Home Stomatitis CRM systems - what is it. Rating of the best customer relationship management systems and their implementation

CRM systems - what is it. Rating of the best customer relationship management systems and their implementation

We build effective relationships with clients.

The abbreviation CRM (Customer Relationship Management) translates as “customer relationship management system.” A system is a service that allows you to systematize the information the user works with. Such programs can be called databases, which, if necessary, will remind you when you need to sign a contract or send a letter to the client.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a CRM?

The best CRMs are those that optimize the work of sellers and marketers as much as possible: they build sales funnels and issue analytical reports. Today there are many such complexes, but before you make a choice in favor of one system or another, you need to understand for what purposes you need it.

Before purchasing a CRM, you should study reviews from business executives and sales managers. Feedback will help you navigate the variety of software and make optimal choice. The choice of CRM depends not only on its functionality, but also on how convenient it is to work with it, whether it is possible to plan tasks and generate reports on ready-made transactions. Also, before making a choice, study licensing issues. If you have previously decided which CRM to choose, implement its demo version and see how effective working with it will be.

In this material we present an overview of the CRMs that are most often used in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

CRM System "Freshoffice"

CRM called Freshoffice allows you to separate work from physical and legal entities. This process is implemented through the ability to maintain two types of cards, to which you can add new fields.

User reviews about freshoffice allow us to highlight the following advantages of this complex:

  • Availability of a softphone, which, in addition to standard functions, allows for free conferences between two offices.
  • Built-in “FastReport” constructor, which allows you to create simple documents and complex tables with formulas and selection functions.
  • A convenient list of orders that makes it possible to track processes that were not completed on time.
  • Each action is confirmed by a characteristic internal message, for example: “The client has been transferred,” “You have been entrusted with the task.”

CRM System "Client Base"

Client Base is one of the most popular complexes for small businesses, allowing you to create almost any tables and differentiate access rights to various data sets.

The Client Base program has the following advantages:

  • Availability of a designer with which you can customize the system for any business.
  • A special configuration store where entrepreneurs can purchase ready-made modules for clinics, communication shops and other types of businesses.
  • Possibility to try a free version that can be used by small business owners (no more than 10 people, 500 customers).

If you want to choose a client base system for running a business, reviews from experienced users will help you with this. Managers who use this complex characterize it positively and highlight such an advantage as the ability to group clients by activity level.

CRM System« amoCRM»

This complex was first introduced in 2008; it is popular among users largely due to the simplicity of the interface and control. AmoCRM also differs from other systems in that the backbone here is not client files, but transaction information files.

Other advantages include:

  • Displays the number of calls (for the manager) that each manager made.
  • Report on meetings held and deals concluded.
  • Events report. Allows the manager to see all the changes that were made over the past day.
  • Integration with services that send emails and SMS.

AmoCRM is available for use in one of four paid versions, or one free version with limited functionality. A special “Business Solution” offer is also offered, which includes setting up and implementing the complex in a specific company and a three-month subscription, during which you can use the maximum range of functions.

CRM System« bitrix24»

CRM "Bitrix24" was developed by 1C-Bitrix and released to the market in 2012. User reviews of bitrix24 emphasize that with the help of this complex you can take into account current and potential clients, suppliers, and even those to whom you sent your press release.

The system is popular due to the following positive aspects:

  • The system can be integrated into an online store and work with orders right there.
  • Integrated lists of goods and services.
  • Integration with an electronic mailbox is possible - data from CRM letters will be entered into the required fields.
  • Promptly setting tasks for sales specialists.

Despite all the convenience of Bitrix24, there are also shortcomings in the system. The main one is the inability to track the dynamics of the project’s development. Specifically, you will not be able to separately display the list of goods that were offered to the client during the transaction. It is also impossible to assign several managers to one transaction.

CRM System "Megaplan"

The Megaplan project management system was released in 2008. In it you will find the tools you need to automate sales, planning and working with clients. Megaplan CRM can be tested for free for 30 days, then you will have to pay. Using the full paid version costs 750 rubles per month. There is also a free version of CRM-Free, but its functionality allows you to register 7 employees in the system, and only 3 people can work in it at the same time. Also, the free version allows you to simultaneously manage only 50 projects. But, despite this, reviews from users of the Megaplan system say that it is ideal for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs.

