Home Wisdom teeth What gynecological tests need to be taken. List of hidden infections in women

What gynecological tests need to be taken. List of hidden infections in women

Regular visits to the gynecologist are necessary. This helps to identify illnesses early stages and prevent their further development. Every second woman has gynecological problems, and the condition
The health of every third person persistently requires a detailed examination for the presence of cancer.

Therefore, once every 5-6 months, undergoing a full gynecological examination for preventive purposes is simply necessary. Experts recommend not saving on your health and agreeing to a full gynecological examination, which consists of 6 stages.

Find out what awaits you at each stage of your examination with a gynecologist.

1. External inspection.

First of all, the doctor examines the external genitalia, then begins the examination
cervix to identify possible pathologies.

2. Internal inspection.

To examine the cervix, special speculums are inserted into the vagina. This is an unpleasant part of the procedure, since most often they are metal and cold. Although in modern medical centers use disposable plastic mirrors. You can also buy them at the pharmacy and bring your own mirror to your appointment.

3. Bacteriological study.

This is an examination of a smear from the vagina and cervix under a microscope. Although this procedure is not new, the accuracy of the result is last years have increased significantly thanks to new equipment that has appeared in most clinics (meaning private and “semi-private” clinics). The number of leukocytes is counted in a smear (more than 10-20 d in the field of view indicates the presence of infection) and the causative agents of this infection are looked for.

“As a rule, a smear can detect fungi (thrush, candidiasis), “key cells” (bacterial vaginosis, gardnerellosis), changes normal flora, says Natalia Ivanovna. — And if a smear shows the presence of infection, but does not identify the pathogen, additional
lab tests".

The result of this stage of the study is usually known after a few days, but in some modern centers you will be offered an express option (that is, you will receive a “decryption” on the same day
smears, but for an additional fee).

4. Cytological examination.

A mandatory stage in diagnosing cervical pathology. Mandatory research carried out before her treatment. Even if nothing worries you, and the cervix seems unchanged to the naked eye, a woman should regularly (every year) undergo a cytological examination of cervical scrapings. This is a completely painless procedure, despite the fact that the smear is taken with pressure, scraping off layers of cells.

This technique is necessary, since the malignant process begins from the lower layers of the epithelium ( cover tissue) of the cervix and progresses upward to the surface. Therefore, if only the surface layer is included in the smear, a diagnosis can only be made when the disease has reached the last stage.

5. Colposcopy.

This is an examination of the cervix under a special microscope - a colcoscope, which today is in every gynecologist's office. This procedure appeared not so long ago. And its importance is difficult to overestimate: thanks to this study, the first signs of a malignant tumor can be identified. It is also irreplaceable in diagnosing erosion.
ovaries and cervix.

6. Biopsy.

Prescribed according to the doctor's decision, if necessary. This is taking a section of tissue for histological examination (the same as cytology, only it is not the individual parts included in the smear that are examined)
cells, but a single section of tissue in a suspicious area). Histological examination allows us to make a final diagnosis. A biopsy is performed in the absence of infection, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle - on days 5-7.

Gynecological tests hormones are prescribed for disorders of the reproductive system, weight gain, deterioration of the condition skin and hair, problems with the mammary glands, pregnancy.

Determination of hormonal levelsLH and FSH,
estradiol and prolactin,
testosterone and cortisol,
TSH and free T4,
Delayed menstruationhCG
Irregular menstrual cycle LH, FSH, estradiol, prolactin, TSH
Planning a pregnancyFSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone, total testosterone, DHEA, hormones thyroid gland
(analysis once per trimester)
TSH, free T4
Pregnancy 15-16 weeksFree estriol, hCG, 17-hydroxyprogesterone
InfertilityLH, FSH,
estradiol, prolactin,
TSH and free T4, DHEA
Hair growth on the face and body in places
unusual for a woman
Testosterone, DHEA
Hair lossLH, FSH, estrogens, thyroid hormones
Overweight or underweightLH, FSH,
estrogens, prolactin, cortisol,
thyroid hormones, progesterone
Checking status
thyroid gland
TSH, free T4, free T3
Pain, tightness,
engorgement of the mammary glands,
nipple discharge
LH and FSH,
estradiol and prolactin,
testosterone and cortisol,

TSH and free T4,

17-hydroxyprogesterone, DHEA-S, DHEA,

MenopauseFSH, estrogens
Cysts, tumors, neoplasmsLH, FSH,
estrogens, prolactin,

Hormone tests in gynecology help diagnose pathologies and determine the condition physiological systems body and individual organs. All laboratory tests are prescribed by a doctor according to the clinical situation and must comply with the medical examination plan.

