense layers with ultrasound, and finishing treatment with an “air jet”.

I always hear a clarifying question: What does “Air flow” mean? This is the method deep cleansing oral cavity, popularly called “sandblasting teeth.” It guarantees not so much whitening as removal of tartar, polishing of enamel and comprehensive cleaning that relieves a person of plaque. This professional hygiene method was invented in Switzerland and has European certification, which means it is carried out to the highest quality standards.

In this article:

The essence of the method

Professional air flow teeth cleaning is done using a bicarbonate stream ( baking soda). For this purpose, compressed air containing abrasive powder is used - medicinal product. The pressure created by the air jet not only removes tartar and plaque, but also relieves a person from pigmentation on the teeth.

The soda is supplied using the tip of a special air flow apparatus. During the procedure, a mixture of soda, water and air is formed. Abrasive particles, under the pressure of a strong flow, hit the surface and remove mineral deposits, while water and air wash away the residue. Thus, cleaning with the air flow system allows you to get rid of tartar in difficult places.

I often have to dispel myths that professional air flow hygiene whitens teeth. This procedure It only cleans them, but does not change the natural color of the enamel.

How is the procedure done?

Of course, future patients really want to know in advance how professional air flow cleaning is done? So, at the first examination, all of a person’s dental problems are identified, and the answer to the question of whether he or she has any contraindications is clarified. At the second appointment, the procedure itself takes place: the patient puts on a disposable cap and dark glasses, and a saliva ejector is installed under his tongue. He smears his lips with Vaseline to prevent cracks.

The air flow procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. The mucous membranes are isolated using special pads;
  2. The saliva ejector and dental vacuum cleaner begin their work to cleanse the oral cavity of plaque and tartar particles;
  3. The tip of the air flow device takes its original position;
  4. Using circular movements, the dentist rinses each tooth to achieve maximum effect;
  5. Then the doctor grinds and polishes the surface of the teeth;
  6. In the end he uses special gel, preventing food from depositing on the enamel.

The composition of the air flow solution for removing dental plaque can be different:

  • Classic components consist of sodium bicarbonate with anti-inflammatory effects. The granules have the average size to effectively act on supragingival tartar.
  • SOFT (soft). It is used for supragingival treatment and is made on the basis of glycine. This composition is used when the patient has too much sensitive gums. The powder is very soft and does not injure the gums.
  • The softest composition has special purpose: It clears subgingival plaque.

What to do after?

So, if you have already had or are planning to have an air flow dental cleaning, do you need to know what to do after air flow cleaning?

  1. To ensure that the protective gel applied after the procedure does not lose its effectiveness, you need to refrain from brushing your teeth for one day.
  2. For 2-3 hours after professional cleaning with an air flow device, you should not smoke or eat foods with food coloring.
  3. When cleansing, the organic films that cover the teeth are removed. A new cuticle is formed 2-3 hours after treatment, so it is not recommended to eat solid food within 3 hours, otherwise the gums will suffer.

Indications and contraindications

Comprehensive air flow cleaning guarantees the removal of plaque and tartar, and this is not all of its functions.

Air flow contraindications are not a death sentence if you want to solve the problem of tartar. In some cases you can use .

Advantages and disadvantages

Every phenomenon has positive and negative sides. Air flow oral hygiene is no exception.

pros minuses
The procedure is painless and no anesthesia is required. whitening effect

It's not worth the wait. They are simply used to lure clients from private dental clinics.