The advantages of CRM-Megaplan include the following:

  • The work of each manager will be monitored by the transaction management function.
  • Receiving full reporting for each counterparty.
  • Convenient processing of business calls and meetings.

The implementation of a CRM system should help create long-term relationships with clients, and with the help of such complexes the work process itself can be simplified. Such a system will make it impossible for several sales employees to call the same client.

Today there are many CRMs for stores and other types of businesses, the most popular of which we have already reviewed. Programs can be divided into those that need to be installed on the server and cloud systems.

  • Classic systems are located on your server, and you can modify the program code to suit your requirements at any time.
  • When choosing cloud systems (SAAS) software is located at the supplier, and you access the system via the Internet. When working with such a complex, you cannot change the product, and work will also be disrupted if the Internet suddenly turns off. The advantages include the fact that you do not need to monitor system updates and purchase a server.

Free CRMs for business on the market target a single number of users and cannot be implemented in a large company. Also, a free CRM may work slowly if there are too many records entered into the database.

Users themselves say that among free CRMs for sales, Monitor CRM has proven itself to be the best. Exists paid option, but even with limited functionality, the CRM system free of charge allows you to keep detailed records of clients, as well as take into account competitors’ prices for this product, which allows the enterprise’s marketing service to respond quickly.

Also pay attention to how simple the CRM will be installed at the managers’ workstations. How simpler program, the faster and more productive your employees will work. Before using a CRM system in an enterprise, be sure to check with the developers what your costs will be if you need to make changes to the program code. You also need to find out how much you will have to pay extra if the number of employees increases. Calculate future expenses, and based on the data obtained, you can choose the optimal CRM system for yourself.

Modern CRM systems can be divided into several types. Types of CRM systems are distinguished depending on the tasks being solved and the stages of the cycle of interaction with consumers that these systems are aimed at supporting.

There are three main types of systems:

  • operating rooms. This type of CRM system allows you to automate operational activities. Operational CRM systems process various sets of data “tied” to each specific client. They are necessary for operational support of sales, marketing, and customer service departments (service support). As a rule, the data sets with which operational CRM systems work include all contact information about the client, interaction history, types, volume and quantity of purchases, communication channels with the client, etc. Information from these systems is basic for the operation of analytical CRM systems .
  • analytical. This type of systems is needed to support the marketing and sales phases at a strategic level. They allow you to plan marketing campaigns and choose the most effective sales strategies. Analytical CRM systems process information from various databases, systematize information, and, based on certain algorithms, identify the most effective trends in interaction with clients.
  • joint. This type of CRM system ensures collaboration with clients, i.e. clients have the opportunity to directly interact with the company’s CRM system. Interactions can be carried out through web pages, email, automatic voice communication, etc.

These types of systems are basic. Manufacturers of CRM systems offer combinations of these three types.

Advantages of a CRM system

The main application of a CRM system is related to the organization and management of relationships with customers. Therefore, first of all, the advantages of a CRM system are manifested in an increase in sales indicators, in particular, sales volume increases, their efficiency increases, and the cost of attracting customers decreases. In addition, CRM systems have a significant impact on the controllability and work culture of the organization.

The main advantages of a CRM system include:

  • Increased speed of decision making. By combining disparate customer data, the process of data processing and analysis is accelerated. As a result, customer relations managers can see the entire history of contacts and more quickly respond to requests and make decisions on them.
  • Increasing the efficiency of using working time. CRM systems allow you to automatically track important events related to clients and issue notifications. There is no need for staff to search for this information in disparate sources.
  • Increasing the impact of marketing activities. Because CRM systems store all information about the client and the history of interaction, then marketing campaigns become more client-oriented. The company has the opportunity to organize marketing activities aimed at each specific client.
  • Improving the reliability of reports. Systematization of information increases the reliability of reports and the accuracy of sales forecasts.
  • Determining the value of each client. Allows an organization to determine and plan resource needs to work with a particular client. CRM systems allow you to set a priority for attracting resources depending on the value of the client.
  • Reducing paperwork. By automating the process of interaction with the client, all documents can be converted into electronic form.
  • Reducing customer churn. By using a CRM system, staff have access to all the details of interaction with the client. This improves the quality and efficiency of servicing consumer requests.
  • Eliminate duplication of tasks. CRM systems can be integrated with other activity management systems, which eliminates the double work of transferring and processing data.
  • Streamlining processes. CRM systems allow you to combine all customer interaction processes into a single system. Process inputs and outputs are made available to different processes, which simplifies the management of contracts, projects, events, products, etc. that are associated with each specific client.
  • Improving management culture. Automation of the process reduces the dependence of the tasks being solved on the subjective actions of each employee. CRM systems set uniform rules for work and interaction with clients.
  • Data protection and safety. By using a CRM system, you can organize centralized control of access to customer data and ensure its safety.

