Home Removal 100 to 1 why the cat fears for his life. Interesting facts about why cats wash themselves so often

100 to 1 why the cat fears for his life. Interesting facts about why cats wash themselves so often

In unbearably beautiful Oslo, snow and heads are falling from shoulders. The victims are blondes who were not good enough mothers. Ominous snowmen with coffee beans instead of teeth grow in front of their houses. In the gazebo on the playground, the hungover detective Harry Hole (Michael Fassbender) wakes up and for the first time in for a long time his Blue eyes They look at the world with optimism: they finally have a job. True, someone distracts her from her all the time: either her former lover and gallerist (Charlotte Gainsbourg) with her son Oleg, or her new partner with demons in her head (Rebecca Ferguson). Since the search for the maniac has been going on for more than a decade, two more super-sleuths, played by Val Kilmer and Toby Jones, appear in flashbacks. There's also an alternately funny and scary billionaire with a love for shades of gray (JK Simmons). And Chloe Sevigny in two roles at once.

The first novel by Norwegian writer Jo Nesbø about detective Harry Hole turns 20 this year, but it seems that a gift in the form of a film franchise will not work out. Viewer rating on Rotten Tomatoes- 21%, rating from critics - 8%, and box office in America for the whole month amounted to about 7 million dollars - against 75 for “The Girl on the Train” and 102 for “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”. And the point is not that there are only girls in detective stories, but the merciless compression of meanings that the screenwriters of the film subjected Jo Nesbe’s book to. From Harry's biography, his younger sister with Down syndrome disappeared, which made him a humane hero compared to other superman detectives. At least one very noticeable character played by a great actor in the film will simply be superfluous: because of him, you expect a grandiose conspiracy from the story in the spirit of James Ellroy’s “Black Orchid,” but in the end you get a soap bubble. In the finale, the promising intrigue boils down to a textbook meeting between the detective and the maniac, whose motives were explained to us in the opening scene. Good director Tomas Alfredson (author of either the children's or non-children's fantasy horror Let Me In and the multi-figure and multi-genre puzzle Tailor Tailor Soldier Spy) explains his creative failure simply and honestly: filming began very quickly and ended even faster; expedition to Norway began without ready-made script, and on the assembly table it turned out that the puzzle was missing 10-15% of the parts. In the end, during editing, even the cameo of Jo Nesbø himself was cut out of the film - what can we say about the less important scenes.

All these troubles, however, do not change the fact that “The Snowman” is an elegant, charismatic and, right up to the finale, simply interesting movie. It has the notorious chthonic horror of a Scandinavian detective story: the rivers here freeze only so that someone can fall under them - and “Let Me In”, the city streets are empty so early because polite residents are rushing to meetings of their secret sects, black masses and other orgies, and children's games certainly lead to blood. Behind big capital there are crimes that the characters never dreamed of American tragedies 20th century. There is a maniac in the family, and there is a skeleton in the closet. Even children are born guilty of something, so screenwriters and writers do not hesitate to kill either babies (“Thelma”) or teenagers (“Let Me In”). Between men and goes by women an undeclared war in which (remember the trilogy of the Swede Stieg Larsson) both are raped and dismembered. They are forced to wage this war among themselves even goodies- for example, the characters of Rebecca Ferguson and Michael Fassbender. Your lifestyle characters Scandinavian noirs were clearly borrowed from their American counterparts in the fiction of the 40s and 50s. But residents of Sweden and Norway find many more reasons to drink heavily, listen to music on records, live in large but uncomfortable apartments and sleep with a gun under their pillow. Scandinavia is so prosperous that local prose simply obliges the heroes to either descend to hell, or climb Jacob's ladder, or enter Valhalla. “The Snowman”, no matter how you treat it, conveys this mood very accurately - and greatly decorates the New Year’s bustle outside the window.

