Home Oral cavity Cleansing the kidneys and liver. Simple but effective ways to clean filter organs

Cleansing the kidneys and liver. Simple but effective ways to clean filter organs

Doctors often encounter complications with the most popular methods of removing toxins from the body, based on increasing bile flow through the use of heating pads and natural choleretic agents. An increase in the outflow of bile leads to an increase in the evacuation function of the intestine and, as a result, to the release of copious amounts of intestinal contents, along with which the release of numerous toxins is possible. So, how and with what to cleanse the liver?

Methods to cleanse the liver

Traditional healers recommend starting the treatment of almost all diseases of the liver and gall bladder with cleansing.

You can use any of the liver cleansing methods only after cleansing the intestines, since in a slagged intestine, toxins removed from the liver are quickly absorbed into the blood and cause poisoning of the body. After any liver cleansing, drinking alcohol is absolutely contraindicated for at least a month.

The liver and kidneys act as natural filters in our body, that is, they participate in the process of self-purification (detoxification) of the body. Some poisons, as a result of biosynthesis processes in the liver, are transformed into harmless organic compounds. The kidneys, like the liver, perform excretory and cleansing functions, removing waste substances from the body. They also regulate acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism.

The functioning of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys is seriously impaired by:

overeating, especially fatty, fried, pickled and smoked foods;
heavy doses of alcohol and nicotine make the liver tissue more friable;
a sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of bile.

As a result of all this, the bile becomes thicker and can no longer circulate normally and perform its functions.

In medicine there is the concept of toxin and intoxication, as well as the term detoxification, which determines the removal of these toxins from the body. There are a lot of methods for cleansing the body; different authors offer methods from the mildest to quite harsh and dangerous, the use of which should be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Doctors often encounter complications with the most popular methods of removing toxins from the body, based on increasing bile flow through the use of heating pads and natural choleretic agents. An increase in the outflow of bile leads to an increase in the evacuation function of the intestine and, as a result, to the release of copious amounts of intestinal contents, along with which the release of numerous toxins is possible.

Liver cleansing itself is necessary and useful, but the trouble is that it usually occurs without a preliminary medical examination or in conditions of insufficient medical examination and medical supervision.

Preventative liver cleansing

Before cleaning, it is important to warm up the liver well.

Exposure to heat - the best way reducing painful liver spasms. Increased blood flow in the liver activates enzymatic processes and also dilutes bile, making it more fluid. Therefore, preliminary preparation for cleansing the liver is very important. It is good to warm up the liver area both on the day of cleansing and throughout the next night. This can significantly increase the effect. The bile ducts have smooth muscle and are capable of expanding up to 2 cm in diameter.

Liver cleansing with vegetable oil

You can cleanse the liver with vegetable oil not only for liver diseases, but also for inflammation of the lymph glands and acute chronic diseases respiratory tract and asthma, with coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia (except for atrial fibrillation), hypotension and hypertension; with chronic thrombophlebitis; chronic disease of the genitourinary system; arthrosis and arthritis, osteochondrosis of the spine, as well as for any types of allergies. Eat contraindications to liver cleansing with vegetable oil: large stones in gallbladder and kidneys, allergies to citrus fruits and diabetes.

Preparation for preventive liver cleansing should begin in the evening. At 16 o'clock. At 19 o'clock, drink bitter magnesium sulfate salt (or any laxative salt) - 3 teaspoons per glass of cool drinking water. Wash it down with a glass cold water. If there is no salt, you can start cleansing without it. This condition is desirable, but not mandatory. The cleaning itself begins at 21 o'clock on this day with cleansing procedures, namely enemas with 6 liters of water. The next day at 8.10 and 11 o’clock you need to drink half a glass apple juice- and that’s it, forget about the rest of the food until the evening. At 20 o'clock you need to grind 2 tablets of allochol, dilute them in 30 ml of water and drink. In the absence of allochol, use 2 ml of no-shpa (in ampoules), which should also be diluted in 30 ml of water and drunk. At 21:00, drink 50 ml of olive or any vegetable oil, wash down with 30 ml of lemon juice - that’s all the food for today. For the next stage, you will need a heating pad, which must be tied through a towel to the liver area (the projection of the liver from the midline of the abdomen to the right to the chest area under the right breast). After this - 2 hours of rest on the right side with your knees pressed to your stomach. At 23:00 you can take off the heating pad and go to bed. If you can't fall asleep due to nausea, try sniffing garlic or chewing a crust of bread (do not swallow). On the second day of cleaning at 6 o’clock in the morning you again need to do enemas with 6 liters of water. Then, for the whole day, eat only vegetables, without oil. You can afford a little salt (on the tip of a knife). On the third day, continue the vegetable diet, you can consume vegetable oil. Day four involves a smooth transition to your usual diet.

The second option is to cleanse the liver with vegetable (olive) oil.

3 days before the liver cleanse, switch mainly to plant foods. Beetroot and apple juices are beneficial. On the day of cleaning, it is very useful to drink more warm, even hot liquid. In the morning, dress warmly, and in the afternoon, apply a heating pad (with hot water, a heating pad, etc.) to your right side. Keep it for several hours so that the liver warms up properly. When you feel that your right side is warm enough (around 20 o’clock), you need to drink 100-200 grams. vegetable oil (olive is best), heated to body temperature, but the warmer the better. It is important to do this on an empty or nearly empty stomach, because this way the oil will have a stronger effect. In addition, if the stomach is very full, the oil may not fit. (however, 3-4 hours before taking the oil, you can eat normally - vegetable food). You can drink the oil in small portions (so as not to feel sick) and wash it down with a pleasant drink. An even greater choleretic effect can be achieved if you drink the oil mixed with lemon juice (can be replaced with citric acid). A strong sour taste increases the secretion of bile. If you don’t have good oil or you can’t drink it, you can use sorbitol or magnesium sulfate (ask at the pharmacy). Both are taken in 1-2 tablespoons, mixed in a glass of mineral water and drunk in 2 doses with an interval of 15-20 minutes. Then you can lie down or sit down and relax. The heating pad is on the right side. 2-3 hours after taking the oil, possibly later, an eruption of sand and sewage will begin (this may happen in the morning). This will result in a powerful weakening

It's better if the first one food after liver cleanse will consist of a large amount of freshly squeezed juice, which will additionally cleanse the liver (beetroot, apple, carrot). After obtaining a laxative effect, it is better to hold the heating pad for some more time. Determine the number of procedures yourself, but it is advisable to do them until the liver stops throwing out dirt. You can clean it 2, 3 or more times, with an interval of 1-2 days. Sometimes it is recommended to do tubage once a week or month for prevention.

Harm and complications of consuming vegetable (sunflower, olive) oil and lemon juice while simultaneously warming the liver area.

Under the influence olive oil and lemon juice, the patient experiences active peristalsis of the intestines and gallbladder. Bile is secreted with flakes of fibrin, cholesterol, as well as a certain amount of stones. They are plasticine-like, often round, formations of black, green, Brown and various sizes. However, with cholelithiasis, the existence of which you may not even suspect, there is a high risk that increased bile outflow will cause the movement of stones from the gallbladder into the bile ducts, impairing their patency. And this is a direct path to the operating table immediately after cleansing the liver.

Liver cleansing with vegetable oil in small doses

Cleansing the liver by taking small doses of vegetable oil for a long time is the simplest and most effective method.

General course - 5 weeks. During the first week, drink half a teaspoon of vegetable oil in the morning. For the second week, drink a teaspoon of oil every morning. The third week - every morning a dessert spoon of oil, the fourth week - every morning a tablespoon of oil. The fifth week, and this will be the final cycle, again a dessert spoon of vegetable oil.

Complications: possible exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Liver cleansing with oats.

Cleansing the liver with oats is suitable for everyone; with its help you will cleanse not only the liver, kidneys, but also the blood. Take a glass of oat grains (not oatmeal), rinse with warm water and place in a saucepan. Add 3 tbsp to the same pan. spoons of dry or fresh lingonberry leaves, 2 tbsp. spoons of birch leaves or buds (dry or fresh). Pour 4 liters of water and let it steep for a day in a cool place. Now take another pan, put one glass of chopped rose hips in it, pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, add 2 tbsp. spoons of knotweed grass. When the whole mixture has boiled for 15 minutes and infused for 45 minutes, you need to strain it into another pan and add the strained infusion with oats. Pour the contents into dark bottles and refrigerate. Take the mixture warm daily half an hour before meals: 1st day - 50 ml, 2nd - 100 ml, 3rd and subsequent days - 150 ml. The course of treatment is 10 days. After two weeks, the course can be repeated. During the cleansing period, you should not eat meat products. It is better to carry out cleaning twice a year - in the spring fast before Easter and during the Nativity fast.

Night liver tubing.

Most liver cleansing methods require free time.

The tubing procedure is quite simple. In the evening before bed, at about 10 p.m., you drink any choleretic drug - with xylitol, sorbitol, magnesia, egg yolk, buckwheat. The most gentle is the last option. To do this, you need to prepare porridge: take 50 g of buckwheat groats per 200 g of water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes without salt, sugar and butter. Eat the finished porridge warm in one sitting, then lie on your right side, placing it under it. warm heating pad. The heating pad should be in the liver area. It is recommended to place a cushion of towel under the heating pad. The headboard should be slightly lower than the side (that is, it is better to lie without a pillow). So you can fall asleep with a heating pad. The next day after this procedure, the stool should be mushy and dark in color, which will indicate the effectiveness of the tubage. This type of tubage is done at home only once a month, preferably during the full moon.

Liver cleansing with herbs and vegetable juices

    Boil half a tablespoon of immortelle flowers and the same amount of corn silk in a glass of water and leave for half an hour, and drink this warm decoction on an empty stomach in the morning. After an hour, it is preferable to drink a laxative magnesium sulfate or Carlsbad salt diluted in one glass of any alkaline mineral water. Then you need to take a heating pad, place it on the liver area and lie on your right side. After loosening the intestines, do a good cleansing enema. On the day of the procedure, it is better not to eat anything or eat a light vegetarian meal.

    Peel a few beets and cook until the beets become a homogeneous mass. Drink the resulting decoction three-quarters of a glass several times a day for 2 weeks.

    Corn silk or fibers have a good effect. They need to be brewed and drunk like tea. Drink for two to three weeks.

    A drink made from fresh vegetables has a good effect on the liver - carrots (210 g), parsley (60 g), celery (150 g), you should drink it every day for a month in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Mix 1/2 cup cabbage brine with 1/2 cup natural tomato juice. Drink three times a day after meals for two weeks.

    To cleanse the liver, you can use milk thistle meal - drink a strong infusion, 1-2 glasses a day.

    Collection of medicinal herbs for cleansing the liver and kidneys: chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds, immortelle sand flowers - pharmaceutical preparations, packs of 50 grams. Mix everything, put 1 tbsp in a thermos. spoon of the collection and pour 2 tbsp. boiling water overnight, strain in the morning and drink a glass of honey in the morning, a glass in the evening. Drink for exactly a month

Tubazh by M. Goguglan "Say goodbye to diseases"

Preparing the infusion. Brew 0.5 liters of rosehip infusion (3 tablespoons of berries) in a thermos in the evening. In the morning, pour hot rosehip infusion into a glass with 3 tablespoons of xylitol or sorbitol, stir and drink in one gulp. Exactly after 20 minutes, drink the remaining rosehip infusion in the thermos (without xylitol or sorbitol). After 45 minutes - breakfast: preferably juicy fruits or vegetable salad, nuts, as well as an infusion of raspberry, currant, and rosehip leaves. You can eat a piece of dried bread. Between each intake of liquid and food, you need to actively move (stay closer to the toilet!).

