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Physical activity. Its role in human life

If he leads, then he probably knows that high physical activity is an integral part.

In the time of technology and machines, we increasingly forget that movement is a panacea for many diseases, so let’s take a closer look at physical activity and its importance for human health.

What is this?

Motor activity is motor actions, which are purposeful motor acts, which consist of movements of unconscious, inappropriate mechanical movements of the body or its parts.

Motor activity is a part of physical activities, which vary in complexity, movement structure, motor composition and motor action.


  • A set of simple movements and their combinations, which are called analytical. They are the basis of exercises that are selectively aimed at developing various motor abilities.
  • Strength and speed - they affect the body as developing, supporting and restorative factors.
  • Natural movements such as running, walking, throwing, jumping, swimming.
Motor activity is aimed at:
  • protect;
  • engage in work, household and sports activities.

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics

Quantitative characteristics consist of:

  • range of motion;
  • number of movements;
  • number of repetitions.
Qualitative characteristics consist of costs that are associated with the performance of motor actions and activities.

Effect on the body

Physical activity is especially important for children. Physical activity can begin with early age.

The fact is that in childhood physical exercise will prevent the development chronic diseases, heart disease, osteoporosis, will help improve mental development.

Types of physical activity

Exist different types motor activity, which have a beneficial effect on physical state body. They differ from each other and have some features; let’s look at them in more detail.


Walking is an integral part of human life - it is a complex coordinated activity skeletal muscles and limbs, which is a method of locomotion.

Did you know?Locomotion is the movement of a person in space, which is caused by his active movements.

It is the simplest way of physical activity. Hiking very beneficial for the body. When walking, most of the human muscles work, due to which gas exchange in the lungs is stimulated, breathing improves, etc.

It is especially useful to walk in the morning and evening, so if you have the opportunity, then walk at this time.


It is one of the ways of human movement; unlike walking, it has a certain “flight phase”. This occurs through complex and coordinated activity of the limbs and skeletal muscles.

Running, unlike walking, does not have a double support phase, although the same functional groups muscles.

Did you know?The first Olympic competitions, which were held before our era, consisted of running. In 1210 BC. e. they were organized by Hercules.

Running helps increase the threshold of endurance, improves metabolism, prevents weight loss, and also helps control weight.
Running has a beneficial effect on a person, increases tone, strengthens muscles, improves metabolism and prevents, helps to improve the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.

During this type of movement, capillaries are activated, which stimulates the resonance of blood flow in the vessels.

Dance and fitness

These types of motor activities are rhythmic movements that are performed to music. During such exercises, not only the muscles work, but the lungs and heart.

And they are long-term and quite intense loads, which contributes to the development of endurance, and is also very effective for.

Bicycle rides

Walking is a very popular activity physical activity, affect a person’s weight loss.

Also, while cycling, most muscles work; cycling helps prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases, and musculoskeletal diseases.

While cycling, the respiratory system actively works and the blood is enriched with oxygen.

This activity helps speed up metabolic processes in the body, which promotes weight loss and keeps the body in good shape.


Increases the strength of the respiratory muscles, increases their tone, enhances ventilation of the lungs and increases their vital volume.

As a result of regular swimming, you can strengthen your heart, as the strength of the heart muscle increases.

Swimming has a positive effect on the central nervous system, helps strengthen it, and improves blood supply to the brain.

Swimming is also an effective means of hardening, which helps increase the body's resistance to colds and resistance to infections.

Effect of lack of movement

If a person does not engage in physical activity, muscle atrophy may occur, which occurs in old age.

It has also been scientifically established that when bed rest is observed for 12 days, congestion, strength decreases heart rate, the pulse slows down, metabolic disorders occur, oxygen starvation of the body, general weakness, atrophy of some muscles occur.

These symptoms especially manifest themselves during operations and after which a person is required to observe strict bed rest, so doctors prescribe therapeutic and physical activity.
During the lack of muscle activity of a modern person, which is called physical inactivity, profound changes occur of cardio-vascular system, circulatory and metabolic disorders, changes in the structure and function of the myocardium, the development of atherosclerosis of the aorta and peripheral coronary arteries.

Important!If thrombosis occurs in such people, it may occur fatal outcome, because the roundabout pathways of the blood circulation are very poorly developed and have a low reserve capacity of the heart.

A person who is used to leading a sedentary lifestyle can experience regeneration of the heart muscle, during which the blood supply to the myocardium weakens, reserve capillaries, anastomoses and connecting arteries decrease.

Other components of human health

A healthy lifestyle is not only physical activity, but also its other components, such as:

  • balanced;
  • daily regime;
  • refusal bad habits;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules.
Physical activity is aimed at strengthening the health of the whole organism, preventing the development dangerous diseases. It is important to choose the type of physical activity that is right for you, performing it in accordance with the recommendations of your attending physicians or instructors.

Motor activity has always been the most important link in the adaptation of living organisms to the environment, and in the process of evolution it was formed as biological need of a person along with the needs for food, water, self-preservation, and reproduction.

Muscular work stimulates the functional activity of almost all organs and tissues, which is purposefully coordinated nervous systems oh, causing corresponding changes in the activity of the body as a whole. In the course of the biological development of the body, motor activity improved the mechanisms of regulation of vegetative functions, which was important factor expanding the possibilities of human adaptation to living conditions. On this basis, the leading role of motor skills in the interaction of organs and systems that ensure the harmonious development of a person in the body was formed. For example, active and active children develop better and are healthier. The more varied the motor activity, the more perfect the structure of the body.

With age, as we approach old age, the biological need for movement decreases, and physical activity decreases.

A decrease in physical activity leads to atrophy of internal organs and a reduction in the functioning of the body as a whole. By the age of 70 muscle mass decreases by approximately 40%, especially in the muscles that maintain posture. The liver is almost halved.

Oxygen consumption per kilogram of body weight per minute in a 6-year-old child is 7.35 liters, in a 30-year-old child it is 4.1 liters, and in a 90-year-old child it is 0.1 liters.

Low physical activity, physical inactivity (lack of movement) negatively affects the functioning of the body’s adaptive mechanisms in relation to physical and mental stress, changes external conditions life activities and their consequences. Physical inactivity has a particularly adverse effect on the development of young and functioning of mature organisms.

Since modern civilized human living conditions are characterized by a sedentary mode of work and rest (automation, computers, transport, communications, etc.), the only means of combating physical inactivity is physical education, sports, the main content of which is physical exercise. In the process of physical exercise (training), not only “muscle hunger” is satisfied, but also the body’s need for physical activity. A trained body is distinguished by a number of features, of which Professor Ya.A. Egolinsky. highlighted the following:

Stability and high stability of physiological constants in relation to the disturbing effects on the body of physical exercise.

Resistance to large homeostatic deviations based on developed ability to a high mobilization of body functions due to a significant range of shifts in the entire vegetative environment that occurs during intense physical activity.