Criteria for choosing a CRM system

There are a large number of offers for CRM systems on the market of software products and information systems. These systems are quite diverse in terms of the scope of tasks to be solved, the equipment used, and operating technologies. When choosing a CRM system, there are many factors to consider.

For purposes related to the operation of the quality system, it is important to consider the following:

  • Meeting business requirements. Before making a decision to implement a CRM system, it is necessary to determine exactly what tasks it will solve in a particular enterprise. The system must be chosen according to business requirements, and not vice versa.
  • Ease of use. The user interface should be as simple and easy to use as possible. If a CRM system complicates the process of interaction with clients and increases the number of actions that employees will need to work, then such a system will remain unclaimed. This will lead to the fact that a key element of the quality system - data registration - will not be implemented.
  • Availability of analytical tools. To analyze and identify consumer behavior, their requirements and expectations, the CRM system must make it possible to conduct analysis focused on each specific client.
  • Ability to customize processes. It is important that the CRM system allows you to flexibly change settings depending on the progress of the process. This opportunity allows you to more fully define and automate each specific process.
  • Scalability. This criterion is especially important for large organizations. It is necessary that the solutions used in the CRM system are scalable and can be used by a large number of users.
  • Customization for specific industry conditions. Each industry and field of activity has its own specifics of working with clients. This specificity must be taken into account in the CRM system.
  • Customization for users. Both the organization itself and the environment surrounding it change over time. This leads to the need to change the working conditions of CRM system users. For efficient work, it is necessary that the system provides the ability to easily and quickly change user functions in accordance with changing business tasks.
  • Integration with other information systems. An organization may have other automation and process management systems, so an important selection criterion is the ability to integrate and exchange data between the CRM system and other automation systems.
  • Cost of ownership. The cost of owning a CRM system consists of several components: the cost of licenses, integration of hardware and software, ongoing maintenance costs and administrative costs for managing IT assets. This criterion is also essential when choosing a system.
  • Responsiveness of technical support. For the effective operation of the CRM system, important factor is the speed of response of the system provider to user requests and resolution of their problems.

There are a number of other criteria that must be taken into account when choosing a CRM system. The above criteria are the most common and necessary for most companies.

I have prepared for you a review of free CRM systems. The rating includes both old market players and new players. Let’s say right away that collecting the list was not easy; there were treacherously few CRM systems in total, and even fewer free ones. And so, our review

Free CRM system with built-in chat and task manager from the Aspro team. This team has long established itself with its ready-made solutions for business, but for many it will be a surprise - they have developed their own CRM system, free of charge. Like everything this team does, it is a quality product. The system has a nice design, pleasant usability, unlike many other systems, everything is intuitive. Free for up to 5 users, for 12 users the guys ask 1,400 rubles.

The following free CRM with the simple name “Customer Database” is functional, simple, has everything necessary functions: applications, companies, accounts, tasks, reports. There is also a warehouse and directories, the first of which will certainly be appreciated by online store owners. Even a beginner can easily cope with it; separate implementations are unnecessary. The design is poorly developed, some thought was given to the placement of the buttons. Free for up to 10 users, then they ask for 450 rubles per 1 user.

This product is recommended as a CRM. An account is registered quickly and you are offered to download the “Main part of the program”, but there is also a cloud. We go into the cloud and see the design of Windows or as they call it “Metro”. Of course, everything slows down; the only CRM functions here are contacts. We take a risk and download the “Main part of the program”, this desktop application, try to install it, but it’s difficult. After 15 minutes of torment, a certain agent window appears. Which is not at all comparable to a full-featured version. This product is not suitable for CRM.

