Home Prosthetics and implantation Heart attack suffered on the legs: symptoms, consequences, prevention. Description of a heart attack suffered “on the legs” What is the danger of a heart attack suffered on the legs

Heart attack suffered on the legs: symptoms, consequences, prevention. Description of a heart attack suffered “on the legs” What is the danger of a heart attack suffered on the legs

Many people have heard about the peculiarities and terrible consequences of myocardial infarction, even death, and most of us have had relatives or friends suffer from this disease. Speaking about the attack itself, the mind immediately associates with its main symptoms: chest pain (stabbing, burning , aching, cutting character), which radiates to the shoulder or under the shoulder blade, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, profuse sweating, loss of consciousness.

But as it turned out, doctors repeatedly record cases when these characteristic symptoms do not manifest themselves and the person, without realizing it, suffers a heart attack on his legs.

This phenomenon is also called an atypical form of the disease. As a rule, it is revealed that the patient suffered a heart attack on his legs - randomly, for example, in a cardiogram during an annual medical examination.

Types and symptoms of their manifestation

There are six types of atypical forms of the disease:

  • arrhythmic;
  • asthmatic;
  • abdominal;
  • collaptoid;
  • erased;
  • cerebral.

Each of these varieties manifests itself differently, and the symptoms of an attack often do not even resemble that serious illness, as a result of which a heart attack occurs in the legs.

In the event of an arrhythmic attack, a disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat occurs, and cases of cardiac arrest are common.

The asthmatic form is manifested by a strong attack of coughing, reaching the point of suffocation, and no pain in the cardiac region (or radiating under the shoulder blade) is observed.

An abdominal attack is characterized by sharp pain in the abdomen, which intensifies with slight pressure on the pancreas. Very often the attack is accompanied by bloating, as well as nausea and vomiting.

A collaptoid attack is characterized by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, accompanied by dizziness and often fainting.

The erased type is the most asymptomatic (the most common case of a heart attack on the legs). In this case, there is only mild weakness or sweating, and less often – discomfort in the chest (in the form of mild pain of an undetermined nature).

The cerebral variety is distinguished by symptoms characteristic of the disorder cerebral circulation: speech becomes slurred, nausea and vomiting appear, some clouding of consciousness appears, weakness in the limbs.

Considering the obvious insidiousness of the disease, it should be treated with great caution, avoiding the consequences that a heart attack on the legs may bring; any symptoms - characteristic or uncharacteristic (characteristic of the atypical form) - should be a signal to consult a doctor.

Important to know Important! Every 5th of those who suffered a heart attack does not know about it, and in every 4th patient this disease is not recognized.

Main reasons and who is at risk

The cause of of this disease is a blockage of a coronary artery by a blood clot or atherosclerotic plaque.

People who have metabolic disorders are especially at risk of getting sick. genetic predisposition, increased blood cholesterol, suffering diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure. Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system also become causes of illness.

Smokers are particularly at risk because nicotine has a vasoconstrictor effect.

It is important to know the Fact! According to statistics, in 75 cases out of 100, in women who suffered from the disease before the age of 40, the cause of the disease was smoking.

Possible consequences and their danger

Unfortunately, this disease does not go away without a trace, especially if there has been a heart attack on the legs, the consequences can be very different, and some appear soon after the attack (a few hours or days), while others appear months later. Among the early complications:

  • cardiogenic shock(appears as sharp decline blood pressure, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, change in the color of the lips and limbs);
  • acute cardiovascular failure (most often represented by pulmonary edema);
  • violation heart rate and conductivity;
  • thromboembolic disorders;
  • rupture of the wall of the left ventricle.

Late complications include cardiac aneurysm (a scar appears at the site of necrosis, which cannot contract and over time turns into a “bag”, blood clots form in it); the danger is that it can burst at any moment.

In cases where there are no signs of a heart attack, most patients endure it on their feet, and worst of all, without reducing physical activity and without avoiding strong nervous overstrain, which often leads to repeated attacks, including fatal outcome.

Important to know Important! According to statistics, about 4% of patients do not even have time to get to the hospital.

Those who have suffered a heart attack (with medical examination or on their feet) will first of all need to change their lifestyle: get rid of all bad habits, especially from smoking, control weight, exclude from daily diet highly fatty and spicy foods and replace them with vegetables.

Every year it is necessary to undergo a rehabilitation program, i.e. examinations and preventive examinations (ECG, ultrasound), strengthening and health procedures in sanatoriums or cardio centers to prevent the consequences of a heart attack on the legs.

Stress prevention will also be important: you should avoid any emotional stress, make it a rule to take quiet walks in the park every evening, and engage in relaxation. Among the “people's helpers”, valerian and motherwort are the most reliable sedatives, you can choose a tincture of one of them, and at night, tea with mint will do.

And the main thing is not to fall into despair!

Important to know Interesting! Scientists have proven that laughter can protect the heart due to its ability to relax and expand blood vessels.

Myocardial infarction suffered on the legs. What external signs can be used to identify a heart attack?

My husband worked a lot, and now...well, I just saw a person immediately after a heart attack. something very similar condition. But my husband says that nothing bothers him, although he doesn’t talk much... Is it possible to somehow determine whether he’s just tired?

The main criterion for a heart attack is severe pain in the sternum, which is not relieved by nitroglycerin for more than 15 minutes (do not take it yourself if there is no diagnosis of angina and it is not possible to measure the pressure), the pain can radiate to the arm, lower jaw, left shoulder blade. Also, a heart attack is usually very visible from changes in the ECG. in the hospital, and sometimes in the ambulance, they do a blood test for troponin, which also shows the presence of necrosis. There are rare, non-typical forms of heart attack, painless, when there is practically no pain (a very rare form), abdominal, when the stomach hurts, etc. If in doubt, the easiest way is to get examined at a clinic by doing an ECG.

If you mean myocardial infarction, then this is a serious diagnosis that has its own criteria and requires immediate treatment. But if, after all, nothing bothers your husband, then there is no need to panic.

A heart attack suffered in the legs can only be seen on an echogram.

Substernal pain, burning under the shoulder blade, radiating pain in left hand,pallor skin, lowering blood pressure, but with all this, differential diagnosis is necessary, ECG, because similar symptoms are observed with angina pectoris

Article tags:

heart attack suffered on the legs. a heart attack suffered on the legs consequences. heart attack on legs symptoms. symptoms of a heart attack on the legs. suffered a heart attack in the legs. heart attack suffered on legs recovery. symptoms of a heart attack on the legs. symptoms of a heart attack. symptoms of a heart attack on the legs. about a heart attack suffered on the legs. signs of a heart attack. signs of a heart attack on the legs. consequences of a heart attack. consequences of a heart attack in the legs. consequences of a heart attack on the legs. heart attack on legs treatment. treatment for a heart attack on the legs. what are the consequences if a heart attack is suffered on the legs?. how to treat a heart attack suffered on the legs. heart attack suffered on the legs, treatment with folk remedies

Rehabilitation after a heart attack

Heart attack and its consequences

Heart attack in any form, it knocks a person out of the usual rut of life and limits his capabilities. Unfortunately, he is getting younger every year, which we are witnessing. Recently, the husband of a good friend of mine was hospitalized with a heart attack, and he was barely over 30 years old! She herself says that it is hereditary in his family, but his parents are alive and still work, which means that not only hereditary factors influenced him.

The man worked a lot, was engaged in business and trade himself, which does not happen without nerves, and literally did not give himself a break. After all, he actually supports his wife’s still minor sister, who is left without parents, and helps elderly relatives. His heart attack, thank God, was not extensive, otherwise there would have been less hope for recovery.

There is a suspicion that he suffered a mini-heart attack on his feet, and perhaps more than one. This is the first risk factor for getting a myocardial infarction. Due to being always busy, I ate irregularly and had snacks, which affected the blood vessels, vascular atherosclerosis developed, and then, after another load, a heart attack, i.e. death of part of the heart muscle due to acute failure blood circulation

The consequences depend on the degree of infarction and the extent of damage to the heart muscle. This is partial loss of ability to work, shortness of breath, fatigue, palpitations (all this begins even before a heart attack). But complete loss of ability to work can be avoided if the patient is helped in a timely and correct manner.

First aid for heart attack

The man in question was lucky, he had just come home from work, and his wife was nearby, who gave him first aid. Unfortunately, ambulance is not always available even in big city Arrives quickly, I had to wait at least half an hour.

Firstly, she immediately gave him nitroglycerin (he didn’t even take it with him!), helped him lie down so that his head was on an elevation, unfastened everything that was pressing and opened the window wide. This happened just during the May heat. Then I took my blood pressure, it was high, gave me blood pressure medicine and quickly prepared a hot foot bath. Thanks to these simple actions, he held out until the ambulance arrived, and even managed to relieve the pain in his heart a little and lower his blood pressure. He still has a long recovery ahead.

