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It would seem, well, what kind of compass could there be? After all, it’s the 21st century outside, why is it needed? However, this universal device will always be used. You will need it when camping and in case your electronic navigation device does not work. In addition, the compass does not require recharging, its price is low and, moreover, it takes up minimal space.

How to use a compass correctly: instructions

For some reason, many people think that this device is too complicated and that in order to understand how it works, special knowledge will be required. In fact, this is not so - thanks to our tips you will learn how to use a compass.

What will you need? You won't be able to get by with just a compass, since you also need a map to determine the terrain. Only with it will you be able to understand where you need to go, and then determine the direction using a compass.

How does a compass work? First of all, you will see a scale with numbers and a magnetic needle. Why is an arrow needed? Its function is to point to the poles. But on the scale you will find several marks with degrees.

Where to begin? Just place it on your palm horizontal position, then bring your hand as close to your chest as possible. If you flip it vertically it won't show correct result. If you need to distract yourself and look at the map or do something, carefully place the compass on a flat surface, maybe even on the ground.

How to find directions? For example, if you want west, start turning it until the arrow points to the "North" mark on the graduation scale. The same applies to other directions. If you see that the needle is slightly off, give the compass a little more spin, as even a few degrees of misalignment can significantly change your direction and send you completely off track.

The main thing is to remember to constantly check the device, as it constantly changes readings. If you veer off course, you can tell by the direction of the magnetic needle.

How to use a compass on your mobile? It's as easy as shelling pears, because in this case you just need to turn your mobile phone at the right angle to determine the required indicators. There are several map apps you can download that will help you find what you need.

Compass in the forest. It is more difficult to use the gadget in such terrain, as you can easily get lost. To avoid getting lost, take a closer look at the area and remember some objects - for example, this one tall tree or lake.

Then you need to turn to this landmark and put the compass on your palm, remember its indicators or write them down. It is these indicators that you need to focus on when you return.

A high-quality, working compass will help you find your way back, but we still advise you to pay attention to the terrain and remember the road. Sometimes the gadget may deviate slightly from the course, it all depends on the type of terrain.

How to check the compass for serviceability?
Before you go on a trip, you need to make sure that the device is working properly. But how to do that? Bring a needle to the compass and you will see the needle begin to move. Then move the scissors away from the compass as quickly as possible and take a closer look at the arrow - it should return to the same position it was in before you brought them up.

Alas, a broken compass cannot be repaired and it is much easier to buy a new, working device.

Important rule: Never tilt the compass when using it, it will give the wrong result!

Before you go on a trip, we advise you to try the compass several times in familiar areas and learn how to use it. If you use our tips, you will be able to reach your destination and return back if necessary.

How to use a compass: video

If you don’t know how to use it yet, our video tips will help you. Thanks to them, you can clearly see how to understand the direction it shows and not get lost.

Men's online magazine website

Technological progress has abundantly provided modern travelers with the means of orientation on the ground. All kinds of navigators, transmitters and other geolocation devices practically eliminate not only the possibility, but even the hypothetical possibility of getting lost. Of course, there are still unexplored corners and brave pioneers left on the planet, but in most cases, forays into nature are limited to walking through the Crimean forests. Moreover, avid mushroom pickers, fishermen and hunters sometimes go deeper into the wilds. But even they can get their heads full of electronic devices.

And only one drawback prevents them from forever replacing traditional orienteering techniques: all new devices require power. Whereas the good old compass will not run out of charge and will not fail either in the forest or in the desert. In addition, it is very inexpensive (standard models), weighs little and takes up a lot of space in a backpack or pocket. In general, an ideal device for anyone who does not want to get lost on a hike. It is not at all necessary to abandon the achievements of modern technology, but it does not hurt to have a compass as a safety net. And for this you need to first learn how to use it.

Design and features of the compass
The first compasses were used by the Chinese in the 20th century AD, and since then this device has undergone many changes and improvements; marine and electronic compasses were created. But in a general sense, the concept of “compass” still means a structure consisting of a round base with markings, in the center of which there is a magnetic needle with two ends pointing to the North Magnetic and South Magnetic Poles of the Earth. If you place such a compass on a flat horizontal surface, the arrow will be positioned according to the line of force magnetic field.