Leader in the CRM systems market. Functionality: telephony integrated into CRM, Leads, Companies, Contacts, Transactions, Offers, Cases, Calendar. Lots of other functionality that will help any company. The advantage is that the free version has the largest number of users - 12. The price for a large number of functions is the complexity of implementation; even advanced users will not find it easy to start working in it.

In fact, it is now difficult to imagine running a business without automating many processes...

Can you imagine what could happen if staff kept data about customers and clients in their heads or in the form of notes on paper?

And how to keep records in this case?

The answer to this question is that there will be complete confusion and reporting for analysis will be almost impossible.

For this reason, large companies have long been using specially developed computer programs for these purposes.

And the topic of today's article is: CRM systems - what are they? and what are they for?

If you are interested in the answers to these questions, then continue reading.

Abbreviation CRM: what is it?

Let's start traditionally with deciphering the abbreviation.

CRM is a phrase in English language“customer relationship management”, namely “customer relationship management”.

And such management represents a developed strategy for organizing business in the field of working with clients with whom it is necessary to establish fruitful cooperation.

But the main factor determining the success and efficiency of a firm or company is constant interaction with buyers of goods or services, as a result of which the competitiveness of the enterprise increases and its profits increase.

The original purpose of using CRM is to gain customer loyalty, that is, he will be “loyal” to a certain manufacturer.

Why is this happening?

Yes, because the counterparty is completely satisfied not only with the goods and services that it purchases, but also with the work with the supplier itself.

The main goals pursued by companies when using strategyCRM:

  • selecting potential clients and working with them;
  • drawing up a plan to work on relationships with the selected clientele;
  • attracting new consumers and retaining old ones;
  • income from cooperation with buyers and customers.

Thus, CRM is the organization of relationships with customers, including their attraction, retention and loyalty, as well as the collection of necessary information that can be used to build business and mutually beneficial relationships.

What functions and tasks does CRM solve?

Based on the company's capabilities, you need to decide what to expect from implementing a CRM strategy.

But its basic functions and tasks are:

    Creation of a database of counterparties.

    This includes recording all those with whom cooperation takes place on a permanent and temporary basis: suppliers, partners and clients themselves.

    Firstly, all the necessary information will be collected in one place, secondly, time will be saved in the process of searching for it, and thirdly, new employees will have the collected data and will be able to immediately start working.

    Saving the history of completed transactions.

    Thanks to this CRM function, it is possible to analyze the activities of the sales department, as well as calculate how much money the cooperation with a particular client brought to the company.

    Planning further work.

    When you decide to use CRM in your business, you have the opportunity to rationally plan time for meetings and negotiations.

    Development of loyalty programs for regular clients.

    Having in hand a detailed database compiled specifically for the CRM organization, you can identify those clients who may be about to refuse cooperation, as well as those who have remained faithful to working with one company for a long time.

    In both cases, it is necessary to encourage counterparties with various discounts and bonuses.

CRM systems: what is it and what is it for?

One of the tools for managing customer relationships is CRM systems.

What it is and what their work is, we will now consider.

There are several definitions of the concept of a CRM system. This:

  • software;
  • set of applications;
  • automated information system;
  • streamlined accounting and control of all processes related to sales and customer service.

And regardless of which definition is used, it is important to understand that the work of the CRM system will be aimed at interacting with consumers.

It doesn’t matter how this will happen - using a PC or on paper, it is important that the actions are coordinated and allow you to control the entire process.

But if we talk about modern times, it is thanks to CRM automation that you can achieve faster results and increase labor efficiency, because all processes associated with recording, accounting and reporting are easier to implement using a computer.

The CRM system itself can be presented as special program or banal Excel tables.

The problem is that in the second case, not every employee wants to bother with this and manually enter all the data, which ultimately will significantly reduce work efficiency.

For this reason, it is best to use software that will:

  • maintain a client database and provide quick access to it;
  • analyze future and completed transactions;
  • predict growth or decline in sales;
  • automatically generate operational reports for each client or an entire group;
  • independently send advertising and cooperation offers to clients.

You can see that using a CRM system in business greatly simplifies the life of employees and the director of the company.

Firstly, this is due to the fact that all authorized employees have access to it, and secondly, part of the work is performed automatically, which allows employees to focus on other points.