So repeat 6 times after 2 days on the 3rd (for example, Friday, Monday, Thursday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday). Then you can perform this liver cleansing weekly (once a week). At the same time, the lymph nodes of the liver are cleansed, which has a positive effect on the condition of the whole body.

Many consider it unworthy to cleanse their intestines with enemas, although they carry several kilograms of rotting feces, stones, rubble, the stench of which cannot be compared with any contents of sewage.

We must, firstly, realize the harm that fecal debris causes to our body; secondly, to passionately desire to cleanse oneself “from the inside”; thirdly, carefully follow all the rules of the procedure so as not to harm yourself.

At first, various types of exacerbations are possible. Remember what happens in the house when renovations begin. But you do this consciously, because you know that purity, beauty, health, and pleasure await you. The same thing will happen in your body. You will begin to consciously renovate your “apartment” in which your soul lives. Only in a clean vase, in clean water flowers live long. Your soul will blossom only when every cell of the body is cleansed and renewed, and is irrigated with healthy, clean blood. Blood can become healthy if you take care of the cleanliness of the vessel roads through which it flows, carrying building materials to each cell, and taking out along other paths all the “garbage” that is formed daily during metabolism.

After taking choleretic drugs, it is useful with breathing movements, from time to time massage the internal organs.

There are others no less dangerous ways cleaning:

Cleansing according to Malakhov.

Malakhov suggests that you not eat anything throughout the day, drink a glass of solution in the morning Glauber's salt(a powerful laxative), drink a mixture of citrus juices all day, and at night give an enema of two liters of water with lemon juice. According to Malakhov: “This has long been tested in practice and this procedure is safe." Along with severe diarrhea, the result of such cleansing, cleansing or fasting according to Malakhov can be proctosigmoiditis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon.

Fasting according to Nikolaev.

Complete fasting is suggested for a period of 10 days to 1 month. You are only allowed to drink water. It is assumed that the body switches to feeding on internal resources and the body is cleansed of toxins. In reality, things are not so simple. The first 2-4 days are spent mainly on carbohydrates for energy purposes. Then fats begin to intensively break down with the formation of ketone bodies (acetone). With complete fasting, an acidotic coma can occur within one week! Following fats in the body, the destruction of proteins begins with the formation of the same ketones and ammonia. The liver and kidneys cannot cope with removing such a quantity of toxins and intoxication of the body occurs. If fasting cleanses the body of toxins, then what do ammonia and acetone do in this case?

Professor Neumyvakin's system.

To improve the health of the body, they suggest ingesting hydrogen peroxide, which in the body breaks down into water and free oxygen radical (H2O2 => H2O + [O]). So, this free oxygen atom is not only an additional source of oxygen saturation of tissues, but also a strong cellular poison and carcinogen. Fans of this system sometimes even complain of a burning sensation in the stomach. The result of such “cleansing and healing” can be stomach or intestinal cancer.

The human body is extremely complex mechanism. Before starting a diet or cleanse, be sure to consult with your doctor. If the doctor has not heard anything about your method of cleansing the body, cleansing the liver, do not risk your health. Any diet must comply with the principles of rational nutrition.

Don't test your body's strength. Liver cleanses and cleanses can be very dangerous.

How and with what to cleanse the liver using traditional methods


IN traditional medicine liver cleansing is called Tubazh.

In the morning, on an empty stomach, the patient is given 200-250 milliliters of mineral water to drink from a previously opened bottle. It is important that excess gas escapes. Water at room temperature. You can add 5 grams to mineral water. magnesium sulfate or sorbitol, which promotes more vigorous release of the gallbladder. After 15-20 minutes, they again give you mineral water to drink in the same quantity. After drinking water, the patient is in horizontal position for 1.5-2 hours, with a heating pad in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. If there is no sorbitol or magnesium sulfate, then you can use a saturated decoction choleretic herbs. Cleaning is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Complications of liver cleansing

The developers of unconventional liver cleansing methods themselves warn that it is possible that some liver stones will not come out, but will only change their position, and then you will feel some painful sensations. In this case, you should repeat the cleaning procedure strictly following all recommendations. It is possible that any of the choleretic agents (sorbitol, magnesia, oil) will not work, then replace one with the other. If you have any serious illnesses liver, then consult your doctor before cleansing.

In fact, everything is not so rosy: Stones, which you might not even suspect before cleaning (the stones do not manifest themselves in any way if they do not get into the bile duct) will come out into the bile duct and clog it, and this is an indication for emergency surgical intervention. Therefore, before cleansing the liver, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor.

Contraindications for liver cleansing

Who shouldn’t “clean up”?

Cleaning Contraindicated in case of cholelithiasis (urolithiasis), pregnancy, diabetes. Postpone cleaning if there are signs of a cold or infection - heat, headaches, weakness.

Traditional methods of cleansing the kidneys

Place a tablespoon of flax seeds in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water, close and leave overnight. In the morning, add a glass of hot water to the resulting jelly, which you drink in 3 doses per day - and so on for a week.

It is useful to drink half a glass of currant infusion a day, along with berries. The infusion is prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of currant leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 15 - 20 minutes. The leaves are then squeezed out and thrown away. The infusion is heated almost to a boil and, after adding 2 tablespoons of frozen or one tablespoon of dried black currants, infuse again.

Mix flaxseed, pumpkin seeds (unpeeled), St. John's wort herb in equal proportions. Add 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers to 4 tablespoons of this mixture, brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water, steam for 30 - 40 minutes and strain. Divide the portion into 4 parts and drink throughout the day, each time an hour before meals. And so on for 5 days.

If you decide to do a liver and kidney cleanse, keep in mind that:

sorrel, spinach should not be used by patients with impaired salt metabolism(for gout, osteochondrosis, inflammation of the intestines), rheumatism, tuberculosis, ulcers with high acidity;
radish - internal use is contraindicated for patients with heart and kidney pathologies;

pomegranate juice it needs to be diluted, as it contains acids that thicken the blood, irritate the stomach and destroy tooth enamel;
onion tincture is contraindicated for patients with severe heart disease and liver disease;

ginseng, golden root, eleutherococcus - long-term use and in large doses causes insomnia, weakness, palpitations, headaches, and decreased potency. Contraindicated for use in severe forms hypertension with pronounced changes in blood vessels;

beets - you cannot take freshly squeezed juice; you must let it sit for 2 - 3 hours so that harmful compounds that cause spasms of blood vessels evaporate.

Before using any non-traditional cleaning product, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor.

Kidneys are an important organ of our body. Edema, swelling in the eye area and lower back pain indicate problems in the functioning of the organ. If there are no serious diseases of the renal system, then ailments are associated with toxins accumulated in the body. We will talk further about how to cleanse the kidneys.

What pollutes the kidneys?

The kidneys work day after day, passing through great amount fluids and cleanse the blood of toxins. When their functions are impaired, the kidneys become weak. “Waste” accumulates in the renal pelvis. Forms sand and stones.

Kidney formations appear due to excessive consumption of meat, causing congestion toxins. The clogging of the renal system is affected by physical inactivity, colds, and hereditary factor and ecology.

Poor kidney function causes fluid stagnation in the body. Disrupts work of cardio-vascular system and visual apparatus. Leads to swelling.

How to cleanse the kidneys will be written later, but now let’s talk about what this procedure gives. After cleaning, excess liquid is removed. The heart pumps blood more actively. Metabolism improves. Arterial and intraocular pressure. The extra pounds are gone. Joints become more flexible and movements become easier. Well-functioning kidney function removes swelling and bags under the eyes. Skin condition improves.

Signs of kidney slagging

Even if there are no problems with your kidneys, you still need to cleanse your kidneys to prevent the formation of stones. Signals to find out how to cleanse the kidneys are:

  • swelling of the eyelids and limbs;
  • pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, sacrum and groin area;
  • joint pain;
  • frequent and painful urge to urinate;
  • rare and scanty discharge when visiting the toilet;
  • cloudy urine mixed with blood;
  • excessive sweating;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • apathy and loss of strength;
  • deterioration of the visual apparatus and pain in the eyes;
  • frequent headaches.

These signs may indicate not only the presence of toxins in the body, but also diseases of the renal system.

How to prepare for a cleanse

It is important to know not only how to cleanse the kidneys, but also how to prepare for the procedure. Before this event, you should visit a doctor and make sure that there are no stones in the kidneys and inflammatory process. For this purpose it is assigned ultrasound examination and urine analysis.

Cleanse the kidney system after complete cleansing of the intestines. During the procedure, adhere to dietary nutrition. You need to eat more raw vegetables and fruits. You should forget about dried fruits, bread, nuts, chocolate, muffins and confectionery. From the liquid they drink natural squeezed juices, green tea without added sugar, diuretic herbal infusions, and clean water. Limit the consumption of meat and legumes. It is recommended to add cinnamon, ginger, garlic, onions, hot and hot peppers, and cloves to food.

During the preparatory and cleansing periods, you need to move as much as possible.
Kidney cleansing is carried out regardless of the time of year. The most favorable period is considered to be mid-autumn or early spring.

Nutritional features when cleansing the kidneys

How to cleanse the kidneys without harming the body? To do this, you need to properly prepare for the procedure. During the cleansing period, you need to arrange a fasting day on the water. Eat as little processed food as possible. They prefer raw vegetables and fruits.

When cleansing your kidneys, you need to drink plenty of fluids. This could be: water, freshly squeezed juices, compote, green tea. You need to eat in small portions so that the food is completely digested. You can't overeat at night.

During this period, spicy, sweet, salty and fatty foods are prohibited. Do not drink alcohol or strong drinks. They don't smoke.

The best products for cleansing the kidneys are bran bread without salt, soups with vegetable broth, lean fish and meat, steamed cutlets, meatballs, stewed vegetables, porridge, pasta and eggs. Dairy and fermented milk products, various herbal infusions, and vegetable oil are allowed.

How to cleanse your kidneys at home using traditional methods

There are many options for cleansing the kidneys using traditional methods. The most popular methods include cleansing:

  • Cranberries and lingonberries. Products contain a lot useful substances. They have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, preventing the formation of stones. To cleanse the kidneys using the traditional method, you will need 3 kg of cranberries or lingonberries. You can use frozen berries. You should eat 200 grams of berries per day. The course lasts 15 days.
  • Rosehip infusion. Five tablespoons of rose hips are passed through a coffee grinder. Place in a thermos and pour two glasses of boiling water. Leave overnight. Drink one glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and the second before bed. Course - 14 days.
  • Watermelon. From 5 pm to 8 pm you should only eat watermelon. After absorbing the watermelon pulp, you need to sit in a hot bath and stay there until the first urge to go to the toilet. The course is five procedures every other day.

  • Flaxseed and herbs. For five parts of flaxseed, you need to take four parts of birch leaves, one part of horsetail and the same amount of knotweed. Three tablespoons of the mixture are poured into two glasses of boiling water. Leave for 40 minutes. Take morning and evening on an empty stomach. The course is five days. This method helps cleanse the kidneys quickly and effectively.
  • Oats. Here oatmeal jelly is used in combination with herbal infusion. Pour water over whole oat grains and simmer over low heat for 2-3 hours. While hot, rub the grains through a sieve. You need to eat jelly several spoons 3-4 times a day. Morning and evening, drink a decoction of diuretic herbs.
  • Parsley and dill. Greens - 40 g divided into five parts. The cleanse lasts only one day, and you cannot eat anything other than greens on this day. Eat parsley and dill every three hours, washed down with apple juice. In between meals, drink water every 60 minutes.
  • Fir oil. Prepare 30 g fir oil, as well as oregano, St. John's wort, lemon balm, knotweed and sage. Herbs in an amount of 50 g are mixed together and divided into 12 parts. One is placed in a thermos and filled with three glasses of boiling water. For seven days, the infusion is consumed three times a day. Starting from the eighth day, drink half a glass with the addition of 6 drops of fir oil. In this way, you should cleanse your body until the twelfth day inclusive. Course - 12 days.