One has only to move the compass, turn it against its axis, and the needle will begin to move and again take a position pointing to the magnetic poles. Thus, the owner of the compass always knows in which direction they are from him, and this is the kind of compass that everyone who at least occasionally finds themselves in the forest should acquire. If you already have a compass, but haven’t used it for a long time, it won’t hurt to check its serviceability. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Place the compass on a table or floor - a flat surface without slope. Wait until the arrow stops and freezes. Remember its position.
  2. Take any iron object (needle, scissors, steel spoon) and bring it to the compass. When a metal object approaches, the arrow will move.
  3. Quickly remove the object from the compass and take it further away. Look at the arrow: in a working compass, it will take the same position as at the beginning of the experiment. If the direction has changed, the compass will have to be thrown away; it is broken and cannot be used.
When buying a new compass, do not chase after additional functions that make the device heavier and increase the likelihood of failure (than more complex system– the more vulnerable it is), choose a standard tourist compass. But keep in mind that even a working magnetic device with a well-magnetized needle will produce an error if used near an electrical substation or railway.

Orientation by compass in the forest
So, the compass has been checked, along with everything you need, it is packed in a backpack, and you go hiking/hunting/fishing. Experienced tourists are aware of all the intricacies of handling physical equipment, and for beginners we provide detailed guide to action:
As you can see, learning to use a compass in the forest is not difficult, especially if you have at least elementary representations about physics and geography. But even the most reasonable people may make mistakes, the most common of which is turning the compass instead of turning itself. Such actions will only complicate your task, and you will still have to turn your body around to clarify the instrument readings.

It is incorrect, and even dangerous, to try to navigate the terrain using a tilted compass. Its needle always tries to take a position along the magnetic lines of the planet, but if you do not hold the compass horizontally, then it cannot rotate freely and even risks getting stuck. And, since the blue compass needle points to the magnetic, not the geographic pole of the Earth, this should be taken into account when using the compass simultaneously with a map of the area. As well as the fact that iron ore deposits and large industrial facilities can affect the operation of the device.

In such “anomalous” zones, the compass may behave in the most unexpected way, and the needle may begin to rotate chaotically. In this case, do not panic, but move away some distance and try to navigate using the compass again. And make sure that you do not hold metal objects (a knife or a flashlight) in your hand that will throw the arrow off the right direction. These basic rules will help you not get lost in the forest and find your way back using a simple magnetic compass.

The compass determines the cardinal directions and makes it possible to reach an object along the selected azimuth. The device may be needed if a person gets lost in the forest, mountains or other area.

Tourists and mushroom pickers often take only a smartphone with them. If the network is lost, the phone becomes useless. The compass shows the cardinal directions in any weather, it is easy to use and does not weigh much.

Rules for orienteering by compass

A magnetic compass is a box covered with glass. Inside the case there is a circular scale with graduation from 0 to 360°. In the center of the circle is an axis on which the arrow rotates freely. The red end points to the south, the blue to the north.

The zero mark on the scale must be aligned with the north direction. If this is not done, all azimuth measurements will be incorrect. Azimuth is the angle between the direction north and the direction towards the object (clockwise).

When using a compass, you need to move away from metal objects (cars, motorcycles, power lines), and remove iron objects away. Otherwise, the compass will show the wrong direction.

The difficulty of orientation in the forest depends on the terrain. The easiest way to walk is through mountainous, forested areas, as there are rocks and peaks. Rising higher, you can see rivers, city lights, and other landmarks.

If the terrain is flat or slightly hilly, and the forest is dense, you need to often check the compass and choose at least some beacons for movement.

It is most difficult to maintain direction on a cloudy day on flat ground.

It is difficult to move straight through the steppe and tundra overgrown with bushes.

Moving through the forest without a compass, you can end up in the same place you left from. The circumference depends on the step length and is 3-10 km. To prevent this from happening, you should constantly check your compass.

📝 How to create an accurate route in azimuth without maps

A magnetic compass allows you to build an accurate route without a map. This can be done using azimuths.