The price of air flow cleaning is affordable, about 5 thousand rubles. Old stones that have taken years to form may not respond to the gentle effects of this cleaning. In case of such problems, I recommend resorting to ultrasonic cleaning.
the substances used in the cleaning process do not harm the enamel and gums. they are organic. contraindications are quite extensive and cover a large number of people.
The procedure relieves a person of age spots, smoker’s plaque and tartar. This procedure is not available in the outback of Russia, since there is no equipment.
after such cleaning, your breath will be fresh even from the morning before going to the bathroom. There is no insurance equivalent: only a private hospital and paid services.
it is also the prevention of caries and other anomalies, which are much more difficult and expensive to get rid of.
After the procedure, the teeth are coated with a gel that prevents new mineral deposits.
cleaning using the air flow method takes half an hour

Top 5 questions about air flow

  • How long does the air flow procedure take? The duration of the procedure depends on the amount of plaque, but on average it does not take more than 30 minutes.
  • How often should professional cleaning be repeated? Twice a year is quite optimal.
  • Which is better: air flow or ultrasound? In terms of softness, comfort and sensations, the first option is, of course, better, but only ultrasound will defeat old stones.
  • What is the difference between ultrasound and air flow? I explained in detail.
  • How to save money on the procedure? Look for promotions in hometown. Often new dentists offer discounts in order to build a base of regular clients for inexpensive procedures.

Greetings, dear readers. Many of you were interested by professional means cleaning and whitening enamel. Some even have experience using various home and “office” systems. Today the topic of the article will be brushing teeth with Air Flow. A lot is said and written about this technique, but most often these are just advertisements and offers from clinics, devoid of the necessary specifics.

What are we dealing with?

The aesthetics of our smile is often the key to success. I don't remember who said it, but it sounds nice. And most importantly, it’s completely truthful. Achieving perfectly clean and beautiful teeth at home has become problematic. We consume more and more products containing persistent chemical dyes, drink liters of tea, coffee, and smoke. All these substances leave a mark on the enamel, which is not always removed with paste and brush.

Solid particles are spherical in shape. Thanks to this, cleaning does not have an abrasive, but a polishing effect. Air Flow

In order to save us from such problems, Air Flow teeth cleaning was invented. What it is? People involved in construction and metal processing know what waterjet technology is. Let's explain for the rest. Think of tooth enamel as a wall. It gets dirty and is painted over by graffiti lovers. In general, it doesn't look the best. Then, using a special apparatus, it is cleaned and leveled with water mixed with abrasive particles and air. Under pressure, the particles remove plaque from the surface of your teeth.

The procedure is performed using a device created by EMS. Contrary to popular belief, this technique was not invented by the Americans with their cult " Hollywood smiles", and lovers of perfection and order are the Swiss.

Air Flow - photo

The device uses purified water, air and microparticles of sodium bicarbonate (soda) as a waterjet mixture. A flavoring is added to this explosive mixture, which makes the taste more pleasant. It could be cherry, mint, etc. In fact, it helps a lot if you don't like the taste of the baking soda solution too much.

The main advantage of this procedure is the ability to clean even in places where it is difficult to reach with a brush and paste. Plaque is cleaned not only from the surface of the enamel, but also from the interdental spaces. The fissures are also cleaned. If all of your teeth are being cleaned, the procedure may take approximately 30-40 minutes. During this time, all surfaces will be treated.

Air Flow teeth brushing - main indications

In what cases is the use of the Air Flow system effective:

  • noticeable deposits on the teeth that cannot be removed at home;
  • when cleaning is difficult (the patient has braces);
  • for prevention inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues;
  • before performing fluoride therapeutic procedures;
  • when cleaning ceramic (metal-free) crowns or metal implant heads.

Air Flow teeth cleaning is often used in combination with other popular techniques.

Isn't this harmful?

Any person who cares about their health is interested in whether the technique has any contraindications, side effects. After all, science has not yet come up with anything ideal. Of course, there are several cases in which a specialist is forced to suggest you use other methods.

  1. If at the time of treatment the patient is undergoing acute form diseases of the oral cavity.
  2. During colds, runny nose, and various diseases that cause nasal breathing problems.
  3. Also, such procedures are not performed for epileptics or people suffering from diabetes mellitus in severe forms.
  4. Infectious diseases are a direct contraindication for most of these dental procedures.
  5. Asthma (severe). Similar contraindications may occur with strong manifestations allergies.
  6. Persons suffering from mental illness, various developmental disorders.