How to recover after a heart attack

A heart attack does not mean that you are doomed to a senile lifestyle; on the contrary, it is imperative to restore, albeit gradually, without jerks, normal motor activity. Although in this case it was high time to reduce activity and physical and nervous stress.

Physical activity should be regular, but within reasonable limits. As the doctor explained, you should not be afraid that you will have to give up something in your intimate life; on the contrary, it is desirable that your intimate life is not interrupted, this is also important for recovery.

Very important proper diet after a heart attack, it will support the health of blood vessels, on which the work of the heart directly depends. He will have to give up fatty foods, especially animal fats, even butter. But this is not a problem, now there is a wide variety of heart-healthy products on sale. vegetable oils– olive, flaxseed, pumpkin, sunflower, etc. It is especially difficult for him to give up fatty meat and fried meats - after all, he comes from the East, his favorite national dishes are made from fatty meat, and there is a lot of fried meat in the national cuisine. Spicy, smoked and fried foods will have to be excluded; buckwheat and oats should be used more often as a side dish. Hard cheeses replace with cottage cheese and soft white cheeses, limit salt. Replace white bread and pastries with black bread or wholemeal flour or bran. This kind of food is not entirely familiar to him, as is the intake herbal infusions, which his wife is now preparing for him.

Of course, raw fruits and vegetables are simply irreplaceable during recovery.

Folk remedies that will help you recover include adonis, mountain arnica, hawthorn, birch buds, calendula, and string. It is also useful to drink a soothing mixture - from mint, lemon balm, hops, valerian, motherwort.

It is easier for people who have not used herbs before to take ready-made alcohol tinctures; I make some myself. These are tinctures of motherwort, valerian, lily of the valley, marsh whiteweed, hawthorn, belladonna. They must be taken strictly according to the prescription, because... some plants contain alkaloids.

Provided that all this is followed, and given his young age, he will be able to recover almost completely from a heart attack.

But as it turned out, doctors repeatedly record cases where these characteristic symptoms do not appear and a person, without realizing it, suffers a heart attack on his legs.

This phenomenon is also called an atypical form of the disease. As a rule, it is revealed that the patient suffered a heart attack on his legs - randomly, for example, in a cardiogram during an annual medical examination.

Types and symptoms of their manifestation

There are six types of atypical forms of the disease:

Each of these varieties manifests itself differently, and the symptoms of the attack often do not even resemble such a serious disease, which results in a heart attack on the legs.

In the event of an arrhythmic attack, a disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat occurs, and cases of cardiac arrest are common.

The asthmatic form is manifested by a strong attack of coughing, reaching the point of suffocation, and no pain in the cardiac region (or radiating under the shoulder blade) is observed.

An abdominal attack is characterized by sharp pain in the abdomen, which intensifies with slight pressure on the pancreas. Very often the attack is accompanied by bloating, as well as nausea and vomiting.

A collaptoid attack is characterized by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, accompanied by dizziness and often fainting.

The erased type is the most asymptomatic (the most common case of a heart attack on the legs). In this case, there is only mild weakness or sweating, and less often – discomfort in the chest (in the form of mild pain of an undetermined nature).

The cerebral variety is distinguished by symptoms characteristic of cerebrovascular accident: speech becomes slurred, nausea and vomiting appear, some clouding of consciousness appears, and weakness in the limbs.

Considering the obvious insidiousness of the disease, it should be treated with great caution, avoiding the consequences that a heart attack on the legs may bring; any symptoms - characteristic or uncharacteristic (characteristic of the atypical form) - should be a signal to consult a doctor.

Important to know Important! Every 5th of those who suffered a heart attack does not know about it, and in every 4th patient this disease is not recognized.

Main reasons and who is at risk

The cause of this disease is blockage of a coronary artery by a blood clot or atherosclerotic plaque.

People who have metabolic disorders, a genetic predisposition, high blood cholesterol, diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure are especially at risk of getting sick. Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems also become causes of illness.

Smokers are particularly at risk because nicotine has a vasoconstrictor effect.

It is important to know the Fact! According to statistics, in 75 cases out of 100, in women who suffered from the disease before the age of 40, the cause of the disease was smoking.

Possible consequences and their danger

Unfortunately, this disease does not go away without a trace, especially if there has been a heart attack on the legs, the consequences can be very different, and some appear soon after the attack (a few hours or days), while others appear months later. Among the early complications:

  • cardiogenic shock (manifests in the form of a sharp decrease in blood pressure, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, a change in the color of the lips and limbs);
  • acute cardiovascular failure (most often represented by pulmonary edema);
  • disturbance of heart rhythm and conduction;
  • thromboembolic disorders;
  • rupture of the wall of the left ventricle.

Late complications include cardiac aneurysm (a scar appears at the site of necrosis, which cannot contract and over time turns into a “bag”, blood clots form in it); the danger is that it can burst at any moment.

In cases where there are no signs of a heart attack, most patients endure it on their feet, and worst of all, without reducing physical activity and without avoiding severe nervous strain, which often leads to repeated attacks, including death.

Important to know Important! According to statistics, about 4% of patients do not even have time to get to the hospital.

Those who have suffered a heart attack (with medical examination or on their feet) will first need to change their lifestyle: get rid of all bad habits, especially smoking, control weight, eliminate highly fatty and spicy foods from the daily diet and replace them with vegetables.

Every year it is necessary to undergo a rehabilitation program, i.e. examinations and preventive examinations (ECG, ultrasound), strengthening and health procedures in sanatoriums or cardio centers to prevent the consequences of a heart attack on the legs.

Stress prevention will also be important: you should avoid any emotional stress, make it a rule to take quiet walks in the park every evening, and engage in relaxation. Among the “folk helpers,” valerian and motherwort are the most reliable sedatives; you can choose a tincture of one of them, and at night, tea with mint is suitable.

And the main thing is not to fall into despair!

Important to know Interesting! Scientists have proven that laughter can protect the heart due to its ability to relax and dilate blood vessels.

Myocardial infarction suffered on the legs. What external signs can be used to identify a heart attack?

My husband worked a lot, and now...well, I just saw a person immediately after a heart attack. something very similar condition. But my husband says that nothing bothers him, although he doesn’t talk much... Is it possible to somehow determine whether he’s just tired?

The main criterion for a heart attack is severe pain in the sternum, which cannot be relieved by nitroglycerin for more than 15 minutes (do not take it yourself if there is no diagnosis of angina and it is not possible to measure the pressure), the pain can radiate to the arm, lower jaw, or left shoulder blade. Also, a heart attack is usually very visible from changes in the ECG. in the hospital, and sometimes in the ambulance, they do a blood test for troponin, which also shows the presence of necrosis. There are rare, non-typical forms of heart attack, painless, when there is practically no pain (a very rare form), abdominal, when the stomach hurts, etc. If in doubt, the easiest way is to get examined at a clinic by doing an ECG.

If you mean myocardial infarction, then this is a serious diagnosis that has its own criteria and requires immediate treatment. But if, after all, nothing bothers your husband, then there is no need to panic.

A heart attack suffered in the legs can only be seen on an echogram.

Substernal pain, burning under the shoulder blade, radiating pain to the left arm, pallor of the skin, decreased blood pressure, but with all this, differential diagnosis, ECG is necessary, because similar symptoms are observed with angina pectoris

Article tags:

heart attack suffered on the legs. a heart attack suffered on the legs consequences. heart attack suffered on the legs symptoms. symptoms of a heart attack on the legs. suffered a heart attack in the legs. heart attack suffered on the legs recovery. symptoms of a heart attack suffered on the legs. symptoms of a heart attack. symptoms of a heart attack on the legs. about a heart attack suffered on the legs. signs of a heart attack. signs of a heart attack on the legs. consequences of a heart attack. consequences of a heart attack suffered in the legs. consequences of a heart attack on the legs. heart attack on legs treatment. treatment for a heart attack suffered on the legs. What are the consequences if a heart attack is suffered on the legs? how to treat a heart attack suffered on the legs. heart attack suffered on the legs, treatment with folk remedies

Rehabilitation after a heart attack

Heart attack and its consequences

A heart attack in any form knocks a person out of the usual rut of life and limits his capabilities. Unfortunately, he is getting younger every year, which we are witnessing. Recently, the husband of a good friend of mine was hospitalized with a heart attack, and he was barely over 30 years old! She herself says that it is hereditary in his family, but his parents are alive and still work, which means that not only hereditary factors influenced him.

The man worked a lot, was engaged in business and trade himself, which does not happen without nerves, and literally did not give himself a break. After all, he actually supports his wife’s still minor sister, who is left without parents, and helps elderly relatives. His heart attack, thank God, was not extensive, otherwise there would have been less hope for recovery.