Tolerance of strong deviations of homeostatic constants characteristic of intense physical activity, thanks to the developed properties of the body to maintain required level performance under extremely unfavorable conditions associated with hard and tiring work, a large lack of oxygen, exposure to high and low temperatures, etc.

Famous physiologist Arshavky I.A. recommends: for warning premature aging and ensuring physiologically full longevity, organize physical training in such a way as to achieve economical heart function (45-50 beats per minute) and economical breathing (no more than 8-10 per minute) in adulthood. It is impossible to achieve such indicators without targeted physical exercise in youth.

Physical exercise has a multifaceted positive effect on the body.

Thus, under the influence of strong irritants, severe tension or stress can arise in the human body (G. Selye). By using muscle tension With a gradual increase in physical activity, the anxiety reaction begins to manifest itself much weaker or disappears completely. After several training sessions, the body develops a state of increased resistance to both muscle loads and factors that cause stress.

Physically trained people are more resistant to oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) compared to untrained people. Performing various physical exercises (running, swimming, rowing) is accompanied by the occurrence of a certain amount of oxygen debt in the body. With systematic exercises (training), the mechanisms for regulating the body's activity under hypoxic conditions are improved.

Research has found that as a result of physical training, the body's resistance to the effects of toxic substances increases.

Many days of muscle exercise after radiation exposure of the body in some cases not only improves the course of the disease, but also promotes recovery. In people working with radioactive substances, the blood picture never deteriorates as much as in poorly physically prepared people.

In sports people, after competition or intense training, the number of white blood cells in the blood is usually increased. This mechanism, notes Professor V.S. Farfel, developed among our ancestors as a protective factor, ensuring readiness to repel a possible infection in the body in the event of an accidental injury during a hunt or protection from an attack. The increased production of leukocytes during work has lost to some extent its original meaning, but has retained another: a person performing muscular work, as it were, exercises his circulatory organs in the production of protective blood cells.

An untrained person at a body temperature of 37-380 experiences a sharp decrease in physical performance, and athletes, even at a temperature of 410, can cope with very heavy physical activity.

Constant companions of muscle activity are fatigue and recovery. During work, the body consumes its energy resources, and during the rest period it is replenished.

Typically, fatigue is considered as a temporary decrease in performance caused by intense or prolonged work. Muscular activity is associated with the involvement of many organs and systems (muscles, internal organs, glands), the functional activity of which is coordinated by the central nervous system of the central nervous system. A complex process of adaptation of the body to the conditions of activity occurs, during which, against the background of an emerging deficiency of energy substances, a disorder occurs in the coordination work of the nerve centers with the dominance of inhibitory reactions that reduce the level of performance. Developing fatigue is a protective reaction that protects against depletion of energy resources and disturbances in the regulation of body functions.

Academician Folbort G.V. and other scientists have shown that fatigue is a natural stimulator of intense recovery processes that provide increased performance. The essence of physiological changes under the influence of muscle activity is that functional changes caused by work are not only leveled off during rest until baseline, but also increase to more high level.

Super-recovery occurs, the severity of which depends on the intensity of the work performed.

Thus, physical exercises and training with optimal loads, which eliminate the deficit of motor activity of a modern person, stimulate the activity of adaptation mechanisms in the body to their effects. As a result, progressive physiological changes occur in the muscles, skeleton, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems and organs, contributing to the expansion of functionality, improvement of the structural properties of the body as a whole, and an increase in its homeostatic potential.

"Movement as such can replace any therapeutic agent in its action, but all medicinal products the world cannot replace the action of movement" (Tissot, 18th century France)

The need for movement is one of the general biological needs of the body, which plays important role in his life activity and the formation of man at all stages of his evolutionary development. Development occurs in inextricable connection with active muscle activity.

Motor activity is one of the main factors that determine the level of metabolic processes in the body and the state of its skeletal, muscular and cardiovascular systems. It is closely related to three aspects of health: physical, mental and social and plays different roles throughout a person’s life. The level of need for physical activity is largely determined by hereditary and genetic characteristics. For normal development and the functioning of the body to maintain health requires a certain level of physical activity. activity. This range has a minimum, optimal and maximum levels of physical activity.

The minimum level allows you to maintain the normal functional state of the body. With optimal, the highest level of functionality and vital activity of the body is achieved; maximum limits separate excessive loads that can lead to overwork, sharp decline performance. This raises the question of habitual physical activity, which can be determined by the level and nature of energy consumption in the course of normal life activities. This motor activity is assessed according to two components, professional and non-professional.

There are several methods for quantitative assessment of physical activity: 1) according to the timing of work performed per day; 2) according to energy consumption indicators based on indirect calorimetry; 3) by calculating the energy balance.

As physical activity decreases, muscles experience increasing atrophy with structural and functional changes leading to progressive muscle weakness. For example, due to weakening of the ligamentous and bone apparatus torso, lower limbs who cannot fully perform their function - maintaining the musculoskeletal system, posture disorders, deformation of the spine, chest, pelvis, etc. develop, which lead to a number of health problems, which leads to a decrease in performance. Limitation of physical activity leads to changes in the functions of internal organs. At the same time, the heart is very vulnerable vascular system. The functional state of the heart worsens, biological oxidation processes are disrupted, which impairs tissue respiration. With a small load, oxygen deficiency develops. It leads to early pathology circulatory system, development atherosclerotic plaques, rapid wear of the system.

With low physical activity, hormonal reserves decrease, which reduces the overall adaptive ability of the body. Premature formation of the “senile” mechanism for regulating the vital functions of organs and tissues occurs. People leading a sedentary lifestyle experience intermittent breathing, shortness of breath, decreased performance, pain in the heart, dizziness, back pain, etc.

A decrease in physical activity leads to diseases (heart attack, hypertension, obesity, etc.). For example, in people with mental work, heart attacks occur 2-3 times more often than in people with physical work.

Pathological changes in the body develop not only in the absence of movement, but even during a normal lifestyle, but when the motor mode does not correspond to the genetic program “conceived” by nature. Lack of physical activity leads to metabolic disorders and impaired resistance to hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

A person’s ability to resist physical inactivity - the lack of muscle activity - is far from unlimited.

After just one or two weeks of bed rest, even completely healthy people experience a significant decrease in muscle strength, loss of coordination of movements, and decreased endurance. The negative consequences of physical inactivity extend to many functions of the body, even those not related to muscular work and movement.

For example, a lack of nerve impulses contributes to the development of inhibitory processes in the brain, which deteriorates its activity, which controls the functioning of internal organs.

As a result, their functioning and the interaction of these organs is gradually disrupted.