Before you think about solving future problems, learn to cope with today's problems in the least amount of time and with greater efficiency.
Peter Drucker

The CRM system itself is necessary to solve many problems:

Formation of a database with information about clientsAs soon as the first contact with the client occurs, data about him is immediately entered, which will be further updated with information in the course of cooperation.
Note: who, when and how worked with a particular client is also recorded, which makes it possible to further evaluate the effectiveness and quality of work of each sales department employee.
Recording incoming calls and messages from clientsIN modern conditions There is a lot of competition in business, and this forces entrepreneurs to carefully ensure that clients are sought and retained. Thanks to CRM, you can record and track every call and request from customers, as well as leads.
Standardization of workIf all employees work according to the scheme they choose, and not the same for the entire company, then there will be no order. Firstly, it is practically impossible to gain access to general data, and secondly, it will be quite difficult to track the work of an individual person, and even more so to “decipher” his records.
Therefore, working to a single standard greatly disciplines everyone and increases efficiency.
Improving the quality of serviceDue to the ability to constantly monitor work with clients, you can quickly identify errors and correct them as soon as possible.
Thanks to an established CRM system, you can constantly pay attention to your customers: sending offers and information about new products and services, holiday greetings, invitations to business meetings and events.
Systematization of clientsAny firm or company has both permanent and temporary clients. The latter work on an ad hoc or irregular basis. Therefore, the meaning of the system comes down to first of all working with “loyal” customers and developing for them a loyalty program, which we discussed above.
At the same time, we must not forget about fickle clients. But if you don’t see results while working with them, then you don’t need to try to continue focusing on them.

Who needs to use a CRM strategy?

Having understood the basic basics of a CRM system: what it is and what its capabilities are, you need to understand who should use it.

Therefore, in order not to fall into the trap of those who sell such software, you need to deal with this issue.

So, first of all, CRM systems are used in the following types of customer-oriented businesses:

  • services sector;
  • trade;
  • production;
  • construction and repair;
  • financial sector - banks, insurance and financial companies;
  • telecommunications.

As for the size of the business, it is precisely the owners of large companies who definitely need to use such software.

In any case, there will be a lot of clients, and it is important to constantly collect and systematize information about them.

Medium and small businesses, depending on their focus, also need to implement a CRM system.

But it is advisable to use it if such a company employs at least two managers dealing with issues of 10 counterparties that can be tracked.

What does this mean?

If this is a wholesale supplier, then customers can be easily recorded, information about transactions can be entered, and a loyalty program can be developed for them.

And if this is a small store selling some goods, then there is no way to collect information about every person who comes.

CRM is a benefit for the director and employees of the company

CRM is used by employees of the sales department and the director of the company himself.

Therefore, in order to assess the business benefits of using the strategy itself and its tools, it is necessary to consider it from two sides.

Sales managers and marketers are those employees who carry out the bulk of their work using the CRM system.

The benefits for them are as follows:

  • the ability to plan your work with the right priorities;
  • constant accounting, support and control of completed transactions;
  • all information is concentrated in one place;
  • the opportunity to prove yourself in attracting and retaining new clients;
  • It’s quite easy for new employees to get into the swing of things, because all the information will be right before their eyes in the program.

The future fate of the company depends on how the director organized the work.

He must always control the work process and make decisions.

And thanks to the use of CRM he can:

  • identify weak spots in working with regular and temporary clients, as well as those employees who make little effort to attract and retain them;
  • It’s enough to quickly get acquainted with all the information about a particular buyer if a personal meeting is necessary;
  • form .

But against the background of all these advantages, there are also several disadvantages that must be taken into account when working in a CRM system:

  • information leakage is possible, since the entire sales department will have access to the program;
  • the rather high cost of licensing some types of software;
  • the template nature of the system, which requires the involvement of specialists who can expand the interface and adjust it to a particular type of business.

Types and types of CRM systems

Since modern CRM systems are specially developed software, it is impossible not to guess that it will vary depending on the functionality and the area in which it will be used.

First, let's talk about the types of CRM systems:

    Saas is software that is located on the server of its developer.

    The meaning of its use comes down to the following:

    • connection to CRM via browser, mobile app or client program;
    • in the developed program you cannot adjust anything to suit your activities and make changes to it, so you will have to use disabilities, which were provided by the developer.
  1. Standalone is a separate program that can only be used after purchasing a license.

