Home Pulpitis Undergo a comprehensive examination. A budget option

Undergo a comprehensive examination. A budget option

To help the body cope as much as possible various kinds diseases, it is necessary to identify manifestations of illnesses at the most early stages. Despite the fact that most people turn to specialists only for emergency situations, planned full examination It is advisable to carry out body checks regularly.

Even the simplest set of analyzes and diagnostic studies will allow you to assess your health status and identify up to 90% of diseases in the early stages. Depending on the examination program, its cost may vary in the Russian Federation from 16 to 90 thousand rubles.

The importance of conducting regular routine examinations of the body

In kindergartens and schools, children are required to undergo full body examinations annually, which makes this procedure formal. Meanwhile, thanks to such routine examinations and medical examinations in educational institutions and many enterprises, diseases are detected in the early stages. It makes it easier further treatment and reduces the body’s recovery time. Experts recommend comprehensively assessing your health at least once a year, even in the absence of obvious symptoms of any disease.

There is no need to skimp on your health, because if some kind of disease is neglected, pathologies may develop, which will cost much more effort and money to cope with. Now many residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg turn to various clinics in smaller cities to reduce their costs.

Cost of a comprehensive medical examination

Most clinics offer various research programs depending on the purpose for which it is being carried out. Taking into account the sets of examinations and tests, as well as the list of specialists who will examine the patient, the cost of a comprehensive examination of the body varies.

Thus, basic programs may include an examination by a therapist, who can adjust the set of examinations within the program, an appointment with a dentist, ophthalmologist, or cardiologist. The cost of such a program includes ultrasound abdominal cavity, study chest, general analysis blood and urine, as well as biochemical analysis for various enzymes and metabolic parameters.

Since blood transports oxygen and nutrients to all organs and removes metabolic products from them, in combination with computer examination blood test allows you to do general conclusion about the state of health. Such an examination will cost about 10 thousand rubles.

More detailed examinations, which include wide range non-invasive procedures, as well as assessment of hormonal levels, general gynecological/urological tests, tests for tumor markers, will cost the patient 30-40 thousand rubles.

Special examinations, such as pregnancy preparation programs or diagnostics diabetes mellitus, cost about 12-16 thousand rubles.

The more markers and bacteria in the blood are checked, the more expensive the equipment used (for example, MRI), the more expensive the comprehensive examination program. If the patient is concerned about certain symptoms, then each clinic offers to develop an individual set of procedures and tests that will allow the most accurate diagnosis and identification main reason diseases.

It should also be noted that it is much easier to diagnose any pathologies and diseases if there is medical card in the patient, which records the results of previous studies and treatment methods.

If the patient is undergoing surgery or hospitalization, mandatory examination is being carried out of cardio-vascular system, blood tests, including sexually transmitted diseases viral diseases, and also examinations are carried out by doctors as prescribed. Such comprehensive examinations are worth from 10 to 14 thousand rubles.

Benefits of MRI

The average cost of an MRI examination is about 80 thousand rubles. Although this procedure scanning the whole body takes much longer than ultrasound, but the result of magnetic resonance imaging is a complete picture of diseases and pathologies that this moment manifested in the patient's body. If you examine each organ separately, it will cost more than a comprehensive scan. This procedure is especially popular for searching for cancer.

This real opportunity identify hidden pathological processes in the early stages, when there is no serious symptoms, assess the condition of organs and tissues various parts body to diagnose diseases, determine how widespread a particular disease process is (for example, tumor metastases or vascular thrombosis). Of course, you can be examined in other ways, but only MRI makes it possible to obtain complete information about the state of the body without pain, harm to health and waste of time.

Types of complex MRI according to the scope of the examination performed

The entire body can be examined in one procedure, if necessary. But more often small complex programs are used, which involve examination of 2-3, less often 4 areas of the body.

Full Comprehensive MRI

Full body scan includes MRI of the following areas:

  1. brain, cerebral vessels;
  2. pituitary;
  3. spine;
  4. chest, heart, lungs;
  5. abdominal organs;
  6. pelvic organs;
  7. limbs.

Such an examination may be carried out in the following cases:

  1. identification of hidden pathology in elderly people, when there are no serious complaints or health problems;
  2. insufficient information on prevalence pathological process in organism;
  3. the presence of several diseases, each of which requires an examination to determine the stage of the pathological process and the severity of changes in a particular organ, the persistence of remission (if remission is achieved), and the effectiveness of treatment.