There is a suspicion that he suffered a mini-heart attack on his feet, and perhaps more than one. This is the first risk factor for getting a myocardial infarction. Due to being always busy, I ate irregularly and had snacks, which affected the blood vessels, vascular atherosclerosis developed, and then, after another load, a heart attack, i.e. necrosis of part of the heart muscle due to acute circulatory failure.

The consequences depend on the degree of infarction and the extent of damage to the heart muscle. This is partial loss of ability to work, shortness of breath, fatigue, palpitations (all this begins even before a heart attack). But complete loss of ability to work can be avoided if the patient is helped in a timely and correct manner.

First aid for heart attack

The man in question was lucky, he had just come home from work, and his wife was nearby, who provided him with first aid. Unfortunately, ambulances do not always arrive quickly, even in a large city; we had to wait at least half an hour.

Firstly, she immediately gave him nitroglycerin (he didn’t even take it with him!), helped him lie down so that his head was on an elevation, unfastened everything that was pressing and opened the window wide. This happened just during the May heat. Then I took my blood pressure, it was high, gave me blood pressure medicine and quickly prepared a hot foot bath. Thanks to these simple actions, he held out until the ambulance arrived, and even managed to relieve the pain in his heart a little and lower his blood pressure. He still has a long recovery ahead.

How to recover after a heart attack

A heart attack does not mean that you are doomed to a senile lifestyle; on the contrary, it is imperative to restore, albeit gradually, without jerks, normal motor activity. Although in this case it was high time to reduce activity and physical and nervous stress.

Physical activity should be regular, but within reasonable limits. As the doctor explained, you should not be afraid that you will have to give up something in your intimate life; on the contrary, it is desirable that your intimate life is not interrupted, this is also important for recovery.

A proper diet after a heart attack is very important; it will support the health of blood vessels, on which the functioning of the heart directly depends. He will have to give up fatty foods, especially animal fats, even butter. But this is not a problem, now there is a wide variety of heart-healthy vegetable oils on sale - olive, flaxseed, pumpkin, sunflower, etc. It is especially difficult for him to give up fatty meat and fried meats - after all, he comes from the East, his favorite national dishes are made from fatty meat, and there is a lot of fried meat in the national cuisine. Spicy, smoked and fried foods will have to be excluded; buckwheat and oats should be used more often as a side dish. Replace hard cheeses with cottage cheese and soft white cheeses, limit salt. Replace white bread and pastries with black bread or wholemeal flour or bran. This diet is not entirely familiar to him, as is the intake of herbal infusions that his wife now prepares for him.

Of course, raw fruits and vegetables are simply irreplaceable during recovery.

Folk remedies that will help you recover include adonis, mountain arnica, hawthorn, birch buds, calendula, and string. It is also useful to drink a soothing mixture - from mint, lemon balm, hops, valerian, motherwort.

It is easier for people who have not used herbs before to take ready-made alcohol tinctures; I make some myself. These are tinctures of motherwort, valerian, lily of the valley, marsh whiteweed, hawthorn, belladonna. They must be taken strictly according to the prescription, because... some plants contain alkaloids.

Provided that all this is followed, and given his young age, he will be able to recover almost completely from a heart attack.

Is it possible to have a heart attack on your legs?

According to statistics, a fifth of all heart attacks are suffered by patients on their feet. A person may not feel strong, long-lasting pain if a micro-infarction occurs, and attribute the weakened state to high or low blood pressure or general malaise. To the question “Can a person suffer a heart attack on his feet?”, the answer is unequivocal - “Yes he can.”

Symptoms of myocardial infarction

A heart attack may occur with the manifestation typical symptoms in a weak form (if tolerated on the legs), as well as in an atypical form. The consequence of a microinfarction suffered on the legs, in some cases, becomes an extensive infarction.

Typical symptoms

A person with a low pain threshold during a heart attack does not feel severe pain, due to localization, can be attributed to osteochondrosis and other diseases. TO typical signs infarction and pre-infarction conditions are classified as:

  • sharp pain in the chest;
  • numbness on the left side (neck, arm, leg);
  • shortness of breath, asthmatic cough;
  • decrease/increase in pressure;
  • sweating, weakness, dizziness.

Symptoms worsen with physical activity and may last for several weeks. If the symptoms subside, most do not go to the doctor and find out about the heart attack during a routine examination.

Atypical forms of progression

The course of an attack in an atypical form is accompanied by symptoms that usually appear with a completely different etiology. Types of hidden necrosis of cardiac tissue include:

  1. Abdominal. Characterized by the manifestation dull ache in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting. The pain intensifies with pressure on the pancreas.
  2. Arrhythmic. It is characterized by disturbances in heart rhythm, slight tingling in the heart area and short-term fading.
  3. Asthmatic. There are severe coughing attacks that can lead to suffocation.
  4. Cerebral. Traceable severe weakness, loss of orientation, nausea. Speech is impaired, limbs weaken.
  5. Collaptoid. A person falls arterial pressure, dizziness, noise in the ears, and may faint.
  6. Erased. Characterized by high fatigue, increased sweating, and slight tingling in the heart area.

Within a few days after a heart attack, pulmonary edema, cardiogenic shock, and many other serious consequences may develop.

Diagnosis and treatment of heart attack

The disease is diagnosed by clinical tests And instrumental research. Most often, the patient is informed about a recent heart attack after an electrocardiogram is taken. To clarify the area of ​​necrosis and how the process proceeds, the doctor may prescribe an echocardiogram and daily monitoring.

A biochemical blood test is effective only in cases where a person is admitted to the hospital within the first days after a myocardial infarction. For cases where the detection of tissue necrosis occurs by chance and after a long time, the doctor determines whether there are complications and carries out appropriate therapy. Preventative treatment is mainly prescribed.

Risk factors for the disease

A number of reasons can contribute to damage to the heart muscle, some of which cannot be excluded:

  • diabetes mellitus (promotes the formation of atherosclerotic plaques);
  • age – over 50 years (due to age-related changes the elasticity of blood vessels decreases);
  • male gender (female sex hormones have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and heart muscle, up to menopause);
  • genetic predisposition.

According to statistics, men are more often susceptible to heart attacks, but the risk of dying from a heart attack suffered on the legs is still greater in women.

Important role The patient’s lifestyle, bad habits and constant stress play a role. A sedentary lifestyle negatively affects the heart muscle, so moderate exercise is useful and necessary at any age (with the exception of crisis conditions).

Consequences of a heart attack suffered on the legs

Physical activity and lack of medication can lead to serious complications on the heart, including death. Regardless of the symptoms, the heart muscle is damaged; tissue necrosis without appropriate therapy can lead to the following (late) consequences over time:

  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • cardiac aneurysm;
  • myocardeosclerosis, which leads to valve deformation;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • development of heart failure.

The latent course of the disease can also lead to myocardial rupture during subsequent hypertensive crises, impaired hematopoiesis and many other consequences.

Diet and heart disease prevention

A person who has suffered a heart attack on his legs is recommended to undergo systematic annual examination and supportive treatment. You need to reduce your intake of salt and saturated fat to a minimum, as well as:

  • quit smoking;
  • lose weight;
  • eliminate the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • constant static loads (walking, swimming).

A healthy lifestyle almost eliminates the possibility of relapse. Quitting smoking and alcoholic beverages will allow the body to restore the elasticity of blood vessels and heart muscle. Compliance with all points is excellent prevention coronary disease heart, which is a harbinger of a heart attack.


If the symptoms described above occur, it is better to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. According to statistics, a third of all patients die from a heart attack. Hypertensive patients are at particular risk. Any person who has suffered a heart attack needs to think about proper nutrition and exercise, and also make it a rule after 30 years of age to undergo an annual medical examination.

Heart attack suffered on the legs: symptoms, consequences, prevention

The terrible consequences of a heart attack are known to everyone. One of the most dire consequences in this situation it is fatal. It would seem that the symptoms are quite eloquent: intense pain in the sternum, radiating to the back, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and loss of consciousness.

In five percent of cases, it turns out that a person, without knowing it, suffered a heart attack on his legs. This is the so-called “atypical” form, which is usually detected by a cardiogram (done, for example, during an annual physical examination). Not everyone is lucky, but a heart attack suffered on the legs has severe consequences. It is better to know the symptoms in advance so as not to miss the moment.

What is myocardial infarction

The myocardium is the heart muscle with several large coronary arteries. Their function is to supply blood. If one of them is blocked by a blood clot (thrombus), the heart stops receiving good nutrition, and therefore the oxygen necessary for life.

It is logical that if help is not provided on time, heart cells begin to die. And if the outcome turned out to be successful, this cardiac area represents healed tissue.