Previously, it was believed that physical exercise mainly affects the neuromuscular (or musculoskeletal) system, and changes in metabolism, circulatory system, respiratory system and other systems could be considered as secondary, secondary. Recent medical research has refuted these ideas. It has been shown that during muscle activity a phenomenon called motor-viceral reflexes occurs, that is, impulses from working muscles are addressed to internal organs. This allows us to consider physical exercise as a lever that acts through muscles on the level of metabolism and the activity of the most important functional systems body. Let's pay attention only to the main points. First of all, we should talk about the heart. In an ordinary person, the heart beats at a rate of 60 - 70 beats per minute. At the same time, it consumes a certain amount nutrients and wears out at a certain speed (like the body as a whole). In a completely untrained person, the heart makes more contractions per minute, also consumes more nutrients and, of course, faster

getting old. Everything is different for well-trained people. The number of beats per minute can be 50, 40 or less. The efficiency of the heart muscle is significantly higher than usual. Consequently, such a heart wears out much more slowly. Physical exercise leads to a very interesting and beneficial effect in the body. During exercise, the metabolism accelerates significantly, but after it it begins to slow down and, finally,

decreases to below normal levels. In general, a person who exercises has a slower metabolism than usual, the body works more economically, and life expectancy increases. Everyday stress on a trained body has a noticeably less destructive effect, which also prolongs life. The enzyme system is improved, metabolism is normalized, a person sleeps better and recovers after sleep, which is very important.

In a trained body, the amount of energy-rich compounds, such as ATP, increases, and thanks to this, almost all capabilities and abilities increase. Including mental, physical, sexual. When physical inactivity (lack of movement) occurs, as well as with age, negative changes appear in the respiratory organs. Amplitude decreases breathing movements. The ability to breathe deeply is especially reduced.

In this regard, the volume of residual air increases, which adversely affects gas exchange in the lungs. The vital capacity of the lungs also decreases. All this leads to oxygen starvation. In a trained body, on the contrary, the amount of oxygen is higher (despite the fact that the need is reduced), and this is very important, since oxygen deficiency gives rise to a huge number of metabolic disorders. The immune system is significantly strengthened. Special studies conducted on humans have shown that

physical exercise increases the immunobiological properties of blood and skin, as well as resistance to certain infectious diseases. In addition to the above, a number of indicators improve: the speed of movements can increase by 1.5 - 2 times, endurance - several times, strength by 1.5 - 3 times, minute volume blood during work by 2 - 3 times, oxygen absorption per 1 minute during work - by 1.5 - 2 times, etc. The great importance of physical exercise is that it increases the body’s resistance to a number of different unfavorable factors.

Muscular activity is given one of the leading places in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and other organs.

The need for movement is one of the general biological characteristics of the body, which plays an important role in its life. At all stages of human evolution, the formation of all his organs and systems occurred in inextricable connection with active muscular activity, hence the natural and indisputable connection between physical activity and the state of human health: physical and spiritual.

It is necessary to emphasize the special significance of the impact of physical culture on the body of a woman, an expectant mother. A lack of physical activity can act as an inhibitory factor in the realization of the intellectual and physical potential not only of the woman herself, but also as a factor inhibiting the development of the unborn child. According to Doctor of Medical Sciences I.A. Arshevsky, a newborn child needs to be provided with a certain physical activity from the first months of its existence, and this is the mother’s task. Receiving less oxygen and nutrients (up to a certain limit), the newborn baby reacts to this with muscle contraction. If the expectant mother overeats and moves little, she develops an excess of poorly consumed and constantly accumulated nutrients. Under such conditions, the child is deprived of incentives for motor activity, muscles are activated less frequently, growth is inhibited, and development is slower.

Equally important is the skillful upbringing of a newborn child in the family. Providing him with motor freedom, normal temperature conditions, and systematic water procedures make it possible to achieve the most unexpected, at first glance, results.

Human health can be defined as a state of complete physiological, mental and social well-being. The state of public health depends on a number of factors:

· successes in medicine and medical practice - 8%

· genetic information - 20%

· environmental impact - 22%

· lifestyle - 50%

So, the main source of development and strengthening of human health resources is systematic activity throughout life, and not medicine, which, as Academician N.M. said. Amosov: “...wonderfully cures many diseases, but is not able to make a person healthy.” To become healthy, you need to make your own efforts, constant and significant, which cannot be replaced.

Ultimately, physical activity should become necessary integral part lifestyle of each person, which is very important now, both for the individual and for society as a whole.

In the process of physical activity, the body, when performing movements, “turns on” as a living system - from the cell to the cerebral cortex, while physiological and biochemical processes unfold to ensure the energy of movement. This opens up wide opportunities for influencing the solution of educational problems.

It is important to note that the amount of physical activity is individual and depends on many factors: age, gender, level physical development and preparedness, lifestyle, working and living conditions, geographical and climatic conditions, hereditary characteristics. For each person, the range of the level of physical activity necessary for the normal development and functioning of the body and preservation of health is determined: minimum, maximum and optimal. Minimum - defines the limit below which the impact of physical activity does not produce a noticeable positive effect; maximum - defines the limit, beyond which may be associated with excessive loads and negative consequences (overwork, overtraining). The optimal level is the most acceptable: it achieves the highest level of functionality and vital activity of the body. When determining the volume of physical activity, two points are taken into account: what is performed in the process professional activity and what is used specifically.

Motor activity, physical culture and sports - effective means maintaining and strengthening health, harmonious development of personality, disease prevention. The concept of “motor activity” includes the sum of all movements performed by a person in the course of his life.

Physical activity, regular classes physical culture and sports - prerequisites healthy lifestyle.

Among the factors influencing the growth, development and health of children and adolescents, physical activity plays almost the primary role.

Unfortunately, now the big problem for most teenagers, boys, girls (and even adults) is underutilization of muscles and inactivity (hypokinesia).

Physical exercise has a beneficial effect on the formation and development of all functions of the central nervous system: strength, mobility and balance. nervous processes.

Systematic training makes muscles stronger, and the body as a whole is more adapted to environmental conditions. Under the influence of muscle loads, the heart rate increases, the heart muscle contracts more strongly, and blood pressure rises. This leads to functional improvement of the circulatory system.

During muscle work, the respiratory rate increases, inhalation deepens, exhalation intensifies, and the ventilation capacity of the lungs improves. Intensive full expansion of the lungs eliminates congestion in them and serves as a prevention of possible diseases.

The ability to clearly, competently and economically perform movements allows the body to adapt well to any type of labor activity. Constant physical exercise helps to increase the mass of skeletal muscles, strengthen joints, ligaments, and bone growth and development. In a strong, seasoned person, mental and physical performance and resistance to various diseases increase.

Any muscle work trains and endocrine system , which contributes to a more harmonious and complete development of the body.

People who exercise regularly have other advantages over those who are sedentary: they look better, are mentally healthier, are less susceptible to stress and tension, sleep better, and have fewer health problems.

There is no established standard for defining good physical fitness, but experts have come to a consensus regarding the assessment of its individual components (Figure 26).

Cardiorespiratory endurance - the ability to withstand moderate intensity physical activity for a long time; a measure of how efficiently the heart and lungs supply the body with oxygen during prolonged physical activity.

A working muscle consumes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide. The body's consumption of oxygen is the main component of fitness. Physical exercises (loads) increase the capacity of cardiovascular and respiratory systems supply working muscles with oxygen and take away carbon dioxide from them.