Comprehensive MRI of the central nervous system (CNS)

To diagnose CNS pathology, the following must be scanned:

  1. brain;
  2. vessels of the brain and neck;
  3. cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions spine.

This extensive examination allows you to identify problems in any part of the central nervous system. In this case, the doctor will receive complete information about the state of the gray and white matter of the brain and spinal cord, peculiarities of blood supply to certain areas of the central nervous system (stroke, ischemia). The scanograms clearly show the bones of the skull and spinal column, as well as various pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system that can disrupt the normal functioning of the brain and spinal cord (tumor, disc herniation, narrowing the spinal canal).

Comprehensive MRI examination of joints

Different diseases can affect different numbers of joints. The degree of involvement of joints in the pathological process can also vary. Therefore, it makes sense to examine all the joints and spine in one clinic visit in order to be able to move from diagnosis to treatment of the disease without wasting time.

Comprehensive vascular MRI

IN in this case The examination program includes scanning of the blood vessels of the heart, neck and brain.

In order to study the structure of blood vessels and identify pathological changes, narrowing or blockage, the doctor uses a three-dimensional image of the arteries and veins of a certain area of ​​the body. A special tool helps construct such an image. software modern tomographs.

MRI oncology search

This examination program is used in cases where the patient is suspected of having a tumor in the body, but the location and type of tumor is unknown. additional research it is not possible to install.

Such an examination must be carried out with contrast enhancement, since without contrast, neoplasm tissue may not differ from healthy tissue human body. MR imaging during oncological search helps to find a tumor, determine its exact size, the stage of the oncological process, the presence of metastases, disruption of the functioning of organs located in the immediate vicinity of the tumor (compression, germination, etc.).

Indications for complex MRI

In each specific case, the doctor determines the indications for prescribing the examination. This is especially true in cases where it is impossible to do without the introduction of a contrast agent. To determine the volume complex MRI the doctor often takes into account not only the main (presumed) diagnosis, but also the presence concomitant pathology And age-related changes in organs and tissues.

If the large volume of MR imaging (and, accordingly, its cost) confuses the patient, then you can limit yourself to examining one area. But in this case, there may not be enough information to diagnose the disease and additional tests will have to be performed.

Contraindications for examination

MRI is not performed in the following cases:

  1. presence of metal foreign bodies in the patient’s body, with the exception of titanium;
  2. implanted electronic devices, the operation of which can be disrupted by powerful magnetic field device (pacemaker, etc.).
  1. pregnant and lactating women;
  2. persons intolerant to gadolinium-based drugs;
  3. patients with chronic renal failure.

Preparing for a comprehensive MRI

Special training is needed in the following cases:

  1. An abdominal or pelvic scan will be performed;
  2. the patient has claustrophobia;
  3. history of kidney disease.

In order to obtain clear images of the abdominal and pelvic organs, it is necessary to empty the intestines of gases and food, and also reduce peristalsis. To do this, it is important to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. three days before the examination, avoid foods that cause gas formation in the intestines (legumes, cabbage, carbonated drinks, sweets, etc.);
  2. start taking the day before the examination Activated carbon or other enterosorbent;
  3. on the day of the examination, have a bowel movement or an enema in the morning;
  4. Plan your last meal 6 hours before the examination.

The bladder should be moderately full before the procedure, so it is recommended to urinate about an hour or two before the procedure. There is no need to limit your fluid intake throughout the day.

Patients with severe claustrophobia may start taking sedatives the day before the MRI.

If renal dysfunction is suspected, additional tests will need to be performed to rule out chronic renal failure.

How is the procedure performed?

To perform MRI, tomographs are used - special devices of impressive size. The tomograph creates a powerful magnetic field, so before the procedure begins, you must remove all metal objects, be it jewelry, piercings, or fasteners on clothes. You should not take electronics (phone, tablet, e-book), as well as bank plastic cards, which may stop working if they are in the magnetic field of the device.

The patient is placed inside the device. You must remain completely still throughout the entire examination. The quality of the resulting images depends on this.

The examination can last from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Contrast-enhanced MRI usually takes longer than a conventional scan.