Nature of pain and other symptoms

Now about what kind of pain indicates myocardial infarction:

  • sharp, hard, pressing pain in the sternum;
  • duration - more than thirty minutes;
  • accompanied by a burning sensation in the sternum;
  • numbness of the hands (especially the left);
  • responds in the neck, lower face and shoulders;
  • despite the obvious similarity with angina pain, the infarction condition cannot be relieved either by Nitroglycerin or other drugs;
  • the clinical picture is often diluted with suffocation, vomiting, and unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area;
  • the skin becomes covered with cold and sticky sweat;
  • possible fainting.

Of course, if such symptoms are observed, you should immediately call “03”. These painful sensations cannot be tolerated.

How is myocardial infarction determined?

An ambulance should be called at the first symptoms of a potential heart attack. At the hospital, specialists carry out necessary research to confirm or rule out myocardial infarction. Usually this:

Classification of myocardial infarction

A form of heart attack that is asymptomatic is called atypical. There are several types:

Consequences of a heart attack

A heart attack suffered on the legs has consequences that are limited in time, short-term and long-term. The former manifest themselves after attacks, and the latter several weeks after the attack. Therefore, even if “everything turned out fine,” you should consult a doctor and restore your health.

  • sudden attack of hypotension;
  • the lung swells as a result of acute cardiovascular failure;
  • heart rupture may occur;
  • blood clot separation;
  • cardiogenic shock (pressure drops sharply, the color of the lips and limbs changes, shortness of breath appears);
  • the pulse is disturbed.

After a few weeks, the following consequences are possible:

  • symptoms of cardiosclerosis and heart failure appear;
  • the symptoms of an aneurysm will be noticeable (a scar forms in place of the dead tissue, which is unable to perform its previous functions and gradually transforms into a “vessel” with blood clots that can burst at any time);
  • signs of thrombosis and embolism may appear;
  • the patient will feel an arrhythmia.

Effective treatments

A myocardial infarction suffered in the legs is treated in a hospital with medications that dissolve blood clots and restore adequate blood flow in the main cardiac artery.

The doctors' task is to administer a drug that dissolves the clot as early as possible. The best option is the first hour, its second name is “golden”. Next, injections are given that reduce the intensity of blood circulation. This helps reduce the oxygen demand of the heart muscle and increase the viability of starved cells in the affected area.

To “predict” the formation of a new blood clot, injections are used that reduce blood clotting. If necessary, surgery is performed.

Preventive measures to prevent relapse

Preventive measures are based on lifestyle adjustments after a heart attack. Experts recommend following several rules:

  • among the first is getting rid of bad habits (cigarettes and alcohol);
  • supplement everyday life with moderate physical activity;
  • drink at least two liters of water daily;
  • try to avoid nervous overload and stress;
  • if possible, eat right: avoid foods high in cholesterol, so as not to “clog” plaques, creating favorable consequences for possible relapses;
  • if the patient’s weight exceeds normal weight, then you should seriously consider reducing it, because people with excess body weight automatically fall into the risk group;
  • It is necessary to control the pressure mandatory, because if the indicators go off scale, the risk of developing diseases of the cardiac system increases;
  • competently combine work and rest regimes.

A heart attack suffered on the legs is extremely dangerous. To avoid putting your life in danger, be vigilant and do not ignore chest pain. The sooner a patient can diagnose the symptoms of a heart attack, the higher the chances of avoiding serious consequences.

Heart attack on legs

Microinfarction in women suffered on the legs: what do you need to know?

A microinfarction suffered on the legs is characterized by cardiac symptoms and severe consequences associated with hemodynamic disturbances and lack of nutrition. It manifests itself quite often, because people do not think about their health and experience many illnesses literally on the go, without consulting a doctor. Despite the encouraging name of the pathology, it is quite dangerous and can lead to large-focal necrotic changes in the tissue of the heart muscle. The signs of a microinfarction in women suffered on the legs are not particularly different from those in males, but you should be aware of them in order to stop its development in a timely manner.

Features of the pathology

Doctors do not use the term “microinfarction,” much less “one suffered on the legs.”

It is customary to call the pathological process small-focal myocardial infarction.

This form of the disease is a consequence of advanced cardiac ischemia and differs from the usual type of the disease only in the degree of tissue damage.

You can suffer a microinfarction on your legs due to its asymptomatic or mild course. Many people find out about their condition only during a preventive examination. The doctor will prescribe additional examinations, based on the results of which he will find out the cause of the development of necrotic changes and draw up a treatment regimen.

According to statistics, 1/3 of people who survive a micro-infarction die every year. In this case, 20% of cases are asymptomatic.

Microinfarction occurs more often in males who have crossed the age of 40. Indicators are equalized after 60 years. A similar phenomenon is associated with a decrease in hormonal activity in women during menopause.

Why does a microinfarction occur?

The small-focal form of myocardial infarction develops under the influence of various pathological processes:

  • malformations of the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • excessive production of thyroid hormones;
  • diabetes;
  • previous heart attack;
  • age-related changes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • acute rheumatic fever;
  • narrowing of the lumen coronary vessels;
  • hypertension.

Other factors can increase the likelihood of developing a microinfarction:

  • obesity;
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • sudden climate change;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • smoking;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee, energy drinks.

The main cause of blockage of the coronary arteries and the development of coronary artery disease is atherosclerosis. It is characterized by a high concentration of cholesterol in the blood, due to which atherosclerotic plaques are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing their lumen. The patient exhibits signs of angina pectoris, which can be relieved with Nitroglycerin.

Gradually, the fatty plaques become covered with cracks. Platelets settle in them, which leads to the formation of a blood clot and complete blockage of the vessel. The heart muscle does not receive the necessary nutrition, so necrotic changes begin in the myocardial layer. The shape of the infarction and severity will depend on the size of the affected area. clinical picture.

Harbingers of pathology

The symptoms of small focal infarction are mild. Many people confuse its first manifestations with a cold and overwork. The duration of the attack usually does not exceed 1 hour, but if treatment is not started on time, other pathological processes in the heart will develop. Its precursors, noticed in time, will help prevent a microinfarction:

  • general weakness;
  • change in body temperature;
  • pain and tightness in the chest;
  • feeling of aching throughout the body.

In female representatives, the symptoms and warning signs are so weak that the diagnosis is often made after the fact, that is, when complications develop. The easiest way to survive attacks of small-focal heart attacks is in elderly people and diabetics. They have a higher pain threshold, so discomfort long time go unnoticed.

Clinical picture of small focal infarction in men

The signs of a microinfarction in men are more pronounced, so it rarely becomes “transferred to the legs.” The need to consult a specialist arises when acute pain in heart. They pass to the left upper limb and abdominal area. Many patients also describe a feeling of tightness and the presence of something foreign in the chest. Against the background of worsening pain, other symptoms associated with the development of necrotic changes and disruptions in hemodynamics can be detected:

  • bluish skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • decreased severity of the pulse wave in the veins of the upper extremities;
  • manifestation of uncontrollable fear and panic attacks;
  • attacks of dizziness;
  • decreased temperature in the extremities;
  • lightheadedness or loss of consciousness;

“Silent” forms of microinfarction actually do not appear in men. In rare cases, patients only experience discomfort in the chest. A decrease in the severity of symptoms is observed after 2-3 hours. The disadvantage of hidden varieties of the disease is a higher chance of developing complications, since medical assistance is provided too late.

Features of the manifestation of microinfarction in women

In females, heart attacks develop in most cases later in life. Symptoms are less pronounced, so it is necessary to more carefully monitor your health and be examined annually in order to stop the development of necrotic changes in time. The most common signs of a microinfarction in women will help you identify the problem yourself while at home:

  • decreased blood supply to the upper and lower limbs;
  • manifestation of edema;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • high blood pressure.

Effective diagnostic methods

If you detect any precursors or symptoms of a microinfarction, you should immediately consult a cardiologist. During acute attack it is advisable to call ambulance. At the hospital, the doctor will conduct a survey to find out about bothersome symptoms and the presence of other pathologies. Based on the course of a small focal infarction (duration of the attack, signs), the specialist will be able to draw certain conclusions about its probable cause development and condition of the heart muscle as a whole. Then he will examine the patient and refer him for examination to clarify the diagnosis:

  • Electrocardiography (ECG) allows you to see changes in electrical activity heart, myocardial damage, the presence of arrhythmia and disturbances in the conduction system.
  • Echocardiography (EchoCG) is prescribed to assess blood flow, thickness and condition of tissues, volume of the ventricles and atria.
  • A blood test will help identify inflammatory processes and determine the level of hormones that affect the heart muscle.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging visualizes the area of ​​necrosis, narrowing of the coronary vessels and other disorders characteristic of a microinfarction.

Diagnostics can be supplemented with daily ECG monitoring and bicycle ergometry. In the first case, the doctor will evaluate the work of the heart within 24 hours, and in the second, its reaction to physical activity.