Suppose a person is standing on the bank of a river, wants to go into the forest and return in the evening.

For this:

  1. They enter the forest and stand with their backs to the starting point (to the shore).
  2. Release the arrow clamp and place the compass on your open palm.
  3. Align the northern end of the arrow with the zero of the scale.
  4. Draw an imaginary straight line through the center of the compass towards the forest (or use a sighting device) and look at the value on the scale. This is direct azimuth, the direction of movement.
  5. To go back, take out a compass, find north and align it with zero.
  6. At the other end of the line drawn through the center of the arrow and the forward azimuth is the back azimuth value. Reverse azimuth (direction towards the river) differs from direct azimuth by 180 degrees.

If you need to build a complex route, use a notepad, a protractor and count the steps. The average step length is measured empirically. On the ground, for convenience, they count pairs of steps.

  • The standing point is marked on a sheet of paper, the azimuth is plotted with a protractor (north is at the top of the sketch) and a line is drawn for the direction of movement.
  • They move across the terrain in azimuth, counting a couple of steps.
  • Having reached the desired point, write down the number of steps and mark it on the sketch.
  • Visually determine another distant landmark, take an azimuth and move to the next point.

With experience, you can create a route with an error of no more than 2-3 degrees. To go back, it is enough to take return azimuths and count the steps.

What types of compasses are there?

According to the principle of operation, compasses are divided into 2 groups - magnetic and non-magnetic. Non-magnetic ones include electromagnetic, electronic compasses and gyrocompasses.

Type of compasses


Magnetic The principle of operation of the device: a needle made of magnetized steel is automatically installed parallel to the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field, so one end points to the north, the other to the south.

Types of magnetic compasses: geological, tourist, mountain, mining-geological and others.

Electromagnetic The compass is an electric generator. The frames with windings are the rotor, the stator is the Earth's magnetic field.

When an airplane or ship moves in the planet's magnetic field, a disturbance occurs. The voltage ratio indicates the course to the north and allows you to select the azimuth of movement.

Gyro-compass A gyrocompass is a mechanical device that shows the direction of the geographic meridian. The main element of the compass is a gyroscope (one or more). In calculations, the device uses data from the Earth's rotation.
Electronic The compass determines coordinates using satellite navigation data. Information is displayed on your own or external display. The device transmits values ​​to the autopilot, radar, telephone and other devices. An electronic compass may or may not use GPS signals.

Checking the functionality of the magnetic compass

The compass works unstably in an alternating magnetic field created by industrial equipment, in factory floors, and above iron ore deposits. For normal operation of the device, it is enough to leave such a place.

If you bring a metal object to the compass, the arrow will point to it. If the object is removed, it will point north. This can be done several times. If the arrow returns to the same direction, the device is working properly.

The correct operation of the magnetic compass is checked using a telephone. If you have access to the Internet, turn on a navigator or other program that shows the cardinal directions. The compass and phone are placed side by side and the directions of the arrows are compared.

What to do if the compass breaks in the forest

If the compass fails in the forest, you can determine the cardinal directions by the sun, stars, and moon.

There are other signs for navigation in the forest. So, on the south side the tree crowns are more lush. On the southern slopes the forest is higher and denser.

There is more moss and lichen on the north side of the trunk or boulder (but in dense forest the differences are not noticeable). You can feel the moss; it is wetter in the north. The large anthill has a gentle southern slope and a steep northern slope.

⌚ Orientation by the Sun and clock

  1. The watch is placed on a horizontal surface. Hour hand are directed towards the Sun. The angle between the hour hand and number 2 (in winter - number 1) is divided in half. This line indicates the north-south direction.
  2. If you stand facing north, south will be behind you, west will be on your left, and east will be on your right. At 12 noon the sun is in the south. The clock should be set according to local time. Before noon they divide the left corner, after noon - the right.
  3. Orientation by the shadow of a pole (gnomon). A stick up to a meter long is stuck vertically into the ground and the end of the shadow is marked with a peg. After 15-25 minutes, mark the second position of the shadow (also with a peg).
  4. The marks are connected by a straight line, which will indicate the east-west direction. A perpendicular drawn from the line will show the north-south direction.