The second reason to forgive this film for its endless shortcomings is the acting, with Michael Fassbender as a bitter alcoholic being somewhere at the bottom of the list. In the beginning is the wonderful Rebecca Ferguson, whose heroine suddenly finds much more reason to have her own franchise like Top of the Lake. Following her are Val Kilmer and Toby Jones, who managed to turn the terrible duel of their heroes into almost a stand-up battle. Then there's J.K. Simmons, promoted from restaurant manager in La La Land to multi-billionaire. And Charlotte Gainsbourg, who is very good at saying the phrase “Go and kill.”

And the third reason is for the time being (because the ending of this film still cannot be forgiven) the masterly combination of the laws of Scandinavian prose and American cinema. The landscapes, the faces of the characters, the surveillance and attack scenes in The Snowman are shot with the temperament of Hitchcock, Polanski and Brian De Palma, and there is a suspicion that if Martin Scorsese had been the director of the film (as planned), no one would have noticed the substitution.

So it’s a shame that this “Snowman” wasn’t made entirely. But if in your own childhood you liked the process of sculpting, and the incompleteness of the next masterpiece (let’s say your parents called you home ahead of time) did not bring terrible pain later, then you can get along with this film.

Greetings, cat fans. Today I will do short review behavior characteristic only of cats, and many more why about cats. One hundred “why?” about cats.

After all, you must agree that there is something in the behavior of cats that other representatives of the fauna do not have. Well, for example, why do cats purr or why does the cat trample you with your paws? And it’s these features that make them so cute and funny to us.

Of course, I won’t answer a hundred reasons about cats in this article, but here are the most distinctive features I will describe the behavior. Briefly, touching on the essence.

Why cats

And I’ll start, perhaps, with their most important feature - purring..

  • why do cats purr

A cat purrs when it feels good and when it enjoys itself and they are in a great mood: in anticipation of a delicious dinner when you pet it. When a mother cat feeds her kittens, showing that she is nearby, and the kittens respond in kind, everything is fine with them and they eat. Cats also heal themselves by purring. Read more...

  • the cat tramples its paws

This instinct is also associated with pleasure and comes from “milk” childhood and is also associated with pleasure when kittens move their paws to squeeze milk from the nipples of a nursing mother. Mature cats trample a person with their paws, indicating that they are in a good mood and are clinging, as it were, to the chest. And cats trample the blanket. They were not always domestic and in the field they had to sleep on hard things. By moving, the cats seem to be fluffing up their feather bed for sleeping and marking their territory, since there are special glands on their paws with a characteristic odor. ...

  • cats lick their fur

Licking your fur with your tongue is not only a means of hygiene, but also maintaining mental balance. You've probably noticed that after a fall or some kind of stress, cats begin to lick themselves.

  • the cat licks your face or hair

This is a manifestation of maternal care for you. When a kitten is born, the cat immediately begins to lick it. And they themselves were clean. Why not wash your beloved owner too.

  • cats lick window frames, plastic bags and other objects

Apparently these objects have a smell that cats can detect, which they are trying to explore in this way.

  • cats scratch window frames

In this way they check whether there is a barrier with the existing one on the other side of the glass.

Why do cats hit their heads on a person's leg?

This is another way to show affection and affection. And on top of that, they will also leave their “business card”, that is, the smell. In the same way, they express their feelings towards other representatives of the animal world, for example... horses.

  • cats rub against furniture, table legs, corners

In this way, they mark their territory and property with special glands that are located on the head, on the sides of the head, on the tail and on the paws. Read more…

  • cats "wince" when they smell something interesting

If a cat is interested in some smell, then it winces and raises upper lip to take deeper breaths. The smell ends up on Jacobson's organ for further study.

  • cats bury their feces

This is not so much an instinct for cleanliness as an instinct for self-preservation. By burying the results of their vital activity, cats remove all their reminders to a potential enemy, as well as to a future victim. After all, cats are small predators.

Why do cats bury their food bowl?

There are two explanations for this. Either the cat is already full and leaves food in reserve, or she doesn’t like the food, or it’s no longer fresh. Poisoning in cats .

  • Do cats pull food from the bowl onto the floor?