Reasons for taking gynecological hormone tests

The analysis must be taken at a certain phase or day of the cycle and prepared for it in a special way in order to obtain the most reliable results.

Monitoring hormonal balance in gynecology must be done not only for preventive purposes. It helps monitor the development of the genital organs, age-related changes in the ovaries. Monitor a woman’s condition during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Violation of hormone concentrations has causes and symptoms of deviation. Crashes in endocrine system they need to be identified and treated promptly; they cause serious diseases, the list of which is impressive.

What hormones are being studied?

The functioning of the endocrine glands is influenced by numerous external factors- nutrition, physical exercise, overwork, daily routine, stress, alcohol, smoking.

It is impossible not to take into account abortions, sexually transmitted diseases, low immunity, frequent sore throats, acute viral respiratory infections, pathologies of the endocrine system.

Taking into account the patient's lifestyle, internal factors The gynecologist may prescribe hormone tests , to determine the condition of the reproductive system organs and correct their functionality.

Most problems with reproductive health in women it is associated with hormonal imbalance, in this case, a hormone analysis in gynecology will give a comprehensive answer. Core group active substances that are being studied are thyroid-stimulating and other pituitary hormones, sex hormones:

  • luteinizing hormone (LH);
  • follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH);
  • progesterone;
  • testosterone;
  • human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Features of analysis and preparation for laboratory research

The doctor directs you to determine the concentration of a specific sex hormone, taking into account the day of the cycle and the date of ovulation .

Before sending her for analysis, the gynecologist conducts a thorough examination of the patient, talks with her, and then decides on the need to determine the concentration of a particular active substance:

HormoneOn what day of the cycle should I take it?
ProgesteroneOn the 22nd (with a 28-day cycle) or on the 28th (with a 35-day cycle)
ProlactinAny day of the cycle
EstradiolOn the 7th
Estrogens (general)On the 4th, repeated on the 21st
LHOn 3-8th or 18-22nd
FSHOn 3-8th or 18-22nd
TestosteroneOn the 6th or 7th
hCGDelay of menstruation up to 1 day to determine pregnancy

They take a hormone test in a specialized laboratory. Preparation for gynecological tests for hormones involves following the following rules:

  • Venous blood sampling for gynecological hormone tests is done on an empty stomach.
  • You need to donate blood for analysis in the morning. The level of active substances fluctuates throughout the day, the “morning” value of active substances is considered the most accurate.
  • Be sure to take into account the doctor’s recommendation on which day of the cycle to take the test.
  • Before the study, exclude active loads.
  • The day before blood sampling, smoking and drinking alcohol are prohibited.
  • Check with your doctor for how many days you need to abstain from intimacy.
  • A week before the test, stop using hormonal medications.

Deviation from the norm

Gynecological hormone tests should be interpreted by a doctor, who sent for laboratory testing. A deviation in the concentration of a substance indicates certain pathologies:

  1. LH ensures the normal functioning of the female reproductive system. Its high content is associated with hypofunction or polycystic ovaries, early menopause. Injuries, tumors, unbalanced diet, physical overload causes a decrease in the amount of the substance.
  2. FSH is responsible for the secretion of estrogen and ovarian health. Delayed puberty, inflammatory processes in the genitals, frigidity, infertility indicate a lack of this hormone.
  3. Estradiol is the main sex hormone in women. During menopause, its amount decreases sharply. A deficiency of this substance in women of childbearing age causes disorders uterine cycle, uterine dysfunction, fallopian tubes, deviations in the development of the genital organs.
  4. Prolactin is responsible for the functioning of the mammary glands, ensures their formation and growth in girls, and stimulates lactation in women in labor. A high content of this substance indicates ovarian dysfunction, autoimmune pathologies, and thyroid pathologies.

An increase in prolactin levels is associated with stress, trauma in the area chest, vitamin deficiency, renal failure. occurs after abortion. Excess of the substance provokes disruptions in the uterine cycle, infertility, cyst formation, malignant tumors in the mammary glands, frigidity.

A reduced level of prolactin is recorded during post-term pregnancy, as a result of taking certain pharmaceutical drugs.