In some regions, winter and summer time changed annually, but now this is not done. IN last years regions and territories were united and time zones changed. Therefore, the sun may be in the south not at 12, but at 11 or 13 o'clock. This can be clarified using a compass.

📹 Orientation by the stars - video

To navigate by the stars in the northern hemisphere, you need to know what the constellations Major and Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia and Orion. The task is to find the North Star, which is motionless relative to other luminaries. A perpendicular to the horizon is drawn from the star, which will point to magnetic north.

Search by constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Extending the line from the two outermost stars of the Ursa Major bucket (Dubhe and Meraka), plot 5 distances between these objects and find the North Star. It is located at the end of the “handle” of the Ursa Minor bucket.

Orientation by the constellation Cassiopeia. The constellation looks like a carelessly drawn letter M. First you need to extend the outermost elements of the letter M so that the lines intersect at one point. We connect it with the central star (Navi) and continue the line further. The most bright star on this line is the North Star.

Search by constellation Orion. The central star of Orion's belt (Altzilam) and lambda (λ) Orion (located above Betelgeuse and Bellatrix) are connected by a line. The North Star lies on this line.

📹 Video - how to navigate by the stars at night

🌗 Moon orientation

To determine whether the Moon is waxing or waning, draw a vertical line next to the crescent. The waxing one forms the letter R with a straight line. The sickle, reminiscent of the letter C, indicates that the Moon is aging. It must be said that in the southern hemisphere everything will be exactly the opposite.

Let's look at orientation using an example:

  1. We divide the lunar disk into 12 parts and see how many divisions are filled with light. For example, 7 parts out of 12 are illuminated.
  2. We look at the clock, which shows 19 o'clock exactly.
  3. Since the moon is waxing, we subtract 5 from 19 and get 12.
  4. At 12 noon, the Sun will be on the line connecting the Moon to the Earth and due south.
  5. If the moon were aging, then 7 would be added to 19.

The Full Moon is in the south at midnight, in the east at 7 p.m., and in the west at 7-8 a.m.

👍 Simple DIY compass

Making a homemade compass is not difficult. Suitable materials for this are materials that can be found at home, in a hiking backpack, in a hunting hut, and even in a landfill.

  • Water is poured into a saucer. A hole in a stone or a puddle of standing water will do.
  • Take a steel needle for hand sewing and vigorously rub it with a steel knife, scissor blades or coarse fabric (jeans, broadcloth, cotton). During friction, the needle becomes magnetized.
  • A tree leaf is placed in a container with water, and a needle is placed on it. The leaf spinning will quickly stop.
  • One end of the needle will point to magnetic north, the opposite end to the south pole.

Instead of a sheet, you can use a piece of paper or a wine cork. Instead of placing the needle on top, you can pierce the float with it. A piece of steel wire is also suitable for making a compass.

It is quite easy to get lost in the forest or in unfamiliar places. In fact, sometimes this happens even within the city. A compass will help you find your way out without a map if you get lost. But not everyone knows how to learn how to properly use this device on the ground, because brief instructions according to application, it does not always come with a compass.

In order to have basic survival and navigation skills, it is worth learning the rules for using a compass at home, in an apartment, and only after that go into the forests and test your strength in real conditions.

Nowadays it is not at all necessary to buy a large tourist compass. Just download it from mobile phone, and operating system it doesn't matter - it can be Android or iOS. If we talk about iPhone 5s, 6s and other versions, then the standard Compass application is already built into it. After starting the program, you need to calibrate it using turns or rotations. When the process is complete, the arrow will indicate the direction of magnetic north.

A detailed guide in this case is equal to a short one. At first, everyone will see four directions - north, south, east and west. The white arrow indicates where you are looking right now. To find the north, you need to stand so that the white arrow and the red one near the north connect.

If you need to go in one direction, set it on your smartphone and fix it on the screen, then the compass will indicate the slightest deviations from the course. By synchronizing with maps it is easy to determine your exact location in. To do this, just click on the bottom of the screen, but before that turn on the Internet and geolocation. A telephone compass, like any digital one (for example, on a smart watch), operates with an error.