There are many methods offering to cleanse the kidneys using folk remedies, but these are the most effective.

Cleansing after alcohol

Alcohol can cause severe intoxication of the body. When taking it, the kidneys, which are designed to cleanse the blood and remove toxins, sometimes fail to do their job. Lower back pain appears, damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys, which filter out toxins and cleanse the blood. If the disease is not eliminated in time, renal dystrophy may develop.

Lower back pain after alcohol may indicate damage to the kidney tubules. Beer is especially hard on the kidneys.

When people experience lower back pain, they ask: how to cleanse their kidneys after drinking alcohol? First of all, stop drinking alcohol completely. Severe pain, white flakes in the urine, or blood indicate serious kidney problems that require consultation with a doctor.

Until the renal system is restored, you should follow a salt-free diet, do not eat meat, as well as spicy, salty, smoked and sweet food. You should maintain bed rest, avoid sudden movements, physical activity and hypothermia.

Drink no more than two liters per day. Kidney tea, antispasmodics and drugs for plant based, such as Canephron.

After full recovery For kidney function, any of the cleansing methods described above will do.

Herbal cleansing

If your body is clogged, you can cleanse your kidneys with herbs. There are many plants for the procedure, here are some of them:

  • birch buds and leaves;
  • black elderberry;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • oregano;
  • nettle;
  • Melissa;
  • juniper;
  • parsley;
  • celery root;
  • bird knotweed (knotweed);
  • bearberry;
  • dill;
  • tricolor violet;
  • horsetail;
  • sage;
  • erva woolly.

Each herb is characterized by its own properties. One has an anti-inflammatory effect, the other has a diuretic effect. And there are also those who crush stones and remove sand from the organ.

To cleanse, you need to take two or three herbs from the list. Mix them in equal quantities. Place in a thermos and add two glasses of hot water. Leave for 40 minutes and take twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, 3 hours after the last meal. The course of treatment lasts 21 days.

Bath cleansing

Above we talked about how to quickly cleanse the kidneys at home. Now let’s focus on cleansing the organ with baths. The most suitable are herbal and horsetail baths.

Before the procedure, a herbal decoction is prepared from birch leaves, knotweed and sage, taken in equal parts. Plant raw materials in the amount of 200 g are poured with four liters of boiling water and infused for two hours. The infusion is poured into a warm bath. Session duration is 15 minutes. The procedures are done every other day for 9 weeks.

A horsetail bath can be done both for the whole body and for the feet. It not only cleans, but also removes renal colic and chronic cystitis. The herb (350 g) is poured with boiling water and infused for about an hour. Pour into a warm bath.

Cleansing from salts

There are several ways to cleanse your kidneys quickly and effectively from salts and sand.

The most popular method is radish cleansing. Squeeze the juice from a finely grated vegetable and drink it a tablespoon 4 times a day for 21 days. You can mix it with a tablespoon of honey.

Bearberry removes salt and sand well. A tablespoon of dry herb is poured with boiling water (200 g) and consumed three times a day, 25 g each, for two weeks.

If there is pain in the lumbar region when cleaning, then you need to take a warm bath. It will relieve vascular spasm that occurs when small stones and sand are expelled.

Kidney cleansing with medications

If you do not want to carry out the cleansing process yourself, you can visit a doctor. Doctors often recommend drugs such as:

  • "Uro Lax." Suitable for both the treatment of kidneys and the prevention of diseases of this organ. Drink twice a day.
  • "CystoTransit". A plant-based drug that includes: horsetail, chamomile flowers, knotweed, goldenrod and cranberry. Relieves inflammation and destroys stones.
  • "Gortex". Contains hydrangea root. Removes swelling and inflammation. Cleanses the kidneys.

When taking the above medications, consultation with a doctor is required.

How to cleanse the liver

The liver, like the kidneys, rids the body of waste and toxins. When a large amount of harmful substances accumulates in the body, the organ does not always cope with its work. In this case, you need to cleanse the liver.

The liver is usually cleansed using choleretic drugs, here are some of them:

  • "Allohol." Stimulates the formation of bile, the production of intestinal juices and peristalsis of the intestinal walls. The course of treatment is a month.
  • "Nicodin" has choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Course - 21 days.
  • “Sorbitol” 10% activates the release of bile. Drink 50-100 ml 3 times a day. The course lasts up to three months.

Herbs cleanse the liver well: dandelion, mint, chicory, cumin, mint, rosehip, etc. They increase the flow of bile, relieve inflammation and relieve spasms.

You can cleanse the liver using mineral waters (“Essentuki No. 17”, “Essentuki No. 4”, “Izhevskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”). They improve the flow of bile and dilute it. They drink half a glass up to four times a day.

Important points of cleansing

How to clean the kidneys at home was written above, and now about the points associated with this process.

When cleaning, cloudy urine and brown drops with the smell of fir oil may be observed. This is sand being removed and there is no need to worry about it as the process has been started correctly.

Mild nagging pain and slight tingling indicate increased kidney function. A light massage of the sore spot, a warm scarf or a hot bath will help eliminate the symptoms. After cleaning, all pain disappears.

If cleaning is carried out for the first time, then it should be done three times a year, and then once will be enough.


You cannot cleanse the kidneys if you have urolithiasis. Exacerbated stages of pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis, as well as the presence of a cyst on the kidney are prohibited. The procedure should not be used by pregnant and lactating women or during menstruation. Postoperative conditions, adenoma in men, suffered a heart attack and stroke.

There are many methods on how and how to cleanse the kidneys and liver. Everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves, based on the characteristics of their body. Just remember to consult your doctor before starting any procedures. Be healthy!


Methods to cleanse the liver

Traditional healers recommend starting the treatment of almost all diseases of the liver and gall bladder with cleansing.

You can use any of the liver cleansing methods only after cleansing the intestines, since in a slagged intestine, toxins removed from the liver are quickly absorbed into the blood and cause poisoning of the body. After any liver cleansing, drinking alcohol is absolutely contraindicated for at least a month.

The liver and kidneys act as natural filters in our body, that is, they participate in the process of self-purification (detoxification) of the body. Some poisons, as a result of biosynthesis processes in the liver, are transformed into harmless organic compounds. The kidneys, like the liver, perform excretory and cleansing functions, removing waste substances from the body. They also regulate acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism.

As a result of all this, the bile becomes thicker and can no longer circulate normally and perform its functions.

In medicine there is the concept of toxin and intoxication, as well as the term detoxification, which determines the removal of these toxins from the body. There are a lot of methods for cleansing the body; different authors offer methods from the mildest to quite harsh and dangerous, the use of which should be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Doctors often encounter complications with the most popular methods of removing toxins from the body, based on increasing bile flow through the use of heating pads and natural choleretic agents. An increase in the outflow of bile leads to an increase in the evacuation function of the intestine and, as a result, to the release of copious amounts of intestinal contents, along with which the release of numerous toxins is possible.

Liver cleansing itself is necessary and useful, but the trouble is that it usually occurs without a preliminary medical examination or in conditions of insufficient medical examination and medical supervision.

Preventative liver cleansing

Before cleaning, it is important to warm up the liver well.

Heat is the best way to relieve painful liver spasms. Increased blood flow in the liver activates enzymatic processes and also dilutes bile, making it more fluid. Therefore, preliminary preparation for cleansing the liver is very important. It is good to warm up the liver area both on the day of cleansing and throughout the next night. This can significantly increase the effect. The bile ducts have smooth muscle and are capable of expanding up to 2 cm in diameter.

Liver cleansing with vegetable oil

You can cleanse the liver with vegetable oil not only for liver diseases, but also for inflammation of the lymph glands, acute chronic respiratory diseases and asthma, coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia (except for atrial fibrillation), hypotension and hypertension; with chronic thrombophlebitis; chronic disease of the genitourinary system; arthrosis and arthritis, osteochondrosis of the spine, as well as for any types of allergies. Eat contraindications to liver cleansing with vegetable oil: large stones in the gall bladder and kidneys, allergies to citrus fruits and diabetes.

Preparation for preventive liver cleansing should begin in the evening. At 16 o'clock. At 19 o'clock, drink bitter magnesium sulfate salt (or any laxative salt) - 3 teaspoons per glass of cool drinking water. Drink a glass of cold water. If there is no salt, you can start cleansing without it. This condition is desirable, but not mandatory. The cleaning itself begins at 21 o'clock on this day with cleansing procedures, namely enemas with 6 liters of water. The next day at 8.10 and 11 o’clock you need to drink half a glass of apple juice - and that’s it, forget about the rest of the food until the evening. At 20 o'clock you need to grind 2 tablets of allochol, dilute them in 30 ml of water and drink. In the absence of allochol, use 2 ml of no-shpa (in ampoules), which should also be diluted in 30 ml of water and drunk. At 21:00, drink 50 ml of olive or any vegetable oil, wash down with 30 ml of lemon juice - that’s all the food for today. For the next stage, you will need a heating pad, which must be tied through a towel to the liver area (the projection of the liver from the midline of the abdomen to the right to the chest area under the right breast). After this - 2 hours of rest on the right side with your knees pressed to your stomach. At 23:00 you can take off the heating pad and go to bed. If you can't fall asleep due to nausea, try sniffing garlic or chewing a crust of bread (do not swallow). On the second day of cleaning at 6 o’clock in the morning you again need to do enemas with 6 liters of water. Then, for the whole day, eat only vegetables, without oil. You can afford a little salt (on the tip of a knife). On the third day, continue the vegetable diet, you can consume vegetable oil. Day four involves a smooth transition to your usual diet.

The second option is to cleanse the liver with vegetable (olive) oil.

3 days before the liver cleanse, switch mainly to plant foods. Beetroot and apple juices are beneficial. On the day of cleaning, it is very useful to drink more warm, even hot liquid. In the morning, dress warmly, and in the afternoon, apply a heating pad (with hot water, a heating pad, etc.) to your right side. Keep it for several hours so that the liver warms up properly. When you feel that your right side is warm enough (around 20 o’clock), you need to drink 100-200 grams. vegetable oil (olive is best), heated to body temperature, but the warmer the better. It is important to do this on an empty or nearly empty stomach, because this way the oil will have a stronger effect. In addition, if the stomach is very full, the oil may not fit. (however, 3-4 hours before taking the oil, you can eat normally - vegetable food). You can drink the oil in small portions (so as not to feel sick) and wash it down with a pleasant drink. An even greater choleretic effect can be achieved if you drink the oil mixed with lemon juice (can be replaced with citric acid). A strong sour taste increases the secretion of bile. If you don’t have good oil or you can’t drink it, you can use sorbitol or magnesium sulfate (ask at the pharmacy). Both are taken in 1-2 tablespoons, mixed in a glass of mineral water and drunk in 2 doses with an interval of 15-20 minutes. Then you can lie down or sit down and relax. The heating pad is on the right side. 2-3 hours after taking the oil, possibly later, an eruption of sand and sewage will begin (this may happen in the morning). This will result in a powerful weakening

It's better if the first one food after liver cleanse will consist of a large amount of freshly squeezed juice, which will additionally cleanse the liver (beetroot, apple, carrot). After obtaining a laxative effect, it is better to hold the heating pad for some more time. Determine the number of procedures yourself, but it is advisable to do them until the liver stops throwing out dirt. You can clean it 2, 3 or more times, with an interval of 1-2 days. Sometimes it is recommended to do tubage once a week or month for prevention.