Most likely due to the inconvenience of the bowl. Apparently you chose the wrong bowl and the cat doesn’t like it. Cats like to eat from dishes like this when all the pieces of food are accessible to their tongue. What could be better than gender? Only the right bowl !

  • cats sometimes hide their toys in their food bowl

A cat's feeding area is their natural territory and is safe for their favorite things.

  • cats love to drink tap water

When it comes to water and food, cats love everything fresh. In their opinion, water from a tap or from a large container seems fresher than in a bowl. Read drinking fountain for cats.

  • cats bring you mice

This can be both a sign of gratitude and a sign that you are an incompetent mouse hunter and may be left without food. Or it is possible that the cat brought the prey home in reserve, just in case.

  • cats crouch when they see a bird

When cats hunt, they crouch several times, which is a signal to attack and concentrate on the target. And if you miss, it’s a sign of disappointment. It's like with people when we throw up our hands.

  • cats rush at a person's legs and bite

Well, where can a cat sitting at home show its hunting instinct if not to suddenly pounce on a leg? Apparently you don’t spend much time playing active games with your cat. Bows, laces, fishing rods - let everything go into use, then your legs will be intact.

  • cats, passing by others, begin to move slowly

Cats are territorial animals. Therefore, if they are on foreign territory, they try to pass as if unnoticed, while averting their gaze.

  • cats don't like to bathe

Cats are not afraid of water, because they are excellent fishermen and can swim well. First of all, they are afraid of the consequences after swimming. When they are doused with water and held tightly, they consider it violence. How to teach a cat to bathe

  • cats hide when they are sick

Illness is, first of all, weakness. And the instinct of self-preservation tells them that they can become prey themselves. But a wild representative of the cat family - a leopard, if it is wounded or sick, can even become a cannibal. Read it if interested.

  • cats tear furniture and wallpaper

They sharpen their claws. And even if there are several claw-pullers and claw-scratchers in the house, some stubbornly continue to tear up wallpaper and furniture. Most likely, your pet is a creepy owner and is trying to leave a mark, since there are glands on the paw pads.

  • cats lightly bite the skin and hold it

When cats are in a good mood, they may gently pinch your skin between their teeth and hold it briefly. Think of it as a cat kiss.

  • a cat, if you pet it for a long time, can scratch and bite

She's tired of you. If you didn’t notice the first warning signs, it’s your own fault. It really happens that you touched a sore spot on your cat. This is where diagnostics are needed.

  • cats often go to those who don't like them

Such people usually sit quietly so as not to attract the attention of the feline creature. And cats perceive this as a sign of favor. Doesn't move, doesn't hiss, doesn't shake or wrinkle - that means he's a friend.

  • cats “intervene” in a telephone conversation

Yes, simply by not seeing your interlocutor, the cat believes that you are talking to it. Video about cats: cat and phone

Here are the answers to some who do this. By the way, if you are still wondering about “why cats? " . .. are doing something, then read the entries in the diary of the domestic cat.

Source: cats-burg.ru

Cat owners often notice that their pets like to hide their food. They can be seen scratching the floor around the bowl with their front paw as they try to bury. Sometimes they even push the bowl with their nose towards a secluded place. Such actions sometimes seem funny. The most common reason is that animals do this when they don't like their food. To answer the question of why cats bury food, we must consider other explanations for what is happening.

The main reasons for burying food

The act of carefully wanting to hide food comes from the historical characteristics of cats. Cat food may smell the same to humans, but cats are great at distinguishing their own waste from that of others thanks to unique chemical odor markers called pheromones.

The situation with instilling tasty treats for cats is very typical.

Lack of food

One of the common reasons is the pet's malnutrition and lack of food for it. The survival instinct forces him to stockpile. The implementation of instinct by burying indicates the animal’s desire to ensure its safety in the future.

This behavior is especially common for cats that have had experience of long periods of starvation, for example, for those who were previously homeless.

Important! Digging on the floor may indicate that the animal is not getting enough to eat. You should pay attention when the animal is digging on the floor near an empty bowl.

