Home Coated tongue Why do teeth smell bad? Smell from the mouth! How does plaque affect the formation of bad breath?

Why do teeth smell bad? Smell from the mouth! How does plaque affect the formation of bad breath?

One of the most common signs of dental disease is bad breath. Unfortunately, it accompanies many pathological conditions, and depending on the process the severity and intensity changes unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. Bad breath is not an unsolvable problem, because... Its treatment methods are simple and effective.
In most cases, bad breath is the result of a large amount of bacteria accumulated in the mouth.

In this case, the acute side was suffering from advanced gum disease. He recovered after starting a strict oral hygiene routine. Whether bad breath is mild or severe, air purification is a delicate matter. Surveys of executives show that 100% want to know if they have bad breath. But promoting the topic is awkward.

Depending on the relationship, use humor to defuse tension. I've heard spouses say, "Hey, your breath stinks!" And lighten that up, she said. Suggest to them that you don't single out the bitch. “This will get you through the evening,” Post said. Whether you call it halitosis or halitosis, it is an unpleasant condition that causes embarrassment. Some people with bad breath don't even realize there's a problem. Our dentist.

Causes of bad breath

The main causes of bad breath are:
- dental diseases (dental caries and its complications, diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, gum disease, low-quality dentures and orthodontic structures);
- absence personal hygiene oral cavity, as a result of which a large number of bacteria accumulate in the oral cavity;
- upper respiratory tract disease;
- systemic diseases.

The role of bacteria in the formation of bad breath

The oral cavity is the most densely populated part of bacteria human body. There are a lot of bacteria in the grooves of the teeth, on the back of the tongue, on the tonsils, in carious cavities, in the folds of the mucous membrane, on the mucous membranes of the cheeks - they are everywhere. With a low level of individual oral hygiene or its absence, the quantitative and qualitative composition of bacteria increases tens, hundreds of times over a very a short time. This rampant bacterial growth will continue indefinitely, but can be stopped by regular and diligent oral care.
Bacteria, as a vital activity, consume food and excrete its waste. The waste products of some types of bacteria are sulfur compounds (hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan), which cause an unpleasant odor.
Every person, to one degree or another, has this unpleasant odor in their breath. Fortunately, the human sense of smell does not detect these odors unless their concentration in the breath is high. When the concentration increases, that same characteristic unpleasant odor is formed.

How does plaque affect the formation of bad breath?

Most of the sulfur compounds that cause bad breath are produced by anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria are those bacteria that live and multiply in places where there is no oxygen (plaque). Dental plaque is an ideal habitat for anaerobic bacteria, because... There is no oxygen in dental plaque. Therefore, the more plaque there is, the more anaerobic bacteria there are. As a result, the amount of sulfur compounds produced by bacteria increases and the formation of an unpleasant odor.

How to fight bacteria that causes bad breath

To prevent bad breath, you must first prevent the formation of plaque, because... it is an ideal condition for the production of sulfur compounds by anaerobic bacteria. This can be achieved by observing individual oral hygiene measures.

How to prevent plaque formation:
- brush and floss your teeth frequently and thoroughly;
- you need to brush and floss your teeth after every meal - even in small quantities;
- you need to spend a little more time on oral care, because... You need to brush your teeth as thoroughly as possible. You can also use cleaners that reduce the activity of odor-causing volatile sulfur compounds.

He can help identify the cause and, if it is related to an oral condition, develop a treatment plan to help eliminate it. Some foods, such as garlic and onions, contribute to bad breath. Once food is absorbed into the bloodstream, it is carried to the lungs where they are expelled. Brushing, brushing your teeth, and rinsing your mouth will only temporarily mask the odor. The odors continue until the body removes the food. Dieters may develop bad breath from eating infrequently.

If you don't brush and floss daily, food particles remain in your mouth, collecting bacteria, which can cause bad breath. Food that collects between the teeth, on the tongue, and around the gums can rot, leaving a foul odor. Tobacco products cause bad breath. If you use tobacco, ask your dentist for advice about your habit.