Harm and complications of consuming vegetable (sunflower, olive) oil and lemon juice while simultaneously warming the liver area.

Under the influence of olive oil and lemon juice, the patient experiences active peristalsis of the intestines and gallbladder. Bile is secreted with flakes of fibrin, cholesterol, as well as a certain amount of stones. They are plasticine-like, often round, formations of black, green, brown color and various sizes. However, with cholelithiasis, the existence of which you may not even suspect, there is a high risk that increased bile outflow will cause the movement of stones from the gallbladder into the bile ducts, impairing their patency. And this is a direct path to the operating table immediately after cleansing the liver.

Liver cleansing with vegetable oil in small doses

Cleansing the liver by taking small doses of vegetable oil for a long time is the simplest and most effective method.

The general course is 5 weeks. During the first week, drink half a teaspoon of vegetable oil in the morning. For the second week, drink a teaspoon of oil every morning. The third week - every morning a dessert spoon of oil, the fourth week - every morning a tablespoon of oil. The fifth week, and this will be the final cycle, again a dessert spoon of vegetable oil.

Complications: possible exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Liver cleansing with oats.

Cleansing the liver with oats is suitable for everyone; with its help you will cleanse not only the liver, kidneys, but also the blood. Take a glass of oat grains (not oatmeal), rinse with warm water and place in a saucepan. Add 3 tbsp to the same pan. spoons of dry or fresh lingonberry leaves, 2 tbsp. spoons of birch leaves or buds (dry or fresh). Pour 4 liters of water and let it steep for a day in a cool place. Now take another pan, put one glass of chopped rose hips in it, pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, add 2 tbsp. spoons of knotweed grass. When the whole mixture has boiled for 15 minutes and infused for 45 minutes, you need to strain it into another pan and add the strained infusion with oats. Pour the contents into dark bottles and refrigerate. Take the mixture warm daily half an hour before meals: 1st day - 50 ml, 2nd - 100 ml, 3rd and subsequent days - 150 ml. The course of treatment is 10 days. After two weeks, the course can be repeated. During the cleansing period, you should not eat meat products. It is better to carry out cleaning twice a year - in the spring Lent before Easter and during the Nativity Lent.

Night liver tubing.

Most liver cleansing methods require free time.

The tubing procedure is quite simple. In the evening before bed, at about 10 p.m., you drink any choleretic drug - with xylitol, sorbitol, magnesia, egg yolk, buckwheat. The most gentle is the last option. To do this, you need to prepare porridge: take 50 g of buckwheat groats per 200 g of water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes without salt, sugar and butter. Eat the finished porridge warm in one sitting, then lie on your right side, placing a warm heating pad under it. The heating pad should be in the liver area. It is recommended to place a cushion of towel under the heating pad. The headboard should be slightly lower than the side (that is, it is better to lie without a pillow). So you can fall asleep with a heating pad. The next day after this procedure, the stool should be mushy and dark in color, which will indicate the effectiveness of the tubage. This type of tubage is done at home only once a month, preferably during the full moon.

Liver cleansing with herbs and vegetable juices

    Boil half a tablespoon of immortelle flowers and the same amount of corn silk in a glass of water and leave for half an hour, and drink this warm decoction on an empty stomach in the morning. After an hour, it is preferable to drink a laxative: magnesium sulfate or Carlsbad salt, diluted in one glass of any alkaline mineral water. Then you need to take a heating pad, place it on the liver area and lie on your right side. After loosening the intestines, do a good cleansing enema. On the day of the procedure, it is better not to eat anything or eat a light vegetarian meal.

    To cleanse the liver, you can use milk thistle meal - drink a strong infusion, 1-2 glasses a day.

    Collection of medicinal herbs for cleansing the liver and kidneys: chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds, immortelle sand flowers - pharmaceutical preparations, packs of 50 grams. Mix everything, put 1 tbsp in a thermos. spoon of the collection and pour 2 tbsp. boiling water overnight, strain in the morning and drink a glass of honey in the morning, a glass in the evening. Drink for exactly a month

Tubazh by M. Goguglan “Say goodbye to diseases”

Preparing the infusion. Brew 0.5 liters of rosehip infusion (3 tablespoons of berries) in a thermos in the evening. In the morning, pour hot rosehip infusion into a glass with 3 tablespoons of xylitol or sorbitol, stir and drink in one gulp. Exactly after 20 minutes, drink the remaining rosehip infusion in the thermos (without xylitol or sorbitol). After 45 minutes - breakfast: preferably juicy fruits or vegetable salad, nuts, as well as an infusion of raspberry, currant, and rosehip leaves. You can eat a piece of dried bread. Between each intake of liquid and food, you need to actively move (stay closer to the toilet!).

So repeat 6 times after 2 days on the 3rd (for example, Friday, Monday, Thursday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday). Then you can perform this liver cleansing weekly (once a week). At the same time, the lymph nodes of the liver are cleansed, which has a positive effect on the condition of the whole body.

Many consider it unworthy to cleanse their intestines with enemas, although they carry several kilograms of rotting feces, stones, rubble, the stench of which cannot be compared with any contents of sewage.

We must, firstly, realize the harm that fecal debris causes to our body; secondly, to passionately desire to cleanse yourself “from the inside”; thirdly, carefully follow all the rules of the procedure so as not to harm yourself.

At first, various types of exacerbations are possible. Remember what happens in the house when renovations begin. But you do this consciously, because you know that purity, beauty, health, and pleasure await you. The same thing will happen in your body. You will begin to consciously renovate your “apartment” in which your soul lives. Flowers live long only in a clean vase and in clean water. Your soul will blossom only when every cell of the body is cleansed and renewed, and is irrigated with healthy, clean blood. Blood can become healthy if you take care of the cleanliness of the vascular roads along which it flows, carrying building materials to each cell, and taking out along other routes all the “garbage” that is formed daily during metabolism.

After taking choleretic drugs, it is useful to use breathing movements and massage the internal organs from time to time.

There are other equally dangerous cleaning methods:

Cleansing according to Malakhov.

Malakhov suggests that you eat nothing all day, drink a glass of Glauber's salt solution (a powerful laxative) in the morning, drink a mixture of citrus juices all day, and at night give an enema of two liters of water with lemon juice. According to Malakhov: “This has long been tested in practice and this procedure is safe.” Along with severe diarrhea, the result of such cleansing, cleansing or fasting according to Malakhov can be proctosigmoiditis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon.

Fasting according to Nikolaev.

Complete fasting is suggested for a period of 10 days to 1 month. You are only allowed to drink water. It is assumed that the body switches to feeding on internal resources and the body is cleansed of toxins. In reality, things are not so simple. The first 2-4 days are spent mainly on carbohydrates for energy purposes. Then fats begin to intensively break down with the formation of ketone bodies (acetone). With complete fasting, an acidotic coma can occur within one week! Following fats in the body, the destruction of proteins begins with the formation of the same ketones and ammonia. The liver and kidneys cannot cope with removing such a quantity of toxins and intoxication of the body occurs. If fasting cleanses the body of toxins, then what do ammonia and acetone do in this case?

Professor Neumyvakin's system.

To improve the health of the body, they suggest ingesting hydrogen peroxide, which in the body breaks down into water and free oxygen radical (H2O2 => H2O + [O]). So, this free oxygen atom is not only an additional source of oxygen saturation of tissues, but also a strong cellular poison and carcinogen. Fans of this system sometimes even complain of a burning sensation in the stomach. The result of such “cleansing and healing” can be stomach or intestinal cancer.

The human body is a very complex mechanism. Before starting a diet or cleanse, be sure to consult with your doctor. If the doctor has not heard anything about your method of cleansing the body, cleansing the liver, do not risk your health. Any diet must comply with the principles of rational nutrition.

Don't test your body's strength. Liver cleanses and cleanses can be very dangerous.

How and with what to cleanse the liver using traditional methods


In traditional medicine, liver cleansing is called Tubazh.

In the morning, on an empty stomach, the patient is given 200-250 milliliters of mineral water to drink from a previously opened bottle. It is important that excess gas escapes. Water at room temperature. You can add 5 grams to mineral water. magnesium sulfate or sorbitol, which promotes more vigorous release of the gallbladder. After 15-20 minutes, they again give you mineral water to drink in the same quantity. After drinking water, the patient is in a horizontal position for 1.5-2 hours, with a heating pad in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. If there is no sorbitol or magnesium sulfate, then you can use a saturated decoction of choleretic herbs. Cleaning is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Complications of liver cleansing

The developers of unconventional liver cleansing methods themselves warn that it is possible that some liver stones will not come out, but will only change their position, and then you will feel some pain. In this case, you should repeat the cleaning procedure strictly following all recommendations. It is possible that any of the choleretic agents (sorbitol, magnesia, oil) will not work, then replace one with the other. If you have any serious liver disease, consult your doctor before cleansing.

In fact, everything is not so rosy: Stones, which you might not even suspect before cleaning (stones do not manifest themselves in any way if they do not get into the bile duct) will come out into the bile duct and block it, and this is an indication for emergency surgery . Therefore, before cleansing the liver, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor.

Contraindications for liver cleansing

Who shouldn’t “clean up”?

Cleaning Contraindicated in case of cholelithiasis (urolithiasis), pregnancy, diabetes. Postpone cleaning if there are signs of a cold or infection - high fever, headaches, weakness.

Traditional methods of cleansing the kidneys

If you decide to do a liver and kidney cleanse, keep in mind that:

pomegranate juice must be diluted, as it contains acids that thicken the blood, irritate the stomach and destroy tooth enamel;

Before using any non-traditional cleaning product, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor.


Liver function

The liver is an important organ, as it cleanses the blood of toxins, as well as harmful impurities (dyes, thickeners, antioxidants, preservatives, stabilizers, hormones and antibiotics that are found in plant and meat foods).

If you do not cleanse the liver, then these substances safely penetrate into the blood and spread throughout the body, filling all organs with this composition.

Harmful substances can clog it, which prevents filtration ability. It is important to cleanse the organ so that blood fills everything vitality, useful components, ensuring good health and excellent well-being.
A person may observe certain unpleasant sensations, which are undeniable signs of organ contamination:

  • constipation, nausea, unpleasant belching;
  • headache;
  • the whites of the eyes acquire a yellow tint;
  • the epidermis has a poor color;
  • stomach problems (bloating, heaviness);
  • a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and a metallic taste;
  • fatigue, apathy and irritation.

If a person regularly observes all these signs, then it is worth thinking about it and taking action. However, before you start cleaning, you need to visit a doctor, take liver tests, and also undergo an ultrasound. Only after such a small examination can you begin to cleanse the liver.

Kidneys and their work

The kidneys are a filtering organ. They efficiently remove all unnecessary components from the body through liquid. However, negative substances can settle on urethra and on the walls of the kidneys in the form of sand, mucus or stones. Therefore, the kidneys feel the need to cleanse them of unnecessary components that clog the organs and prevent them from functioning normally.

If the kidneys are dirty, the body reacts immediately and informs about it. Undeniable signs of problems in the organ:

  • swelling of the arms and legs;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • excessive sweating;
  • aching pain in the lower back, as well as in the lower abdomen (in the kidney area);
  • pain in all joints;
  • excessive urination at night;
  • During the day, urination is scanty and also painful;
  • urine is dark in color, mixed with mucus and blood;
  • decreased vision, pain in the eyeball;
  • weakness, cold sweat.

A person who notices such signs should urgently consult a doctor, undergo certain tests, do an ultrasound, get recommendations from a specialist, and only then begin to cleanse the kidneys.

Who is prohibited from cleaning filter organs?