    Most often used for big business, where many points need to be taken into account.

    You can customize it to suit your needs, add additional functions and extensions, but only if the CRM system developer has thought through them.

As for the types of CRM systems, there are three of them:

  • operating rooms are “pioneers” of their kind and are a classic example of what a program should look like;
  • analytical - a relatively new type, which many still do not classify as CRM systems, but since management is an individual process, it does not have a specific framework;
  • combined- has the features of two previous CRM systems: accounting and analysis.
Planning and coordinating contacts with clients;
collection and systematization of information;
control over transactions and analysis of their stages.
Classification of customer information;
analysis of assortment and prices;
competitor analysis;
sales analysis;
interaction with other accounting systems.
Combines the functions of operational and analytical CRM systems:
Companies that use
Those who are counting on long-term cooperation, in which several specialists will be involved:
Insurance companies;
financial institutions.
Those that make a lot of short-term trades:
small and large wholesale;
provision of mass services.
Those that are aimed at the mass provision of services, but at the same time can cooperate with the clientele on a long-term basis:
various manufacturers;
construction companies;
advertising agencies.
Features of work
Individual approach, since it is necessary to establish long-term cooperation with the client;
strict compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract;
providing some clients with VIP status;
interaction with other accounting systems.
Loyalty of work - rewarding with bonuses or providing discounts;
constant availability of goods;
flexible price policy;
deep integration with other accounting systems.
Constant availability goods in stock, as well as workers who can provide services;
agreeing on working conditions with clients;
loyalty programs for regular consumers.
Popular representative programs
Terrasoft CRM
Microsoft CRM;
Sales Logic;
Rarus CRM.
Data Analyzer;
Marketing Analytics;
OROS Enterprise.
Using two programs - operational and analytical.

How to choose and implement a CRM system?

Selecting and implementing a suitable CRM system is a rather troublesome task, the result of which determines how well the software will correspond to the type of business and the company’s activities.

So, when choosing a CRM system, you need to pay attention to the following components of the program:

  • the presence of certain functions that may be needed at work;
  • architecture and interface of the program;
  • flexibility of the program, namely, its adaptation to a particular activity;
  • the ability to expand capabilities and add functions;
  • the presence of interaction between CRM and other information systems;
  • integration with telephony and SMS service;
  • availability of ready-made solutions (mailings);
  • cost of license and implementation of the program;
  • in case of problems or malfunctions, support by the program developer.

The process of implementing a CRM system itself has the following rules, the implementation of which will lead to a successful result:

  1. It is necessary to choose a CRM system according to the company’s field of activity and its needs.
  2. Formation of a clear sales funnel and its step-by-step implementation.
  3. Constant monitoring of CRM operation and prompt error detection.
  4. The motivation system for sales department employees should be structured in such a way that they reflect every action in the program.
  5. At the initial stage, you need to try out the basic functions to understand the principle of the program, and then install additional extensions.
  6. Employee training unified system filling out the fields of the CRM program and further compiling business reports.

Once again what CRM is is described in the video:

and a memorable name for the company, in the video:

So, in modern realities CRM is It’s really not just a whim, but a necessity.

Using this useful tool, you can not only analyze performance results, but also work to improve quality, pay attention to each client, which will create a positive image of the company.

It is important to approach this topic after thoroughly studying all the programs available on the market and properly motivating staff.

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Many people ask the question: “How to choose a CRM?”, and end the implementation of sales automation with this question. Hundreds of offers on the market simply “blow” the mind. We have tested more than 50 CRMs and are ready to provide you with an algorithm for choosing a CRM and what questions need to be answered before making this irreversible choice. Why is it so irreversible? Because the company will have a very small chance to re-implement CRM.

If the leader and managers do not start working effectively in the system, there is a high probability that the next implementation will not happen due to skepticism.

Factors influencing the choice of CRM:

1. Warehouse and accounting system

If an enterprise has a warehouse system and managers must ship products in stock, it is optimal to do this in the same system, since transferring information from one system to another will require additional time and financial costs. But "finishing" warehouse program may take a very long time. Then, as a temporary solution, you can use a simple and inexpensive “cloud” CRM to attract new clients, and after final setup, transfer clients from it to your modified system.