The cause can be not only a lack of food, but also an excess of food. This is how the pet tries to hide excess food in reserve.

Unpleasant smell

Another reason is that the food offered is of poor quality and has bad smell. The pet deals with such food simply as with waste, disposing of it - burying it.

This fulfills the animal’s need to maintain cleanliness, since its food must always be fresh and smell delicious.

A smell they don’t like allows the animal to conclude that it is unsuitable for consumption. The cat is trying to get rid of foul-smelling food.

Important! Odors may be individual characteristics specific pet. Some individuals do not like certain aromas, which for others will, on the contrary, be attractive. It all depends on subjective preferences.

An unpleasant odor can be off-putting for your pet.

Bad food

Trying to bury or hide food is an innate behavior of cats. The most obvious explanation for why a cat buries his food bowl is that he simply doesn't like the food. Each feline sniffs food before consuming it. The answer is clear: if he wants to rake the floor near the bowl, the pet simply does not like what the owner has prepared for him.

The food that the owner has prepared for his pet may not be appetizing enough for him. Or he just doesn't like the way she smells. In any case, the mustachioed person shows by his behavior that his nutrition is not good enough for him.

Burying is a way of expressing disapproval of a change in diet. This is not surprising, because cats are often picky about their food and fuss about it. Changes in diet and diet can upset their appetite and make them want to get rid of the diet they don't like.

Bad food can make you want to get rid of it


We should not forget about this important reason, as the pet's health status. If the animal is stressed, bad feeling, then it will be poor appetite. It is quite possible that this can lead to the animal not being interested in food and trying to bury it. If the owner suspects that the cat is sick or stressed, it is worth scheduling a visit to the veterinarian.


Instincts are genetically determined forms of animal behavior that are carried out under the influence of biological needs.

One popular explanation for cat burying behavior is that cats instinctively try to hoard food for future use. This natural animal behavior is also observed in other members of the cat family, such as lynxes and leopards.

For your information! Burying half-eaten food was first documented by the English writer D. D. Wood, who wrote a book called An Illustrated Natural History in 1853. In this book, he described the behavior of his cat named Pret. He wrote that his cat covered the remains with a piece of paper or tablecloth.

This habit of storing food for future use is thought to be common even in indoor-bred cats. Although pets are not scavengers like their big wild cousins, they still try to hide their food from others with the intention of returning and finishing the meal later.

This behavior is especially true for cats that live in multi-pet households. Experts explain that cats that are part of a household will hide their food in order to preserve it for future consumption from strangers.

The most common reason for this behavior is related to the instinct of ensuring security in the future.

And others

Another reason may be the desire to avoid paying attention to your diet. IN wildlife representatives of felines bury their food so that predators do not smell it. Consequently, they avoid surveillance from their enemies. The scent can give larger animals such as coyotes, foxes and mountain lions a chance to find them. By hiding their food, cats try to eliminate this possibility.

Hiding waste is one way for cats to avoid attracting the attention of predators, which also protects kittens from unwanted attention from enemies.

The next reason is that you don’t like the bowl. Cats are clean creatures who don't like being around anything dirty. They hate dirt when they feed from a bowl that is poorly cleaned or smells bad.

If a cat constantly hides his food, this may be due to a lack of cleanliness in the place where food is eaten and where dishes are placed. Perhaps the animal is disgusted that the bowl is not clean enough. Therefore, you should make sure that the dish is washed well, and then the cat will calm down and begin to behave normally.

Note! If the bowl is never washed, then this fact becomes the only reason why the cat buries the bowl of food.

Options for how to wean a cat from burying a bowl of food

There are many options for weaning an animal from burying. Need to deal with possible reasons such behavior, and then follow the basic advice:

  • give food often, but in smaller portions; you need to monitor what and how much your pet eats;
  • you can distract your pet with a game if the owner sees that he is starting to hide his treat;
  • You should not leave the bowl when the animal has eaten. It is better to remove the cup, clean the floor and simply refresh the cup of water;
  • It is important to regularly wash and scrub the bowl itself to remove any residue;
  • you need to check whether the cat likes the selected brand of food;
  • Do not place the eating area near the pet’s toilet.