Accumulation of bacteria in other parts of the mouth

In most cases, bacteria that cause bad breath accumulate on the tongue, in the spaces between the teeth.
Consider the accumulation of bacteria on the tongue.
The amount of bacteria that accumulates on the human tongue depends on the anatomy of its surface. The surface of the tongue has many folds, grooves and depressions. The plaque accumulated in these depressions is a favorable environment for the life of anaerobic bacteria. Plaque has White color, closer to the back of the tongue it becomes denser and thicker.
To date, studies have shown that the number of bacteria on the tongue directly depends on the thickness of the plaque. Therefore, the thinner the plaque, the less anaerobic bacteria, the fresher the breath.
There is less plaque on the front of the tongue than on the back. This is explained by the fact that the front area of ​​the tongue constantly cleanses itself. As the tongue moves, its front part constantly rubs against solid sky- this is how cleansing occurs, it prevents the accumulation of bacteria. The back of the tongue during its movement comes into contact only with the soft palate, while effective cleaning does not work. Therefore, bacteria that cause unpleasant odor accumulate mainly on the back of the tongue.
To reduce the amount of plaque, you need to thoroughly clean your tongue, especially in the back of it.

Tongue cleaning

Proper tongue cleaning has one goal - to remove bacteria and food debris accumulated on the surface of the tongue.
An effective method for cleaning the surface of the tongue is to use a special spoon. The essence of this method is to scrape the surface of the tongue with a special spoon designed for this purpose. Special spoons for cleaning the tongue can be purchased at the pharmacy.
We start cleaning the surface of the tongue from the back and gradually move towards the front surface.
Some patients claim that they choke less when scraping their tongue with a spoon than when brushing with a toothbrush or special brush.

Periodontal diseases

Periodontium - functional system various tissues surrounding and supporting teeth. Certain conditions are necessary for the occurrence and development of periodontal diseases. Among these conditions, the leading role is played by dental plaque with its subsequent mineralization into tartar.
Periodontal disease (gum disease) can also cause bad breath. The smell of gum disease is very specific. Periodontal disease is the second leading cause of bad breath.
Periodontal disease often damages the bone surrounding the teeth. This, in turn, leads to the formation of depressions between the teeth and gums. In dentistry, these depressions are called periodontal pockets. They are usually very difficult or impossible to clean, and they become an ideal environment for the activity of anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria, accumulating in periodontal pockets during their life processes, produce sulfur compounds, which lead to the formation of an unpleasant odor.

The role of various diseases in the formation of bad breath

Respiratory disease

Respiratory diseases are also a cause of bad breath. People with respiratory problems often have a stuffy nose, forcing them to breathe through their mouths. Breathing through the mouth causes the mouth to dry out, and dry mouth also causes bad breath (the effect of dry mouth on bad breath is discussed in detail below - the role of xerostomia in the formation of bad breath).
Secondly, diseases of the upper respiratory tract lead to the fact that mucous secretions begin to flow from the nasal cavity into the oral cavity through the opening in the soft palate. Consequently, the accumulation of these secretions in the mouth also causes an unpleasant odor.

Bad breath may be a sign medical disorder, such as local infection in respiratory tract, chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, Chronical bronchitis, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, liver or kidney disease. If your dentist determines that your mouth is healthy, you can see your family doctor or a specialist to determine the cause of your bad breath.

Maintenance good health oral care is necessary to reduce bad breath. Schedule regular visits dentist for professional cleaning and examination. If you think you have persistent bad breath, keep a journal of the foods you eat and make a list of the medications you take. Some medications may play a role in creating mouth odors. Let your dentist know if you have had any surgeries or illnesses since your last appointment.