Of course, cleansing the kidneys and liver is useful, but there are limitations to such procedures. In certain cases, it is better to refuse such an undertaking:

  • in the presence of renal and heart failure;
  • during the period of exacerbation chronic diseases(spring and autumn);
  • there is gallstone disease of the kidneys and the presence of stones in the body;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • when there are signs infectious diseases(fever, weakness, cough, sore throat);
  • It is not recommended for women one week and one week after menstruation.

Preparatory activities

The kidneys and liver work differently, so cleansing and preparatory stages will be different. Before starting the procedure, it is important to prepare the body and pay special attention to it.

To begin the procedure to prepare for cleansing the kidneys, you need to go through several stages.

  1. Cleanse the intestines and liver.
  2. 3 days before cleansing, you need to eat exclusively vegetables and fruits.
  3. If possible, you can fast. It in itself cleanses the entire body and also prepares it for cleansing the kidneys.
  4. It is important to get a doctor's recommendation.

To properly cleanse the liver, it is necessary to prepare the body for this process. From proper preparation The quality of the results depends, so you should pay special attention to preparation and not neglect this process.

  1. Liver cleansing is carried out only after intestinal cleansing; the sequence cannot be changed so as not to harm your health and benefit from the procedure.
  2. The organ must be thoroughly warmed 24 hours before the procedure.
  3. 3 days before the procedure, you need to switch exclusively to plant foods. It is advisable to introduce apple and beet juice into your diet. It is able to effectively set the body up for cleansing.
  4. On the day of cleansing, it is important to drink a lot of warm or hot liquid, you can drink herbal teas.
  5. If a person has serious problems with the liver, then it is better for him to consult a specialist for qualified advice.

Liver cleansing methods

The main goal of cleansing is to cause a strong eruption of bile, which will remove all accumulated fats, stimulate intestinal movement and stimulate the removal of toxins from the body. There are many common ways to clean the organ; they can be done even at home, and they will not cause harm to the body.

Liver cleansing can be done even with regular green tea. You just need to drink 2-3 cups every day. It is able to effectively cleanse the liver of harmful substances that accumulate in it. It happens that someone does not like green tea, then it can be replaced with herbal teas. Nature has given many herbs that are capable of removing bile, among them are: yarrow, chicory, rose hips, celandine, mint, wormwood, immortelle, dandelion, plantain, nettle, corn silk.

Obviously, the variety of herbs simply makes it possible to enjoy the pleasant taste of herbal teas and at the same time cleanse such an important organ. For best results, it is advisable to combine herbs. You can mix everything, or you can choose the ones you like best. The herbal infusion is prepared very simply:

  • mix several types of herbs;
  • 4 tbsp. pour spoons of the mixture into a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water (this is a serving for the day);
  • give time for everything to brew well
  • In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of warm infusion, the second glass should be drunk before bed.

You need to drink herbal tea every day for a month. The treatment will be accompanied by copious feces, with which accumulated toxins will be released. For greater effectiveness, the procedure must be repeated 2 times a year. The disadvantage of this method is that it takes quite a long time.

An effective method is cleansing with sorbitol and vegetable oil. The procedure must be repeated after 2 weeks to ensure good results. This technique involves purification in several stages.

  1. In the morning you need to dress warmly, and after lunch you need to apply a warm heating pad to warm up the organ properly.
  2. When you feel that your right side has already warmed up (in the late afternoon, around 8 p.m.), you need to drink 150 g of heated olive or sunflower oil on an empty stomach. You can drink it in small sips; if nausea occurs, you can wash it down with a pleasant drink.
  3. You can achieve greater bile secretion by adding lemon juice to the oil.
  4. If a person cannot drink the oil or there is no quality product, then you can use magnesium sulfate or sorbitol, they are sold at the pharmacy. In 250 g of mineral water you need to stir 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the substance. The solution should be divided into two parts and then drunk at intervals of 15 minutes.
  5. After drinking the selected ingredient, you just need to rest, taking a comfortable position, while keeping the heating pad on your right side.
  6. After 3 hours, or maybe in the morning, severe diarrhea will begin and along with it all the toxins that have accumulated in the body will begin to be eliminated.
  7. At the end of the procedure, you can do an enema, which will remove any remaining harmful substances.

Kidneys - a method of cleansing

Kidney cleansing is carried out in several stages:

  • dissolving stones and turning them into sand;
  • cause a diuretic reaction.

Perfectly dissolves kidney stones essential oils. The most effective and affordable is fir. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is recommended to cleanse the kidneys in several stages once a year.

  1. It is necessary to purchase any diuretic, only plant origin, that is, herbs.
  2. The product should be used for 7 days to speed up the work of the kidneys and also cleanse them. Then you need to add 5 drops of fir oil to the herbal infusion. Drink the solution 3 times a day.
  3. A few days after the administration of fir oil, the urine will be cloudy, this is normal. This means that the stones began to fragment. In order for these small particles to be cleared well from the kidneys, you need to jog or just jump for several days.
  4. Over time, sand will appear in the urine. If you feel severe pain in the lower back, it means a stone large sizes began his movement. To reduce pain you need to take a hot bath.
  5. As a rule, the entire kidney cleansing procedure takes about 2 weeks. If there is still sand in the urine, then treatment should be continued.

It is important not to be shy about cleansing the liver and kidneys; today there are many ways to do this. These two important organs work hard for the benefit of the whole organism, therefore they need prevention and, if necessary, treatment. Thanks to simple techniques, cleaning can be done at home. Be healthy!

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you felt constantly “broken”? Do you have at least one of the following symptoms?:


Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? Aren't you tired of feeling unfilled with strength? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? How many vitamins did you take and attributed your condition to “lack of sleep”? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Angelika Varum, in which she shared how she became a “Doctor”.

Attention, TODAY only!


Quote from Nortia How to “clean” the liver and kidneys?

How to quickly get your body in order after numerous feasts using proven recipes.

When filters become clogged

The long New Year holidays, despite all the joyful events, are still quite stressful. And first of all, we overload our “filters” - the liver and kidneys - with fatty, alcoholic, and spicy foods. How to carry out a “spring cleaning” of the body without harming yourself?

The liver and kidneys act as natural filters in our body, that is, they participate in the process of self-purification of the body. The liver takes various harmful substances from the blood and neutralizes them. The kidneys, like the liver, perform excretory and cleansing functions, removing waste substances from the body. They also regulate acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism.

The functioning of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys is seriously impaired by:

overeating, especially fatty, fried, pickled and smoked foods;
heavy doses of alcohol and nicotine make the liver tissue more friable;
a sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of bile.

As a result of all this, bile becomes overloaded with toxins, becomes thicker and can no longer circulate normally and perform its functions.

Therefore, after holiday excesses, reasonable cleansing and supporting measures are only welcome. But you should always keep in mind the initial state of health and the presence of chronic diseases.

Pumpkin - for the kidneys, parsley - for the liver

Proven folk methods of cleansing the kidneys...

Place a tablespoon of flax seeds in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water, close and leave overnight. In the morning, add a glass of hot water to the resulting jelly, which you drink in 3 doses per day - and so on for a week.

It is useful to drink half a glass of currant infusion a day, along with berries. The infusion is prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of currant leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 15 - 20 minutes. The leaves are then squeezed out and thrown away. The infusion is heated almost to a boil and, after adding 2 tablespoons of frozen or one tablespoon of dried black currants, infuse again.

Mix flaxseed, pumpkin seeds (unpeeled), St. John's wort herb in equal proportions. Add 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers to 4 tablespoons of this mixture, brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water, steam for 30 - 40 minutes and strain. Divide the portion into 4 parts and drink throughout the day, each time an hour before meals. And so on for 5 days.

...and liver

Peel a few beets and cook until the beets become a homogeneous mass. Drink the resulting decoction three-quarters of a glass several times a day for 2 weeks.

Corn silk or fibers have a good effect. They need to be brewed and drunk like tea. Drink for two to three weeks.

A drink made from fresh vegetables has a good effect on the liver - carrots (210 g), parsley (60 g), celery (150 g), you should drink it every day for a month in the morning on an empty stomach.

Mix 1/2 cup cabbage brine with 1/2 cup natural tomato juice. Drink three times a day after meals for two weeks.

If you decide to clean, keep in mind that:

sorrel, spinach should not be used by patients with impaired salt metabolism (with gout, osteochondrosis, inflammation of the intestines), rheumatism, tuberculosis, ulcers with high acidity;
radish - internal use is contraindicated for patients with heart and kidney pathologies;
pomegranate juice needs to be diluted, as it contains many different acids that thicken the blood, irritate the stomach and tooth enamel;
onion tincture is contraindicated for patients with severe heart disease and liver disease;
ginseng, golden root, eleutherococcus - long-term use and in large doses causes insomnia, weakness, palpitations, headaches, and decreased potency. Contraindicated for use in severe forms of hypertension with pronounced vascular changes;
beets - you cannot take freshly squeezed juice; you must let it sit for 2 - 3 hours so that harmful compounds that cause spasms of blood vessels evaporate.

And who shouldn’t “clean up”?

Give up your idea if:

You have cholelithiasis (urolithiasis) and there are large stones.

Postpone cleaning if there are signs of a cold or infection - high fever, headaches, weakness.

If you have acute inflammation or worsening chronic diseases of internal organs.

You are pregnant or breastfeeding.

For heart and kidney failure.

Note! A modern and safe method of cleansing the body is Vision herbal complexes, they will help you maintain or regain health. see website http://www.zdvip.siteedit.ru/


Lower back pain? Bitter taste in your mouth? Is your liver unable to cope with the load? The doctor made a disappointing diagnosis of “cystitis” or “pyelonephritis”? Your body is crying out for help: it is asking to be cleansed! The liver and kidneys, which cleanse the entire body, also need cleansing themselves. It just needs to be done wisely and competently. – Indications and contraindications for cleaning. – Liver cleansing technology. – Kidney cleansing methods. – Cleansing exercises. – “Kidney” and “hepatic” diets. The book talks about this and much more. Read, choose the appropriate cleaning regimen for yourself - and be healthy! This book is not a textbook on medicine. All recommendations must be agreed with your doctor.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Cleansing the liver and kidneys. Modern and traditional methods (A. V. Sadov, 2012) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Part 1. Liver and gallbladder cleansing

Chapter 1. A little about how the liver works

Anatomy and function of the liver

The liver is the largest organ in our body, making up one fiftieth of the average adult's total body weight. In the early years, its relative mass is even greater, reaching one sixteenth of its total weight at the time the baby is born.

The liver is located in the right hypochondrium or, strictly speaking, in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and is covered by the ribs, with its upper border located approximately at the level of the nipples.

Anatomically, there are two hepatic lobes - right and left. The right one is several times more massive than the left one, and there are two segments in it - the caudate and quadrate lobes, which are named simply but correctly.

Rice. 1. Structure of the liver

Both hepatic lobes are separated from each other in front by the peritoneal (falciform) ligament, behind by the coronary ligament, and below by the round ligament located in the groove.

The blood supply to the liver is carried out simultaneously from two sources, which emphasizes the importance of its uninterrupted operation. The first source of fresh blood is the hepatic artery, which provides oxygenated blood arterial blood, the second is the portal vein, which delivers venous blood from the spleen and intestines to the liver. Both circulatory main vessels enter the liver through a recess located in right lobe and symbolically called the gate of the liver.

After passing through the hilum, the portal vein and hepatic artery branch to the right and left hepatic lobes. Here the right and left bile ducts join and form the common bile duct. It should be said that the nerve plexuses accompany the hepatic artery and bile ducts all the way down to the smallest ducts, which indicates good innervation of the processes occurring in them and close attention to them on the part of our body. The body is “vigilant” and carefully monitors the condition of the liver, since it directly depends on its normal functioning. But the paradox is that the liver tissue does not have nerve endings, so even with very severe damage there will be no pain. Nerve endings are present only in a thin capsule covering the surface of the organ.