Since continuous exercise trains the heart, it acquires the ability to pump out more blood with each contraction than an untrained heart. The more intense the exercises and the longer a person performs them, the taller they become. functional abilities his body.

There are two types of exercise - aerobic (requiring oxygen) and anaerobic (not requiring oxygen). Aerobic exercises are exercises that use energy for prolonged muscle tension, which requires oxygen to be released. Anaerobic exercises are exercises that use the energy stored by the body for short bursts of muscle activity.

Continuous intense exercise lasting more than 2 minutes (running, long-distance swimming, cycling and cross-country skiing) trains aerobic system. In the presence of oxygen, muscles produce energy efficiently.

Activities such as weight lifting, sprinting, and volleyball train the anaerobic system.

Muscle strength and endurance

Muscular strength is the force that a muscle can develop when lifting, moving or pushing an object. Everyone needs it at least to carry out the simplest everyday tasks. If strength is not maintained, over time even the most difficult tasks will become increasingly difficult. simple shapes physical activity (eg walking) and will increase the risk of household injuries. Even picking up a suitcase from the floor and holding it in your hand requires muscle strength.

Muscular endurance refers to a person's ability to maintain a muscle contraction or repeatedly contract a muscle group over a period of time. Using alternate flexions and extensions of the torso, you can determine the endurance of the abdominal muscles, and with push-ups, the endurance of the muscles of the shoulders, chest and arms.

Various strength exercises are used to develop muscle strength, among which we can highlight exercises with external resistance, as well as with overcoming weight own body.

Exercises with external resistance- these are exercises with weights, with a partner, with the resistance of other objects (rubber shock absorbers, various expanders, etc.), with overcoming the resistance of the external environment (running uphill, on sand, snow, water).

Exercises to overcome your own body weight- these are gymnastic exercises (inversion lifting, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, push-ups on hands while lying down and on uneven bars, rope climbing, etc.), athletics jumping, exercises in overcoming obstacles on special training strips.

Speed ​​qualities necessary for a person to move at maximum speed, when performing various jumps associated with moving the body, in martial arts and sports games. In addition to high speed characteristics of the course of nervous processes, they also require a sufficient level of speed-strength preparedness of the motor system.

Basic means of developing speed- exercises that require energetic motor reactions, high speed and frequency of movements.

Flexibility is a property of the human musculoskeletal system to expand the limits of movement of individual parts of the body. Develop flexibility with exercises to stretch muscles and ligaments.

Exercises aimed at development of flexibility, are based on performing a variety of movements: flexion-extension, bending and turning, rotations and swings. Such exercises can be performed independently or with a partner, with various weights or simple training devices. Complexes of such exercises can be aimed at developing mobility in all joints to improve overall flexibility without taking into account the specifics of the motor activity of a particular person.

Teenagers usually have very good flexibility and endurance, and they gain strength with age. It is important to maintain and improve these qualities in order to preserve them into adulthood.

Questions and tasks

1. What do you mean by physical activity?

2. What physical qualities necessary to ensure a good level of health? What are the ways of their formation?

3. Tell us how they influence different kinds sports on the formation of physical qualities.

Task 44

Determine your cardiorespiratory endurance. For this:

a) climb onto a step or bench 20 cm high and lower back to the floor (you can start the exercise with either leg); changing legs, go up one step and go down to the floor for 3 minutes in a row, doing 24 ascents per minute;
b) after exactly 3 minutes, stop and immediately sit on a chair; after 1 minute, count the pulse for 30 seconds and multiply the resulting number by 2 to determine the pulse rate (for 1 minute);
c) using the information contained in Table 4, estimate the resulting indicator.

Task 45

Use a hand dynamometer to determine your hand strength. To do this, take the dynamometer in your hand (the one with which you are writing), squeeze it with all your might; Use the scale to determine your hand strength in kilograms. Using the information given in Table 5, estimate this indicator.

a) before starting the test, do several warm-up stretching exercises (for example, several bends to the sides, forward and backward, rotation of the torso);
b) place a box on the floor against the wall; Place a measuring ruler on it so that the 10 cm mark coincides with its near edge, and the 30 cm mark coincides with the far edge adjacent to the wall;
c) sit on the floor, straighten your legs and spread them so that the distance between the heels is 12-13 cm, and the feet are completely adjacent to the surface of the box;
d) slowly stretch both hands forward, trying to reach them as far as possible; Touch the corresponding mark on the ruler with your fingertips and hold in this position for approximately 3 seconds. Remember the distance to which you managed to stretch your arms;
e) repeat the described procedure three times (do not increase the distance by jerking forward); The best result in three attempts will be an indicator of your flexibility.

Additional material

Maintaining and strengthening health is an important condition for achieving a high standard of living

HEALTH is a priceless gift given to man by nature itself.

IN general concept There are two equal components to health: spiritual health and physical health. They are so closely intertwined that it is impossible to separate them. Physical health affects spiritual life, and spiritual control is important for maintaining physical health.

Human spiritual health- this is the health of his mind. It depends on his system of thinking, attitude to the world around him and orientation in this world. It depends on the ability to determine one’s position in the environment, one’s relationship to people, things, knowledge, etc., and is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with family, friends and other people, and the ability to predict various situations and develop models of your behavior taking into account necessity, opportunity and desire.

Human physical health- this is the health of his body. It depends on a person’s physical activity, balanced nutrition, adherence to personal hygiene rules and safe behavior in Everyday life, the optimal combination of mental and physical labor, the ability to relax. You can preserve and strengthen it only by giving up drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs and other bad habits.

A person is not just a highly organized biological system, but also an organism living in certain social conditions.

They affect his physical and psychological well-being. Therefore, social health is closely related to spiritual health, i.e. living conditions of a person, his work, rest, food, housing, as well as the level of culture, upbringing and education.

In addition, it is customary to distinguish between individual and public health (population health). Individual health

- this is a person’s personal health, which largely depends on himself, on his worldview, and, of course, on his culture - the culture of health. Public health

consists of the health status of all members of society and depends mainly on political, socio-economic and natural factors.

A healthy lifestyle is a necessary condition for maintaining and strengthening the health of an individual and society.

Human health and healthy lifestyle.

Protecting one’s own health is the immediate responsibility of everyone; a person has no right to shift it to others. After all, it often happens that a person, through an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, and overeating, by the age of 20-30 brings himself to a catastrophic state and only then remembers medicine.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of diseases. A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. From an early age, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, harden yourself, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve true harmony of health through reasonable means. Health is the first and most important need of a person, determining his ability to work and ensuring the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for understanding the world around us, for self-affirmation and human happiness. Active long life

– This is an important component of the human factor. A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, working, hardening, and also protecting from adverse influences environment

, allowing you to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” In general, we can talk about three types

Physical health – this is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the entire human body (a self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly.

Mental health depends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, and the development of volitional qualities.