Consequences of “silent” small-focal infarction

A weak picture of a microinfarction is more of a minus than a plus. Patients come to the doctor with advanced heart pathologies that have arisen due to the failure to provide emergency medical care:

  • swelling (fluid accumulation) in the lungs;
  • irregular heartbeat;
  • blood clot formation;
  • severe damage to myocardial tissue.

If you do not pay attention to the cardiac signs that have arisen for a long time, more severe symptoms will begin to develop. dangerous complications:

  • severe arrhythmias that can only be controlled with medication;
  • gradual thinning of the myocardial layer;
  • reducing the intensity of contractions;
  • blockage of blood vessels by blood clots;
  • cardiosclerosis, causing valve deformation.

A heart attack suffered on the legs is rendered negative impact on current pathological processes (pericardial inflammation, heart failure, arrhythmia). They get significantly worse, which also leads to certain complications.

Ignoring a small-focal heart attack will increase the likelihood of its recurrence several times. Each time the patient’s condition will become worse due to an increase in areas of necrosis. Microinfarctions occur without consequences only in rare cases.

Actions of the patient after experiencing a microinfarction

After the cardiologist confirms that a microinfarction has occurred on the legs, a treatment regimen is drawn up. It is a complex of therapeutic measures:

  • Application of methods for restoring myocardial nutrition by improving vascular conductivity. Specialists may prescribe thrombolytic therapy. Surgery(stenting) is used in advanced cases requiring urgent action.
  • Drawing up a drug therapy regimen. It is aimed at normalizing blood pressure and heart rate, eliminating pain, preventing the formation of blood clots and restoring electrolyte balance. For these purposes, anticoagulants, antiarrhythmics, sedatives and antihypertensive drugs, as well as tablets with an analgesic effect.

The patient will have to constantly monitor blood pressure and pulse. Before adding unconventional methods to the main treatment regimen, you should consult with your doctor to avoid complications.

First aid measures

If symptoms of a microinfarction occur, you should use generally accepted first aid measures:

  • call an ambulance;
  • lie down, taking off your clothes that are constricting your neck and chest;
  • take it easy sedative and a Nitroglycerin tablet.

The room should be well ventilated.

Before taking Nitroglycerin, it is advisable to measure blood pressure. For hypotension, it is strictly prohibited.

The arriving team of doctors must be told about the disturbing symptoms and the manipulations performed. In severe cases, the patient is hospitalized. At first you will have to stay in the intensive care unit. After stabilization, the patient is transferred to a regular ward. Before discharge, the doctor will give recommendations to speed up the rehabilitation period and prevent new attacks.

Prevention of microinfarction

To avoid relapses, complications and for a speedy recovery, the patient must remember the recommendations of specialists:

  • If you notice heart symptoms, consult a doctor;
  • follow all expert advice regarding treatment and lifestyle;
  • sleep at least 7-8 hours a day;
  • draw up proper diet nutrition;
  • be regularly examined and report the results to a cardiologist;
  • control blood pressure, pulse, sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • exercise at a moderate pace;
  • avoid heavy physical overload and stress.

Signs of a microinfarction in women are not as pronounced as in men. This difference is associated with the characteristics of the body and the age at which the development of pathology most often begins. Knowing its symptoms, you can reduce the likelihood of complications and relapses. A cardiologist should draw up a treatment plan based on the diagnostic results.

Myocardial infarction - severe heart disease

IN Lately myocardial infarction has become significantly younger, and the reason for this is frequent stressful situations, unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition. Also, other factors can affect its development, for example, physical inactivity, abuse of alcoholic beverages and nicotine, vascular atherosclerosis, hypertension. What kind of disease is this and how to determine myocardial infarction at home?

General information

Myocardial infarction occurs due to inadequate cardiac blood supply, which results in necrosis of a certain area of ​​the heart. This is an acute condition that occurs as a result of coronary heart disease.

Myocardial infarction occurs in both men and women, and affects the age group from 55 years. It does not go away without leaving a trace and very often leads to cardiac dysfunction and sometimes death. To ensure that the consequences are as mild as possible, you should provide proper pre-medical care at the first sign. medical care and call an ambulance as quickly as possible. Diagnosis of myocardial infarction occurs in medical institution, however, it is necessary to take into account the general signs so that it can be easily recognized at home.

Signs of the disease

Patients who have experienced myocardial infarction remember painful moments with horror. This pathology is acute condition causes symptoms that are easy to recognize:

  • painful sensations in the heart area that are not relieved by validol and nitroglycerin;
  • pain in the acute period compresses the entire chest and resembles a severe burning sensation;
  • unlike angina, heaviness in the chest does not go away in a state of calm and taking a horizontal position;
  • Quite often, the first signals appear after physical exertion or emotional shock. However, there are cases of the disease developing during rest or sleep;
  • the pain may intensify and radiate to the left arm, left shoulder, shoulder blade, in the area between the shoulder blades (behind the sternum), in the lower jaw and neck;
  • a person feels anxiety, fear, fear for his life;
  • during an attack, fainting (short-term loss of consciousness), nausea, vomiting, and pallor of the skin may be observed;
  • heart dysfunction: intermittent pulse, weak filling, arrhythmic;
  • changes respiratory system: shortness of breath, difficulty in inhaling or exhaling, short-term cessation of breathing.

Classification of the disease

Myocardial infarction, as a rule, develops according to a typical scenario. However, in 20% of cases it has a different flow pattern.

Typical course of a heart attack

Classic myocardial infarction has five periods:

  1. Pre-infarction condition. This does not always happen and is characterized by frequent attacks of angina, which from time to time torment the patient from several hours to two to three days, and sometimes weeks. The pain is quickly relieved with a nitroglycerin tablet and goes away in a calm position.
  2. Period acute development. At this stage, myocardial ischemia develops, which forms a necrotic area. The duration of the period is from half an hour to several hours. The patient feels a sharp dagger pain, which causes a feeling of fear of death. Appears on the face and body cold sweat, pallor of the skin is noted.
  3. Acute period. Occurs immediately after the formation of necrosis of one or another part of the heart. Lasts until the enzymatic decomposition of the affected area. Duration from several days to a week. The patient's condition is severe or moderate, hypertension and cardiovascular failure are noted.
  4. Subacute stage. The patient feels better, the blood pressure returns to normal, but sometimes shortness of breath and arrhythmia are felt. Heart pain disappears.
  5. The post-infarction stage is characterized by the disappearance of all “heart” symptoms due to the body’s adaptation to the new structure of the heart. At this stage, scar formation occurs.

Atypical myocardial infarction. How to determine it?

Myocardial infarction, which occurs atypically, poses a threat, since due to the lack of a classical course of the disease, it is difficult to recognize and treat in a timely manner. The atypical form proceeds in the same way as the ordinary one, but is characterized by the fact that in the most acute period There is no pain and there are erased symptoms. Meanwhile, the patient suffers a heart attack “on his feet,” which further aggravates the development of the pathology.

Characteristic signs of an atypical form:

  • there is no pain in the heart or its intensity is not expressed. The patient may feel discomfort or tingling in the left arm, shoulder, or behind the sternum. Sometimes the center of pain is located in the stomach area, so atypical myocardial infarction is often mistaken for an exacerbation of gastritis;
  • change in heart rate;
  • severe asthmatic cough, sometimes reminiscent of bronchitis;
  • shortness of breath, muscle weakness.

According to statistics, most deaths are observed in the first hours and days after the onset of acute symptoms. Myocardial infarction – dangerous disease, which significantly affects human health.

Effective treatment of varicose veins in women

With the development of varicose veins in the lower extremities, the lumen increases venous vessels, the valves lose their ability to hold blood, resulting in its reverse outflow (reflux). Stagnation leads to the progression of pathological changes in the veins and carries the risk of serious, sometimes fatal complications. Symptoms of varicose veins in the legs appear more often in women than in men. Therefore, it is important not to miss the first signs of changes in blood circulation in order to avoid irreversible processes.