Xiaomi, Honor 9 or Samsung phones have a separate built-in GPS navigation function. It works simply: by activating it, you can see in which direction the phone is turned this moment. The information is displayed on the map, and this helps you navigate the area.

You can download additional applications with a compass from the Play Market that will indicate the direction of the world and coordinates, for example, “Compass 360”, “Smart Compass” or “Accurate Compass”.

An army or artillery compass is the most reliable. It comes in two types: with a lens and a string or on a board. The first option gives more accurate data, but both types are the same in use. The main thing is to hold the compass correctly. There are two techniques for this - central grip or “to the cheek”.

With a central grip on the compass you need to:

  • open the lid, which should create a straight line;
  • move the rear sight to clear the dial;
  • spread your elbows in different directions, place the device at chest level;
  • point at the object and look at the azimuth readings under the motionless black line.

In the second option, you need to open the lid vertically, move the rear sight forward, align the front sight through the sighting slot, and set the azimuth value through the peephole. After this, note the degree readings, then rotate the device until the line coincides with the north. Just in case, double-check the readings.

Compass performance is affected by nearby metal objects and damage.

In general, there are compasses great amount- liquid, engineering, tablet, solar, geological, for children and with a clinometer, but they work on the same principle and the data shows approximately the same.

The main division is by type: mechanical and electronic. Mechanical ones have a magnetized arrow pointing to the north, and an electronic device consists of several components, so not only the direction of the world is indicated, but also other information.

Electronic includes several more types - indicating radio devices, with a description additional information(degrees, exact coordinates, nearby objects), with connection to satellites, which allows you to receive the most accurate information. Sometimes compasses develop into large systems, such as, for example, one of the most professional of this kind - “Electrician”. It is used for designing and issuing documents.

By type of application, the following compasses are distinguished:

  • tourist (“Tourist 2”, “Gk2”), where there is a magnetized needle, sometimes with liquid filling (“Pathfinder”);
  • military - very similar to the tourist one, but it also has a ruler, a sight, a magnifying lens, and can even be used under water;
  • geological, where the division goes counterclockwise, there is a clinometer;
  • astronomical - helps you navigate by the stars at night time;
  • engineering - used when creating projects of buildings and premises (engineer directional compass);
  • gyroscopic - directs to the real pole, used in air or water;
  • compass - used by surveyors, and sometimes for directing artillery fire.

It is noteworthy that many followers of Feng Shui practice use a compass at home to determine the cardinal directions and correctly arrange furniture. It can be an ordinary tourist compass, American, with a mirror, but a special one is better - a burst.

It will be enough to navigate the city mobile application, but when hiking in the forest or at a campsite, a military or tourist compass is suitable.

It would seem that in the age of advanced technology, no one needs to know how to use a compass; everyone has GPS devices that are more accurate and easier to use. But still, an old, proven device with a magnetic needle is much more reliable, because the navigator can run out of power, break, and also stop working due to a weak signal.

It's easy to get lost in the forest

Not having alternative way orientation, it’s easy to get lost even in a familiar forest. Man is created in such a way that he has one leading leg (like his arm), and therefore the steps of this leg are longer, while the other leg is shorter, and instead of walking straight, the tourist walks in a circle.

Loss of orientation can also become a problem. If you deviate from the intended path, uncontrollable fear may arise, panic will set in, and it will be difficult to reason logically and make the right decisions. Having a compass, a traveler can easily avoid these dangers.

Compass device

Before you learn how to use a compass, you should understand what parts it consists of and how it works. The main parts of this device are as follows:

  • Base body. It usually has a flat and solid bottom, often rectangular, so that it is easy to place flat on the surface, as well as to draw straight lines on the map. Sometimes divisions are applied to the body, like on a ruler.
  • Round capsule with shock-absorbing liquid, in which there is a freely rotating arrow.
  • compass needle- a magnetic strip of metal mounted on a thin axis, almost without friction. One end, which points north, is painted.
  • Marking cardinal directions. It can be applied either to the disc under the arrow or to a special rotating ring around it (bezel). The circle is divided into 360 degrees, on it there are English letter designations for parts of the world: south (S), west (W), east (E), and north (N) is located at the zero mark. The cardinal directions can also be indicated in Russian letters - SYUZV.
  • Intermediate cardinal directions can often be indicated by letters.: northeast (NE or NE), northwest (NW or NW), southeast (SE or SE), southwest (SW or SW).
  • On models with a bezel there is also direction indicator arrow. When taking a bearing using the compass, you can align it with the magnetic needle or then direct it to a landmark.
  • Arretir - small lever, which can be used to fix the compass needle.