Moral health determined by those moral principles that are the basis social life human, i.e. life in a certain human society. Distinctive features moral health of a person is, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of cultural treasures, active rejection of morals and habits that contradict a normal way of life. A physically and mentally healthy person can be a moral monster if he neglects moral standards. Therefore, social health is considered the highest measure of human health. Morally healthy people are characterized by a number of universal human qualities that make them real citizens.

Healthy and spiritual developed person – he feels great, receives satisfaction from his work, strives for self-improvement, achieving unfading youth of spirit and inner beauty.

The integrity of the human personality is manifested, first of all, in the interrelation and interaction of mental and physical strength body. The harmony of the psychophysical forces of the body increases health reserves and creates conditions for creative self-expression in various areas of our lives. An active and healthy person retains youth for a long time, continuing creative activity, not allowing the “soul to be lazy.” Academician N.M. Amosov proposes to introduce a new medical term “amount of health” to denote the measure of the body’s reserves.

A person in a calm state passes through the lungs 5-9 liters of air per minute. Some highly trained athletes can arbitrarily pass 150 liters of air through their lungs every minute for 10-11 minutes, i.e. 30 times more than normal. This is the body's reserve. Heart power can also be calculated. There are minute volumes of the heart: the amount of blood in liters ejected in one minute. Let's assume that at rest it gives 4 liters per minute, with the most vigorous physical work - 20 liters. This means the reserve is 5 (20:4). Likewise, there are hidden reserves of the kidneys and liver. They are detected using various stress tests. Health is the amount of reserves in the body, it is the maximum productivity of organs while maintaining the qualitative limits of their functions.

The system of functioning of the body’s reserves can be divided into subsystems:

1. biochemical reserves (metabolism reaction);

2. physiological reserves (at the level of cells, organs, organ systems);

3. mental reserves.

Let's consider the physiological reserves at the cellular level of a sprinter. Excellent result in the 100 m run - 10 seconds. Only a few can show it. Is it possible to significantly improve this result? Calculations show that it is possible, but not more than a few tenths of a second. The limit of possibilities here rests on a certain speed of propagation of excitation along the nerves and the minimum time required for muscle contraction and relaxation.

Factors that shape health and factors that destroy health.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following basic elements: fruitful work, rational work and rest regime, eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition.

Factors influencing human health:

environmental - 20-25%;

genetic - 20-25%;

development of the healthcare system - 8-10%;

Healthy lifestyle and social factors - 50%.

Health classification .

1. objective– objective indicators of health status;

2. subjective– how healthy the person feels;

3. public– health of the nation.

Life activity of a healthy person and its components:

Ability to perform a certain physical activity (age, gender);

Ability to cognitive activity; knowledge is a stimulus to life, the opportunity to prolong it;

The ability to make an adequate emotional assessment of events outside world and your position in it;

Possibility of having healthy children.

Health indicators: fertility, mortality, life expectancy.

The Human Development Index (recognized by the world community) is determined by indicators - standard of living, education, longevity.

Tasks and goals of healthy lifestyle:

Preservation and promotion of health;

Disease prevention;

Extending human life.

Components of a healthy lifestyle

Fruitful work

Rational work and rest regime

Eliminating bad habits

Optimal motor mode

Personal hygiene

Balanced diet

Drinking culture

Factors negatively affecting healthy lifestyle

Physical inactivity

Tobacco smoking



Poor nutrition


The main condition for a healthy lifestyle is a person's personal interest. The first step on this path is choosing life attitudes, defining goals in life, then choosing ways by which you can realize your plans ( sport sections, morning exercises, rational nutrition). The main thing to remember is that nothing in life comes for free. A muscular, harmoniously developed body, a light gait, and the ability to not get tired for a long time in difficult work - all this is achieved through training and requires constant efforts for its maintenance.

From an analysis of the causes of mortality in Russia Over the past decades, there have been clearly visible trends in increasing risk factors for population mortality from non-communicable diseases (heart disease, vascular disease, cancer, accidents). Many risk factors for deaths from noncommunicable diseases are created by the individual. These include radiation, toxic substances, environmental pollution, increased noise and stress loads and, most importantly, a person’s lifestyle (decreased physical activity, poor diet, smoking, alcohol and drug use). What makes young people resort to contact with substances that are toxic to the body - nicotine, alcohol, drugs? First of all, this desire to be “like everyone else” is the dictate of the company. Lack of self-confidence, the presence of inferiority complexes, the desire to take a leading position - these are the personal prerequisites for the first steps towards bad habits. Social factors include a difficult macro- and micro-social climate - economic instability, war, natural disasters, difficult family situation.

Alcohol - an intracellular poison that has a destructive effect on all human systems and organs. As a result of systematic alcohol consumption, a painful addiction to it develops. According to WHO, alcoholism annually claims about 6 million lives.

Smoking tobacco (nicotinism) is a bad habit that consists of inhaling the smoke of smoldering tobacco - this is a form of drug addiction. The many consequences of smoking include cardiovascular diseases and digestive systems (ischemic disease hearts, hypertonic disease, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, lung cancer, bronchitis, emphysema).

Drugs should be understood as chemical products of synthetic or plant origin, medicines that have a special, specific effect on the nervous system and the entire human body, which lead to the removal pain, changes in mood, mental and physical tone. Achieving these states with the help of drugs is called drug intoxication.

Addiction - This serious disease caused by drug abuse and the acquisition of pathological addiction to it. The main goal of a drug addict’s life becomes the desire to take a new dose of the drug, other interests are lost, and personality degradation occurs.

The average life expectancy of a drug addict is 7-10 years.


    Smirnov A.T., Mishin B.I., Izhevsky I.V. Fundamentals of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle: Textbook - M., 2010

    Frolov M.P. Fundamentals of life safety: Textbook. - M., 2009

    Getia I.G., Getia S.I., Emets V.N. Life safety: Practical exercises. - M., 2008

Additional material

Healthy lifestyle and its components

Basics of a healthy lifestyle

What's happened healthy image life, what rules, norms of behavior, lifestyle, daily routine and relationships make us healthy physically and spiritually?

As shown modern research, a person’s individual health depends more than 50% on his lifestyle. What does a healthy lifestyle consist of, what are its main components?

This is, first of all, moderate and balanced diet.

It is equally important to comply daily regime, and at the same time, each of you has individual biological rhythms, they also need to be taken into account when observing the daily routine.

The body needs sufficient physical activity, hardening, wiping, washing cold water, as well as maintaining personal hygiene (it is appropriate to recall the expression: “cleanliness is the key to health”).

Know how to manage your feelings. Don't give in to emotions! It is called mental hygiene.

And of course you need to give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, especially drugs.

It is very important for a healthy lifestyle safe behavior at home, on the street and at school. It will ensure the prevention of injuries and poisonings. Unfortunately, not everyone understands their responsibility for maintaining health.

More than two thirds of the country's population do not play sports, up to 30% of the population have overweight, about 70 million people in our country smoke.