Venous blood flows into the right and left hepatic veins, which drain into the inferior vena cava near its confluence with the right atrium. The circle closes.

A few words about the lymphatic vessels, which, penetrating the liver tissue, end in the lymph nodes around the porta hepatis. The draining lymphatic vessels drain into nodes located around celiac trunk. Part of the superficial lymphatic vessels of the liver, located in the falciform ligament, penetrates the diaphragm and ends in lymph nodes mediastinum. The other part accompanies the inferior vena cava and ends in a few lymph nodes around its thoracic region.

The gallbladder is located in a fossa that stretches from the lower edge of the liver to its gate.

Most of the liver is covered by peritoneum, with the exception of three areas: the fossa of the gallbladder, the groove of the inferior vena cava, and part of the diaphragmatic surface located to the right of this groove.

The liver is held in its position by the ligaments of the peritoneum and intra-abdominal pressure, which is created by tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Why does the liver need a gallbladder?

Anatomy of the biliary tract

Considering that many troubles with the functioning of the liver lie in the disruption of the patency of the bile ducts, let’s devote a little time to the peculiarities of their anatomical structure. Let's try to answer a simple question: why does the liver need a gallbladder?

Rice. 2. Section of the liver

Let's start with the general picture, looking at it with the inquisitive gaze of researchers. We will see that two ducts emerge from the liver: the right and left hepatic ducts, which merge at the hilum into the common hepatic duct. As a result of the fusion of the hepatic duct with the cystic duct, the common bile duct is formed. The diameter of the duct, measured during operations, ranges from 0.5 cm to 1.5 cm. With a larger diameter, the common bile duct is considered dilated.

The common bile duct passes between the layers of the lesser omentum in front of the portal vein and to the right of the hepatic artery. The duct crosses the posterior wall of the intestine obliquely and usually joins the main pancreatic duct to form the hepatopancreatic ampulla (the so-called ampulla of Vater). The ampulla of Vater protrudes the lining mucous membrane into the intestinal lumen, forming the papilla of Vater, or major papilla duodenum. In approximately every tenth of those examined, the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct open into the lumen of the duodenum separately.

The part of the common bile duct passing in the wall of the duodenum is surrounded by a shaft of longitudinal and circular muscle fibers, which is called the sphincter of Oddi. Now let's move on to the gallbladder.


In the boring medical language, it can be noted that the gallbladder is a pear-shaped sac about 9 cm long, capable of holding about 50 ml of liquid. It is always located above the transverse colon, adjacent to the duodenal bulb, projecting onto the shadow of the right kidney, but being in front of it. No mystery, boring and ordinary. It’s as boring as calling the heart a hollow muscular organ, which it essentially is. And no mysticism, alas. But I'm digressing from the topic.

The widest part of the gallbladder is the fundus, which is located in front; it is this that can be felt with your hands when examining the abdomen. The body of the gallbladder passes into a narrow neck, which continues into the cystic duct. The spiral folds of the mucous membrane of the cystic duct and the neck of the gallbladder are called the valve of Heister. The saccular expansion of the neck of the gallbladder, in which gallstones often form, is called Hartmann's pouch - remember this name, God forbid you have to encounter it in your life.

The wall of the gallbladder consists of muscle and elastic fibers; the muscle fibers of the neck and bottom of the gallbladder are especially well developed. The mucous membrane lining the gallbladder forms numerous folds; The mucous membrane does not have a submucosal layer or its own muscle fibers - this is a feature of the structure of the bladder. Branched invaginations of the mucous membrane, the so-called Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses, penetrate through the entire thickness of the muscular layer of the gallbladder and play important role in the development of acute cholecystitis and gangrene of the bladder wall.

The gallbladder is supplied with blood from a large tortuous branch of the hepatic artery called the cystic artery. Smaller blood vessels enter from the liver through the fossa of the gallbladder. Blood from the gallbladder flows through the cystic vein into the portal vein system, which we discussed above.

In addition to blood vessels, there are numerous lymphatic vessels in the mucous membrane of the gallbladder and under the peritoneum. They pass through the node at the neck of the gallbladder to the nodes located along the common bile duct, where they connect with the lymphatic vessels that drain lymph from the head of the pancreas.

The gallbladder and bile ducts are also richly innervated by parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers.

Boundaries of the liver and gallbladder

In our world, everything has its boundaries. Or it must have and not go beyond the allotted space. Only in this case will our macrocosm function without complications. The same can be said about the boundaries of the liver. As long as they, the boundaries, are within their... uh... boundaries, everything is fine, but as soon as they cross the line, the need immediately arises to identify the causes of liver enlargement. Therefore, I advise you to read the following text carefully, while simultaneously examining your body in the right hypochondrium. It will be educational. (You can draw on your husband with a permanent marker - for clarity).

Normally, the upper border of the right lobe passes at the level of the 5th rib to a point located 1 cm below the right nipple. The upper border of the left lobe runs along the upper edge of the 6th rib 2 cm below the left nipple. At this point, the liver is separated from the apex of the heart only by the diaphragm.

The lower edge of the liver runs obliquely, rising from the cartilaginous end of the 9th rib on the right to the cartilage

8 ribs on the left. On the right midclavicular line (vertical line down from the middle of the corresponding clavicle, right or left), it is located below the edge of the costal arch by no more than 2 cm.

The lower edge of the liver crosses the midline of the body approximately halfway between the base of the xiphoid process and the navel, and the left lobe extends only 5 cm beyond the left edge of the sternum.

Now let's talk about the boundaries of the gallbladder. It will be more difficult here - now you will understand why. Typically, the bottom of the gallbladder is located at the outer edge of the right rectus abdominis muscle, at its junction with the right costal arch. In obese people it is difficult to find the right edge of the rectus abdominis muscle, and then the projection of the gallbladder is determined using the Gray Turner method.

To do this, draw a line from the upper anterior ilium through the navel; the gallbladder is located at the point of its intersection with the right costal arch. When determining the projection of the gallbladder using this method, it is necessary to take into account the physique. The fundus of the gallbladder can sometimes be located below the iliac crest. Sorry, I can't explain it any simpler.

How does it all work?

Bile is produced by the liver constantly and continuously, but appears in the duodenum only when it is necessary to process incoming food. Where is she located between meals?

I think you already guessed it - in the gallbladder. In a small but very important organ between the liver and duodenum, away from the main bile ducts. Between it and the bile ducts there is a connection - the cystic duct.

Along the path of bile from the liver to the intestines there are several sphincter valves, the role of which is to hold it and not let it out until it is needed. Because even when we sleep, read, walk and do not eat, bile is still produced and flows from the liver into the bile ducts, but the further path to duodenum she is blocked by these same sphincters. Therefore, bile does not enter the intestine, but into the gallbladder, where it is stored between meals.

The gallbladder is constantly replenished and thickens the bile, sucking out excess fluid from it. Therefore, bile from the liver is different from the bile that is stored in the gallbladder. Doctors call them that: hepatic and cystic.

The main moment comes when food enters the stomach. During meals, bile enters the duodenum through a system of sphincter valves, passing through special bile ducts. In the duodenum, it takes part in digestion. Between meals, bile enters the gallbladder, where it is stored and concentrated (thickened). And at the right moment it is thrown out of the bladder into the intestines.

I must say that the process described is much more complex and confusing, but my task was to convey to you the essence of what is happening and answer the question: “Why does the liver need a gallbladder?” I think that I coped with the task. You should already know the answer, right?

Chapter 2. There is a first time for everything. General signs upcoming diseases

The reader obviously needs to get acquainted with the current systematization of diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Their classification allows us to present the variety of causes and mechanisms of development of more than 50 possible pathological processes in the liver known to medical science.

So, let's get started, slowly, but hastily. According to the classification proposed in 1962 by the famous Hungarian scientist I. Magyar, who took into account clinical picture, causative factors of the disease, changes in the structure of the liver, the following main groups of diseases of the liver and biliary tract are distinguished.

Primary liver diseases

1. Acute diseases liver parenchyma:

1) viral hepatitis;

2) bacterial hepatitis;

3) hepatitis caused by protozoa;

4) toxic hepatitis.

2. Acute diseases of the biliary tract:

1) cholangitis, cholangiohepatitis;

2) liver damage due to cholecystopathy.

3. Acute vascular diseases of the liver:

1) pylephlebitis, pylethrombosis;

2) liver infarction;

3) thrombosis of the hepatic vein.

Secondary liver diseases

1. Liver damage due to neoplasms and tumor-like diseases.

2. Liver damage during pregnancy.

3. Liver damage due to endocrine diseases.

4. Liver damage due to circulatory disorders.

5. Storage diseases ( fatty liver, hemochromatosis, glycogenosis).

6. Diseases of the liver and nervous system (hepatoleptocular degeneration).

Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract

1) dyskinesia;

2) inflammatory diseases(cholangitis, cholecystitis);

3) cholelithiasis;

4) neoplasms;

This classification, quite complete and accessible to wide medical practice and the population, was revised and modified many times in subsequent years. Here it is presented in its original “author’s” version so that you can imagine the whole variety of diseases of the liver and biliary tract, an almost complete list of them. “Almost” only because you can’t be absolutely sure of everything.

Liver diseases, as a rule, do not manifest themselves for a long time. But long before the appearance specific signs liver pathology, weakness, malaise, pain in joints, muscles, rashes or hemorrhages on the skin, changes in peripheral blood (anemia or other pathologies), signs of kidney damage, which will be shown by a urine test, are observed. The listed symptoms bring confusion to minds and actions, forcing patients to turn to any of the medical specialists - rheumatologists, dermatologists, hematologists, nephrologists and others, but not to a hepatologist.

The main “liver” symptoms of chronic liver diseases are jaundice, itching, enlargement of the liver and/or spleen.

Jaundice is more often observed in acute hepatitis (viral, toxic) and in late stage irreversible liver damage - with cirrhosis. In chronic hepatitis, jaundice occurs quite rarely - only with severe exacerbations of the disease. Jaundice in combination with skin itching often manifests cholestatic autoimmune liver diseases - primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis.

Jaundice and skin itching are also signs of biliary tract disease, especially if they are combined with pain in the right side and increased body temperature. The cause of jaundice in such cases is a violation of the outflow of bile, for example due to the presence of a stone in the bile duct, and not damage to the liver cells.

Pain in the right hypochondrium in chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver is rare and can be caused by concomitant damage to the gallbladder, bile ducts, or the nearby duodenum and (or) intestines.

The liver tissue does not have nerve endings, and therefore, even with very severe damage (liver cirrhosis), there is no pain syndrome. Nerve endings are present in a thin capsule covering the surface of the liver. With its significant increase due to stretching of the capsule, dull pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium are observed. With an enlarged spleen, heaviness and discomfort occur in the left hypochondrium.

Now let's look at the listed and other signs of diseases in more detail, reducing them to the typical complaints of those who are unlucky and already know where the liver is.

Typical complaints in liver diseases

With liver diseases, regardless of the cause of the disease, the following typical complaints (symptoms) appear.

Itchy skin

The cause of skin itching is a violation of the neutralizing and excretory functions of the liver. Harmful and toxic substances enter the bloodstream, and through the bloodstream into the skin. In this case, irritation of the nerve endings can manifest as painful itching.


If the liver function is so impaired that it is no longer able to process used blood cells, coloring pigments (bilirubin) enter the blood and then into the skin and conjunctiva of the eyes, turning them yellow.

Spider veins

Characteristic spider veins classified as liver signs indicating advanced pathological process– pre-cirrhosis or cirrhosis. In addition to the stars, bruises easily form, which is a consequence of a blood clotting disorder, since the liver, due to damage, cannot produce sufficient quantities of substances that control blood clotting.