The role of xerostomia in the formation of bad breath

Xerostomia is a decrease in the amount of saliva, leading to dry mouth. There are concepts - temporary and permanent dry mouth. Temporary dry mouth is felt in the morning. This is explained by the fact that saliva production decreases at night. Constant dry mouth is xerostomia. Xerostomia may be associated with the patient's age, because Saliva secretion decreases with age. The cause of xerostomia is often the medications that the patient takes. Xerostomia can be caused by allergy and cold medications, depression medications, and medications to regulate blood pressure, drugs, etc.
Decreased salivary secretion has adverse effects on oral tissues. When saliva secretion decreases, all defense mechanisms saliva.
Saliva - special shape Mouth moisturizing liquid, a kind of natural oral cleaner. Saliva contains special components that kill bacteria and neutralize their waste products. And we know that the main culprits in the formation of bad breath are sulfur compounds produced by bacteria.
When saliva secretion decreases, the neutralization of bacteria slows down and the conditions for their growth improve.
People who suffer from xerostomia for a long time are more likely to experience caries and periodontal diseases, which in turn lead to bad breath.

What to do with xerostomia (dry mouth)?

Saliva production can be increased naturally - by chewing food and artificially - by periodically chewing chewing gum sugarless. If your mouth is constantly dry, you need to drink more fluids and more often. This helps maintain required level fluids in the body and oral cavity.

Every person can have white coating on teeth with an unpleasant odor, no one is immune from this trouble. Let's talk in more detail.

Accumulation of bacteria in other parts of the mouth

Brush twice daily with fluoride toothpaste to remove food debris and plaque. Use dental floss or an intermediate cleaner to clean your teeth once a day. They are an important part of preventing gum disease and reducing the risk of tooth loss and dental problems.

Causes of bad breath

Getting regular professional cleanings will remove plaque, dental filling and stain from your teeth. But did you know that if you take care of your teeth and have a healthy mouth, you are taking a risk. Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, lung infections, kidney problems, infertility, premature birth, erectile dysfunction and even cancer. Saves you money - prevention is better and more economical than treatment. Regular care A dentist is not expensive - neglect your teeth!

Everyone dreams of having clean white teeth, but this does not always happen. His appearance brings with it unpleasant consequences, such as the spread of infection, unpleasant odor, caries or periodontal disease. It is impossible to completely get rid of plaque, but with certain rules of personal hygiene and visiting the dentist, it can be reduced significantly. It is believed that white plaque is the easiest way to get rid of, and it does not cause serious illnesses.

Top 10 reasons for regular dental care. To save money. Prevention is less expensive than treatment. Regular daily care taking care of your teeth and gums will prevent future problems and provide you with lower dental bills.

Fresh breath. Your mouth will start to smell if you don't clean it regularly. You regularly take out the garbage so that it doesn't stink, clean your mouth at least twice a day. Stay calm. Who wants to kiss someone with food between their teeth or bad breath? Teeth brushing and flossing is the cheapest and effective method remove food and bacteria and leave your breath smelling like roses.

Causes of plaque

IN oral cavity food debris, dead cells, and bacterial particles may accumulate. If a person does not take care of cleaning his mouth and removing dirt between his teeth, then plaque is guaranteed to appear. If you rarely brush your teeth, it spreads to a significant part of the surface of the tooth and gums. With improper hygiene, it can form in places where a person spends little time cleaning, and pathogenic microflora can remain there.

Prevent gum disease. Gingivitis is caused by a build-up of plaque around your teeth, causing your gums to become swollen and your teeth to bleed when you brush them. Plaque is an accumulation of food and bacteria that occurs in everyone's mouth and needs to be cleaned regularly to keep your mouth healthy.

Reduce your chance of having a heart attack or stroke. Bacteria from your mouth can enter your bloodstream and increase your chance of a heart attack or stroke. Prevent or reduce diabetes. Any gum disease can make it difficult to control your blood glucose levels. The relationship between severe gum disease and diabetes goes both ways. Not only are people with diabetes more susceptible to serious gum disease, but serious illness gum disease can potentially affect blood glucose control and contribute to the progression of diabetes.