When contacting doctors, they usually list full list contraindications for the chosen method. If among them there is a disease/condition that you are facing at this stage of your life, you will have to wait or find out if there are any alternative methods.

After the procedure, you cannot eat for two hours. If it goes up, no big deal. The fact is that along with the plaque, the thinnest layer of enamel is removed. If everything is in order in the body, it will recover naturally. You can also ask your dentist about the right remineralizing toothpaste.

What do people write?

Reading reviews, sometimes you are amazed at how many advertisements and anti-advertising there are among them. Dentists are waging an information war. Some actively praise the method, making reference to their clinic, while others stigmatize it, claiming that this method of cleaning is even harmful to the teeth. The truth is traditionally somewhere in the middle.

Beautiful smile

If you don’t understand custom articles and reviews, you may not be able to distinguish them from regular ones written by ordinary people. They seem to be written in simple language in the spirit of “my wife went and tried...”. I went through a lot of blogs, comments, photos before and after Air Flow teeth brushing. Unfortunately, most of these pictures are the result of work in photo editors and have nothing to do with the effectiveness of Air Flow.

Fortunately, several reviews on a specialized website helped clarify the picture:

  • coffee lovers and smokers will definitely be satisfied;
  • if you have no problems with plaque, and the doctor openly imposes the procedure, it is better to politely refuse;
  • Experience is required when working with Air Flow. Otherwise, there is a risk of gum damage.

Got caught extremely negative review young woman. Judging by the details, it’s quite real. She was unlucky to run into a dentist who simply decided to make money. Result - money was given for the cleaning procedure and fluoride varnish coating, after which the increased sensitivity, bleeding gums, and teeth began to turn yellow much faster.

If you do not have an explicit yellow plaque, then it is not at all necessary to carry out such a procedure. It is quite enough to go once every six months. Many people like laser, but it is more expensive.


If you are interested in the price, it may vary depending on the chosen clinic. The city also has an impact. If this is a metropolitan establishment, then the prices will always be higher. The amount may be increased Additional services- such as using fluoride varnish.

Air Flow teeth cleaning - price

Moscow doctors a couple of years ago charged 2-3 thousand rubles. Now prices are approximately at the same level. Some clinics hold promotions for air flow teeth cleaning. Kazakh doctors charge approximately 300 tenge (60 rubles/90 cents/23 Ukrainian hryvnia).

After combing advertisements from Ukrainian clinics, I found an offer from Kharkov - from 200 to 380 hryvnia for both jaws (8-15.5 dollars). In general, the cost may also depend on how much deposits need to be removed, that is, on the duration of the procedure.

In general, prices in Ukraine are as follows:

  • a small amount of deposits (grade I plaque) – from 100 UAH. ($4);
  • a large number of deposits (2nd degree plaque) – from 280 UAH. (749 rubles/11.2 dollars).

What do the experts say?

After speaking with several dentists, I received the answer I was missing online. Air Flow teeth brushing is not a scam. However, this procedure has a hygienic purpose. For aesthetic purposes, it is used in combination with other techniques aimed specifically at whitening.

Many people confuse the purpose various techniques. If you need to whiten teeth that have yellowed over time by several shades, there are completely different technologies for this. If your enamel is yellowish or other tones “other than white,” brushing your teeth with Air Flow will not change the situation in any way.

Not only adults, but also children over 8 years old can perform professional cleaning using the Air Flow device. Optimally – from 12 years old. By this age, the enamel becomes stronger, and a sufficient number of permanent teeth appear.

Perhaps this is all that is important for you to know about the mentioned system of professional teeth cleaning. If there are people among the readers who have undergone this popular procedure, please share your impressions. I look forward to your comments!

Video - Air Flow teeth cleaning and whitening

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