Decoding the results

The doctor deciphers the data obtained during the tomography functional diagnostics or radiologist. To interpret the data obtained, the doctor can use the conclusions of specialists in various fields made earlier, the results of other instrumental and laboratory tests, information about the treatment and other data. You usually have to wait from 1 to 3 hours for a conclusion. If the patient does not have the opportunity to stay in the clinic for such a long time, then the documents can be picked up the day after the MRI scan or you can receive a conclusion via email.

How often can the examination be carried out?

The need for a comprehensive MRI occurs infrequently. Repeated MRI, as a rule, captures only those areas of the body where pathological changes were detected, however, MRI can be repeated as many times as necessary to diagnose the disease and monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

MRI of the whole body: the price of comprehensive programs

Many people put off visiting doctors until something really hurts them. Even if you feel well and have no obvious symptoms, this does not mean that your body is not in danger. Timely diagnosis allows you to avoid expensive treatment, and identifying the diagnosis at an early stage will help to quickly and effectively prevent Negative consequences and speed up the healing process.

Do you also put off visiting a specialist until the last minute? Find out everything about a complete diagnosis of the human body in this article, and maybe you will change your attitude towards your health!

What is a comprehensive examination of the body and who is it indicated for?

At every stage of his life, a person must know what is happening to his " inner world", and what potentially dangerous diseases may overtake him. To do this, you should undergo a complete diagnosis of the body, which includes various methods: Ultrasound, ECG, blood test, urine test and others. Ultrasound - the most important method diagnostics, allowing you to obtain information about the condition and dimensions various organs and systems, identify malignant and benign formations.

Instrumental studies and various tests help to detect diseases at an initial stage that do not give themselves away. It depends on how timely a person turns to complex diagnostics depends on the success of the treatment!

People who are predisposed to cancer and hereditary diseases, you just need to monitor your health and undergo a full body examination at least once a year. But, of course, not only patients who are at risk, but also apparently healthy people should visit a doctor.

Here are some statistics. The most common disease, breast cancer, today affects more than 50 thousand women. And every year this figure grows by 2-4%. Experts strongly recommend that young girls and women undergo examinations by a gynecologist and mammologist every six months.

As for the stronger sex, every seventh man over 50 hears terrible diagnosis- cancer prostate gland. In the early stages of development, the disease is quite treatable, so all you need is to regularly visit a urologist, undergo a full medical examination and get tested.

Why do you need a checkup?

Check-up is complete medical examination in express format. In a short time, the patient receives the necessary information about his health status, as well as recommendations for treatment or prevention.

A complete examination of the body in an express format should be carried out by healthy men and women from 25 to 30 years old every 2-3 years. And after 50 years do annual medical examination, which is considered a more lengthy procedure.

People over 30 with uncertain health conditions also need a check-up. They seem to have no pain and everything is fine, but there is no 100% confirmation of this. After all, poor nutrition, sleep disorders, lack of physical activity, sedentary work, stress and nervous tension one way or another will affect your overall well-being. This can result in headaches, malaise, chronic fatigue, digestive problems and other symptoms. A complete examination of the body will reveal the exact cause of the disease and prevent the development of a serious illness.

What is included in a full body examination

The list of tests, consultations and studies depends on gender and age characteristics. The general standard program is aimed at diagnosing diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine, digestive and respiratory, as well as genitourinary systems. By using comprehensive program can be identified hidden infections sexually transmitted diseases, assess the state of metabolism, detect inflammatory processes and make assumptions about oncological pathologies.

An example of a typical checkup for women 30-40 years old includes following methods diagnostics:

  • Primary and readmission therapist
  • Consultation with specialized specialists (gynecologist, gastroenterologist, mammologist, neurologist, etc.)
  • Ultrasound thyroid gland, pelvis and abdominal cavity, mammary glands and urinary system
  • Echocardiography and ECG
  • Gastroscopy and spirometry
  • Chest X-ray
  • General blood test, biochemical and blood test for thyroid hormones
  • Analysis for oncogenic strains
  • Detection of STIs (sexually transmitted infections)
  • Smear microscopy and cytological examination

After completing the examination, all results are given to the therapist. Based on the data obtained, the doctor gives his conclusion and recommendations on nutrition, lifestyle, and prevention of diseases to which there is a predisposition. If during the diagnosis any pathology is discovered, the therapist writes a referral for a more detailed examination to specialized specialists.