If a person has the habit of eating on one side, then on the other side the teeth stop being cleaned and saliva stops washing them. Smokers are most susceptible to unnaturally discolored teeth. Nicotine tends to form a film on all surfaces of the mouth, and this film, in turn, attracts other particles to itself. Over time, such teeth acquire yellow, and it can only be removed under special conditions.

Gum disease has been shown to increase the likelihood of preterm birth and low birth weight. This can also be one of the many reasons for delayed conception and impotence. So first make your mouth and gums healthy. Prevent dementia. Poor health oral cavity increases the risk of developing dementia by a third.

Toothpaste on your brush - The best way applying minerals and other desensitizers to your teeth. Remove stains. Toothpaste contains mild abrasives that remove debris and superficial spots and help keep your teeth fresh, healthy and white.

If a person's hormonal levels or metabolism are disrupted, saliva can change its composition, which leads to poor washing of the oral cavity. The result is a white coating and bad breath.

Types of plaque on teeth

Plaque on teeth is very diverse and can differ in color, origin, smell and consistency. The following raids are considered the most common:

This 2-minute brush, twice a day, can not only save your teeth and keep beautiful smile, it can also skillfully save your life. Can families and friends take a big step back when you speak? Get more mint and gum deals than you can count on? You may have chronic bad breath.

The role of various diseases in the formation of bad breath

Bad breath is an embarrassing and annoying problem. But with some simple lifestyle and oral care changes, this is also a bit of a problem. Good and consistent oral hygiene is usually all that is needed to keep odors at bay.

  • white (sometimes yellowish);
  • yellow;
  • grey;
  • brown;
  • green.

Let's take a closer look at each of these colors, find out where they come from and what each of them means.

White (yellowish)

This color of plaque is more common and occurs most often in people. The reason for its appearance is absolutely natural; it appears as a result of poor brushing of teeth. In the morning, when you wake up, you have a certain amount of plaque on your teeth, and if you don’t brush your teeth well, then over time, the plaque that remains intact accumulates. It also gradually becomes colored yellowish color, by drinking coffee or tea, as well as by eating food dyes. In some cases, over time, a person may eventually develop bad breath. As a result, this will already cause a lot of trouble for a person.

Bacteria in the mouth are usually at the root of bad breath, especially on the tongue and gums. While garlic, coffee, onions and sugary foods are big causes of bad mouth, other factors include. Poor Dental Habits: Poor brushing and flossing allow food particles to decay in the mouth and cause odors. Periodontal disease: Gum disease is caused by plaque buildup and tooth decay. Dry mouth: Medications, problems salivary gland, mouth breath, or even diet can cause dry mouth and cause smelly breath. Tobacco: Cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco cause bad breath by reducing the flow of saliva and leaving a smelly residue in the mouth. Bad breath is a warning sign. . Have you ever wondered why your breath still smells bad even after you take out the mint?

Over time, if you do not respond to the appearance of plaque, its mineralization occurs, resulting in tartar. It often forms in hard-to-reach places, such as at the junction of teeth and gums, between teeth and back molars. This raid without special problems removed with good cleaning.

In most cases, plaque of this color is the same white plaque, just colored yellow, as a result of exposure to dyes from food, juices and other drinks. This raid may also be different shades, can often even be brownish, usually in smokers, especially when drinking coffee. If a person loves strong tea, then he is also susceptible to yellow plaque, since pigments from tea can even penetrate tooth enamel. The peculiarity of this plaque is that you will practically not be able to wash it off on your own, and in the end you will not be able to do without the help of a dentist, who will have to carry out professional cleaning and whitening.

The key ingredient in many unpleasant smelling "cure" is sugar. Stinky mouth bacteria feed on sugar to multiply quickly, making your halitosis even worse. Fry the sugar gum and drink plenty of water to keep your mouth drooling. Proper hygiene oral health care or periodontal disease treatment can immediately cure bad breath.

Brush your teeth twice a day, limit snacks, drink water throughout the day, and use soft bristles. Food debris left between your teeth can cause bad breath and lead to gum disease.