Main causes of pathology

The causes of varicose veins on the legs in women can be hereditary or acquired; sometimes dilation of the veins becomes a consequence chronic diseases. The following factors lead to loss of elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and weakening of the valves:

  1. Genetic predisposition. There is hereditary weakness of the muscle and connective tissue of the veins or abnormalities in the structure of blood vessels. In this case, it is necessary to prevent the development of the disease from a young age.
  2. Hormonal imbalances occur during menopause or with long-term use of steroid drugs.
  3. Pregnancy. An increase in progesterone levels and an increase in blood clotting is accompanied by a load on the veins due to an increase in body weight.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases. Changes in the functioning of the heart system lead to disruption of blood outflow.
  5. Excess load. A static posture, prolonged standing or heavy lifting aggravate the load on the venous walls. Therefore, among hairdressers, loaders, cooks, surgeons, and weightlifters, varicose veins are considered an occupational disease.
  6. Obesity. Excess weight does not contribute to physical activity, as a result, blood circulation slows down, excess adipose tissue contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to a violation of the outflow of blood, causing stagnation in the veins.
  7. Diabetes. Chronically high level glucose in the body leads to the destruction of blood vessels, creating a favorable environment for the formation of blood clots.
  8. Alcohol consumption. Drinks containing alcohol cause dehydration, causing the blood to thicken and form clots that impede blood flow.
  9. Poor nutrition. Lack of vitamins C, P, E is the cause of loss of vascular elasticity. The consequence of eating fatty foods is cholesterol deposits on the inner walls of the veins.
  10. Chronic constipation. When straining, the outflow of blood from the lower extremities becomes difficult.
  11. Tight underwear. Tight clothing causes vein compression, impairing blood flow.
  12. Surgical intervention. Violations occur due to loss of blood volume and increased risk of blood clots.

Constant walking in high heels leads to stagnation in the veins, as the leg takes on an unnatural position and the lower leg muscles remain unused when walking. The habit of sitting with one leg crossed over the other closes the popliteal vein, which is also fraught with changes in the bloodstream of the extremities.

What are the dangers of varicose veins on a woman’s legs? Stagnation of blood not only causes swelling, but also the formation of blood clots, which can lead to inflammation of the veins at the site of its formation. If a clot ruptures, a person faces sudden death from arterial thromboembolism, edema or pulmonary infarction. Due to deterioration of blood circulation, oxygen does not enter the tissues, in the area of ​​malnutrition, skin color changes, dermatitis, eczema, and trophic ulcers appear.

Main symptoms

The mechanism of development of varicose veins in the extremities is long-term; changes in the vessels take years to form. The tone of the venous walls gradually decreases, which leads to irreversible disorders. Signs of varicose veins in women are:

  1. Bluish patterns of dilated vessels, asterisks. There is no pain yet, the woman feels only aesthetic discomfort.
  2. Later fatigue and heaviness in the lower extremities appear.
  3. A specific sign of pathology is swelling, which appears in the evening. In advanced cases, swelling is already observed on the lower leg, and sometimes noticeable on the thighs, where damaged blood vessels pass. The skin around the diseased vein turns pale, and bluish spots appear in some areas.
  4. Veins protrude above the surface of the skin.
  5. Often there is pain that interferes with walking.
  6. At night, spasms in the calves and feet bother me.

Women are characterized by a specific manifestation of symptoms associated with changes in hormonal levels:

  1. Second half menstrual cycle is marked by an increase in progesterone, resulting in an increase in the lumen of the veins. As a result, there is increased swelling in the legs and pain.
  2. In some women, after pregnancy, the symptoms of varicose veins disappear completely.
  3. Upon admission birth control pills sometimes there is an exacerbation of the pathology.

In any case, when the first symptoms appear, you must contact a phlebologist and undergo an examination. This will allow you to stop the progress of the disease in time and prevent the development of complications.


When prescribing medications, the doctor takes into account the origin of the disease, the degree of changes in the veins, and the patient’s age. The goal of the measures is to stop the progress of the pathology, reduce the manifestation of symptoms and prevent dangerous complications. For minor changes, it is prescribed drug therapy, V difficult cases surgery will be required.

Traditional treatment

Drug treatment is effective at stages 1–2 of the disease; sometimes the doctor successfully uses therapy at stage 3 of the pathology. For positive result complex measures are required. Therefore, to improve blood flow, relieve inflammation, support valve function and vascular walls Gels and ointments are used for local effects, as well as drugs in the form of tablets. All medicines are divided into groups:

  1. Venotonics. Their action is aimed at relieving pain and pressure in the veins of the lower extremities, increasing vascular tone and improving venous outflow. “Detralex”, “Venarus”, “Phlebodia” - a group of tablets containing flavonoids. The following series of drugs is intended for internal and local use and includes a combination herbal remedies, troxerutin rutosides, escin derivatives and horse chestnut(“Ginkor”, “Troxevasin”, “Escuvit”).
  2. Anticoagulants reduce high blood viscosity. Among them there are drugs with direct and indirect effects. The first group includes Heparin, which is most often used in the form of an ointment. The following type of drugs includes Warfarin, Fepromarone. Their effect is aimed at reducing platelet production.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated to eliminate inflammation on the vascular walls and relieve pain syndrome(“Diclofenac”, “Indomethacin”).
  4. Antiplatelet agents are used as an adjuvant, reducing platelet aggregation, which prevents thrombus formation (“Acetylsalicylic acid”). The drugs have an antispasmodic and vasodilator effect (“Dipyridamole”).
  5. Fibrinolytics treat thrombosis of the lower extremities. Drugs in this group are intended to destroy clots and prevent their formation in the future (“Streptokinase”, “Alteplase”).
  6. Antioxidants - bioflavonoids, vitamin C, P, E - are used to strengthen veins, prevent their stretching, prevent swelling and inflammation (Venarus, Ascorutin).

If you notice signs of the disease, you should not take the entire range of medications yourself. Only a specialist will select the remedy indicated in a particular case.

Compression therapy is used as an additional but productive method of treating female varicose veins. Elastic bandages, stockings and tights are used to relieve stress on the veins and prevent the development of complications. The type and size of knitwear is selected by the doctor depending on the degree of the disease.

Surgical intervention is indicated for late stages varicose veins of the limbs. The type of surgery will depend on the severity of the injury, age and concomitant diseases patients. What treatment methods are used:

  1. Sclerotherapy is performed on small superficial veins in order to exclude them from the bloodstream by introducing a foreign substance that causes inflammation and adhesion of the walls.
  2. Phlebectomy is the removal of a pathological vein. The operation is indicated for extensive varicose veins, severe expansion of the saphenous veins, thrombophlebitis and trophic skin lesions.
  3. Laser therapy. On early stages varicose veins procedure is used to remove spider veins through the skin. In severe cases, the vessel is laser-soldered from the inside. The operation is recommended for people with heart disease, arterial hypertension, respiratory and digestive system, thrombophlebitis.
  4. Radiofrequency coagulation is used for damage to the saphenous great and small veins. A transmitter inserted into a vein emits radio waves that change protein structure the trunk of the vessel, resulting in gluing of its walls.

A favorable prognosis for a woman after surgery is ensured by her lifestyle in compliance with the preventive measures recommended by the doctor to restore normal blood flow.

Traditional treatment

Varicose veins on initial stages treats well at home. Recipes traditional medicine can relieve swelling and heaviness in the legs, improve the condition of the veins.

There are a few folk ways treatment varicose veins veins on the legs of women::

  1. Treatment of varicose veins apple cider vinegar justified by its content wide range amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which helps strengthen veins and maintain the tone of vascular walls. When used externally, the product helps relieve inflammation and swelling. To prepare the composition, honey (5 ml) is stirred in vinegar (30 ml). Apply the solution to the affected areas in the morning and evening. Take a tablespoon of solution with water (200 ml) orally on an empty stomach.
  2. It is good to make a compress from vinegar; additionally, wrap your feet in a warm shawl and keep them elevated for 20 minutes. For baths, prepare a solution: water - 3 liters, vinegar - 100 ml. The limbs are lowered into the basin and the legs are rinsed with liquid.
  3. To prepare the star ointment, chop the garlic and mix it with butter 1:2. The mass is applied to varicose veins before going to bed, covered with parchment on top and secured with a bandage. In the morning, remove the applique and put on warm tights.
  4. Juice from Kalanchoe and aloe leaves helps relieve pain and inflammation. The liquids are mixed in equal proportions and lubricated problem areas.

Course treatment folk remedies lasts one and a half months.

For women who have shown the first signs of varicose veins, as well as pregnant women and those who have undergone surgery, in order to prevent the disease from worsening, it is important to follow preventive measures:

  1. Monitor your body weight to reduce the strain on your veins.
  2. In order to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, adjust the diet in favor of a healthy diet, increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables to provide the body with fiber and essential elements. Reduce the amount of sugar, coffee, alcohol.
  3. Avoid heavy physical activity and replace it with exercises that have a positive effect on the tone of veins and blood vessels. You can go swimming, moderately dance or ski.
  4. You should choose comfortable, loose shoes with a heel height of 4 cm.
  5. After a hard day, you need to rest by raising your legs above body level.
  6. Use at the first sign of illness compression garments, this is especially true for pregnant women. It is important to choose quality products and sizes so as not to apply more more harm limbs.
  7. Use ointments and tablets prescribed by your doctor to eliminate the symptoms of the pathology.

Last but not least, the role in the prevention of varicose veins belongs to hygiene procedures and foot health. It is recommended to use contrasting foot baths, immersing the limbs in cool and warm water.