Changes in stool and urine

If the formation and secretion of bile is impaired, changes also occur in digestion: fats cannot be fully digested and partially leave the intestines unchanged. Since bile pigments also do not enter the intestine, the excrement becomes discolored, the feces become the color of putty or even white. But the stool may also be black if the disease is complicated by bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus and upper stomach. Urine in liver diseases, on the contrary, clearly darkens and acquires a color from dark yellow to dark brown.

Feeling of heaviness and/or pain

The liver itself “does not hurt.” But if it significantly increases in size and stretches the superficial connective tissue membrane, then the nerve endings of the stretched capsule give a periodic feeling of pressure, and later a pain sensation. This is typical for fatty liver degeneration or acute hepatitis. Liver enlargement is one of the most important symptoms of liver disorders, which a doctor can easily determine during a physical examination of the patient. The reduction in its size, which is usually observed in cirrhosis, is asymptomatic.

Central nervous system

In severe and long-term liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, the functions of the brain and other organs are impaired. This manifests itself in rapid fatigue, weakness, apathy, impaired memory and concentration, and insomnia. The cause of these symptoms is self-poisoning of the body, including sensitive brain cells, due to a violation of the liver’s ability to neutralize metabolic products, as well as poisons coming from outside.

Hormonal system

Clinical symptoms, reflecting imbalances of hormones, develop with severe liver pathology. In men, this can lead to the development of female-shaped breasts and decreased libido due to disturbances in the exchange of sex hormones. A chronic “liver” patient acquires a characteristic constitution: sloping shoulders due to impaired protein metabolism and muscle atrophy shoulder girdle, big belly as a result of fluid accumulation in abdominal cavity(ascites), thin legs due to decreased muscle mass.

Leg swelling and ascites

Due to water and electrolyte imbalance, swelling in the legs may develop. With cirrhosis and fatty degeneration of the liver, blood is discharged through adjacent vessels of the esophagus, stomach, and anterior abdominal wall, while the liquid part of the blood leaves the bloodstream and accumulates in the free abdominal cavity, forming dropsy or ascites. Due to the increased load, the walls of the vessels lose their elasticity and stretch, varicose veins of the esophagus are formed, which in advanced cases cause severe gastrointestinal bleeding, sometimes ending in death.


A common manifestation of intoxication due to liver pathology is neurasthenia. Its symptoms are unmotivated anger, lack of restraint in emotions, motor mobility, or vice versa, lethargy, physical and mental fatigue, resentment, and suspiciousness. Patients complain of headaches, a feeling of heaviness in the head and heart area, dizziness, palpitations, and sexual dysfunction. That is why, first of all, noticing obvious neurological symptoms, you need to think about the long-suffering and long-suffering liver.


So, what have we learned about the first signs of liver trouble? Let us briefly repeat them.

1. Yellowing of the skin, eye sclera and mucous membranes is most often observed in acute hepatitis (viral, toxic) and liver cirrhosis.

2. Skin itching, a burning sensation, a sensation of electric current passing through the spine or hot waves throughout the body may be a consequence of liver problems.

3. An enlarged spleen can also be a sign of liver disease.

4. Pain in the right hypochondrium. This symptom occurs rarely; as a rule, pain is caused by concomitant damage to the gallbladder, bile ducts, or the duodenum and intestines located nearby.

5. Feeling of numbness in the muscles, coldness of the fingertips on the hands and feet. These signs gradually appear as the disease deepens.

6. Changing the shape of fingernails and toenails. Their thickening and darkening indicates chronic liver intoxication.

What to do? What to prepare for? Start with tests - and the correct diagnosis is yours!

List of tests and studies for liver diseases

1. General blood test.

2. Blood glucose.

3. Prothrombin index.

4. Bilirubin, cholesterol, triglycerides, GGTP, alkaline phosphatase, transaminases, total protein and protein fractions, urea.

5. Markers viral hepatitis– HBsAg, anti-HCV.

6. General urine analysis.

7. Urine for bile pigments.

8. Coprogram.

9. Feces for occult blood.

10. FGDS and/or fluoroscopy of the esophagus and stomach to determine varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach, gastropathy.

11. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to determine signs of portal hypertension.

12. Conducting a survey to identify alcohol abuse.

List of tests and studies for gallbladder diseases

1. General blood test.

2. Blood glucose.

3. After cholecystectomy: bilirubin, cholesterol, triglycerides, GGTP, alkaline phosphatase, transaminases, amylase, general analysis urine, bile pigments.

4. Coprogram.

5. FGDS with a description of the area of ​​the nipple of Vater.

6. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, if necessary, conducting a test breakfast with dynamic monitoring of the contractility of the gallbladder and the diameter of the common bile duct.

7. Duodenal intubation with microscopy and bile culture.

How to properly prepare for an ultrasound examination of the gallbladder

In the vast majority of cases, an ultrasound examination of the gallbladder is sufficient to detect stones in it.

Why is this method so good?

1. No lengthy or complex preparation is required.

2. Suitable for almost everyone, as it does not have any serious contraindications.

3. The examination procedure is painless.

4. The procedure is safe for the patient’s health.

5. The probability of detecting gallstones reaches 96%.

Great, isn't it? Moreover, during an ultrasound you can get a lot of additional and important information. For example, if we talk about stones, we can not only establish their presence, but also determine the number, size, position, and degree of mobility. Find out whether these stones are the source of pain or whether they are not to blame for anything and the cause of the pain must be looked for elsewhere. See where the stone causing pain is located and whether it is blocking the bile ducts, interfering with the outflow of bile. You can also determine whether there is inflammation in the gallbladder and what kind of inflammation it is. Find out how much the gallbladder is changed. Determine whether there is sclerosis of the bladder, its wrinkling or overstretching. And also see whether the gallbladder is disabled, determine the presence or absence of a tumor.

In addition, you can find out a lot of important information about neighboring organs, which also has great importance, and many many others. But there are, of course, other methods for studying the gallbladder. Below is short description basic techniques.

First of all, this is a conventional radiographic or x-ray examination, during which you can see stones in the projection of the gallbladder. But only if they contain an admixture of calcium salts. The effectiveness of this method is about 10%. Moderate radiation exposure to the patient’s body is safe, since its obvious danger cannot be proven.

Very good method– radiography with the introduction of a contrast agent. Its efficiency reaches 40%. Before the invention of the ultrasound examination method, this method was the main method for detecting gallstones.

During the examination, an iodide substance is introduced into the patient’s body, which is very clearly visible on x-rays. After some time, the contrast agent is captured by liver cells and released into the bile, then along with the bile it fills the gallbladder and bile ducts. And they become clearly visible to the inquisitive gaze of the radiologist.

The only bad thing about this method is that administering the iodide substance to some categories of patients is dangerous. For example, those who have an allergy to iodine or severe liver disease. Plus radiation exposure. And one more thing - if the gallbladder does not work, it will not be possible to see it using this examination.

In the next type of study, a special probe is inserted into the patient first into the duodenum and then into the common bile duct. A special substance, clearly visible on X-ray photographs, is injected through the probe, which fills the ducts and gall bladder.

The method is somewhat unpleasant for the patient and more complex than ultrasound. It is used mainly to determine the patency of the bile ducts, where its advantages are undeniable. Again, there is some radiation exposure.

Another view modern study liver - a radioisotope study, during which a radioisotope is introduced into the body of the person being examined. It accumulates and is secreted by liver cells into bile, collected with it in the bile ducts and gallbladder, and a special apparatus detects it and provides information about the location and amount of the radioisotope. Using the radioisotope method, it is determined how well the liver and gall bladder work, i.e., their functionality is assessed, but this is a rather complex and expensive examination method. Radiation exposure is present, where would we be without it.

With this in mind, it is not difficult to understand why ultrasound is primarily used to examine the liver and gallbladder, especially to detect gallstones in the gallbladder. It's simple, accessible and very informative. Very often, no further examinations are required. And only in difficult cases, to clarify and clarify various details and features, there is a need to use other methods.

Everyone who is preparing for an ultrasound examination of the gallbladder, of course, wants to be examined qualitatively. What does the quality of the examination depend on?

Of course, it depends on the qualifications and experience of the doctor, the quality of the device (everyone understands this), but also on how thoroughly the patient prepares. Let's talk about it and try to get it right.

Excessive confusion during ultrasound examination is caused by the presence of gas in the intestines. Therefore, the less of it there is, the better the doctor will be able to examine everything. And accordingly, the more gases, the worse the visibility, the easier it is for the doctor to make an involuntary mistake.

Next negative factor- contraction of the gallbladder. When it is deflated and collapsed, it is simply impossible to examine it in detail and clearly. It subsides when a person begins to eat, and it is not at all necessary to eat a three-course set lunch and snack on a loaf of bread. In order for the gallbladder to shrink, it is quite enough to eat a piece of bread or even just drink water.

What to do? To reduce the amount of gas in the intestines, it is advisable to follow these steps.

For 3 days before an ultrasound examination of the liver and gallbladder, do not eat brown bread, milk, peas, beans, raw vegetables, fruits and sweets.

For 3 days before the test, take Mezim-Forte - 2 tablets 3 times a day (18 tablets in total).

For 1 day before the test, take espumisan 3 capsules 3 times a day (9 capsules in total).

This careful preparation is especially important for obese people and those who suffer from frequent bloating. For children, if there are no special indications, you can limit preparation to the first point.

To prevent the gallbladder from contracting at the time of the ultrasound examination, you simply need to not eat or drink for at least 8 hours before the procedure.

During an ultrasound examination, a special contact gel is applied to the skin of the abdomen, which will then need to be wiped off. Therefore, be sure to bring a towel with you, as well as an outpatient card or medical history and a referral. That's all! Quality results are guaranteed.

Chapter 3. Basic principles of cleansing the liver and gallbladder available at home

Treatment of liver diseases is a very difficult task. There is no need, I think, to explain why. A runny nose sometimes takes a week to cure, but then it’s your liver! In addition, if there is only one liver disease, many other systems and organs are usually involved in the pathological process. Therefore, treatment requires an individual approach and long-term use. medicines to restore all functions.

How to cleanse the liver?

It is known, and I have already mentioned this many times, that the function of the liver is one of the most important in the body. Toxins are stored everywhere in the body, especially in fatty tissues. There are especially many of them in the liver, which is the “purification factory” of our body.

Additionally, I will say that according to medical statistics, up to 5 kg of chemicals enter the human body annually only from food - foods and drinks (including alcohol). And everything goes to the liver, remaining in it.

People who do not pay attention to the condition of their liver sooner or later end up in a hospital bed. Being slagged, it is not able to remove toxins, as a result it turns out that you are holding a bomb filled with several kilograms of poison in your body. Even in a play, the gun must fire in the last act, so why are many of us so sure that the bitter cup of illness will bypass it? Once the bomb is loaded, it will explode. And you and I are akin to a sapper... But!

You should always remember that any manipulation with your own body (and someone else’s too, this is for doctors) is a thoughtful and, dare I say it, a creative process. Only with common sense and a sober look at the available facts can he bring maximum health benefits, otherwise the result will be the opposite. I encourage you to think like someone called you to study. Study and think.

Before shock cleansing, you need to switch to a vegetarian diet and completely eliminate alcohol. It is not necessary to do this before soft cleaning, but it is still advisable to adhere to the diet. As for the procedure itself, the more accurately you follow all the recommendations, the greater the effect you will get.

When fasting for more than one day, you need to follow the rule: the number of days the fast lasts, the same number of days the exit from it.