  • Avoid sweets and other snack foods that cause tooth decay.
  • Bacteria and sugar produce acids that attack the teeth.
Regular dental examinations remove plaque and odor-causing bacteria buildup. Only your dentist can determine whether your bad breath problem is the result of a serious oral health problem.

This color indicates that a person has dental hypoplasia. This can often be found in children. If you want to get rid of this plaque on your own, then you will definitely not succeed. Any incorrect behavior when brushing teeth of this color can greatly aggravate the situation. IN in this case it is necessary to have a specific drug treatment, and nothing else. If such plaque is found in an adult, then in such cases prosthetics with veneers are usually recommended in order to hide these enamel defects, so to speak.

Bacterial balance - main reason bad breath. Imbalances are usually related to the lifestyle choices we make every day. This imbalance usually favors anaerobic bacteria. These are bacteria that live without oxygen and use iron as an energy source. They get this iron by breaking down oral tissue, causing bleeding, and then removing the iron from the blood. The waste produced by anaerobic bacteria is called "volatile sulfur compounds". The three main compounds are hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulfide.


As mentioned a little earlier, such a coating is typical for people who smoke cigarettes. But there are also cases when a person does not smoke and also has a plaque Brown on the teeth. Then, this most likely indicates that the person has a metabolic disorder. In this case, iron is simply released from the body through saliva. And this iron already forms so-called brown salts, which contain substances from food products.

Anaerobic bacteria break down proteins for energy. Some of these bacteria are normal, and some may be pathogens that cause gum disease. These bacteria like to hide under the gums, where they can destroy gum tissue and release blood. They also like to aggregate on the back of the tongue right on the reflectome. Anaerobic bacteria are much hardier than their aerobic cousins ​​and are therefore difficult to remove from the mouth. They will form colonies within 12 hours of being at the mouth.

Once in the colony they have a mechanism that protects them from disinfectants for mouth rinse and antibiotics. This is why regular toothpastes and mouthwashes cannot successfully treat bad breath. However, if you use non-foaming gels as your cleanser, it allows you to access hard-to-reach areas that regular toothpaste can't reach. Also, using a mild alkaline mouthwash can help you clean under the gums.

To get rid of such plaque, first of all, of course, you need to deal with metabolic disorders, if this is the problem. Next, get it cleaned by your dentist and perform a fluoridation procedure to strengthen your enamel. This plaque can also occur in people who have fillings and metal. prostheses with copper amalgam. It is also found in people who, by the nature of their activities, work with copper, as well as its alloys, to one degree or another.

Inadequate oral hygiene allows bacteria to grow

My cleaning protocol uses a non-foaming tongue gel and brushes it onto the surface of the tongue for 60 seconds. This is best done with either a soft toothbrush or an orarush. Then you scrape your tongue and get all that gel off the surface of your tongue. Then repeat the tongue cleaning process. After this, brush your teeth with non-foaming toothpaste and you should brush your teeth.

Periodontal gum disease causes bad breath

This probiotic is designed to live only on a clean tongue, and once it can delay or prevent the accumulation of bacteria. Periodontal disease smells like “breath.” In people under thirty, they can usually have gingivitis, but at this age people are more prone to getting periodontitis, which is a more severe form of the disease. If your problem is a more serious form or periodontitis, you need professional intervention from a specialist dentist or gum. The cause of periodontal disease is "breath burn" because these anaerobic bacteria produce a volatile sulfur compound called methyl mercaptan.

I would like to immediately note the fact that it is impossible to get rid of this plaque on your own. In this case, highly specialized manipulations will be required. Moreover, postponing them is highly not recommended. If you over-tighten, you risk massive destruction. If a plaque of a similar color occurs in children under the age of 4 years, then the reason is often the same - destruction of the pellicle. In other words, the thin protective film of enamel is destroyed. A similar color can also occur in adolescents, and it can be caused by unstable hormonal levels.