In many countries, responsibility towards one's health is encouraged by the state, every enterprise or firm, that is, where a person works. In a number of countries, additional payments are provided for employees who quit smoking, as well as for those who monitor the constancy of their weight and regularly engage in physical exercise. The money spent quickly pays off, as absences due to illness are reduced and relationships between people in the team improve. A conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s health should become the norm of life and behavior of every person.

An important component of a healthy lifestyle is nutrition.. Nutrition that ensures full development is called rational: from the Latin words “ratio” (calculation, measure) and “rationalis” (reasonable, expedient, justified). Let's go back to history. Over the course of centuries of evolution (development), the most important life support systems of the human body were formed under the influence of factors such as hard physical labor and malnutrition.

Today, in economically developed countries, factors of a completely opposite nature play a significant role in human life: insufficient muscular and motor activity (this is called “hypodynamia, inactivity”), excess nutrition, as well as psycho-emotional overloads that cause stress, shock and nervous breakdowns. Our nervous system is subject to constant and increasing year after year “bombardment” of both healthy exciting emotions and negative ones. All this places increased demands on a person’s internal resources, his physical and mental health.

A kind of biosocial arrhythmia has arisen - a mismatch, a discrepancy between the natural and social rhythms of human life.

So, you got general idea about what a healthy lifestyle is, what rules and norms of behavior define it, what are the main components of a healthy lifestyle.


We will continue our conversation about a healthy lifestyle. Among its main components, we first of all named rational nutrition. Human health is largely determined by the quantity and quality of food and diet. Healthy eating is the most important condition for longevity. Famous Russian writer D.I. Pisarev surprisingly accurately noted: “Change a person’s food, and the whole person will change little by little.”

If we turn again to history, we remember that in all periods of human development, the nature of nutrition was determined by economic opportunities, the availability of food resources, climate and national traditions. Thus, the biological characteristics of the human body have remained the same, as they were hundreds of years ago, but modern living conditions and nutrition have changed significantly.

The menu of modern man includes mainly specially grown plants and animal products - meat products. In our diet, the amount of animal proteins has sharply increased compared to plant proteins, and this is not very healthy.

Let us remember that just some 70 years ago the population of the country consumed products obtained from wildlife or from your own subsistence farming.

And now three quarters of meat and milk, two thirds of eggs, and all grain is processed industrially. Instead of fruits, berries and honey, refined sugar, white bread and other high-calorie flour products, which lack most of the biologically active substances, are used in large quantities.

Unfortunately, our diet includes many foods containing carbohydrates (for example, flour products - pasta, bread, etc.). Why is that bad? The fact is that during the industrial processing of grain products, many natural biological substances are removed from them. active substances, and as a result, a person does not receive enough of them. Unbalanced use food products leads to metabolic disorders in the body, which reduces the body's resistance and contributes to the development of diseases. Therefore, the ratio of the main components of food - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water - must be balanced and sufficient to replenish the body's energy costs.

Let's ask the question - what is food culture? Nutritional culture is the optimal quantity and quality of food eaten for a person. Can a person determine how much he needs to eat? The main rule is to match the quantity and calorie content of food to the energy costs and physiological needs of your body. You can't overeat, but you can't go hungry either.

What food is recommended to eat? It should consist of 15-20% proteins, 20-30% fats (one third of which should be solid or animal fats). The remaining 50% should come from carbohydrates, and they are found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts.

A balanced diet is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. Medicine recommends limiting fats and salt, significantly increasing the proportion of fruits and vegetables, cereals, wholemeal products in the diet, that is, you need to eat less white bread, and more gray and black bread. Protein sources should include legumes, low-fat dairy products, fish or lean meats.

In food culture, the way food is processed is of great importance. It is important to know! Vegetables should not be subjected to prolonged cooking. Prolonged heating destroys the vitamins contained in foods. From a large selection of oils, corn, olive or sunflower are preferable. It is advisable for teenagers to adhere to this combination of all the necessary elements that are given in the table.

So, what are the basic principles of balanced nutrition?

1. Moderation.

2. Balance

3. Small meals: do not eat enough at one or two times, but eat little by little, but often - four or five times a day.

4. Diet variety.

5. Biological completeness of products.

Let's decipher these principles.

Moderation- this excludes overeating, but fully meets the body's calorie needs in accordance with energy expenditure.

Diversity- eat a wide variety of foods so that the food contains a large range of biologically active substances.

Four meals a day involves even consumption of food in small portions.

Balance- is the satisfaction of the body’s need for essential vital substances, the presence of which in food creates optimal, best conditions for metabolism.

Nutritional adequacy- this is nutrition that provides the body with all the necessary macro- and microelements, which depends on daily systematic consumption fresh vegetables and fruits, especially greens. Important to remember! Many serious diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, begin in childhood, and therefore the requirement for a balanced diet is especially important for schoolchildren.

So, You are once again convinced that one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet, a nutritional culture, the basic principles of which are moderation, balance, fractional meals, diversity and biological integrity.


The topic of our lesson today is simple and, so to speak, everyday.

The simplest definition of the word “hygiene” is considered to be its everyday colloquial meaning of “cleanliness”. The motto that is instilled in you from early childhood: “Cleanliness is the key to health” arose, perhaps, at the dawn of humanity. So hygiene is one of the most ancient branches of medical knowledge. But its concept is much broader than just cleanliness. Hygiene is a field of medicine that studies the influence of living and working conditions on human health and develops measures to prevent various diseases, ensure optimal conditions existence, maintaining health and prolonging life.

Personal hygiene plays a vital role in the system of developing a healthy lifestyle. Personal hygiene is a set of hygienic rules, the implementation of which helps to preserve and strengthen human health. These include not only the requirement to wash your hands.

Personal hygiene- this is a reasonable combination of mental and physical labor, physical education and hardening, balanced nutrition, alternation of work and active rest, good sleep. Personal hygiene includes requirements for caring for skin, teeth, hair, and keeping clothes, shoes and home properly clean.

Let us now trace the connection between personal hygiene and disease prevention. Many diseases arise from skin humans or through them enter our body. Therefore, skin care is one of the main components of personal hygiene. Skin is the outer covering of the human body. The surface area of ​​an adult's skin is one and a half to two square meters. One of the main functions of the skin is protective. Thus, the elastic fatty lining of the skin and its elasticity protect internal organs and muscles from stretching, pressure and bruises. The stratum corneum protects the deeper layers of the skin from drying out. In addition, it is resistant to various chemicals. The pigment melanin protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. The skin protects the human body from the penetration of microorganisms that cause infections. Important function skin is its participation in thermoregulation. Approximately 80% of the body's total heat loss occurs through the skin. The skin is involved in the regulation of metabolism in the body, especially water, mineral, carbohydrate and protein. She takes part in immune reactions body.