2. The company’s product range

If a company has a product range of more than 100 items and 2 levels of catalog nesting, then 1C CRM is most likely needed, since transferring information from 1C to another CRM will require additional investment and speed of implementation. If the assortment is small and not strictly regulated, then the manager does not need to use 1C; he can use any other CRM.

3. Pricing principle

If there is a fixed price for a product, fixed in 1C, and the manager does not have the right to give discounts or can only give discounts within a limited framework, strictly tied to the volume, then for unity of accounting it is most optimal to work with 1C CRM.

4. Sales business process. Degree of automation.

If the business process is quite easy to formalize and 80-90% of sales follow a clear algorithm in which deadlines can be fixed, then it is optimal to use a CRM system that allows you to build a strict sales business process. If the sales process is difficult to formalize, then it is optimal to consolidate the manager’s actions only in instructions. The complexity of the sales business process determines the complexity of the CRM system.

5. Number of potential customers in the market

A large number of clients require their rapid processing and entry. If a manager makes 50 cold calls a day, then you need to be able to quickly enter clients into the database. In our opinion, AMOCRM is optimally suited for this. Adding a large number of new clients to 1C CRM will take up a significant amount of time in a manager’s working day.

6. Regularity of customer purchases

If transactions are one-time, then a simple system is sufficient. If analytics on positions, volumes, etc. is required, then 1C CRM is optimally suited for these functions.

7. Percentage of gray turnover at the enterprise

If there is “gray cash” in the company, then managers are afraid to entrust to a third party (in cloud CRM the client’s databases are located on the provider’s servers) with their information for storage and give preference only to server solutions located in their office. Although the office can be sealed by order of the tax office, and access to the provider’s server can be provided only by court decision.

8. Principle of calculating bonuses for managers

If manager bonuses are calculated as a percentage of plan fulfillment, then it is optimal to make calculations in the same system where financial transactions take place. And information not entered into CRM should result in non-receipt of the bonus.

9. Number of managers in the company

The number of sales managers and the complexity of the personnel structure directly affects the manageability of the system and the cost of its implementation. A small number of managers with a flat management structure will allow you to use the simplest CRM.

10. Budget allocated for automation.

Most a budget option— AMOCRM – cheap rent, and 0 rub. for implementation. Megaplan - reasonable rental price and 40,000 rubles. implementation. 1C requires the purchase of licenses for 1C itself plus the cost of CRM licenses + modifications for the client’s tasks - 20,000 - 300,000 rubles.

Which CRM system to choose?

We carried out practical work with several dozen CRMs and actually reduced the choice to three systems. AMOCRM turned out to be the most reliable and simplest. But there is a range of problems that it is not able to solve.

The implemented CRMs were distributed as follows:

      • AMOCRM - 75% of implemented projects;
      • 1C CRM - 20%
      • Megaplan - 4%

1. AMOCRM - characteristics

AMOCRM– implemented in 127 seconds. Initial setup for the company will complete 80% of the tasks within 2 days. Customization for 90% of tasks within 1 month of operation.

The system is clear and easy to use, there is nothing superfluous in it and the process of entering a client is no more complicated than in Excel.

But AMO has several elements that cannot be implemented:

      • No product catalogue;
      • There is no division into groups within the department;
      • No storage module;
      • Inconvenient project management after the sale has been completed;
      • There is no option to automatically issue an invoice.

This is not a problem for 75% of small and medium businesses. For those whose sales are related to a specific product in stock, we use 1C.

2. 1C CRM - characteristics

1 CCRM or 1C, configured for client management. The implementation of the system takes from a week to two months, this will cover 70% of the tasks, covering up to 95% of the needs will take up to six months.

3. Megaplan - characteristics

Megaplan also requires implementation, of course not as complex as in 1C, but not as simple as in AMO. The megaplan is more difficult to understand for a manager, technical failures occur more often, and freezes occur periodically. But Megaplan allows you to manage projects after the sale, allows you to distribute rights with a more ramified enterprise structure and an advanced system for grouping and managing tasks, which allows you to structure the management of projects.

Regardless of which program you choose, when implementing CRM, remember that CRM is just a tool. And to understand how to use it most effectively is only possible after working in it for some time.

If you want to implement the system and make it work, we will be glad to hear from you.

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