It is necessary to carefully monitor oral hygiene and be sure not to be lazy in cleaning the oral cavity. It is believed that cleaning should be carried out at least two or even three times a day, and the duration of cleaning should be at least 180 seconds. It's better to choose toothpaste with a brush from a qualified dentist, he will always advise you the right choice, focusing on tooth sensitivity. After eating or drinking caffeine, you can rinse your teeth with boiled water.

Dentists advise using a special dental floss; its use will make brushing your teeth easier and make them more comfortable. healthy looking. If stones form near the gums (hardened white plaque), you should consult a specialist. The dentist may recommend removing the formations using special equipment. The procedure is painless and causes almost no discomfort.

The most correct decision, of course, would be to consult a specialist - a doctor. Often a person has a rather specific plaque, and it can only be removed by dentists special methods. Otherwise, you risk damaging the enamel of your teeth if you want to remove plaque on your teeth yourself, for example, using abrasive or chemicals. In general, it is recommended to visit the dental office twice a year and have a professional examination there. hygienic cleaning. This will allow you to solve the problem of plaque, stone formation and will be a very good preventive measure for the health of your oral cavity in general.

Tartar is the first stage of tooth decay

Tartar is not a concern for most adults. Our older generation, and the younger generation after them, have been brought up in such a way that we visit the dentist only in case of acute toothache. A preventive examinations oral cavity we put everything in a distant drawer. So we develop periodontitis, gingivitis, caries and other “delights”. Tartar is called plaque, which is formed by uncleaned food particles that harden over time. His main danger consists of containing a large number of pathogenic bacteria.

Causes of tartar

Besides insufficient hygiene Behind the oral cavity there are other reasons for the formation of plaque:

  • using a toothbrush that is too soft;
  • low quality cheap toothpaste;
  • insufficient amounts of solid food in the diet, in particular rye bread, kernels of nuts, vegetables and fruits, which must be chewed thoroughly;
  • the habit of chewing food with one half of the jaw, since there is an unhealed tooth on the other half that causes pain when chewing;
  • teeth affected by caries, which are a source of pathogenic bacteria;
  • imbalance of salt balance as a result of a sedentary lifestyle (salt deposits petrify quickly and are very problematic to remove);
  • rough enamel, it can be like this from birth or as a result of dental treatment, under a crown. On an uneven surface, solid plaque particles are retained and are difficult to clean off; on smooth and durable enamel, plaque is much more difficult to form;
  • hereditary predisposition.

What are the dangers of tartar formation?

By covering part of the enamel, plaque prevents saliva from reaching these areas. Because active substances, contained in saliva and normalizing PH balance, do not penetrate the enamel and make it defenseless against microbes. As a result of the growth of bacteria, bad breath occurs, weakening of the gums, detachment from the teeth, periodontitis, gingivitis, various diseases oral cavity. Ultimately, all this leads to tooth decay.

Methods for removing tartar

Many people are afraid to go to the dentist to remove tartar because they remember how this happened not so long ago. Hooks and sharp blades were used, which damaged tooth enamel, and the procedure was painful. But today, more gentle plaque removal options are available.

  1. Application of ultrasound. A special device - a scaler - works by oscillating ultrasonic frequencies. The tooth is directly affected by water rotating at high speed. She, like a broom, cleans out all the particles of stone without harming the tooth enamel.
  2. Application of laser. The laser beam not only quickly and painlessly removes plaque, but also has an antibacterial effect on the entire oral cavity. The advantage of this method is that the formation of new plaque occurs more slowly than with others.
  3. Air abrasive processing. The device delivers liquid and abrasive particles to the teeth under high pressure. As a result, not only tartar is removed from the enamel, but also any plaque. Teeth become whiter. The procedure is most often carried out not as an independent procedure, but as an addition to the first two methods.
  4. Chemical etching. When tartar is so old that it is impossible to remove it either with ultrasound or laser, they use chemical exposure. It is exposed to acids and alkalis, and the stone softens. Only after this can you begin to remove it. The advantage of the method is that it penetrates into the most inaccessible places chemical substances and affect plaque. The downside is the destructive effect of acid and alkali on enamel.