To wean an animal from bad habit, you need to understand the reasons

Improve your cat's nutrition

Cats are very picky about what they eat. To wean the habit of burying food, you should adjust your diet. Basic tips:

  • choose one good and high-quality brand of cat food manufacturer and stick to it in the future;
  • Organize meals several times a day set time in small doses so that no waste remains;
  • reheat if necessary to increase appetite;
  • you can pour chicken broth over the food to make it more attractive to your pet;
  • It doesn't hurt to add a small amount of strong-smelling cheese to pique your pet's interest.

For your information! If all else fails, then you should go to wet food. Sudden changes in diet without warning can cause stomach upset.

Washing the bowl

Washing the bowl is important factor keeping your pet's dining area clean. Cats are very picky about the order around them, especially when eating.

A dirty bowl with leftovers from your last meal can be a source of disgust. The cat recognizes such food as garbage, which it will not eat. In an attempt to get rid of garbage, the animal will bury the bowl.

Important! Do not wash the bowl with strong smelling chemicals(household products), which can also discourage the pet from eating food. It is better to use regular laundry soap for these purposes.

It is preferable to use stainless steel utensils, since food debris can be easily removed from its walls. Plastic utensils absorb odors, and scratched surfaces can trap food residue.

Washing the bowl is the key to keeping your cat clean.

Comfortable place to eat

If your pet doesn't like the place where the food bowl is located, this fact will cause him discomfort when eating. The animal does not feel safe. The factor that is negative should be identified and eliminated. This may be: foreign or unpleasant odor, uncomfortable temperature. Adjustments should also be made to environment, for example, change the location of the bowl.

Finally, why do pets bury their food? This is a survival instinct. Wild animals hunt and kill prey, eat food and hide the leftovers. According to the pet, food served in a bowl is no different from the fresh version. If he is not hungry enough to finish his meal, he will hide the evidence and hide it. Hiding food is a common cat behavior and is usually harmless. If the owner is interested in weaning his pet from such a habit, then it is enough to use the advice from this article.

I am sure that the problem of HIV is a pressing topic for all of humanity. And the more HIV-positive people become, the more acute it becomes. And it's not even about HIV. There are still quite a few other diseases and conditions when a person is faced with the question of loneliness and finding a partner - any other chronic and incurable diseases or disabilities. In these situations, it is difficult for any person to find a partner. And it doesn’t matter who this person is - a man or a woman, gay or heterosexual. But I will touch specifically on HIV.

Why won't most people have relationships or have sex with someone who is HIV positive? There can be many reasons for this. Here everything depends on each individual person, on his character, knowledge, and upbringing. For example, why do some parents leave their disabled children in the care of the state, while others do not? Some abandon their elderly parents, while others do not. Of course, I’m exaggerating, since HIV- positive person- This is far from being disabled, he is completely full-fledged.

Many people are panicky and very suspicious of issues that concern their personal health and well-being. I think most people have it healthy people. After all, health is a valuable thing, it is important for full life. And it doesn’t matter whether a person understands the issues of HIV transmission or not. Many healthy people, even

Why doesn't a cat love her owner's husband? Animals are very sensitive to people and they love some, but not so much others. Personally, I can assume that the man offended the animal, and that’s why the kitty didn’t like him. The correct answers to this question are popular game""One hundred to one"" will be like this:

Jealous- if a woman pays more attention to a man, of course, she will be jealous and angry-). But don’t fall for this cat’s mischief, there are many younger brothers, but there is only one man He is angry- the situation is the other way around, maybe he’s angry because the cat has taken up too much space in his wife’s life Doesn't feed- it’s unlikely that people will dislike him for this, they just get used to a specific breadwinner Hit or kick- not good at all. Why kick? Well, if you don’t like it, just don’t pay attention. Put it on ignore and that's it. Offends- pulls the tail? So you pull your husband by the seat of his pants and ask: does he like it or not? Drunkard- purple is for cats. Doesn’t hit, doesn’t offend, then let him, as they say, pour in as much as he likes. Only the wife suffers from this

Cats have a very keen intuition and they very easily recognize falsehood, malice and many other traits in a person. And they answered the question why a cat might not love its owner’s husband in this way: the most common answer is that the second is jealous - he is evil, the third - does not feed the fourth - hits/kicks the fifth - the sixth is offended - a drunkard.