Varicose veins of the legs are a chronic disease; it cannot be eliminated completely, but it is quite possible to prevent progress and complications. Subject to timely treatment and preventive measures the legs will remain beautiful, and the woman will move easily and freely.


A heart attack suffered on the legs accounts for 20% of all cases of the condition. About 5% of patients do not notice a heart attack - a person may not pay attention to intense, prolonged pain and write off the malaise as a decrease or high blood pressure, general weakness after past illness, intense physical activity.

A person may not recognize a heart attack and suffer it on his feet

General information

Necrotic damage to part of the heart muscle, when blood circulation is disrupted, is called myocardial infarction. This pathology is irreversible and if the person remains alive, the damaged area is scarred.

In the process of hardware studies, such damage to the heart muscle can be detected - this indicates that the heart attack was suffered on the legs. This condition is called an atypical form of heart attack. It comes suddenly and occurs without symptoms.

Heart muscle damage

Experts distinguish types of heart attacks:

  1. The asthmatic form of heart attack is characterized by the absence of pain and difficulty breathing. Coughing attacks, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing may occur.
  2. Brain or cerebral form microinfarction is expressed by impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. The main manifestations are: nausea, loss of orientation in space, lack of coherent speech, partial paralysis of both upper and lower extremities.
  3. The arrhythmic form has pronounced disturbances in the functioning of the heart: rapid pulse, frequent fading of the heart muscle and dizziness.
  4. The gastrological (abdominal) form is expressed in symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, intolerance to odors, nagging pain in the abdomen, bloating and increased gag reflex.
  5. The shock or collaptoid form is characterized by a sudden decrease in blood pressure, which causes a semi-fainting state. There is dizziness, tinnitus and general weakness.
  6. In an erased or combined type of heart attack on the legs, the signs are mild: increased fatigue, mild tingling in the heart area and increased sweating.

A previous myocardial infarction of an erased form is detected later; when the condition occurs, it is difficult to detect. The greatest danger to a person is posed by the cerebral type of infarction - disturbances in mental activity and the functioning of the speech apparatus create difficulties when calling an ambulance.

Symptoms of a heart attack in the legs

It is possible to suffer a heart attack on the legs without noticing the problem - this is explained by the small area of ​​necrotic lesion. Such situations are diagnosed by specialists as microinfarctions, in which the absence severe symptoms a heart attack suffered on the legs - a long-term acute pain syndrome in the heart, is the norm.

All indicators that indicate a malfunction in the body are perceived by a person as system-wide weakness or mild malaise. They do not pay attention to the symptoms of a heart attack in men - neither he himself nor those around him may not notice the dangerous condition.

Pressing pain in the heart is the first sign of a microinfarction

When a person has a heart attack, the condition may change. But in order to avoid potential complications, postponing contacting a cardiology specialist or therapist is not recommended.

Signs when a person needs to visit a doctor and characterizing a microinfarction on the legs are:

  • system-wide weakness;
  • sudden decrease in blood pressure;
  • pressing pain in the heart;
  • increased sweating;
  • lack of air and shortness of breath;
  • numbness on the left side of the body (sometimes only in the feet, hands, fingers).

Each of the symptoms may occur over a period of time long period. Acute manifestations of pre-infarction and infarction conditions occur in the evening and can provoke insomnia.

All signs, as well as the risk of a heart attack, may increase with physical activity, in particular working or climbing stairs. Prolonged manifestation of symptomatic signs of a heart attack in men is more common than in women and can lead to the fact that a person misses the attack unnoticed.

Risk factors

A heart attack can occur for many reasons, but experts identify a number of factors that increase the risk of damage to a person’s heart muscle:

  1. Diabetes mellitus, both types 1 and 2, contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and a gradual decrease in muscle tone.
  2. Gender – women have a lower risk; female sex hormones help restore tissue and maintain the elasticity of blood vessels.
  3. Age-related changes in people over 50 years of age lead to a decrease in the tone of muscle fibers and vessel walls.

People over 50 years of age are at risk

Genetic predisposition can influence risks, but bad habits, stressful conditions and low mobility lead to a heart attack.


If you suspect a heart attack, you need to get medical assistance– get to the hospital yourself or call an ambulance.

If you suspect a heart attack, you should immediately call an ambulance

To confirm the condition, the following diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • echocardiogram:
  • 24-hour Holter monitoring;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • blood biochemistry.

A previous infarction is determined by an ECG, echocardiogram and monitoring help determine the boundaries of the necrotic area. Blood biochemistry is necessary when a recent (up to 4 days) heart attack is detected. When a heart attack is determined over time, the doctor detects complications, as well as prescribes a course of treatment. Often the patient is sent for preventive treatment.

Treatment of heart attack on the legs

After a heart attack on the legs, the patient needs to be treated in a hospital. Doctors prescribe a course of drugs, their action is aimed at eliminating blood clots and restoring blood flow in the heart artery.

The task of doctors is to administer a medication that dissolves blood clots as soon as possible after the occurrence pathological condition. Its administration is considered ideal at the “golden” hour, that is, 1 hour after a heart attack.

Treatment of a heart attack is best done in a hospital setting

Afterwards, drugs are introduced that reduce the intensity of blood flow. This reduces the heart's need for oxygen and increases the life support of cells in the damaged area. To prevent a new blood clot, injections of anti-clotting medications are given. If necessary, surgical intervention is performed.

Consequences of an asymptomatic heart attack

A positive answer to the question: is it possible to have a heart attack without consequences? Does not exist, even if the heart attack was asymptomatic. A heart attack suffered on the legs has consequences. Sometimes they are not immediately noticeable, but can subsequently lead to the following dangerous conditions:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • failure of the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle;
  • the occurrence of blood clots;
  • partial damage (rupture) of the walls of blood vessels.

Pulmonary edema - possible consequence suffered a heart attack on the legs

A heart attack that was discovered after a considerable time can provoke the following pathologies:

  • thinning of the myocardial walls;
  • decreased contractility of the myocardium;
  • thrombosis and congestion blood;
  • pathological change in the rhythm of heart contractions;
  • deformation of heart valves combined with microcardiosclerosis.

The consequences of a heart attack suffered on the legs include: worsening pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (heart failure, pericarditis, arrhythmias, etc.).

If you do not seek medical help if a heart attack occurs or if a heart attack is not detected, the likelihood of a relapse increases.

Adequate actions after a microinfarction

The treatment and recovery plan after an atypical heart attack is determined by the treating specialist, based on the clinical picture. A heart attack localized in the legs requires a rehabilitation period:

  1. Performing exercise therapy to normalize blood pressure, pulse and heart rate.
  2. Taking medications prescribed by your doctor according to your schedule.
  3. A diet high in fruits, vegetables, seafood, lean and white meat, whole grain bread.
  4. Regular monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure.

A heart attack must be treated with medication

To prevent the development of a pathological condition, you must follow the rules:

  • follow the basics of a healthy lifestyle;
  • avoid psycho-emotional stress;
  • monitor blood pressure readings and enter data into a diary;
  • avoid physical overexertion;
  • bring and maintain body weight at a normal level;
  • Maintain a sleep/wake schedule.

Following the rules of a healthy lifestyle and maintaining weight within the normal range in conjunction with healthy eating will allow the body to restore the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, preventing the possibility of developing a heart attack. Keeping the body in good shape helps improve its performance and allows you to avoid life-threatening and health-threatening conditions.

Fedorov Leonid Grigorievich

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to have a heart attack on your legs and not notice. Statistics say that every fifth patient does not notice the symptoms of an attack. The diagnosis is usually made during a routine examination, and the doctor prescribes the appropriate one. After all, a heart attack significantly disrupts the functioning of the heart.



Depending on how severe the symptoms are pathological process, heart attacks happen:

  • With combined necrosis. In this case, vague symptoms are observed. The patient suffers from mild nausea, weakness, sweating and tingling in the chest.
  • With gastrological necrosis. The symptoms are similar to stomach diseases. The patient is worried about nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant sensations.
  • Arrhythmic. At the same time, the heartbeat periodically increases and the heart stops.
  • Asthmatic. There is no pain in the heart, but suffocation, coughing, and shortness of breath are bothersome. Can't breathe full breasts.;
  • With cerebral necrosis. In this case, blood circulation in the brain is disrupted, which is manifested by loss of orientation in space, nausea, speech dysfunction, and weakness in the limbs.
  • Shock. The attack develops as a result of a decrease in the arteries. This is accompanied by weakness, tinnitus, darkening of the eyes, and dizziness.

The most difficult form of necrosis is to diagnose. Symptoms may be completely absent. But after a few days, the consequences of a heart attack suffered on the legs develop in men and women.