Skin hygiene- a set of daily activities to ensure that it is constantly kept clean and hardened. Clean skin is the main condition for its normal condition. For normal and oily skin, it is advisable to use neutral toilet soap for washing, and for dry skin, cosmetic soap, glycerin, etc. Sweat, scales, and sebum are best removed from the surface of the skin at a water temperature of 34-37 ° C. Bath and shower in normal conditions It is recommended to take at least once a week, in environmentally unfavorable conditions - daily. Daily dousing with cold water in the morning and evening is also helpful. The skin of the face and neck should be washed morning and evening and as needed. Thin and dry skin that is sensitive to atmospheric influences is not recommended to be washed frequently with soap; better special cosmetic product. Hands should be washed with soap and water at room temperature. It is advisable to wash your feet every evening after a working day. Foot creams not only nourish the skin, but also prevent the formation of cracks on the soles and help prevent fungal diseases. The perineum should be washed daily. Air and sunbathing, swimming in open, environmentally friendly reservoirs and other water procedures have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Pay attention to your teeth.

Dental hygiene- a set of measures to ensure the healthy condition of teeth, gums and oral mucosa. Oral care is the preservation of teeth in a healthy state, the prevention of diseases such as caries, the cause of which is the destructive effect of microorganisms, plaque on the hard tissues of teeth and a lack of microelements in the diet. You can prevent caries by brushing your teeth regularly after breakfast and especially carefully after dinner with a brush with artificial bristles. In the intervals between meals and before bedtime, you should avoid consuming sweets and starchy foods. To prevent diseases, it is recommended to consult a dentist at least twice a year.

Hair hygiene. Life expectancy, growth rate and hair properties are influenced by hair care, as well as normal sleep, balanced nutrition, physical exercise and hardening. Greasy hair must be washed at least once a week, as necessary; dry and normal - once every 10-14 days. To wash your hair, it is better to use soft, salt-free water. It is better to wash dry hair with a special shampoo, and oily hair with soap-free shampoo. To comb your hair, it is better to use a brush with natural bristles, and in case of increased hair loss, use a sparse comb. Daily head massage and hair cutting are necessary conditions for caring for them. In order for your hair to be healthy, it is necessary to make a ritual of morning and evening scalp massage, like brushing your teeth.

Clothing and shoes affect human hygiene. Clothing should be light, comfortable, not restrict movement and not impair blood circulation and breathing. Keeping linen and clothing clean is one of the important conditions for personal hygiene. Shoes should not restrict the foot, should not interfere with the natural movement of the foot, and should be appropriate for the season.

Personal hygiene rules for adolescents during puberty require special attention. This is the so-called transitional age.

Let us examine the concept of adolescence and the anatomical and physiological features of adolescence.

Transitional age covers the time from the onset of puberty to the moment when the body of a boy or girl is fully formed and ready to perform the function of childbearing. A characteristic feature of adolescence is the completion of the processes of puberty that began at middle school age. At the same time, the active activity of the endocrine glands and nervous system begins, which affects the growth and development of all organs. Noted enhanced growth heart, the pulse becomes less frequent (up to 70-76 beats per minute), the chest circumference increases, due to which breathing deepens and increases vital capacity lungs. The rate of increase in body length decreases, although the adolescent continues to grow. The processes of ossification of long tubular bones, the structure and functions of many body systems are improved.

This period is optimal for mastering complex motor skills; the body's endurance and its ability to perform intense motor loads increase. As puberty progresses, the difference in endurance and strength between boys and girls increases. If until the age of 12 the muscle strength of their arms is approximately the same, then, every year, the strength and endurance indicators in boys begin to exceed the corresponding indicators in girls. During puberty, the digestive system is fully formed.

During adolescence, the body is unstable to temperature influences, since due to the processes occurring in the body, the mechanisms of adaptation to changing environmental conditions are imperfect. There is an improvement in the functioning of the senses. For example, at the age of 14-19 years, hearing acuity is maximum, that is, imagine, children under 13 years of age and people over 20 years of age hear worse than teenagers. Significant changes also occur in the organs of vision. Processes of improving functions also occur in the cerebral cortex. By the age of 17-18, the cerebral cortex of a teenager reaches almost the level of an adult.

Personal hygiene of a teenager. Transitional age requires maximum attention to appearance, condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth. In that age period the activity of sebaceous and sweat glands. You should wash daily; It is better to take a shower, and if this is not possible, wipe yourself in the morning and evening with cool water, wash with warm water and soap, wash your feet and wipe them thoroughly dry. The facial skin of a teenager requires special care, since hormonal changes in the body are accompanied by skin manifestations on the face, so-called juvenile acne.

Hair care consists of regular combing, massage with a special brush, and washing as soon as the hair becomes dirty. Do not overuse frequent hair washing. It is not recommended to go bareheaded in cold weather, comb your hair, or frequently coat it with hairspray or hair fixative. All this negatively affects the health and condition of the hair: it becomes brittle, dull, and begins to fall out rapidly.

Remember! The best decoration is cleanliness and neatness in clothing. Synthetic clothing is best worn in combination with cotton underwear, blouses and shirts. Compliance with the rules of hygiene, cleanliness and neatness in clothing are necessary conditions for self-education.

So, we have looked at the simplest, unburdensome, but mandatory rules of personal hygiene and its features during adolescence.

Physical activity and hardening

When we talk about health, we cannot ignore such topics as physical activity and hardening. Let's start our lesson with a simple but wise conclusion, which was reached by ancient philosophers: life is movement; without movement there is no life.

And movement for a person is, of course, physical exercise. Constant exercise stress necessary and useful, it makes the body more resilient and stronger, increases its resistance to disease.

One of the main factors causing and determining the growth and development of the body is motor activity of the muscles. In the early childhood physical exercises not only teach a baby to walk, but also develop speech, the ability to speak, at school and at university they contribute mental performance and mental health. Movements stimulate the production of substances that have a morphine-like effect - endorphins, which have an analgesic and calming effect on the body; they also reduce excess adrenaline and other hormones that contribute to stress.

Are you familiar with the word physical inactivity? This term is found both in scientific literature and in newspapers, and comes from Greek words hypo- down and dynamo- strength, i.e. reduced, insufficient physical activity, inactivity, characteristic feature lifestyle of lazy people or very sick people. And those who are engaged in work that does not require physical effort get sick more often.

What are the dangers of physical inactivity? As a result of a sedentary lifestyle, the activity of the heart is weakened and cardiovascular diseases occur; metabolism is disrupted, and as a result - overweight, obesity, which becomes a retaliatory blow to the heart; prematurely decrepit, degenerates muscle- this is already dystrophy; the central nervous system is overexcited and wears out. And all this in general leads to a decrease in the protective properties of the body, immunity, resistance to infections and mental stress, to various kinds of overloads, performance decreases and a person ages prematurely. Diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, and diabetes mellitus develop.

In your opinion, who suffers from diseases more, men or women?

If energy expenditure per 1 kg of body weight (proportional to the amount of physical activity) when driving an airplane is taken as 100%, then when washing dishes they are 131%, when washing small items - 224%, when ironing - 237%. It is estimated that the work of a nurse in a hospital requires no less energy than the work of a turner or welder. What practical advice can you give?