The housewife does not always treat the cat with the same love as the housewife herself. And often his feelings are completely opposite, so the cat’s reciprocal dislike is quite understandable. In the game, the rating of popular answers is as follows: he is jealous, he is angry, he does not feed, he hits or kicks, he offends, he is a drunkard

100 to 1. Why doesn’t a cat love her owner’s husband? Most people, when asked this question, answer

Among purring pets, there are very often those that are so attached to their owners that they persistently follow them on their heels. However, behavior perceived by owners as an ardent desire to communicate should rather be regarded as vigilant control.

27 “whys” about cats

The first impression that a kitten receives from its mother is care in the form of licking and washing. For him, this is an act of care and concern, so if the cat (or cat) tries to lick you, take it as an attempt to take care of you in a motherly way.

The reason again lies in childhood. A kitten feeding on mother's milk, massaging the cat's belly with its paws, stimulates the “supply” of milk. An adult animal uses this technique to show extreme comfort and satisfaction.

When one cat tries to scare another, it arches its back, raises its fur, and lets out a menacing hiss. If a person does not like cats, he tries to sit quietly so as not to attract the attention of the animal. And the cat considers this a sign of favor. Doesn't hiss, doesn't move - that means he's a friend.

Sometimes domestic cat walks up and lightly hits his head on the legs of family members. It turns out that this is a way of expressing affection, and they can express this behavior in relation to other members of their tribe, not just people.

Cats have special glands on the tail, on the sides of the head, on the lips, on the tongue, near the genitals and between the front legs. They use them to mark their territory. When a cat rubs against your leg, he is marking you, indicating that you are “his.” For the same reason, cats rub against furniture and corners of rooms.

All cats are territorial animals. They distribute territory among themselves depending on the level of the internal hierarchy. Any encroachment leads to open conflict. Therefore, the cat, if he just wants to pass by

As a person who had pets throughout my childhood, I can answer with knowledge. Cats, like no other pet, know when they need to be wary of their owners - when they have done something wrong or, in other words, have misbehaved. This version was on the top line, among the six most popular answers in the game “Hundred to One”: Naughty, Dog nearby, Old, Ate something, Evil owner, Stole something.

The cat fears for his life: because got into trouble, and now he’s running away to avoid punishment, because he’s completely there is a dog nearby, and cats, as you know, do not make friends with dogs, because the cat has become completely old, because I ate something not quite fresh, because afraid of the evil master, because stole something from the table.

The cat may fear for his life because he took something from the table. The cat may fear for his life because the dog is running after him. The cat may be worried about his life because he ate something inedible. The cat is worried about his life because of his age.

A cat may fear for its life if: it has done something wrong (it has torn the wallpaper) there is a dog nearby (of course, it will suddenly eat it) it is old (8 lives wasted) it has eaten something (and there was nothing to leave on the table) an angry owner (you never know) has stolen something (there was a fish in the bag, he climbed in and dragged it away)

I think that any cat is afraid or fears for its precious life when it is in real danger: because it has done something wrong - well, I think a normal owner would not take the cat’s life for this. but a dog can tear a cat. from old age. ate poison. The owner is a bastard, he himself should be deprived of his life. he stole something, and he won’t face anything serious for it.