Prevention of tartar development

Removing dental plaque is not a cheap procedure. And if you don’t take it after it preventive actions, the plaque will appear again, and its removal will involve new costs. To prevent tartar from appearing for as long as possible, you need to:

  • for daily brushing of teeth, use a medium-hard brush and toothpastes containing fluoride, but from time to time the toothpaste should be changed to regular and used for several months;
  • if plaque appears regularly, or there is a hereditary predisposition to it, it is worth replacing regular brush electric or ultrasonic;
  • You need to add greens, hard fruits and vegetables (green apples, carrots, fresh cucumbers, fresh cabbage, parsley, celery), and nuts to your diet.

So, it is possible and necessary to fight tartar. On early stages its appearance, it is necessary to immediately begin preventive measures, don’t put off visiting the dentist until later. And in no case should you turn a blind eye to this problem if you want to live to an old age with your teeth, and not with false jaws.

Why plaque occurs and how to get rid of it at home

Why does plaque occur? How to remove it without going to the dentist's office - this question often arises in people's minds. We need to figure out what it is.

Plaque is the accumulation of deposits on the walls of the tooth that are formed from microorganisms, various bacteria, leftover food, and salivary waste. Due to accumulation tooth enamel changes color, roughness is felt on the walls of the tooth and a nasty smell appears from the mouth.

Why does plaque appear? Plaque, or deposits, appear due to poor oral hygiene and tooth brushing. Also, its appearance depends on the anatomy of the teeth, the presence of fillings, diet and the speed of the chewing process.

Diagnosis of dental plaque

Diagnosing dental plaque is very easy; this can be done both at home, using a mirror, and dental office. When symptoms of plaque appear on teeth, it is necessary to determine the type - it can be either tartar or soft plaque. To clearly see deposits, special dye solutions or tablets (Bismarck brown dye, fuchsin, erythrosine) are used to color the deposited areas.

Of course, with this problem you need to contact your dentist and use various manipulations to get rid of plaque. You can also do this while at home. What does that require?

  1. First, quit smoking. This is especially true for women; after all, smoking has a detrimental effect not only on teeth, but also on the whole female body. And having teeth with plaque is not very beautiful.
  2. It is also recommended to avoid numerous mugs of coffee and tea. It is advisable to drink one or two, then use special mouth solutions and a good toothpaste. It is best to use fluoride-containing and periodontal pastes, which effectively remove tartar and deposits.
  3. You can use dental powder or baking soda twice a week.
  4. A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide can also remove plaque. After brushing your teeth, you need to apply a disc or swab soaked in the solution to the areas where there are plaque deposits and hold for 2-3 minutes. You can also rinse your mouth with the solution, this can reduce the accumulation of plaque. But to get rid of darkening of tooth enamel and make it white and clean, these procedures are not enough.
  5. Dental floss is good for cleaning spaces between teeth.
  6. Possible use folk remedies, for example, use eggplant ashes to cleanse your teeth. To do this, you need to dry and burn the eggplant; with ash, brush your teeth twice a day with your fingers, without using a brush. As a result, deposits on the teeth will disappear in a short time. Then it is advisable to use it once a week as a preventative measure.
  7. There is also an unusual remedy, but it is taken orally - this is an infusion of burdock roots and bean leaves. You need to take one tablespoon of this collection and pour 200 ml boiled water, leave this solution for about 6 hours. After this, drink it warm twice a day.

Despite the fact that some people still use these methods to get rid of plaque, it is highly recommended that this procedure be performed by a dentist. Undoubtedly, a specialist will do this in a short period of time, will not cause you harm, and plus, it is still recommended to see this doctor at least once a year in order to avoid deterioration of the condition of your teeth, and not to neglect them. Go through preventive maintenance, so to speak, just to show up. Therefore, just spend some 20 minutes in the dentist’s chair, and don’t torture yourself for weeks, trying to get rid of plaque in some other way on your own, risking harm to yourself, and getting upset when the plaque doesn’t go away.

Video about plaque on teeth

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