  1. High levels of testosterone (the main sex hormone in men) cause skin problems. The norm for women of childbearing age is only 0.290-1.67 nmol/l. But for study hormonal status Testosterone concentration must be determined. Deviations from normal values may be the cause of the disorder reproductive function in a woman.
  2. Thyroid-stimulating hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland and is responsible for the full functioning of the thyroid gland. The level of sex hormones depends on the amount of this substance. Exchange processes in the body of a woman who controls thyroid, provide the opportunity to conceive and bear a child.
  3. Progesterone is the hormone of pregnancy; its normal course depends on it. In non-pregnant women, its high content provokes excess weight.

There are many gynecological hormone tests available. It is not always necessary to prescribe everything. Doctor after finding out clinical picture makes a direction. To obtain reliable results, it is important to adhere to the rules of preparation for laboratory tests. To prescribe and interpret tests, contact only qualified specialists.

Diagnostics gynecological diseases today is a whole set of measures that are designed to study women’s reproductive system and obtain reliable data about her condition. Timely detection of pathology can prevent the development of the disease and preserve women Health.

When is it necessary to get tested?

The reason for contacting a gynecologist may be menstrual irregularities, itching and burning in the genital area, pain in the lower abdomen and other symptoms. In this case, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive examination, including gynecological tests to identify the underlying cause of the disease. However, you need to understand that some diseases can be asymptomatic. That is why every woman should take responsibility for her health and visit a gynecologist every six months, and not only when the first signs of the disease appear. This way you can prevent the development of pathology before serious complications arise.

So what measures does it include? full diagnostics gynecological disease?

Examination by a gynecologist

At the initial stage of diagnosis, the doctor will listen to all complaints and conduct gynecological examination- this will allow you to visually evaluate general state patients, to identify the presence of pathologies and inflammation. Based on the results of the examination, the patient may be prescribed additional examination, as well as undergoing gynecological tests.

Instrumental and hardware examination

The most common types of hardware examinations prescribed by a doctor when diagnosing gynecological diseases are colposcopy (examination of the vagina and cervix using a digital video colposcope), hysteroscopy (examination of the uterine cavity using an optical probe), and ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Laboratory research

No matter what problem you go to a gynecologist with, in most cases he will prescribe an analysis for you - today not a single examination can be done without this. Taking gynecological tests for infections allows you to detect inflammation and determine the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the causative agent of the disease.

Biomaterial for analysis is taken from the vagina or its vestibule, anus, urethra, and cervix.

Depending on the patient’s symptoms, the appropriate type of microscopic examination is selected.

Main types of analyzes

1. Smear on the flora.

A gynecological smear is the most common and easiest to detect infection. Such an analysis is always carried out, even when preventive examination.

First of all, patients with suspected sexually transmitted infections (candidiasis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea) undergo a smear test for flora. This method allows us to identify a number of diseases that are asymptomatic.

In some cases, taking a smear for examination is simply necessary, for example:

  • in the presence of vaginal discharge, signaling inflammation or infection;
  • with irritation and itching in the genital area;
  • for pain in the lower abdomen;
  • when planning pregnancy.

Usually, the doctor prescribes a smear test in the first days after the end of menstruation. A couple of days before the test, you must stop using vaginal suppositories, tablets and ointments, and also refrain from sexual intercourse.

2. Bacteriological culture.

This is a microscopic examination of blood, urine or other biomaterial for flora, during which the process of bacterial reproduction is stimulated. This method is applicable in cases where it is necessary to identify pathogenic microflora, but microorganisms in the biomaterial are contained in very small quantities. Also, bacterial culture allows us to identify the degree of sensitivity of the pathogen to certain medicines.

3. PCR diagnostics

This method allows you to identify latent infection by detecting DNA fragments of infection in biological material. PCR diagnostics are usually carried out when it is necessary to obtain the most accurate research results.

4. General clinical analysis of blood and urine

The main one that patients take during any examination. Based on the test results, it is possible to determine the stage of the disease and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment already started.

Additional tests

In addition to general gynecological tests, in medicine there are also specific methods, which allow diagnosing various pathological changes:

1. Tests for sex hormones.

Testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, prolactin are the most important sex hormones, the level of which must be checked for symptoms such as mastopathy, menstrual irregularities, and endometriosis.

2. Biopsy and cytological examination.

Biomaterial is collected to determine the presence or absence of cancer cells.

3. Analysis for tumor markers, oncocytology.

The doctor prescribes such tests in combination with other gynecological examinations in order to eliminate the risk of developing cancer.

4. Pregnancy test.

The analysis is carried out to detect concentrations in a woman’s blood and urine hCG hormone to confirm pregnancy.

5. Postcoital test.

The so-called "compatibility test". It is carried out by couples who are having difficulty conceiving a child. The test allows you to assess the degree of interaction between cervical mucus and sperm.