If you decide to undergo a liver cleanse, you will have to understand your own individual rhythms. The postulate of cleansing the body: each person should clean a certain organ or system in strict accordance with his individual rhythms. When the influence of rhythms is not taken into account, different people One and the same cleansing technique can unexpectedly produce opposite results. Detailed analysis The school of astroyoga deals with these rhythms.

However there is general rules: cleansing is better if carried out in the second or fourth phase of the moon. At this time, it is easier to remove toxins from the body. There are biological rhythms for each organ according to the time of year and day (see books by G. P. Malakhov).

Ideally, twice a year it is good to carry out comprehensive cleansing of all body systems (intestines, liver, kidneys, etc., depending on individual indications). There are different opinions about the timing of such cleansings; it depends on both traditions and the climate of the place where you live.

You can use any of the liver cleansing methods only after cleansing the intestines, since in a clogged intestine, toxins removed from the liver are absorbed into the blood with great speed and cause poisoning of the body.

After any liver cleansing, drinking alcohol is absolutely contraindicated for at least a month.

As you know, the main function of treatment is detoxification. It consists in the fact that some poisons, as a result of biosynthesis processes occurring in the liver, are transformed into harmless organic compounds.

Considering the fact that every minute an average of 1.5 liters of blood is pumped through the liver, it is obvious that our body can function normally only if toxins are promptly removed from it along with the bile flow. And this requires cleanliness and good patency of the biliary tract.

But for a number of reasons, including poor nutrition, overeating, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcoholism, the flow of bile is disrupted, which inevitably leads to the occurrence of slag formation processes. Toxins block the bile ducts and impede the flow of bile. As a result, conditions are created for the deposition of waste in the liver and gall bladder, which entails even greater difficulties for bile secretion. Thus, the circle closes, and the processes of self-pollution of the liver come into play. The consequences of such a development of events can be very disastrous for our health. That is why the treatment of almost all diseases of the liver and gallbladder is recommended to begin with cleansing. Fortunately, there are many cleansing methods, and everyone can choose what suits them best.

End of introductory fragment.

How to quickly get your body in order after numerous feasts using proven recipes.

When filters become clogged

The long New Year holidays, despite all the joyful events, are still quite stressful. And first of all, we overload our “filters” - the liver and kidneys - with fatty, alcoholic, and spicy foods. How to carry out a “spring cleaning” of the body without harming yourself?

Natalya BESPALOVA, nephrologist, doctor of the highest category:

The liver and kidneys act as natural filters in our body, that is, they participate in the process of self-purification of the body. The liver takes various harmful substances from the blood and neutralizes them. The kidneys, like the liver, perform excretory and cleansing functions, removing waste substances from the body. They also regulate acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism.

The functioning of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys is seriously impaired by:

  • overeating, especially fatty, fried, pickled and smoked foods;
  • heavy doses of alcohol and nicotine make the liver tissue more friable;
  • a sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of bile.

As a result of all this, bile becomes overloaded with toxins, becomes thicker and can no longer circulate normally and perform its functions.

Therefore, after holiday excesses, reasonable cleansing and supporting measures are only welcome. But you should always keep in mind the initial state of health and the presence of chronic diseases.

Pumpkin - for the kidneys, parsley - for the liver

Proven folk methods of cleansing the kidneys...

Place a tablespoon of flax seeds in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water, close and leave overnight. In the morning, add a glass of hot water to the resulting jelly, which you drink in 3 doses per day - and so on for a week.

It is useful to drink half a glass of currant infusion a day, along with berries. The infusion is prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of currant leaves pour 0.

5 liters of boiling water, leave for 15 - 20 minutes. The leaves are then squeezed out and thrown away. The infusion is heated almost to a boil and, after adding 2 tablespoons of frozen or one tablespoon of dried black currants, infuse again.

Mix flaxseed, pumpkin seeds (unpeeled), St. John's wort herb in equal proportions. Add 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers to 4 tablespoons of this mixture, brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water, steam for 30 - 40 minutes and strain. Divide the portion into 4 parts and drink throughout the day, each time an hour before meals. And so on for 5 days.

...and liver

Peel a few beets and cook until the beets become a homogeneous mass. Drink the resulting decoction three-quarters of a glass several times a day for 2 weeks.

Corn silk or fibers have a good effect. They need to be brewed and drunk like tea. Drink for two to three weeks.

The drink is good for the liver,

prepared from fresh vegetables - carrots (210 g), parsley (60 g), celery (150 g), you need to drink it every day for a month in the morning on an empty stomach.

Mix 1/2 cup cabbage brine with 1/2 cup natural tomato juice. Drink three times a day after meals for two weeks.


If you decide to clean, keep in mind that:

  • sorrel, spinach should not be used by patients with impaired salt metabolism (with gout, e, inflammation of the intestines), e, tuberculosis, ulcers with high acidity;
  • radish - internal use is contraindicated for patients with heart and kidney pathologies;
  • pomegranate juice needs to be diluted, as it contains many different acids that thicken the blood, irritate the stomach and tooth enamel;
  • onion tincture is contraindicated for patients with severe heart disease and liver disease;
  • ginseng, golden root, eleutherococcus - long-term use and in large doses causes insomnia, weakness, palpitations, headaches, and decreased potency. Contraindicated for use in severe forms of hypertension with pronounced vascular changes;
  • beets - you cannot take freshly squeezed juice; you must let it sit for 2 - 3 hours so that harmful compounds that cause spasms of blood vessels evaporate.

And who shouldn’t “clean up”?

Give up your idea if:

  • You have cholelithiasis (urolithiasis) and there are large stones.
  • Postpone cleaning if there are signs of a cold or infection - high fever, headaches, weakness.
  • If you have acute inflammation or worsening chronic diseases of internal organs.
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Also, cleaning is not recommended for women a week before and a week after menstruation.
  • For heart and kidney failure.

Elena Ionova, doctor Lyubov Bagiyan

The human body functions thanks to the coordinated work of all organs. If one of them fails, the body immediately reacts by supplying pain signals. It is important to react to them instantly and take action. The liver and kidneys are of particular importance for the smooth functioning of the entire body. They perform the function of “filters”, that is, they cleanse the body of unnecessary components.

Liver function

The liver is an important organ, as it cleanses the blood of toxins, as well as harmful impurities (dyes, thickeners, antioxidants, preservatives, stabilizers, hormones and antibiotics that are found in plant and meat foods).

If you do not cleanse the liver, then these substances safely penetrate into the blood and spread throughout the body, filling all organs with this composition.

Harmful substances can clog it, which prevents filtration ability. It is important to cleanse the organ so that the blood fills everything with vitality and useful components, ensuring good health and excellent well-being.
A person may observe certain unpleasant sensations, which are undeniable signs of organ contamination:

  • constipation, nausea, unpleasant belching;
  • headache;
  • the whites of the eyes acquire a yellow tint;
  • the epidermis has a poor color;
  • stomach problems (bloating, heaviness);
  • a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and a metallic taste;
  • fatigue, apathy and irritation.

If a person regularly observes all these signs, then it is worth thinking about it and taking action. However, before you start cleaning, you need to visit a doctor, take liver tests, and also undergo an ultrasound. Only after such a small examination can you begin to cleanse the liver.

Kidneys and their work

The kidneys are a filtering organ. They efficiently remove all unnecessary components from the body through liquid. However, negative substances can settle on the urethra and on the walls of the kidneys in the form of sand, mucus or stones. Therefore, the kidneys feel the need to cleanse them of unnecessary components that clog the organs and prevent them from functioning normally.

If the kidneys are dirty, the body reacts immediately and informs about it. Undeniable signs of problems in the organ:

A person who notices such signs should urgently consult a doctor, undergo certain tests, do an ultrasound, get recommendations from a specialist, and only then begin to cleanse the kidneys.

How to cleanse the liver?


Who is prohibited from cleaning filter organs?

Of course, cleansing the kidneys and liver is useful, but there are limitations to such procedures. In certain cases, it is better to refuse such an undertaking:

  • in the presence of renal and heart failure;
  • during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases (spring and autumn);
  • there is gallstone disease of the kidneys and the presence of stones in the body;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with signs of infectious diseases (fever, weakness, cough, sore throat);
  • It is not recommended for women one week and one week after menstruation.

Preparatory activities

The kidneys and liver work differently, so the cleansing and preparatory steps will be different. Before starting the procedure, it is important to prepare the body and pay special attention to it.

To begin the procedure to prepare for cleansing the kidneys, you need to go through several stages.

  1. Cleanse the intestines and liver.
  2. 3 days before cleansing, you need to eat exclusively vegetables and fruits.
  3. If possible, you can fast. It in itself cleanses the entire body and also prepares it for cleansing the kidneys.
  4. It is important to get a doctor's recommendation.

To properly cleanse the liver, it is necessary to prepare the body for this process. The quality of the results depends on proper preparation, so you should pay special attention to preparation and not neglect this process.

Liver cleansing methods

The main goal of cleansing is to cause a strong eruption of bile, which will remove all accumulated fats, stimulate intestinal movement and stimulate the removal of toxins from the body. There are many common ways to clean the organ; they can be done even at home, and they will not cause harm to the body.

How to easily cleanse the largest gland in the human body?

Liver cleansing can be done even with regular green tea. You just need to drink 2-3 cups every day. It is able to effectively cleanse the liver of harmful substances that accumulate in it. It happens that someone does not like green tea, then it can be replaced with herbal teas. Nature has given many herbs that are capable of removing bile, among them are: yarrow, chicory, rose hips, celandine, mint, wormwood, immortelle, dandelion, plantain, nettle, corn silk.

Obviously, the variety of herbs simply makes it possible to enjoy the pleasant taste of herbal teas and at the same time cleanse such an important organ. For best results, it is advisable to combine herbs. You can mix everything, or you can choose the ones you like best. The herbal infusion is prepared very simply:

  • mix several types of herbs;
  • 4 tbsp. pour spoons of the mixture into a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water (this is a serving for the day);
  • give time for everything to brew well
  • In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of warm infusion, the second glass should be drunk before bed.

You need to drink herbal tea every day for a month. The treatment will be accompanied by copious feces, with which accumulated toxins will be released. For greater effectiveness, the procedure must be repeated 2 times a year. The disadvantage of this method is that it takes quite a long time.

An effective method is cleansing with sorbitol and vegetable oil. The procedure must be repeated after 2 weeks to ensure good results. This technique involves purification in several stages.

Kidneys - a method of cleansing

Kidney cleansing is carried out in several stages:

  • dissolving stones and turning them into sand;
  • cause a diuretic reaction.

Essential oils dissolve kidney stones well. The most effective and affordable is fir. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is recommended to cleanse the kidneys in several stages once a year.

  1. It is necessary to purchase any diuretic, only of plant origin, that is, herbs.
  2. The product should be used for 7 days to speed up the work of the kidneys and also cleanse them. Then you need to add 5 drops of fir oil to the herbal infusion. Drink the solution 3 times a day.
  3. A few days after the administration of fir oil, the urine will be cloudy, this is normal. This means that the stones began to fragment. In order for these small particles to be cleared well from the kidneys, you need to jog or just jump for several days.
  4. Over time, sand will appear in the urine. If you feel severe pain in the lower back, it means that a large stone has begun to move. To reduce pain you need to take a hot bath.
  5. As a rule, the entire kidney cleansing procedure takes about 2 weeks. If there is still sand in the urine, then treatment should be continued.

Key rules for cleansing the body

It is important not to be shy about cleansing the liver and kidneys; today there are many ways to do this. These two important organs work hard for the benefit of the whole organism, therefore they need prevention and, if necessary, treatment. Thanks to simple techniques, cleaning can be done at home. Be healthy!

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you felt constantly “broken”? Do you have at least one of the following symptoms?:


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