If a hidden infarction is suspected, a full examination organs of cardio-vascular system. To detect violations promptly and accurately, you must:

  • Collect the patient's medical history. An important role in the development of pathology is played by the presence among close relatives of people who have suffered a heart attack.
  • Conduct general research blood. If the level of leukocytes has increased, this indicates the development inflammatory process.
  • Detect changes in blood pressure, pulse, temperature.
  • Determine markers of cardiac muscle necrosis in the blood. An attack is indicated by the presence of myoglobin.
  • Evaluate electrocardiogram data. During a heart attack, a pathological Q wave is observed, and the T wave is negative.

Some diseases come unexpectedly and change a person's life forever. A heart attack is one of these diseases; it takes away not only health, but also lives. It comes when I couldn’t even think about it, but from that moment life changes irrevocably.

What is a heart attack?

When a blockage or spasm occurs in an artery, blood flow stops.

What happens to the body at this moment? The heart muscle (myocardium) suffers from insufficient blood supply. This leads to the death of organ cells and myocardial necrosis, cell death, begins.

Most often, left ventricular infarction occurs because it bears the main load. Infarction of the right side of the heart is rare.

Illness suffered on the legs

In our circle there are friends or relatives who have had to deal with this disease. There are a number of the most common signs by which you can determine that a person is having an attack, this can be chest pain, it can radiate to the shoulder, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath, profuse sweating, dizziness and loss of consciousness. The symptoms are quite severe, and the question arises: is it possible to suffer a heart attack on the legs? Can. Cases have been repeatedly recorded where these symptoms were not present, and the patient himself did not know that there was anything wrong with his health. This atypical form diseases with uncharacteristic manifestations. He can only find out that a person has been ill at the next medical examination, when he gets a cardiogram.

Types of atypical heart attack

An asymptomatic course of the disease is possible, and it is also divided into six varieties depending on the manifestations. These manifestations are so insignificant that you can suffer a heart attack on your legs without resorting to any type of treatment.

These varieties include:

  • Asthmatic, accompanied by severe attacks of coughing, it can reach suffocation, but there is no pain in the heart area.

  • Arrhythmic, in which the heart rhythm is disturbed, the heart may freeze at this moment.
  • The collaptoid type of atypical heart attack is accompanied by low blood pressure and dizziness, and fainting is possible. But again, fainting is associated with low blood pressure and is not carried out additional research to establish the true cause.
  • During an abdominal attack, severe pain appears in the abdomen, even with slight pressure on the pancreas sharp pain intensifies. All this may be accompanied by bloating, nausea and vomiting. With such symptoms, the patient cannot even imagine that this is not at all connected with the digestive system. As a result, the symptoms go away, and the person has a heart attack suffered on the legs.
  • The cerebral variety has symptoms that are characteristic of diseases associated with impaired blood circulation in the brain. Speech becomes slurred and the person may become confused. He develops vomiting and nausea, weakness in the limbs.
  • The erased variety is the most common option when suffering a myocardial infarction on the legs. A heart attack is accompanied by slight sweating or weakness. Very rarely there may be discomfort in the chest; they are of an uncertain nature and go away on their own.

This disease is insidious, and it should be taken seriously, because repetitions are possible. The second case usually does not go away as easily as the previous one. A heart attack suffered on the legs and its consequences do not go away without leaving a trace.

This is important to know. What causes the disease?

Every fifth person who suffered a heart attack did not know what happened to him. In every fourth person the disease cannot be recognized.

The disease occurs because coronary artery blocked by an atherosclerotic plaque or thrombus. People with metabolic disorders and genetic predisposition are at risk. In people with high cholesterol are more likely to suffer from the disease, just like people with diabetes. High blood pressure is a provocateur of this disease. Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular or nervous system can also become a trigger for a heart attack.

Heart attack in women

For women, smoking is an aggravating circumstance. Of the hundred cases of heart attacks suffered by young women under 40 years of age, 75 were smokers. Even primary manifestations were not acute and the patient had a heart attack suffered on her legs; the consequences in women do not go away without leaving a trace. The disease may be asymptomatic or may be accompanied by acute pain. Some effects may appear in the distant future, while others make themselves felt after a few days or even hours.

Early complications after a heart attack

Complications that manifest themselves shortly after a heart attack are presented in the form of heart rhythm disturbances and conduction disturbances. The wall of the left ventricle may rupture. Acute cardiovascular failure occurs and the lung swells. Blood pressure drops sharply, lips and limbs become a different shade.

Late complications that occur after a heart attack

If there were no acute manifestations immediately, the disease may make itself known later. There are many complications that come with a heart attack suffered on the legs. Consequences arise because at the time of illness a person does not reduce physical activity and may be subject to severe nervous tension.

After a heart attack, a scar forms on the heart at the site of necrosis; it does not contract. Over time, this scar turns into a cavity in which blood clots form; it can burst at any moment. Any complications can lead to death. Approximately 4% of patients do not have time to be transported to the hospital.

Life after a heart attack

You cannot take your health irresponsibly at all, and if there is such a serious illness as a heart attack suffered on your legs, or even the patient was hospitalized and received timely medical care, it is still necessary to change your lifestyle.

Such changes are necessary in order to minimize the possibility of a recurrence of a heart attack. First of all, you need to get rid of bad habits (smoking in the first place), control your weight, remove fatty and spicy foods from your diet, and, if possible, replace them with vegetables.

A heart attack suffered on the legs requires constant monitoring - a cardiogram and ultrasound of the heart, all procedures that are included in the annual rehabilitation program. To prevent the consequences of a heart attack, you can undergo treatment in sanatoriums, where health and strengthening procedures are provided.

Stress prevention is also an important component in this matter. You need to avoid them as much as possible, for example, do calm hiking at the end of the day. If a person is still prone to stress, then you can take tincture of motherwort, valerian, and drink tea with mint before bed. Good mood can also be an excellent prevention - when a person laughs, blood vessels expand and contract.

How do you know if you have suffered from a disease?

If the symptoms were minor and the person did not understand what happened to him, then what signs of a heart attack in the legs should lead him to think about it?

At different forms The symptoms of the disease are completely different. Even at the moment of acute pain, a person does not always understand that it is a heart attack. Acute pain can last up to 15 minutes, it can radiate to the lower jaw or left shoulder blade. All changes are very clearly visible on the ECG. In the hospital, sometimes even in an ambulance, a blood test is done, it allows you to see the presence of necrosis.

Painless atypical shape heart attack is extremely rare; sometimes symptoms may appear that are very difficult to compare with heart disease. There may be vomiting, dizziness, and abdominal pain. You can only see a heart attack on your legs on an echogram. Symptoms can be traced only with a normal heart attack - chest pain, pale skin, burning under the shoulder blade, spreading to the arm, and blood pressure drops sharply. Even with such manifestations, diagnosis is still carried out, because similar phenomena are observed with angina pectoris.

Consequences of the disease for men

It all depends on the degree of damage to the heart muscle. The consequences of a heart attack suffered on the legs in men are not fundamentally different from the problems that women face after the illness. Partial or complete loss of ability to work occurs. Fatigue, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat may appear before a heart attack. If you provide timely assistance to the patient, you can protect him from complete loss of ability to work.

Recovery process

Of course, the disease brings a lot of discomfort to the patient; no one wants to be doomed to an senile lifestyle after a heart attack. But not everything is so simple, and sometimes you need to put in a lot of effort to recover and gradually return to a normal lifestyle. Restore motor activity without sudden movements or impulses. All nervous and physical stress must be removed. Minimal but regular physical activity. intimate life It is not worth interrupting, doctors do not recommend abandoning it; it is also important for recovery, as it allows you to maintain the condition of the blood vessels normally. And the work of the heart directly depends on their work.

Precursors of a heart attack

If a person knows that he is at risk for heart disease, either genetically or for health reasons, then knowledge in this area will not hurt him. At least half of the patients who suffered a heart attack already felt something suspicious within a few days, but did not attach much importance to it. About 30% did go to hospital, but in most cases their condition was misdiagnosed. Further, a heart attack suffered on the legs may no longer manifest itself, and later be diagnosed by chance.

Pain may already be a harbinger of illness. They can appear after physical activity, after eating or emotional stress. Pain can occur spontaneously and not be associated with a provoking factor. If before a heart attack the patient suffered from angina and relieved the pain with glycerin, then in this case the disease may manifest itself more aggressively.

A person may notice increased fatigue, lethargy and weakness. Dizziness or shortness of breath may occur from time to time. If you see a doctor on time, a heart attack can be prevented.

If you notice signs of a heart attack

If you witness an attack, you must provide first aid to the patient until the ambulance arrives. The person must be calmed down and laid down or seated so that he is physically restrained. Maximum access must be ensured fresh air, unbutton the collar, loosen the buttons and straps. If the ambulance is delayed on the way, you need to be prepared to carry out resuscitation measures: artificial ventilation lungs and indirect massage hearts. Many patients were able to save their lives precisely because someone was nearby at the time of the attack.

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