6. Test for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis.

Interpretation of gynecological tests

The examination by the gynecologist has been completed, that’s all. necessary research carried out. Now the doctor must study the results of gynecological tests and determine indicators indicating possible diseases.

  1. One of the most important indicators- level of epithelial cells. The normal indicator is no more than 15 cells in the field of view. An increased content of these cells signals an inflammatory process in the genital organs. If epithelial cells are not found in the smear, this is a sign of epithelial atrophy.
  2. The next indicator is leukocytes. From them you can always determine the presence inflammatory process. If the biomaterial is taken from the vagina, then in this case the norm for the content of cells in the field of view is 10, and for the urethra it is allowed to contain up to 5 cells in the field of view.
  3. The level of bacteria content in the analysis results may be different, as it depends on the age category. For example, coccal flora is considered normal in young girls, as well as in menopausal women. And the presence of lactobacilli is not a pathology for women of reproductive age.
  4. The detection of elements such as Trichomonas and gonococcus in a smear indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted infection.
  5. When a smear shows the flora of fungi of the genus Candida, we can talk about the development of candidiasis (sexually transmitted infection). The disease can be chronic (if fungal spores are detected) or acute (if mycelium was detected in the analysis).
  6. The microflora of every woman contains microorganisms such as staphylococci, enterococci and streptococci. As long as their content does not exceed the norm, there is nothing to worry about. However, a large number of these microorganisms indicates their transition to the active phase and the displacement of healthy flora.

When determining the final result of a smear test for flora in medicine, there is a classification that defines four degrees of vaginal cleanliness, depending on which a diagnosis can be made and prescribed further treatment or additional examination.

Where can I get gynecological tests?

First of all, you need to come for an examination and consultation with a gynecologist at your local clinic, or at any other hospital or private clinic. The doctor will write you a referral for diagnostics of gynecological diseases, tests and studies.

In addition, today there are many private laboratories where almost all types of analysis can be performed for a fee. But in any case, visit a doctor first - this way you will know exactly what types of microscopic examination you need to undergo to identify the disease.

You should visit a gynecologist once every six months and be sure to undergo gynecological tests. Even if there are no complaints in this area, you should still not postpone a visit to the doctor. Tests are performed by a gynecologist to detect or correct diagnosis diseases and treatment options. Depending on the causes and symptoms with which the patient came to the doctor, laboratory and microscopic examinations are selected.

What tests are done by a gynecologist?

The list of gynecological tests is quite extensive and specific, so it is worth describing gynecological studies in more detail:

  • Smears on flora– a common gynecological analysis is not traumatic and practically painless. This is a routine method that is mandatory during any examination by a gynecologist. A smear will help determine the degree of cleanliness of the vagina; if present, the level of the inflammatory process; the presence or absence of candidiasis (thrush), sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea); bacterial vaginosis. The sampling is made from several points: the posterior vaginal vault, the cervical canal ( cervical canal), urethra.
  • PCR swab You will be asked to undergo a test by a gynecologist to obtain more accurate test results. This method allows you to detect the DNA of pathogens of diseases such as ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, and human papillomavirus. These infections occur covertly, which is why this diagnostic method is so important. This is the most reliable and informative method of identifying STDs.
  • Bacteriological culture is a study biological material from the genital tract or blood. The proliferation of bacteria is stimulated, which makes it possible to identify even those pathogenic microorganisms that are present in small quantities. This method also makes it possible to test the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibacterial drugs.
  • PAP test or cytological studies (in everyday life it is called “analysis for cancer cells"). This gynecological analysis is mandatory for diagnosing cervical pathologies. Even if nothing bothers the woman, the cervix visually seems healthy, scrape the cervix to cytological examination should be once a year. The procedure is practically painless. The smear should be taken from the lower layers of the epithelium, because malignant processes begin there.
  • Colposcopy is a procedure for analyzing the cervix. The cervix is ​​examined using a special microscope - a colcoscope, which allows you to determine the first signs of malignant tumors and diagnose erosion of the cervix and ovaries.
  • Biopsy prescribed if necessary according to the decision of the attending physician. This is some analogue of cytology, but it is not individual cells caught in the smear that are examined, but a section of tissue in the area that has caused suspicion.

Where to get gynecological tests

Our paid private gynecology will provide high-quality, quickly performed gynecological tests at an inexpensive cost. And tests by a gynecologist are the starting point for further competent treatment by our specialists. Do not risk your health, contact qualified specialists.

Prices for gynecological tests are indicated in the table.

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