To the question of the game " 100 to 1": Why is the cat afraid for his life? most op

Game 100 to 1 + Answers to all levels (one hundred to one)

Game 100 to 1

A game 100 to 1 conquered social network Classmates from the first days of their appearance! Among the people who are regulars on this network, almost everyone has played the game one hundred to one at least once. If you look at the statistics, you can notice its increase in almost geometric progression. On this moment this game is one of the most popular in Odnoklassniki. However, the question remains: Why is 100 to 1 so popular? There’s nothing special about it, it’s just interesting!

This article was made to explain the rules and features of the game, and you can also find answers to the game 100 to 1 after general content.

Game rules 100 to 1

You've all probably watched the 100 to 1 game on TV at least once. In general, the rules of the game are no different. The only difference is that they play team against team, and in Odnoklassniki it is 1 on 1. In order to win in the first two rounds, you need to name the most popular answers. In order to win in round number three, you must name the least popular answer.

Features of the game 100 to 1

The game has two features! The first is that you can use a hint. You can buy it using in-game money, which of course must first be obtained for real money. This is how online game developers make money.

Another feature in the 100 to 1 game is the answer recognizer. Simply put, if you enter an answer with a spelling error, then with a high percentage of probability the system will recognize it. This fact is a huge plus for those who have problems with the Russian language.

1. Why does a cat sometimes try to lick your face or hair?

The first impression that a kitten receives from its mother is care in the form of licking and washing. For him, this is an act of care and concern, so if the cat (or cat) tries to lick you, take it as an attempt to take care of you in a motherly way.

2. Why does a cat, lying in your arms, move its paws, “beating” something?

The reason again lies in childhood. A kitten feeding on mother's milk, massaging the cat's belly with its paws, stimulates the “supply” of milk. An adult animal uses this technique to show extreme comfort and satisfaction.

3. Why do cats usually go to the arms or legs of someone who doesn’t like them?

When one cat tries to scare another, it arches its back, raises its fur, and lets out a menacing hiss. If a person does not like cats, he tries to sit quietly so as not to attract the attention of the animal. And the cat considers this a sign of favor. Doesn't hiss, doesn't move - that means he's a friend.

4. Why does a cat try to hit its head on a person?

Sometimes a house cat will come up and lightly bump its head against the legs of family members. It turns out that this is a way of expressing affection, and they can express this behavior in relation to other members of their tribe, not just people.

5. Why do cats rub against furniture, table legs, legs?

Cats have special glands on the tail, on the sides of the head, on the lips, on the tongue, near the genitals and between the front legs. They use them to mark their territory. When a cat rubs against your leg, he is marking you, indicating that you are “his.” For the same reason, cats rub against furniture and corners of rooms.

6. Why does a cat, when passing another cat, slow down and move slowly?

All cats are territorial animals. They distribute territory among themselves depending on the level of the internal hierarchy. Any encroachment leads to open conflict. Therefore, if a cat just wants to pass by, he tries to slow down and not look at the owner of the adjacent territory at all.

8. Why does a cat, when burying the “results” of its life activity, dig outside the box and not inside?

This is due to the innate tendency of cats to cleanliness. The cat is just trying not to get his paws dirty. The thought that his actions are ineffective does not occur to him.

9. Why do cats purr?

Cats make purring sounds for many reasons. A mother cat purrs to her kittens to show that she is nearby. The kittens respond in kind, indicating that everything is fine. Young cats purr to each other, inviting them to play. An adult cat purrs, showing that he is in good mood and does not encroach on the territory of another cat. By the way, the method of purring has not yet been studied, that is, how cats make such sounds.

10. Why does a cat sometimes scratch the floor or “bury” a bowl of food?

This can happen for two reasons - either the cat is trying to bury food “in reserve”, or by such an action it shows that he does not like the food.

11. Why do cats bite and lunge?

Kitten games always include sitting in ambush, surprise attacks and throws. Therefore, cats at any age love such children's games. Draw their attention to laces with a bow, balloons and more.