Where to get a comprehensive examination of the body and how much does it cost?

To be able to carry out a complete examination of the body, it is necessary to have a staff of qualified specialists and a modern diagnostic department. Therefore, this procedure can be found in large medical centers providing a wide range of services. There are also clinical diagnostic laboratories that specialize in the complete diagnosis of the human body.

The price varies depending on the nature and quantity diagnostic measures. A basic checkup for women aged 30 and above costs 25-30 thousand rubles, for men 2-3 thousand rubles. cheaper.

With age, especially after 50 years, the risk of diseases increases, which means a wider diagnosis is required. Prices for such programs can reach 50-60 thousand rubles.

Examinations of individual organs and systems are cheaper. Thus, a small specialized package for women, aimed at detecting diseases of the sexual and endocrine systems can be purchased for 7-9 thousand rubles.

Ensure a bright future for yourself today!

Whole body MRI is primary diagnosis organs and tissues in order to identify and localize tumors, the presence of serious pathological changes in internal organs and fabrics. MRI examination of the body is used when it is not possible to determine the cause of the disease, if diagnosed closed injury, as well as for individual indications. Whole body tomography (MRI) is performed using a screening technique in several planes. A child can undergo a complete examination of the entire body using MRI at any age. This type of diagnosis has practically no age restrictions, however, due to the need to remain still for quite a long time long period In young children, the examination is carried out under anesthesia or using sedatives.

Full diagnostics body,


Indications for a comprehensive examination of the whole body using MRI are: systemic, widespread damage to organs, blood vessels, lymph nodes etc.; search for metastases and tumors when suspected oncological diseases; complex diagnostic cases, in which it is difficult to draw conclusions about the localization of the pathological process in the body and its nature; combined injuries; preventive examination to identify possible diseases.


Complete diagnosis of the body using MRI is highly accurate and safe, without radiation exposure. There is no need to prepare specially for the study. Contraindications to the procedure include metal elements in the body (pacemakers, vascular clips, implants, etc.), early pregnancy, and allergies to contrast. In case of intolerance to a confined space, it is possible to do a tomography under anesthesia.

More details


The cost of a whole-body MRI in Moscow ranges from 14,800 to 72,000 rubles. average price is 28890 rubles.

Where can I get an MRI of the whole body?

Our portal contains all the clinics where you can get an MRI of the whole body in Moscow. Choose a clinic that suits your price and location and make an appointment on our website or by phone.

In Moscow, several dozen health centers operate on the basis of city clinics. If the clinic you are assigned to has a health center, you can undergo a free preventive examination there. It can be done at any age, once a year, and the visit itself will take from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

You can undergo the examination without an appointment at any convenient time (according to the clinic’s opening hours). To apply, you will need a passport and compulsory medical insurance policy.

2. What procedures does the examination include?

Preventive examination consists of a number of procedures including:

  • measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference, determination of body mass index;
  • measurement blood pressure and diagnosis of arterial hypertension;
  • determination of the level of total cholesterol in the blood using an express method, diagnosis of lipid metabolism disorders;
  • determination of blood glucose levels using an express method, detection of diabetes mellitus;
  • determination of total cardiovascular risk (the risk of developing cardiovascular complications over the next 10 years is assessed);
  • determination of the concentration of carbon monoxide in exhaled air (allows you to assess the severity of smoking and identify the fact of passive smoking);
  • spirometry - assessment of the main indicators of the respiratory system;
  • bioimpedansometry - determination of the composition of the human body, the ratio of water, fat and muscle mass;
  • express assessment of the heart condition using ECG signals from the extremities (carried out using a cardiovisor);
  • determination of the ankle-brachial index (detection of early signs of atherosclerosis in the vessels of the lower extremities);
  • measuring intraocular pressure and checking visual acuity (both studies are carried out using modern equipment, intraocular pressure measured using a non-contact method);
  • appointment (examination) with a dental hygienist with assessment of hygiene and diagnosis of oral diseases.

3. What happens after the examination?

After the examinations have been completed, you will be referred to an appointment (examination) with a doctor at the health center. He will give recommendations, including on correcting identified risk factors - unhealthy diet, excess body weight, smoking, low physical activity.

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