The so-called tablet compass is mounted on a transparent rectangular base with linear markings, with which you can easily and accurately calculate distances from a map. Often also equipped magnifying glass for examining small details of maps.

The most complex configurations are military orienteering devices, which are more durable and functional. They are distinguished by a one-piece case with a hermetically sealed glass lid and a glow-in-the-dark dial. They can have a built-in clinometer for calculating the inclination of the plane, a thread for attaching to a tripod, and a bubble level.

In addition, there are specialized professional compasses, for example, geological or gyroscopic, which are installed on airplanes and ships. This complex navigation device has the highest stability, works reliably in difficult conditions, and most importantly, shows not the magnetic pole of the Earth, but the real geographic one.

Geographic north and magnetic pole

Those who want to seriously learn how to walk with a compass need to understand several geographical terms. For example, there are three concepts of “north”. “True North” is located at the geographic point of the planet’s pole; it does not play a role in navigation. What is important is the “magnetic north pole”, to which the compass needle reacts, and it is constantly shifting in the Earth’s magnetic field. And the third north is the “conditional north” on the map, unlike the first two, it is not a point, but a line throughout top edge cards.

In addition, there is the concept of “magnetic declination”. This is the angle between the directions to the geographic and magnetic poles of the Earth. If the magnetic pole is shifted to the east from the true one, then the declination is considered positive, if to the west, then negative. Exact values declinations can currently be found for each point on the globe using special online calculators.

Navigation by compass

In practice, using a magnetic orientation device is not as difficult as it seems. The following instructions will help you master the skills:

  • Determine the landmark in which direction to go and stand facing it.
  • Place the compass strictly horizontally on your palm, holding it in front of you at chest level.
  • Look where the red end of the arrow is pointing - north is in that direction.
  • Turn the compass or turning ring so that this end of the arrow is aligned with zero point scales.
  • Point the indicator arrow at your landmark and see which way to go. This process is called bearing, or determining azimuth.

Use with card

The compass is convenient to use together with a map of the area. It is important that the map displays the entire region where the hike is taking place, preferably with a small margin.

To get directions on the map, you need to do the following:

  • Lay the map out on a flat surface, north facing up. Place the device on the top of the tablet, making sure there is nothing metal nearby.
  • Draw on the map point A, the location of your current deployment, and point B, which you need to get to, and draw a line between them. Knowing the scale, use a ruler and calculate how many kilometers you plan to walk.
  • Rotate the compass marking so that north coincides with north on the map, and position it above the drawn line. Look at the numbers and write down how many degrees the path deviated from the north direction. This will be the azimuth.

Align the arrow indicating the direction with the azimuth, remove the map and set off, holding the compass in front of you.

Avoiding obstacles

Don't panic when you have to deviate from the set course. If you know how to use a compass correctly, it will help you calmly get around any object and return to your chosen route. You will need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Stop in front of the obstacle and take another bearing.
  • Determine which side is more convenient to get around the obstacle. If the detour is on the right, add 90 degrees to the azimuth; if on the left, then subtract 90 degrees. Let's say the azimuth was 170. Then the new value will be 80 or 260 degrees.
  • Move in a new direction, counting the number of steps until the obstacle is completed. Then turn around 180 degrees and walk the same number of steps in the opposite direction to return to your original path.
  • Having returned to it, orient yourself again to the cardinal directions on the compass and continue moving along the azimuth corresponding to the picture on the map.

Of course, all these simple techniques require the development of a certain skill. To ensure confident use of the compass when hiking in unfamiliar terrain, you will have to practice several times in familiar terrain.

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