1. Movement should be fun.

2. When choosing a time for physical education and sports, be creative, do it every day before school or immediately after returning home.

H. Team up with friends and do exercises in any free time.

4. Don't be lazy.

5. Force yourself to walk.

6. When approaching the elevator, remember that there are stairs. From an early age you need to start the day with morning exercises. This is necessary in order to quickly move from sleep to wakefulness. But this is not sports training, which requires work with maximum loads.

Charging begins with stretching. This helps to “warm up” the muscles, joints and ligaments. Then you need to consistently perform exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle, torso and legs. The complexity of the movements first increases, then decreases. Usually morning exercises include breathing exercises, from 5-6 to 8-10 exercises for various groups muscles. Running in place and walking calm your breathing and normalize blood circulation. After charging, they recommend wiping or dousing, preferably with cold water, or a shower. It is useful to change sets of exercises every two weeks.

Don't neglect school lessons physical education. Is it necessary to spend time on various movements, seemingly elementary - walking, jumping, running? After all, everyone can do this from the age of two. The fact is that any exercise can be performed in different ways. Walking in formation is not the same as race walking or regular walking. Short and long distance running requires practice various techniques. There is no need to say that skating and skiing require special training. In two study hours a week, you can develop only certain skills, but in order to bring them to automaticity, physical education classes outside of class hours are necessary.

And in dynamic pauses, as they call the time of active recreation in the fresh air, outside of school hours, you will have the opportunity to consolidate the knowledge and skills that were learned in physical education lessons.

Sports activities. The main physical activity comes from playing sports. They contribute to the development of the musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems. Of great importance right choice type of sport. In this case, one must proceed from anatomical and physiological prerequisites, age, and state of health. For the vast majority of teenagers the best views sports are swimming, skiing, skating, sport games, in which almost all muscle groups of the body are involved in movement, which contributes to the harmonious development of the body. Recently, exercise machines and gymnastic devices for individual use have become increasingly popular. These are exercise bikes, “health walls”, treadmills, massagers and mini-exercise devices with gaming elements. They allow you to exercise all year round, regardless of weather conditions. Stick to the formula: sport for health, not health for sport.

Remember! It is necessary to devote 3-5 times a week to continuous physical exercise (not counting daily exercises or warm-ups), during which the heart rate should increase by at least 70-80% of the maximum possible for a given person. When choosing a sport, consult your doctor. Weightlifting can have an adverse effect on growth. Riding a bicycle contributes to the appearance of slouching and other postural disorders (do not confuse cycling with cycling).

So, The human body is created for movement. Movement - necessary condition development of your young body, his health, character and attractiveness. Movement is closely related to mood, with emotional state person. It relieves tension and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Don't forget about physical inactivity: a sedentary lifestyle, especially in youth, can lead to dire consequences. It leads to changes in the functions of all organs and to diseases, especially the cardiovascular system. Active movement is a healthy lifestyle.


There was such a song in a good old movie about sports, and in it such Nice words: « Toughen up! If you want to be healthy, try to do without doctors. Douse yourself with cold water if you want to be healthy.” And it’s true: in order to increase vitality and block the path of a cold to your body, you must harden yourself. A seasoned person gets sick much less often. Exposure to sun, air and water on the human body within reasonable limits, without overdose, is very beneficial.

Since ancient times, people have understood the need to use natural climatic hardening factors. In Rus', back in the 19th century, it was customary to take a steam bath and swim in an ice hole.

And the most useful means of hardening are the most natural ones: water, fresh air, sun rays. So in the same song, the trainer declares: “The sun, air and water are more beneficial for us against all diseases,” i.e. natural hardening factors. Water has the most valuable properties. It’s not for nothing that after the morning exercise lesson, the radio sounded: “Now start the water procedures!”

What happens in the human body during water procedures? Firstly, daily short-term cold rubbing or dousing relieves the feeling of fatigue, tiredness, restores vigor and good mood. Exposure to cold water causes the blood vessels in the skin to constrict, and part of the peripheral blood (skin vessels contain 30% of the blood) is squeezed out into the internal organs, including the brain. Therefore, dousing your hands and face with cold water 4-5 times, and the constriction of blood vessels that follows; a unique and useful gymnastics that increases performance. This is a unique and useful gymnastics that trains and strengthens the skin, improves nutrition and cell activity, which in turn leads to improved metabolism in the body.

Start water hardening better in summer. You should start by wiping with a damp towel soaked in water, the water temperature is 18-20 C, it is recommended to wipe the body for 2-3 minutes. Once you get used to this procedure, you can move on to dousing. First, pour water at room temperature, gradually lowering its temperature to 15 0C and below. The duration of the procedure increases from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Every 3-4 days add 5-10 seconds. After 2-3 months of systematic douches, the body will be ready for the next stage of hardening - a cold shower. In terms of its effect on the body, shower is a stronger remedy, since cold water During this procedure, it also has mechanical effects on the skin, as if massaging it. Water procedures are best done in the morning. Good remedy hardening - swimming in the sea, river, lake. Sea bathing is especially useful; it has a beneficial effect on the body. sea ​​water, sunlight and fresh air.

Remember! You need to swim in open water regularly, but you can start hardening at a water temperature of no lower than +18 °C, and an air temperature of not lower than 20 °C. The cooling effect of water or air on the body must exceed the warming effect. For hardening to have an effect, finish the procedure with a little chill. If you don’t have enough determination to immediately begin hardening with cold water, try first, every day, in the morning or evening, to dip your feet in a basin of cool water. Gradually reduce the water temperature and increase the procedure time. To begin with, soak your feet for a few seconds and wipe dry; later, when the temperature seems normal, you can keep your feet in the water for 2-3 minutes. You can place a basin of hot water next to you and dip your feet in either cold or cold water. hot water. And thus improve the thermoregulation mechanism of your body. Ask your grandfather or grandmother, and they will tell you how beneficial it is to regularly take a steam bath. Under the influence of steam high temperature, the skin cleanses and opens the pores, the body breathes easily, the muscles relax, accumulated fatigue is well relieved. But such water procedure Not for everyone, you should consult your doctor first.

Another invaluable gift of nature and a means of hardening is air, clean and invigorating. After a long stay indoors, it is best to take advantage of the healing and health benefits of fresh air. And the room needs to be ventilated from time to time, trying to avoid drafts. Even in winter, sleep with the window open, because fresh air improves sleep. And do your morning exercises not in your room, but on an open balcony or in the yard. It is recommended to start air hardening at a temperature of +20 °C, then gradually moving to a lower temperature. The first air bath should not exceed 20-30 minutes. In the future, the duration of this procedure can be increased by 10 minutes. Remember! Invaluable benefit in hardening is provided by leisure: walks, excursions, hiking trips (Fig. 4.6). No less than fresh air and water, the body needs sun rays. But be careful when sunbathing. You can sunbathe for the first time for no more than 3-5 minutes. Only by gradually increasing this time will the healing capabilities of ultraviolet radiation be used with the proper healing effect.

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