12. Why are some people allergic to cat hair?

Strictly speaking, the allergy is not caused by fur, but by the FEL D1 protein contained in cat saliva. When a cat washes itself and licks itself, it transfers saliva to its fur, after which it can end up on furniture and carpets. Different individuals have different amounts of protein secreted, but in general case cats are less allergenic than cats. There are two ways to prevent such an allergy - bathe the cat, rinsing the substances from the fur (which is not recommended to do often), or wipe the cat's fur with a special soft cloth.

13. Why does the cat turn his back to you if you don’t pay attention to him for a long time or leave?

Cats, like other animals, recognize visual signals from your body, and in the event that you do not show obvious signs aggression or calmly leave his field of vision, the cat loses interest in you and turns away.

14. Why do cats bring you dead mice?

There are at least 4 theories:

The cat gives you a gift as a sign of his friendship or because you feed him.

The cat considers you a mediocre hunter, and is trying to teach you.

The cat carries the victim to a safe, warm place, where it can later eat it.

The cat is trying to save you from hunger in his own way.

15. Why do cats often “hide” their toys in a bowl of food or water?

Cats consider the territory in which they feed to be theirs. Therefore, they try to move all their toys to a place that is safe from their point of view, to their territory. Often it turns out to be their bowl

16. Why do cats bite lightly on the skin and hold it for a few seconds?

Some cats, when they feel great, pinch a fold of human skin between their teeth and hold it for a short time. This is a kind of cat kiss.

17. Why do cats lick photographs and plastic bags?

In this way, cats “taste” a smell that humans do not notice, but animals can clearly distinguish.

18. Why does a cat “wince” when it smells something particularly interesting?

If a cat raises his upper lip and “winces,” this means that he is trying to inhale more deeply the aroma that interests him so that it reaches the so-called Jacobson’s organ, located in the cat’s mouth.

19. Why do cats scratch window frames?

They check whether the glass barrier exists or no longer exists.

20. Why don’t cats like to swim?

In fact, most cats are comfortable with water and will fish if possible. But when a cat is held tightly by hand and dipped into a bowl of water, from his point of view this does not look very much like voluntary fishing, which causes legitimate indignation.

21. Why do cats like to drink water dripping from the tap?

Cats, like other animals, prefer fresh food and water. To them, running water looks fresher, so water coming out of a tap is more attractive to them than water in a bowl. For the same reason, cats love to drink from large containers.

22. Why do cats hide when they are sick?

Instinct tells the cat that when he is weak, he is easy prey for a predator, so during periods of illness, cats try to hide from possible dangers.

23. Why do cats spend so much time licking their fur?

For cats, licking, in addition to being a means of hygiene, is a way to maintain mental balance. Even if a cat falls, for example, from a chair, he first of all begins to lick himself, and not to examine himself for damage.

24. Why do cats often “interject” into conversations on the phone?

When a cat hears that you are talking to someone and does not see the other person, he believes that you are talking to him, so he begins to answer you.

25. Why do cats scratch furniture and wallpaper?

It is generally accepted that this is how cats sharpen their claws. But, even if you offer your cat a super-duper convenient nail sharpener, he will still be happy to sharpen his claws on the corner of the wall or the sofa. This happens, among other things, because on the cat’s paws, between the toes, there are special glands with which the cat marks its territory.

26. Why can a cat, if you pet it for a long time, suddenly scratch or bite?

If a person accidentally touches sensitive areas for a cat - ears, nose, tail, the cat may make a sound that “enough is enough!”, but if the person does not stop, then the cat may bite or scratch. He just gets tired of affection.

27. Why doesn’t the cat like to eat from a bowl, but pulls food onto the floor?

Most cats don't like
where food is in close contact with the dishes. In addition, in a narrow container, some of the food may be inaccessible to the tongue. That’s why cats love to eat from a wide, low container, or even better, from the floor.

28. Why does a cat crouch when he sees a bird?

When a cat catches prey, it squats several times. These movements indicate that the cat is about to attack. Another point of view is a gesture of dissatisfaction. When a cat hunts a bird in nature, it is quiet and unnoticeable. If the prey is unattainable, the cat makes such false movements. It’s something like “well, what is this?!” in people.

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